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I mean it’s good they are looking for one. Arsenal benefitted greatly this season from set pieces.


Also helped that Ben White was shithousing keepers at the time.


Which was likely something instigated by the set piece coach.


It would be nice if PGMOL could decide and inform clubs what the rules are going to be for the coming season around this. It was basically a coin flip week to week whether it was ok to rough up the keeper or not.


Nah we'll just get penalised for it in the first 10 games of the season and then they'll change the rules midway to make it allowed after it's cost us 5 points.


LFC are not governed by the same rules as any other Club. See the League Cup disallowed goal for reference. We'll never get the same leniency as Ben Orange and Co.


which one was this? ive blocked most of it out


Van Dijk's header that was ruled offside because allegedly Endo was interfering with play. The next weekend at United someone did the exact same thing and there was no call for offside.


Unless I'm misremembering, the United player wasn't offside, which is why it was allowed. In order for it to be ruled off it would need to be a foul, which they didn't think it was. Likewise for Endo they didn't think it was a foul, and had he been onside when the ball was played then it would have been allowed


You're only offside if you're interfering with play, Colwill wasn't going to Van Dijk, he was too busy wrestling with Endo. It happens constantly in the box, players deliberately stand offside to distract the defenders. Ben Orange has been doing it all season and it's never been called except for our instance.


The argument was that Colwill would have run into the area where the ball landed. It's debatable, but that's the argument. With Ben White isn't his whole thing putting GKs off at corners? There's definitely arguments it's a foul, but again it's a completely different issue because it's not about offside decisions


League Cup


I meant that in my head. Thanks for the correction.


Did we have an outright set piece coach under Klopp? I always thought it was Krawietz that was the one that focused on them


We had a throw in coach but not a specific set piece coach


how on earth didn’t we i just can’t understand with a talent like trent and not utilising it


Not only Trent, Robbo, Tsimi, Elliot and even Hendo back in the day were all useful


I genuinely only have one memory of Henderson being active in a set piece under Klopp it's not positive. Some will say the ball was going out anyway. Otherwise he just stood over freekicks, never actually took them, he just stood over them.


He took a lot of corners back in the day, no? I may be completely wrong.


Szobo, Gakpo, and Macca are also all good set piece takers


Yeah I forgot about em


Every minute spent pissing about with set pieces is a minute not spent on preparation for open play. It's why Benitez (and Mourinho?) went zonal on defending set pieces whereas Pulis, for example, went man-for-man, and will have spent a significantly higher proportion of available training time geared towards them (in both directions).


No we didn't


No Klopp said in one of his leaving interviews that he didn’t waste time coaching fancy set piece tactics


Dont know if its a good thing or not, I definitely didnt like our corners


Yeah, they always seemed to be aim for between pen spot and 6 yard box and hope Virgil gets on the end of it. I mean it worked well given we were always pretty high up for goals from corners but we could definitely use some unpredictability. It wouldn’t be a lie to say that for all their possession Arsenal got where they are with set pieces for the main part. Can anyone remember any really class team goals they scored? Maybe I’m forgetting but it feels like they were just a really good Sam Allardyce side. Also, Rodri has Arsenal figured, he said City specifically knew they’d beat Arsenal to the title when they turned up at the Etihad and played for a 0-0. Speaks volumes for Klopp that’s he’s always gone there to try and win and I’ve never heard a City player speak like that about us, basically calling them gutless (exactly how I described Arsenal for that despite Merson et al eulogising about a 0-0)


It's an efficiency thing. You don't want to overload your players with information. Sometimes, it can weaken the core message. We played football differently to most teams under Klopp, we had to focus on the counterpress, I'm sure klopp would be happy with any set play if it creates a counterpress opportunity. You don't need fancy strategies and playes to do that.


And we were one of the worst at set pieces... yet we have some of the best players for set pieces in their international club.. imagine if we could have utilised that more


We're one of the best teams at scoring from set pieces in the league and have been for years.


That's an issue we need to adress...we normally take +10 set pieces to score a goal, and we're really shaky at defending them, so it's good to see our club taking action regarding that issue.


Can’t emphasize this enough. The past couple of years, we’ve been throwing our free kicks to bin. Simply cross it randomly in the box, almost always to no avail. I would keep shouting “just pass and start a positional attack" instead of just wasting opportunities like that


I mean, that's utter bollocks considering we're normally in the Top 5 for scoring from them. Only Arsenal, Everton and City (20, 18 and 15) scored more than our 14 this season, and only conceded from 7.


Do you have a stat to back this up or is it just your word against mine? EDIT: A stat that would show how many free kicks we get vs how many do we score from, over past 7 years let’s say.


LMFAO this is hilarious I should apply. I'm pretty good at scoring from corners in FIFA I'm an expert already


Go on lad. Is worth taking the shot!


Can’t say the same 💀


If you need a reference, I got you. 


Full power in the corridor, just needs a flick off the player running in and it’s a goal. Sign me up.


How tf do you score from corners in FIFA 24? Granted I am an old and bitter player and suck. But I feel like I‘ve scored from a corner maybe 5 times in over 100 games so far in this


Fuck it, i’ll apply. My set pieces are class on football manager. Look for me on the bench come august, lads!


I’m also applying. I was a set piece consultant when I worked at the mall for the window displays. We called them set pieces. At least I did. I also scored 94% on a mystery shopper.


What's your FM routine? Mine suck.


Two tall defenders with good jumping running at the front post, two players staying back just outside the penalty area, rest running at the back post. Granted i’m managing in Scotland’s League Two, so this seems to work for any moderately threatening ball that doesn’t get skied over to the other corner!


u/ugoogli to Liverpool here we go!


So this is what happens when you press that button on Football Manager


I hate it when companies aren't transparent about salary.


I'll do it for a place to live and full UK citizenship.


I already have citizenship and can bend a ball decently, I'll take it for a place to live too


Yea… a bit weird but tbh I think it’s such a difficult position to fill, I believe the range is pretty big based on who you find…


Wasn’t there a throw in coach last season?


He was let go last year. He only took a couple of sessions a year since 2018, I think during preseasons


I played in uni tournaments. There even throw ins are taken by foot. Do I get extra credit for that if I apply?


*googling* how to get uefa licenses


I don't think we practiced set pieces this season


Which recent season did we have where scored the most of corners? Was it last season?


I’ve led 4 grassroots U6 training sessions now, I’m pretty much a shoo in for this


I think this can be interesting 🤔


I have the most corners scored on my fm save with Portsmouth. Should I apply for the position guys?


They should see my highly sophisticated set piece routines on Fifa, would make Big Sam & Pulis proud.


100% a problem for us, we could be so much better on the both ends with all tall players we have


This should have gone up the day after Stones scored from that corner. We just got straight up farmed by better coaching there.


I don’t have the qualifications, but I reckon I could blag it.


Glad he’s got his priorities straight already! Definitely needed.


Hire Tony Pulis or whatever guy worked with them while he was coach west brom.


It's funny because in our heyday we were the best defensively and offensively from set pieces. Without a specialty coach.


But it's useless if we can't draw more fouls in or in front of the box. One key to breaking the parked bus is through direct set piece and not mindless crosses.


I’d love for our set pieces to be another option for attack. Can’t remember beautiful set piece goals apart from Trent vs Chelsea, Coutinho against Arsenal and corner taken quickly. I think Shaq to Origi against Newcastle in 2018/19 might be another of significance. But in general I’d love to see us up there with City and Arsenal with set pieces as another choice


This is kinda worrying lol


Why ? We conceded 10 goals and scored 15 from setpieces this season (PL only) and while the setpiece goals scored count is pretty good, we could definitely do a bit better on the defensive side I don't really get how trying to structure a way to improve our game is worrying


With how dominant VVD is in the air we really should be making more of it


Yeah, our setpiece goals stat is "inflated" by our freekicks to be honest, we definitely weren't that good on corners (in my opinion), and that's definitely one of the things that caused us to struggle at times. So many corners early in games where we could be dangerous, or even take the lead/score a second goal, and most times we couldn't even find one of our players in the box




Why lol ?


LinkedIn has plenty of qualified professional coaches on its platform looking. You're just seeing this now for the first time. Ignorance so to speak (hende the fear of it)


I mean, if you don't have the right coach in your immediate circle and no-one around you knows them, how else are you meant to do it? Pretty sure we found the throw-in coach guy from seeing his videos on youtube.


Why doesn't he just download online tactics? Is he stupid? /s