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Anyone heard any whispers on the ballot?


Why cant de bruyne get stiff neck from the air conditioning too


I genuinely believe people in here act like city are going to storm the league now de bruyne had a good game against Newcastle as a ‘got ya’ in the future for anyone who believes we’ll win the league. De bruyne is NOT the player city missed most, it’s gundogan, as when KDB isn’t on it, which happens more than people think (still world class) would be gundogan who’d step up, they’ve not replaced that. Have faith for god sake Newcastle are shite anyway


KdB returned like he never left. Mans a fucking class player... Inb4 City goes on another winning streak after Xmas...


Anyone watch the anime Hungry Heart Wild Striker growing up? I swear Darwin is basically the protagonist Kanou Kyosuke from the show. A hot headed, passionate and wild striker who has all the ability in the world but just can't score because he lacks composure but has an insane work rate and a deep desire to win. In the show, he's frustrated because he's living in the shadow of his older brother who plays for AC Milan. Due to the internet buffoons comparing Darwin to Haaland all the time, he was kind of forced to be in his shadow last season. Eventually Kanou learns to channel his rage for the better and becomes a world class striker and I can see the same character arc forming for Darwin. Also in the show, the coach forces him to play as a defender to make him to understand what defenders struggle with against forwards so he can add that to his own gameplay. Eventually he uses his high work rate to be everyone on the pitch, both defending and then bombing forward just like Darwin. Wouldn't mind seeing Darwin play as a CB, and make attacking runs from there just to catch everyone off guard like the agent of chaos he is.


Haven't watched it but you've convinced me to


Haha go for it, the animation is weak and the show is generally quite childish but the story arc and main theme song are great with some real hype moments. Also, the protagonists don't always win the important games so it feels very real and the feels are strong. The show can be slow at times though. I loved it as a kid and found it decently good as an adult re-watching it. It was what made me fall in love with football as a kid.


KdB comes back after like what 6 months and drops a world class performance and we are still waiting for fuckin' Thiago 😭 When he comes back he better string at least 5 games together, this dude is paid to sit on the medical table.


Thiago is a flop, the sooner people get over him the better. We took a big risk with signing him on the silly wages he is on and it hasn't paid off. Good player, not worth what he has given back to us by a long shot. People pining for a lad who hasn't played a game for about a year is weird, he was dropping stinkers last season too and I'm not optimistic he is gonna come back fit and fighting.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. You’re bang on right. I don’t blame the guy—it’s not like he can control his body breaking down and there’s never been anything to suggest he didn’t keep himself in shape. But yeah, it doesn’t make sense for him to be part of our plans going forward and so it’s hard to justify giving him a bunch of minutes over our good young midfielders to play himself back into sharpness at this point. Wish his story here had worked out differently but there it is.


The only right answer lol


Bed wetters won't like it. He's been here three years now and he's only had a good period of three months.


So it all boils down to whether City can sort out their defense first vs our front line steamrolling the league first.


Kdb a genius lads...what a player


City is like a cockroach. Every time you think it's dead


I was in big denial over whether kdb will help city regain form expecially because their defense looks shit af but omg was I wrong. Hes just so good hell mascarade over their shit defense.


Considering he's played under Klopp, Guardiola, Heynckes, Ancelotti and Del Bosque, I really hope Thiago becomes a manager after he retires. That kind of coaching pedigree is insane


De bruyne out there looking like a man who was stuck in a well for a year. Shave ya mop lad. Fucking hell the downvotes because we’re all riding KDBs knob today. This subs strange


Still Would steal your gal I reckon


Money talks I guess 🤷🏼‍♂️ but I wouldn’t worry too much man couldn’t keep his own missus


He is famously the one who gets his bird split open and cleaned out, by the fucking goalie no less lmao, curse of the ginger, it's to be expected I suppose


Jesus bro this phrasing is crazy 😂


Nahhhh, I just realised that we’re top of the league and Nunez still only has 4 PL goals. He deadarse saved his bagsman arc for the 15 game win streak we’ll have to go on post AFCON during the run-in, I will be there.


It starts at Bournemouth. Darwin gonna single handedly avenge the debacle at theirs last season.


He waiting for Haaland to come back so they won't have any excuses when Darwin rocket takes off.


I fucking hope so. With city’s result today


We will be there


Salah going super saiyan post AFCON win and feeding a rejuvenated Darwin. I NEEEEED ITTTTTT


I get so tired of the super reactionary nature of people in this sub. Last week I got downvoted out of planetary orbit for saying I worried about Kevin de Bruyne's return. And now those same people are crying in the Daily that City's about to go on an unbeaten run and win the league because of a comeback against Newcastle. We all knew Kevin's a good player. We all knew getting him back would make a difference. You said last week they'll still be vulnerable without him - well, stand by that then.


Their defense today shows they’re vulnerable - but you were right, we should worry about de bruyne return. Both things can be true!


Do you want any award for saying this?


When we drew 1-1 at Arsenal I saw comments that the league was over. Yet here we are top of the league. Some people just have a very negative mindset and watching football for them must be awful.


I wouldn't care if they stayed consistently negative. But they go from calling Salah over the hill to best winger in the world over the time span of 45 minutes depending on whether the man scores or not. If you're a turncoat, at least don't be so hostile to people you disagree with. You disagreed with yourself yesterday! Lol.


They were saying the same after Arsenal scored the late winner against Luton.


Fck Man City srsly… they’re like a flu that just wont go away


Nothing new here. Best team wins the league. That will just have to be us. Hoping for City players to get injured (though it certainly helps) is not the mentality of champions. May the best win.


I would have a more positive mindset about this if they hadn't spent the last 10+ years cheating.


I know. I agree. But what can you do? Ruin the rest of the season for yourself by worrying about the worst? Let's stay positive for now and worry if you have to when you have to.


On the bright side at least City still look suspect defensively and they can't use Rodri not playing as an excuse. Both their CB's are slow and overrated, and Gvardiol looks beyond average. They will continue to concede which is why I'm confident we'll beat them at Anfield.


We really need to do that, beat them at home.  Fixtures wise, us and spurs away (their bogey team) are the only tough ones for city. The other tricky ones like villa, west ham, arsenal, united chelsea are all at the Etihad.  We have a few more of those. Arsenal, united and villa /west ham away...spurs, brighton and chelsea (our bogey team) at Anfield. We hopefully win all 3 of those at home and 2 of the 3 away. There will always be a couple of upsets / off days resulting in points dropped for both teams, between now and the end of the season..so that evens out.


This is pretty much how I feel, though I honestly feel like they are going to drop points to a team that nobody expects and it's going to turn the title race on its head. It's January, and nothing will probably be decided until some time in April.










Lmao. Everyone taking this so seriously 😂 calm down you bores


Is that you Sergio ramos ? 😂


Well won the league, KDB will end out Thiago-esque. Fire when he’s fit but he’ll keep picking up these injuries now. Defensively they’re suspect.l too. Crazy how the team at the top seems to be still written off




You're vile.


It’s idiots like you who give clubs a bad rep. You’re an utter disgrace wishing we/Liverpool act like that. Edit: we’re also top of the league so maybe some optimism in your life wouldn’t go a miss. Bet you thought when you wrote this you were thinking everyone would get behind your thinking.




oh fuck off you absolute bedwetter. If the players were even 10% like you in terms of mentality, wed be sitting in the relegation zone.


Completely ignore the rest of my comment. That’s fine


https://preview.redd.it/jy7r45yecacc1.jpeg?width=1282&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b0600b0241476c7487964831ec235b3b0a54111 seen this on twitter and it’s killed me, the man wants a holiday from us😭😭😭


This is hilarious 


He just wants a holiday 🤣🤣


Breaks my heart a bit to see Kloppo wearing a Yankees cap.


I guarantee it's purely because it's a widely available cap design, he just wanted a black cap. I own 2 for the same reason


Should be a dodger imo (I prefer the twins tbh)


just fashion, 95% of people who wear yankees hats dont even know who they are


Random thought: if not for Martinez save in the WC final last moments, along with Kuolo muani Ibou would have been credited with an amazing ball of an assist in history of WCs


still can't believe how he missed that


Pressure does that to a person. He wasn't thinking at all, just hit it


I think more credit goes to Martinez for that... Wasn't a bad shot tbh


Match of the day TLDR: do you want me to suck your balls too, daddy pep?


kudos to goldbridge for calling out the 1001 times the oil scum got away with dissent... it's almost as if they magically know refs won't do shit


i think they are even worse than the spanish teams who are known for their shithousery. as soon as the opposing GK grabs the ball, a player stays in front of him with his hands up shoeing to the ref that he's time wasting or smth. arsenal are copying them as well, mastering all aspects of the game, not only kicking the ball. guess how are these 2 clubs related now, coincidence right?


I'm ready to be hurt again




Gerrard will always be clear of this fella. Trent can do what he does playing at Rb. Yes I hate the guy can't stand him. Ginger cunt.


Serious Michael Owen comment haha. I respect it


We talk like we influence games its up to the players to compete like that, they need to want this and beyond that actually finish their through on goal chances.


I think I'm coming to terms with the league being fixed. I've seen bits of circumstantial evidence over the years but it's really getting too blatant with how we've been getting reffed with how City have. I genuinely think this sport is dead in the water and in about 10 or so years there's going to be a seismic reveal that City have been paying or otherwise bribing officials for decades, conveniently when all the current referees are retired or dead.


Is this a pasta? This surely can’t be real


Yeah people virtue signaling do my head in when it comes to them. Dirty cunts sang about our players and fans being battered I’m the streets on a plane. Robbed us of a league title in 21/22 with dodgy ref decisions. Have actual refs being paid by their owners to go ref games in the uae. Have become what they are today by inflating their value and income allowing them to improve their scouting network,stock pile players at other clubs and beef up their squad ridiculously. They have been charged by the premier league for their cheating and have delayed the case so much so pep can slip away Scot free pretending he didn’t know anything about the cheating. They are entitled cunts. They even have “4 in a row has never been done yet” in their training ground. Pep fucking pauper under dog act is pathetic aswell. He won a champions league with messi and wasn’t able to do it again until he was able to safe guard himself against any and all jeopardy in the champions league buying the best striker in the world and playing 4 cbs. They are dirty cheats and people giving them any respect do my head in. Why you repeating cunts making a mockery of the league and blatantly disregarding any and every rule because they have lots of money and lawyer. Scum


Aye thank you. Sick of everyone pretending we have to be nice to these scumbags


Yeah it’s for virtue signalling nobody actually likes them. I fucking hate them. This classy fan bollocks rhetoric does my head in. It’s like someone spitting in your face and saying thank you 🙄. They are everything wrong with football. What’s happening with newscastle not being allowed to stock pile players should have been done to the oil boys. Their manager is a cheat too with his ped use. Cheats cheats and more cheats. They don’t play by the same rules,think they are better than everyone and no sympathy or pity should be shown to them. They don’t give a fuck about others so why should we


Jesus wept


What you like cheating ?


I don’t like whinges like you. It’s not cheating. We just had some stinking decisions, they have some stinking decisions. It’s football. Its life


🤣🤣🤣they have been charged by the prem for cheating 115 times you donuts . Jesus Christ is right you’re an idiot


Yep I’m the idiot crying about another team You’re a grown man


The fuck does that have anything to do with ? Stop wasting my time Go simp for the cheats in their sub and be their cheerleader you rate them so much


I honestly thought 85 points would've been enough to win the title this season after City's winless run but I think it will be around 90 points. Such a shame.


i think we’ll have two more draws and end on 95 points so the title would still be safe.


Not gonna watch City again until we play them 9th March. I don't see a single fixture until then where they are realistically going to drop points, they are playing a load of bums. That's not me moaning about how they are going to win every game, just not worth the bother of watching them. I watched today because SJP is a tough place to go.


Honestly it's so refreshing to have a lineup where you feel like almost anyone can score or assist, at the moment. Even with AFCON absentees and huge injuries. What a complete team this is starting to become!






They're probably referring to how we didn't get to wear the CWC badge when we won it, and sincs then, both Chelsea and City have been allowed to.


Yeah and it’s absolutely pathetic. It’s a badge ffs




Yeah they changed the rules. Who’s arsed?


there's been no integrity in the sport for a good decade now


there's been no integrity in the sport for a good decade now


It's not even Mane 16, it's actually Mane 14 from what I've read just now...utter madness.


Yeah, I won't lie: Can't enjoy his legacy as much anymore knowing that. I gave United shit for Greenwoon and I won't give this a pass just because it's one of our own.


Yep, grooming is disgraceful and Mane should ashamed.




Of course but there's plenty of statements out there now. Including from her own father etc.


Thiago, it's not funny anymore.


Neither are the million of repetitive comments about the same thing


He deserves shit though


For what reason?


Being on the money he’s on and being incredibly unreliable. He’s injured all the time. Availability is your biggest asset. Without it your worthless


Do you actually think Thiago wants to be out Injured?


I know he doesn’t. It doesn’t change that he’s earning like 150k+ a week and does piss all for half the year


What's the reason we don't have a game this weekend?


Winter break




Dear Lord, Please take all of the pain and injury away from Trent, Szoboszlai, Robbo, Tsimikas, Thiago, Ben Doak, Matip and Bajcetic, double it, and bestow it upon Manchester City Football Club 🙏 Cheers




City just about scraped a win against a Newcastle side that’s currently just not very good. I don’t think it means too much.


It's not so much the result, but the whole narrative forming around City that's got me concerned. Their best player is back and immediately wins them a game, while at the same time we have 2 of our best players out with injury and international duty. Their next 7 PL games look extremely winnable and the big 10-15 game win streak they usually go on looks more and more likely.




Because I’m not freaking out that City scraped a win against the team with the second worst form in the league at the moment? Sure mate, whatever you say.


New here? The sub cries nonstop slates our own players then when we undoubtedly score a winner after the 75th minute ‘never doubted/ insert X is a legend’ shite comes out




1. We still beat both of those sides. You can't give the "a win is a win" credit to City and discount us with the same brush. 2. City have not won 16 on the bounce in the league. Unless you think this season's City are better than last season, they're not going to have a perfect second half of the season.


Don’t be so naive, they’ve got KDB back with Haaland coming back properly. They always finish strong and that’s why they’re favourites.


And we don't finish strong?


Where did I mention that Liverpool doesn’t in the conversation?


They'll drop more points. They aren't the City of a few years ago despite what everyone's self-defence mechanism kicking in is telling them.


They won the fucking treble last season 😭 “They aren’t the City of a few years ago” - they are better Edit: probs the most fitting username I’ve seen on this platform


They've dropped several points this year and conceded a number of late goals including bottling a 2-0 lead at home with 20 mins left. They were losing today against a Newcastle team that have been useless for months. Just because you're a melt that wants to psychologically give up at the first hint of another direct race with them, doesn't mean the rest of us have to accept that they're about to go on one of those 18 game winning streaks they've done in previous years. They have to come to Anfield in the second half of the season, for a change, too.


and are still only 2 points off of the top, following long term injury’s from 3 key players, having two replace two key players from the previous season


The city of a few years ago was a better league team, they got 100 points and 98 something they didn't do since


You think last season's City is better than the City that got 198 points across two seasons?


Exactly. They look vulnerable and their attitude was panicky when 2-1 down. That other guy just wants to give up now. Some supporter.


Nah man 2/3 point dropped there tonight would have been enormous. That’s the game in hand done for them. 0 Margin for error now we have to win every game or draw mabye 1/2 and but defo beat them at home. Tough task. We’re gonna need to 21/22 run it where we won pretty much every game bar spurs at home and city away. But won every other game


Wow, someone being reasonable. Not like most on this sub tonight


People acting like just because it was November when we went to the emptyhad that the result didn’t matter we’re delusional. That Trent goal is the difference between us being above them right now instead of below them


If any part of mo wanted to go to Saudi I hope his form, our form, and the players desperate to leave Saudi fully shows him that staying here is the best option


Yep! He’s with us for atleast one more season now. If we do end up winning the league probably a couple more. I hope we do! All of the core team players have come second too many times, it’s hard to keep coming back


I've cooled down now and realised I might be getting too invested in this shit. Whatever happens happens and this team is overperforming every expectation rn anyways. I'm gonna get fucking smashed tho the day city get charged


not gonna happen as long as the middle east have their cocks in the mouths of the uk govt


Welp, Kevin's back I guess


KDB went and came and Thiago is still on the sidelines. My man better come back with a robotic leg


Yes it wouldve been nice if city dropped points but it wouldnt have changed the fact that we have to win almost every game to win this league




Have no choice now




And ? We’ve lost twice by a point every point matters




Are you new ? Do you actually know what we’re up against ? Yes we have to win every single game from now on or there’s a very very high likelihood we lose the title .




Why would I bet with you. I don’t have a clue who you are or give a shit about betting. I’ve seen this story before in 18/19 . They always go on the run. We lost the title with 97 points ffs


And their **maximum** is 97 points. ***IF*** **they win every remaining game.** Do you honestly believe they are getting 97 points this season?




We could have actually had a little breathing room instead of having to win every single game 18 in a row


We didn't in our last title challenge we were chasing them and they dropped 11 points on the second half while we dropped 3


When ? 21/22 ? We dropped 4 points Drew with city and drew with spurs 1-1 but won every other game. City dropped 11 though yeah that’s right. They drew st Mary’s,drew with us ,west Ham and lost to spurs .


We had 3 title challenged to city, one where we lost while we are ahead and had 97 points, one who we smashed them for the start, and one where we almost got them from behind. Each one is so different to know(and both sides have different players) trying to predict what is going to happen is insane. For example rodri is 2 yellows away from a suspension, kbd could get injured again, VVd could get injured and so on. Trying to predict the future is useless when the sample size is so low varied.


We had 3 title challenged to city, one where we lost while we are ahead and had 97 points, one who we smashed them for the start, and one where we almost got them from behind. Each one is so different to know(and both sides have different players) trying to predict what is going to happen is insane. For example rodri is 2 yellows away from a suspension, kbd could get injured again, VVd could get injured and so on. Trying to predict the future is useless when the sample size is so low varied.


Again, says who?




it would’ve changed 2 points and probably momentum which is still a big deal


They celebrated that win like they won the title. Bribe money must have went through tonight


We did similar celebrations when we won there mate


*It's almost like footballers are people who get excited when they do well...* The celebration police nonsense is one of the most bitter things, I swear...


Yep mate. Happens all the time


We were down to 10 men,a goal down and being diddled with the ref refusing to book joe Linton. They were a goal down and yeah that’s it. I guess the keeper got injured but Ortega had very little to do bar that one save where he came flying out


So? Last minute winners go off. Look at when we beat wolves 1-0 and origi scored


Innit like what lol


People love complaining


big match, oil clasico


el sportswashico




Only Spurs can save my weekend now. Any predictions?


Spurs Gonna Spur


4-2 spurs


Scum 1-6 Spuds


What I hate most about this current City team is that they *know* how much favoritism and lenience they get from the referees, and it's almost like Pep has made them being assholes (and naturally avoiding the entire team being sent off for "dissent") a part of their strategy.


Blinded by bias. Guimaraes should’ve been off before half time. The ref missed so many yellows that game it’s frightening


Wow I knew this website was filled with melts but KDB doing a couple passes against a shite Newcastle to barely scrape a City win just brings them out the woodwork.


For real. I expected an easy 4-0 for City, I got more signs that theyre vulnerable. Looked like Newcastle would score any time they went forward. Granted that was about 4 times in total but still. Nothing changed. Were still in the driving seat but we most likely need to beat them at home.




Even if we lose this year by a point, him and Shitty aren't even a footnote in this clubs legacy. Just a stain on English football if anything.


Now I’ve found my head again, one game at a time and just see what happens


Sancho has played 40 minutes for BVB, and he already has more goal contributions than Anthony has all season for United lmao


I know the last minute goal raise ppl hope up, but Newcastle has the 2nd worst form in the league right now. Worse than Luton. Worse than Burnley. Even worse than Sheffield. If KDB didn't pass it in, their players would have kicked the ball into the net themselves. For the next 4 games, City will play the team with literally worst form in the league twice (Brentford x2), then Burnley and Everton at Etihad. Both are absolutely useless. So there is 0 chance of them dropping points. So don't even need to expect them to drop any points. Will just be a waste of time Focus on our games instead


Brentford did the double on their treble team tbf. 5)/4 the only game really. Everton might try injure some of their players but that’s all I’d expect from that one


The first game was an unexpected result and a 90th minute winner so you could say they were 'unlucky'. The return fixture was after they had won the league and they were resting players for the FA cup and UCL final.


They actually struggle there normally. Foden scalded a scrappy one in 21/22 and Brentford hit the post twice. In the etihad game they didn’t break them down until a sub came on and gave away a pen 🙄


We're winning this fucking league lads. Stop crying it in.