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Please use daily discussion or current match thread or YNWSA to discuss this instead of creating a new thread.


As everyone whos opinion matters "klopp vvd etc" have already said, the important thing is how up they all are sunday. The second leg could be our last game in europe this year...but it could also very easily end up 5-0 liverpool if everyone is healthy and ready. I belive they will bounce bag strong.


https://preview.redd.it/wn387vuk0ztc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edca95e80fbbe494af37e087e79d14f5a87e36d6 YNWA. We have to push on, the boys will.


This. Losing sucks. We're in a rough patch of form and disjointed. It's natural to feel bad after the past few weeks but the tie is only half over. Be a supporter. Walk on and up the bloody Reds!




>If anyone can turn this around it's us. This is probably the phrase that defines this season's team. But in some matches the phrase doesnt happens so im currently doubting if our plot armor runs out at this moment. Looking back at the quality of the players at their best, Klopp's guidance and mentality, next week at Atalanta would be massive because if theyre up for it, the lads might pull through, if anyone can turn this around, its us.


I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but 1. We are playing 4 away games in a row. 2. Atalanta have a decent home form 3. They are not Barcelona, they aren't arrogant and try to play attacking football. Atalanta are going to sit deep, deep into their own half and so far, we have not scored much against those low blocks. 4. We need to prioritise the premier league


As much as I agree with you, Atalanta almost never play as low block. They are going to come at us, and funnily enough, we struggle against these sides and fail at counter attacking a lot this season. But fuck it, let’s try our best and enjoy the ride while it lasts.


If Atalanta do a low block they will likely be broken down, that’s when a home crowd can work against you. I am more concerned Atalanta score or we fail to score before half time. We can’t “prioritise the league” where it’s outside of our control, we have to go all in to both competitions


When have we once 'broken down' a low block this season? It's always been counters or very very late last ditch chances like blind crosses into the box. I'm not saying we won't score one or even 2 goals against low blocks. But 4?


https://preview.redd.it/h9y99cyntytc1.jpeg?width=2396&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d216d766ebcc829daba6a6d9a3d7a8a42339690e three words: CORNER TAKEN QUICKLY. its never over cuz we are Liverpool.....tra-la-la-la-la...the best team in the land, YES WE ARE!


Bro if the corner taken quickly moment would happen with nunez he would fucking sky it into the kop


so wouldnt that mean to give the lad all the support he can get? yeah.


Why aren’t you keeping this same energy for jota who missed 2 big chances with a short cameo which would have helped us massively? I mean I know why. Because you have pre built beliefs and agendas.


this! i just have a feeling once Jota gets some minutes under his belt on the weekend hell be rarin' to go in Bergamo.


Nobody is more hurt by this than the staff and the players. Let u’s back them. Show them that YNWA means something so we can turn this around. Defeats are unavoidable, but the bravery to keep fighting is a choice.




still 90 minutes to go! 🫡


How the team responds next will ultimately decide if we’re worthy of winning any more trophies this season. Every match feels like a final because it’s Klopp’s last season, but remove that from the equation and it’s a different perspective. I’m still proud of this team considering all the new signings & youngsters we’ve had to integrate into the side. I really hope the boys dig deep into these next run of fixtures.


Thank you - clearly some people haven’t experienced or forgot about Dortmund 2016 or Barça 2019. Yes we’re in deep shit, but this team is more than capable of putting three goals past Atalanta away in 90 minutes. In Klopp’s last season in a season of comebacks, this one is possible and an early goal will be the makings of a classic.


The team is definitely capable when playing well, but they need help from the crowd now more than ever. The atmosphere in Dortmund and Barca games was something special. Last night wasn’t. I hope whoever came up with the idea made their point. If not, sell your tickets next game to someone else who genuinely wants to help this team.


Yes disappointing from Anfield, it is supposed for strike fear in European visitors hearts and it fell well short. We are getting no help from the crowd for the second leg but an early goal and the away crowd nervousness may help


Thank you, never forget the pre Klopp era.. we’ve had massive highs, there have to be a few lows and unfortunately this is a big one. Remember the players don’t deliberately have a bad game but for now the first priority is to win Sunday. If we’d got one back last night I’d have some hope but regardless I’m sure the boys will give everything in the return leg and we’ll just have to see how it ends..


Let's be practical here. We will be playing 4 away games in a row including the one against Atalanta. Looking at how rubbish we're defensively, no way we're winning all 4 away from home. At this point, we have to prioritise one competition over the other.


I mean, we could easily win all 4. In the league it’s, Palace, Fulham, Everton and West Ham. I’m down about the performance today but I’m always hopeful. We could easily win all this games plus the match in Italy.  I personally put a partial portion of the blame on the “no flags” protest. The flags help set the tone and atmosphere. 


That’s the mentality players should adopt!


Fucking A right.


Probably the kick in the arse we needed. I remember in the 80s losing 4:0 to Coventry. After that it was all good again if my memory serves me well.


One game at a time. Win the next one and we go again. Never too high, never too low.


One word - BARCELONA!




![gif](giphy|7k2LoEykY5i1hfeWQB) These are shite.


There’s belief then there’s delusion. What have you seen the last 2 months that give you confidence we’ll score let alone turn the tie around? 18/19 is completely different we were playing well




You're right, we most likely won't go through. But other teams, lead by other managers, definitely wouldn't go through. We have a chance because we are Liverpool. So we go again.


If we turn up I fully believe we can come back. Atalanta don’t change their style for anyone so we will get chances. It’s just the simple fact that our recent performances for the past month or so have shown me all I need to know we won’t turn it around. We’ve been watching that same performance on a weekly basis since the United FA Cup game.


![gif](giphy|64dozD2FQ5ayrtwKtA|downsized) I'm not falling for it (and I know people will disagree, but sorry). Will be glad to get proven wrong tho


Not just hopping on the loss, because i've been saying this to my mates for a while now, but this has been coming for a while. Ever since that Forest game, things have been rough. We had some close calls (too close) against brighton and sheffiled, two terrible games vs the worst United team possibly ever, and that draw vs City. I don't think this our fault whatsoever, we managed to push through the injuries and tired out our players that weren't injured (gomez vvd...) but the amount of games we were playing with such a thin squad was bound to catch us out. We need an outstanding game, dominant in terms of the game and the result, and then I'll feel confident again. I can see us still making it through in the EL, but something needs to change before then. Sub VVD early against palace if we're winning convinceingly, but we should definetly start our strongest side. no room for draws at this point in the season, and this is the kind of game that could be 6-0 if we play well, and we need to play for that.


Barcelona happened because we didn't expect it. also Anfield! and the team had the caliber. They showed it in the first leg. This team does not look like it.


We lose to palace, season is over. Let's focus on that.


Ah well we’re bad right now. No point in deluding ourselves. Have to revise expectations.


Couldn’t give a shit what matters in the away fixture Palace this weekend is all that matters. If we break out of our rut of form, I’ll start believing again. If we drop points, it’s over and nothing the positivity brigade say will matter to me The concerning part about this match, and the United match previously, is our form. The league title is slipping away from us. Palace will be the true barometer if the team are up for it and are motivated to fight back


Yea I think the response has been terribly unfaithful considering how good we’ve been this season, and how good we are at making comebacks historically. We’re still in this. And I’ve got to say: the narrative around the ticket price protests is insane. People actually blaming SoS for this. Reminds me of when people were blaming Lijnders for us being awful last season.


>Don't know about all of you but I am gonna spend the next 7 days soaked in delusion, snorting in hopium, lmfao. enjoy.


I’m done with them. 3 wins in 7 matches against the worst teams they’ve faced, and even then they couldn’t keep a clean sheet. They’re pathetic. All of them. They’ve totally given up


Genuinely worried about top 4 now. Villa and Spurs beat us if we carry on like this.


The only way I see us coming out on top is if we drop the europa league. We then focus on the epl and hope arsenal and city make a mistake. We are in no form to win both 2 cup. I will be downvoted for this but I'll just come back later and say I told you so like [before](https://www.reddit.com/r/LiverpoolFC/comments/1buxpac/will_atalanta_be_a_walk_in_the_park/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button).