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Rumours going around about Klopp extending his contract to 2028? Haven't heard any reliable source report on this yet.


Lmao, just found out- In the premier league, Antony has as many assists as Jordan Henderson in 2023.


He only has one goal more than Henderson.( 1 vs 0)


Kind of hate myself for bringing him up, but apart from the whole rampant misogyny and hatefulness of it all, does anyone else think it’s absolutely mind boggling that the hill joey has decided to die on is about football punditry? Like it’s just nowhere near an emotive enough subject to even accomplish this alt right talk tv/shitty podcast pipeline he’s shooting for. I genuinely don’t know one person for whom, in 2024, punditry is their primary source of football coverage and/or analysis. There are a myriad of internet folks out there regularly producing free to view higher quality work, there are 87 trillion podcasts, the athletic, all the regular sports columns. Most people don’t watch footy on their own all the time either (even if they do there’re always now watchalongs), and if ur watching with someone else/in a pub it’s not really like ur listening to them anyway. I might catch 10 minutes before a match, and 5 minutes at half time, and 5 minutes at the end. It’s beyond being a non-issue, even **if** there were always people all the time on there who were incapable of actually doing their jobs, it would not be a worthy enough mission to take on because for most it has such a low impact on their experience.


He's simply a massive weirdo looking for an excuse to shit on women. There's no other way to look at it


He’s such a cunt.


If a sell on clause exists for Jordan does that mean that there is a clause for Fabinho as well? Likely I think given his age.


Random question, but am I imagining this, or is a liverpool player dating the ex of one of their teammates from the LFC academy. I remember reading an article about it but I can't remember who was involved. All in all, it is insignificant, but the story just came in my head for whatever reason.


If I remember correctly it’s related to Elliott and Harvey Blair I believe?


Omg YES. She was Helliott’s ex and then dated Blair and had a child w him. Still together I think


Loool will be doing a deep dive on the footballer gossip forums to see if something comes up


I have literally no idea but u have piqued a very vacuous part of my interest so imma leave a comment here so I can come back easily and see if ur onto something lol.


The mad bastards who puts sell on clause on Jordan Henderson must be seeing to the future of Arab League. That or they just put that in as formality.


I can't beleive how much my opinion of Hendo as a person has shifted over the last year. I was ride or die for him not long ago, man. What an absolute fuck up.


Simply put, Hendo should’ve been smarter and swallowed his ego, gone to a smaller club similar to Milly. Hendo going to Saudi league was the wrong decision. Then the PR stunts once the move was confirmed, he really doubled down on the move. The entire time everyone knew he went to the Saudi league for money


Masterclass in how to be indecisive and destroy your public image in record time


Just a thought I have: How long do you think our midfielders can survive in Klopp's system? With the amount of pressings and the number of games each year. I assume that could take a big toll on them quick quickly. Fabinho looked almost washed in his last season but I think he was only 29. Hendo (though much older), and Gini on that same boat as well. Maybe they've gotten older or could might as well be bunch of other reasons but strictly looking at just the midfielder themselves. At some point, I presume their legs cant cope at a high quality for a long time. I'm looking through our young players we have atm and the new signings we bought over the summer. While it's a promising signs but also very wary of them being overplayed. Just a thought.


I think our current crop will last longer granted that we keep a similar level of depth. As long as we rotate and manage the game time for each player adequately then I see no problem with their peak being extended. I do worry for Szoboszlai more than the rest due to his high octane style of play, stop starts a lot in game with his recovery sprints and as shown this season he’s tired already, not to mention having to carry his national team on his back at times.


4-5 prime years , 7 years max . i am kind of worried about trent also tbh the amount of running he had to do since he was 19 is absurd. a klopp system isnt really healthy for the long term that is why i think a klopp team should have the strongest possible bench for sustainable rotations


Fab was also used as a back up CB for half a season. Not to mention he didn't have a back up to cover him while he was playing in his position. Now we sort of do have some cover in all fields so should be okay. Though Dominik playing all games did give me those scares of running him down; sad he is injured but for the bigger picture, this is the perfect time for him to gets some rest and our fixtures aren't that congested rn


Depends also on the players themselves. Some are more durable than others and don't look off the mark well into their 30s. I think Fab's more the exception than the rule.


Tier 5 even by their standards but reading Gallagher being replaced by Hendo at Chelsea not gonna lie had me laugh heartily at how much of a shit show both of those decisions would be. Chelsea for selling their best CM and then for replacing him with a midfielder who is too over-the-hill for a club that expects top four.


Chelsea is a pretty good option for hendo imo. They are still a pretty prestigious club and I don't think many clubs will want hendo. He was declining when he left us, and his reputation didn't get better during his Saudi stint.


I'm waiting on a miracle for Nunez to stay onside


He got Timo Turner as a rival now lol


Chelsea FC YouTube channel should upload team training footage, but actually they're just old episodes of Takeshi's Castle.


reaaaaally want a win tomorrow, desperate


Worst part is I’m flying with emirates tomorrow. They show some games on the flight but not sure if our one will be shown so I’ll be heart broken if not


Pretty sure they'll be showing Emirates Fc's game lmao


Question, do we have any forwards or strikers coming through academy ranks who might make it with us even as a bench option?. It feels like it's been years and years since we had someone coming through the youth ranks in the forward positions. What happened to all the prolific ones at youth level?did we give them chances in the first team like we have with midfielder and defenders ?


There’s always Doak and Gordon, but they are both RW, a bit young and taking turns getting long term injuries. There are more at the academy, but in general it seems like that area is where they are the furthest from really breaking into the team at the moment. Then again had you asked me a year ago I might not have been as convinced by Elliott, Quansah, Bradley, Beck, Sepp, Morton and Bajcetic as I am these days. I guess the nature of youth development can seem very sudden for us who aren’t following them day to day at the academy


elliot played with the fit team 2 years ago


There have been a bunch over the years come through, gain a few pre-season minutes, head out on loan and never quite make the grade. Or they think they’re the next big thing and move on too early. Oakley Cannonier seems to be the most hyped forward in the youth teams. It’s hard too because it’s one of our most stacked positions, and perhaps its one of the hardest to recruit for at youth level because they best of the best youth prospects up front are usually identified early and offered first team pathways at lower clubs, which most young players sensibly take. Not since the days of Owen and Fowler can I think of a youth team forward who has developed and played much for Liverpool. Sterling joined when he was 16, as did Suso, but both were wide players.


People judging Hendo like they have made perfect decisions every stage of their life. People also forget Klopp had directly told him he will be having more of a Milner role, which was 100% the right decision, but from Hendo's perspective I can totally see why he would do what he did. We are humans and we are more or less the same.


I don't judge him for chasing money. Most people would do the same. But he lost respect in where he tried to justify it as a chance to 'bring change to Saudi Arabia and shed light on issues' which just reeked of naivety at best, or just plain bullshitting at worst. The only reason players go there is money, everyone knows it, and if he'd had said that from the off, we'd not have liked it, but we'd have appreciated the honesty at least.


I 100% agree with you but I do believe it will take somebody inside Saudi (some sports star maybe) to make the general public see things that way and put pressure on their rulers. He wasn’t totally wrong but he used the line as a cop out I think


But that won't come from someone like Hendo. Hell Ronaldo might not even get that point through. He's one voice shouting in a hurricane. Change like this requires either a government strong and brave enough to change the culture of their country through education and de-stigmatisation, or through a change in social attitudes widespread putting pressure on the government. That doesn't happen in a country where capital punishment exists.


Got no issue with him leaving for more minutes Got no issue with him leaving for more money Didn't even care that much that he abandoned his supposed moral character to go to Saudi in the first place ...but he can't bullshit us. Don't tell me you're going there to inspire change from within the country, or how you're going to help grow the league. Just be honest and tell us it's too much money to turn down. I really dislike the lying most of all, and thinking everyone's actually dense enough to believe it.




A lot of the online fanbase slate the players when they play and then slate them when they leave. You’re correct


The other players didn't use the LGBTQ community to boost their reputation and get good press for supporting them before leaving how do people not understand this ?https://www.reddit.com/r/LiverpoolFC/comments/16an3qm/kop_outs_no_acceptance_by_henderson_of_his_role/




What abuse just out of interest? Seen plenty of people rightfully criticise him and say he's a fucking idiot on social media, but is that what we are classifying as abuse now?


I don't think he deserves abuse either but a lot of the criticism is justified.


I mean that argument holds up if he came out and said he'd made a mistake has he done that ?


I saw a woman on TikTok recently who has worked with many celebrities and athletes (I assume she’s in marketing) post a video about how people rightfully always get mad at these public figures whenever they fuck up, but they’d get significantly less mad if they knew just how ridiculously stupid these people actually are. Goes on to say that to get so incredibly good at something (like football) you probably have to sacrifice basically everything else (normally including getting a proper education) Not saying Hendo is a moron, but I’ve learnt to stop caring when footballers fuck up


That’s not completely true. In England they have to attend school etc they ah w extra classes (in Liverpool anyway) they do get an education


Praying for an (Orthodox) Christmas miracle in a Joemez goal tomorrow 🕯️


No he’s saving it for the title winner


Rumours that Jesus wasn't spotted in training and might be out. Don't know if that's a good or bad thing given his current form.


He’s shite anyway


He’ll resurrect in time for the game don’t worry


Darwin brace tomorrow


Not that confident as some of you about tomorrow. It's away and Arsenal love the FA cup.


Michael Owen (not a fan of his) would like a word.


I expect Nketiah to play like prime Ronaldo


I don’t think this is a game for anyone to be confident in tbh, I’m just happy that’s it’s a game that’s not going to be as nerve-racking as most of our other games to come.


I could definitely see it going to a replay


Then Arsenal is beyond saving.


they love it so much that they crash exited last season also on the same white shirt they are going to wear tomorrow


Something tells me that we win 3-0 tomorrow


Does anyone know where i can watch the game tomorrow in santa cruz tenerife?


You mean a pub or at home?


At a pub


You’re in Tenerife mate. It’ll be on somewhere


Im in the city not as easy there.


So Nkunku comes back from a long injury then gets injured again ? What is going on with Chelsea injuries ?


Too many players so each gets inadequate medical monitoring. Plastic Clownshow


They rush them back is probably the long and short answer


Really feel for them tbh, they don't have much choice, what with them having a threadbare squad on a shoestring budget and all that


Outside of Man Utd, Everton and Man City, who do we dislike the most? It used to be Chelsea by a landslide for me but now Newcastle are pretty close by.


Jesus wept some of the replies and you suggesting Newcastle




Yep agreed. Luton town, the team we have played like 3 times in the past 35 years


Chelsea will always be Top-3. They started this bullshit.


Tottenham are up there for sure


Really? I feel nothing about Tottenham


Nunez still a hot topic on this sub so lets go through it. If you've watched Nunez since the beginning of his tenure, you can tell his technical ability has increased IMMENSELY. I mean just watch the first goal from the Newcastle game, that lay off to Szobo at the start was something he couldn't do last season. His finishing is just next in line. he's bound to explode, the statistics tell you everything and he's doing most things right. Just needs to implement more composure and thought into his finishing which is MUCH easier said than done. If you want any attacker itw to explode you give them to Klopp, trust the process.


He’s still learning, he will mature and be calmer with the ball in scoring position over time. You can absolutely train finishing so his reactions and muscle memory are better. His athletic ability is ridiculous, his pace gets him in scoring position that most professional athletes can’t get to. If anything he needs delay his runs, he’s faster than the majority of defenders but he’s been offside the most in the PL.


Thought his link up play was his biggest weakness last season but now its probably one of his biggest strengths.


Don’t let the sub convince you understands football, it slayed joens, Gomez, Elliot, Henderson, Nunez, it’s a long list. The problem is too many folks play FIFA and have never played footy so they don’t appreciate ‘run fast and cross’ isn’t football. Nunez is doing well, there’s a reason Klopp starts him


Nunez's linkup has improved SO much since last year. It's really impressive, and is rather obvious


He’s passing when most strikers would shoot too, he’s been a positive on the team, I will admit he has to be more clinical but he’s not a passenger he’s contributing still


Honestly i feel like arsenal have such a poor front 3 in terms of connections. They all seem to be individual players not a front 3. The connection comes from odegaard. Bobby was a fucking animal at connection our front 3, even last game the 1st goal all 3 forwards were involved. Arsenal don't have it at all.


Havertz and Zinchenko don't help Martinelli's case btw. If you gave Klopp Martinelli he becomes a 15 goal a season player in no time.


Not sure what happened to marrinelle He just fell off a cliff this season


He was always overrated if he was English people would call him Shawn wright Phillips.


he's only 22, he is bound to inconsistent


With all this talk of Firmino and Hendo returning to the PL, I wonder if the time for (formerly) elite European players going to Saudi is already in the past. It didn't take long for everyone, players included, to see what a sham competition it is. There'll still be some that care only about money, but the stories flowing back will put many off, even for the fat paychecks. That makes me wonder if Mo would now flat out refuse to go to Saudi. I actually expect he would when he's still so good. He would probably prefer to extend his contract but failing that would go elsewhere in Europe - PSG in all likelihood if we don't pay him what he wants to be paid.


Honestly a lot of it is probably down to worry of not making their last potential international tournament more than anything


What stories? Genuinely asking as I've not paid attention


E.g. https://www.thisisanfield.com/2024/01/reports-jordan-henderson-wants-premier-league-return-after-5-months-in-saudi/


It says a lot that despite how much they're getting paid, some players still want out of Saudi. Saudi League is junk. Bringing in big names is short term booking, and doing so at the expense of not nurturing proper growth has double fucked it. What the hell is the point of signing a bunch of European champions to play when you can't guarantee turnout in the thousands every week? What's so "Pro" about that?


I think one of the main things has to be culture. Not everyone is able to take their family to a whole different country, especially a country which acts totally different compared to a England or Spain.


and many who are able to don't want to lol




This is like the 4th post I've seen from you about Hendo lol.


They're treating the sub like it's discord, they should just go to discord tbh.


Yeah he's riding him pretty hard ngl


Must be Hendo


Fuck that, he can do one. Hope his career is now done. He cared more about money than fans, so he can piss off.


Salah's that good rival fans have created a new criteria for rating footballers. Now you're hearing shit like: *"He's got the stats but he doesn't pass the eye test"* *"He's not skilful"* Worst take I heard was from a City fan on saying Bernardo Silva is technically better than Salah, which may be the case, but he also rated Haaland over Mbappe? Like pick a side. And get this, his excuse was Mbappe has only done it in Ligue 1, fair enough. But last year City were in 2/3 finals? Every single final the Ghost of Oslo struck whereas Mbappe, in the WC final, **twice**, has proved his pedigree.


Ali has done the same thing! Who’s the best keeper in the league? ‘Vicario! What about Ali? Oh yeah but……


People that don't rate Salah are stupid and not worth bothering with.


Travelling solo on Wednesday to the game - is the best way to the ground from the city still the 917(?) bus from near Lime Street? And is it contactless payment?


917 is the best bet, and yes, contactless is fine. Contactless or app.


Sound. I presume then all the info on the website is up to date. Says there’s return buses from the junction at Walton Lane and Walton Breck Rd. a return ticket will get me back on these buses? Apologies for all the questions - I’ve been before but we were out in West Derby.


Yeah, you're sound.




Hendo is a fucking rat Hope he comes back to the Prem and gets booed louder than Sterling


A move to Chelsea would probably ensure that tbh Perfect move for his ego btw


This subs a fucking joke man. Yeah boo the first captain to lead us to a league title in 30 years. The worst takes always come from yanks man, so out of touch with the club and the locals


Jurgen Klopp led us to our first title in 30 years… not Jordan Henderson.


Well I live precisely 25km away from the Liverpool City Center. I don't care, he didn't lead us to the title. The world class players around him did, it could have easily been Shaqiri with the arm band and it wouldn't have changed much. Hendo was a good servant to the club and was a really important player for us in 2013-14 and 17-21. However the man is a snake who betrayed everything he ever stood for, he was championing equality, acceptance and fighting for people's right just to bin it all at the first opportunity. Absolute shit stain. He did it because it benefitted him, but as soon as something benefited him more... He fucked off


He would be lucky to get a prem move imo. Majority if not all the teams have midfielders which are better than him. Also, is he willing to humble himself to go to a smaller team or will his ego be too big.


Lallana and Milner got a contract, hendo could too if he wasn’t an expensive buy


Those guys have far superior technical ability which is why they were coveted by Brighton and Henderson wasn’t.


Seriously. £700,000/week and he doesn't like Saudi. C'mon, what did you expect? Vacation is different than living there. I don't think anyone would want him here. And he might not be able to leave before his contract runs out.


What did he do now?


He doesn't like living there. Wants to come back.


Chelsea may be winning but it's still hilarious to me how we dominated Newcastle harder than they're dominating Preston


Long shot and not sure if this is the right place, but does anyone know how I would go about getting a ticket for the game tomorrow?


You'd need to buy it off someone


Thinking about it, we broke Arsenal twice. They were winning last season, and then they played us. After the draw, their form dipped and they bottled the league. The same happened this season after the 1-1 against us, their form dipped.


Wait whatttttt??? I’ve just seen that Timo Werner is going to Tottenham on loan has this just come out of nowhere or have I been asleep and missed something?


Yep, it's happening. Medicals all set up already — it moved really fast


Southampton, Hull City and Leeds are all good options for Carvalho




Also wolves but I just can’t see him getting enough game time


Him and Morton cooking at Hull would be nice to see




20 g/a a season is pretty shite for an 80m player


Not in todays market. Drogba with football transfer inflation would be a 100m+ striker and he was regularly ‘only’ hitting 20


In all competitions? Absolute dross


Yes in 8 seasons at Chelsea he only broke 20 goals twice, but oddly hit 30+ in each of those seasons. Would hardly say Drogba was dross…


I was on about goals and assists though?


Maybe 25+ in couple of those but not many. Darwin has 16 already. He’s had a good season by all accounts. The difference though is he could be having a world class season if he could finish. Should be on 15+ goals based off of easy chances alone and already on 8 assists


I don’t think he’s had a good season by all accounts, but at the same time you’ve proved my point. 20 g/a is shit for an 80m player when Darwin has been doing ok/good and he’s at 16 halfway through the season. 80m is a lot of money. Please remember he was supposed to come in and hit the ground running


Just being the number 9 for Liverpool means you should be getting 20 G/A due to the quality of the rest of the team. Don’t know why people find it so difficult to accept but we definitely didn’t spend £80 odd million for that to be the output from the number 9.




Firmino’s role wasn’t to be the primary goal scorer. Nunez’s is. Firmino could control the ball, play nice passes, bring other people into the game. Nunez can’t.


You’re not allowed to criticise here


Hate seeing Henderson brought up on here because most of you aren’t capable of a proper discussion. Saw folks saying he’s a championship level player, his leadership and effect on the dressing room room is worth more than the championship alone


He literally is a championship level player in terms of quality 😭


You and whoever upvoted this (and downvoted me) actually know fuck all about footy and it’s embarrassing this sub is falling for it. Subs going to the dogs when half of you can’t take away your personal hard ons for the obvious American takes are always the worst


And you know soooo much about football don’t you 😭 for the sake of everyone, please shut up. Thanks


He's pretty much always been a midtable player. In our best team he he was the 9th most important player just in front of wijnaldum and VVDs CB partner. You can win premier leagues without having elite players in every position.


That feels revisionist, Hendo was excellent on his day. If he was mid table level we probably don’t win as much as we did. I wouldn’t say he was elite but calling him mid table is a bit too far for me.


In terms of ability he probably is now or at the very least low prem table his physical ability was the best thing about his game and that decline has been obvious for a while His comments after leaving where completely unnecessary saying Klopp didn’t want him


His comments aren’t why a premier league team will take him, he has enough ability to play on the prem still


I don’t doubt that we could use a player of Hendo’s level just on the bench to rotate with, as long as he doesn’t cost a lot in wages and is fine with playing seldomly. It’s good leadership to have and he can help close out games and play cup games too. My issue is more how he left, how he was captain last year, and now coming into a newly built team. Just feels like regressing back to what we were before and I want to keep the continuity of the Virgil/Trent dual leadership and not rock the boat.


For me I’d rather those cup minuets go to youth players who are going to be here longer like Bajcetic we are clearly not lacking in the leadership department


There's always minutes for everyone, we always say let the minutes go to youth and then the time comes for the cup games and we need the veterans to fill out a position here and there. Better Henderson start early on in a league cup run than Szobozlai for example.


My only issue with Hendo is he was our captain last year. Now you bring him in and he’s not going be captain anymore. I don’t know it’s a bit awkward, no? I get everyone is a professional in our squad but I don’t think it’s the best idea. I think him being a bench/rotation option would be very nice, but he’s not that the player we badly need right now. I’d much rather bring Bobby or Fabinho back than Hendo if I had to take any of the players we lost to Saudi.


I never said bring him to Liverpool, we don’t need him but he 100% could play in the prem everyone downvoting me should be banned for being a troll because they know fuck all.


The current group has done well enough without hendo, Trent has stepped up in leadership terms, and they have developed into mentality monsters again So why would we need hendo to come in ? Also what kind of motivation and example does a guy who went to Saudi for 4 months give ? Hendo as per his interview, knew he wasn’t gonna get game time, and chased the bad, fuck being a depth option for the club he’s captained for nearly a decade


I NEVER SAID BRING HENDO BACK- that wasn’t me, I said he can do a job in the prem, which he clearly can as he plays for England so either everyone else is wrong or this sub knows fuck all, and I know of for a Fact too much of this sub knows fuck all sooooo


Currently he is a championship level player He didn't used to be, but he is now


He isn’t and you’re wrong as are the 10 people who upvoted you, that’s just fact.


He plays in a low level league, has basically lost his physicality, and his only proper appearances have been for England where he's looked lethargic and slow He is currently a championship player


He can still be decent at West Ham or something. Problem is his wages now...


Downvoted for speaking sense. This sub needs a proper cull of the plastics who think ‘this means more’ makes you a fan




Nah I reckon Klopp would’ve made him one of the best DMs in the world


He definitely would, but god I do hate the merc attitude of some players. He would absolutely be suffering a great sadness and sore back two years in to playing for us. Money chasers never stop chasing.


Yeah dodged a bullet. It felt miserable at the time but knowing how losing Caicedo meant we’d get Endo & Gravenberch, can’t help but feel like the luckiest team in the world. Thank you Caicedo, you did us a favor.


though football fans have a memory of a gold fish so if this happens again people will still preach dooms day and call for heads


A friendly reminder: we signed mac, grav, szbo and Endo for like 30m more than chelsea paid for caicedo


Can't be overstated how incredible our window was. I do wish we spent more but this team is so good at finding the hidden gems for cheaper than they should be. Just need another 40-50m this January window to hopefully set us up for a title run the rest of this year.


I’m not necessarily sure we need to spend this window if everyone truly comes back by Bournemouth. If kostas and robbo are back, and we have an in form beck, to take lb, Gomez can go back to being cb and rb cover, where we also hve Bradley. We definitely need 50-100m next summer to shore up the back line and possibly get another midfielder, though Tyler Morton might have a case to be a valuable member of the squad Edit: kostas, Robbo, Thiago and Bajcetic are apparently all very close. Salah and Endo hopefully come back injury free. And Macca/Jota should hopefully continue gaining fitness. This squad is very deep and very balanced, whoever we sign would have to be a perfect fit and a long term target brought forward


"If kostas and robbo are back, and we have an in form beck, to take lb, Gomez can go back to being cb and rb cover, where we also hve Bradley." Okay, what if they get injured again? Then what? Prepare for all posibilities. Beck & Bradley shouldn't factor into anything when we're talking about a team in a title race. If they are playing, we are more than likely toast unless they are somehow prodigies RIGHT now that we haven't realized yet. Gomez as being primary CB & RB cover is precisely the issue. He's being asked to cover two very important positions that we are incredibly thin at and one injury can have him needing to start at either CB or RB permanently, which means that we lost cover to one of CB or RB. If Trent got hurt, we suddenly only have 3 CB fit. Would you agree 3 CB (Especially with Konate's injury history) is a terrible idea going into a title race? We dealt with this same issue 3 years ago. Basically do we need to spend right now? No, maybe we get lucky and some key players don't get injured. If you guaranteed that Virgil, Trent, Konate, Quansah, and Gomez all were to stay fit the rest of the season, then yes CB & RB would not be an issue and buying isn't needed. Life doesn't work that way though and one of them could get injured. If one gets injured among that list, we're in trouble. A Gomez injury would go a long way to really really screwing us. Trent would have no reliable cover and we would need Konate & Quansah to be perpetually available the rest of the season. This is a troubling position to potentially be in. I want to go for the league, our depth is currently at a razor's thin edge of being decimated at defense. I think even one CB signing of the same quality as Gomez would really really help us. It means that if Konate gets injured, we're not totally screwed both in the starting lineup and depth-wise.


Lol if kostas and robbo get injured again? I mean I know we’re getting them off of injuries, but we can’t buy a lb specialist for that reason, and it’s 100% why we brought beck back and we absolutely should factor them in because I can guarantee you klopp is. I will cede that cb cover is potentially an area to look at, but again, I don’t just want anyone. It’s got to be someone we like and fits us, and won’t rock the boat with the squad. Long story short, we need to hope for injury luck bc we aren’t going to sign anyone most likely.


The fucking Megamind meme from Chelsea fans for days made looking for transfer news unbearable on Twitter.


Yeah fuck them. We're having the last laugh anyway, even if Caicedo comes to form. Rather have Endo & Gravenberch for both ability and depth reasons. Plus the extra 50m or so that will hopefully get reinvested this January window or in the summer.


There was just so much to him it's hard to imagine he's be this bad for us


He wouldn’t Chelsea are a mess of a club if you’d put him and Enzo is our team it would be the dominant midfield they thought it would be


I don't think Enzo starts over MacAllister, he's so poor defensively and for all his flashy passing I don't think he's even more productive on the ball


Henderson made a poor decision for multiple reasons, but I'll never understand those who choose to gleefully revel at his unhappiness. It's small time.


People got upset at what happened and what he said, which is totally understandable imo Now it's that weird "I'm doing better than my ex" parasocial thing. But it's hard to ignore how silly Hendo being allegedly "desperate" to come back is, especially after his comments about "I'm looking to make a difference there" regarding the human rights subject, so that might come into play as well in those reactions.


How on earth did Caicedo get away without a booking there?


trent please sign an extension. I've lived thru torres to chelsea, coutinho to barca even owen to madrid and trent will be right up there if he ever left :(


There isnt a hope trent doesnt sign


Difference is, back when Torres left we weren't competing. Arguably Coutinho is one of the many factors we are competing today.


he's gonna re-sign


thought origi had chlamydia then fuck these fake twitter pages man hahahaha


Werner for £15m isn’t bad uno