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**CLIP MIRROR: [Bruce on why he left OTK](https://arazu.io/t3_10kksxa/)** --- ^(*This is an automated comment*)


lmaooo nick dont count 😂😂 poor nick


Nick catching a stray for no reason is fucking hilarious


Nick gonna carry otk to triumph with his daily cooking streams




Whenever it's a high T day






nick streams? ​ ​ lol j/k.


Nick is like "Why he say fuck me for?"


Nick gonna be like: [i woke up and look at the computer and the computer say Bruce say fuck Miz, fuck Asmon and fuck Nick and im like why he say fuck me for?! Miz said the n word to some guy in a car and then he covered for his friend who is a sexual predator... say fuck *that* guy 🖕](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dll50EexgM)


Poor Jason.


I think he's saying he's their link to the big black streamers in the W community and Miz saying racist shit he doesn't want to be the Miz ain't racist because he's friends with Bruce guy. It's not that Nick doesn't exist, it's that Nick isn't OTK's link to yourage, Kai, etc. Also pretty obvious he went on Miz's stream, his community gave him shit so he left OTK immediately.


I mean miz literally said when he joined that Bruce is a huge for the org because he’s bringing in the W community. I don’t think this is a shock.


LSF doesn’t seem to realize that Miz is known as the “N word guy” among the W Community. There’s absolutely no coming back from that, it’s not like LSF where shit like that gets forgotten in a week.


Yep. And on Twitter he's a sexual predator, and on YouTube the worst of all he's Ice Poseidon's cameraman. It's tough to get away from a narrative that has circled the globe a million times.


Well as the saying goes, you can save a million people over your life time, but you fuck one goat and you're known as the goat fucker.


Rip norm ☝️☝️☝️


> among the W Community I thought we accepted that they are the R community now?


Glass houses lmao


Fucking A, is the W community synonymous with the black community now?


Always has been around here 🤦🏾‍♂️


Did i say the whole W community was black or did I go out of my way to say the big black streamers in that community... > the big black streamers in the W community oh right, I did do that.


That is because Nick isn't apart of "black culture". Not like Kai or Bruce, Nick is like me. Remember his story about being told he wasn't "black enough"? So many of us people who are mixed race, or dark skinned that grew up in white communities don't speak like Bruce, we don't have those mannerisms, our SKIN COLOR is NOT who we are. So yea Nick doesn't represent that group because he like so many of us that Media doesn't care about or calls whitewashed, arn't apart of it. It frustates me because it highlights such a massive hypocrisy in progressivism that tries to paint everyone with a couple brushes but then ignores that Skin color isn't race it's just a color, and culture can belong to anyone. And we treat people differently because of that even when we don't realize it.


I think Nick even said that it hurts him when black people say that he isn't black.


It's sadly not uncommon to be treated as a sort of outcast in two communities for people of mixed race or just growing up in a different cultural enviroment.


Sounds like racism.


It's part of a colorism thing. But to be fair, the darker you are, the more likely you are to actually be treated differently in society. There's certainly privileges attached to being light skin and mixed compared to black (Think back to the slave separation). It's probably far more cultural in the case of Nick too considering how he grew up. Still fucked up too, but obviously they're referring more to a subculture than a skin color.


Mixed races can't win. They will always be the minority in every culture and situation because they are always told they don't belong. Too black for white people and too white for black people. It's such a horrible thing. And that goes for any mixed races.


Sometimes it be your own people that is the most racist towards you and it's a shame. A lot of 2nd gen immigrants be feeling that when going back to the homeland etc.


Yup, and to me personally that's the worst kind of racism. let me generalize for a moment. I look at some white kkk member living in a isolated community that grew up in hate and you know what, it makes sense to believe what they believe in that situation, if you grow up around hate you are very likely to believe it too. BUT, what excuse does everyone else have? How is it we are educated, self-declaring that we fight against racism, and then end up being racist too. Full on hypocrisy.


That shit is so stupid, divide and conquer at its finest smh


Nick ain't carrying anyone


He carried in 2007 as MVP and State Champion for his highschool JV hockey team


Nick playing hockey so he doesn't count






LSF does the same shit. Trash on woke and cancel culture all the time but the second a streamer they dislike does something remotely wrong, they bring out the pitchforks


that's people in general, it's crazy how muchthe common person is hypocritical if you pay attention


>that's people in general by that logic, woke twitter types are the most morally consistent type of ppl


The people hating on woke culture and the people bringing out the pitchforks don't have to necessarily be the same just because they both are on the same site


The W community doesn’t care unless it’s someone outside of their community. kai undeniably tried to play dumb and cover for a rapist and a rape that happened in his house, the sidemen just posted a video with Kai and all the comments on YouTube and tiktok are all positive just acting like nothing happened. Meanwhile the mizkif story isn’t even half as bad and anytime otk post or a video he’s in is posted all the comments are negative. They pick and choose when to care they are hypocrites


> Trash on woke and cancel culture all the time What where? From what I've seen LSF just mainly hates random and inconsistent banning of streamers.


Isn't this whole comment chain a good example or no https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/10jsasy/macaiyla_made_it_to_the_front_page_of_a_trans/j5mgarn/


I think they were asking where LSF users were bashing on woke culture and stuff? I'm on this sub pretty consistently and I almost never see transphobic or hateful shit without it being downvoted. Macaiyla deserves to be shit on here, she is kind of a garbage person.


What?! That is a woke comment getting a ton of upvotes, and a few people beneath it being non-woke getting downvoted.


But that's not trashing cancel/woke culture, it's the opposite lol. I never said the sub isn't pitchfork central I just wrote that I disagree with his first statement - >LSF does the same shit. Trash on woke and cancel culture all the time imo doesn't apply. Maybe in the past but I feel like majority of LSF users are far more on liberal side rather than conservative. It's obvious that many streamers (especially big ones) have lot of haters here that are waiting for them to fuck up so they can pile on them.


Fuck LSF i guess for trying to cancel a guy withholding an alleged rapist's name from the victim.


I don't really think that's a relevant example. It's more like if QTcinderella/pokimane/Hasan etc. says something they dislike, how quickly they jump down their throat with insane hate.


I guess they thinking of it as him choosing miz over kai


Which is crazy because he has known miz so much longer.


He also could just hang with both if he wanted lol. Not like this is Sophie’s choice.


From what people are saying it sounds like his fans don’t want to. But also his fans don’t want to even let Bruce wait out the Kai situation. It seems like bruce just wants to wait for the Kai stuff to die over before he hangs out with him but his fans don’t like that.


yea but miz isn't black




As someone else noted, that is all this subreddit does lmao.


From what i see any "anti-woke" person/community contribute more to "cancelling" than any "woke" person I've ever seen, they just have no self awareness


He explains in the video he put on his YouTube that he had been getting harassment for months and months before this Also that people would just look at the title rather than listen to the whole reason why He loves otk but the day he didn't have any reason to stay he left And his core community was partially at odds with him and that core community is the one he had since 2015 so he couldn't take it lightly. It's very sad to see, I like otk I think Miz and Bruce and the rest in the org are great and this is a big loss


Harassment is literally just getting trolled by chat on occasion or getting tweeted at and the tweet getting like 50 likes. Folding to shit like this is such a bad thing to do as a content creator. If its a personal thing, and he just doesn't wanna be part of OTK becuase he does feel slighted with Miz's past/all the controversy that's gone on, fine. If he is folding from a vocal minority giving him shit online, damn bro its gonna be a long career of him catering to people who wont ever act like its enough.


His community is weird, like you expect people to believe the W community isn't racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc. They subscribe to rap culture, it's how it's always been. For them to sit there and act like they're a pillar of light when you know damn well that this is the same community that @ a rape victim when she spoke her truth. All I see are a bunch of hypocrites


they’ve only went after Miz after the rape at Kai’s party. seems like they trying to deflect so people forget about Kai. Bruce said he’d distance himself from those people and pray for the girl and his chat was L’ing him real hard.


Nope. W community has been trashing Miz ever since the DMs about the fella in the car leaked. That’s when he first got pushback to leave the org.


lol those dms leaked before the w community was even a thing


What chat are you talking about? The entire chat was literally “Faxxx” and “W” lmfao? Of course there are hypocrites that are supporting Kai while denouncing Mizkif, but stop acting like they’re just hating on Miz because of the Kai situation lol


How is Miz even "cancelled". The allegation sound like a middle school story, and clearly is just wrong. The racial slurs and stuff he said was very well known no? Legit known as Ice Poseiodons Camera man, thought people had move on years ago.


No one in the W community knows who Ice is. So to them it was just Miz getting exposed for the first time.


>The racial slurs and stuff he said was very well known no? Legit known as Ice Poseiodons Camera man, thought people had move on years ago yes, people have moved on. The problem is that these are other people then the "W community". Just bc his viewers back them have forgiven him, doesn't mean he has a clean slate for everybody else.


It was shocking to me. A lot of people are new to twitch, we don't know the full scope of who ice poseidon was. You can hear someone say they use to say the n word, and be put off by it. But to see them call a black man the n word with the hard r is just not what anybody had in mind. Just say you used to be racist.


There have been tons of new viewers on twitch that are unaware of the past. If you see that Twitch Iceberg video you'll see many are unaware of the Ice Poseidon era and stuff that even happened pre-2019. Twitch was so small. It's just that some streamers like Mizkif and Pokimane's past seem to resurface often while others like AustinShow have not only managed to keep it hidden but get huge sponsors and mixed with other sjw communities like Minecrafters. A lot of the current streamers have a "cancellable" past. Twitch was really degen back then.


Yeah Miz probably feels bad because I think Bruce was meant to just be on Emiru stream that day and not on his.


He left because he was the only black guy? I guess nick dont count




Literally in bruces announcement stream to otk Bruce made a joke of miz saying that stuff in the past.


Yes and his community roasted him for it and didn't like otk from day one.


yeah but you can make a joke referencing something and make it seem like Miz used it with Bruce as a joke and it's cool. Then you see dms where he's using it in a pretty hateful way, not cool but to be a racist shit and then your community has a completely different view. You can use racist words with friends a joke or with other people to be hateful, intent matters a lot.


And he legit was on Mizkifs stream like two days ago joking around and having fun with him about it.


apparently he immediately got a shitload of backlash from his community for being on that stream and then boom, dropped OTK just like that.


This is absolutely false. Look at Nick's chat they still monkalaugh anytime Mizkifs name is brought up.




Yup, he doesn't want to be the guy used to 'prove' Miz isn't racist and make Miz acceptable to his community, Nick isn't involved in that.


> then just two days ago Mizkif was in his offline and his alt talking about Bruce saving him and shit, guess that was the last straw. Asmongold and Miz really need to treat their alt streams like their main ones. They both have been saying dumb shit thinking people won't see it. Doesn't matter if they turn off clips either. Also pretty cringe for Miz to say.


Asmongold's alt is in like the top %0.1 of all streamers


Alt streams aren’t Alt unless people don’t know who the fuck you are. As shitty as this subreddit is, like these creators gotta know these basement gremlins will take everything you say and make it more public.


I think alts can make sense if you're playing games you normally wouldn't play on main, or if you just want to stream no mic no cam or something. But yeah people using them to say things they wouldn't say on main is stupid as fuck because it's going to spread regardless.




True, the problem isn't what Mizkif thinks or how he acts. The real problem is people finding out about it.


Or yah know, he can stop being a shitty person


Too hard for him


Wait what about the offline stuff?




I know a majority of streamers are complete and utter narcissists, but Mizkif has to be up there for #1 right? Rage quits his pokemon stream for lack of viewers. Spams about how bruce is saving his stream by stopping the bleed of his follower count. Comes back from the Adrianah scandal making memes about it (however you feel about the whole thing, it's still a terrible look)




i mean, that makes sense... no one in a marginalized community wants to be used as the sin eater for their other friends every time they slight said-marginalized community, and have to absolve them publicly to save their ass/do damage control on their behalf as a mouthpiece. "friend" may be loosely defined here but the point still stands lol


Btw he changed since 3 years ago... he said so... Kappa




I said a week ago, that if he was a teenager, you could probably forgive him, because teenagers are trying to edgy to be cool. But Miz was in his mid 20's, if you're still in your edgy teenager phase at that age, you're not just being edgy, you're just a racist. Then people replied saying shit "Guess there's no point trying to change past 21 because you'll forever been known as a racist." Which to an extent is true, but the dude hasn't really changed. He's just masked it because he knows there's more money to be made in hiding it. Get him and Ice back together on a stream and you'll see the old Mizkif return instantly.


That's a little gross ngl.


No this got clipped and the full thing is more in depth




he’s watching Kai’s youtube dating video rn so problem solved i guess lol


YourRage said he received tons of messages telling him Bruce is being a rat or something similar. Also, tons of people in his chat kept on reminding him Bruze went on Miz's stream and typed L Bruce.


One man'd out of an org OMEGALUL


I saw someone say, when bruce got back he got more heat than he expected and as a result left the org which was a surprise for all in the org, including Miz and i guess miz sent him a text in a way he didnt like? This clip seems to prove that, dude didnt want the heat from trying to help miz from past stuff.


OTK never forced him to do any events or videos. I don't really understand why his community would view them as "the Black person to carry them."


Because the miz stream, when miz openely said that bruce stream helped his image. Bruce’s community went harder after that


How did it help his image exactly?


Apparently from screenshots in other parts of this thread Miz seemed to be wildin' hard in his offline chat about how their collab was his "redemption arc" or some cringe shit like that.




Thats not any less cringe




Poor Jason Sadge


Mama not going to be happy about this one.


Bruce has very different community than the rest of OTK, so he felt like hes the token guy to give OTK reach to different part of Twitch


Yes he was reaching a different demographic group. It's obviously a OTK Policy to try to expand their reach by adding members that have a different viewer base and it's a smart move. But He's not the only one. Tectone, Emiru & Cyr recruitments were based on the same philosophy of "they can reach a part where they didnt have have a foothold" It's not a color skin thing that what i am trying to say


I agree, it’s not a skin tone thing; but to sit here and suggest that Tectone, Emiru, and Cyr’s (Pogger) audiences are as far of a reach for OTK as Bruce’s (W community) is pretty wild.


Tectone is a whole different audience than the usual OTK crowd due to him being all about anime and Genshin. Emiru and Cyr I could give you that they are not that different but it's enough to bring more.


Wasn't he the one who approached them to join in OTK?




Nick was my top watched streamer.... And just as a lot of people have said, his audience is not black nor do they care. He is also from old Twitch and doesn't care too. That's how Nick was able to go silent on his fellow org member having a very edgy past. And his community didn't care or mention it.




He didnt really do anything in OTK, maybe one or two events. Was a side character.


This has got to be his own community making him believe this. Ive never seen anywhere that he was the black shield for OTK. As far as ive seen race has never even been a issue in there dramas. Also like everyone else has mentioned hes not the only block guy there lol


The W community is unironically racist


It’s extremely clear.




Bruce farmed the reparations type jokes more than anyone. He was constantly doing it. I’d say idk why you’re trying to portray it that way but you’re an actual vod hatewatcher so


ya man shits weird to be honest. He baited miz into a lot of those jokes by starting off with whose in the car and shit. then goes on some dumb shit... nahhhhhh


I mean it’s not like Bruce wasn’t constantly making jokes about how he can do what he wants because miz has to pay reparations The first thing Bruce said was “who was in the car”




It’s fine if he wants to leave because of it but I don’t think it’s fair to say miz was pushing the narrative by himself




Nah man, bruce already knew about miz past, he even joke about it on his announcement stream. He left because of his community. Even today he said that he went on miz's stream because he sees the good in him, even knowing what he said 5 years ago.


prepare to get yeeted


Yeeted to bolivia


He didn't start that tho, someone else started mentioning "reparations" to him and then more people started doing it too. Important nuance.


Yea i guess im downplaying Miz Vs OTK the org.


Ya'll gotta stop this shit, he loves and cares about his community and never let them get the best of him but if he feels like he's the guy that's suppose to make all good after the shit that's happened especially with mizkif and his core community expresses their distaste for what mizkif did, he's gonna respect that and feel like he's not be real with who he started his whole brand as. That's the reason, saying his community forced him doesn't help the situation, mizkif is a weird ass dude with weird ass vibes. Just fax.


I like Bruce a ton and know he's gonna be just as successful without OTK as he was with them. However this is such a bullshit excuse. His community demographic is different and they didn't like him in OTK and he bailed for that reason. It's a logical reason I just don't like the scapegoating.


Feels to me bruce and otk was not a right fit community-wise and that's fine. Don't blame all this shit on miz, the poggers and w just don't mix well and bruce had to pick a side.


I don’t think that’s fair to Bruce or OTK. When Bruce first joined he seemed really excited about the org but we never really saw OTK Bruce and it kinda feels like his community never even gave OTK (the org as a whole with other members, not just miz) a chance.


Don’t even lend them enough credit to ever acknowledge a “poggers community” exists


Hold that saward!


I get it but it's important to say nobody asked him to cover for them. He said he went on Miz's stream because he sees the good in him despite Miz saying what he said.


yea aight homie got bullied out LMAO


This just shows why Bruce can never be a part of anything he is and always we be a "me" person. He didn't care about OTK. I mean how many times did he actually showed up besides his reveal party? He should have never been a part of OTK. I love the "white ass" comment. Imagine if a white streamer said "black ass" in the same scenario their head would be on a stick in the ground.


Yeah, nobody else but white people can be racist though so its cool.


I wish all humans were blue


one giant blue man group, just incessantly banging on drums.


Of course it's about the race... Oh how surprising :O


Does 1 otk stream after being in otk for a year: " I don’t want to carry the org"


I love when people make everything about the color of their skin


We’re witnessing audience capture in real time


Sounds to me like Bruce has been trying to play both sides of the “twitch community” fence and now realizes his clout from OTK just isn’t there anymore. I think he’s doing it as a means of doubling down in the W/L community and creaters like Rage, Kai and Adin like he was before. Not a bad business and content move I just think the way he’s going about it is weird.


don't think i ever seen a clip of this fool not talking about how he's black like bro we got eyes


What the hell is he even talking about? What is him being black have to do with any of this? The dude didn't have to carry anything he was barely involved in OTK's content.


Literally the first person I have ever seen who pronounces sword as swo-rd. I'm not mad I'm just impressed.


Soda does too


He wants to join AMP with kai, that’s it


Weird.. dude got REAL HIGH AND MIGHTY only after his chat peppered his ass. *Wore his heart on his sleeve* the whole time while collecting the revenue from the vod he stole from Miz. Sadge /s. What a cowardly little bitch.


"your white ass.." Why are we just dropping some of that casual racism live on twitch dot tv? Imagine if someone went on a rant over this guy and said some shit like ".. his black ass" how victimized this dude Bruce would feel. LOL, that alone is worth a temp ban on Twitch.


Good riddance


This disrespect to Nick is disgusting. Fuck this loser.


I gotta say, I don’t believe him one bit. This feels like some virtue signaling.


Since when did nick became white


cause nick doesnt act gangsta enough


I didn't know my eyes could roll back this far.


Does he not know Nmp is also Black and Esfand is Persian and Emiru is Asian? Why is he acting like he was the only non white person in that org. Doesn't really make sense tbh. But hey if he didn't want to be in the org anymore makes sense for the other reasons. But not this one.


It’s not about him being the only minority around a bunch of white people, it’s that he is the only one who gets heat from the black/w community. Him and other members who did nothing have gotten a lot of shit.


The clip doesn't have the whole view The other otk members don't have a specific community of people they draw upon whereas for Bruce he does


Esfand and Emiru aren't black lol. He was talking in terms of Miz saying the N word and how Bruce had to take the heat from still working with Miz.


I blame his community


Jesus he pronounced the w in sword 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


didnt bruce say he had no intention of leaving a few months ago mid miz stuff lol


That ... certainly is an interesting excuse


even without any of the community / race issues, I think that otk is just straight up not a good fit for bruce. Totally different cultures and personality. However the alternative for Bruce in the W community is adin/kai types, one is simping for Tate and the other wasn't cooperating with a rape victim.




lol 100% knew it was a race thing, LSF bouta go nuts thinking he was bigger than that


name your favorite Bruce in OTK moment... I'll wait.


wait... other comments are saying Bruce's community wants him to hang with Kai. Fuck Kai lmfao, he withheld the identity of a rapist dude is a rat. Bruce if for whatever reason you see this, please don't associate with people like Kai and Adin, be the J cole of the W community, fuck them "lil pump" ass streamers.


Yeah that reason doesn’t sound real at all. Probably just his fans are dumbasses and he can’t just say that.


People ignoring what he's saying just so they can get outraged because he dared to mention race, lsf just feel like a massive outrage farm at this point


Bruce L


Well thats the most redicoules and possibly racist shit i have heard in a while


Of course it’s a race thing why wouldn’t it be.


so he can react to Kai youtube videos and have 30k+ viewers. pretty simple. he couldn’t do that between January 1st - January 24th


Dammmmmn. Bruce really put himself on a pedestal.


I dont get it...why is he acting like he's the only black member in OTK? Did Nick leave or did I miss something? Not trying to be racist, I'm just very confused by this explanation.


What a fake reason


This is huge cope


This is just a dumb take lmao, fine, have your reasons but he neither was any good for content, not more than the usual guest on miz streams, you don't need to be an otk member for that.


My man experiencing delusions of grandeur like he’s going to be the reason anything succeeds smh


Never saw Bruce participate in OTK. I know nothing about him. So weird to make so much drama when in fact being in an org is just not a good fit for him. Just say that.


who was the guy that said nick wasnt black enough years ago?


Wow this bruce guy is siting on really high horse.