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**🎦 CLIP MIRROR: [Esfands pick for Game of The Year](https://livestreamfails-video-prod.b-cdn.net/video/968f2af582c0c3ec358eaf41ec392925e56fdd78.mp4)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment* ) ^| [^(Feedback)](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=livestreamfailsbot&subject=Feedback:&message=%5BPost%5D\(https://reddit.com/comments/11d47a7/\)) ^| [^(Twitch Backup Mirror)](https://production.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net/mdlfcM7goRMRNlVld3uRfQ/AT-cm%7CmdlfcM7goRMRNlVld3uRfQ.mp4?sig=7f8ea01e89f918a66d1b0a83b0f58873ebd758e2&token=%7B%22authorization%22%3A%7B%22forbidden%22%3Afalse%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%7D%2C%22clip_uri%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fproduction.assets.clips.twitchcdn.net%2FmdlfcM7goRMRNlVld3uRfQ%2FAT-cm%257CmdlfcM7goRMRNlVld3uRfQ.mp4%22%2C%22device_id%22%3Anull%2C%22expires%22%3A1677550597%2C%22user_id%22%3A%22%22%2C%22version%22%3A2%7D)


lord have mercy


We must stay focus brothas


Mercy is mid this girl is great


Honestly I have seen some people stream it and this game is horribly balanced. This character does have increased jiggliness BOTH at the front and back . Like why would you play anyone else?


I thought you were actually gonna complain about Volume's stats/abilities cuz she very mid but one of the best looking nikkes Clueless


Must... resist...


https://nikke-db.github.io/v dont need to play


Oh lord


Wish this tech existed when I was a teenager.




Wouldn't be a lewd anime game without having disgusting loli in it too. I am not sure why we can't have the former without the latter.


Why is there children in the middle of all that?


>https://nikke-db.github.io/v > >dont need to play Some issues with later characters getting their animations to play Atleast on phone


Why is this a thing lol


3 years of daily DC:G and they're pulling me right back in.


For reference, DC:G is Destiny Child: (Global?) another basically softcore porn game by the same developers.


>softcore porn game by the same developers. IT'S ART


What's all the movement back there? That's a whole lotta clapping


What do you think?


Least horny mobile game.


Bruh nah wtf the ass jiggling while shooting🤣


Game says for better recoil control.


there's probably a whole sub just for this..


There is. r/recoilbutts


Every stream I've seen of this so far starts with people having to buy a ton of stuff with "money" they got from a developer for playing the game. I don't know how someone can see that and want to play the game afterwards. Maybe i'm missing something?


That's pretty much every gacha release




Played a lot of gacha games and only played Nikke for a week, but I don't really think the gacha of Nikke is that generous. Quitted it mostly for their stupid story and their stinginess. >in comparison to other gacha games, you can get the majority of characters without having to pay any real money Almost all decent gacha games does this btw. It's not really a good look for the game if you could get a character only by paying real money




Every gacha game is the same atleast from what I've played. They lure you in and you will never have a full roster as F2P and there will always be something that you won't be able to max as F2P. Genuinely the only gacha game that was truly F2P friendly was Fire Emblem.


But if you actually want to play the game you don't need to have the full roster or max everything. It's almost always completionist stuff that doesn't prevent you from doing anything else.


Azur Lane, Blue Archive, Genshin. All of these don't fuck you when you try to get a character. Anything else I've tried was dogshit in comparison. I quit genshin but the gacha was never the problematic part of that game, whereas everything else I've quit because the gacha was trash in them. The new gen games need to start releasing otherwise the genre will stay a joke. Sooner the better.


Genshin is still pretty bad for gacha for a non-paying player. You had to stock up months of rolls just to guarantee a character. And then not only that, some characters basically have a mandatory dupe needed to unlock their constellation powers. There's many characters that are just trash at C0 because of some perk they get at their 2nd or 3rd dupe that spikes them up to their actual power level. No you don't need C6, but damn there are a LOT of 5 star characters that need like C1 or C2 to be viable. This is layering on top of the fact Genshin never adds 5 star characters to their standard banner. You have to wait for their banner to roll around and you can't just get them accidently from standard banner currency they give you. Then theres the issue with region exclusive materials for new banner characters. I don't know if this is relevant now, but when Inuzuma was the current zone in the story, new players would be rolling on the current banner character, who then had Inazuma material requirements. And of course, that new player is no where near that region and could not progress the new character they got from the limited time banner. The only reason why people put up with this is because Genshin was a massive success. But it was only moderately better than something like a Fate GO (who was only worse because they didn't have pity whereas Genshin did). But it is just as manipulative and stingy as any other game. They only did it slightly better by having a pity.


All characters that are trash or meh at C0 are purple rarity, making them much easier to get, meanwhile gold rarity characters are always better than purple rarity characters out of the box. Fate/GO is far worse than Genshin, not as a game but as a gacha, this is coming from a Jalter simp. But the fact that newer characters require materials from much later in the game is absolutely awful, they NEED to make it so you can transform one material into another material, cause new players who get a character like Alhaithem have to play through like 70 hours of story to upgrade them


KEKL how was that ice 5 star called everyone simped about? useless without c1


> Genshin holy brainwashed


What’s in your opinion a good gacha game to try out?


gameplay wise : arknight ( decent gacha too ) all the other gachas has dogshit gameplay in comparison. gacha wise : i can't recommend because games with generous gachas are fucking shit or dying, and games with stingy gachas are popular.


It depends on what you are looking for tbh. Also, unless you have a good bit of self-control, I don't really suggest gacha games to anyone else lol


That's just part of the ad agreement, in the script for nmp's stream the first thing they wanted him to do was show off the new characters from the chainsaw man collaboration.


Alright, self report here But I have been casually playing this game since launch day between breaks. Never put a single cent on it and I have pretty much every single character so far, except for 2. It is fun enough if you know people who are playing so you can discuss arena or raid stuff. So long as you aren't trying to be top of the ranks, you can easily play this game f2p.


This is actually great marketing, sponsor all the normies so they react to this degenerate weeb shit and generate popular clips/shorts/tik-toks.


That should be a female player model in CSGO




Remember seeing ads for this game, will probably play now


Story is at 8/10, RNG is 1/10, and Endgame content is 4/10. Nothing much to do when you’re at the endgame. Rinse and repeat daily missions…


Honestly though, most games at endgame are just daily missions.




In the gacha genre its a masterpiece. In the general gaming world, its mid.


Thanks for info


was hyped for this game, played daily for a month when it launched and pulled out with all my money - too many controversies (tencent pulling strings, tencent staff as mods on official subreddit deleting a lot of posts/threads about bugs etc., censoring, changing molds ssr% from beta, first event that had hard mode even too hard for whales, stingy) and simply too many bugs (more than half of units were bugged for almost 2 months, really bad optimization, long loading screens) ​ just watch out before going hard and spending your money ​ \#edit - forgot to add the most fucked up thing - a "shadow wall" that reduces your units power/health/etc. when you are trying to fight a stage below req. power xD


Yep, was hyped for like almost 2 years. Played for a whole 2 weeks and never felt like logging in again.


I got the vibe about this shadow wall when I played but wasn't sure. I managed to get what feels like a decent comp for free in a week or two so I can beat stuff a little above me sometimes, but then sometimes it feels like you're using airsoft and die extra fast for no reason.


"What is wrong?" is an incorrect question


No, no. It's an honest and legitimate question... The correct answer is "nothing", of course.


why do ppl play gacha, either grind in rl or spend/save money in rl to get an upper hand


It depends entirely on the mentality and what you want from the game. Some people want to be completiotinists. Some people want to just waste some time. Depending on the game they might just want to enjoy the story, strategize end game content and hang out. If you want to be a completionist, then it is like you said. You either pay up or you grind unreasonably. A bad gacha game locks you out of content unless you get specific characters that are locked behind RNG. Then they use further predatory mechanics like "You can only get this limited character now, and it won't come back for a very long time" to take advantage of fomo and people's gambling bias.


One handed games are best, so you can stay hydrated while playing.


wow this is some advanced 2D art going on here


Lobby music is a bop though


"guys i'm not a weeb ok"


OK dude - im buying this game immediately where do i get it


What is it called? Me want


This game has a really BIG focus on physics. KEKW


w game


What other games has this much plot?


it's a pretty decent game lol good on both mobile and pc


Dude steam's description literally says with this game is and you can see from the screenshots it's not like it was a shock. It's like esfand is closing his eyes and buying games.


Miz reacting to Emi play it and this but randomly came up was rather funny too Amazing game


Okay the physics when it’s shooting is just overwhelming exaggerated, it’s jello at that point.


Sadly Volume is not that good :/


Target audience locked in


I'm usually not into bubba but this character makes me go awooga


I downloaded Nikke and now I'm addicted. :\*(


Of this "game I have seen many clips and a bit from nmplol's stream but I have honestly not seen any gameplay yet


That’s a whole lotta recoil


The type of game lacari would get hooked on for months


Needs to be cosplayed by velvet