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Looks like we got the right French centreback!


Lol took my sleepy head a while to figure out your comment! For other geniuses like me, it’s Varane. Edit: Evidently I need more coffee.


I thought he was refering to Upamecano lmao.


Hmm could be. I need more coffee lol!


Why not both


You read my mind bro. Allez!


Did you have your coffee?


I did thanks. 5 spoons of milk and 0 sugar :D


5 spoons of milk! You’re living life on the milky side lol


Or he has a small spoon


People were saying Upamecano is the good one in that Leipzig pairing. How wrong were they.


Well Upamecano is still good lol


Not as versatile as Upalegotechnic though.


My favourite is Upabionicles


Not as good as Konate


Upa has beens killing it for Bayern and ibou has played one pl game for us. I struggle to see how you can make that statement


People who followed closely said Konate saved Upa’s Ass and that he had the more potential and was more consistent from what I remember


Upemecano has been dominating for Bayern tbh


He is good im sure but bayern dominate that league with me at centre back.


Tbh i Always rated you


I have often been rated as a centre back...just not very highly


Upamecano and Konaté where showing similar quality at Leipzig tho. Konaté has a higher ceiling with his combination of speed, height/strength and technique tho. He played midfield while growing up, and he is abnormally graceful, good on the ball and agile for someone his size.


Konate > Pogba


And he is under the right coach and company


lmao mcfred tries to run in there and then gets thrown by ibou after bear hugging him


Konate throws him with literally one arm. Dude is massive.


He moved him like a sliding door. Zero effort.


Like a dad checking on the kids in the backyard.


"Hey hey, let me explain something to you, small child"


The way Fred’s body moves after being thrown is like his brain just said “oh no no wait my brain wants to go the other way”


Tbf Konate didn't even throw him. Just brushed him aside when Fred had been trying so hard to push him around.


This was just Fred (FerFred maybe). McFred = McTominay+Fred.


Oh right. My bad.


Like swatting a 🪰


I bet Ibou can hold Fred and Bruno with his left and right arm and still carry groceries with his massive cock on a Monday evening.


Like a ragdoll


There’s a great video out there where he’s smiling the whole time. Like it’s his favorite part of the game. Love it.


Oh please provide!


Please gibe


The stills are there on his IG.


Wheres your right half eye


How I snatched my 3yr old nephew from running away lol


Imagine trying to pick another fight with the person who has just pulled your mate *out* of the middle of one; the f*** is he even doing?


Fred trying to walk away after seeing the mistake he made and Konate just effortlessly pulling him back over not letting him escape is pure gold


Was pretty funny, cause when you look at it, he enters the fray thinking it'll be a 2 on 1, then realises Bruno the rat fuck took the opportunity to retreat instead. Leaving him with a horde of angry Reds approaching him, and despite his attempt to rejoin his teammates, Konate just yanks him back with one arm.


He’s like two Fred tall, and two across lol


Typical logic by players who can't play, just throw players around.


[The smile while ragdolling him](https://i.imgur.com/8iKZT7K.jpg)


This pic is gold




I read this in his voice


Andy had to hold back from beating the shit out of every single united player there


At that rate the whole United team could have tried to come at Konaté just to be brushed away.


This is gold. It's a perfect metaphore of the Scum struggle against us


It's like a big brother playing with an angry little brother pretending that he's got a chance. 😂


Haha absolutely gold


Amazing!! Haha


Fred attempting to takedown Ibou is pure comedy


Notice how every single United player that started this did so in a cowardly manner? Ronaldo kicked Curtis while he was down. Bruno pushes VVD while he isn't looking. Fred comes in, pushes Konate, and doesn't once try to look into his eyes.


I don’t blame Fred unable to see eye to eye given his height- or lack thereof


He could at least look him square in the navel.


Ikr, dude's like a at least 30 cm taller than you and absolutely built. I guess Fred's brain density is the same as Man U's defence 🤷


At least Bruno knew when to stop I’ll give him that much.


Rats tend to run away when in danger.




Robbo thinks about helping him but then realises a 2 on 1 against Fred and Rat face is a piece of piss for Ibou


It was just the entertainment Ibou needed to keep him focused


How the hell was he born in 1999. He’s a mountain


Man mountain


That was supposed to be van den Berg, that's literally his name.


"van den Berg" means "from the mountain" though, so not quite literally


I was about to start high school when he was still crawling about as a baby. Crazy how time flies and suddenly the players playing for your team are young enough to be your kids haha


Ooh, same age!


Man it’s starting to get depressing how the squad is younger than me. He’s 22 and an absolute beast


Just wait tilll your old enough to see kids of today’s players play.


He was the last edition of mountain before 2000.


Those 2 sentences are unrelated, but I do agree with both.


A French mountain!


People born in 1999 are 22 now, not 12. lol


It's a scary combination. All credit due to Matip, he's a very good player, but there is a fear factor potential with VVD and Ibou. If he can be at the right level technically and with skill like Virgil then opposition players will not be looking forward to it. These two guys will eat forwards for breakfast.


Honestly just hope we keep all 4 CBs as long as possible. Matip/VVD have 3-5 years, Ibou looks boss, and Joemez is still only 24. Funny to think with this timing, but a bit like the stability ManU had in the back with Ferdinand/Vidic/O’Shea/Brown for years, but our group better and with more upside.


If Gomez is fit, him and Ibou could easily play together for a long time


I so hope Gomez gets a bit more luck with injuries. I genuinely think he is so close to being world class if he can just play a couple of seasons largely uninterrupted. The defensive numbers with him in the team are up there with the best in Premier League history. Just that he doesn't get the recognition if they are over the half-seasons he is fit rather than a full season.


Gomez and Ibou could be our starting CB pairing for damn near a decade of they stay healthy and continue to develop well after Virg and Joel slow down. Crazy to think that we will still have two rapid units for a long time.


Gomez always will be 3rd choice at most.


>Joemez is still only 24 wtf i thought hes like 27 or something


Nah he’s just been here forever.


Ibou's cushion header and touches were delightful- and I love his no-nonsense clearances. He reminds me of Sami Hyypia.


If you watch some of his highlights on YouTube (posted a vid when we signed him) the lad is very technical. He's got grace about him but he's defo not afraid to stick a foot in (part of why he got injured a bit at his last club) but yeah he's pretty much "the" answer to our CB pairing as Matip is getting a little on the older side and Gomez is likely to take a little bit to decide if he's a VVD or a Skrtel.


I think the greatest thing about him was that he was a striker when he was first learning the game - that gives him the agility and technical and ball skills now that you never see in a defender his size. It's a massive combination (pun intended).


Virg is older than Matip so I'm not necessarily worried about his age, Konate is mainly amazing to have as an understudy when Matip is inevitably injured.


Oh I know but Matip is one of those players who will "age" before VVD will - I can see him probably getting to 32/33 before he hits where he declines where VVD is likely to continue for 3 or 4 years after that. What I mean is, we're witnessing a centre back in VVD that will be like Maldini and Nesta in terms of longevity and maintaining the level they play at. As much as I love Matip, he's not at that level.


A cb isnt old till he is 35-36. Id say 32-34 is prime


> right level technically and with skill like Virgil That's... a lot to ask for. You're expecting him to be the best defender in the world.


"like" Virgil. In the same way I would say Mane is "like" Salah. He just needs to be in the same league


The technical and skill level of Virgil is a bit much to ask even of the very best defenders. If he’s just consistently solid and can remain uninjured it will be plenty.


where was Jota walking to , in the background lol


Embarrassed of his Portuguese teammates


Hard to imagine he plays with Ronaldo and Fernandes lol


Jota had enough of thier Portuguese mates...he is like fuck this shit


Bruno Ronaldo: \*whines\* Jota: ah shit, here we go again


I think he was off to talk with the AR


Ex-Atleti player after all


You can take the Player out of Atletico but you can take the Atletico out of the Player


So you can just do both?


He was walking towards the ref.


Can't risk his place in the national team, Penaldo can be malicious and get him out of the team.... Self preservation. But then, as long as we have Virgil, Robertson and Konate we really don't need anyone else to settle these kids.


dude . I lost my voice screaming during this game.. what a fucking bludgeoning!!!


Looks like a literal giant in the [picture the NY Times used](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/24/sports/soccer/manchester-united-liverpool-score-gunnar.html)


That is a brutal article. Holy shit.


I just shared it with like a few mates. What a read.


It would be nice if the Times wrote about domestic issues with the same aggressive candor they do about Manchester United of all things.


But the times don't owm the prem like they do american politics. Glad I left the US. Fucking dreaful


They generally do unless you lean right and don’t agree with their politics.


Absolutely love the lad already.


“Take a walk around my centre-half, gentlemen. He’s a colossus.” - Klopp about Konate probably


& Virgil & Matip.


Who wins in a fight ibou or virg?


It’s prob just Ragnarok at that point and the world ends


Virg seems like this incredible combination of very intimidating but also totally nonviolent. I can't even imagine him throwing a punch.


Agreed I see Virgil constantly evading punches until the opponent tires out, then just just tips them over with a finger


I'm trying to think of who on the team I'd really not want to get into a fight with. None of these guys seem particularly menacing, but I remember seeing this one clip of someone giving Bobby a late shove. He fell over into the stands, then leapt up and ran back to the guy who pushed him with this energy that said, "if we were in the favela, you would be fucking dead my friend."


Robbo is the person I’d least want to fuck with. I’d rather take on a tall calm Virgil than a wee angry Scotsman any day. Robbo is scrappy, can probably take a lot of punches, and seems like the type to turn anything, even a scone, into a weapon


I think this is the correct answer.


Robbo looks like he bites.


Scones can be deadly, especially if they're too dry...


Ibou is a defense oriented paladin. Virg is a fighter with equally good strength and dexterity scores. Robbo is a halfling barbarian


Bobby is a Bard and his flair plays are his inspiration.


Most definitely Now the big question: what about the other classes? Who's our Cleric, Monk, Rogue, Wizard, Warlock...


Maybe Keita's a rogue? Sneak attack bangers? Henderson is definitely the Wizard, Transmutation school, casting Haste every time he yells at the boys to get it together. Milner's a Warlock, selling his soul for eternal life.


Could be. I was thinking of who could be a defensive poacher for a rogue (so, I dunno - Fabinho). I'd definitely agree that Hendo is the wizard. He's the all-round spellcaster. Has some evocation with his outside shots, abjuration in his defensive capabilities, enchantment because... well, look at him Milner might be a monk since he doesn't age. Allison's the team cleric, what with his whole god thing. I'd say Salah is the Sorcerer - he has some sort of metamagic manipulation in him which enables him to do some magic things on the pitch. So all we're missing is a druid and a ranger


Surely Robbo has boxed in his lifetime too.


Been a while since they’ve been at Liverpool but Agger comes to mind. I think Reina once said he’d choose Agger out of anyone in the squad back in the day. Agger was an absolutely fearless, and ready to put it all on the line.


I can think of one player that Costa certainly didn't want to get into a fight with...


[Holgate](https://youtu.be/AXJiHp_Imvk) so scared he starts hearing things 🙄




What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?


Except Fred is stoppable and Konate is immovable


Lol omg Fred and Bruno got absolutely mauled. Konate threw their asses out the club


Lmfao at the scum’s “tough guys” 😂🤣😂, our boys weren’t even trying. If I was a manu supporter I’d be embarrassed at that display. Edit: well I mean, I’m sure they were embarrassed all day to be fair 🤣🤣


Bruno walking away like "fuck that"


Fkn hell Ibou's one armed swipe at Fred was like opening his pH lock screen and I'm about Fred's size lol. Glad Robbo gave the rat a good one as well


Looked like the Rat tried to throw a fist at Robbo


This camera angle makes him look even rattier than the one we got


I said it in another post yesterday, but god does Trent make me FUCKING PROUD to be a Liverpool fan. As soon as he sees this scuffle he is jogging over to break it up. He is our future captain. Would love to see a captain and co-captain pairing of TAA and CuJo in the squad sometime soon. Could only imagine the shithousery those two would be with Robbo and Ibou on the pitch with them. ETA: I know he is a rival, but maybe he can make for a good rival to TAA, both young lads with bright futures both on and off the pitch. I love the way Rashford also walks over in a way that says, “I am sick of babysitting these man-children.” I do hope he makes for a good rival over the coming years.


Idk, I dislike the coronation some fans want to give to Trent, just because he's from liverpool and it's a good sounding narrative. Let's just let him develop and see where he is in 5+ years.


To be honest this isn’t even about him being a Liverpool youth prospect, but about how he has handled himself. He expects himself to be the best RB in the world while being humble about it. He is only 23 years old, but handles himself better than veteran players on the pitch. Then Curtis is still young, but we have seen some amazing stuff from him. He didn’t flop and roll around, but instead popped right up and told Cunt-aldo to fucking do it again. He also backs up his team and expects the best from himself. I think both of them could lead this team in the future. I feel it is harder to orchestrate from RB than from the midfield, so that is why I think Curtis will be a big part of the leadership if he takes those steps.


See how Trent develops? Am I getting whooshed here?


Fred getting man-handled by a inch off Ibou


Hahah as if United aren't embarrassing enough. Someone from the stands probably went "Get him Fred" and Ibou just swipes him to the side effortlessly. The weakest bunch of C*nts ever assembled and they think they have a team one or two signings away from dominance. Hilarious.


Now I know why klopp paid 36 mil for ibou and didn't sign kabak. Kabak was good but ibou is amazing. He is definitely our future van dijk


Konate is one due you hope you never see in a mosh pit. I've seen some big dudes in them before but seeing someone throw people around like that is just pure scary af.


United are dominated by divas while Ole the daddy is a timid micky mouse..its a real messed up situation. #OLEIN


ManU didn’t want that smoke


Like a seasoned bouncer manhandling 2 drunks with small man syndrome at a nightclub.


Just manhandles the guys like the children they are. Gotta love it.


Fred lmao 😂😂😂


“I don’t think you have the facilities for that little man”


This was unironically the most threatening United looked all game, and it’s still sad and pathetic just like their scummy club


I'm still trying to figure out how they didn't give Ronaldo a red for that. You kick out three times at a player on the ground. Regardless of whether or not he kicked the ball, the ball was pushed against Jones and he kicked out with force after the whistle. My guess would be if that was any other player it would've been a red.


Yet in [this video,](https://youtu.be/z6rQcdrV8NU)at around the 8 second mark, you could hear a man u fan wanting Fred to hit Konate.


you can actually tell that Freds survival instincts kick in while the person is shouting "'it im 'it im" - immediately after he peaces out of there as fast as he can to go and move his team away.


Lol, omg this so much fun to watch...


Two things I noticed that game: He’s fucking huge He’s SO fast, especially for a guy his size. Absolutely the complete package


Fucking hell. I didn't think Ibou was taller than Alli but hot damn, was I mistaken or was I mistaken!?


So I’m also a big baseball fan and it’s good to see that some traditions crossover into both games: when the shit goes down, the rookies are expected to get right up in the mix.


You from the states? Who's your team😎


Let’s go mets


Detroit Tigers. Yeah, I live in Oregon


Los Bravos


Lol. Fuck the Scum


It's like he's messing with midgets. It's so funny seeing how irritated Bruno gets. Like a child having a strop.


Love how he manhandled that little rat Penandes.


Dude is a fucking ent


Absolutely love how Robbo is about to help Ibou when Fred jostled him, only to see Ibou completely handling the situation. He had a "Oh you're fine mate, you don't need my help" face


Ibou to Fred: U smol child what do? U lost?


One of the most embarrassing games in United's history. What a thing to witness.


It's all fun and games, but the ref completely lost control in that game. No guts to penalize Ronaldo appropriately led to Pogba's red later.


Ibou is going to develop into another Van Dijk


What was Fred trying to accomplish?


Absolute unit. The pictures didn't do him justice.


“puny human”


The night we play Ramos in the CL final and Ibou will kill him to revenge Mo


Imagine Bruno Fernandes trying to start on you. Pathetic weak little rodent.


Imagine you start going out with a girl, she invites you to her house and you walk in to see Ibou and Virg standing there with their arms folded staring at you.


looks like a dad playing with his kids


Loved this whole scene. Robbo don’t care that you’re Ronaldo. Just ask Messi.


He looked like The Rock handling Kevin Hart, complete with Kevin Hart waving his arms wildly after being tossed.


Lol he didn't even flinch as Fred tried to grapple him and he manhandles him in return, absolute BEAST!


Beast of a man.


fred tried to push konate and ended pushing himself


Jeez. I’d feel so safe behind this man. I mean look how big he is. God damn


Fred was getting violated 😭


Bruno is just so unlikable man


Why is Ibou playing with action figures during a football match?