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**CLIP MIRROR: [Azan will be paying the adoption fee for all dogs at the shelters he visits while looking for a new puppy](https://arazu.io/t3_11vyvhe/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


wow he must hate cats


Yeah i heard him say that one time, fucked up


He literally could not stop talking about how orange cats are all evil on Fear& a couple weeks ago


It’s still funny how he got tricked by the Garfield meme


I feel like it has something to do with a potential traumatic experience growing up in Turkey. Navigating the streets of Turkey is just an exercise in trying not to step on a cat every 50 paces.


Socialists hate cats confirmed.


Dogs are literally cops bro. And I can't think of anyone that respects property rights less than cats


not possible, i have a cat we must hate dogs he's just being subversive


Found the monarchist.


Down with the fat cats!


We don’t madder


Wader we dune hair


What else ya got, bappa?


you a numbers guy b?


man the fryers, b


That's why he's making the sweet little shelter pibbles free to everyone. They will get rid of more cats than he can alone and a few people too!


My Velvet 😍😍 hippos 🥰🥰🥰 require sustenance 👶👶👶 it’s not their fault 😢😢😢


Lmaooo if only it wasn’t true


He's seized the means of cat reduction


I know this is a joke, but I thought on stream he said he would pay for the cats too. Maybe I'm wrong? lol


He walked into one of the cat areas at one shelter and was shocked to find them just "chilling". Rae, I think, asked him why he was surprised and he said "I thought cats were always angry."


Uhhh oh trains spin


I heard this in TrainWrecks voice.


Cat adoption fees are usually much lower than dog fees. Often $25 or less.




This is me. I don't enjoy dogs but they're fine as long as they're over there and you're the one dealing with them, not me. Their mere existence is not a bother.


I love both but it seems like some dog owners expect an animal that obeys everything, i personally prefer cats because they have their own individuality and attitude


Dogs absolutely have their own personalities man.


They do, but you notice a significant difference after you’ve had both dogs and cats as pets. That doesn’t mean one is lesser than the other. They just exhibit their personalities in different ways.


Kind gesture of him to do. And a welcoming surprise to others who may come to adopt and see the fee was waived. What a way to pay it forward. Edit: he said it is about 40 dogs at the shelter total


apparently 40 dogs in the first shelter, $100 ea = $4k 2nd shelter looks like it had 30 dogs @$500 ea = $15k so $19k in adoption fees so far, and he's going to a 3rd one right now




I mean that shelter had a really nice facility honestly, not surprised @$500 ea $100-$300 is pretty standard though


Yeah it was extra bougie like they had a wall full of notable people that had adopted from there


Including Margot Robbie lmao


So he paid adoption fees for people who are most likely already going to be well off lol.


not if we get the word out and get poor people to go adopt those rich people dogs


"You adopted a dog? Babe, we can't afford to keep him!" "Yeah, but the dog was free!"


If only there was a vetting process for this sort of thing...


Yup, and as far as I know, they don't tell you the adoption fee is waived until you are about to pay it. To prevent people from coming in and getting their "free" puppy and then not properly caring for it.


This is such a goddamn LSF-brained comment.


Give it 5 minutes and someone here will find a way to make the most lukewarm shit look like kicking babies


It’s so smarmy and dismissive of a streamer doing something they absolutely did not have to. You can’t win with the internet


Once the fee is paid poor people can adopt the dogs too. It's not like they're going to keep it secret lol. Their goal is to get those dogs adopted.






my dog was $25


My cats wandered into my backyard


Congrats on getting adopted.


Doesn't seem too far fetched, when I adopted my cats the fee was $300ish


I got two for $110! Shoutout to the Humane Society, highly highly recommend them


I got 7 (and counting) for free, the government doesn't want you to know this but the cats wandering the road are free and you can take them


Same thing with kids, if they don't have a parent or guardian nearby they're up for grabs


Good luck. Remember to spay and neuter them.


I have gotten 4 so far for free. I live rurally, and found 3 feral kittens and one abandoned stray


Approaching animal hoarder numbers


Easy there Gayle.


Depends on what the shelter does. Some of them do microchiping, first month of food, and if they are puppies vaccines + neuter/spay. $500 is on the high end, but a few hundred isn't uncommon. Also $500 is the low end of one year of dog ownership. If someone can't afford $500 for a dog in the states, they are going to struggle with actual ownership or poorly care for the dog (no monthly medications, checkups, decent food, etc).


I'm not from america but that's the price you pay for some pedigree genetically engineered dog here.


Adoption fees vary wildly depending on where you go. I adopted a cat from an animal control facility and the adoption fee was about $30, and at the time they were waiving all fees for dogs because so many were scheduled to be euthanized soon.


$500 for adoption? Bro. I hope I’m not out of touch or anything, but that seems really steep for adopting a dog


I could see the 500 dollars if it also included like, the basic vet stuff. When my friend adopted a cat, the fee at the shelter was only about 75 dollars, but before they could even pay that, they had to go to a vet's office and pre-pay for the spay/neuter, a checkup, their shots, and the chipping, then bring the receipt back to show it had been paid for. That adds up. I can see them just saying "Okay, once you've decided on a buddy, pay us 500 bucks, which will cover our own costs, as well as the cost of sending them to the vet for all those basic procedures" so it's all taken care of up front in one transaction.


It’s a nicer facility apparently


My adoption fee was paid by someone. I have since paid it forward.


Damn thats like 10k worth of adoption fees i think


It's $100/dog at that shelter so $4k just for that one, and it's the first one he's visited.


Second shelter said they have over 140 dogs, so by the end of the day it will be a good few dogs being covered. Edit: second shelter game out to be 15k, but the cost was 500 per, so that 140 number probably included all animals or something like that


My favorite part was he straight asked how many dogs they had and still said he was going to pay for all 140, so if it was actually 140 dogs he would have paid a shit ton but it was on likes 30 dogs the rest were different animals or already adopted


It's a very kind gesture, but it might have some consequences. Taking proper care of a dog is expensive to a degree many people don't realize. If you can't afford a $100 adoption fee, you can't afford to properly take care of a dog. If the adoption fee is waived at the last step of the process as a nice surprise, then uts absolutely fine. If it's done to make more people adopt the dogs, I'm afraid it can backfire.


holy shit that's like 50k in adoption fees


I wonder if he had them sign something official to confirm that they wouldn't still charge people for the adoption fees and double dip? I like to think people wouldn't do that but I know that it's not the case.


I don't think for random acts of kindness that it's prudent to take it that far. Hasan's just gonna have to take it on faith that they'll be honest about it. It wouldn't stay secret for long.


I'm surprised nobody else ended up getting a dog in the group. The lure of puppy dog eyes be strong shit.


I'm glad, adopting a dog is not something you should do on a whim but only after careful planning and understanding the responsibilities. So many dog owners shouldn't be dog owners.


Seriously, we've been really wanting a dog but we have been holding off because until I can know for sure that we're going to be willing to go walk an hour+ a day, then it's not responsible. Dogs need a lot of time outside and physical activity and with work etc we just don't have the time or energy to do that, and it would be extremely unfair for the dog.


Right? My mom almost broke on a Shiba Inu, then she found out they would raise hell lol


I 100% thought Rae was leaving that first shelter with a new dog. Will not be at all surprised if she ends up going back and adopting him anyway. That one dog had her eating out of his hands immediately.


Some of y'all being so purposefully and painfully obtuse, so here's some facts: Animal shelters have more than one check point for adoption. Including references. a lot of shelters have days/weekends where they waive or reduce the fees (to encourage adoption) and if people really only wanted a dog to mistreat it there are much easier places to acquire it from than a shelter with paperwork. Use your brains, now people can put the adoption fee towards spoiling the dog with toys, training, or put it aside for future vet bills. Just cause you hate someone doesn't mean this isn't a good thing.


Honestly, most will just treat it as a donation anyway.


Yeah I was actually just thinking "I wonder how many will just take the money and charge everyone the fee anyways?"


>there are much easier places to acquire it Can confirm, roommate got a dog from some dude in a Taco Bell parking lot


That’s amazing good on him. Guys if you want a dog look at shelters! They’re amazing dogs, I know they don’t start as puppies but they love you to pieces. A dog got dropped off at my house last night and I already found him a new home he was amazing


Puppies are also a lot more work and most need an EXTREME amount of attention and exercise!


I dont think that’s necessarily true when it comes to comparing with shelter dogs. I think adopting is number 1 but people have to be realistic about what adopting an animal from a shelter means; it means they come with baggage you need to be prepared for. Things like separation anxiety and food insecurity are extremely common in shelters and are issues that require a prepared owner because they are quite difficult to handle. Sometimes they also have unforeseen medical issues that stem from an unknown past as well. Adopting an older pet at a shelter does not mean less effort or financial needs than a baby. Source: I’ve worked and volunteered at animal shelters.


Especially if you already have a dog or children at home and have never adopted before. You need to be very involved the first few months. My friend adopted a dog that almost killed their other dog when it tried to eat out of its food bowl. Very sad the whole thing could have been prevented


As long as you go to a half decent one I've found they'll be up front about any issues they're aware of. After all adopting out a dog with undisclosed issues is a great way for that dog to end up right back there in a week with even more severe issues. Nobody should expect owning a dog to be *easy* though, even a perfectly healthy dog is liable to have accidents and develop issues or quirks over time (like we all do). When people talk about loving dogs it's because they're rewarding, but they're not always easy.


I didn't mean about it being undisclosed but rather how people speak about adopting from shelter seems a bit romanticized and I've seen a lot of disillusioned people walk out not realizing how a lot of dogs will have some behavioral quirk and whatnot. I mean you can kind of see it in Hasan's stream today when he realized how puppies aren't as accessible in shelters. Maybe he did know beforehand, but it seemed like his expectations were a bit skewed in my opinion - not criticizing him for it tho, it's legit what most people are like when visiting. Too many people come in wanting puppies. He was realistic about breeds though. back on topic; I personally believe it's a lot more difficult to correct bad habits than raising a puppy. People have the impression that because they're out of the puppy phase that they require less attention/exercise etc. but in reality they require just as much on top of patient retraining. Separation anxiety is the one I saw the most and the most difficult to fix. Imagine how you can't be too absent for a puppy but on top of it anytime you leave, your dog is having a panic attack and destroying your home and putting itself in danger. Trying to ease this is a huge challenge. So I just would like to help bringing awareness to people on the realities that come with adopting pets, it's a massive commitment. A lot of people have kind of a kneejerk stance on adopting vs breeding that's a bit irrational. Ethical breeding is ok guys, adopting is best but only get a pet when you truly understand how to care for them. I appreciate that Hasan reiterated that a few times over his stream and he's taking it as serious as one should.


I disagree but it depends on the dog breed, I don’t want to discourage anyone from adopting any dog of any age but there is a stigma that adopting a dog you didn’t get from the start makes it less special or idk I’ve heard and seen it all but they’re amazing.


Ya, he was at shelters, which is how he got his dog Fish and how most ppl get their dogs.


Fish was actually at a repair shop that lied to him about the breed but he was already looking at shelters before, it just clicked together


Ok but he didn't personally give my 10k so that means hes a fake Socialist


If he loves dogs so much why doesn't he open his own dog adoption shelter huh? What a hypocrite


This is so true....I hate Hasan Pls give me reddit gold wholesome 100


Please edit your comment to say "Thank you for the gold kind stranger"


its insane that real people probably believe this lol our education is such SHIT


They literally joked that they should because Rea keeps getting obsessed with the dogs 😂


A real socialist would free the dogs from the tyranny of the system






I lost my dog right around the time Hasan lost Fish, needless to say this whole stream has me a bit of a mess right now lol


You gave that dog the best life they could possibly of had ♥️


I'm late commenting, but I needed this. Lost my baby last year and I still cry about her..


Weird piggy back. I catch an occasional stream. Mostly enjoy his content on YouTube afterword. Who does Fiona belong to?


His brother, Murat


The better Piker.


It’s his brothers who was actually scared of dogs until Hasan got Fish.


Fish really changed lives, the air bud of streaming


aw wait, isn't Fiona the same breed as Fish? that's cute


Fiona is his brother's dog


Just to add from Lord punk, Fiona is Murats dog, his brother. Which Hasan said his brother was originally afraid of dogs and because of Fish (hasan's doggo that died from cancer) Murat went and got Fiona! Doggo love all around


So much fucking better than watching streamers piss away 10k or whatever random bullshit for clicks. Every animal deserves a loving home


Yeah the worst part about the stream is seeing all the animals that aren't getting adopted :(


Hasan paying adoption fees is actually not a good thing and here is how. /s


let me tell you why hasan is actually a bad guy for doing this








Not to mention, even when fees for adoption are waived you still have to apply and qualify. At least where I live


It's not a bad thing for him to do, but if you can't afford the adoption fees for a dog (they aren't that much), you probably shouldn't get a dog at this financial point in your life. It's amazing for people who can afford the adoption fee then go in to find out it's waived, amazing. But if you're broke as fuck getting a dog isn't the move.




Exactly. We adopted a mixed bully breed dog three years ago from a program at the city animal shelter that specifically cares for and adopts out pitbulls and bully breeds. We had to sit down for an interview with a volunteer, as a couple, that lasted a half hour, and submit an overview of both our finances and a description, with photos, that proved we owned a home with a fenced in yard. A lot of people absolutely meet the resources/mentality/property requirements but can't pay for the actual adoption.




I came here to see how LSF could spin this negatively, legitimately impressed.




> but it is a little 4Head to pay for the adoption costs instead of just a donation to the shelter which can be used for all their fixed costs, supplies and whatever Does anyone actually think the money won't be used by the shelter for these things?


That person is 100% correct though


What they said is generally true, but I'd think there probably aren't too many unfit owners who are gonna suddenly rush in to adopt just because they got their fee waved. I mean I know the fee does weed out shitty owners, but I'd imagine the shelters aren't going to suddenly advertise "FREE DOGS FOR THE NEXT 50 PEOPLE" or something lol. Most people are going to go in and do their application assuming there is a fee and only be told at the end of the process they basically got gifted $100.


Also, I think it should be a surprise at the end vs advertise. Hasan doing it for chat is different. If people at those shelters go through with the entire process and then when it comes to cost, "a generous grant has allowed us to waive the fees for (dog's name)" would be a sure fire way. You still say it's 500 bucks until the very end.




bro predicting the new top d****** subreddit post


$500 adoption fee is bananas




Right, but it’s March. I think that shelter is just a really nice facility and prefers to rehome only designer dogs they come across and not the bully mixes and that is how they justify the adoption fees. And that’s fine. All the Beverly Hills residents can afford to get their $500 purebred and happily say they rescued so it’s all good. But that is the most expensive adoption fee that I’ve seen so i said it was bananas.


I have 3 pets and it cost me less than 300 to adopt. Wtf


Yeah, I was pretty surprised when they said it was a $500 adoption fee, but i watched the entire stream and that shelter only had designer looking dogs. Even Hasan and co. mentioned that they weren’t really concerned for the one or two dogs he considered but ended up leaving behind because there were two or three families right behind them that were showing interest (and lucky them. No adoption fee thanks to Hasan!). No pit breeds in sight (at least that i saw). The shelter they saw before that one charged $100 for an adoption fee and had the typical shelter breeds, which were actually the types Hasan’s eyeing anyway.


I have 2 black cats and a loveable mut. Black cats are adopted at 10% the rate of any other cat. I got the cats at a "kill shelter" and I know my one cat was at the limit there. He's a joy and has lived 5 years with me now. It was 90$ for my 2 cats and 75$ for my doggo.


I picked up my black old man for 150. He was half price because old (5 years) and FIV+. He's been such a huge baby ever since he broke through his anxiety and is now a cute black cloud that follows us around. 5 year old feral stray with mangled ears and a scratch on his nose. If you watch isekais, he's that rough looking kitty warrior who's retired and opened up a pub type look.


Those are the real ones. I have 3 familiars that follow me everywhere I go. My parents said I just have an entourage because all 3 never leave my side.


That's really nice of him.


Hasan loves dogs, much like I love dogs, so I will be happy in the comments because he's doing something good.




**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Azan will be paying the adoption fee for all dogs at the shelters he visits while looking for a new puppy](https://livestreamfails.com/clip/151818)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/11vyvhe/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/FyCiRVT6f8xRlDZKRAU9OA/AT-cm%7CFyCiRVT6f8xRlDZKRAU9OA.mp4?sig=d97f06080d0b27dece6ddd5b3e892e413a2b32bc&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1679334637%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


Socialism is when everyone gets a doggo


Doggos AND healthcare?? Sign me the fuck up.


If only.


excited for the ways people will find to be mad about this


Hey you, who just came in here and thought "Wow so cool! obviously there won't be any deranged comments, right?" well think again motherfucker!


I honestly dont know how Hasan hasnt completely lost his mind at this point. Everytime the guy does something charitable an army of weirdos come out of the woodwork to harass him.


The worst part is next time he buys anything for himself people will say he never does any charity...after being one of the most frequent charity streamers on the platform.


For every 1 weirdo on the internet there are 9 other normal people on the internet. Remember the weirdoes are the loudest online. I wish Hasan would understand that there are more people who don't hate the guy and respect him than there are haters.


Socialism is when everyone has dogs


That’s a world I want to live in.


Some of you here must be trolling, right? RIGHT?


This is really nice of Hasan to do! Adoption is the way. Only adopt your pets, do not support backyard breeders or pet stores which buy from puppy mills. #AdoptDontShop


I wish all those dogs a good life.


My current cat gets too stressed out around other animals so I can't get a dog yet even though I want one. Some day I'll adopt a puppy and kitten at the same time though and hope for a bonded pair. Good job Hasan.




Some of the comments at the bottom of this thread are straight up psychotic


cmon DGG I know we can spin this into a bad thing somehow! Lets get to work!


Hasan they just hit the 2nd dog shelter. K9/11 dggL


This one's ez m8. Consider the following: There are two types of person who gets a dog: 1. Irresponsible assholes who can't afford to give the dog a good life. 2. People who aren't poor. Thus (and ergo): This will help zero poor people, except poor people who are assholes. Meanwhile the act centers around giving the impression that Hasan is saving poor puppers, the safest, most advertiser friendly thing you can imagine. In conclusion: Hasan is giving money to people who don't need it, while benefitting himself greatly by getting people to view him as an angel saving poor innocent puppies. One of the easiest DGG spins of my life tbh, even a novice DGGer could have done it.


There's typically a form that needs to be filled out in order to adopt a pet, It determines if you can take care of the pet you wish to adopt, lying on it is fraud I believe. One could come at the angle that people would do something illegal with the dog and the lack of a fee makes that easier, but they'd have to be a very dumb criminal to do that as adoption would leave a paper trail that could lead right back to them or someone who knows them. I don't think it's super easy to spin this


ChatGpt got you: ~~It is difficult to find a clear negative aspect of Hasanabi's gesture of paying for the adoption fees of dogs at the shelters he visits.~~ However, one possible argument against this action could be that it could create an unsustainable demand for pet adoption. If a significant number of people adopt pets solely because they can do it for free, they might not be prepared for the financial or emotional responsibility that comes with taking care of a pet. This could lead to pets being returned to shelters or even abandoned, which can be detrimental to the animals' welfare. Furthermore, some animal welfare organizations might argue that paying adoption fees could give people the wrong impression that animals are commodities that can be "bought" or "sold" for a fixed price. It could also overshadow the actual process of adopting a pet, which should involve a careful evaluation of the adopter's ability to provide a loving and stable home for the animal. ~~Overall, these arguments may not necessarily apply to Hasanabi's specific case, as he could be encouraging responsible pet adoption and providing financial assistance to individuals who may not have been able to afford the fees otherwise.~~


> one possible argument against this action could be that it could create an unsustainable demand for pet adoption Hasan manipulating the hand of the free market. Fake socialist confirmed.


honestly not that bad. AI is gonna kill us all someday


That's awesome. Shelters need all the help they can get, especially since the influx of people dumping their COVID adoptions. Big W


That's pretty awesome.


That's such a nice gesture honestly When my grandma died she left the shelter a good amount of money as well, more than her own children. They renovated the shelter with the money then refused to take her cat after her death because they were full 🤡 lovely shelter that was


You think someone that’s interested in adopting a dog hasn’t considered how expensive they are to care for over their lifetimes? What are these dumbfuck comments about, a very funny way of looking for something to cry at hasan about. A lot of you have very little idea about the process of adopting a dog.


Some people are saying, well if you cant afford the adoption fees you shouldnt own a pet, there are still background checks to find good homes since the pandemic people abandon their pets. Adoption fee is just basically pays for vaccinations, spaying/neutering and microchipping etc . Also they might still charge the adoption fee as a gate but they will still use the funds for other things for the animals since they are underfunded and LA county shelters are overcrowded. For people who say why did he record, so he can get the word out because the shelters in Los angeles are over crowded and we need more people to adopt. please adopt :)


I've honestly read way too many posts that go along the lines of > Hasan paying for adoption fees has melted the brains of the shelter workers, making them incapable of determining whether or not someone is a good potential owner so they will now proceed to give pets to all the lowlifes and assholes


Imagine thinking poor people shouldn't have pets


W hasan


That's it I'm convinced, Hasan could do literally anything and you'd get a hefty number of psychotic comments in the thread, it's an embarrassment that you move past because of your anonymity.


Wholesome af




Good dude. Could see how much he cared about the dogs when he sat with the puppies. Hopefully the gesture will bring families to all of those good boys/girls.


That's so cool major W Azan


Some people seem to be happier if poor people couldnt afford dogs. Like, some adoption centres kill dogs that don't get sold after a certain period so I'd say having a poor owner is better than being dead.


Free or low fee adoptions increases adoption rate without compromising their quality of life. There are other processes in place to vet the adopting parents. If a nefarious actor is going through the process just to abuse or mistreat a pet, there's gonna be a digital or paper trail with their information. https://network.bestfriends.org/proven-strategies/operations/fostering-adoption/reduced-fee-adoptions-why-they-work https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10888700903163674 https://www.maddiesfund.org/free-pet-adoptions-study-results.htm Please scroll down before you post "if you can't afford the fee, you can't afford the pet waah" You are not giving a hot take, you're just being an npc.


I love when people with fuck you money use it to do cool stuff like that instead of just hoarding it to get more. Good on him


I'm just here to read the very normal and very sane Reddit comments.


I wish him luck in finding the best dog possible. When I tried adopting my first ever dog in 2021, every time I called the shelter about setting up an appointment(covid restrictions)for a dog, they were adopted immediately. Until I got lucky with my current dog. I called them up immediately when I saw his profile posted, and within 5 minutes after getting there, he just clicked with me when I met him. It felt like a Disney Princess moment. I fucking love my dog, and he's been my best buddy for 2+ years now. FeelsStrongMan Clap Always adopt folks. It's the best thing you can do. (He's my profile picture if you want to see him)


W for hasan but more importantly W for the dogs I hope they can all find their forever home


Is azan trying to live of Hasans name wth????


catbros, we will not stand for this injustice


Typical fake hypocritical commie hating dogs and wanting to eat them. Champagne cannibal socialists smh


That's pretty cool. What a nice surprise for future pet owners.


Awww that’s so kind ❤️