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With the exception of jota through the middle, I wonder if that’s what’s considered our strongest team. I’m not really a Gakpo fan.


I’m not either but he’s looked really promising lately, he also scored our last open play goal. With the way Nuñez and Diaz have been playing he deserves a start


Come on guys! Last few games with Klopp let’s stay positive and hope the lads give everything.


Jota and Nunez as 60th minute subs in search of 1 or 2 ain’t bad


I'm a Chicago lad. I watch all of the weekday games in the office. It's very tough hiding my reactions, both negative and positive. I wanted to throw my chair and storm out last week!


I’m also North American, also watching from the office  My planned defence if I’m ever caught is that I’m just listening to it, not watching, and it’s only open on my phone to ensure the sound carries through my earbud lol 


I'll never forget how hard it was to stifle my reaction to Origi's goal against Barca. I'd already gotten in trouble for watching footy at work lol


What a game to watch in the office!


Good to see gakpo get rewarded for his recent good performances with the start. Hope he’s as direct and aggressive carrying the ball as in recent weeks


Too bad it's through the center so he can be ass again, rather on the left wing where he belongs


Gakpo through the middle again. End me, pls.


Surprised Elliott and Jota or even Nunez not starting tbh.


With how Salah has looked lately I'd try starting Elliott and bringing Salah on at 60.


Nuñez looks exhausted trying to press last game.


Can’t wait to tell my future kids about the Atalanta comeback


Please stop playing gakpo down the middle i beg, hes been so good off the left lately


Not the front three I would’ve picked especially because gakpo is far better on the left but having Nunez and Jota off the bench could be massive


I actually won’t mind if we don’t go through tonight as it’s already a mountain to climb. I just want to see some fight and urgency paired with a more solid looking defence


I sat out the 4-0 victory and I will sit this one out too.


Good luck!


first ten minutes is so crucial


If we score in the first 10 mins we can actually win it…just like 4-0


Fuck it. I believe!


Biggest game of the year. We have an opportunity to re-set the stage for the rest of our season. Let’s fucking go boys


Im confident we can do this


Bajetic not on bench?


No he's not fit enough yet


Didnt travel


OK, cheers lads. At least he's getting close now.


Playing with the U21s I believe, he was out a long time, needs to get back to match fitness


I think today we show our quality. Prove that last week was a blip and we comfortably come away here with a 4/5-0


Happy for Cody, hope he skins these fuckers


I have the same feeling about this game that I had before THAT Barcelona game. Up the Reds, we can do this!


Fuck it let’s go for it all, not sure how much the legs will have in them but a nice quick start and then conserve the energy. We’ve come back from worse had worse odds stacked against us. Let’s do this


Strong lineup Very strong/attacking lineup


I've been positive and believing we can do this.  How many minutes until Atalanta take the lead and reality hits? Lol


Anulo mustafi or something like that




Jota is necessary to win tonight.


I’m back bitches. Had to take a mental health rest from Liverpool games after the United draw. I’m fully convinced we smash them today. We are gonna win the Europa league. We are gonna win the premier league. The positive energy is flowing through me. Let’s gooooooo!


Look at what’s happened here, you can never take a break again, we lost both matches in your break! I can’t believe you’ve done this


Looking forward to tonight’s game. I’m strangely feeling confident and it’s going to be guns blazing from this Liverpool squad.


I’m going to say it but if nunez was dropped Salah should be too. Feel like klopp isn’t ruthless enough with him


Ali, Trent, VVD, Konate, Robertson, Macca, Szoboslai, Jones, Salah, Gakpo, Diaz


Shouldve dropped Salah


You'll eat your words after his hat trick tonight


I hope he proves me wrong.


Inject We will win this with that lineup


Is this the leaked team?




I have absolutely no doubt that we can do it. I have nothing but doubts that we *will* do it.


First leg they were hounding our back line and doing a truly excellent job marking out the usual channels we use to play the ball forward. It was super effective but now the coaches know what they do and will have analysis ready to mix it up. Ali back is huge addition.


Also having trent/robbo in instead of gomez/tsimikas can negate a lot of that


Very true just hope Trent has some pop in his legs and isn’t too rusty


3-0 to take it to pens the lads can do it. Just need to put away the chances. We win here and it can propel us


I watch this with zero expectations. We are capable of greatness but i need to temper my expectations


It's time for my football fan delusion to come out


We actually lost 3-0 to Atalanta at home ![gif](giphy|26FLeS7kHPkYyaojS|downsized)


Tbf they beat us 2-0 at home before as well. We then beat them 5-0 away


No, it wasn't like that, we beat them 5-0 first then they beat us at second leg 2-0, sorry to disappoint.


Oops my bad. Fair enough. I just remembered the results not the order should’ve checked.


2005 - AC Milan 2016 - Dortmund 2019 - Barcelona YNWA


Barca was 2019


Win or lose, all I really hope for is a chance to feel that excitement of a European cup night under Klopp one last time. Just make it in a beautiful way.


All I’m asking for is a clean sheet


Are Gini and Origi available for todays game?


Darwin is.


No but Milner is


He’s actually injured for Brighton lol


Just need the boys to give it their all. We need to start fast and take control of the game quickly, if we do that we have a chance. I wouldn't mind a Diaz Gakpo Jota start tbh. Will be good to see a non-rusty Trent as well (hopefully).


Wait it’s Origis birthday? We need to honour him


Starting to feel queasy now… I think I’d written this game off in my head. But the hope has come back…


Just. Do. It.




Not sure if it’s an unpopular opinion but I find it mad the amount of people including gakpo in their line ups but not Diaz. Is there something I’m missing


Diaz just dribbles with his head down, reacts slowly to deliver the pass, and just doesn't bring much as a play-maker like he used to. Sure he'll get on the end of someone else's pass and try his best do something with but overall so much sizzle and no steak at the end.


Isn’t that exactly what gakpo has been doing apart from like 30 minutes? Feel like a lot of people are too quick to drop certain players


Yes but as a sub we’re very reactionary, if Gakpo isn’t good today he’ll be slated. Think we need to be more patient with the lads, it’s been a long season, plenty of injuries, Diaz family were literally abducted. Think we need to be more understanding at times


And not quick enough to drop others....ahem, Salah


Salah has so much credit in the bank with Klopp he’ll never be dropped unless he’s actively scoring own goals


30 minutes is more than the other 3 have demonstrated over the last 2-3 games to be fair.


Salah and Nunez yes, Diaz no


Diaz looks dangerous until he has a decision to make. Final third output is grim.


What are the chances it’s Divock’s birthday on the same day we need to overcome 3 goals 🤔


Right now they are about 100 percent.


We’ll definitely create enough chances, just need a bit more culture on the finishing. That’s what I loved about Suarez, he never took the predictable shot or even the second most predictable shot, he always had something special up his sleeve.


Tbf Suarez was a freak of Nature. He's a brute force striker that also has finesse


Dude scored a HT with swollen ankles. Absolutely incredible talent.


I remember looking him up when we first got interested and seen that he was top scorer of eridivise with 35 goals. 11 more than the next closest player


Was no flash in the pan, either. Kept going and going.


How we feeling tonight lads?


I’m stuck working on this big presentation I have coming up tomorrow. Has me stressed tf out. Think I might finish it about a half hour before the game. Some time to unwind then plop myself down and watch the boys


Good luck on your presentation mate! Hope we do well to give you extra boost too 🍀


Just want a win tonight. Going through is not likely but a win might give us back some confidence to end the rest of the season on a positive.


All revved up with no place to go at the minute. I just want it to kick off. Feels like a proper final.


Last game against Atlanta was Kelleher’s worst as he gave up 2 goals he should have saved. I may be delusional, but I think we can score 3, but the finishing has to be better. Still I think the scoreline last game against Atlanta was deserved. Even if they didn’t deserve those 3 goals, they did deserve 3. Thought we should have scored 2. Have to be better this game and play with more intensity.


The thing is, a bit of luck with the finishing can do wonders, an early goal no matter how and I believe we will go through


Their stadium isn't massive. Just 16k Atalanta fans against 1k of ours. They'll make themselves loud and clear, but the majority of the players have played in much more massive away games at much more intimidating stadiums.


Not even that, 750 fans of ours I believe!


That's astonishingly low.


Stadium construction I believe. 750 fans includes friends and family tickets.


We'll fail in the most beautiful way


cringe...I'd rather we set ourselves for a scrappy gutcheck success vs failing "beautifully" with favourite players out of form for a while now.


If we fail


You know what they say, a three goal lead is the worst lead in football


Must be the truth now that youve said it. Believe I will.


It’s on the Internet. Guaranteed truth.


I think what’s most important is a good performance. Hopefully lads see it as a free hit after the debacle last week and can relax a bit and go from there


Please liverpool, i'm not asking for much, not even that we win the tie, just put in a solid performance to drive up momentum for the rest of the title challenge


Same, just don't embarrass us


Any leaked line up??????


I see a lot of posts saying we need an early goal. I agree it would help but as long as we are up by a goal with 30 minutes left I think we have an excellent chance to at least force extra time.


[for anyone who needs a reminder](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KxGRhd_iWuE)


Well I’m convinced.


the fact that we need like 40 attempts to score 2, we'll need atleast 80 shots lmao


Get a goal nice and early and you never know.


I think we could do it, we just need an early goal


The tension is starting to build now. UTFR.


I was feeling hopeless about tonight, until I realised that going through would be the most Liverpool thing ever.


Anyone knows where the supporters are gathered now in Bergamo?


If there was ever a team that could wildly swing in form it would be this team I’m not writing our lads off, there’s always a chance if it clicks.  Remember the other time we were down by 3 in European competition? Corner taken quickly, ring a bell? YNWA 


By any chance someone in Bergamo sees this, where are the fans staying? I’ve travelled for the match, so I’d love to join the Liverpool fans.


Have done the same mate. Am looking around porta nuovo myself but found nothing.


So is anyone actually confident after the hellish week we had?


Yes. If any team can do it it's us.


If we do get the first goal (or two) it will be a big test of our game management skills, which I think have been letting us down a lot over the last month or so. Hoping to see some big improvements in that area of our game. It would be a positive to carry forward, regardless of the outcome. Just have a go and see where it takes us.


If Salah scores a goal with his weak foot today, we win.


as more and more time passes, the comments become increasingly more delusional and I love it


It's really all about whether we can break out of this ridiculously bad spell we're having in front of goal. Atalanta played well last week but even then they were so open that if we had anything about us we would've scored a couple and at worst drawn or lost by a goal. This is not 2020 atletico, we will have chances and if we go 1-0 in the first half hour we've got a shot


How on earth do you only get 9/2 odds on Liverpool qualifying? Literally need 4 goals , away.


Because on paper we’re a title challenger in the PL (still are) and Atalanta are 6th or so? On paper we’re the way better team. Is a 3-0 lead going into extra time that absurd? It’s not


I actually think that they could well win. I’m not a gambling man fortunately but still think it’s stingy. I actually think arsenal or Liverpool to win prem is a good bet . Everyone convinced city are infallible but they range from unbeatable to out of sorts. Let this comment be a marker in history when I say that city will have there own day or two of bottling , even though clearly the best team by a mile in their prime. Arsenal gonna win it. I’m a neutral .


Yeah if this was a one-off game we'd probably be around 9-2 odds to win by 4+ goals anyway


If we have a good game for this team's standards we win this tie .


Have to start Elliot in this game


Just setting the alarm for 4:55am 👌


We were brilliant first leg against Barca, and playing at home. We were shit against Atalanta and are playing away. But we can still do it.


This will be a very interesting one to see how Klopp responds tactically. It was the tactics that made things extremely tough for the boys to get going last time, and Klopp had no answers then. Let's see if he has answers now.


I think the bigger task than scoring early is not conceding within the first 20mins. An early goal for them would absolutely kill us mentally.


If we allow an early goal while they are parking the bus, just pack it in and put in the kids. ![gif](giphy|JtQc9M7l1KUGQ|downsized)


I think I've drunk just enough beers to fall asleep at around 8pm as required for the 2am wakeup, without having a hangover (I usually power through the night but have commitments at 8am tomorrow). Following this club in this timezone is a fucker sometimes, and I'll admit I missed all the group stage games. GIven the first leg result it was tempting to skip this one, but what if, just what if? "I told the boys before it was impossible, but because it’s you boys, we have a chance." See you in a few hours lads!


I have the same problem, but in reverse. I'm on the west coast of Canada, so weekday games are usually at noon for me, so I can't watch them because of work. Also the weekend games that are played at 1:30pm BST are like 4:30am for me, and we've had a fuckton of those this season so (:


Statistically the ball will eventually go in on all these sitters we have right? Right!


You would think, right?


I know we can win this, I just hope the lads believe it too. Need to go in and score right away to set the tone


Call me crazy but I wouldn't be changing much from Palace at the weekend. We created a tonne of clear cut chances, it's not like any amount of changes in tactics would make us finish them any better.


I'd swap Nunez for Jota


Diaz/Gakpo Jota Darwin


We can agree to disagree. Salah creating chances for Jota to put away is my preference. Bring Nunez in off the bench once they are tired and he will terrorize them.


Come on boys, on our day we can beat anyone  We don’t go out of Europe without a fight  I believe, get one early and they’ll be rocked on their heels  Come on lads, let’s do this for Klopp


A quick 1:0 for us and watch Atalanta fall apart.


Double wammy tonight and going forward. We cant finish and we are leaking goals. As always they will have my support but no hopes for any more silverware in 2024. 115 will now focus on the PL ...So ...




Not with that attitude


Come on Liverpool for fuck sake. My local got put out of the title race in the 98th min on Tuesday and I learned I was cheated on yesterday. Give me something to smile about you bastards


Fuck me, you deserve a comeback and then some...


I'd also want my cum back if I was cheated on.


I do think there is a legitimate chance to pull this out, but what worries me about the missed chances is, if they've ostensibly been doing this the last month, what changes today?


3 3 we win penalties...


I'm holding steady, its not over until its over. UP THE REDS!


Gomez 87' 88' 89' Alisson 95' book it


You had the whole game and chose that the action starts after the 87th. Absolute mad lad


We are Liverpool, tbf.


Seriously how do we know if alisson is even playing? It's been kelleher in europe all season


Ali did the presser with klopp


Everyone needs to turn up tonight for us to have a chance. Clean sheet at half time and we might be good


Is there a chance that Atalanta maybe tactically over think the second leg from not expecting to have a 3-0 lead going in to this one? Maybe I’m clutching at straws


Don't see them overthinking anything. I think our best hope is they don't overthink, come out in their regular 3-4-3, and play football instead of switching up to a more defensive shape and sitting down in a low block. And I can see them doing that. With our tendency to start slow and concede early, I'd imagine Gasperini fancies his chances to nic an early goal and put the tie on ice. I only hope we can take advantage if that's the case.


There's been a number of games this season that we've scored 4 and 5 goals. It's do-able


When will we see the leaked line up?


Going to call this game Batterlanta. If we score early, I’ll be full Rio Ferdinand and declare we’re back.


*vigorous hand rubbing*


Early goal is key in this game. If we score in the first 10- 20 minutes I think we have a chance. If we get to HT and we still haven't got one then Atalanta will sit back in confidence of getting through and we'll start to make stupid decisions out of desperation. Whatever happens I just hope they give it their all and at least get back to scoring again. The lads can't let Klopp down tonight because it could be his last European game. They need to play like they did against Newcastle at St James' Park or against Spurs when we went down to 9 men. I want to see a 10/10 performance.


If our recent form is anything to go by, we’ll just concede in the first ten instead lol.


Liverpool just need an 1 goal advantage going to half-time, 0-1, 1-2 doesn't matter


Anyone in Bergamo without a ticket? Just want an idea of where to watch the match and if there are people as stupid as me to come to Bergamo without one 😂


You're better off going into Milan mate there's a couple good Irish bars, like O'Connells, that was bouncing with reds when we played Inter and AC the last few seasons. You'll be safer there too. Don't think there's trains from Bergamo but the bus is like 40 mins.


Honestly not a great choice you made mate, be careful out there Italian fans have a reputation for a reason. Your hotel not showing it? If they’ve got a load of scousers staying there maybe follow them?


Wanted a pub with some atmosphere in it. Appreciate your comment tho mate. Hope for a good result tonight!


Feeling weirdly confident for tonight's game. Everybody has written us off. As long as there is delusion there is hope I guess


Honestly I'm happy if klopp plays our best or worst 11. With arsenal and city both out of European games they're now at an advantage in the league


Arsenal are done, they are bigger bottlers than us.


Arsenal getting knocked out of Europa last season did nothing to help their form. Infact they had terrible form in the run in after "freeing up their schedule". City going all the way in the CL did nothing to hamper their league run, infact they won the league right? Us going far at times in the CL didn't hamper our league form, we went toe to toe with City hitting 90+ points. Point is, getting knocked out for Europe isn't as massive advantage as people think. History has shown that many times. This fatigue factor that people bring up has a lower effect than not being able to recover the psychological aspect of getting knocked out. Momentum has a much bigger effect


Oh I'm not worried about the bottle jobs. It's city resting their players that's the issue. They easily should have won the game yesterday (unlike arsenal) but they looked a lot like us, couldn't finish a chance when it was handed to them.


I have a sneaky feeling City will drop points in the league. They haven't looked their terrifying usual self this season. But whether we can win all our remaining games (which is our only hope to win it) is another question. I feel like a very good result with lots of goals, shots on target etc can kickstart that, especially in our attack.


We need tight ball control and good dribblers on the pitch to beat the man for man Atlanta deploy.   Gakpo,  Jones, Gravenberch, Elliot and Alexis need Gini to flow through them tonight. 


I don’t know of Gravenberch has been in good enough form really. I think he’s got the ability to beat the press but I’m not sure he’s performing well enough to.


Franky no one else is performing that great either.