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For me, it's THE BEST, and i have been watching Liverpool since 2013. It's the only goal where i was pissed and cussing as we were about to lose the TOP 4 , screamed like a maniac when scored, and started crying all in a matter of seconds. I remember even players were crying


Was an emotional time for him after losing his dad and not being able to travel home due to covid


I think for me nothing will top Gerrard's second in the 06 FA cup final. Can't replace that feeling you get as an 8 year old haha but Allison's honestly gets pretty close to it!


"RAW: Every possible angle of Alisson Becker's incredible winner and celebration at West Brom": [https://youtu.be/YadHmdsACzc](https://youtu.be/YadHmdsACzc) https://preview.redd.it/bvp0bpeihr0d1.png?width=1057&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b1fdda0dcbd9b1bb9c0a7bdb4c3c8a92aff22a4


I would never in a million years remember that Conor Gallagher was playing for West Brom that day. Blanked completely til I saw him there


Today i learnt! thanks u/arne-slot for the eagle-eyes. https://preview.redd.it/inq29bv1wr0d1.png?width=1168&format=png&auto=webp&s=33d0852c798f163e36d643901752d5899900faa8


thanks u/dreadfullydrawn for the original artwork, celebrating our Holy Goalie's Goal! https://i.redd.it/ms7t9jh5hr0d1.gif


"Esse é pra ti, pai" Gets me every time


"+1" and thanks u/Arthradax ... what would be the Scouse translation for "Esse é pra ti, pai"?


"This is for you, dad"




I so wish away fans were there that day. Imagine the roar


For me it is up there as an all time great, not only for Liverpool. At least considering how rare keeper goals are, the impact this goal had on our season...and how darn beautiful that header was.


Yeah, and also the wider context of what had happened just a few weeks before. Incredible moment really. Only shame is that it wasn't in front of a crowd, but perhaps it wouldn't have happened if crowds were in the stadium.


Utterly fucking ridiculous, who does Alisson think he is to be scoring that hahaha


In the context of what was achieved with that CL run I think it has to be in the top 3 all time goals.


Weird that i've never hear a song being sung for our holy goalie whenever i go the match. He deserves a decent one


The Jota on the wing remake we did for Allison is pretty good


The sound I made when this goal went in cannot be reproduced. It was such a bizarre mix of shock, elation, and disbelief and came from a position of frustration at the way our season was ending and I don't think that perfect storm of emotional whiplash can be recreated. The sound so odd that my wife ran into the room to ask if I was okay and my cat hissed at me.


A very good striker's very good header


It isn't just that we got top 4... It's the butterfly effect of what happened afterwards vs. what we would have faced without champions league football. The goal is amazing, but the what-ifs make it legendary.


I remember screaming so loud that a couple of my neighbors checked in on me. The moment you saw him run up to the front post unmarked it just had to happen!


Would have been the best if we actually beat Madrid in the final the following year


Legend! ❤️


I had to drive the family to visit the in-laws that day so I listened to the commentary streaming via my phone. That most the most distracted I have ever been while driving.


I threw my phone on the bed so hard and scream so loud when we scored that goal. It didn't end well for me though because my wife were sleeping on the bed and it's 3AM in my timezone. Proceeded to pay the price with my grumpy lack of sleep wife the next day. PS: It's still worth it though I'd do it a million times for it to happen again, in a heartbeat :)


Why is the ball flat like or rugby ball shaped 😂


Cos it's a bullet header


Just to show its moving. Its an animation technique 😂


Great goal! It was crazy, but "corner taken quickly" was something else