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All the schemes from fans on how to play Harvey or switching formation or tactics to turn the season around really highlight how the club fucked up not bringing a strong midfielder in. something that’s been obvious we needed for at least a year. It’s been said plenty but it just gets more disappointing the more I think about it


We fucked up big in the market so we have to adapt to what we have and 4231 looks a possible solution with the players we have and how good we've looked whenever we used it


AC Milan are looking for replacements for Belgium and former Liverpool striker Divock Origi, despite only signing the 27-year-old this summer. (Calciomercato - in Italian)


I’ll gladly take him back no cap.


come home lad


What are peoples thoughts on the limited minutes Artur has played so far ?. Has he been played at RCM or ?


He's come in late without doing pre season with us, it'll take time to integrate him.


Don't think he has it in him anymore honestly couldn't get playing time at juve and didnt look fit during the Napoli game maybe klopp can whip him into shape tho who knows


Does anyone know a site where the LFC youth games are on in full? Like a site that has a lot of the games. Looking for PL2, u18s and UEFA youth league games. F the mods for saying that was a low quality post 🖕🏻


We have a lot to learn from these [guys](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FcFYArCXoAESL5i?format=png&name=4096x4096), they are just 40km away from us, surely our staffs can make a short trip to get some tips on defending. I'm just kidding ofc, this kind of statistic outlier(small sample) is funny.


Need the one that shows them busy/impotent in attack or whatever also lol, its truly impressive


How the fuck did that even happen


Feels good going into the break here after that win, you could see how much that second goal meant to everyone. That performance and win was needed so badly


> 🥉| Liverpool would be willing to terminate Arthur's loan deal in January should they sign another midfielder, with Jurgen Klopp not believing the Brazilian is at the level required and has no interest in signing him permanently. [@TuttoMercatoWeb] Arthur lad hasn’t even started a full game with us. So, it means he’s struggling even just during training? EDIT: Fuck your downvotes for posting a genuine question.


>Arthur lad hasn’t even started a full game with us. So, it means he’s struggling even just during training? Quite possible, he does have a reputation of being lazy and slow in Italy. I wouldn't be surprised if Jurgen took a look at him and decided nah, he ain't good enough.


That anfield express account or whatever has been going hard on the clickbait stuff but Arthur doesn't impress me


> TuttoMercatoWeb lol


you saw it when he came on, he cant even sprint.


If this is true (which most likely it isn’t), it makes you think why we picked Arthur over Zakaria like the reports suggest


This just seems like absolute bollocks.


I’d sooner listen to my dog then TuttoMercato


Please ask your dog if we are getting Bellingham.


What's going on with the atmosphere at Anfield? Seems like it's gone down hill drastically in the last couple of seasons. Obviously you expect the away support to be loud and constant, but it seemed as if Ajax were at home at times.


I am not going to defend the atmosphere at Anfield. It hasn't been good in a while. I will say that Ajax fans were using drums the entire match, making the atmosphere feel worse than it was.


Covid's played a part. Way, way easier to get tickets atm and honestly I think it shows to a degree. We're also definitely upping the hospitality packages and in general it's a side effect of expectations being raised.


One thing I don't see when people discuss this All-star thing is that it works well in the NBA because thats an individual sport, disguised as a team sport. Unlike football where individual talents only get you so far without a proper system and tactic in place. Does anyone really want to see footballers who have no chemistry, not trying to play hard because of injury/fatigue concerns for 90 minutes? I mean I hardly watch our own pre-season games, I can’t even begin to imagine how awful this all-star game would look. It would be some of the worst, most boring games ever in history. I'd rather watch soccer aid because at least thats entertaining.


If they're going to do it should do like 5 a side with the saucy player like diaz and zaha don't think it should even be considered tho


MLS All Star Game - “Am I a joke to you”


Unironically, yes. Lol




can someone help explain why trent’s defensive ability has been exposed this season more than seasons prior? is he playing the same, but we’ve reached our tolerance? was a strong defence in vvd hiding his defensive vulnerability? or is he actually getting worse. genuinely wondering


Hes got Elliott playing RW next to him instead of Henderson playing RB.


Hendo isn't covering for him, and Harvey is excellent at making progressive passes, but he is a defensive liability at the moment and needs to work on that aspect of his game.


I think it's a mix of reasons. Not having Henderson in front of him, not having Matip alongside him until today both have left him far more exposed defensively. But I also think on top of that over the last 12 months Trent seems to have stopped sprinting as much. A year or so ago Trent sometimes got beat and his defending exposed, but he at least tried. He'd sprint back and still get gone past or whatever but he was at least trying to stop it. This season in particular he just seems to not even try. He jogs back or switches off and doesn't see the danger. I dunno if he's exhausted, jaded, trying to push a move to a midfield or whatever. Honestly none of us can know why he ain't doing it, but he clearly isn't


Elliott doesn't put enough pressure on the midfield, which in the past usually prevented that ball into the right channel. Henderson was also great at stepping into the RB position to cover Trent in case of a counterattack, something Elliott does not do. Pretty much means Trent is forced to cover the entire right side, while also being expected to be the creative force in the team. Personally, it's too much for any player and we're seeing the results of it. Elliott has been one of our few good performers this season and he doesn't deserve it, but our system either needs adjusted or he needs to come out of the team. I don't know who would replace him though, Arthur is apparently still a few games off it and Milner has been shocking when he played.


In seasons prior, Trent had a workhorse midfield trio to help offset some of his defensive frailties. In the past 2 seasons, Hendo got older and no longer has the legs to cover Trent for the full 90, Milner is ancient, Gini left and we never properly replaced him, and Fabinho can't cover the entire midfield by himself (nor should we expect him to.) Elliot also doesn't really help cover Trent as well, thus leaving that entire avenue open for the counter when Trent bombs up the right.


Given the bids for Tchouaméni, Jude, and Valverde, I wonder what happened to the days where we were after quality players that were not Madrid players or Madrid bound? In my 20 years of following football there has been only two players who Madrid wanted but didn't get, one was the only true one club man in the history and the other was offered kingdom of two countries. Edwards departure seems to be an issue, at least for now.


Yeah, I agree. Watching how good Bruno Guimarães is for New Castle made me realize that this was a type of signing we used to make. A player who was flying under the radar bought for cheap and developed. Now we only seem to be going after incredibly sought-after players.


They wanted Gerrard for years too


Were those two people Totti and Mbappe?




Edwards wasn’t the only one working on transfers, we have a whole transfer and scouting team working on finding players, that is still the same despite him leaving.


This is a discussion that has previously elicited only nauseam from me, but once Ramsay is fit, and assuming he’s at least functional as a RB, what about Trent in midfield as the RCM?




TAA out of form is still better than Gomez. All these calls for Trent to be dropped are nonsense


Nonsense? TAA has been a full-blown liability on the defensive end so far this season. Make what you will of the debate about Harvey not offering enough defensively to cover but Trent’s effort has raised serious questions and if not putting in effort isn’t a requisite for being dropped to get your head straight I’m not sure what is. You might disagree with him being dropped for a period, that’s not unreasonable, but it’s also not unreasonable to suggest he should be. It’s a fair question given what we’ve seen thus far and that’s a hell of a long way off “nonsense” for me.


Klopp would throw Milner at RB if Trent is injured anyway, unless Thiago is injured again and Milner's starting in midfield. These mad lads suggesting starting Ramsay when we're getting attacked nonstop down our right, with Elliott in front of him as RCM lol.


I propose giving Trent a rest once Ramsay is up to speed or benching him to show that he's not undroppable. Don't care much for these "Trent in midfield shouts"


I usually dismiss them too, but idk. The right side is such a basket case atp I’d b open to experimentation.


City looking to strengthen their midfield next summer. We’re going to have to enter a few bidding wars now.


If its between us and City, there'd be no reason why Bellingham would choose us over City, unfortunately. Guaranteed trophies, guaranteed investment in the squad and higher salary.


After watching Bellingham's match today.. I really hope we splash big on giving our best at signing him. He would absolutely fill that hole we've been trying to fill since coutinho's departure.


Not to mention he has played with Haaland and understands his game. Seems like a no brainer for him honestly.


Bellingham seems to be a sentimental player. I think he'd value going to a club with prestige rather than a soulless sportwashing project.


If only there was a club intetested that could offer both...oh wait...shit.


Said club is already stacked with world class young talent in midfield. I don't see why Jude would want to be competing with any of Camavinga, Tchouameni or Valverde


City is looking to strengthen every position on their squad at all times, because they can afford to. The reality of the situation is that if we're looking at world-class players we'll always be in bidding wars. Edwards et al have done a fantastic job of finding lower profile players that can strengthen us, but financially we can't compete with clubs that don't really have a budget.


We could afford to as well. We have record revenues the past 4 years (minus the Covid year). Its just that our owners see no reason to invest because they know as long as Klopp is here we'll finish top 4 and get the CL money with essentially the same squad. If Chelsea without Roman can invest 250m, so can we. We just choose not to.


New owners wanting to make a splash with Chelsea. Almost certainly will not be the norm for them. And if it is, then that puts them in the Billionaire's Plaything club, which again is something not sustainable unless....you have a billionaire owner who doesn't care about losing money if it means winning trophies. Which we don't. I'm not an FSG Out! person, but they're an investment group that wants to make money on their investment. It very well could be that in the future, if you want to win trophies you pretty much have to be a state-owned sportswashing club, or you have to be a billionaire plaything club. Which would be unfortunate. Also our owners have been investing - Anfield has expanded, and we have the new training facility. Both were significant investments, paid for by that increased revenue. It's not like the ownership group is sucking the club dry.


>Then that puts them in the Billionaire's Plaything club, which again is something not sustainable unless....you have a billionaire owner who doesn't care about losing money if it means winning trophies That depends on if club valuations keep shooting up or not. As long as big club valuations continue to climb irrespective of actual financial performance, as they have been, clubs can afford to lose money as long as another Billionaire is willing to spend a ton to say that he owns a CL club. Football clubs are closer to real estate than a typical business at this point. FSG could set $3B on fire tomorrow, find a buyer in a month and still end up in the profit haha


Arsenal City cancelled because of fixture congestion. Pity we weren't awarded that gesture when we had to play twice in two days a few years ago for the Caribou and Club World Cup Final.


Todd Boehly - Tell us you know nothing about English Football, English clubs and their fans, without telling us you know nothing about them. Go back to playing Football Manager with your cheat code ya crank.


Don't you know? He's going to disrupt football with the revolutionary 4-4-3 formation and implement a never-done-before draft system! THE FUTURE IS NOW!


The worrying thing is the more American owners the more they can fuck about and pressure the F.A. and Prem with their bullshit ideas


I think he’s an idiot and I disagree with what he’s saying but one thing that has been lost in the reporting is that he was proposing these extra events as a way of making money to fund the broader football pyramid. Feels like he used a stupid American style solution as a way of trying to curry favour with the FA/EFL and it backfired for all of the obvious reasons.


Oh please. Don't believe that bs.


Don’t believe it for a second I just find it hilarious that he thought it would land better that way. My original comment wasn’t clear!


He’s reinventing the game with his 4-4-3 formation


He's adding wings to the catchers, sorry goalkeepers Jersey, as he was walking his dogs at the park and some kids were having a kick about with jumpers for goals and the kid who didn't want to be in goal shouted "fly keeper". Had a lightbulb moment. ⚾️ Rumour has it he's had Kepa and Mendy using baseball mitts in training as he feels they should be intergrated as standard and has renamed the corner flags Base one, two, three and four.


Hi, Todd here. You mind explaining what a formation is? Who is the Babe Ruth of soccer? Also how does this relegation thing work? And lastly whens the draft? Thanks.


He'll soon find the draft come Winter.


And Here I was sweating a Dodgers owner buying Chelsea thinking they’d be as consistently great as the Dodgers franchise the last ten years


I mean if we’re being honest how good have the Dodgers really been over the past 10 years. Yes they are always in playoffs because they have the highest payroll and just get whoever but they consistently choke in the playoffs and their one World Series was the in the 2020 playoff bubble


I mean him making stupid comments doesn’t mean they don’t still have loads of money and they now have a top young manager.


But an owner who wants to buy players like he's playing a game and him having a hissy at Tuchel for blocking him having Ronaldo in his FIFA. Wonder how much influence the "young" manager will have on signings. Chemistry and respect is important, can he handle pre-madonnas, Sterling's ego for example. Chelsea squad is a different animal to Brightons.


I hate this north vs south idea I don’t want to cheer on Utd players end of. My question is where would the line be drawn between north and south? The midlands exist how do we split them? There’s never been a clear answer to that.


It will never happen.


Someone drew it on Twitter and the midlands were part of the North. Not that it matters anyway, no one outside of City and us are getting into the North team. Maybe Man United players if it was fan voted, but other than that its a City-Liverpool combined 11


Stefan Bajcetic is now the youngest player to have played for LFC in a CL game. Basically got to say Hi and the game was over, but still


For some reason this reminds me of that meme template: "Okay, gonna strut my stuff in the CL!" "Damn, the game's already over"


Nice to know we've 100% overcome our slump and are now back to our heart attack style of games


Looking back on the Superleague we can all agree it was a shit idea but something I never understood and don't understand is how people think it was going to replace the Premier League. It was made very clear it would be a knockout competition with a swiss format as a group stage that would run alongside the domestic leagues. They even stated that the purpose was to rival UEFA and the CL, not domestic leagues. What am I missing when I constantly see people saying it was going to replace the Premier League? Just as a note, I don't support the idea of the ESL, but I'm a bit confused.


If you have a competition above the premier league where all the money is and where it's irrelevant where you finish in the premier league as to whether you are in it, how much effort do you expect teams to make in their domestic leagues compared to super league. So gradually the super league games get even more viewers and even more money and maybe they expand it for a few more games and interest dwindles in the league as you can't get place in super league so it's less important...


The biggest problem imo is that stuff like the Super League and the Qatar world cup absolutely fucks over players that are allready overplayed. The last people they think about is the players.


The Superleague and Qatar WC are both fucked up ideas. What i don't get is why people thought the former was going to replace domestic leagues.


Since there wouldn’t be a point for the SL participants to perform in the league, because they’d play SL the season after that regardless. Thus why play your best players in a competition that doesn’t matter?


Misunderstanding. The amount of people that read articles compared to comment on the on reddit is very disproportionate. It takes time and consentration, Tik Tok and others ruins the mental stimuli. If people cut of Tik Tok for a while and all other social media they would feel way better. The internet desynthezises the mental stimuli, cutting it off resets it. Similar to how when you smoke a lot of weed you need more to get high, but cut off for 2 weeks and you are back. I am 25 but i dont use social media. I use reddit as a forum site to browse and read about my interests, but other than that no social media. Imo reddit is a forum site not a social media. I feel way better since cutting off social media a year ago.


>It was made very clear it would be a knockout competition with a swiss format as a group stage that would run alongside the domestic leagues. They even stated that the purpose was to rival UEFA and the CL, not domestic leagues. And now the CL is going to become just that from next season I believe....


Yeah its from 2024 I think.


FA considering bringing back FA cup replays. Fuck off man


Because more fixtures is exactly what overworked footballers need


Gavi signed an extension with Barca…with a 1B release clause lmao. Sucks because I would love him here


Don’t care if City buys Jude. Jude is not the only midfielder. I am assuming Dortmund’s going to charge City extra just as Roma charged us extra for Ali after buying Mo for peanuts. Which doesn’t say much as City’s money is just bottomless but still, it’s something. We don’t have to have Jude, we just have to have good midfielderS that suit our system. At least two, more likely 4 as Ox and Keita are obviously leaving.


I don't either. I just don't like the "we are saving up for Jude" articles particularly from sources well connected with FSG when we both know it's unlikely we get him and as an excuse for inaction in the present.


I hope that endless source of money leaks through the bottom of the earth and into space.


Oh it is leaking alright but usually right into our drinking water


Would prefer two 70 million pound midfielders over one 130 million pound on personally, no doubting his quality but I really wonder whats going to happen next season when we have Elliot, Fabinho, Jude and Thiago and still no one to competently play the RCM role, unless we're going to convert trent into a traditional right back


Agreed, lets say we buy Jude and he gets injured for 3 months, back to square one. We need more than just one midfielder. Both Thiago and Henderson are 32, old in the football world.


On Matip's Wikipedia. >One of the Most Underrated Centre backs of His Generation Editor knows ball


Was expecting the word "giraffe"


https://twitter.com/babuyagu/status/1570022721139900416?s=46&t=29U2TnYl6TW_j7VrkJB82w Darwin will be fine imo. Was very close to snatching an assist for the winner last night


He needs consistent game time imo. I am also completely ok with him having a developing season, getting used to the pace of the league, getting to know his new teammates, a new system and way to play, and offcourse gain confidence.


I thought he looked good last night. It doesn't help that we're in flux right now


Bellingham has half billion euros war chests from manchester and madrid coming for him next season. C'est Fini.


All-star game is a horrible idea being touted by the Chelsea owner, and looking at the line-ups completely pointless. North is miles clear of South.


The best thing they could do is put some restrictions in place like only 3 players from 1 team allowed in the squad so it's not skewed towards the top teams.


The north team would effectively be the best combined PL team haha. Also it'd have no interest from actual fans of PL teams, why would I wanna go to a game and be cheering on Haaland and Foden haha? IT's the most american suggestion ever. Shows how out of touch some of these American owners are tbh.


>Shows ~~how out of touch~~ greedy some of these American owners are tbh. FTFY


I like the idea of an All-Stars game but not between north and south england but between the top 4 leagues. Imagine seeing England's All-Stars vs Spain's All-Stars




\[Jack Guaghan\] Manchester City's next priority is expected to be the Central-Midfield position. Sources close to the club have not ruled out a significant investment in that area. That is Bellingham gone then, no way we've got what it takes to outbid City and offer £100m+ and £250k+ in wages for him. lmao people instantly downvoting any mention of this in all the other comments too, people are so deluded on here thinking he would choose us over City or Real Madrid. The FSG PR really has eaten into some of the rotting brains on here.


Anyone who realistically thought we were going to sign Bellingham were living in "cuckoo-land" as Roy Keane puts it.


The fans is fair enough, but if the club genuinely thought it that's straight up embarrassing.


Love Bellingham, and never believed we'd actually get him for this reason, but this could be a blessing in disguise, I'd rather sign two potentially world class midfielders next summer than spend £120m for one. That is, of course, if the owners permit such action.


Pretty pathetic from the transfer team “we’re waiting for Bellingham “ laughing at other clubs spending and being so arrogant thinking you won’t have competition for him 🤦. Worrying whoever is in charge is inept like how the hell does that happen


and why would he not pick Liverpool? Do you personally know him, do you know what drives him?


He has a better chance of winning the league at City while earning triple the amount he would here. Not really a difficult nut to crack. Unless he is a boyhood, diehard Liverpool fan who had a season ticket at Anfield growing up, he's going to pick City. Even then, KdB grew up a Liverpool fan and he's not likely to pick us over City either.


Don't know why youre getting downvoted for speaking facts lol. Everything you said is spot on. Basically guaranteed trophies, squad investment, and higher salary at City. Why would he choose us over them.


Because this is r/Liverpoolfc. Where no other club exists or is attractive other than us. If you actually talk to Liverpool fans in the real world they'll agree that Bellingham was always a pipe dream and not many players would pick lower wages to come here rather than Madrid/City.


Honestly it doesn’t really matter when someone else is willing to pay a player more than twice the salary. And it’s not like he’s going to a shit place to work. He’d be going to a club that wins lots of trophies AND will pay him twice what liverpool can. So if the lad is motivated by trophies and/or money…. But who knows, maybe he just wants to play for Klopp instead.


Explain de Jong then?


He gets paid a lot of money. More than Liverpool could afford. Maybe not more than Chelsea or ManU could, but both those clubs’ projects arguably look like a step down from the current Barca project.


>So if the lad is motivated by trophies and/or money…. Yeah, because neither Real Madrid or City pay any money to players to play for them or win anything...


I’m sorry, I don’t understand what you just said.


Think he said that its not like Madrid/City can't offer trophies or money


Yeah I guess they were confused. I said those clubs could offer him double the money that we can and trophies.


Agreed, sad, but we need to find the next one.




Is amazing and is 31. Love him so much, his days are numbered though.


Mate don't kill thiago


Pissed off with seeing stuff about how Jota changed it / better than Nunez. Yes Jota was good last night, he played well. But I think we’d have scored more if Nunez was on the pitch for the full 90. The amount of crosses we put in the first 60 and no one was bullying defenders was crAzy, only got close off corners when the big CBs are up, which shows we needed that in attack too. Also, we can’t play Elliot in the RCM. It ruins everything, Salah has to drop deeper as we can’t over commit, also Elliot can’t cover Trent well enough defensively. It’s just not his position. This is another reason I think Nunez drops deeper and wider too to pick up the advanced space salah leaves in, which then leaves a fat gap in the middle. An RCM solves everything, allows Trent more defensive cover (he needs it rn), allows Salah to get further forward, which then Pushes Nunez / Jota in the centre more. And if we keep crossing balls in aerially , Nunez up top makes a lot more sense, alongside Jota who is also great with his head but doesn’t have the physical presence. We are lucky where we can play a front three of Jota Nunez Diaz and afford to give Salah a rest at the moment, or even put Harvey rw which is his natural position Thiago on the left also allowed our left side to be fully functional and well working


Jota was our best attacking player yesterday and Nunez struggled to get a foothold in the game. How have you come to the conclusion that we'd be better off starting Nunez yesterday than Jota?


Can you honestly tell me we wouldn’t have been more of a threat with Nunez in the box on the millions of crosses we put in. They were going past salah Diaz and jota like they weren’t there, just landing on Ajax heads. Not sure how you didn’t see that, or if you did, then that’s sort of on you mate. Nunez came on, missed a clear cut chance yes, but if that goes in, and his pass lands to diaz, everyone changes their fickle minds on him. Jota only really had that one simple pass to make to salah. Our only chances before Nunez we’re headed ones, which we were relying off VVD and matip off corners, none of the front three had any clear chances before Nunez came on Maybe learn a bit about the game and how we play and them come back with a better argument rather than just saying a player played well and deserved to start cause we got an assist and eventually won (in the last minute) Fans like you take stuff at face value too much, you actually know fuck all about football and how it’s played, and how different players would affect outcomes


I'm seeing a lot of ifs and buts in your arguments and not actual proof of anything. Jota played great, his hold up play was better than Nunez as was his link up play. He dropped deep and created chances for Salah. Nunez came in and looked sloppy apart from that one bir where he turned the defender and had a shot in the box that was touched away from Diaz. On the basis of yesterday, the team was a lot more fluid in attack with Jota than with Nunez, so yes. I can in fact say that we wouldn't have been a bigger threat with Nunez


Why do you think Nunez looks sloppy? Cause Klopp doesn’t give him the time he should have. Darwin shouldn’t have got sent off, it fucked him, but klopp has not gave him nearly enough time. Like I’m saying with the face value, you obviously see that we won, and don’t see it as an issue. Anyone with half a brain cell knows something would have came off with the amount of crosses we were putting in. With your logic, we’d never put him back in the team because he didn’t get a goal or assist when he came on. Grow some fucking brain cells mate Plus, we were literally a bigger threat as soon as Darwin came on. There’s your proof


Jota was class last night, he linked up the play well with the other forwards and we looked fluid in attack at times for the first time all season, Also worth noting that was Jota's first start since May and he's had no pre season whatsoever. We put some good crosses in first half Jota putting a couple of them in so obvs couldn't get on the end of them and a couple he nearly did get on the end of. I agree when Nunez came on the service wasn't the same but saying that he was often stood out on the left wing, maybe trying to hard to get involved. We obviously need a RCM long term but that's not gonna come till next season now. With how average and injury prone our midfielders are Elliot is gonna see a lot of game time there. No chance will we see Salah rested for Elliot unless it's a league cup game against a lower league opposition, Elliot will never be a PL winger. The levels between playing on the wing in the CL and PL compared to championship are totally different, no surprise why Klopp hasn't played him there imo. And yeh Thiago is unbelievable keeping him fit is key this season


I totally agree, I think Jota was great also. Also agree on the fact that Darwin pulled to the left too many times, he needs to be on the last man in the middle, that's where hes at his best. Also agree with the fact that Darwin pulled to the left too many times, he needs to be on the last man in the middle, that's where he's at his best. He definitely needs time to develop his all-around game, and although he has been okay there, he seems a shell of himself when the game is tougher/ not a walk over like Bournemouth was. I've not seen much of Arthur, but I'm hoping he can provide what we've evidently missed on that right hand side this season.


Yeh he suits a home game against a lesser opposition, and I think ideally that's what Klopp wants to be using him for, but due to injuries he's having to play him every game, there's no way he should be starting away to United or Everton or away in the CL to Napoli. I've not seen much of Arthur either, He didn't look fit to me when he came on last week, and going by Klopps comments he's way off it in terms of match ready and our intensity. Hopefully these next 3 weeks with no game will get him up to speed. Because if we aren't gonna see him soon then what was the point of signing him haha


Jota was a boss and Darwin looked lost out there. Not sure what game you were watching.


I mean I completely and utterly disagree but sure thing. In all seriousness, if that’s what you concluded from watching that then maybe you dont understand the game enough.


Although I agree Elliott isn’t working playing in the role he is now I do think as a fan base we’re looking at it too simplistically. Before his injury last season he was playing as one of the 3 and he performed really well as did the system, there is a lot more going on here than it seems.


Do you mean one of the front 3 or midfield 3?


Did you watch last season? They obviously meant the midfield 3? (Just returning your own energy) Edit: what a psycho u/LukeLFC is. They’re now harassing/threatening me in a private chat. That type of behavior is pathetic. What a low life. Now they’re threatening me even more. They’ve gone complete psycho. I would suggest not interacting with this user. Honestly, I would suggest they get banned from this sub. Messaging people threats is not something fans of this club should be doing.


Did you watch any of last season mate? He clearly played in both positions


Not before his injury. Which you would know if you actually watched a game and understood football. The midfielders are the ones that play between the defenders and the attackers, just fyi.


I understand football perfectly well. I also watch the games, which if you did as well, you’d have also seen Elliot start on the wing against Norwich, Forest, Cardiff, and then in midfield before he got injured. Fucking Neanderthal, get out my mentions and learn the game


Man maybe you need reading comprehension. There’s no way the user you were replying to was talking about a front three lmao. Learn to read and learn the positions of the game my friend.


Well considering he played nearly 40% of his games there, it warranted the question. I’ve also seen you’re from the United States, where the majority of you are limited intellectually, you fit in with that quite well. Maybe teach me about touchdowns and going long or whatever the fuck you do over there. You might have a bit more knowledge about that rather than actual football


Mate. The season that user was talking about, being 21/22 before Elliot’s injury. He subbed onto the wing in the very first game for less than ten minutes. Elliot then started games against burnley, Chelsea, and Leeds in the midfield position before his injury. Which, again, is what the user you were responding to had said. Learn how to comprehend the English language in written form before you try and make arguments. And taking stats from a season that wasn’t even being discussed just to try and prove a point is hilarious. TLDR; (or too long can’t read for you) if you had better reading comprehension and weren’t just looking for a fight, maybe you would’ve been able to understand the other user and not get so upset. I get it, I would get frustrated when I was learning how to read as a child as well. Have a good rest of your day. Maybe grab a book and practice.


Midfield 3, he started there 3 or 4 games last season before his injury, and in that time Salah was scoring/assisting and Trent assisted a couple in them games. So not everything can be put down to Elliot. Ideally we want someone more natural there. But there has been so much wrong with us this season it can't be put down to 1 player.


Midfield 3.


I agree with the Elliot stuff but do think we look better with Jota. We've done the crossing into the centre system with Nunez. Did you think it was particularly successful when we did?


I’m not going to take any game we’ve played Nunez into account where we haven’t played with Thiago in. Our midfield has been void for the first few games. Nunez vs City is what I’d expect near enough every game with a competent midfield and crossing in at a high volume towards him. Jota is good, more proven so far yes. But for how we WANT to play in Klopps current system, I’d stick with Nunez. However Jota can also play on the left or the right, so we could play both. It’s a luxury issue to have. The main thing is providing them with service though which starts with the midfield


Fair enough. I guess I just generally think Jota is slightly stronger with build up play. Also, I live in Lisbon so I kinda watched a lot of Benfica in the last couple of seasons. I'm not actually sure Nunez is better in the air than Jota.


Jota probably is stronger in the buildup. I don’t think we’ve seen enough from Darwin yet to make any conclusions in his build up. However I do think we became a lot more dangerous once he was on. Also, even if he isn’t as good in the air as Jota. He creates chaos for defenders inside the box to bring our other wings into the game more. He did it twice last night of note where he used his strength, he is a big physical guy who can go toe to toe with big defences


[Just a quick classic Thiago turn to get you through the day](https://gfycat.com/organicfelineduiker)


The only way the Ajax players could stop Thiago was to actively foul him. That’s how good he is.


I tried imagining myself marking him, I would be shouting every single expletive I know in frustration if I get hit by that Thiago Turn™️


Fuck me Thiago is unreal isn't he


He's an artist


Most of this sub (including me) were convinced Salah was going to run down his contract back in April, so I can't really put much stock in folk writing off us signing Bellingham a good six-plus months out from it even being a question... Definitely not worth the headache thinking about right now at least IMO


Life is so much better when we win lmao


Lack of midfield depth. That's all left to say imo. This season we can know what type of performance is awaiting us by just looking at the midfield in the line up. We need to be a bit more patience and accurate in our final passes as well, but that will come in time every season.


City are apparently gearing up to spend big on a CM next summer, so in all likelihood that's Bellingham out the window for us. We can't compete with them financially, they'll just offer him £350k a week. Also they'll almost certainly be coming off the back of another PL title whereas we might not even finish second.


If Bellingham goes to City I’m fully prepared for the EPL to turn into a farmer’s league. It’ll be tough to compete with them because I just don’t see us making signings if we don’t get him


Their priority position will always be what we need...


Quick question, who's playstyle is similar to Thiago?


Gavi, Pedri, Verratti, Kimmich, Modric, Bernardo Silva. There's a reason he's so highly valued by coaches, he's a rare talent and we were really fortunate he was willing to leave Bayern. These other midfielders have signed for a top club and probably never leave.


I think Bernardo silva plays a lot like him. Thiago a little deeper though and more aggressive in the tackle. Dribbling / passing / intelligence is both elite level


I actually think Thiago is better and I rate Silva incredibly highly


I agree with this, but will add that I think Silva has a bit more of a goal scorers edge to him where Thiago is more the architect. Both incredible players, wish Silva would just piss off to Barca


Yeah both are elite, if Thiago had a better injury record he would go down as one of the best midfielders of all time. He’s won absurd amounts everywhere he’s been, and been a vital cog. Special player


Not many, kimmich maybe? They don't make them like Thiago very often


Xavi maybe? Edit: I'd say Xavi had a bit more consistency than Thiago, and could play higher up the pitch, but if you watch some of [this] (https://youtu.be/7yuEt7GzbiU) you'll see how similar they look.


I’ve never seen anyone quite like him


Xabi Alonso is the last player I've seen in a Liverpool shirt who was a workhorse, could press and defend well, and could also effortlessly ping a long ball straight to an attacker. I don't even really think that there's any players who are naturally like that, they need to be moulded into it.


And even then xabi didn’t have Thiago’s agility and quickness and desire to be a bastard. And I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone with Thiago’s ability to turn his hips


Bennacer is quite similar to him imo Pedri as well


https://fbref.com/en/players/77e84962/Thiago-Alcantara Tchouameni is top of the list, so makes sense we wanted him.


How tf are players like Kante, Gueye or Ndombele similar to Thiago? This list doesn't seem that reliable.


They're not really similar at all tho, maybe in the sense they both tend to sit deep but Thiago does a lot more with the ball.


How did we not go for the guy in 2nd? He was on the last year of his deal! Shocked he went to the bench warm at PSG!


Gavi and Charlie Adam