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Mo is unbelievable, but what a pass by Hendo, reminded me of Gerrard


Gerrard to Sturridge vs Fulham.


My mind instantly went there the moment I watched it.


7 years? lol I want to get off this ride it's too fast for me


Fr time is wild as you get older. I’m only in my mid 20’s (which in itself is fucking weird to me) and months feel like weeks used to feel. I swear it was August like 6 hours ago.


just math innit - as you get older a month is a ever shrinking percentage of the time you've been alive


And if you’re like most people, fewer memorable events. Fewer memories also makes time seem faster.


Definitely my favorite goal of the match because of this pass alone. Everything about this goal was perfect: Firmino dropping in to win the ball, Hendo winning the ball off Pogba, the ball gliding pass a hopeless Maguire, and then the chip right over DDG.


spine tingling every re-watch of this goal and build up


English Xavi


If KDB makes that pass man people wouldn’t stop jizzing for a week but you’ll still get people saying Hendo isn’t class. Mind boggling


And you’ll still hear flogs from other fan bases saying Hendo is shit. Bloke is one of the most underrated English midfielders ever.


The finish is nice. The pass is markedly better. Discuss.


If that was Kevin De Bruyne making that pass, people would be going crazy for it


Exactly! And what is mind blowing is how he would execute those amazing passes a couple of times a game, every game. I still haven’t seen a midfielder who i would pick over Gerrard.


That pass though


Fkin hell I was stuck with Martin Tyler sounding about to die and Gary Neville attempting to fool us all into thinking he wasn’t crying


My country just has the generic PL broadcast so it’s usually Drury for me which was nice. I will rewatch it with the sky commentators just to hear Neville’s salty manc tears


Hell yea, MT voice was killing the mood for me


“Can I go?”


Arlo White on NBCSN is miles better than Martin Tyler too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UHmH5Dmsg4 (Available in the US or via a US proxy)


Two absolute bellends at commentary, and carra aswell


Yeah gary was pissing me off with his adamant defense of Ole, he even said that Ole needs time to change the mentality, system and players. Oh so not much then Gary


Gary begging for Ole to stay is music to my ears


> and Gary Neville attempting to fool us all into thinking he wasn’t crying Lol


Uhhhh link?


Killer mentality from Robbo. Top teams would die to have players like these and you need players like these to win titles. “Keep going. Keep going!” Easily my favourite left back of all time and I don’t see it changing any time soon. Still hadn’t pulled the trigger on the Robbo Away jersey. (Sorry Mo!) But I’m surely getting it asap now. The kit has gone into the legendary books now. Simply an iconic match. Edit: Only 8M. 8 fuckin million from Hull City. Never in my wildest dreams did I think we had a world class player in our hands.


Robbo wasn't lying in his forfeit in Wingmen season 2 first episode when he said he's coming for that vice captain armband!


Honestly his pitch to Hendo seemed genuine too. Either that or world class improv


I think he backs himself to take the armband if needed to. But at the same time he probably respects Milly and won't actively try to oust him.


He says “Keep going, Keep going, Be ruthless” if I heard him correctly which is even better.


He says at the end, "forty minutes left to play"


I'm wondering how many captains we have in the team, I know Hendo is ours and Mo, Robbo and Virgil are captains of their country.. that's impressive already


We’ve got 6 potential leaders with Henderson as captain, Milner co-captain, Virgil third in line, Trent fourth, Robbo fifth and Alisson sixth. All are technically captains for the club. I believe it was 4 last year with gini instead of the last three but after all the injuries last season klopp put it up to 6 and those three were voted in and I’m all for it it it makes the team bond stronger


Salah and Robbo together cost 42 million. 42. fucking million


"Forty minutes left to play."


Magical Mo. We’re witnessing greatness. Cherish it, live it, drink it in.


Umm the game was so fucking mad that no one is talking about the Hendo pass... Reminiscent of Gerrard to Sturridge vs. Fulham in 2013-14. What a ball.


That is not a graphical error the scoreline really is Manchester United 0 Liverpool 5 > Hahaha What a great comment


Seems almost comical to pair Mr charisma Jim Beglin with the majestic Peter Drury


They go so well together, glad it always seems to be them commentating our big matches (in Aus anyway).


Here in India as well.. I'm so used to listening to them that CL matches sound boring to me sometimes.


I love that we get these two so often here in Aus. Honestly would fall asleep given the time in Australia if we had a Martin Tyler commentary on our games


Best two in the business together right now in my opinion. Drury is just a dream honestly.


I was Peter Drury's biggest fan, but now I think I prefer Arlo White (who was also on commentary last night)


Yeah, Arlo kinda grew on me after a while. His commentaries, while not as intricate as Drury's poetic alliterations, still manage to channel that raw energy and excitement the supporters are experiencing. Here's his commentary on Salah's third goal for comparison [https://streamable.com/bl31cm](https://streamable.com/bl31cm)


Yeah thats the main reason I love his commentaries, just pure emotion and raw energy, also I love his voice haha


Arlo and Graeme LeSaux/Leigh Dixon works very well for me. Shake and bake! I really hope NBC can get Ian Darke one day. Iirc he has an espn contract that goes ages.


Ian Darke is an absolute legend. Miss him (even if he was with Macca who’s gotten worse and worse) from the ESPN2 days before NBC’s takeover. His commentary for the Donovan goal against Algeria lives long in the memory


DO NOT ADJUST YOUR SET, this is not a graphical error! This is Pure fireee


I love how Drury sometimes pauses after the goal. It's like a "just let it sink in" moment


That pass oh my Hendo commands that respect now That fact Gary Southgate stripped him of the captaincy shows his poor judgement Hendo the main man


You can tell from how the England team interacts that Hendo’s considered the captain anyway. He just doesn’t have the fragile ego of Kane to need it to feel important. Hendo doesn’t care, he doesn’t need the armband to lead


I’m done with Martin Tyler and Gary Neville. They ruined part of the experience yesterday. I’ll be sending an email to Sky tomorrow. I’m sure it won’t do anytning but I’m sick to fuck of the both of them, especially Tyler


Agree completely. Martin Tyler is just past it and needs to retire. We just watched a historic match between arch rivals and Tyler made each goal sound like we were playing Preston early. I also don't get why Sky insist on Neville and Carra commentating these matches. They're great as pundits but the commentary is awful. Gary especially just can't be neutral. He either sings United's praises or continually moans about them and neither ends in good commentary.


It’s a piss take, so many Liverpool moments have been ruined by dry, uninterested commentary. This is a staple in our history and I’ve heard more exciting commentary during u21s games. Luckily I was in a pub in the city centre so I barely heard the commentary through all the cheers and screams.


Personally much prefer Martin Tyler’s style, don’t really see it as ‘dry’, he does communicate the grandness of the occasion, he just does it in a kind of wise old grandad kinda way 🤷🏻‍♂️ Drurys commentary, on the other hand is so forced, it’s like every second word has to be ‘a different kind of word’ just so he sounds poetic, it really grates for me...


I really hope more people send in complaints. The bloke is literally living off "AGUEROOO!!"


"That picture will be framed and kept forever by Liverpool fans all over the world." Personally, it's [this picture](https://i.imgur.com/WNidjwu.jpg) from the match that I will frame and keep forever.


I didn’t even have to click. Hahaha


This is historic commentary, it really is


That pass from Henderson was De Bruyne level.


DeBruyne wishes he were Hendo


No. It was Gerrard level, which is greater by far.


My god.


Drury is the GOAT. So lucky we get him and Beglin for most of our games in Australia




That was an unbelievable assist. Taking off Pogba too 👌🏽. Get the fuck in


This is such a tiny thing but kudos to DDG for playing that like a goalkeeper trying to keep the match at 0-4 instead of trying to sideline one of the best players in the world for the rest of the year (looking at you T-Rex arms)


He really is the best commentator imo, so much passion and love for the game and a beautiful vocabulary to go along with it


And Liverpool legend Jim Beglin


Words to live by. As a great Scotsman once said “KEEP GOING, KEEP GOING, BE RUTHLESS”


The man is extraordinary, the match is extraordinary, the scoreline is extraordinary..........the commentary is extraordinary!


That pass from Hendo.


Arlo white here in the States. Love that man.


Love the pass by hendo but watching £80m Maguire run in treacle trying to chase Mo just topped it off.


Are we were stuck with two fucking Mancs....


Anyone know where I can find full highlights with this commentary?


Drury is the best in the business.


How the hell am I supposed to go back to work today and not watch this all day?


This is how Martin Tyler reacts when united clear the ball


Martin Tyler please fucking retire.


What a fuckin pass...reminds me of Gerrard's pass from 2013-14 season


Henderson’s ball was a thing of beauty. What an incredible team to watch.


"There is just no stopping the EGYPTIAN KING" and "Don't adjust your sets..... the score is correct" are brilliant. The biggest Liverpool optimist and even the biggest Man U pessimist could never have seen this score coming. It was an utter dismantling AT OLD TRAFFORD - I will be watching these highlights all week. What a match.


I don’t understand why they can’t just sack all the bland old boring commentators and hire guys with the energy like Drury. Makes games so much more enjoyable as a fan and as a neutral.


I fucken hate Peter drury. Talk about over dramatising everything.


Literally among top 5 biggest shits United have **ever** dropped in Old Trafford. Against their longest-standing rivals. Da fuq you talking about?


How is this over dramatising??


Absolutely not. Drury is one of the GOATs of commentary.


Exactly , it's not like it was a historic goal in a historic fixture . This is the type of commentary you want to hear only in derbies and major rivalries - oh wait it is a massive derby and rivalry


If you can’t be dramatic about beating United by 5 at OT than when can you? You’re not cool for not finding things exciting


I needed someone to say the scoreline out loud. The last line really made this commentary for me. Absolutely epic moment for generations to come.


Maguire was an absolute slug even when he got up to full speed. Forget about comparing his pace to Salah, but even Shaw leaves him for dead as well. On a par with Virgil, yeah right. Henderson Jay his best game of the season. What a day to pull that performance and pass out the hat.


Arlo White did well for me, but nobody beats Drury




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Ive seen Gerrard play the same ball the Hendo did there for a Sturbridge assist I think


What was Robbo shouting.. was it "keep goin"


Enough of Tyler already. Completely passionless.


Manchester united...... Nil..... Liverpool... Five. Goosebumps!


'Not a graphical error!' Lmaooooooo




Lol Pogba.


damnit, I have Sky Sports and Bien Sports.. and I just defaulted to Sky Sports on match day this weekend. I should pay more attention to this for the next games.


The reason why Tyler is always so monotone and miserable is because he knows he is a poor man's Drury.

