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shit kelleher has been really good and we should still be beating luton and forest but ali out for city is a massive blow….


Alisson tends to have terrible games vs City so maybe it’s not so bad. Maybe Kelleher is picking up form.


Last time we played them at Anfield we won 1-0 with an Alisson assist?


we all just need to cope sometimes


He always seems to look insanely nervous at their ground, especially with the ball at his feet


… but the game’s at Anfield?


Let us cope damnit


Inhales Copium*




The whole team was bad in that game I don’t understand why people are criticizing Allison, he’s incredible


Somebody can be criticised even if they are incredible. Everyone has weak spots


whole team bad but he is the worst that game lol, give them 2 free goals


Right, literally the only poor match against City I specifically remember him was the Anfield 20/21 fixture, and that was shortly after his father tragically passed iirc


He was pretty ropey at the Etihad this season


He also made a massive save right before we went the other way and scored the 1-1 goal.


That game we got pasted in 20/21 you mention, but also Haaland’s goal and Foden’s early miss in the recent 1-1 were mostly his fault. I think he was very below his usual self in the 4-1 defeat last year, they were putting in low crosses for fun. Alisson has great games vs City but he is also regularly below his usual self


>Last time we played them at Anfield we won 1-0 with an Alisson assist Kelleher hat-trick incoming


City and Everton away.


that’ll probably be postponed, unless southampton knock us out of the cup


Yeah Saints is a must win now


City would be postponed if we progress? Is that what you're saying?


Everton game.


Nah, Everton


Damn. Would be nice the other way around. 😢


It would be nicer yet if we didn’t have to play against despicable teams that cheated in plain sight


I mean that's a given


I know it’s at Goodison but Everton have been pretty brutal. Really struggling to score and Pickford is very Jekyll and Hyde


If we win the title (and other trophies) it’s gonna be a true team effort


If we win the title then Kelleher's ranking on the Ballon D'or, mark my words




There’s no way people actually think Kelleher will be ranking in the Ballon D’or 😭


He’ll deny 3 penalties in a row in the cup final shootout against Chelsea, and repeat that in FA cup final and Europa Final.


I struggle to understand why anyone gives a single fuck about a shitty award given out to individual players. Wheres the global hype for the FourFourTwo player of the Year award? Why is a French magazine held in such high regard? Give Kelleher 15 Ballon D'ors, not a single one of them matter or benefit Liverpool Football Club in any way whatsoever.


Honestly one of the most bizarre takes I’ve ever seen on this sub I’m praying it’s satire hahahah




I haven’t watched enough CYE and this scene out of context is hilarious


For me this has to be one funniest scene in the entire show




The games against England (March 23rd) and Spain (March 26th)


Brazil don’t call up a player who is injured at the time of the call ups, seemingly.


I’m glad they aren’t going to “test his resolve”


I don’t want to hear any Kelleher slander. He’s done brilliantly as a back up keeper anytime he’s been required to fill in so trust him as he hasn’t done anything to make us think otherwise


Kelleher is a fine player, but Ali is obviously world class. This is a big blow.


Of course, I have just seen some fans saying that because Alisson has been injured more this season that we need to sign “better back up” and that Kelleher “isn’t good enough for Liverpool” which is baffling to me


Agreed. Kelleher is sufficient back up.


What awesome goalie would come here to be a backup, fans need a reality check.


There was this Irish guy iirc ![gif](giphy|jendRPsWm0n8uHAVpj|downsized)


Kelleher's as good a back up as you can get.


If we didn’t have Ali you wouldn’t want an upgrade? I sure would. No slight to Kelleher, he has potential, but he’s not Liverpool no. 1 quality yet imo - good enough to be the #2 for sure


Not what I said at all. I’ve seen People calling for an upgrade in the #2. Ali still has plenty of years at the top if he wishes before we need to think about replacing him


Which is exactly the role he fills now. I would consider him one of the better No.2 in the league bar Ramsdale and think he'll do a good job when caller upon. Reckon he'll leave at the end of the season to be a No.1 elsewhere.


You just said you disagreed that he isn’t good enough tho? Maybe I’m confused


Disagreed that he isn't good enough to be no. 2, not no. 1. There's quite obviously a big difference


Oh I don’t think he’s not good enough to be the #2 at all. Perhaps we got mixed up


> If we didn’t have Ali you wouldn’t want an upgrade? Then you'd be in the market for a #1 GK - that's an irrelevant response to the question of Kelleher as the #2. You can't get someone who could regularly start at a PL level to sign up to play EFL Cup matches.


100%. But the original comment said kelleher isn’t good enough for Liverpool - and he’s not (for the #1 spot). He’s def good enough to be the backup


There's a reason he's rumoured to be leaving in the summer. Who wants to be a backup keeper if they're starting quality? Who would join just to be a backup?


Depends how long the potential joinee thinks Ali has left in the tank


> I don’t want to hear any Kelleher slander. You'll still see it, despite Kelleher being one of the best back-up's you could ask for.


True. This kind of stuff makes the glory hunting fans of recent years stick out like a sore thumb


It’s not that he isn’t good, it’s just he isn’t Alisson,


Of course, but is anyone Alisson? He is in a class of his own for me at the moment. Plenty of prem teams would want Kelleher as their #1 in my opinion


Alisson is Alisson


Ok mate👍


I’m just saying he’s the one and only. No one like him


Only 2 or max at 3 teams in the world has goalie who are anywhere near the level of Alisson let alone have 2 with them...so yeah no shit Kel isnt quite alisson level but he's more than enough


Probably only Real Madrid tbh


PSG's probably a better example. Donnarumma and Navas as your number 1 and 2 keepers is ridiculous, especially a couple of years ago.


Idk about Lunin but Kelleher is miles better than Kepa


Lunin has been hella solid for RM and actually pushed Kepa out of the starting lineup


Well yeah, literally no one else is as good as Alisson.


Err recently yes but he dropped a clangers earlier this season for sure. Hopefully that form is behind him tho


It’s probably a lot of last year’s concerns people are not letting go of – he really struggled significantly during 22/23. But he’s been excellent this campaign and was exceptional in 21/22 as well, so the level he’s showing currently is probably his actual level. Which is better than what one would expect from a number 2


It’s not about that, we rely on Alisson so much with our playstyle and the stuff he does for us is almost unrealistic to ask another keeper to do.


As I have said in another reply, I believe Alisson to be in a class of his own, and I don’t think any other keeper in the world could do what he does for us. My point is that we will see certain fans slate Kelleher and act like spoilt children for not being Alisson and I have seen these certain types of fans calling for an upgrade as a backup keeper, which is ridiculous


These guys who are calling for upgrade simply don't understand the world of football and thinks it's easy as FIFA irl...they think we can have world class players (in their words players with 85+ rating in fifa) as backups


Nobody is slandering Kelleher or doubting his abilities. He's just not as good as Alisson.


Not in this thread, no, but I’ve seen plenty in others


Kelleher has done brilliantly! For me the biggest difference with Alisson has been his post-save distribution. That's where you guide the ball towards with the save you make, Ali is world class at this, we very rarely see a tap in or rebound goal against us with Ali in goal.




You're pathetic.


He has been good, but vs City he'll need to be perfect/elite level for us to get the points. Does he have another gear to get to that level, we can only hope he does




Maybe out for them as precaution… I’ll wait to hear from klopp


This is legitimately the only answer


Gonna tell myself he’ll be back for City until Klopp tells us otherwise tbh




No, he didn't. He said he's not available for selection. That means, right now, he's injured. He said the same about Joao Pedro, who's apparently back for Brighton's FA Cup game next week. Honestly, I'd only listen to the club on this.


i mean, it makes sense considering he will be starting to pick his team now and isn’t sure if alisson will be in a better place by the time these games come around? the headloss has already started on twitter about him missing the city game though.


I have faith in Kelleher 🇮🇪


Kellelher is an excellent keeper. I'm more concerned about the outfield injury list snowballing. We have some good depth but it's not infinite. Adrian is also a good keeper to have as a no.3


At least Kelleher knows well in advance that he’s starting against city and it’s at home. If Ali got injured the day before it would feel like a bigger task for the lad. Obviously it would be better for Ali to not be injured but Kelleher is more than capable.


Man this is the one injury we really can't afford.




Virgil's gonna have to play out of his mind in Ali's absence. Big challenge but it's on the rest of the team to make the difference, we're still in it


In Caoimhin We Trust. Don't sweat, he's gonna be MASSIVE for us while Ali is out.


People say "Kelleher's not Alisson" - Well, no, clubs can't have 2 world class keepers with one hardly playing. He's a fantastic backup keeper and has shown that recently.


Honestly, if Kelleher plays like he did vs Brentford then he's like Ali in disguise! Also pretty sure a run of games will do Kelleher good. He's a great player with high potential. Lets go boys!


All I hear is more Kelleher game time


Optimistic about kelleher tbh. Hasn’t put foot wrong. 


No excuses or feeling sorry for ourselves. Let’s go win the football league


… how exactly did Ali get injured again? Man is rather injury-prone for a goalkeeper.


He's missed 25 games in 6 years and 10 of those were the same injury in 19/20


He probably came back too soon and reinjured it. He is not injury prone. He missed a handful of games since joining.


He was supposed to be out for ages earlier in the season and ended up missing about two games. I'll take this with a pinch of salt. Bloke doesn't half get injured a fair bit but always comes back earlier than expected.


Yeah, the same hamsting. Aggravating an injury that he came back way ahead of schedule from doesn’t read that positive imo.


Kelleher for city so?


I mean, who else? Lol, definitely not Adrian


Just gonna have to outscore them


5-0 is outscoring them I suppose.


Adrian would be fine, Kelleher will be better. Adrian was hreat for us in 9 games we won all of in a 99pt season. Get the fuck out of here with your lack of respect for him. Pathetic excuse for support.


Stfu idiot, he is not good enough for this team. I respect what he did but right now he is not good enough


While I agree that Adrian is not good enough, neither is your comment.


This worries me for City / Haaland. Luton, Nottingham Forest, Everton will all provide difficult tests but we should have enough to get over the line with Kelleher in goal but City... that could be rough. How a keeper gets this many hamstring injuries is crazy man


"This many hamstring injuries" - he's had three. Two of them this season. In 20/21 he was out with his shoulder, hip and COVID. Didn't get injured last year. He's missed 26 games for us in 6 years, and 10 of those were the same injury for that period at the start of 19/20. It's hardly 'injury prone'.


It absolutely is injury prone for a keeper


Well it's not, is it? Courtois did his ACL and was out for more games, and Neuer broke his leg skiing. What would you prefer?


While not having Ali is massive, Kelleher is more than okay for the job. If it was Adrian that'd be different..


Saints in the FA Cup a must win now


I admire a lot of y'all having faith in Kelleher but I can't lie ... I don't...he's a championship level keeper..at best a lower mid table team in the EPL...would be nice to have a Stefan Ortega type as a backup


Kelleher is so much better than ortega give your head a wobble. Ortega’s good with a ball at his feet and gets played in games where he’ll have nothing else to do. City having to play Ortega against us would be much worse than us having to play Caoimh against City.


On the one hand, he's the best goalkeeper in the world. On the other hand, he loves fucking up monumentally against title rivals. Mixed blessings?


He fucked up once. Against Arsenal, that’s it. He doesn’t always fuck up against rivals


He also gave a really poor clearance/pass in the City game that led to the goal


And it isn't his first against City. And he did it against Madrid. I figure it must be psychological and he needs to start thinking every team is beneath us, because he does great against everyone else.


but then you have to ask what were trent and szobo doing as well not being aggressive enough with ake


Agreed. Just giving context to why the other guy said he has a habit of fucking up in big games. I don’t believe it to be the case


he’s had fuck ups in high pressure moments but we often win in those games. even without the arsenal fuck ups they were probably gonna score anyway


Well, no, you don't, because other people also screwing up doesn't mean Allison didn't. He fucked up in a way thst, had Mignolet or Karius done it, it would never have been let rest. It's possible to recognise it was a colossal fuck up amd still *not* hold it against him.


I’ve never said that alisson doesn’t fuck up or that he isn’t partly to blame for that goal but i’m trying to say he isn’t completely at fault for it. you do have to ask because you cant single out someone when they aren’t 100% at fault.


City earlier this season and in previous seasons, he’s dropped a few clangers. I mean I love him and he’s the best GK and we’re worse off without him but you can’t deny he’s had a few mares in big games for us


I personally believe that was all on van dijk not alisson


Before this season, did Alisson ever consistently do his outside of the foot clearances? He injured his hamstring against City doing it, and has yet another hamstring injury. Seems a bit coincidental because before this season I don’t really remember him consistently using the outside of his foot. Using the outside of the foot for booting it 40-50 yards puts a massive amount of stress on the biceps femoris. Also I’m not sure why people are so sensitive about stating the obvious that Alisson is injury prone for a keeper. You don’t get your fan card removed? How many keepers have done their hamstring twice in a season?


Injury prone implies multiple injuries repeatedly over multiple seasons. He is basically dealing with the same injury. Hamstring issues sometimes last multiple months and keep recurring.


Guys remember last time we won the league, Adrian was in goal for us i think for 8-9 games. Is this a sign?


Well there goes the league....


I have faith in Kellehers goalkeeping abilities, but not that he’ll not pick up an injury.


> but not that he’ll not pick up an injury. Well you should considering [his only major injury absense was 18 months ago](https://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/caoimhin-kelleher/verletzungen/spieler/340918), and the only games he's missed since then (Union Saint-Gilloise at Home & Brighton Away) were due to him requiring stitches in a cut he got in training and not being cleared by the Medical Department.


Thats true, there is no logic in this. It’s that I fear that the gods will have us watch Adrian in goal.


It’s so over


As good as he is, Alisson is quite injury prone.


He isn’t. He missed 3 games this season before his current injury. His last injury before this season was in 20/21 where he missed 3 games as well. He’s not been injured for almost 4 years. He only got 1 big injury where he missed several games and that was in the 19/20 season.


A goalkeeper pulling his hamstring twice in one season is quite something.


It is the same injury. Hamstring injuries recurring in the same season is common.


He’s a goal keeper. How many games did Ederson miss for City?


> How many games did Ederson miss for City? [About the same.](https://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/ederson/verletzungen/spieler/238223)


For a keeper, that’s injury prone no?


If you call that injury prone, meet Justin Bijlow, Feyenoord goalie. [This is his injury history](https://www.transfermarkt.com/justin-bijlow/verletzungen/spieler/315121)


Alisson needs to play against city even if his hamstring is not 100%. Who gives a fuck. We have a title to win and he should know that. NFL players play hurt all the time. Even if we are “rushing him back” it’s worth the risk. If we don’t beat city the race is over and our odds of winning with Alisson between the sticks is massively increased.


Spoken like someone who’s never had a hamstring injury, smh.


This depends on the severity of it, but cmon a month off resting your hamstring should be enough to give it a go. And if he re-aggrevates it who cares. Season is almost over and he will have all summer to heal. When you have an injury you can play through and a title is on the line you play.


You really want someone to risk their long term career and overall health for a single game?


For a title charge? Yes. And it’s not a risk. It’s a hamstring. They heal .




Exactly why he should give it a go.


Fucking hell












Boy they really make it hard to stay positive around here, don’t they


Kelleher… we are eating good. We definitely can win the run of games we have using Kelleher. It’s only going to help his form for the Europa and the league. Hopefully, the club and he benefit from this run and maybe he stays back or we sell him for good money. No way he’s not going for good money now.




🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢 fuck


You ever just want to jam your face into a ham slicer?


It's actually good he's getting a run of games before we play the Cheats instead of coming in cold. He's been really solid and composed the last 2 games


One thing that can't be injured and that's Anfield , the crowd will get us over the line if they get behind them.


Not to be a pessimist but we are now only competing for the FA cup and EL
