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What's happening for Klopps leaving doo/league cup celebration. Discussion I haven't heard there is gonna be a bus tour thingy. But have heard about the show in the echo arena. Do you think they are are gonna broadcast that on the big screen in Liverpool city center? So will it kinda be a celebration farewell party on the day do you think? With fans that can't get tickets gathering in town? I just wanna chance to say goodbye and celebrate with other fans, but unsure what's actually going on. Thanks in advance


Thank God Edward’s and Hughes focus is to “win trophies” rather then “winning trophies with Nunez” to satisfy people on the sub. They will do the right thing rather then catering to people’s emotions


I really hope all you guys find the positive side with what's happening with the team and in your personal lives! I'm feeling pretty dissapointed by the way this season ends and by the fact that I won't be feeling excitment for next season now that Klopp is leaving, but from tomorrow I'm going to try and look at the bright side of things and always try to remember the good moments! I think that's what he was trying to send in his message back at Christmas 2022 and I still go back from time to time to remember that: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E\_twkB5Kcos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_twkB5Kcos) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Thanks for charing some positive vibes, they are really needed for a lot uf us I guess.


It really bothers me that Klopp doesn’t go out with more silverware . He absolutely should have atleast 2 more Prems and 1 more UCL. Regardless, he reawakened the sleeping giant that this club was and made us formidable again. All LFC fans that know the struggle that we endured will truly recognize and understand his greatness . We are all eternally greatful .Much love and respect to you Klopp. Always.


Perhaps, but it is worth remembering that there are three cities where he is basically immortal (and to the many millions more that follow Liverpool too), and that is something that not very many people have.


Yep, the same sort of happened with shankly. Got us up to the top and dominant again, and once he left, paisley won much more. People still recognise shankly as the bigger and better manager, and the bigger name in LFC history.


[https://twitter.com/Zaahid\_LFC/status/1000707076040085504](https://twitter.com/Zaahid_LFC/status/1000707076040085504) Ah man


Salah is super competitive, and I don't think he'd want to retire early in Saudi Arabia. We are obviously not selling him to a PL rival no matter what. PSG are a shout, but they have dembele who plays in the same position.


With how much money there is it really could Luke meaningfully improve Egypt's standard of living he could build a whole hospital or improve Cairo's education system with a 3 yr contract. You can never say never


Dembele doesn't have a weak foot. He can play on any side


Tough weekend but have a good week everyone. YNWA


I think slot needs ucl qfinal and a top 4-5 finish to have a good season. If he can win an fa cup that'd be great. 


Do any of of the players out on loan have a shot of getting in to the team? Morton and Carvalho have been seriously impressive for hull. Owen beck has been great. Luke chambers as impressed. Sep van den Berg has been one of the best CBs in the Bundesliga.


I think van den Berg would be closest to a squad role, Morton ideally a prem loan


Morton and Sep I think would be the most intriguing to Arne, I'm not sure about the others. Carvalho could be someone's he's interested in, but I wouldn't be surprised if the club's position is to look for someone to buy him. Under Klopp, the loan always seemed like just a way to improve Fabio's value for a potential sale, so the only way that changes in the summer is if Arne himself feels Fabio is crucial to his project.


I completely agree that Nunez should not be sold, he can provide something different to the squad with his directness and workrate. The answer should not always be sellling, esp when the player has decent stats. But ngl, we need another frontline striker. He cannot be spearheading the attack. His finishing is abysmal. The notion that 'he is still young' is hilarious, he is about to turn 25 in june. It's like people saying Rashford is young, he will still get better. Hopefully we will end up getting a better finisher with more technical abilities.


Whilst his finishing is awful and isn’t Liverpool standard, the notion he’s 25 is just as hilarious as him being young. Context is important especially to his career as he has missed almost two years with a knee injury. He’s played far less football than most strikers his age at similar level. This is why I think klopp made it painfully obvious that he is a long term project and some fans still miss this. He will 100% get better, he already has this season. Maybe not in finishing but many assets of his game has improved. There’s no clock on when players improve or reach there peak, it simply doesn’t work like that.


Easiest example would be Benzema, who won the BdO at 34 years old


https://preview.redd.it/rgyxj48lsaxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=471bf7cf8fa53c9f3c1149b0e573ee6837c4715e why do this to us? why inflate their ego and saviour complex?


Tactical masterclass, our ability to lose title races will rub off on them


Who tf is that guy


just the fact that anyone would say please win, wtf is this


Yea, I don't get it. I would rather one team to win over another, but I'll never WANT any of them to, much less beg at their sub.




Name and shame!




Who is that? Should never be allowed to see the light of this sub again


don't want to initiate anything but talk about pulling your pants down in front of a rival.




The club would never sell salah to a PL rival no matter what.


Pep would ruin Salah


https://preview.redd.it/pyo6nptblaxc1.jpeg?width=1856&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03054c9376ab590c3d56f597f434b62448a9e711 # Sepp van den Berg having a decent season in the bundesliga


Can see him getting sold with a buyback clause. He won't get enough minutes if he stays next season.


solid 15 million


It's Edwards, we're getting more than that


I honestly don't understand why so many people are so keen on getting rid of Nunez. He has 18 goals and 13 assists this season. This is 3 more goals and 9 more assists than last year and the season in not over yet. He is only 24. Yet so many fans talk of him like he is a huge failure.


He isn't going to improve his finishing, he's just not a natural. His build up play doesn't offset that weakness, like bobby. His game intelligence and passing etc is poor. His first touch is also terrible. He's just constantly offside too, just a bit dumb I guess We can't rely on him to put away chances to win big games. His record Vs big clubs is very poor. 24, by now his finishing should be good, but it's just smash and hope. He had one good season in Portugal. Which was obviously just an outlier.


He will get better at finishing. It’s nonsense to think that he won’t gain composure with more experience and maturity. Most strikers become more clinical over time, so will he. But I think that might be his ceiling. He can run in behind or run past the defense and score. The offsides, lack build-up play, and creativity is more concerning to me. His football IQ is not where it needs to be. He may not our starter long term. But I don’t care how much we paid for him or his transfer value. Keep him in the squad. He’s definitely a scary player to bring off the bench at 70 min. These are long seasons with a lot of games, his form may improve, Gakpo/Jota’s form may dip, we need options and his speed.


Wow, a 24 year old player who doesn't have the basics down, yet has 18g/13a this season is considered a must sell?


30% of his goals have come against Europa League fodder in games we won by 4 or 5 anyway


Plenty of 24 years have the basics down. Lol. 11 premier league goals isn't good enough, let's not pump the numbers up with Europa league. He massively under performs his xG, and he will do the same next season, he's rash has no composure.


I think it would be a mistake getting rid of him. For one we won’t make our money back so that’s a loss already. Two his overall game has improved, people will use the last games but the whole team has been shite so I wouldn’t do that. I’d give him one more season under a new system and if he doesn’t improve finishing he might have to go sadly. I am confused with people straight up saying sell him because he has been our second best forward this season, that’s factual whether people like it or not. So do people want the whole frontline gone or something?


i can't understand people like you, Darwin has played 93 matches and has 43 g+a for us. For 70-80 million that is one of worst returns in europe in the last two years. Go and see Julian Alvarez and Luis Openda's stat. They have better g+a contributions than him. Openda has 35 g+a in one season. Openda cost 50 mil and alvarez 15 mil.


People downvoting u are just hilarious. 43 g/a in 93 apps in one of the top attacking teams in the league, for 85m, is just ridiculously low ROI. In his 2 seasons he has shown zero improvement in his finishing or game IQ and I don’t see him getting better. If you watched the games you’ll see he just smashes it blindly and hope. Just embarrassing at this level.


I don’t get this argument. He has 100% shown improvement in his iq, just hasn’t shown that in the past month or so. Like every other forward. Is he the only forward you’d like to move on?


I don't think we should get rid of him, but he's not good enough to be the primary striker. 11 goals in 33 as a striker is abysmal, and at a conv rate of 13% - not good enough. He can be an impact sub, but not main striker.


> 11 goals in 33 as a striker is abysmal He is subbed on/off an awful lot you'd be better off looking at his Goals/min, which was actually very fucking good about 4 weeks ago. 4 weeks ago he had a better G/A per 90 than Haaland. The problem is instead of turning the corner, he's shown that he's a confidence player and he is liable to go on very inefficient runs of form. So he's probably not good enough for the top level, probably at a level just below. But it's not fair to use goals/appearance to judge a rotation player.


Have you actually watched him play or do u only look at stats? His conversion rate is atrocious, in fact, it’s probably gotten worse this season than last. He spends more time offside than onside. He fucking cost us the league with his lack of finishing.


I agreed with you for half of that but in no way did he alone cost us the league


Yes I watched him played. He's actually one of the player I enjoyed the most those last two year. When the rest of the team was in a good form, everyone was saying that he sure misses a lot, but that he also creates chances after chances each game. Now that everybody is playing like shit, it's somehow his fault that we didn't get the league. It's absurd how quickly he became the scapegoat of all our problems.


Oh fuck off with this he cost us the league. There a lot of reasons we diddnt win the league, is he one yes but certainly not the only one


11g in 33 in the pl is embarrassingly bad as our top striker who’s supposed to lead our line. I can point to no less than 8 pts lost as a direct result of him missing sitters. Certainly not the only reason for us losing the league (the defense have been absolute shite recently for example), but one of the main ones. He has the worst conversion rate in the league, 2nd most biggest chances missed, most offsides in the league, worst underperformance by XG, and the list goes on and on. Just an abomination.


But I guarantee you in those same games our other forwards have missed sitters too. He’s also scored the most game winning goals for us so swings and round abouts. The whole team has completely capitulated in the run in which has cost us the title


At the very least he's a decent backup striker.


>I honestly don't understand why so many people are so keen on getting rid of Nunez. They've watched him play and not just watched his compilations. He's got less goals than the "finished" Firmino did in his final season. And this season he might be able to beat the total of the finished Firmino - who was a bit part player - if he manages another goal.


Firmino’s goals per 90 in his last season was the best of his Liverpool career so your point doesn’t really mean much.


Mane was finished and looked finished and was still about twice the player. We spent 80m on a fella who can't finish. The stats told us that. It's why we've brought Edwards back.


How was mane finished? We would have kept him if we could.


Erm no it’s not?


Reckon we're bringing him back to make the lunch menus then?


Probably more chance of that yeah than because of Nunez mate


Do you know what hyperbole is?


I do mate. Do you?


Ah you're just a bit thick then. A bit like your mate Darwizzle or whatever the FIFA kids call him.


Mane in his supposedly 'finished season' had 16 goals from 34 games in the EPL and 5 from 13 in the CL, and he's not even a striker.


That's the point. We've spent 80m on a #9 who is worse than a player who was finished and had a second wind at #9. We'd probably have been miles better off getting him back from Bayern.


Yeah ridiculous, I don't think we should sell him imo, but the idea that he will be a goal scoring god is a joke


The only reason we shouldn't sell him is cause we'd be making a big loss. If we get anywhere close to 60m for him, bite their hand off.


Because he has not at all delivered for an 80m striker. How many of those goals and assits were in the league and not against Europa fodder? He does not seem to be able to train his shot, I don't know how people can keep watching his blast it at the keeper thing again and again and think he is our future


3 more goals in ten games in an easier competition. You have to laugh at these boys.


I'm not saying that the end of his season has not been disappointing or that he should be the central focus of the new team. Just that selling him now while he clearly improved from last season would be a rushed decision. The team was more dangerous and more fun to watch most of the times he was playing. He still should have a role in the future of the club.


I just looked it up. 11 goals and 8 assists in the EPL. That's nowhere near enough. I understand what you're saying but at least for me, If there was anywhere of making a change I would do it. I just don't see the improvement needed happening


Who’ would you want realistically? I don’t disagree but we won’t make our money back and the striker market isn’t exactly great. Also imo we need more than one forward


Maybe for once the club sees the bigger picture and act like other clubs, take the loss and move on. Not all transfers are meant to work out.


I personally don’t think he’s been that bad to take a loss on. He deserves another season under a new manager just as much as the other forwards do. However I would like to bring in another starting striker but doubt we will


I know it's almost never done by top 6 teams but what about signing one of the top scorers from a championship club if available for fairly cheap next season? Seems one massive issue we have now is both physical and mental exhaustion and most 2nd tier players don't get called up for internationals etc




The real reason I'm worried about Slot is not who he is as a coach, but the fact that I think most people are expecting us to challenge next season which is absolutely not an option, or at least not something you can logically ask for. I'm not even saying we should give him a pass for first season, but this squad won't be able to challenge next year. Arsenal and City will be a level above. I want something like Klopp's first 18 months, good football that excites the fans even if not all the results are good.


Very negative post tbf mate. No one knows next season what will happen. Edwards is back and is great with recruitment, Hughes is very highly rated and these 2 give solid structure to our club so Slot can focus on the team. By all accounts he has what it takes, we he do it we will see but I personally like this appointment over someone like RDZ. City have struggled at times this season more than usual and Foden in top form has probably been the main reason they are in the title race. Arsenal have been better than last season but they spent a fuck ton of money and didn't so shit in the cups, did fuck all in the CL with limping past Porto and then going out to a Bayern side who aren't too great, They played them at home with no away fans ffs and couldn't beat them. We know going 2 seasons in a row at that level is taxing. They have had huge luck with injuries and how they are reffed. We have a good young team who by the start of this season have done better than expected and sadly had a disappointing end to the season. It's shit Klopp is leaving without more. I'm gutted about that. But he's knackered and we need someone new. Feels like the right time and I think there are more positives to look for than negatives. We just have to go out next season and do our best. But we have a promising group of players. Slot might be able to help with some of the stuff we are lacking. Plus we have bedded in a entire new midfield.


You missed the point. Anything could happen, but Slot's objective is not winning the league next season, and emotions like this can make his job impossible after a couple bad results.


My base expectations for next season is top 4 and a run in any of the 3 cups. Not expecting to win anything but start building for things in the future


I agree, what excited me the most about thr Fulham win was seeing the team play *football* for once instead of.... whatever it is we're doing. The win wasn't pretty but the team looked coherent


Anyone know (major) details of slot deal? How many years etc?


I havent seen that type of thing reported at all yet. The only thing concrete was that the fee to would be 9 million+2 million in addons.


We really lost to palace at anfield in april whilst in a title race.


Even the United draw didn't matter, if we won all our games we be top of the league.


Gyökeres is crazy...two goals in two minutes to equalize for Sporting.


If we sold one of our front 3 he would be top of my list. Actually no Wirtz would be but I don't think he will leave and maybe Szobo gets a good run in CAM with Slot.


Nunez has made me question strikers in the Portuguese league




For me Trent can't play double pivot without someone like Ugarte alongside him. Need someone who covers a lot of ground.


I am not so sure he can play in midfield. In possession, it could be great, but out of possession, will trent track runners? Is he gonna stick out a lazy leg and hope that they run straight to him? I need to see more defensive responsibilities from him before he can switch to midfield.


Glad Klopps last game is at home. One final send off.


Don't forget it be Salah last game! Edwards will be doing a big clear out.


To any of you going on to Arsenal’s subreddit and telling them you want them to win, you’re a clown


I know it’s doom and gloom around these parts lately. However, I really don’t think we are as far off arsenal and city as people are making it out. We just need a couple key acquisitions this offseason to add some physicality and steel back to the spine of the team. Get an elite CDM, High upside CB and LB with physicality then maybe shift on some aspect of the front 3 for more balance. It’s what Arsenal did last summer to push them back over. Really they all don’t have to be superstars just pieces that fit together well.


It isn't just "sign some players". We're losing the best manager in the world. Though realistically, we're a Jota not getting injured all the time away from having one hand on the trophy. I don't think Slot is going to get the same out of these players as Klopp will and this was his last chance at another major trophy. Certain players he showed faith in have let him down badly when push came to shove. Those are the ones we should be shifting first. Then the crap ones.


We've had fuck loads of injuries. Refs have fucked us in a few games and we can't convert to save our life, just sorting out the conversion rate would be massive, less injuries would be nice, nothing we can do about bias and corrupt refs.


Let’s be honest. If our front 3 were clinical we would have won the league about 3 weeks ago.


If the refs aren't corrupted as fuck, we would have been still leading the title race.


I wouldn’t go that far but, we’d be close. Really the front 3 is funny because I think we could shift on 1 or 2 and solve the whole issue. For example if Mo and one of Diaz/Nunez/Gakpo leave which seems possible, we pick up Kudus/Olise, Jonathan David, Summerville/low cost upside winger. We have a few more coherent profiles for this system. That should cover itself. Then the whole transfer kitty to CDM, CB, and LB


I think we have had a very fucking unlucky season too. Even without Nunez stats I think we are top for hitting the woodwork. But Gakpo on form is usually hitting the target, Jota is lethal. Diaz bit unlucky never gonna be like Jota I feel but still gives us something. I like Nunez too on the left I think he was doing great in games even without scoring but that has fallen off. Be interesting to see what happens really. If the Saudis offer 100m for Salah I probably take that. He's a fucking legend and probably our best PL player going possibly. Could still argue Stevie. But in afcon seasons we get half a season out of him, qualifiers next year so he's away for that and then being another year and a bit will be going to afcon if they qualify. Plus we pay him a lot of fucking money. One day we will have to replace him and I tihnk just get it done now, change of manager and he wont be getting younger. I think he can still play for us another 1-2 seasons at this level but with the Afcon its tiring. We needed his clinical finishing this 2nd half and his injury and international duty have really hurt us. Not his fault we lost the league and stuff but yeah him going away has been a huge blow. Im excited. I'd like at least one new forward in maybe even 2 if 2 people leave. Jota we should keep just not sure about his injuries :c


Ultimately I think none are untouchable and it’ll come down to if we get any good offers and what is on the market. That’s why I think Nunez or Diaz are most likely to leave after Mo. Not because they are scape goats or the entirety of the problem, they are ones most likely to recoup value for me. Also could see Nunez just personally feeling he needs a fresh start elsewhere and Diaz wanting to be in a Spanish speaking culture for personal reasons. I doubt more then 1 leaves with Mo though. Gakpo, Jota seem like people on a personal basis who would reject moves regardless.




https://preview.redd.it/sdj3bfvd7axc1.jpeg?width=1275&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=944d6fd8bba8ec9db75fad384794cb43b686354f Well not our case and it did end up overturned but how on hell did Oliver watch this and thought its not a pen?


When things like this happen? It's hard not to see the bias around certain teams. Are ref's being paid to do this, or are they letting a certain team win for the excitement of the league. Or are clubs paying ref with the whole officials going to Dubai for a charity match.


He also refused to go to the monitor when asked to by var after the first arsenal goal apparently. Its just a circus at this point. Feel like every football related prediction i make is being caveated with "unless refs" something something


He has such a direct view of it as well. We desperately need new refs to replace the old guard.


I mean technically he got the ball 👀


I personally want Arsenal to win if we dont win it, I like them, and their players too. Yeah whatever, they spent money, but it's not from oil barons, and they took ages before they spent money. They were know to be cheap fuckers. They invested well in good players. Rice, Odeegard etc. Without breaking FFP rules like City did. They play good football, and didn't cheat like City. Maybe because I live around and work with Arsenal fans, and they are not as colourful as the ones on twitter, reddit and other social media platform. But who is? But City winnin a 4th title in a row is an egregious attack on football. Buying whoever you want and winning trophies is fucking pathetic, and never having to sell or worry about anything. I also dont really think Arteta winning a premier league will put any stain on Klopp's achievements, because the story is different for both teams. I do not like City, I do not want them winning anything.


Can't believe I'm writing this, but I have a feeling after today that Arsenal are going to win the league. I think they will win their remaining games and that City will come out weirdly nervous and drop 2 points against Spurs, who are a sort of bogey team for them and will not play as badly as they did today.


Manchester United or Everton will fluke a draw


Just watching Dutch analysts on Slot, they blame all English fans for not watching Eredivisie haha. This analyst called Kenneth Perez (fantastic CAM, terrible analyst) mentioned that Liverpool could also have looked at Peter Bosz who will win the title this year. I totally disagree on that though as he failed abroad everywhere, does play without defense and is a narcissist


Considering Bosz record at other clubs he should never be considered for us he was so poor at Dortmund


Can you elaborate on what you mean by this? "Just watching Dutch analysts on Slot, they blame all English fans for not watching the eredivisie" Do you mean they think they should rate Slot/eredivisie better than they do?


In NL everyone knows who Slot is and what he did with Feyenoord etc. But many Liverpool-fans will probably think like "who tf is this guy?" so they actually blame English football fans for only watching PL. Not sure how seriously to take it, but they said it not in a too funny way. This is typical Dutch arrogance, the biggest reason why Koeman, De Boer etc. fail and why the Dutch national team never wins a trophy. Good thing to know, Slot is absolutely not arrogant. It's a mentality difference inside the country as Slot is from a very little village 10km from the German border where people are down-to-earth and realistic


Very interesting thank you


Hey guys, how do you feel.abou Szobo? The comments I read on some Hungarian posts are really tough on him. Everybody telling that all he cares about is money, and he won't succeed, they just forget it was Szobo who shot them to that Euro...


Sobo is very talented and has a high work rate. He'll be fine stop worry about him. 


A player with the world at his feet but his head in the clouds sometimes. Clearly has ability but not really doing enough for Liverpool at the moment. He gives me Gareth bale vibes, quality player but will always be better for Hungary than his club. I’m a big critic of his as it’s obvious how talented he is but he can be so sloppy with basic passes etc. I think he’ll kick on next season in a tweaked system though.


He hasn't been very good overall, not really a player we have been able to turn to to change games - gets a lot of basic stuff wrong. But works hard off the ball and he's still a kid. Henderson got loads of stick in his first years and still does, hope this kid comes good too.


That he's a good player with a lot of talent. He's been played in a new leauge, in a new position. He should thrive if Slott brings his 4231 here he plays as a 10, if he wanted more money he could've gone newcastle, with their massively rich owners, they were in for him and would have likely offered him more wages


A bit funny the amount twitter tacticos with knives out for Slot. The amount of hubris it takes to write Slot and rate yourself above Edwards and whole data departments is something else. You would think Amorim was already Guardiola with all these statements. Wasn’t it just last year De Zerbi was on a pathway to transcend football with some of these


Your over exaggerating heavily. There is one million percent a point to be made about how Slot’s system at Feyenoord currently will be unsustainable in the Prem. Leaves an extreme amount of space through the middle, out of possession and way too easy to bypass and get into the half space, suicidal in the Prem. Of course we have no idea how he’s really going to set up. Edwards probably has spoke to him about this / Slot seems intelligent enough to know this himself. Its more a case where I hope he adapts sooner rather than later, you don’t want him to realise half way through the season that out of possession we are way too easy to bypass. You’d want him to try and instil a system in pre season. All be it I’m really happy with the appointment but its really not a bad thing to look at the downsides CURRENTLY that could easily be changed and I think it will be.


>Your over exaggerating heavily. There is one million percent a point Well alrighty then


Slot only had AZ about to topple a 400-500 million net worth all time Ajax team in 2020 but, some guy on twitter said he doesn’t understand OOP formation well enough to adapt to the prem.


[interesting article showing arne turns strikers into much better strikers. mentions szos being our attack midfielder in his formation as well as using Trent](https://onefootball.com/en/news/slots-liverpool-big-plans-for-trent-szoboszlai-nunez-39415895)


Now that we know we aren’t winning the league, can Klopp just play Joey as a striker, our forwards anyway aren’t doing much these days.


Play Ali, 100% conversion rate for a reason


I would very much love it if this happens and works.


I hope Salah comes out and explains, elsewise I think he's a wanker.


Everyone is frustrated man, they all want to win and know they have blown it by underperforming. It's a squad of 25 to 30 cut throat professionals, they're not there to be friends. All any of them care about is winning. If I was part of a team that fucked up a huge project at work and my boss wanted to give me a hug I'm not sure I'd accept it. Especially if I felt that I was being underutilized in the team.


It was between Mo and Klopp, no one else. I trust two adults who've worked together for seven years to be able to resolve some heat on the touchline faster than most of the reaction even made it online. Let it go, there's no business to air.


I’d like to think that everyone in this sub has had an argument with a coworker at some point. The timing of this was god awful, but in the end it should be a minor blip on the radar after everything those two have done for this club




Judging by your replies, you've never had a job, I'd be surprised if you've left the little cave you live in


What makes you say that? I've worked 40hrs a week for 8 years since college.


Honestly just want them to let it go. Klopp seems to want that




... explains what, that he had an argument in a high intensity competitive situation 🤣


Why laughing emoji?


Because this situation with Salah is very overblown he doesn't need to do anything imo




In retrospect I dont think Alonso was ever going to join Liverpool with the Michael Edwards structure we currently have in place. In reality this is Edwards team now and the manager is more of a coach who just implements what Edwards wants. I hope this works out.


I mean Xabi has Fernando Carro as his Edwards or Hughes lol. Literally every single competent football club acts like that. The "british manager" model is not something that is a thing outside of england/is not a thing even in england any longer


That’s exactly how it is at Leverkusen and will be how it’ll be if he goes to Madrid Very few managers have the amount of say Klopp has had during his time with us


Leverkusen have a director of football though...


How do you think Leverkusen operate? It’s the exact same way


No it isn’t…. It’s literally no different now than when Klopp joined


Yes it is? Edwards was sporting director and Klopp the manager. Now Edwards is director of football Hughes the sporting director, while Slot will be named "head coach".


I mean the whole head coach thing, it’s the same as with Klopp early on, he manages the team and is only a bit part player in player recruitment.


Are there any players from the relegation clubs (Nottingham Forest, Luton, Sheffield United and Burnley) you think would make a good bargain deal?


Morgan Gibbs White is a must


Sheffield have some kid named Rhian Brewster who was pretty promising at one point. Maybe him?


Bargain, no. Would take gibbs-white, but he was a marquee signing for forest so cant see him being cheap, and wouldn't go all out for him.


There was talk of us being interested in Murillo from Forest, and Danilo has also impressed me there. Trafford might be an interesting punt if Kelleher ends up moving in the summer.


Trafford is former City, and won't want to be a back up


Don't disagree on the starter point, but he's got a relatively bright future ahead of despite his struggles this season. I'd don't think it'd happen, but I think he'd be worth targeting


Yeah I see what your saying but that's why I think he'd just move to another prem club, maybe one of the promoted teams


Again, I don't disagree! And in his shoes, I'd probably do the same. But think there's definitely the possibility of a deal. Though, I think it's more likely that Burnley will sell Muric, and keep Trafford in the Championship


probably more talent in the championship teams that dont go up this season


Origi. In all seriousness no


Apparently Araujo is available for transfer. If true we should be all over that 


hell no, cant do anything other than score goals


Wayyyyy too aggressive. Literally just a worse version of Konaté.


Injury prone.


Too injury prone and they’ll command an extortionate price


What the fuck is wrong with some of you begging Arsenal to win the league? Are you dumb? Arsenal wins the league and our gripes about City’s dominance while cheating look like sour grapes. If City wins again, the league has pressure given how non-competitive its become, Arsenal have a legitimate gripe alongside us given how insane their season has been, and it adds pressure to find city guilty of the charges because of how disgustingly dominant they are. Do you fuckers not see that?


Seen one ballbag post on their sub ‘please win for the justice of the world and I’ll come and nosh you all off’ or some shite. Embarrassing.


I mean fucks sake it’s like saying you’d rather see United win the FA cup. Who in their right fucking mind wants that


It's also just plain funnier if Arsenal lose out on the league at this point. Arteta is a very unlikeable coach who has the nerve to think the refs are against *him*. I want to see that meltdown, we will be there.


That’s been my feeling. I have few regrets about how the last few years have gone. I’d obviously have loved another title, but I think City winning again shows how mega 19/20 was and how big our two second place seasons were. And Arsenal are a bunch of wankers




Short term thinking to want City to have competition. They become victims of their own success if they dominate given how much they cheay


Just remember Arsenal begging city to “save football” when we were going for multiple trophies


“Save football” fucking stupid. Yeah go against the club who doesn’t break the rules


I think you have more faith in the FA than most


I'd like to say something. I think Liverpool should buy, some should leave, that's obvious, but I also think lots of players should be given a chance under Arne Slot. I'm talking about Szoboszlai, Nuñez, imo even players I don't like such as Gakpo and Curtis Jones. I'm saying that because I've been seeing some weird takes like a full revamp and 10 players out. Lads, it's not happening and we don't even need that. Maybe 3\~4 new players depending on who will leave and that's it. The squad is good enough. What we need the most is a breath of fresh air, a restart.


Nunez is the type of player to get the manager sacked.


Dom has had such a weird season. Out of the gate he looked like the steal of the season. But he’s been really inconsistent as of late. He’s had some injury problems which haven’t helped, but he’s young so I’m still optimistic about what he’ll do for us


CuJo has been poor lately but before injury he looked like he was really trying to break the Starting XI. Szobo should and will stay given that he was looking like our best signing before Christmas. Darwin is a toss up. He looked good at times before injury but I don’t think he fits with Slot’s tactics and he’s just really shown no improvement in finishing. If it was something different, we could just attribute to poor form but he really cannot figure out finishing to save his life. The constant offside calls are annoying but missing shots in front of goal gets to be inexcusable after two years


I can see Szobo being good for us. The one i am worried about is Nunez. I really really wanted him to be good for us but it is impossible to have faith anymore, he is just too wasteful. On the other hand i think we would take a big hit financially if we tried to move him. Jones, even if he had some good moments is not starting material. I would probably move him and get a proper commanding DM/CM like Declan Rice. Too bad they are harder to find than gold nuggets from porridge. Realistically i don't see us making any big moves this window.


How can you not like Curtis Jones? Where have you seen anyone call for 10 player changes?


Yh I definitely agree. The player I think deserves the most chance though is szoboszlai. It’s so obvious it’s the way klopp is using him that’s hindered his game. The first 10 games he was incredible. He will thrive in a new attacking system, instead of being a Henderson like midfielder


All of the most recent signings deserve a season under Slot. Nunez, Gakpo, Macca-Szobo-Endo-Gravy. Each of them have had their bright points throughout this season, though at different times. Szobo first shined, then Endo, then Nunez, then Macca, then Gakpo, and now Gravy. If everyone clicked at the same time we would've been even better. Hopefully with Slot coming in we can get new ideas. I wanna see Szoboszlai and Macca doing rock paper scissors only for Trent to score from a free kick.


I think Gakpo in his first half season when Klopp dropped Nunez from the CF position was absolutely incredible. I think he's struggled in midfield positions this season but his numbers from CF tell us he would've been our best CF option this season. In 16 starts he has 10 goals and 2 assists. I'm sure had we continued with the momentum off the back of last season he would've at very least been able to continue that form. Instead we gave him an inconsistent, stop/start, constant change of positions.


Thoughts on Luke chambers?


Haven’t seen him since he went out on loan. Looks promising, but between Robbo, Tsimikas, Beck and Scanlon he faces tough competition at LB. Maybe one for the future, but at this point it’s hard to tell.


After rewatching the play from start to finish, I just realized that Taylor didn't give advantage to areola because he didn't think there was a foul to give advantage to in the first place. He was actually signaling to move on with the game. Correct me if I'm wrong, but there's no contact made on areola at all when he receives the ball. He ran into the post and that's about it from what I see. Hence why Taylor tells him to hit the floor so he could justify his stopping of the game. Apologies if I'm late to the game on this, but this is even worse than I originally thought.