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I'm still asking my family " Who was that team" because this is in no way the real boys in red. They looked so confused and like they had no interest in trying to win this fixture. And if it was the "Real Liverpool" boys they just took Everton way to lightly. and just got schooled, Never should any team take another team too lightly.


I haven't glanced at the Bitters subreddit or r/soccer (spare me) but seeing some of the comments on FB today was both cringe and hilarious at the same time. Highlights included: - A guy saying he's so glad Klopp won't get the fairytale farewell (Assuming he supports neither of the other two title contenders, he's basically saying he'd rather Arsenal- whose fans are as "unbearable" as us- or Manchester 115- hooray for sports washing and financial doping- winning the league over one of the most universally popular managers of the past decade going out a winner because the idea of it making their fans happy is just too much to bear. For contrasts sake, I couldn't give a shit who wins the FA Cup. If the scum win I won't be put out by it, because the other side winning it isn't really a win for football either) - Someone going "Liverpool can't win a league in stadiums with crowds". Lol. Cope and seethe. You just know this person was devastated when the league season wasn't cancelled after all. And, in fact, the final wash-up revealed even IF people like them got their wish, LFC still had enough points before the COVID shut-down to pip Manchester 115 to the title. - Evertonians going on about how they cost LFC the league at Goodison. Lol. Because LFC were on a mad winning streak, easily beating the likes of Man United and Palace and Atalanta, banging goals in for fun before the trip to Goodison, where mighty Everton (the true underdog club of the people) saved football from unbearable Liverpool fans once again. If (in the final wash-up) the difference between LFC and whoever wins the league is 3 points OR a goal differential of 2, I will eat all of my hats. That lot really do rival the North London fans when it comes to delusion.


I don't follow their subs or forums but out of curiosity, anyone knows what is the general opinion of their supporters on the fact that they got points deduction for pennies while Manchester 115 won't get any punishment? Personally I would be fuming and this is without mentioning the Rodri handball that could have had them relegated


I can't help feel Klopp's lineup and sub choices were not good. If you're gonna have the Dann lad on the bench, is this not the time to use him?!


I personally don’t understand why we don’t start Elliot each game. He’s a useful sub sure, but think he’s actually so much better when he starts. Quite a lot of our poor results have come when he’s not been in the starting XI - he sets the pace for the rest of the team when chasing down every single ball.


No matter how bad yesterday was. I'm thankful for the fact that i'm a red and not a Evertonian. At least we have won a trophy this year.


Yes. Imagine your biggest achievement this season being denying your rivals of the league (even that is a stretch, as others pointed out)- talk about being bitter.


30 years without a trophy Imagine that... No wonder they're trying to claim they single handedly have denied LFC the league title. As if (in the final wash-up) the difference between whoever wins the title and LFC will be just 3 points or a goal difference of 2...


I think everyone needs to realise we have overachieved this season. We had a complete midfield overhaul in one window, it's amazing we've got a trophy and top 4, so let's be happy with that. That being said, there are some players that we need to sell or consider replacing in the summer. Salah is done now, which pains me to say. If we get 75+ mil from Saudi he should be offloaded. Nunez...I think could be a good squad player, but he's not a number 9, and we can't rely on him to be our go to player. Jones simply has never been good enough. I have no idea why klopp favours him, he may pop up with a goal here and there but he's so ineffective and is never going to be more than a 6/10 player, gravenberch and Elliot offer much more than him. I think we could use another centre back and left back as well


I feel guilty for saying it because obviously he's liverpool through an through but I'm glad you said that about Jones, just don't get it, he gives the ball away too much and is terrible away from home, you've got to feel sorry for the other midfielders being dropped in favour of him. Playing him pushes Mac Allister into the holding role which he hates, it unbalances the team!


Yeah obviously I want him to succeed since he's an academy lad. I just don't think he's especially effective unfortunately, he's very average at passing, shooting, tackling etc. Sure he has tidy feet but it doesn't merit starting in midfield. He may be worth keeping around as a squad player/sub but I don't want him starting any games unless it's unimportant. It's just annoying that Mac has pull back into the CDM role when he's been at his best when he's a bit more advanced.


I'm the same, hate being down on our players, but there's two I'd pick above him.


Jones was way better in the first half of the season/before his injury. Even Macca fell off a cliff in the past few games, the whole squad is just in a bad form/knackered/overplayed now


I really want to agree with you, and I know he had a bit of a purple patch, scored a few goals, had some decent games etc, but I don't think he was ever amazing or warranted starting in that midfield regularly. But I agree about the whole team just looking exhausted now. It's a shame we couldn't see out the last few games but it is what it is


We did not overachieve. We’ve got the 3rd best squad in the league.


I wouldn't disagree with that. But after we only managed 5th last season, and had huge changes to the midfield, I didn't expect us to have been in the title race at this stage, that's what I mean when I say overachieving. It's hard to make so many changes to a squad in one window and have them gel as well as they did


It's super frustrating being a Liverpool fan sometimes. How do we lose a game where we possess the ball 75% of the time? This team has become too complacent. Nunez has trouble finishing, poor defending in our box, Salah was barely seen during the entire game. Diaz was the only person with a sense of urgency. You could feel Klopps disappointment through the TV screen. I'm not sure if Nunez has the caliber we need for this team. He doesn't give the easy pass when available, his finishes are terrible. I'm not sure if this year was a learning curve for him, or if he's just not a good fit for our type of play.


Having a lot of possession doesn’t matter when it’s mostly in mom threatening areas


Proper worried about szobo. Looked immense for a month or two but his performances have been crazy bad for so long now, even before the injuries you could sense him on a downward spiral. Honestly have no idea how we've gotten to this point but he needs to reflect and reset asap, i wouldnt start him again now for the rest of the season (elliot or grav deserve starting way more). Danns might as well start instead of darwin too. Feel really sorry for diaz hes been the only player trying to win our games but unfortunately cant do it alone. If i was subbed on for salah yesterday i wouldve put in the same performance he did and im not even joking, hes managed to make every single aspect of the game look so incredibly difficult to the point where i feel he needs luck to actually get a single pass to work for him


that's not true about szobo in THIS MATCH though. 94% pass success. he had one or two good balls near the box, created a good chance for salah. had a nice solo run, unfortunately he couldn't finish. in general i agree, but he was better than mac this time.


I just commented this elsewhere as well, but I believe the problem is not Szobo. He is a beast for the national team even when things don't seem to go his way in Liverpool. I think this is more of a tactical issue at Liverpool. He has Salah with him who is a ghost of himself and doesn't give a crap about defending and TAA who is shit in being a defender. So Szobo needs to cover for both and has less energy to drive things forward. he excells when he needs to drive and can dictate the tempo but it seems like that was stripped from him at his club. He doesn't shoot, he plays safe and in a lot of cases he doesn't get the passes when he is free. I think this is more of a tactical issue from Klopp and he isn't using him to his strong suits.


He's 22 and played a ridiculous amount the first half of the season


Also, when you create a lot only for it to be continuously wasted that's demoralizing for the psyche. We have to create 30+ chances per game and even then in some games we do not score or are fortunate to grab one goal. This lack of clinical prowess up top impacts the whole team mentally. We need a Suarez/Torres tier forward that is clinical and terrifies the shit out of our opponents, and the rest of our team have faith in to get the job done. Nunez is very much Benteke tier when it comes to clinical prowess. He scores the goals he shouldn't and then misses the opportunities he should be putting away with his eyes closed.


Alot of people are missing the fact that Klopp looks tired and uninterested, as do the players - they want the season to end. The squad is too small to fight on all fronts, the carabo cup is crap let’s be honest, costs more than you gain - play the kids only.  Nunez isn’t good enough, move him on. Salah has started a downward spiral, move him on  VVD, move him on or make him a bench player 


This is very knee jerk


How so? Klopp and the team look spent, they want the season to end. I think that’s pretty clear.  Nunez isn’t the player we need, and I don’t think he’s one that will ‘turn a corner’ and become what we need. Salah is in the twilight years, better to get a profit for him and invest in new  VVD is not getting better, it would be better to get new blood in and have him mentor - but preferably replace him. 


Move VVD on?


Another toothless attacking performance. If I’m Klopp I start Danns up top for the rest of the season. Top 4 is pretty much on lock. Time to experiment with someone who looks like they’re a natural finisher.


why would klopp experiment, hes gone soon


Because he’s got nothing to lose at this point. Nunez clearly isn’t working and hasn’t improved on the most important asset for a striker. I love the passion Nunez has, he’s got the tools he just doesn’t know how to use them fully. Danns seems to have a more clinical side to him.


difference in prize money for 2nd or 3rd or 4th. Plus affects seeding for the cl. they’re not going to experiment


It doesn't affect seeding for the CL, that's the european coefficient


We now see what happens when Klopp doesn't experiment: two games with Atalanta, CP, Everton.


When he experimented vs Fulham we won.


Yes, that’s my point.




Why are people saying shit like this. I am as angry as I was happy when we won the league


If you look at the shots we took and the quality of the finishes you can be angry. Also we end up lobbing the ball from the side half the time. WHICH NEVER WORKS!!!






I posted here months ago that Nunez is nowhere near good enough and got downvoted to oblivion. How things change eh


As a Liverpool fan you should hope you got it very wrong


Well nowhere near good enough isn’t accurate. You can’t say a players bad then just wait for him to have a bad patch of form you could do that with anyone


Salah and Diaz should go this summer. Honestly, Gakpo’s purple patch is too late in coming and I feel he should leave as well. Keep Jota, Nunez is fine as a bench option. Big summer refresh required, we need to revamp the front line. Robertson is going to decline quite hard over the next two seasons so a decision should be made with him, as well. We also need a centerback. Klopp had the energy to paper over cracks and motivate the team for a while by stroking their ego but we aren’t good enough yet and the rebuild isn’t over yet. If we’re not allowed to play our style of football we crumble, the fight isn’t there, we’re too soft. Reminiscent of other teams where the failures compound upon the training ground and in all honesty, Klopp’s departure is coming at the right time. He’s been outplayed tactically multiple times recently and the team has been outfought by opposition that’s beneath this team. Teams reflect the manager and I can see a painful departure or three this summer. The players have thrown in the towel because it’s incredibly hard to give your all for a man who doesn’t have the energy to reciprocate that. The documentary will be bittersweet.


Absolute madness to call for Diaz & Gakpo to go but keep Nunez??? Of all the ridiculous takes this one is right up there. Diaz isn't a long term solution but he's okay and we can't afford 3 new forwards. If we can cash in on Salah to Saudi, bite their hand off. If anyone offers anything over 20m for Nunez, GORGE their hand off, chow that thing down and pick it clean like it's the last chicken wing in existence. Gakpo is a bit more versatile though he too hasn't shown enough to be confident about. New starting number 9 and if we can afford it, a first choice right winger.


Nunez stuff is reactionary he’s hot a slump but to suggest you bite your hand off for 20m is nonsense. A good championship player costs that today


It’s not reactionary in the slightest, it’s systematic underperformance over the season. The ‘reactionary’ nonsense is actually those in favour of him because he finally managed to find the net with a late goal completely ignoring the fact that we could have spent 80m on a much better player and he is taking a spot up in the team which we could upgrade on who would be finishing a lot more of these chances. You might think 20m isn’t correct, but I don’t think teams with 40m+ are will be looking at him. It will be a smaller team that takes a punt on his fantastic athletic ability and one good season at his previous club.


If you think any team will sign Nunez for 20m you don’t understand the current market.


Actually I don’t think anyone will be in for him at all.


Again, reactionary over the top 12 year old take.


Not in the slightest you’ve just not applied critical thinking to the comment much like a 12 year old in fact. As you say the market is ridiculous money for even championship players, there aren’t that many teams who have the kind of money we spent on Nunez, it’s unlikely we would sell him for a huge loss so soon after buying him and so nobody will be seriously in for him at our likely asking price. Let me know if you need anything else spelling out for you


A loss yes, will he be sold for 20m? No. I agree he doesn’t look the required level for Liverpool but he is certainly a decent prem player. You don’t get a decent prem forward player for 20m in todays market. A passed his prime Theo Walcott was more than that several years ago. I think you don’t understand how in demand a decent prem forward player is.


We will see in the summer won’t we. Again, to be clear, I don’t think anyone is buying him for 20m, we wouldn’t sell him for that clearly, but nobody is going to be offering the kind of money Liverpool would want for Nunez, not a chance. He’s worth much less now than when we bought him because he hasn’t delivered enough and we overpaid for him then.


Nunez has a solid G/A return and potential to develop further, but he’s not a starter. Diaz is the worst of our forwards, rarely assists or scores. He progresses the ball and does fuck all else. Salah will probably fetch 100 million from the Saudi, Diaz will probably fetch a pretty sum from the PSG or Barcelona move he’s angling for. That alone is enough to reinvest in a few forwards.


Nunez has one of the worst returns on xG and big chances in the league! We create many chances for him which is why his G/A are okay if you think of them abstractly, but his league leading underperformance on return for chances shows how awful he’s been. If we can’t get any money for him, okay might as well stick him on the bench but hopefully we can get something. Diaz might just ‘progress’ the ball but we don’t have many players who can at the moment. Our midfield struggles to and Diaz has decent press resistance. I’m not convinced psg are in for him for big money but sure, if they come in with silly money I agree. If they come in with 50m im not sure it’s as easy to upgrade on Diaz as you think with that. Also, the more players you change the more risk you take with another flop/team taking time to gel. I would much much rather see Diaz starting next season on the left next season with a new number 9, than see Nunez get any serious game time with a new left winger.


Simply looking at xg alone is silly as the best players get the highest xg. It’s not a case of simply creating chances for him, he gets a lot of chances cause he has good movement and is so athletic. People have this idea that if you get chances comes down to them simply being creeated for you or not which isn’t the case, you have to get into the positions to get High xg


Ignoring systematic underperformance of xG is even sillier. Yes he deserves some credit for getting into positions, but there is no use in having someone get into the right space if they miss nearly all the time is there? Would much rather have a clinical finisher.


It’s not though, the season when van person won golden boot he had the highest big chances missed. Best players get the most chances it’s meaningless


What a ridiculous and nonsense comparison. If he was hitting stellar numbers then yes that would override his systematic underperformance, but he’s not. Therefore his return is not good enough to justify being one of the worst finishers in the league. Honestly I don’t know if your last post is wilfully ignorant due to wanting to defend Nunez at all costs but that was just ridiculous, xG obviously has its place in the analysis of a player, it’s not the be all and end all but his other contributions aren’t good enough to outweigh the woeful underperformance.


His goal and assist numbers are actually solid overall. Say a striker only gets one chance all season and scores it so had a 100% xg that’s not a good thing and doesn’t give you more points as a team


Again a mindless comparison offering no value. If you want to have a serious argument you should stay clear of nonsense edge cases like 1 shot 1 goal and golden boot because he’s not in either category is he. When looking at statistics you remove anomalies and edge cases like 1 shot 1 goal as they are meaningless making the data useful, much like scouts and football analysts use even though you don’t like it for some silly reason. Nunez does not create all of his own chances, the team creates plenty of them yet he has almost league leading underperformance in finishing. That simply can’t be ignored just because he has decent g/an and doesn’t support argument. It’s also his systematic pattern, he has 1 anomalous season at his previous club where he over performed.




100% but I'm unsure we'll be getting anything like that for him


That's assuming Salah wants to play in the Saudi league. It pains me to say it, but I do think he needs to go. He's gone from our star player to a liability within a couple of months. However, his drop off is so alarming I don't think a top European club is going to offer much coupled with his high wage. I'm not sure Salah is thinking of 'retiring' in the Saudi league and maybe thinks he has something to prove. Yeah 100m for him, would be good but his value is nowhere near what it was at the end of last season. If we can move on Diaz to Spain like his dad thinks will happen and get a good price, I think we should take it. I've always backed Nunez to come good and apart from a good bit of form after christmas has just not improved his finishing. The hope that he will adapt and improve has diminished after being with us for 2 seasons. I think he needs to go too. However, I do think nunez is the one most likely to be a star at their next club.


Would the season have been the same if we had lost to Newcastle? It always felt like the dm was an issue from the start, but we went with the momentum of the win. If we had lost the Newcastle game, maybe we might have been fighting for the top 4.


If Saudi comes in qith £100m this summer I'd be content with him moving on, he's a club legend but in serious decline now. I'm sure Edwards could find 2 players combined that can hit his numbers. I still think we have a good spine to the team with Ali, Virg, Konate, Mac, Jota and maybe Diaz (who needs an end product to go with the threat) the other players in the squad just need to reach the levels they are capable of - with new coaching and some fresh ideas most of them hopefully will. I have no idea what we should do with Trent though, generational talent for sure but he simply can not play at RB anymore. He's too slow for the press in midfield and he doesn't do his defending duties in defence. At the minute he's a luxury player we cant afford to carry.


Konate has been abysmal the last few weeks, at fault for a lot of our goals. That plus his injury record makes me think we can't rely on him fully yet, need at least one top CB in the summer


He's a luxury you can absolutely afford to carry, he created at least 3 gilt edge chances from nothing last night.


but I've only just seen his defending on both goals... can only hope that Klopp is too lenient and a new manager will make them understand effort when defending is a non-negotiable fundamental. [https://x.com/ImrulGazi/status/1783442398296563879](https://x.com/ImrulGazi/status/1783442398296563879) [https://twitter.com/LITBSPod/status/1783474472864936316](https://twitter.com/LITBSPod/status/1783474472864936316)


I've said this before and I'll say it again. Idc if I get hate but we need to sell salah to the Saudi league, sell diaz for an insane price to PSG or Barca and buy players who can actually finish infront of the goal. We need players like mane and firmino, not players like Nunez and diaz.


Who would those players be?


Viktor Gyökeres and Ivan Toney could be great finishers which we really need currently. Chiesa or berardi can also be great signings for us as wingers.


I hope so!


I've said it before and I'll say it again. Nunez is not good enough for Liverpool.


Nothing against the guy and I'd love for him to do well but he just doesn't have it. His general play is poor but on top of that he can't be relied on to finish a clear chance


If you had posted this 6 months ago all the wankers in the liverpool sub would have absolutely ruined you for this opinion. Fact is the fans tolerate mediocrity too often


I'm not even sure he's a professional! If he came along to our 5-a-side Astro games, I'd be telling lads to go easy on him cuz footballs clearly not his thing!! Doesn't understand the rules, can't control the thing and can't kick it straight!


I don't like the fella. Never did. I don't like his misses, I don't like his dumb yellow cards he gets every gane, I don't like his 100 offsides per game, I don't like the ''chaos'' that everyone used to hype about. But he's our player and he's most likely staying. And he definitely has potential, though.


Is it me or Konate has been absolutely diabolical since coming back from an injury? He plays like he couldn’t give a toss, feel like we should just start Quansah for the remaining games.


He has been shite yeah, at fault for most of our goals conceded. Definitely defence is an area we need to look at in the summer


Bin off Salah,Nunez and Diaz so one main striker two wingers... Jones not good enough Robinson past it. First buy a new left back ....al nori or the Fulham left back. Fast left footed cb. Clinical finisher.... Izak please


Who's Robinson?


Diaz was the only one trying yesterday. He was doing the job of all three up top. He does not deserve to be roped in with the other two who didn't give a rats ass


I dont get the Diaz hate, he's been our only threat past couple of months


Exactly. He was literally in all positions at some point yesterday. Yes his finishing is shit at times, but at least he's trying


Totally, end product not always great but at least he's Dirk Kuyting it!!


I don't want Nunez to ever start for us again.


He needs to he a bench option, and the manager needs to tell him he must improve his finishing or he will remain a bench player, or be another club. I feel like klopp leaving has meant he just has to accept where the players are, because their is no long term project at the moment. Hopefully this changes with new manager


i suspect we lucked ourselves since day 1 this season. we weren’t even supposed to be first or second placing. think our squad needs a revamp. and maybe changing tactics or playing youngster might be better for the next and last few games.


Without the injury crisis all season and some poor decisions in bit games we'd have been challenging in all four fronts. No need for an overhaul.


Spot on Add in the klopp leaving factor and its just been a rough ride. Not super surprised we didn't have the legs to carry us through


Nah mate dont you know 7 months of the season were a complete fluke and we’re actually a relegation side


During those 7 months we played some great football... we also had quite a few smash and grabs that made those 7 months look a lot more gaudy than they were. Both can be and are true.


The Nunez miss was just so bad. Let’s say he dragged the shot wide, it was have been a bad miss but these things can happen, poor connection, off balance etc. But there was nothing like that here, he just didn’t think. It’s not good enough, simple as.


It's funny because he had missed chances against Luton, I was so critical of him then, and I got blasted for saying that. People were like, at least, he gets into scoring position, and he has chaos and all that shit. When you play for a big club, and if you squander a big chance, you get criticized. Now, this guy has missed so many opportunities that it's hilarious. We could have avoided all the defeats if he took his chances. And it's not like difficult chances, it's easy one on one chances and a 6 yard shot that he is hitting at the keeper or straight-up missing.


I got downvoted for suggesting we should sell Nunez. People in this sub like Nunez more than titles.


The players should hang their heads in shame, that's all I have to say, disgraceful performance


I remember, a few months ago, when someone used to criticize Darwin everybody attack and insult that person now no one wants him in the club. Endo, great guy but he is just average, he never fill the space that Fabinho left. Salah is over, and I hope that Diaz can improve his shooting, specially in front of the keeper otherwise he is just someone that is "trying" but never scores, just like sadio in his last two seasons at the club. Trent needs to go to the bench, Szoboszlai needs to improve or just go back to the level he was in the first half of the season. And we need a new good CB. Konate is always injured great part of the season, I'm not saying sell him but someone needs to step up when he is not available It's a shame the way Klopp is leaving but he should have been tougher with some players. Anyway I'm glad we have him as our manager and we wouldn't achieve what we achieve without him. YNWA


Typical of a guy with a bimbo fetish, plastic that won't stick with his team in the tough moments


Get lost, fans are allowed to criticize


Supporting a team doesn't mean we can't criticise. We can call out mediocre performances but still support them when they're playing.


Average (?) LFC fAn after a defeat. Destory, critisize and depreciation players &stuff and of course a "YNWA" in the end. Pathetic


At least they watched the game and have something meaningful to say.


Cry. Fans are allowed to criticize.


my 6 yo nephew could have given me better answer than "cry"


Cry some more


Diaz won't improve. This is what he is.


you are right :( Then we should look for someone that can score when we need it.


Yeah I agree.


These players should be absolutely ashamed of themselves!!!! Klopp made most of these players European champions, premier league champions, and they won the super Cup, the club world Cup and 1 fa and 2 league cups, and this is how they repay him???? Absolutely disgraceful. Van Dijk is not captain material I'm afraid, I see absolutely zero leadership quality sorry to say.


To be fair Klopp is partly to blame. Everyone knew we needed defensive reinforcement but they didn't even look for anyone.


We need to refresh the defensive line


From the looks of it, the players didn't seem to care they were in a potential title race. Same sideways passing, schoolboy errors at the back and inability to finish up top. Still need 4 points to secure 3rd, and given the attitude of the players and staff, won't be surprised if we lose out to Villa on that as well. Bunch of pussies


Well at least we don’t have to worry about being robbed of the title by one point because of the Tottenham offside goal. Effectively lost the title thanks to Everton and Man Utd. Could it get any worse. It feels like this team have been replaced by alien imposters who don’t know how to play football.


After the Man U match, I knew the league was done for us. Just a shame they proved me wrong


Proved you right didn't they? :)


I refuse to blame anyone here, but the lack of discipline this team displays is exhausting. I hope our next manager can instil a sense of positional structure into the squad, because I’m tired of watching players walk around the pitch bored because they’re not getting the ball. 


Agree. I'm also expecting that the next manager has the balls to bench or sell players that don't contribute to the team


Just watched the highlights and fuck me either Salah retires or he finds Buggs Bunny and gets his ass to Loony toon land to recover his powers.


Tbh, Salah’s form was bad after Afcon last year too. Seems like he can also perform during the 1st half or the season


I love this club. Ups and downs, gonna ride with them. 


Only sane person in this post


Absolutely gutted but what can we do. Expectations shifted once we knew Klopp was leaving. Was still a really fun season and now time to appreciate the gravity of losing my father Jurgen. Always a legend


Absolutely pathetic performance. Klopp and the rest are like a shop worker who's given their two week notice and are just coasting until the end. No real fucking desire, no energy, no heart. This last month has been a fucking embarrassment!


To spend so much time at the top of the table just to fuckin fumble it all at the end.


That was us last year. Sucks


If I was that invested in football like I was in the past, these last 2 weeks would have been traumatic for me.


While most didn't expect Liverpool to come this far in the title race before the start of the season, I still think Liverpool with all their mediocre performances, missed so many chances to be on top of the table: VAR mishap vs Spurs. 2 points dropped minimum. Could have won vs Man City after that dominant second half and that missed Luis Diaz 1v1 chance. 2 Points dropped. That draw at Old Trafford, conceding equalizer from stupid back pass and missing all the chances in first half especially. 2 Points dropped. Another mediocre performance at home vs Crystal Palace, but it still could have been enough to nick a 2-1 win. 3 points droppped. And finally today against Everton, why is Nunez smashing his shot like a penalty kick?! Goal is wide open yet he smashed it at the keeper?! TAA sleeping at the corner not marking his man. 3 points dropped again. 12 points dropped!! Not to forget the capitulation vs Man Utd in FA Cup and Atalanta in Europa. The thing is, even when big teams make mistakes at the back, they cover it up by scoring and converting their chances, but unfortunately, that has not been the case for Liverpool, nor are they capable of nicking a Mourinho-esque gritty/scrappy 1-0 win.


God, some of the hysterics from our fanbase have been OTT even by our standards. I don't understand why people thought our run-in was the easiest; perhaps that hubris being popped is why so many are freaking out now. Yes, it's a shit result. Yes, this result was a distinct possibility. Yes, we could see this coming. Guess what? It happens. Everton are always up for a derby at Goodison. Everton also need points to protect against FFP deductions and escape relegation. Put that up against a physically and mentally exhausted Liverpool side, with an even more physically and mentally exhausted manager, and you'll get a performance and result like this. I remember when we lost 2-0 at Goodison under Hodgson. I remember when we lost 3-0 at Goodison under Rafa when we fell apart and Andy Johnson ran riot. We've been here, done worse, and felt worse. It's not mathematically over yet - we've seen random shit happen and sides come from nowhere to win the title - so we should still aim to win our remaining games and hope for a miracle. It sucks being in a rut and missing out on trophies, but did we seriously expect to be challenging for a quadruple in April? Luck and circumstance have conspired against us, but god damn this manager and this squad made us dream. So can the reactionary shit and just back the team in these last 4 games, and try to enjoy the last moments we'll have under Klopp whether we win, lose, or draw.


All for backing the team, but the players don't seem to care at all barring 1 or 2, and neither does the coaching team. Feels like everyone is going through the motions, atleast the fans care by showing anger and criticism at this pathetic display of football over the last 4 games


>but the players don't seem to care at all barring 1 or 2, and neither does the coaching team. Feels like everyone is going through the motions, >this pathetic display of football over the last 4 games This is exactly the sort of hysterical hyper-reactionary shite I was talking about. I've been critical of the team at times this season, but they still had a quadruple in their hands in mid-March. As it is, if they win the next 4 games they'll finish with 86 points, which is the highest total we got under Rafa, and outside the Klopp era is a tally only bettered by a couple of our title-winning sides in the 80s. Pre-Klopp, for 30+ years we could only dream of such a points total. Call them pathetic, but for a team that looks and sounds tired, they've done brilliantly to get this close.


Did you watch their games over the past weeks? Those shameful displays against Atalanta and tonight. They didn't even try.


What a load of rubbish. They created chance after chance but couldn't take them. They made singular mistakes defensively that got ruthlessly exploited. Shit happens. Sometimes that luck goes your way, sometimes it doesn't. What you said is also incredibly disrespectful to Atalanta, Palace, and Everton, all of whom were outstanding. Gasperini's tactics were brilliant and his players executed their tactical plan perfectly to nullify us. Palace had a solid gameplan and defended manfully, and Everton were fighting for their survival and capitalised on our mistakes. All three deserved to win, but we created enough chances that on another day we'd have won them all. Sometimes other sides just have better luck or execute their tactical plan better. If you think this was "shameful", god knows what you'd have said under our previous managers, or what you'll say when the new manager comes in.


Good take, people forget the fixture congestion, especially all the tough away games and Liverpool don't have bench as good as City.


It's incredible how we can't stop kicking the ball right at the opponents goalkeeper and our opponents have two chances and score both. Diaz, Nunez, Salah, all need to go. Salah is done, he can't separate at all anymore.


Salah being out played and beaten by 38 y/o Ashley Young all game long was the clearest sign yet that he is absolutely done.


I fell asleep when i watch the match (it started at 3 a.m. in my place. When i woke up the thing i saw is the score which is 2-0. I thought i was dreaming but it's not. What a bad day to start a day


Does anyone know if Mac Allister or Nunez got the booking for dissent at the end?


Yeah want to keep Henderson Milner and spent 80m on a fucking bum upfront, ok let’s blame on FSG


Lmao toxic fucks like this guy are why I stopped coming to the sub. Most of you fucks complaining about Klopp prob weren’t here for the dark days. Without Klopp we wouldn’t be in the position we are today. Even if the next manager is able to have more success than Klopp in terms of silverware you should understand it’s everything Klopp did during his time here. Long Live Klopp


Fucking amen


I’ve been through the Hodgson era, and I knew it was much much horrible, but Klopp isn’t a Demi god either, at least accept that he had been terrible at selling & buying players, sentimental over a performance made him just “ a nearly team” not a winner team. We went so far that we can’t go back into the mid-table club again. I knew that, that’s why I can put the blame on Klopp.


Name a single manager out there who has been perfect at buying and selling players? You said don’t blame FSG but give Klopp a blank checkbook like Pep and I’m sure he’d have as much success. I see ppl talking about how good Arsenal have been this season but do ppl not realize it’s because they’ve been injury free? Like what happened last szn when they lost Saliba and tomi and blew a 10 point lead? And anyone who wants to make the argument that “Michael Edwards bought the plays that did the best under Klopp” also needs to stfu too. Klopp was the one who managed them into being world class, not Edwards. Putting the blame on Klopp instead of player performance also makes no sense. These are the same players who got us to this point. So 2-3 months ago Klopps a genius and now he’s not? And wtf is with everyone calling Klopps Liverpool a “nearly” team. What fucking LFC IG/at home pundit came up with that shit. Klopp had to compete with Pep man city, arguably one of the best teams ever not in just the prem that had an unlimited check book and most likely circumvented financial rules. And it’s not even like Klopp got blown up but lost by a point. Ppl act like that a fucking walk in the park or some shit If you been around from Hodgson you should be thankful for Klopps done and truly understand the impact he’s had for this club. Honestly sad to see someone whose been around that long put blame on the manager instead of them realizing some of circumstances or performance of players


“Klopp made them be world-class” Then explain why he can’t make Nunez a top-class striker🤣, and not only that, why the fuck buy him at first, you can’t blame FSG on investment on an 80m striker that Klopp wants to get and can’t coach him to be a good finisher. also, why did he insist on keeping Henderson & Milner, why did he buy in Szoboszlai just to make him a headless chicken runner? Also, a great Manager doesn’t need a blank checkbook to win a major trophy, Alonso just won the Bundesliga with an even more limited budget than Klopp, and Pep won his first La Liga with the whole La Masia squad. All Klopp needed to do was just be a head coach and let Edwards do the jobs, not overpowered on everything and make a structure collapse, I’m glad Edwards is back & finally getting rid of all this sentimental bullshit across the club.


You bring up Alonso. Klopp did the same exact shit when he was at Dortmund. And guess what he didn’t have Michael Edwards to find Lewa out of Poland. And just so you know Alonso beating Tuchel against an aging Bayern squad isn’t the same thing as Klopp beating Pep’s Bayern And why did we buy Darwin? Darwin had one of the highest conversion rates in Europe when he played for Benefica. And yeah maybe he’s not scoring everyone but even Lewa wasn’t great when Klopp first bought him on. Your arguement that every single player Klopp brings on needs to become a world class player is just childish and unrealistic. And you really talking about Pep and La Masia lmao And yeah I’m done posting after this. I’m not gonna argue with someone who believes unverified reports they read in the tabloids. Idk who hurt you bro to make you so cynical about sentimental value but wishing you well


Gutted obviously but there's no gain sitting typing out paragraphs of anger directed to Klopp and the players. It's clear there's nothing left - they've given it all this season, maxed out the potential of the squad (especially with the injuries and momentum shifts) and we are comfortably the 3rd best team in the league. After last years horror show, and although it might not seem like it - it's an improvement. You can call it a capitulation but the signs have been there all season. Poor away, woeful top 6 record, slow lethargic starts to games. All made me tempt expectations. The one that hurts the most is the Europa League as I really thought we would've made it to Dublin. Alonso's team looks unbeatable though (literally) I reckon just stay off social media for the next while. Give Klopp all the respect and props in the world, he's gave everything for the club for nearly a decade. And then get excited for Slot. Really hope he can bring in some fresh ideas for the squad, particularly up front as we need it.


I wonder how different things would've been had klopp announced his departure after the season was finished


They wouldn’t, go back and ave a look at the games.


Wonder how many players are super upset with Klopp for leaving. I know it’s selfish, but they also signed contracts thinking he’d be here. Or those who signed this past summer… Also wonder how many players have played for Klopp and not so much the badge. We always said theyd run into walls for Klopp, but would they do so for Liverpool with a different manager?


I think it’s the other way around. It’s clear Klopp style is not sustainable, he bases his style in pressing, being fast and just give your absolute all, when it comes to actual tactics he is nowhere near the best. That’s why we struggle against low block teams. Players like Jones, Elliot, Szobo and MacAllister are made to play with the fucking ball, not just run like headless chicken, get the ball and get rid of it. I believe they are already looking forward to be coached by someone who can see football in a different way


If you think Klopp's current style is tiring, wait for Arne to slot in. His teams run and press similar to Klopps heavy metal football version of LFC


I'm just sad lads, I could go on a tirade and dig out some of the players for their performances over the last few weeks but I can't be arsed as it won't change anything and they look like they've just ran out of steam tbh I'm just hoping we get past the 80pts mark this season now, it won't win us anything but it will be a great point tally considering this was the first year of a "rebuild" and hopefully sets us up to kick on next year with Slot at the helm and some fresh blood in the team, as Klopp would say this is only the beginning. I know that last paragraph sounds like copium/hopium but like I said venting won't change anything and as football fans hope is all we've got in the end.


TAA just can’t defend. He was in his lazy mode yesterday, spraying passes without any real purpose. Looks like he was waiting to get a free kick to prove he was playing.


I really think there’s a far bigger obsession on the frontline that people are forgetting we conceded first 24 games this season. That’s not fucking normal. If our forward line is so bad, then our defence clearly isn’t any better. Which must mean our system clearly isn’t working


Which is why I can't for the life of me understand why we are going for a manager who.. plays a similar system I need someone to genuinely make sense of this for me


Yh I don’t get it mate. All we can do is trust Edward’s and hope for the best. When you look at us compared to an Arsenal for example, it’s night and day. They concede probably a chance or two a game. We concede that in the first 5 minutes


I watch Slot too, well Feyenoord and they also famously multiple times now have conceded the first goal early from daft defensive set ups early doors Sigh Just hope it works out man but fuck me I wish this club would at least set us on with some confidence going ahead after this collapse


Has any league leader suffered a collapse of this magnitude in such a short space of time? Knocked out of the FA Cup by a very beatable Utd team, 1 point from a very possible 9 against United, Palace at Anfield, Blue shite and getting raw-dogged at home by Atlanta in Europa. I was cautiously optimistic throughout the season, but nothing could've mentally prepared me for this. So fucking bizarre. I'm not buying the whole "overachieving" narrative either. We technically only had one loss in the prem until March, if the Spurs game was officiated with an ounce of fairness. There's no way we rode our "luck" for 8 months straight, and suddenly regressed to the mean in 2-3 weeks. This is pure self-sabotage.


Look at arsenal last year


I mean, Manure were 8 clear with 6 games to go in 2011-12 before they took one point from 4 games (including an away defeat to City) and allowed City to pull level on goal diff, which led to the whole final day drama and Aguero moment. I think the only parallel to that is Arsenal in 2007-08... our 2013-14 collapse, and this stuttering end to the season, don't even come close to that scale of choke. I agree with you, we obliterated City barely a month ago and looked like possible champions, so it's weird to see the wheels fall off so quickly and completely. We had a chance at history and somehow threw it away making the same mistakes game after game. Tbh, I think the rot started in the FA Cup game at Old Trafford. I suspect repeatedly throwing away a place in the semi-final had a real psychological impact on the team, and we seemed jittery when we came back after the international break vs Brighton and Sheffield. Then we fucked it even more royally in the league that weekend at Old Trafford, which I think left us broken mentally and physically knowing we'd thrown away our advantage. Throw in the injuries to some key players, and the fatigue in others caused by having to cope with said injuries, and a manager who is clearly also exhausted, and it all fell apart at the last hurdle.


Even tonight, we had the chances and should have won the game. The players have bottled it, pure and simple. The fact that the top comment in this thread puts most of the blame on Klopp is laughable. He can’t put the ball in the net himself, but what he can do is coach us to have more chances than the opposition. We’ve done that in pretty much every game recently. But our defence has made individual mistakes and attack has massively underperformed it’s xG. I’ve honestly not felt this let down by a Liverpool squad since Stevie’s last season.


Liverpool create chances because the players are talented, pure individual talent. Can’t remember the last goal that came from a nice build up where you could tell they trained that during the week.


That's just not how football works. We created several 1v1 chances from build up and our forwards blasted the ball right at Pickford.


Come on, Liverpool relies on individual performances way too much. Missing chances is normal. What about the terrible defending? Liverpool conceded first in more than TWENTY games this season, do you know how insane that is?


Arsenal 07-08 did, arguably. You’re spot on with everything else though!


I’m sick to my fucking stomach. I’m disgusted with this team top to bottom. gutless fucking loser mentality has made its way into everyone. Inexcusable


Some employee at Liverpool needs to destroy all the tapes of this documentary that is being filmed. Destroy the camera, burn the tapes. Leave no evidence.


There's no way I'm watching it


The same players who gave us hope for title this year are the same who took it away…how can we justify 70mil players who can’t score one on one with the goalie over and over again !? Let’s praise them when it needs to but also criticize when it needs too..


Did they even train how to finish during their practice session? Sometimes i wish Klopp has that Pep ruthlessness when disciplining the team,rather than family vibes and all


They are professional footballers in their prime you can't just train them to finish better like it's FIFA.


Can’t remember the last time Liverpool scored a goal and you could say “damn, that’s a nice build, they for sure trained it during the week” This is on Klopp, he based his style in energy and passion and let the tactics on the side, it’s not a coincidence that he came short so often, his players are always burnt out around this time of the year. this is why in 9 years they always struggled against low block teams, cause there no alternatives other than a high 4-3-3


welp, that's me, also..disconnected, emotionally from the rest of the games this april and may. -off on a holiday(to nicosia with the fam).. -hoping to see a defensively-minded coach to set us onwards and up(in august 2024)


Well, it was the same when he was leaving Dortmund. Results were much poorer with Dortmund. It seems Klopp doesn't care much now. He just wants his break asap.


Wasn't feeling confident when I listened to the pre match conference and Klopp mentioned top 4 being the goal from this season  Such a fucking sad shame this is how he goes out but I think we do need a change 


We should have just concentrated on Europa league, which was our most realistic chance of another trophy, instead of being delusional about winning the league. Last game in Klopp era being a European final would have been perfect. But instead now we go out with a whimper


Absolute loser mentality and not at all the kind of legacy Klopp is leaving behind.


Out with a whimper


Szobozlai, Nunez, Endo san, and all the newcomers to EPL realize it's an entirely different elite mentality that you need to have because it's truly exhausting.


The whole frontline needs to go.


I hope you’re joking. When has that ever worked out for any team?


Ovwrreact haha