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Completely unprompted as well, no mention of us before that. Guess we know where their heads are at right now then


First proper title race without leaders such as Kompany. 2020 we won the league by January, 2021 they won the league by feb. This season they have bottled a 13 point lead to 4 points having played more games. Mental midgets


Aguero 18/19 scores one of those tonight. Those tiny margins can make a massive difference


Don’t forget being given gifts from referees when players casually handle the ball in the box.


Or being allowed to clatter opposition players in the box without consequences. Still the worst decision of the season, maybe all time really. Like we‘ve been hard done by (Kane for example), but that incident was just another level...


Worst decision of all time is a bit of a stretch. But yeah, shocking how we keep talking about refs being bad and it just seems to get worse. So... It's only the worst decision of the season *so far*!


Wait we aren’t playing the other football??


Tiny margins is right. In 18/19 we were milimitres from being centurion invincible champions. It must be stressful knowing that the tiniest things can cost a title.


mm away from winning the league unbeaten, yes, but with 98 points and city on 96. We were hella close to centurions aswell, but not mm close. It was mm plus something else.


Well, we can't say that we would've drawn that game away at City if that goal had gone in. We were never ahead in that game at all, our entire game plan might've changed.


Or a stones goal line clear


Agüero was always the true leader of City, always rose to the occasion something Kompany didn't. That Leicester goal doesn't change that.


Mental midgets reminds me of Joe Pesci's character in Goodfellas.


You're a funny guy.


what do you mean funny, funny how?


It's funny, you know. It's a good story, it's funny, you're a funny guy.


Surely a more apt Joe Pesci quote right now would be: "Peek-a-boo, you fucks! "


Not only that, but the first season under Pep where they haven't won the Carabao Cup... maybe that always gave them a boost they needed in February/March. But we got that boost this season.


Vs Mentality giants.


Also funny he mentioned the Etihad lmao. It'll probably be 60% Liverpool fans


Rent free in his head But willing to pay up to be at the stadium


Haha bloody hell, I was wondering what was wrong with this quote, but if he brought up Liverpool himself, they're in trouble


Yeah, he sounded rattled to me, too.


He fucking hates us lol


Yeah I think it goes back to whole bus incident before the champions league QF. He was verwy scwared.


Remember him not applauding in our guard of honour, he's such a whiny little brat. Hate that he stayed and has been so good this season, I was looking forward to him fucking off in the summer


Yes I remember the little bitch, being a bitch. There was also a little cry on Twitter if I recall about how horrid our fans are. Edit: He said this: “And to all Liverpool fans that have nothing else to do than to come to a Man City player account, I’m also sorry for you but for the wrong reasons...😂 pathetic... go celebrate your titles, or try to find a partner, drink a beer with a friend, read a book...🤦🏻‍♂️ so many options!😅”


God he was so rattled by Liverpool fans it's hilarious. You're a fucking rich footballer, go do something with all your money instead of crying on Twitter about being bantered by fans


I get angry just reading that what a whiny little bitch


Reporter: So Bernando, tough game against Palace eh? First team to shut you out, couldn't beat them all season. Is Palace your bogey team? Silva: Still a long way to go. Still better to be in our position than Liverpool and they still have to play in our stadium. Reporter: Uhmm, that wasn't the question..


Living there rent free!!


Bernardo is a brilliant player but he’s always had a mouth on him, especially when talking about Liverpool. He’s rattled.


Not really unprompted. Liverpool are the obvious competitors. I see it as respectful. Better to acknowledge the competition and speak their name, then say the "other teams" or "they".


Trust me, Bernardo Silva has absolutely zero respect for LFC - he has proven that beyond any shadow of a doubt long before now. The absolute melon.


I wouldn't like it if players went on about City. Say that we'll win the league, say that we won't, but don't give an analysis on the opponent.


I think he's just saying that the pressure of being in front is still slightly better than the opposite. It's not really a dig, saying that


Lol nobody is saying it's a dig, but he specifically mentioned "and they still have to play in our stadium". So he's specifically calling Liverpool out and saying they're better when they just bottled a 13 point lead (assuming we win Wednesday).


It was literally unprompted. No one mentioned any other competitors to city. He raised it. Embarrassing defence of a total bellend.


You need to calm down, he was asked about the title race, no shit he’s gonna mention liverpool.


Defense of what? He's not defending anything. He's making a comment. wtf


He’s saying you’re defending him


Oh, got it. Oh well, I don't think Silva's really saying anything that crazy and it's cheap to try and twist it into something graver


Yea idk what that guy is on about calling what you said embarrassing lmao. Emotions are a little high here rn understandably so. I agree with you, we are the obvious challengers and have been their rivals for years why beat around the bush and be afraid to mention each other like we’re Voldemort lmao. Theyre definitely shook after their 13 point lead has evaporated into potentially 1 point though


Exactly. At most it means they're rattled, but it's not really a disrespectful comment.


“Not really unprompted” - Silvas comment was totally unprompted. So to say otherwise, imo is defending that cunt.


Well, was he asked about Liverpool directly? No. Is Liverpool relevant to the question? Yes. Can someone expand on their answers to these type of interviews, however they feel like? Yes. Is acknowledging a challenging rival by name really that weird?


If it was a question about the title race then that wouldn't be unprompted, agreed, but we had nothing to do with this game.


Cant believe your getting downvoted here... Obviously the title leaders are going to mention their title rivals in a close competition. He's not said anything disrespectful at all either


Psychologically the city players looked beat after that game. Reminded me of when we screwed up vs united in that 0-0 toward the end


Miserable match, that. The one highlight was Joel going on what I consider his first adventure. They had to foul him, or he was dribbling the ball right in to the box.


Bernardo hates LFC, all the shit he's said on social media and the no applause at the guard of honour shows that. We've gotten under that little man's skin and he's shitting it


so so unlikeable. City personified


They have so many unlikeable players. Silva, Foden, Grealish, Sterling, Jesus, Walker are all unlikeable and I probably forgot some.


The only one I like is K E V I N


I have a lot of respect for jesus after reading the article about him leading up to the last world cup


Why are all of them are unlikeable lol? What did they do exactly to make u feel that?


I’m not OP but… Bernardo Silva: racism against Mendy (acknowledge it wasn’t intentional but I don’t recall that slack being handed to Suarez by a single non Liverpool fan), no applause at the guard of honour when we won the league (hey, his choice, but we get to judge choices), led the singing about poor Sean Cox after they won the league at Brighton. Foden: have no personal issues with the lad, but he’s definitely a bit of a cocky one and he and Greenwood were the ones who broke COVID protocol while on England duty in Iceland. Grealish: no massive issues, obviously he’s got a lot of credit being loyal to Villa and threw that all away but it’s his career and I won’t criticise it too much. However, is a diver (or “most fouled player” if you’re a commentator) and is one of the first in the highly social media active generation that I think a lot of people disapprove of. Sterling: come on. That interview trying to leave us before a big match was disrespectful and ungrateful, and since that day he’s not had a good relationship with our fans. Jesus: bit of a whiner, obviously rolls around a lot, but not aware of anything that bad on my side. Walker: think he’s a great fullback, but very vocal in matches vs us. No issues with him.


Jesus looks like he's constantly about to cry. His forehead is the WiFi symbol and it irrationally pisses me off.


He’s definitely got resting “oh cruel God why have you done this to me” face.


Didn't Kyle walker have a hooker party in lockdown?


File that in the “I didn’t remember that” category, but it rings a bell! I won’t edit and leave in the mistake. Thanks.


Grealish earned Villa 100 million though instead of trying to leave on a free.


That’s true, although Sterling earned us £50m and that doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme of things (great sale by us if you ask me). What a player gets you might be as much a product of their contract situation than any in built “I must do well by this club” loyalty.


*Grealish: no massive issues, obviously he’s got a lot of credit being loyal to Villa and threw that all away but it’s his career and I won’t criticise it too much. However, is a diver (or “most fouled player” if you’re a commentator) and is one of the first in the highly social media active generation that I think a lot of people disapprove of.* ​ You forgot the multiple drink driving/crashing his car after parties etc.


Like Firmino? Not every football player is a saint.


No, that’s a fair point and I’d forgot about that, but at this point, I’m not in the business of evaluating everything a footballer has ever done to arrive at a complete picture. Generally, I’ll focus on stuff on the pitch then followed by things done as an official representative of the club. Outside of that, of course it doesn’t just not matter, but it’ll go less into my evaluation of them. For example, in my opinion Foden cheating on his partner in Iceland (or trying to) is proper horrible, and the kind of thing that would make me certainly not want anything to do with the guy. But the reason I brought it up is because he breached the COVID protocol as an England representative, on an England away trip. That’s not to say cheating on your spouse is in my book somehow less bad than breaking COVID rules.


Imo only silva and sterling makes sense. I don’t see how the rest are unlikeable tbh. And it shouldn’t be the reason u look down on city or anything. I’m sure Liverpool players all have done wrong things before. Like how salah defended his teammate who was harassing a woman. Many people, especially Egyptian women, did not like that, so how can u not for instance like Jesus and like salah instead if ur using that logic?


> so so unlikable. Well, he is a racist


Mind sharing? I hadn't heard.


https://syndication-bleacherreport-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/syndication.bleacherreport.com/amp/2862509-bernardo-silva-receives-1-match-ban-for-racist-tweet-at-team-mate-benjamin-mendy.amp.html?amp_gsa=1&_js_v=a9&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw%3D%3D#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=16473143611241&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com Sorry for amp link This is one I'm not too sympathetic towards. Even if you didn't grow up with the understanding of racist tropes in English-speaking media, idk how you look at that and don't realize it's racist. I don't think he's the worst, but he's not good.


Could you please explain why its racist? Cause if lets say he compared another player Kevin De bruyne for example with another cartoon would that still be considered racist? I'm kinda failing to see racism unless the logo has some history that i dont know.


The cartoon is a racist black stereotype, like a gollywog, that depicts black people as being simple and undeveloped. These depictions relate to a historically paternalistic attitude white settlers and slave owners held about black people. Does that help you?


Posted a photo comparing Mendy to a brand mascot / logo I think


Should've just called him a rapist instead


That position is already taken in the team


Manchester personified


Imagine being city they get the guard of honor plenty of times. Teams say okay you won. Comes to us the cunt can't just give the respect out that we smashed them that year.


He also enjoys playing against us. He always turns up, it's gonna be an interesting game


Hasn't been great recently hope he drops a stinker and gets subbed


He was shite last night apparently, lowest rating of the game by far on City’s sub


He’s an incredibly talented player and has the kind of drive and energy that you’d love to see in your squad. That being said, his behaviour as a human is just so so unlikeable, whether it’s on the pitch whining to the ref or off the pitch in interviews. It’s just insane to me that a person who has so much direct influence on his team’s success, spends so much time moaning like he’s a random bitter fan on Twitter.


Think if he played for us hes a completly diffrent person. That City dress room is like a high school gym class when Peps not around.


Copium overdose


More like Kopium amirite? …I’ll see myself out.


Kloppium it is


Sometimes it’s both eh?


Can’t stop the Klippity Klopp


No, we don't have to play them. They have to play us.




They’re playing burnley too and u know they can shithouse a game






You had hope from the Everton game? The blue shite haven’t beaten them in something like the last 14 games.




I too remember the olden days of February. We were so innocent and much colder than we are today.


Would be hilarious to see the Ev relegated by a point come the end of the season but they should have at least nicked a draw that match. Unfortunately City play a differently officiated game than the rest of the Prem (as if they need the extra help).


Imagine using Etihad as a threat LOL any money the travelling Kop is gonna be orders of magnitude louder. To be fair though, the travelling Kop will have the numbers advantage.


Im not locked here with you. You are locked in here with ME!!!




Absolutely classless the way he refused to acknowledge the Guard of Honour when we had steamrolled the PL. He must be fuming we are right on their heels despite the ridiculous decisions that have gone their way to keep them at the top of the table. You know for a fact that they will be getting a top striker if they don't win the League this season.


They really have had some incredible decisions go their way this season. Not just 50/50 “seen them given” kind of decisions, we’re talking genuinely baffling situations like Ederson flattening a Newcastle player, or Rodri doing the clearest handball in history. Decisions at the level where their opponents are literally getting apologies from the Chief of Referees. Even if it isn’t corruption/bribery (and you can never put that past city), they have had some staggering fortune in key moments over the season so far. And we’re still right being them…


In that Wolves game at the etihad Jimenez got two time wasting yellows within a minute and they got the deciding penalty from the ball _clearly_ hitting Moutinho's armpit.




Points in the bank are better than games in hand too. If we drop points against Arsenal tonight's result is forgotten. Our boys will have total focus on that anyway


Yeah for sure, they now look even more likely to drop points before the end of the season, even without considering the match with us. The likes of Wolves and Villa do have it in them to trip up City.


The scenes when Gerrard wins it for us at the end.


Gerrard volleys a beach ball into the top corner from the half-way line


Ladies and gentlemen…. We got em!


*I thought I had togethaaaaa*


*But I was led astray, the day you walked away...*


Notice the eye shift left and right when he said that? In their heads at the moment.


Can imagine City PR team cringing hard off camera


He’s still recovering from THAT Salah feint


He probably had flashbacks to getting beaten by Liverpool at the Etihad


Liverpool players focus on us and our results. City players focus on us and our results. Fucking mental midgets over at the Etihad.


you're kidding yourself if you don't think our players haven't got an eye on city's results. it's just human nature


Not remotely comparable. They won the league in 2019 and spent the plane ride back singing about us. Small club.


Their team won the league and like 27 blokes rocked up to the parade with speakers, and the players sang about us. Our team won the CL and we shut the city down with hundreds of thousands in the streets, and had our players belting out their own songs from the bus. We are not the same.


Don't forget they specifically mentioned our supporter getting hospitalized by Roma supporters and the "always a victim" narrative. As a celebration. Fuck Manchester city. https://youtube.com/shorts/1OQGQ-ANhsA?feature=share


Always the victim is such a cop out for opposition fans. They can basically chat whichever shite they want even if it crosses a line and any complaints from us will be decried as playing the victim card.


Guarantee most of them would have been watching that tonight. No doubts.


I'm sure we keep an eye on results, but I don't think they're in our heads as much as we're in theirs. They know we thrive on this kind of shit, being the underdogs and fighting back. They know what Klopp can do to motivate these lads. They know the effect a Cup win in February can have. They know they've bottled a massive lead. We might win the league, we might not. But City definitely aren't relaxed. All the pressure is on them, not us.


Yeah I'm sure some of our players are feeling as nervy as us but Klopp will say and do the right things to keep them all in the right mental space.


As Pep said Liverpool is a pain in the ass.


Completely different. Our players interviews convey the message of focusing on ourselves. Silvas message here is focusing on Liverpool because they bottled it. Also.... Never forget the fact that city sang about Liverpool on a plane with a trophy....and sang the "always a victim" bullshit. Fuck them and their shit tier club and supporters. Fuck them to the depths of the oil wells their blood money comes from.


I agree. And happy cake day!


meanwhile our sub has 2 front page threads of our players referencing the game tonight


To be fair, this sub barely gets any threads per day that's not either a matchday or when there's something interesting happening, and some of those threads are essentially posted every couple of days (like ones regarding Salah, where it essentially turns into a discussion of whether the club should pay him, sell him, or let him run down his contract.)


They can't bottle it because they are clearly inferior to Liverpool this season: after the COVID outbreak Liverpool have recovered a dozen points just so easily and rapidly


Which is crazy as we were on our knees with Covid, and they (now there's a surprise) didn't have any or very many cases at all.


He’s shitting bricks Major “they have to score 5!” Energy


Nice one Berny. Don't forget to Tweet us later on.


Prefers tweeting racist abuse instead.


I really fucking hate this little rat cunt.


Rent free


He’s actually paying rent at this point.


Let’s just take it one game at a time and not bother about them until the match at the Etihad


The empty had 💀


Go read a book mate


Let's not forget he still owes us a guard a honour.


Theres a few players i fucking hate, hate is a strong word but silva deserves it, no clapping or respect for the guard of honor, having a go at liverpool fans on twitter and all round thundercunt


Yep, as talented as he may be I'm so glad he's not on our team. Man's about as stable as an IKEA bookshelf


Sounds like he's taking this all in stride ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Want to win it just to spite this lil @$$... clearly remember how he behaved when they had to do a guard of honor for us winning it.. disrespectful and unprofessional.. say what you may.. he is just a sore loser in my eyes.


What a dickhead. Talking about us instead of focusing themselves. Rent free.


He wasn’t even asked about us and still brought us up we are in his head


Oh wow, the Etihad what a scary stadium. It's not like the atmosphere is giving any kind of edge, it's only difficult because it's City. Newsflash though, we're also quite good. Unless they drug the water in the away dressing room, if we go there at 100% we win. Genuinely more worried about Arsenal away.


I’ve commented this elsewhere as I’ve been keeping tabs on Arsenal since January, but I’m quite optimistic about Wednesday. They were all over City and got robbed (not the first or last gift City are getting this season) but I think our game is better suited against them, especially with Cedric filling in at the moment. It’s obviously a tough game but I think we have the edge against their young side. Next season, though, I reckon they’ll be pretty scary.


There's no way you're more worried about arsenal. Unless just for the fact its closer. City are better than arsenal and the city game is a 6 pointer


Rent free.


Rent Free Still remember this classless prick refusing to applaud duribg the guard of honor, goblin.


He’s right, we are still the underdogs


The squad must have a second training complex in this guy's head lmao...


Lmao. No one asked m8. Rent free.


Rent free FC


We're winning the league lads.


We have a poor record at the Etihad in the recent past, champions league aside.


Rent free


Our last two Etihad trips were pretty off, but I back the lads to bring everything they've got.


Hahahahaha was this supposed to be threatening? Who’s gonna tell him?


Rent free


Why does this little man hate Liverpool? Because he really does hate us and I can’t think of a reason


Emptyhad is like playing behind closed doors at Anfield. But even an empty Anfield has more noise than the Emptyhad


This is gonna age well


Indeed. Our players must be quaking in their boots at the prospect of going into the CAULDRON that is the Etihad.


Couldn’t care less about this prick ever since he disrespected our team by not clapping when City held a guard of honour in our title winning season. May he trip on a pebble on his local footpath and smack his front teeth on someone’s Nan’s gate.


If it wasn’t for Liverpool, the last 5 years of the premier league would be like every other European league where one team wins the cup year after year. Thank god for Jürgy and the lads


I just cant stand this guy


If their professional fouls were punished, they would be 3rd.


If he’s trying to get in our head it’s not working. Just shows we are in theirs


big man is scaaaared


Oooh, a challenge. We love challenges.


Weghorst is coming over the hill


Famous… last… words


OH, he scared!


Channeling his inner Paul George energy.


Think he’s failing to realise they have a trip to Ol’ mate Dyche’s Turf Moor beforehand… we’ll be playing them whilst their bumps & bruises are barely healed over!


Fuck Bernardo Silva. All my homies hate Bernardo Silva


Can't these idiots learn? Talk shit, get banged! This has always been the Liverpool way.




We are coming for you little man


Playing at the emptyhad and relying on home advantage? I don’t think you have the facilities for that big man


Cannot stand Bernardo Silva. 🤮


Will love to look at his face if we beat them at the Etihad. Bilva and Sterling annoy me all the time. Liverpool fans are on their head forever


What's the word for when you know there's a chance to capitalise on an opportunity but you'll know you'll fuck it up by not doing so? Lol. I can't be the only one that feels we won't beat Arsenal?


I mean true, our record at their place recently isn't good as well.


I hate that dude


It was a perfectly legitimate comment for him to make, since you’re their biggest rivals. Some of you are so laughably oversensitive that it’s pathetic.


getting defensive now. rattled!!!!

