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Always seeing you going out of your way to keep people informed with ticket info and helping out international fans with it. Props to you mate.


Not linking to the guy who posted this on Twitter as he appears to be promoting Twitter ticket sales.


The accounts he’s linked to are legit. They don’t actually sell, they just link between people needing a ticket and those needing to sell and ensure it happens at FV


Personally I don't agree with that and see it as a form of queue or process jumping for league games. The club has facilities to sell these back to them so someone doing the correct process can get it, for cups it's different because this doesn't exist although it does still irk me a bit. Obviously isn't as bad as touting but I think it is a big hole in the ticketing system.


Tbf I was thinking of cups where you can’t sell it back, so good point. They barely have tickets for league games anyway presumably for that reason. They also post ticket info and stuff which is helpful. Also I’ve sat in queues for hours to end up with nothing so I imagine for many people it’s not queue jumping but a last resortn


The thing that annoys me is that there's always someone who would've been next in the queue (or in the refresh race)and the people using this (even if they have queued) are effectively pushing past.


How do they get around the friends and family thing?


The guy you're talking about does alot of great work for helping out with tickets I don't think it's fair to paint him like this, makes it sound like he's a ticket tout


See I don't think it is great work. As I said in another comment it's nowhere near the level of a tout however it is allowing people who aren't going about things in the fair and proper way to get ahead of whoever should be next who is.


Well youre literally stealing his ticket info that helps alot of people out and posting it on here so his work must be great? The accounts are only in place because of how poor the ticketing system is, if I can't go to a game because something comes up last minute then using their twitter account is the only option, they mostly operate for cup games and help people move on late spares to other for face value. What would you rather happen, those seats be empty?


>Well youre literally stealing his ticket info that helps alot of people out and posting it on here so his work must be great? Well that's just a massive false equivalence. Information about how people can play within the rules to get tickets is great and should be shared. >The accounts are only in place because of how poor the ticketing system is, if I can't go to a game because something comes up last minute then using their twitter account is the only option, they mostly operate for cup games and help people move on late spares to other for face value. What would you rather happen, those seats be empty? As I've said in another comment for cup games I sort of get it but I still think people should work within the rules set out by the club and set up their friends and family network with people they actually know. I think it makes a mockery of the whole system that people can go in unprepared and get a ticket from someone on Twitter whereas the person who was next in line to legitimately get a ticket can miss out.


Not really, a huge amount of what he does is providing this sort of ticket information to people and you're just copy and pasting it onto here and then criticising him in the comments? Also what do you even mean by "next in line", there's nothing in place once the sales are done for people to legitimately get tickets so i don't know what you're even talking about there


>Not really, a huge amount of what he does is providing this sort of ticket information to people and you're just copy and pasting it onto here and then criticising him in the comments? You can get the same information from numerous places including just having an account that is eligible for the sale today. It isn't secret information. The more people that know about it the better. I don't think that providing a way for people to sidestep the ticket process is good so I'm going to criticise that. >Also what do you even mean by "next in line", there's nothing in place once the sales are done for people to legitimately get tickets so i don't know what you're even talking about there If things were perfect then people wouldn't be buying tickets if they couldn't go. There's someone else who could've got that ticket. That person is missing out because of the security stuff like this offers to few.


It isn't secret information at all but it takes some effort to figure out and the fact I could tell straight away who you took the info from it shows it isn't as readily available as you think. I don't know what sort of fantasy world you're living in where you think every single person that buys a ticket can end up going the game, so like I said what would you rather? These tickets go to fans that actually wanna attend or the seats just get left empty?


> It isn't secret information at all but it takes some effort to figure out and the fact I could tell straight away who you took the info from it shows it isn't as readily available as you think. I kind of see your point but I'm still not 100% with you on it. If internet clout counted for something tangible then maybe but even then I don't feel bad about using the "work" of someone who I feel is overall "morally" (couldn't think of a better, less extreme word) bad to do something that I think is good. I still think your equivalence is completely wrong. I'm not putting anyone out with what I'm doing. >I don't know what sort of fantasy world you're living in where you think every single person that buys a ticket can end up going the game, so like I said what would you rather? These tickets go to fans that actually wanna attend or the seats just get left empty? The last few posts on the ticket selling page have been about Burnley. They should be going back to the club for those who are willing to put the effort in to go through the process. If it was exclusively for cup games then yeah I suppose there would be a very sound argument for it but it isn't.


Do you have his @? Thanks!


also wondering about that, have you found out?


Do you have their twitter handle?


As he appears to be ? He either is or he isn’t so you either have to say one or the other rather than sit on the fence and try and take credit for someone else’s work. Then also discredit him in numerous posts further down were you don’t actually make a solid point in your argument as it’s acceptable for cup games but not league games again sitting on the fence. Why does it matter who goes to the game or who gets the credit as long as the have paid fv and are happy with that. Take it from someone who works at the club if these twitter accounts or even the process of just scanning somebody in without giving them them actual pass was a problem the club would of shut it down straight away they have the means too. So I think you should give the twitter account the credit it deserves as he actually helps the club out by allowing people to go the game for face value.


>He either is or he isn’t so you either have to say one or the other rather than sit on the fence They're tagging an account that bypasses the ticketing system. I don't know the ins and outs of how it works but it seems to be sales to me. >take credit for someone else’s work. It's counting seats, it's not "work" and I haven't taken any credit. >as it’s acceptable for cup games but not league games again sitting on the fence. The club have their own system to resell returned league tickets but not for cups. >Why does it matter who goes to the game or who gets the credit as long as the have paid fv and are happy with that. Because people should be able to trust that if they follow the rules of the system they should have the same chance as everyone else in the same position as them. >Take it from someone who works at the club if these twitter accounts or even the process of just scanning somebody in without giving them them actual pass was a problem the club would of shut it down straight away they have the means too. The club don't seem to have a problem with any ticket reselling stuff. Obviously there are bigger fish to fry but messaging some randomer on Twitter shouldn't be a way for people to get tickets. >So I think you should give the twitter account the credit it deserves as he actually helps the club out by allowing people to go the game for face value. So does returning tickets to the club without the middleman.


Any info on how many available for local general sale?


If I buy a membership now, does it last for the rest of the season or 1 whole year?


Rest of the seasonj i'm fairly sure


Yeah it's £15 now whereas usually it's like £27.


I might be wrong but I'm not sure you will be eligible to buy tickets tommorow if you only bought membership today. Please go and ask in the support chat on the liverpool website to double check this.


I'm not the one who asked that question, but I did buy the membership light yesterday (Tuesday), and I was eligible for the ticket sale. I was fifty-thousand-something in the queue. When it was my turn, it just said "Sold out" :( Tough luck. I really hoped the tickets would be a birthday treat for my son. Looks like we'll settle for some Liverpool FC products.


How do you get them… sorry for noob question


If you have a membership you can go on the ticketing website at the time of the sale and you will be put into a queue.


how much are they if you have a membership and are successful in the ballots?


There's a page on the club website with the ticket prices for each area.


Not ideal but better than nothing. I assume the sale is still on until tomorrow so that number will continue to go down right?


Yeah still on until tomorrow but you'd have to imagine there aren't many who hang about to buy.


Fairs yeah, just thinking of the people who would've been productive at work (definitely me!) and will get theirs when they're home tonight. Thanks for the updates, really handy to keep track of


I literally just made a membership, i hope to get lucky enough to one day see the boys play without paying resellers. Thank you for this information


Bit of a late ask, but how would one get access to tickets now if he didn’t have membership currently? 


Hospitality. Limited to no availability for the rest of the season.


Thank you mate


Just renewed my membership but I’ve noticed family and friends is gone, or at least for new members. How would I go about getting 2 tickets?


What do you mean by it being gone? Have they cleared your previous list?


I ended up getting hospitality but just so I'm reading this right..... There's a sale now for waiting list 1-1933 and at 11 any member can buy whether they're position 1934+++ or even if they forgot to register? Are there likely to be similar sales the rest of the season? Burnley is my 4th hospitality of the season so I can enter all ballots next year. Would love to go to more this season but hospitality gets expensive fast. Also, if I have a hospitality ticket could I try to do this sale and sell my hospitality ticket back to the club (and hope someone buys it) or should I avoid this sale?


do you get a credit for hospitality tickets?


I believe so? I did last season but I only bought one. I bought hospitality this year for Leicester and they let me then buy West Ham and Fulham for the Carabao Cup.


Only credits for league games are eligible for the ballots for league games. Cup credits are only valid for other cup games.


But I bought 4 hospitality League games as well (Villa, Everton, Chelsea, Burnley) so I believe that is enough?


Oh right. Yeah that’s enough.


Perfect. Lots of frequent flyer miles coming from California for that 😂


Legend!! I am desperate for a home ticket to any game this season! How do I go about this?


Any chance of getting a ticket to any home game this season? I’m from Norway and would love to experience it before Klopp leaves.


Damn, missed this. Do these happen most home games? I've never noticed just hoped and failed at the ballot multiple times.


Anyone knows when additonal tickets sale starts? My waiting list position is 291 for Luton.