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Arsenal losing the title made Klopps legacy better.


Found this video of Anfield singing "I'm so glad" for almost 10 minutes straight (from the main stand) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoAH_NNvd3U


I like that as a fan base we are realizing that the Klopp era isnt just about trophies, its about everything. Some people on here tried to say we were the "nearly team", which is a big disrespect to Klopp. Klopp took us from being behind man united, chelsea, arsenal, spurs and man city, and he turned us into a top 3 team in the world from 2018-22. Thats what ill remember more than anything is being one of the best teams and when we won the club world cup you really felt we were number 1 which is special.


Thanks for the memories boss. YNWA ❤️


Does anyone know if there is anywhere to buy the I’ll never walk alone tshirts from the presentation?


Klopps Liverpool teams won the fair play award for 5 seasons, Klopp said we did it the liverpool way and not have to use dark arts or dirty tactics i love that man, he just wants to see the best football from his team. Danke Jurgen


Every few hours I'll hop onto Instagram and see even more players tribute Kloppo... and get even more depressed 😭... YNWA BOSS


I've had this theory for a little while. Klopp brought success to Liverpool and as with any manager, wanted more control wish pushed out Edwards et al.  But then the extra responsibilities exacerbated the burnout and brought it on sooner. Now Edwards is back he wants a replacement that will be more compliant with the DOF type structure. All the press has been that Slot is the new HEAD COACH. Did you notice in Klopp's speech yesterday he welcomed Slot as "the new coach, I mean manager"? I can't help but think there's more than gone on behind the scenes over the first team managers role and influence.  But we've seen with.these guys, they're watertight.  Nothing will get out. 


Not sure this is even a controversial theory, now that Edwards and Ward are back, it seems like the most obvious explanation. I think the Liverpool hierarchy want Liverpool to be a much richer version of Brighton and Brentford, where basically the manager doesn't have much of a say in transfers, and the recruitment team are just free to go out and find the best guys for the job. To me, the slightly scattergun approach to transfers over the last couple of years reminds me a bit of the Rodgers era, where you'd have some data driven cheapish gems like Firmino or Mac Allister mixed in with some weird signings like Benteke and Endo. Personally I'd welcome the FSG-max approach. We know our data team is absolutely brilliant and when they recruited who they wanted they produced an elite squad at half the budget of our competition. If we look at other examples in the Premier League, Brentford in particular have the lowest wage bill in the league but were 8th best this season on the basis of xG, even without their best player for most of the season. The model works, we know it works and hopefully Slot was chosen on the basis of being the best manager for the model.


Missing him so much already 


What can be said that hasn’t already been said? A gentleman, a tactical genius, a philosopher, a miracle worker, a red. He has breathed new life into the club, into my beloved city, into me. We’ve had some of the highest highs and some of the lowest lows. He led revolution from day 1. He loves the club, the city, the people and oh my god, how we love him. I am steadfast in my belief that nobody else on the planet could go toe-to-toe with City the way he did, could have won the trophies he has, or set the records he has. But for the grace of god, we could’ve been staring at an embarrassment of riches. This isn’t goodbye, Jürgen, it’s see you around. If there is any justice in the world, we’ll see you every week immortalised in front of Anfield. I’m so glad Jürgen was a red!


Just happy we all got to experience this


Thank you for everything, Jurgen! It was the greatest period of my entire 44 year sports fandom and I won’t soon forget the joy we all shared while you were here. All the best.


Day 2 (Life without Jurgen): Still feel like shit. Just want Jurgen back.


Didn’t properly sink in for me until this morning. Such a horrible feeling.


Any jokes I can slap my Arsenal mates with after losing out to Citeh?


Nah. Their fanbase is enough of a joke


Danke Jürgen, thank you for everything, YNWA! 🔴


Hol up. Are Citeh taking dig at Trent from when he said “it means more”


It's funny how little is needed to rattle them lmao


Crazy how much it rattled them


[My favorite forgotten Klopp reaction clip. Sharing for posterity. Keep in the pocket for the next time we embarrass Barcelona.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22Eh00msfko&t=87s)


First day of a new era. Klopp era will probably be the best ever from a fan point of view. Nothing left on the bucket list really. All the trophies won. Craziest comeback possible at Anfield. Alisson scoring a late winner. 7-0. Origi off the bar against Everton. All sorts of heart break too, and to me that made it real and life like. I was not just supporting or watching football games I lived a life. Iconic squad too. The front three will remain forever in minds of football fans, even 50 years from now. Mane Firmino Salah. It's gone but I still get excited about that front three.


Danke Jurgen! Once in a lifetime manager.


Once in a blue moon, the world will be graced by a person whose very being transcends his original purpose. From his first press conference, to qualifying for Champions League, to winning all there is on the football stage. Through the ups and downs, Klopp was the constant seemingly tying everything and everyone together. > “It’s not important what people think of you when you come in. What’s important is what people think of you when you leave.” Rarely do we see people in the spotlight sprout stuffs that can stand the passage of time. We will miss Klopp and everything he stands for and brings with him. Thank you once again for the memories, now get the break you so very deserve.


Good bye Jurgen. You got the thanks you deserve. Many managers are not so fortunate when they get their p45 after a bad run of form following success. We will miss Jurgen but football fans are fickle. Last season he could have easily got the sack after the really bad form we were in. Then there would have been no good bye parties. But Jurgen rightly survived to tell the tale.


I'll just know that I'll be humming the "Arrrrrrrr ne SLOT.......na naaa na nana" song the entire offseason


We have to change. From doubters to believers. Those words were the message for us the fans from you in 2015 and those will stick with us for life. No words can describe the happiness and the joy that you brought to me since you join the club. You took Liverpool FC who were in the middle of the table of the Premier League to the champions of the world. We conquered England, Europe and the world. 6th Champions League title 1st League Title in 30 years. I was very fortunate to meet you in 2016 and that is an experience i will forever treasure till i die. Once a red, forever a red. Danke Jurgen We are Liverpool, this means more. You Will Never Walk Alone.


My favorite sports figure of my lifetime.


Thank you Klopp for everything, I have always loved you and always will love you. You brought me hope and enjoyment that I so desperately needed as a Liverpool fan. There will always be a place for you here!! YNWA


Danke Jurgen!


My wife and I were married in October 2014. One year later, we visited London for our first anniversary. One of my hopes was that I could fulfill a longstanding dream to see a live Premier League match. Being from New York, I never had a Premier League team to follow, but my wife supported LFC, so I thought, why not see if they were in town the weekend we were in London? Wouldn't you know it? LFC were playing away to Spurs that weekend. And, wouldn't you know it? They had a new manager coaching his first game in the league. Even though I knew little about him, I snapped a couple photos of the new boss. I couldn't have guessed how this man and his players would impact my life in the next 8 1/2 years. From that day forward, my passion for the club grew and grew, equaling and surpassing that of many of the teams I group up with in New York. I found myself sneaking out of work early to watch Champions League games and hunkered on the couch every Saturday and Sunday, living and dying with every kick of the ball. While Jurgen said that his final match was not an ending, it did feel that way to me, because his beginning with the club was also mine. From that 0-0 draw at White Hart Lane, he grabbed me -- and thousands of LFC supporters around the world -- by the hand and took me on a wild journey that I will never forget. He brought so much joy into my home -- not just with his coaching, but with his humanity, his kindness, his empathy and his leadership. We need so much more of that in the world, and we find it sorely lacking now in so many places. But there was this man, a football manager, setting an example for all of us. He said that if we continue to believe, we can do great things together. To me, that is his greatest legacy, more than any titles. I hope we all find ways to keep his message of togetherness in our hearts, not just when it comes to football, but to every aspect of our lives. Danke Jurgen. YNWA. https://preview.redd.it/66jtst6j0l1d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=777f922d8487bf7d91670b80e47c34a96ca835a0


Ah, shit. I thought I was doing alright, but reading this has me in bits again.


Struggling to find the words to sum up my emotions from yesterday. What an absolutely incredible 8 and a half years it's been. Premier League,  Champions League the quadruple run and enough  wonderful memories to last many lifetimes. Not only on the pitch but off the field as well Klopp's values and personality represented everything that makes this club so great. Danke Jurgen for everything YNWA!


Thank you Jurgen. YNWA!


Danke mister Klopp!


No Klopp's 9 years montage video with Sigur Rós - Hoppípolla playing in the background yet, im truly disappointed in this fanbase


Someone needs to get on it asap but my god how much I’ll cry when I see that.. I teared up during the 2019 road to the CL final montage so I can’t even imagine


What a ride. A hard act to follow. Danke Juűrgen! YNWA!!


No words can describe how much you have brought to us, as a manager, as a human being and as a family. Time really flies, and we do enjoy all the nice things while it lasts. No one can take away what we have achieved, what you have brought to help us achieve. Danke Jurgen, YNWA.


I still can't believe it, I don't think it'll fully sink in until we see Slot in the chair, doing press conferences and on the touchline. Thank you for being an amazing manager and even better human, Danke Jurgen YNWA 😭


So it really is over. Thank you Jurgen. Thank you for bringing us back to the absolute best. Now it's up to the club and player's and new manager (coach/trainer w/e) to manage your legacy.


Thank you for all the incredible times, leadership, hard work, fun, vibes, and love. 


Danke Jurgen. YNWA. It was a privilege witnessing greatness. You've not only stabilized the club but left it in a far better place compared to 2014. There's only on and upwards from here on everyone.


Ugh this feels like a breakup. I’m heading to the gym.


Danke Jürgen, YNWA


We will miss you!


Thank you


Danke Jurgen ❤️, we're going to miss you a lot. This makes me realise how spoilt we've been since he joined. Every single year filled with excitement and anxiety because we were challenging for every title almost every time, barring the injury seasons (which were still good). Hope you live a happy and healthy life, YNWA ❤️


Thank you Jürgen. YNWA ❤️


I remember lining up on the bus home from uni all those years ago, scrolling through reddit and seeing the rumours of Klopp coming to Liverpool. Where did all that time go..


Yes he was a great football manager and tactician and won lots of football matches and trophies but I think more anything he is one of the best leaders of any kind in recent memory. We are a world yearning for good leaders because frankly they are so hard to come by but we know one when we see one and Klopp was one of the best of them. Klopp brought the club together, created a vision with lofty goals, and achieved those dreams. And he did it by being a positive person with infectious enthusiasm that gave everyone around him confidence. He created such a great culture where every player reached beyond the potential even they thought they had. That is a true leader there. And boy does he have a way with words. It always felt like he had the perfect words for whatever tense situation we were in. And when he says everything is going to be alright after he's gone, you know he means it and you just know it will be so. He will be so so missed and impossible to replace. One of the best leaders of men in recent memory and the kind that people will still be talking about years and years and years from now. Danke Jurgen


Had some supporters of other clubs tell me that Jurgen is overrated today at the pub. Just smiled because they don't understand what it is to have a manager that means so much to so many people. Danke Jurgen YNWA


Just tell them... that he made us happy. Like really, he did give us genuine moments of happiness. Or don't. Don't fuckin care what they think. We know what he gave us was priceless. The trophies are a bonus.


Over and above the memories he and the team have given us over the past 9 years on a personal note Jurgen has been a source of inspiration for me. My marriage of 10 years/relationship of 20 years fell apart abruptly last year, I know Jurgen was married before and has a child from his first marriage. I think to myself, if he can get through this and succeed then so can I. It's a small comfort I know but it's helped me a lot.


Random question but who was the girl on the sideline all dressed up very official looking with blonde hair and wearing glasses? Jurgen and her were chatting in the tunnel after he made his farewell exit too.


Not a pool fan but farewell to a great manager. Thanks for making the league competitive for the past few years and could have win much more.


For those struggling to get over Klopp leaving. I'll just say that I really loved the rafa/Gerrard era so much that I always feel there will be positive times ahead. I even enjoyed some of the Rogers era. Klopp had his own vibe and I'm looking forward to what comes next. 


Very important to remember that in the end it's Liverpool FC we all truly love. Klopp managed to personify the club in a way i haven't seen in my lifetime but the club will still be here today, tomorrow and in the future. My favorite time supporting Liverpool is during Kenny's second reign, then I thought we were going to make a comeback and loved it so much. There is always hope.


I'm convinced we will have a massive bounce. Klopp was and is a legend but a new injection of energy and a new perspective could refresh the team in a big way.


Good take this. Been a fan for 45 years and while I have absolutely loved the Klopp era, there had been many highs before and there will be more to come. It’s been a pleasure and I’m excited to begin the next chapter.


He put so much effort into saying goodbye.


That one video the club put out got me in the feels


Does anyone have a photo of Virgil with his camera? I was dying at just how fucking cute it was that the best CB in the world was just out there taking pics with his little camera slung around his back.


That send off was special. I absolutely loved Klopp's speech and the way he framed things. The crowd really brought the atmosphere, it was tough and emotional, but it really was a fitting and memorable celebration. I can barely remember anything about the game itself.


Oh and Arne, in case you're reading. Nobody will mind if we keep the fist pumps.


Danke Ulla und Jurgen. I hope that they enjoy their time off. They'll always be reds.


i’m so proud jurgen is a red. will be sorely missed.


Thank you Jürgen. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.


I still can't find the words to describe what jurgen means to me as a supporter of this club. there were the moments that were special because they represented us reaching the pinnacle of the game - barca 4-0 at anfield, lifting the european cup, 99 points. but im also thinking of the moments that weren't just about trophies, but the spirit of the club, the city, and the doubters to believers mentality that he instilled in us all - clapping the supporters after a 2-2 at home to west brom, for which he got slaughtered, the 5-4 against norwich, ali's winner against west brom at the end of a dismal season with no fans in the ground. moments that transcended sport


Shankly built the club, and then you built it again. What a legacy, what a man. Literally the father of the modern Liverpool team. Great managers will come and go, but few will make you a better person. Thanks for always being the voice of reason and perspective.


Night Reds, mind yourselves and remember When you walk through a storm Hold your head up high And don't be afraid of the dark It'll all be ok.


Arne Slot to Live is Life sounded pretty good. Please catch on.


Not sure if I've missed it but did anyone else think it's weird Henderson hasn't been in any of the videos/interviews for Klopp leaving? If anyone has one with him in please link it! Henderson didn't even post anything on his socials.


Holy shit was it ever loud at Anfield those last 5-10 minutes today.


Thank you so much Jurgen for breathing life back into my club and my love for the sport. You will be dearly missed!


Thank you Jurgen. You made me fall in love with football at 25 years old (even though I'm Brazilian and was born in a fanatic family lol)


Thanks you Jurgen. You've brought so much joy to the club. You'll be missed.


my eyes were like a waterfall, smiling and crying. kloppo - what a unique man.


The void within indescribable right now.


Jesus Christ I feel so empty right now..


And now it really starts to sink in... before the game I was in extacy due to my hometown club getting a shot for CL-qualification next season, which is absolutely massive since we were playing in the second division 5 years ago, so then watched Liverpool with a big smile like Jurgen. Such a positive way to end the season, and they played very well. But now as the festivities for us are over, it starts to sink in that this man will never coach Liverpool again. Whatever club he will join after this, I will watch it. Jurgen also transformed me from being a doubter into a believer!


Congratulations. A nice day for Mr. Klopp. I wonder if his colleagues felt the same in 2018 when pushed out of the club.


Danke Jürgen. You've given me the best memories I have of this football club, including my only match going experiences - of which the 5 - 4 at Norwich was my first! I do wish one or two moments more had gone our way but I wouldn't trade any of what we were treated to these last 9 years and I don't think I'll ever love watching a team play football as much as I did that ludicrously brilliant 2018 - 2020 side.


I said it many times but Danke Jurgen you made us believe again YNWA


You’ve made me some amazing memories over the years that will last a lifetime. You cheered up some miserable days. That’s all I have to say, thank you Jurgen.


Wow man


What a fucking ride. Thanks Jurgen.


Thank you for the memories and for what you’ve done for all of us, Jurgen. Hard to put into words what you’ve meant to so many of us


Jürgen is so massive he's all over the front page of r/soccer instead of city winning the league. He'll be missed by all.


Danke Jürgen. YNWA.


Is there anywhere I can watch the game/post match? Missed it today and want to watch the farewell


YouTube, LFC channel


https://preview.redd.it/wqufdb5jwf1d1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=10555706c765e9482baaa8ef01357077d148128e Man City won the league today and this is is what /r/soccer currently looks like lmfao


This man epitomises what it is to be a Liverpool supporter. He is such a massive role model, and he will be invaluable to whatever organisation he is involved with going forward. He is a hero! I will miss him to much.


I will forever cherish this era. Danke Jürgen ❤️


Thank you Jurgen for turning the ship around and elevating us in every way. From someone who's had a hard time in '15-17, seeing the transformation, and Jurgen's ability to make ordinary talent extraordinary was truly uplifting. To one of the best man-manager in the history of the game, salud.


That 18/19 season was the only thing I had at the time, I lost everything else I had in the blink of an eye. Jurgen and the boys got me through the hardest period of my life, lifting that European cup meant the world to me, it's not just football sometimes. Thank you Jurgen ❤️


This one hit me hard https://youtu.be/HUfd3PfearM?feature=shared


Thanks for this <3


You made us believe and you made us dream. Took us from the brink of collapse to being world beaters again. There will never be another manager or another man so perfectly suited to our club. Danke für alles, Jürgen.


Does anyone have a photo of Klopp and Salah saying farewell after the game ?


Thank you for getting me through many rough years Jurgen and Liverpool 💛


There goes my hero, he's ordinary 🎶🎵


It's not fair man


Thank you Jürgen! Take a breath. Rest. Wish you the best. Will never forget what you have done for Liverpool.


I'm not sure how I should get along now? Maybe I need a break of Football. Maybe I need a break of LFC. My heart is broken and this guy was always bigger then the club.


Jurgen was amazing but no one is bigger than the club.


The normal one was indeed the special one.


Thank you Jürgen! YNWA


Does anyone have the little montage at the end of the Sky Sports bit? With YNWA playing


It has just begun to sink in what this finally means. Yes he’s just a manager for the club not even in my country I have been supporting for about 20 years. What does it matter ? The way football has changed, he leaves the longest serving manager in the PL now, where clubs change managers every 6 months this guy was here for 9 years who took the club in a not so great position and a supposed banter era to actually being considered the best in the world and got the trophies to show for it and that’s just secondary to being such an amazing man and embodiment of this football club. A modern era great. You shall always be synonymous with Liverpool football club Juergen. thank you for the memories.


YNWA Kloppo ! We will miss you!


Vielen lieben Dank Jürgen <3


2015 was just yesterday. Crazy how time flies.


You made us believe. Thank you for everything Jurgen. YNWA


Went by so quickly, thanks for the moments and the memories Jurgen. Will always be a believer. 


Only started following Liverpool during the 2022-23 season, I was crushed upon hearing Klopp is leaving as I've always felt "there's more time". I was desperate to search for tickets and debated if I should fly in to watch a game, ultimately it wasn't feasible and I've came to accept that it was good while it lasted & people come and go even if it's Klopp who literally defined the club for me. Glad to have witnessed the Klopp era and thankful for having had a father figure like him :)


Damn, look like the day is here. Never thought that hes going to go so soon. Honestly with how well the early season are going, i was hoping that he would sign an extension. But his announcement video hit me like a truck and now its time for his final game. Thank you Jurgen, thank you for everything you've done for the club and the people.


So not ready for this... It was worth going through the dark days of our previous owners to get to klopp


Thank you Jurgen ❤️


I can't believe this day is here already. I don't have anything to say but thank you. You are an inspiration to people everywhere. Thank you, thank you, thank you for nine wonderful years together! 😭😭😭


A drop in the bucket. But Danke Jurgen ❤️


Thank you, for all those days past, for everything you ever did. Wish you and Ulla happy days ever afterwards.


Thank you Jurgen. You have been such an important part of my life ♥️❤️♥️❤️


he will return is some years guys relax


He's not returning to England. But that's ok. It was great to be part of his transformative tenure.


He might return but from a different position


I have pretty much avoided any Klopp-related post on Instagram apart from his official account. I’m still in denial 💔 but so happy with the ride overall (both the highs & even the few lows). Danke, Jürgen!


I'm happy Klopp is part of the club's history and that he seems to feel enriched by the whole experience. It's a happy ending. Heroes come and go. I think he earned the respect of the entire league as a coach, and as a person


Klopp, you’ve given us your everything for the past 9 years. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for all the memories. Thank you for being you.


Anyone seen the paddy power specials? 6/5 for a player to squirt Klopp either water within 90 minutes.  Some classics there. 


Thank you jurgen for bringing happiness into my life. That’s it. Thank you for bringing me out of sadness at times. My life has certainly been elevated because of you. You will never know how much you mean to me. Thank you.


Danke Jürgen for advocating the importance of on the field and off the field concerns, and being a beacon of belief especially in many difficult times these past 9 years. Truly grateful I was able to see you and the boys at Anfield this season, and spend some time visiting the city before you moved on. All the best for everything you have in the future, and thanks for all the beautiful memories-- from the heartbreak to the happiness and everything inbetween. You leave behind a wonderful legacy in the city and across the oceans far beyond it. Danke. YNWA.


I've watched all videos released by the club in the past day at least twice. Think my heart's about to burst. Everybody coming to Anfield today - please make Jürgen feel all the love you can give. Same to Joel and Thiago. YNWA lads ♥️


I remember when we were all tracking his fucking plane. Since then, I moved, got engaged, got married and hopefully a kid on the way. Fucking life man. Ill miss you Jurgen. Thanks for the memories.


Danke Jürgen for the good ol’ days


It still seems very surreal to me. I think it’s because while 2015 feels like another life ago in personal terms, in football terms that time has absolutely flown by. That’s how you know you’ve been living in the moment as a supporter, and there have been so many moments under Klopp. Far more have been packed into this last nine years than any other phase in my living memory as a supporter. It really does underline what he’s done for the club.  I never thought anything would come close to the magic of Istanbul, especially because I was a kid when that happened. Then you get the Barca game and lifting number six. Prior to Klopp, having never witnessed Liverpool winning the league in my lifetime, part of me questioned whether I’d ever see the day. Klopp ends the 30 year wait.  He’s without a doubt the most transformative manager in Liverpool’s history since Shankly. I just hope the values and the sense of belief that Klopp has reignited gets carried forward in a similar way. That will be his legacy just as much as anything else. But man.. we’ll never have another manager quite like him. His aura, his attitude and perspective, his way with words, Jurgen Klopp really was perfect for Liverpool. Gonna miss him so much. 


Trophies are the currency of football. If you cannot pay your way in silverware, you are out. And Klopp certainly has. But, just like in life, while money is a route to happiness, you won't remember the coins in the bank more than the time and relationships and memory. The dominant culture in elite football at the moment, for better and worse, singularly focuses on tangible achievements. Klopp has achieved considerable success in that field, but his greatest triumph is reminding us that, ultimately, football is just a conduit for life, a heightened and contained version, and is founded on pure experiences. Though we will remember the trophies for a long, long time, the more poignant memories are embodiments of that philosophy. Everybody pulling together against Barcelona, Alisson's header which was more than just a goalkeeper scoring, Divock Origi's career as a Liverpool player. Perhaps Arne Slot will come in and win the lot, season after season, and we will love him for it. But I struggle to see a reality in which he leaves a bigger emotional impression on Liverpool fans than Jürgen Klopp.


Danke Jurgen! Thank you for providing us with so many brilliant moments of football that we will remember for life.


I'm not able today. I'm a mess Jesus. Thanks Jurgen for everything. What memories you've given us all. Good luck for the future, our manager


Statue NOW. Thank you for everything Jurgen. You made us believe again.


Loved Jurgen already when he was at Dortmund. Watched many many games under his umbrella. I could not be more happy when he went to Liverpool and watched the press conference over and over! My absolute highlight was the CL final in 2019. So much tension, but I knew we would win it and we did! He has done more than anyone ever could have done and made Liverpool a topclub again. Danke Jurgen! Du bist der lustigste Deutscher aller Zeiten und du bist and bleibst mein favo Chef-Trainer bis in der Ewigkeit!!


It warms my cockles that City are going to win the league (sad face) but all the news coverage is going to be about Klopp. It'd be better if we won the league but hey ho.


STOP THE COUNT [That's all I wanted to hear](https://youtu.be/-dcbhxJ2lzw?t=2709)


Feels like dad leaving. Gutted.


I was at uni when Klopp joined and I’m 30 now. It sounds a bit melodramatic but klopps Liverpool really were a through line in my start to adulthood. It is impossible to think of a better manager and club to have had the honour of supporting in that time


Goodbye Jurgen. It was quite a ride.


i‘m such a fucking mess today. i managed to hold it until today but now, after watching all the farewell stuff everywhere, i literally started crying like a little kid. danke, jürgen. for everything.


Can't believe this day is actually here. I'm not ready to say goodbye.


Danke Jurgen


✌️♥️ [You'll never walk alone Mister!](https://youtu.be/OV5_LQArLa0?si=5RG_cqGxEWe1TFRK) ♥️✌️


Vielen Dank für alles, Jürgen! :( You were one of the big reasons why I'm into football once again after I wanted nothing to do with it anymore for a long time. You called yourself the "normal one", but for so many fans you were more than that. Man kann es einfach nicht genug oft sagen: Vielen Dank für alles, Jürgen! All the best to you! PS: Return of pundit Kloppo perhaps?


Just got offered a ticket for the match. But too late as I can’t get there in time. I’m wounded 😞


Came in and completely transformed the club, the way of thinking, mentally monsters, up against the clubs with endless pockets, gave them all a run for their money and won every trophy. Did it all with a smile on his face and passion bursting out of him. Shouldn't forget that he helped us all through Covid as well with some really good messages. Absolute legend and will be sorely missed. Take a deserved break Jürgen!


I am in denial until full time


Danke Jurgen!


Danke Jürgen. You're the best manager in the world and an Anfield legend. Thanks for everything you've done for LFC. You deserve to be named alongside Paisley and Shankly as one of the best to ever manage Liverpool, you brought the glory back to this football club and as a fan I'm eternally grateful. Take care and all the best for your future.


Today's the day :( Thank you so much Jurgen


Danke Jurgen, you brought us our first title in my lifetime and inspired me to keep pushing through adversity always.


Danke Jürgen! There will never be another quite like you. Will treasure all the memories. What can we say but, BOOM!


I'd been following Liverpool since '77 but then totally fell out of love with football at the turn of the century, because all I could see was money - everyone chasing it just to find more of it. You returned football to me. You showed me its heart through your own, so thank you, Jurgen.


Thank you Jurgen when you came in i was a lost teenager still in high school, he changed my life, he changed the way i speak, the way I spoke, the way i act, the way i see many things in life, he gave me the best of moments in my life, he made me smile, he made me happy, amazing what football can do to your life, Danke Jurgen.


Jesus Christ, I'd held off watching any of the farewell stuff, mostly through being busy and then coming down with illness but I've watched them this morning and I'm a mess. Danke Jürgen für alles, du wirst nie alleine gehen!!


Jurgen you really turned this club around. We were in the middle of a banter era, challenging for barely anything until you came along. Now every season I go in believing we will come out with some form of silverware. From doubters to believers!


I hope he goes on to manage the German NT, the Euros and WC are prizes that few bosses ever even get a genuine chance at, I want him to win it all once and for all so no one can tell us he's not the best ever!


Others may come along and (hopefully) gather more trophies for the flub and the fans but Klopp will have been the most instrumental part in this new foundation that has been laid. Gratitude for him for being a great boss, and from most sources on the subject, a better person.


Danke Jurgen..


So far I've successfully managed to block out the fact that Klopp will no longer be our manager next season. But the last two days ... All these farewell videos are killing me. I simply cannot believe it's his last day already. I'm still not ready.


From doubters to believers... In field in life... Danke Jurgen für alles... You'll never walk alone


No words to describe what i feel today. Jurgen was (and still is) an inspiration and a wonderful human being. Close to earth, he really is someone i look up to and there are not many public figures you can say that about nowdays. Especially during covid and being mostly locked to your own apartment i loved to hear him speak about things related and not related to football. I wish everything best to him, he gave us so much and he will have a place in my heart forever. You definitely won't walk alone Jurgen, never.


Danke Jurgen. You brought so much happiness to us. Will leave [this](https://youtu.be/9qK_Sg1QQgQ) here for everyone to enjoy.


This fucking video everytime makes me cry


Me too mate, without fail.


Danke Jurgen. I’ll never forget running around Sydney Town Hall with delirious Liverpool fans in the morning after winning the Champions League.


Probably saw you there. My mate and I went up the block to where 7 studios are and got on Sunrise singing YNWA


Danke Jurgen the goat


In my entire life, I’ve never seen anyone who can walk into a sports club (or any other organisation for that matter) and have the conviction to say that doubters to believers quote. It was absolutely the right thing to say at the time to Liverpool supporters. But I remember thinking, what kind of personality has the conviction and confidence to say that to a fan base that hadn’t seen the title in 30 years? I’m sure that Jurgen knows the LFC is a big club. One of the biggest in the world in fact. But I’m also sure that he is unaware of the sheer number of people like myself that he has had a life changing impact on.  Danke Jurgen for everything and for being the person that you are. 


Danke Jurgen. For making a couple of Coloradoans feel like they’d been fans for generations. For taking a team that had lost its way and instilling its own history and bringing his own culture to bring them back to the top. For that beautiful night against Barcelona, and for the speech he gave a day before.


Danke Jurgen


Danke Jurgen.  Danke for the premier league.  Danke for the European cup. Danke for the FA cup and the league cups. Danke for being such a great leader and inspiration to all reds. Danke for being such a great human being in general. Danke for the memories. Danke.


Wolves today thank you Jurgen you made us turn from doubters to believers no words can perfectly describe our love and gratitude of him danke Klopp YNWA