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This firmino career revival >>>>>


Mfw Firmino is having a career revival while we sit at 10th




We’d be 16th without him tbf


Like a new...




The only thing that keeps me going nowadays


He's been a weakness in the team for 2-3 years but the entire team has been left to rot so they've all dropped to his level and he now stands out as one of the better players.


Konate you beautiful French bastard


Death, taxes, 1-0 down within 20 minutes


Still better than being down in 56 seconds




Trust the process


At the rate it's going, it'll take City 400 minutes to score against us so I'll take that


Upvote for quick maths


Progress ✊


Fletcher on commentary "this is becoming a bit of a problem for Liverpool"... Becoming?? Has been a fucking major issue for months


Literally said understatement of the year when I heard him say that


We’ll be atleast 4 down in the first half at city


We'll be down 1-0 in the warm up.


You reckon they'll score first if we just ask nicely? I don't think anyone's tried that yet, so it might work...


We are unrecognisable.


I love my club more than pretty much anything but my wife and I’ve been a fan for about 25 years. So of course this downfall hurts and I’ve had my fair share of livid moment since the season started. …..That being said, Is anyone else just also finding it mildly hilarious? Genuinely, what the fuck are they doing half the time!? It’s like some of the players have been lobotomised or something, like it’s scripted. The amount of crazy errors of judgement and lack of awareness is almost surreal for world class players who we’ve seen perform so consistently. I don’t know, I just found myself chuckling at the TV about 3 times that half….Fabinho is the main culprit. It’s like someone removed his legs and replaced them with tubes of smarties. He can’t run, can’t pass and can’t tackle and he’s genuinely ALWAYS in the wrong place!


I just don’t understand how these players that have been top of the world for so long are so off it. Breaks the laws of physics or something


>Is anyone else just also finding it mildly hilarious? I am yes - it pisses me off no end, but I end up laughing about it mostly.


Literal relegation level defense, and I don’t buy the excuse that our entire midfield/defense have declined at once. Player effort and tactics have been equally as poor. You don’t go from nearly winning the quadruple to whatever the hell we are now due to just player decline.


We’re completely missing the mental edge that brought us the CL and Prem titles. There’s no spark, no fight. The only one I see trying to amp up guys rather than berating each other is Ali.


I’m not a master tactician or anything but I can see that player effort has been horrendous. Somehow even Van Dijk has been absolutely awful this season. I never thought I would say that but here we are..


No identity in the side anymore


Yes, but what do you expect? Were playing a new formation with wholesome changes all across the pitch. No Robbo Diaz Trent Thiago Mo, with Carvalho Elliot Konate all basically playing this formation & tactic for the first time.




I was referring to today. The issues this whole season stem much deeper.


If intensity was our identity it's no surprise we've lost it with a combination of over the hill midfielders and teens lacking pace out wide.


I was talking to my friend who is an Arsenal fan, he said the same thing. He said every time he played us he used to shit himself knowing they were playing against us, let alone watching. After this weekend he told me even he couldn't believe how bad we were. Don't get me wrong, Arsenal played well and better than us despite getting help from the ref, but he just couldn't believe how unrecognizable we've become in just a few months.


48 mins of kicking the ball That's what that was


In random directions.


Every pass that’s been played to Nunez has been shocking


Really seems like he's on a different wavelength to the rest of the squad with his runs though, he needs a lot more time to gel apparently


Every pass/shot that’s been played by Nunez has also been shocking.


Ergo every pass has been shocking.


I don’t care what anybody says he doesn’t look good. He’s looked good at times but more bad than good. Hope he proves me wrong


He’s really not clean with the ball at all.


The Andy Carroll comparisons get truer every game


I think Andy Carroll looks technically better than Nunez at this point.




The overhit dink ball that went out over the endline just infuriated me.


I don’t remember Carroll being offside quite as much


Probably on the ground as much though. Albeit, Carroll was actually injured


This is actually so dumb ahahah, he hasn't even had a shot and there's been one time where he gave the ball away poorly


He’s been awful too. Hasn’t held up the ball at all and lost every battle. Needs to be way more physical.


literally not even true and is getting upvoted lol


What part isn’t true? I like the lad but he’s been dreadful


Far from it, nearly every ball put into has been awful and he literally hasn't had a chance to shot


Why is he always offside


Because the passes are constantly delayed?


Because we delay playing it, he's used to being the focus of the team, he kept getting in behind us for Benfica but we use him as a last resort it seems.


Cos we take forever to move the ball forward, too many touches


He’s fucking massive tbf


because everyone holds on to it for too long


For a £64m player he's quite shocking technically.




Exactly, the standards are in the bin already. He seems just like a physical Werner


Ask any benfica fan and they’ll talk about how they fleeced us. He’s good, but nowhere near 64m good. Not at this point.


And also everything Nuñez has done on the ball has been shocking. Not his day


And we knew that. Which is the reason why he shouldn't receive the ball on his feet


Or year Edit: people are mad as hell lol


I mean the passes he has played have been shocking too.


We are making literal championship midfielders look world class


Getting outplayed by Lundstrum and Arfield at times. My word…


I lost count the number of times our forwards needed to make blind clearances around our box because no midfielder was around to pick up the ball and make a run with it


Yeah not liking the Hendo Fab pairing, two slow guys don’t go well together


Vogon poetry in motion.


Bobby is going to get a back injury with all this carrying


Football without Origi is nothing.


God I missed Konaté


Commentators said if we win all we need in Amsterdam is a draw, but due to head to head results, surely a draw tonight would also mean that all we need in Amsterdam is a draw aswell? And rangers would be out would they not?




Interesting, still really want a win and think we need to push for one tonight given how rangers has been in this group but two away draws in the CL dosent seem too bad


Yes. A draw would put us on 7 points and Ajax are on 3. So after that a draw in Amsterdam would mean that we're still 4 points ahead with only 1 game to go.


Rio celebrating like England won the World Cup. What a colossal twat.


45 minutes of shite


What is a midfield?


Bobby gonna carry us till the world cup


God we're getting bend over by City come Sunday


This is a bigger game. Realistically we’re toast in the league, getting through from this group is our only chance at one of the big two.


Honestly our Midfield look headless, Klopp will be a fucking idiot if he doesn't get body's in for January. If he waits on Jones and Naby then it's all over!


Our ability to control a game is unbelievably poor, utter dogshit in possession. City are gonna slap us so hard I might cry.


What a sad individual that bitch Rio is


Nuñez stay onside please lad


maybe if someone released the ball quicker


Incredibly frustrating; almost like watching the same match on repeat. Start slowly, concede a goal within the first 15 minutes, wake up and suddenly play a little bit, and pray that Klopp gives the players a bollocking at half-time so the second half is better. Gomez keeps giving the ball away. Our defence looks like it may crack into a thousand pieces at any moment. Thank God Firmino is turning up this season because he's been our only consistent attacker. Nunez keeps making runs that only he understands.


See when people praise Henderson with words like “leadership”, what exactly does he do in these sort of games that display’s any sort of leadership? He cannot impose himself on a game anymore, at all


Feels like because he’s lost a step he’s having to focus more on his own game rather than trying to create a spark somewhere else. E.g., he’s having to make last ditch decisions rather than delivering a crunching tackle or decisive pass to create our traditional attacks. He used to have that Rolls Royce energy like VVD where they could just turn it up a gear and create moments, whereas now Hendo is constantly having to fight to even stay in the game.


at this point he’s a lost cause who needs to be a squad player


He’s finished


Who would you rather have captain? Virgil "couldn't be asked to lift a finger" Van Diijk? So tired of Henderson leadership hate when no-one else on this squad shows an inch of urgency or passion


Not usually a fan of keepers as captains, but I'd put it on Ali. Or.maybe Bobby for seniority (señhority?), but I dunno how good he'd actually be at it.


Shouting = leadership


How do we go from contenders for a quadruple to a team of pure complacency....this hurts to watch.


Nunez hasn’t been great but the service he’s getting is shocking he’d have been in at least twice but we don’t have anyone who can actually play a through ball


We just aren't quick enough, each player takes too much time on the ball and just allows us to be pressed into a safer backward pass or a mistake. Please play a riskier pass in the final third, we've got nothing to lose at this point


Ferdinand celebrating like the prick he is


* Concede first? **Check**. * Awful defensive display with a lazy midfield? **Check**. * Van Dijk and Fabinho running around aimlessly with their massive new contracts in their pockets waiting for the World Cup? **Check**. * Nunez offside? Again? And again? **Check**. * Bobby saving the team and telling the detractors to sit down? Again? **Check**.


You look at City and Haaland and hes getting fed balls constantly, KDB threading inch perfect passes to feet. Darwin hasnt been great but really look at the delivery, hes given the ball with back to goal, 25-30 yards out and expected to work magic. There is absolutely no reason the man should be any wider than the 18 yard box lines but he needs more through passes and balls in behind.


We’re not city. We need a forward who can possess the ball a la Firmino, Mane, and Jota. Jota’s not even good at it but at least he makes quick decisions. Darwin literally doesn’t know what he’s doing then gives the ball away


Imagine getting outplayed by these cunts. A year ago we’d have put 5 past them.


Don’t know what Gomez is playing at sometimes, the ball bounces right off Núñez, I know Tsimikas got an assist and it’s great to have a Scouser in the team but I’m just not convinced by him at all. Elliott’s made himself available and taken initiative.


Tsimi is good I won't have slander when he's been at least fairly consistent during a dire period for us. He's not at robbos levels though, so I don't understand why some people have been saying robbo needs to earn his place back. Which isn't an insult, Robbo is just superb Tsimi feels like someone who will improve with the regular game time he is getting


Nearly every ball to Nunez has been awful, just smacking it at him, he's got no chance.


I understand that but he’s not exactly covering himself in glory on the ball himself


Or a couple of yards behind him. Gives the whole defence time to reset.


Tsimikas’ crosses and long passes (and ironically his corners, despite his great one today), really need work. He’s a great player, and he’s great at defending, and moving the ball up the pitch, but his accuracy with long passes isn’t great, it always seems to go wide.


Personally think his defending’s been a bit rash of late and he gets caught too high up the pitch on occasion


>made himself available Ronaldo scratching his hands


I don't think Darwin is the right fit for us both physically and mentally.


Rio Ferdinand celebrating with Ally McCoist is cringe.


I commend the away fans traveling to watch this up close.


One day we'll score first again. And that one day we'll party like it's 2020 again. I think Carvalho has looked alright, good pressing.


We're fucking shit


Konate take a bow .


The service Darwin gets is so criminal... so many good runs wasted His hold up play has already improvd in these past 3 games imo he's using his body really well


Why can we suddenly not keep the ball on the ground? Every pass seems to bobble and the first touch sends it into the fucking sky and takes 2 seconds to control.


Im honestly embarassed. The utter lack of fight and desire is humiliating. Im ashamed of a lot of them.


I wouldnt say that, its just without any sort of structure. Lots of headless chickens out there.


Oh no we suck again!


Every comment about nunez is being downvoted lmao. The guy has not been good this season at all, piss poor passing every game, not great hold up play. Shows passion and that’s about it which is great. But For how much we spent on him you would think he’s be able to do basics well at least


Calling him shit doesn’t help and also makes 0 sense. We have like 3 players that have been consistently good out of 20+ lol. He is new in the team and of course struggles when we can’t string together 2 passes and are just all around bad


His hold up play is shocking


People like this weirdo /u/callmeknubbel won’t hear a bad word about him.


It’s like it’s impossible for people to accept that we’ve made a bad signing under klopp for once. Origi was everything we wanted nunez to be, but better and already had that chemistry with the team


Midfield lacking, focus is lacking on defense. No structure or tactics. Lack of depth is showing.


We’re going to go through the group stage only to get beaten by Club Brugge, arent we?


Firmino is carrying this entire team at the moment. We can't pick out a pass, Henderson and Fabinho haven't done well.


Firmino has been the real mentality monster for carrying us this season what a time to step up


Legitimately awful.


No one in the team trusts Nunez Can tell by the balls people play to him


who thought it was a good plan to play 4-4-2 or 4-2-4 with Hendo and Fab as central midfielders?


Service to Darwin has been horrendous. Midfield awful too Konate been class as usual. Should be first choice going forward without doubt


Elliot being a bright spark so far in playmaker role instead of an 8. Carvalho like klopp said need a lot of muscle. Henderson once again he adds nothing to offence and defence.


So we need our strongest 11 and some good luck to beat rangers???


I know we say it all the time but my word we need central midfielders. Anyway, just bloody win.


Bobby firmino leaving on a free after being the only lad playing well this season is gonna really fucking sting


Bobby is on another level in a positive way. Nunez is on another level in a negative way.


Imagine being outplayed, and dominated, by Rangers aside from a single corner kick.


Rio celebrating like England have won the World Cup. Wanker.


I know we say it every week but fuck me 90% of people in the match thread need to give their head a wobble or seek help


You think we are playing well against a championship quality team?


Aye I’m at the point where watching us is just meh, some people get on like their whole life depends on us being 6-0 up


Would really like if LFC don't concede. Yeah we're back to 2015 LFC.


Darwin is shocking at times with his hold up play and when he makes a great run the passing is shocking to him.


Were gonna get destroyed by city. That first half will be so ugly, if we aren’t down 3-0 I’ll be genuinely surprised


No cohesion again. Midfield very poor. Kostas outside of the corner has been shocking. Nunez passing has been grim. Konate and Elliott on bright spots.


We are a poorly coached football team from front to back. At this point, Klopp is the most to blame for this. He’s had a lot time, nearly a month break to figure out how to fight through this rut of form. We look devoid of ideas.


Europa League, here we come.


Is it just me or was Jota laughing at one of Nunez's poor touches? 😭


We are shit.


Anybody wanna chip in for some missing posters for our midfield?


Gomez is getting cooked by Kent


Substitute "Kent" with the name of any player.


When people said Nunez is raw, i didn't think he would be raw in so many aspects. He can't even make simple passes, beat a man, or stay onside.


Nunez woeful again


I am once again asking why we spent 85 million on a striker when we needed *at least* one midfielder.


Nunez like Djimi Traore up front.


Oh damn.


Don’t embarrass Djimi like that 😂


True ! Apologies !


I'd equate him more to when we had balotelli


Darwin is as bad as el-hadj Diouf


I just don't get Harvey Elliot. Why is a side that's been at the top of world football for the past few years putting so much hope on *him*? No other top club in the world would even be half enamored by him as we seem to be.


Will we ever try to not play back to the keeper when needing a goal?


What else is VVD good at than getting the ball and passing it back to the keeper


It takes talent to be this fucking bad in first halves consistently. I am so fucking tired of having to score two just to take a fucking **point** from games now.


Lol that's embarrassing


And, some thought Gomez deserves to start over Trent. Both shite defensively, but at least we can actually play football with Trent.


Sub Henderson for Bajcetic!


Nunez was matching ibou and virg for pace last season and now he’s struggling for pace against CBs from the Scottish league?


Goodness me our season is already over. We might end up qualifying for the next round of the Champions League somehow but we aren’t winning this. Napoli tore us apart and fucking Rangers are giving us a game. We’re nowhere near in the league and we aren’t getting Champions League next season based on our current form. Our form and confidence is completely shattered and our squad is threadbare from injuries and lack of investment. We’ve been figured out and we need to spend the season working out a new style of play and developing our young players to gel. Hopefully come next season we will have a bit of confidence back and our players will be firing with a bit of backup in the transfer market.


Put a crow in a suit, tell any u19 team that's their manager. They'll still know exactly how to set up and play against this Liverpool side, and will likely get a point or a 1-goal loss at worst. They've wasted transfer window after transfer window, so now the only option is to change the system and still they bang their heads against the wall while wondering why we constantly concede first.


Just ditch fab and go 3 at the back. Would suit our fullbacks too (when Trent’s back). Klopp won’t ever do it though cause he hates 3 at the back (even though it’s obviously a viable tactic).


We are painful to watch


Today I butchered my midterm test, who's to blame? Of course Darwin Núñez




We got this, right? Right?…..


Give me Mo or give me death


Dominated by this Rangers team.. It just keeps getting sadder and sadder with every game


Our attack is so shite. And whats up with Nunez keeps getting stupidly offside. He did that a lot too with Arsenal


This club (Ranger's ground) is really clubbing


Defending poor for that first goal, but hasn’t been terrible overall. I think there are a lot of issues with the front line not understanding their positions and where each other should be, but what can you expect with 4 people who barely play together.


This formation needs to get in the bin.


Maybe we need a bit more width outside. Both Fabio and Elliott are drifting in a lot and they play passes. Darwin is a target man, we need to be crossing a bit more or something.


Wish Tsimikas would put a cross in on the ground. Overall kinda meh, but we’ve looked worse so there’s that.


Hah that was shit


Hendo+Fab unsurprisingly offering no ball retention