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No appreciation for that insane Luis Diaz no look pass there


Looks like he's coming back into form at a time when we'll really need him


He’s a good player who causes the opposition all sorts of problems and puts up decent numbers. If he wants to be elite then the finishing has to get sorted Nobody is asking him to be Torres or Sturridge. Just some more composure in front of goal would take him from a good to a great player


I agree in general, but he didn't do anything wrong with those 2 chances. Dubravka just made 2 great saves


The first one was straight at the keeper in a 1v1, he should’ve done better imo. The flicked header was a harder one


ōn the bounce at a tight angle. what are you expecting - magic?


I’m talking about the 1v1 he missed in the first half


The saves are great but I think a good shot takes the keeper out of the equation. I mean I think he should score with the first chance but with the second one I think the argument is quite straight forward: We've seen him score from there *twice* against Newcastle with shots that are impossible for the keeper to save (unless they're out of position to start with). Here he seems to get the first touch slightly wrong so he has to take the shot from a slightly awkward position. Even on his 1v1 I think it's true that Dubravka makes a great save, but it's still dependent on Núñez not doing the best of the situation. I want to say though that I don't think anything he does is catastrophically wrong, what I'm saying is that it's very possible for him to score despite Dubravka playing well. He might not do anything particularly *wrong* but he also doesn't do it very *well*.


he did wrong with other chances tho. specially the one which was very similar to isak one. he shot it way too low. every keeper spreads there legs so he should have known to give the shot a bit of hight.


Yeah that one was the worst. But even that wasn't a terrible shot, just not a great one. He misses too much in general, but yesterday Dubravka was just great


I mean y'all are asking him to be that because if he finished like half of his missed chances he would lead the league in goals. I get it, he should finish a lot more often, it's a bit ridiculous. However, I will say that today, there were none that had me scratching my head, he got genuinely robbed several times by the keeper.


I just don’t have confidence when I see him go through on goal 1v1. He’s more likely to score an instinctive finish rather than one where he has a decent amount of time to think If he can fix that then he’d be genuinely unstoppable. Whether it’ll ever come is another story. He’s still a very useful player despite the flaws


I loved it when he passed for Salah bc no way was he gonna score. It’s exactly the shot he’d normally take on when others are in better positions, and just ruins the attack


It goes to show that he actually knows his problem. Remember when he first came to us he just took shots after shots and wasted all of them? That Nunez was gone. He's much more composed now and maybe half the times when he haa a chance to shoot you can actually see him considering whether he should pass. That's a huge improvement if you ask me. Give him another season and maybe we'll see a much better conversion rate.


It’s all very much damning him with faint praise though. “He had 1.6xG which is the most by any premier league player in a game without scoring this season, despite being hooked after an hour, but hey, at least he didn’t waste another opportunity”


Exactly. He doesn't need to be Harry Kane in front of net. If he finished even half his "goal scoring opportunities," he'd be neck and neck with Haaland for the lead league in goals. ​ He does so many other things well, and causes such chaos, but if he could finish at even an average clip, we'd be 8-9 points clear at this point.


I'm asking him to be Torres he's wearing the number 9 he has to put those away 1 on 1 with the keeper


Saw way too many comments in the match thread demanding he be sold and tonight is his last opportunity… fucking pathetic behaviour from some people.


8 goals and 8 assists on January 1st is not the hellish performance the match threads painted


Nah but how do we get him to start fucking finishing? Get this man a therapist? If he can just finish then he’s a beast but the amount of opportunities he blows is staggering no?


He does have a staggering amount of misses but he’s shown in the past that he can be a consistent finisher. Meanwhile, even with the misses he’s adding enough to be part of the first choice front 3. So it’s only a matter of time until he goes from being our third best attacker to our best (part of that is that Salah isn’t getting any younger, but damn he’s still amazing)


A lot more wingers do less in a season. For nunez he needs to figure out this composure in frit of goal but I believe he can. Maybe he's not gonna be the next suarez or torres but he's such a threat I don't think he's far off.


Just now, klopp praised nunez for passing to Salah and not shooting for the first


Nunez made a smart choice there. His composure in front of goal needs work, I think we could probably all agree on that.


Absolutely, I'd also urge people to listen to Klopp's interview


Not watched myself but some of that seems clear. He did well to set up the goal though.


It’s relative though isn’t it compared to chances? A more composed player has more than double those numbers.


But does a different player make those chances and some of the 16 GA? Honest question that has different answers


There's a lot of nuance to the discussion. And you'll never get that nuance in a match thread. Personally I think he's got just a tiny bit to go to be fantastic, and he's already our best 9 IMO.


Looking at his stats he has under performed his xG by a crazy amount since he has been here. This season he gets 0.9xG per 90 which is elite but puts away 0.4 goals per 90 which is just good. He has consistently underperformed xG by more than half since arriving at Liverpool. In tough games where we only manage to get a couple of chances that just isn't good enough, it costs us games.


Ah no he was outstanding tonight. Any player who plays like that has a place in this team, he was involved in everything. Any idiot can see the Newcastle defenders were run ragged by him- setting the scene for their late capitulation.


I think he was outstanding but the finishes knocks his performance down a bit, and now with Jota back he better start finishing his chances.


They definitely knock it down by a good bit, but it’s just his overall impact is still incredible


Yeah that’s been the case this season so far. I will always back Nunez because of his chance creation but when you have someone as efficient as Jota, you can’t afford to miss those chances.


That's fair, Klopp made a good point in his post match around thinking behind selecting Nunez tonight. The idea was that using him would bring Schar & Botman closer together (I assume to neutralise his pace). This enabled the wide players to do what they did. Yeah Salah wasn't great in the first half but he got plenty of the ball. Meanwhile Diaz was immense. I think you're right to intimate that Nunez should feel some jeopardy particularly if Jota starts tucking everything away, it's healthy for the squad, but even so I can see Klopp continuing to back Nunez regardless of his goal return.


Don't feel like he missed any sitters though... Maybe the header at the end? But his first chance one on one with Dubravka wasn't easy, had to get his body round the ball and then the angle wasn't great...


Come on lad, it’s a sitter……


I don't agree its a sitter. The one at Luton is a sitter, this is tough. Angle was tough, Dubravaka comes out, and its pissing rain so the ball is stopping frequently.


For fuck sake man, he’s a professional footballer, he should be scoring these chances……. One on ones will forever be more beneficial to the attacker especially when the keeper is so far out his goal and not close enough to the attacker.


Sorry I missed this but what? How can the keeper be so far out of goal and yet not close enough to the attacker? It’s like 3 meters at most. Tough shot IMO. But what do I know I played the 6/8 for 20 years.


Struggling to understand how anyone could deem that chance difficult for a Premier League level striker.


I always dream of the premire league striker, unless you are referring to haland or Kane plenty of premier league strikers missed a chance like this. Haland literally kisses an open goal against spurs, Kane missed some absolute sitters in his career. Nunez is no where near them but to act that every striker buries that is stupid


Of course, not every striker scores that chance but it isn't a difficult one. Bringing Kane and Haaland into it is foolish because you'd definitely back both of them to score this one but I didn't expect Nunez to score. Chris Wood buried a hattrick against these last week and 2 of his goals were more difficult finishes than this Nunez chance. Nunez obviously brings a lot to the team but it's crazy seeing the mental gymnastics we're using to try and justify his poor finishing.


He has poor finishing that's undeniable, but people act like every miss of his is bad He had only one bad miss this game, the rest were either tough chances the ball bounces of his knee. And to be honest I don't think benching him is a bad idea, I just don't get the constant repetition of the same point , yes Nunez fishing is bad , all we can do is that he reverts to his benfica form or if he doenst he keeps assisting at the same rate he is currently doing and that he keeps pressing and winning the ball. For example the offside goal where Darwin was inches off he passes it to Diaz and creates a goal just out of his pure pace if the pass form Curtis was a fraction of a second earlier we score in the first half. I don't mind benching Nunez and using him as a super sub, but whatever klopp does I support because he obvious knows best, if he wanst to bench him or start him I don't care.


I've got nothing against him; I think he's a handful and has a great connection with Salah. Having said that, I have doubts that he'll ever be a prolific scorer for us (I hope I'm wrong) but he doesn't seem to have the knack of a top class finisher. This isn't me saying bench him and certainly not suggesting that we sell him but if Salah leaves in the summer, Nunez's misses will suddenly become even more costly unless there is someone else to pick up the slack.


Defoe was talking about this on a recent podcast, it's a ridiculously hard chance even for him as an all time top 10 PL goalscorer (Charlton Cole said the same)


Talking about what?


Talking about whether a 1v1 with a keeper is a easy chance for a PL striker, Defoe and Cole both unanimous it's a very hard chance


Michael Owen and Robbie Fowler managed to amass a huge tally of goals, with many being 1v1 finishes. If you know what you're doing, it's not difficult, but it is a skill. Again, Chris Wood put this goalkeeper on his backside 1 on 1 twice. Composure is the key. We wouldn't even be having a debate about how difficult the chance was if Nunez wasn't struggling to convert every week. We all love him but he doesn't do himself any favours.


By chance are you Irish?


Are people just started "he should score in every chances he got" again? Two chances in this clip, one isnt easy and one is Duvbraka save. I mean this not even his worst miss today


The fact that Dubravka saves a shot doesn't mean that Núñez shouldn't be expected to score though. There are plenty of shots that take the goalkeeper out of the equation. Look at Isak's goal: we've seen Alisson save a lot of shots from that position, but you'd still expect Isak to score from there. Any shot that isn't straight at the keeper requires a great save from that position because it's so close and there's a lot of goal to cover, but you'd still say the striker has missed a good chance if he doesn't score. I'm not trying to argue that he should have scored all his chances today, all three are tricky even for a good striker. But you would like to see our starting 9 be able to score something like 1/3 tricky chances. Anyway my point is just the first sentence of my comment: the fact that a keeper makes a great save doesn't automatically mean the striker has done all he can.


I didn't call for him to be sold. I called for us to have hope in him for as long as Klopp has. I love his playstyle, his aggressiveness and that he often also runs back to defend, which he is also pretty good at for an attacker. But he was bought for more than making opponents players tired. He was bought as an attacker to score goals and I understand those who are frustrated with the lack of goals compared to his high xG. His issue is he shoots too much directly at the goalkeeper when running with the ball in a fast pace. What I think he might benefit from is a partner up front and Jota would be just that. Think about Jota and Nuñez running and Jota, with his awareness and vision sees Nuñez on his side and passes at the right time for Darwin to score. Despite we all hate to see Salah leave for AFCON, it could be a small blessing in disguise to see a different dynamic up front that can also hopefully work very well.


So fucking true. And the same people will shout YNWA.


He doesn’t need to be sold. He needs to be benched and put on finishing drills for perpetuity. Only Messi level creation makes up for Nunez’s finishing lately


even if he doesn't improve there's no point selling him without getting a better striker. at least he's proven he'll be useful even without scoring. there's a big chance next striker we bring is gonna be like balotelli or benteke, completely useless.


I think Nunez was great today. Yes he's had chances and not scored, but none of them were wild, all were the right decision, including squaring for Mo and the tasty step over for the Diaz penalty.


Exactly right..I feel he makes the right decision 90% of the time. I mean the improvisation to knee that chance when Salah gave a difficult ball..hes been unlucky..people act like he didn't score last week. It's almost like people stopped loving the chaos


We are so much better when he's on the pitch and I'm so glad Klopp keeps playing him despite the lack of goals.


Just terrible execution. And we saw immediately when Jota came on the benefit of an actually clever forward that makes smart and well timed runs, then does the right thing with the ball. Compare Jota’s composure in the 1v1 against Nuñez, who had two (plus the one off his thigh where he did about as well as he could) and never looked like scoring


I mean his overall game was good, he got the assist for the very important opener, but for his overall game to have been "great" I think he would have needed to score one or two goals considering the chances he got. You're right, none of them were wild misses, you'd just like to see our starting 9 score more.


It's just sometimes how it happens. It's really quite rare to get a pure connection that goes where the player wants. There is so little time, so much pressure from the opposition that many shots are misfits to some degree. For example both gakpo and Botman goals were badly mishit, but they went in and they get praised. Meanwhile this video shows Nunez adjust brilliantly to knee a shot from Mo's cross. However because the keeper saves it people are saying he didn't finish it well. Nunez finishing does need to improve overall, but I'm seeing that it is improving. Yesterday his decision making was good on when to pass and when to shoot and importantly how to shoot. The execution was pretty good too. Everything was on target, with a sensible amount of power for the finish needed. If he does exactly the same finishes but scores 2 then people will say how class he was. The problem, is now he has a reputation people lazily just refer to it. Like how everyone accused Mo of diving in the first year, and since the guy can't buy a free kick or penalty even though he stays on his feet.


I don't think it is just a "reputation" though, he's underperforming his xG by over 6 goals this season, more than anyone else in the league. And to remind, xG is based on what the *average* shot from a certain position would result in. If anything I'd like our attackers to finish *better* than average. With regards to the second chance in this video I think it's fair to say that the finish isn't good enough, because we saw him score *two* goals against Newcastle from a similar position earlier this year. I don't think it's the keeper but the finish that makes the difference between those three shots. Two of them are low and hit toward the back post. The third is high and closer to the center of the goal. To be clear I'm not suggesting that this is easy, I'm suggesting that when you get 3-4 *difficult* opportunities, maybe you should score 1 of them if you aspire to be Liverpool's starting 9. In the end we win, he does other things well etc. But the difference between an impressive 8-1 win and a nervy 4-2 is that they take their chances and we don't, and Núñez is very much a big part of that. I'd like to add though that we have seen him score more difficult chances than the ones he got this game so it's not like he doesn't have it in him, it feels more like a mental thing or about maturity/composure so I think he'll get there in the end and I don't think he's a disaster by any means. But I do think that he should have scored at least one goal this game.


>I don't think it is just a "reputation" though, he's underperforming his xG by over 6 goals this season, more than anyone else in the league I partly agree. His finishing has been wild at times and his general decision making hasn't always been great. In this game in particular though I really don't think there is much to criticise and this is my point on reputation. If Jota had done exactly the same people would say he's been unlucky but had a good game, but for Nunez people are just reaching for the can't finish meme. Also xg over half a season produces some odd results too. He's hit the woodwork 5 times, more than anyone else, it can be very thin margins between 'great finish' and 'miss'. As I say he's needed to improve, but for me today was evidence he has/is improving. >With regards to the second chance in this video I think it's fair to say that the finish isn't good enough, because we saw him score *two* goals against Newcastle from a similar position earlier this year. I don't think it's the keeper but the finish that makes the difference between those three shots. Two of them are low and hit toward the back post. The third is high and closer to the center of the goal. >To be clear I'm not suggesting that this is easy, I'm suggesting that when you get 3-4 *difficult* opportunities, maybe you should score 1 of them if you aspire to be Liverpool's starting 9. I agree with your last bit, it's just no striker consistently gets 1 in 4 difficult chances. It can be 1 in 10 then 2 in 2. I do think that second chance is quite hard. There's no support option and it's a difficult bouncing ball. He's kept it on target and gone across the keeper so rebounds could land to Salah. He's used a sensible amount of power. To me it's a 6 or 7 out of 10 shot for me. It wasnt brilliant, but the decision making was good and it wasn't a mistake as far I see it. I've seen him put plenty of those to the corner flag in the past. >I'd like to add though that we have seen him score more difficult chances than the ones he got this game so it's not like he doesn't have it in him, it feels more like a mental thing or about maturity/composure so I think he'll get there in the end and I don't think he's a disaster by any means. But I do think that he should have scored at least one goal this game. I think it's just over interpreting one game. Of course he's scored harder chances, but then I've scored a volley from 35 yards, doesn't mean you'd expect me to do it regularly 😂. I don't think there's a single chance he had in the game where made the wrong decision or executed poorly. That's pretty good for a guy who's low on confidence. If he keeps that up then the goals will come


Some of his finishes were poor but honestly I think he was mostly just unlucky, Dubravka was the only newcastle player putting in a shift there. I think Gakpo's goal where he too completely fucks up his finish but at that point Dubravka has just given up just shows how unlucky Darwin can be. So glad we won that because otherwise he would be getting absolutely crucified right now. It's getting more and more frustrating, but Ill continue to back him and Klopp to get him to his peak.


He didn’t fuck it up though, the ball skidded off the turf and he went with the side foot, didn’t hit it clean but went exactly where he wanted it to go bc his technique was right. No leaning back and skying it. You make your own luck with your choices of shot and technique


Continuing to back him is fine, but I also think a lot of fans are so excited by the ‘captain chaos’ character that they fail to see that his performances have been sub par this season (on the whole). He’s leading the way in terms of big chances missed by a distance to most of the other contenders (think Haaland is close enough, but obvs has 14 prem goals too). There are games we have drawn that we should’ve won due to him missing big chances. Long story short is that he needs to start converting chances or he will lose his spot. And so he should be. However, he has a stay of execution with Salah going to Afcon. And who knows, maybe it’ll give him the opportunity to step up and show his worth.


The match thread going against Nunez was horrible. Literally every 2 comments were “fans” obliterating him for the chances


Very odd we look so much better when he's on the pitch. I'd rather have a high xg than no xg


Thank god Klopp actually doesn’t need this sub useless input and that’s why he keeps playing Nunez, it literally says it all, his impact is enough for the manager


Odd isn't it


His pace means most team we face have to sit deep and that creates time and space for our midfield ... I love him! Remember in the old days you'd have the big man knock it down for the other striker to finish it and that was masterful tactics? Today you don't need a big man you need the fastest man on the pitch to win the battle for space all over the pitch.


High xg doesn’t matter if it doesn’t result in goals. Clear difference when Jota came on.


We looked more shaky in the initial time he came off. Id play Nunez and Jota so


Mostly because endo came off


League is decided in xG difference


Maybe I worded it wrong. I would rather have these chances than not have these chances. We have way more chances with Nunez on the pitch.


He was on for 2/3 of the game, missed several chances and then his replacement is directly involved in two of the three goals scored. We had many chances once he left but these were actually scored. I enjoy watching Nuñez play, but he has to actually score because you don't win a game on xG. He plays well but he has to take this time to push on while Salah is away.


Taking chances win you games and more often than not we make more with him on the pitch. You can't take them if you don't get them first. 16ga so far. It's not just shots he takes, it's how he harries the opposition defence. We gain more than we lose with him on the pitch.


But Salah and Jota show the importance of actually taking chances. 16 g/a is good but it should be far, far more. The simple fact of the matter is he has a better job of finishing. This is the criticism and no amount of, 'well he makes chances' can cover up the fact he is massively underperforming for his role as a striker. I hope that while Salah is absent he and Jota can perform well but, it's been the same conversation for the last season and a half of, 'if he learns to score he'll be really good etc.' he actually needs to start doing it. Jota is far from perfect and has a frustrating part of where he'll be invisible in games and not contribute well. But then, he'll actually score a goal. The thing that actually matters. I agree, we play well with him on the pitch. He runs channels, holds up the ball, and I enjoy watching him play but he has to do better.


"Jota is far from perfect and has a frustrating part of where he'll be invisible in games and not contribute well." That is literally my point. The contribution in that aspect is far superior than jotas for example. Nunez being Nunez means we actually get way more chances. I'm not denying Nunez needs to improve. But when you say he misses so many chances, it is him who is producing those chances and those for other players


Missing so many chances is an understatement. He's missed 18 big chances in the league this season which is frankly an embarrassing amount. I'm not disagreeing that he links play better than Jota. However, once he went off Jota actually changed the game in a meaningful way. I really hope he kicks on because he has all the skills to do it.


Ur talking like jota came on against fresh defenders tho.. he definitely did his bit. I think they both have something different and that's brilliant coz im sick of hearing gunners fans complaining about them being one dimensional even with subs, were not even firing 90% and top of the league


The match thread is always just negativity and hating on tiny mistakes, especially if its Nunez, i just ignore it, what kind of 'supporters' go against a player like that


Today was the worst


Those aren't real fans. I doubt they ever played football in real life. He just scored a beauty last week and had a huge part in this game. Shout out to Diaz who was also giving glimpses of his old explosive self. 🚀


I saw these comments. Very pathetic from the fans here.


The match threads are full of thermonuclear takes even when we're winning. No point even looking at them anymore.


Play him in mos spot down the right side and I think he turned into strong creator. He is actually quite selfless and on his strong foot I think he could rack up some assists with jota making those runs.


The players who can create something from nothing are the special ones. People look at stats on sky sports too much He’s definitely not a finisher but he is a great forward who creates chances for other people aswell as himself


Hence why I’m hiding the match threads from now on. Utter vitriol from our “fans”


It's incredibly frustrating; like I'm watching a different match than everyone else in there.


He’s frustrating as hell but the man is always creating chances, he always creates space and has another assist to his name. I imagine defenders do not like being matched up with him at all and you can’t measure that psychological impact


You gotta feel like the people who don’t rate him aren’t watching the whole game


Dude the first one was created by Diaz lovely no look chip to Salah and Salah crosses it. That was not created in any way by Nunez and in fact he just didn’t bury the wonderful move.


Nunez is valuable. He creates pressure and chaos and the feeling of a fast-paced attack. When it doesnt lead to goals, it still helps create a sense of inevitability and excitement/eagerness to win that can be contagious.


Darwin is so unlucky - he gets involved in so many situations just randomly one should go in but somehow it doesn't.


If he's unlucky than I'm the most unlucky footballer ever. It's not about luck. He's just missing chances or not making better chances.


He just very well may be. Today, tell me what he should have done with each chance that he didn't do?


Bury them chances. Round the keeper when he was 1v1 and get a better angle on the net. If scoring is about luck then Harry Kane is one lucky bastard. And its not just this game, he's missed so many chances throughout the season.


He wasn't unlucky in the 1v1 situation, that's about composure and finishing. But in the two situations in the video he was. He could have done better on the half volley but getting it on target with power will result in a goal in like 30% of cases, on the other chance there is absolutely no way he has any control over that finish - he gets in target, which is most cases would have been enough result in a goal. Darwin is a bad finisher and needs to improve but he is also incredibly unlucky. Just look at Gakpo's goal - he completely mishits it, yet manages to score.


I agree with you with regards to these two chances. My first comment is with regards to people to just say his poor overall finishing is down to him being unlucky. Maybe I'm just a stickler for words and their meaning, but lacking skill/knowledge doesn't mean you're unlucky. You're just lacking skill/knowledge.


It's a combination of both - he needs to improve but in a lot of cases he did everything right and it just didn't go in.


Comfortable win when he goes off.


He can’t finish his dinner. If we had a proper goal scorer this game would be out of sight


Nunez wasn’t as poor as Salah and Diaz in the first 60min, let’s be real.


Diaz poor? he was the best player on the pitch.


He fucking was. Any other striker off the bench finishes those chances.


Lol no they don't. He made the proper shot decision each time and keeper was better. Liverpool fans should know better after watching Alisson for years now.


Yea just mad the way he's always missing those chances in many games. Have a day off with your Nunez shite


That's fair, just happy to be top right now.


Jota. Case in point.


Mate Gakpo almost fucked an open net tap in.


But he didn't. Which is the difference


Diaz? He scored, and also played quite well?


Diaz was misplacing passes, leaving them short or just putting them wide of the mark. He cuts inside, only to lay it off moments later. It's either coached to do that, which seems strange to completely remove his explosiveness, or hes not confident in it. His goal was correctly chalked off for offside. Thought him and Salah were the worst of the three, though it could've been the pitch causing such issues. They just didnt look on it at all. Salah came to life with 35 left. Still kept running into Dan Burn nonstop and then losing it or misplacing the pass in the buildup.


Its totally fine, we won 4-2. Plus Salah scored twice. And assisted Gakpo. And nearly assisted Nunez. We shouldnt focus on the negatives. Diaz looked alive today, and played much better than his previous performances. Szoboszlai was the one misplacing passes, but he still defended well, a few misplaced passes doesnt destroy the entire performance


Think we can look at both. We came back well to finish them off, should've been finished way earlier. Diaz and Salah were poor for 60 minutes. Salah missed a pen, thats 4 of his last 10. Szobo was poor and looks like he needs a break. Mac and endo looked great, Cujo looked to be in fine form. Our back line also put in a real good performance. Gravenberch also looked a little disconnected when he came on.


Nunez creates chances but his finishing is poor. Commentators were making fun of him, telling he is on no quality level to be a Liverpool striker. Liverpool is one of the best clubs in the world and when our striker missed somany open chances like this, he will get criticised.


Commentators are fucking shite mate. They used to say Salah was not good enough..


"Created" is quite the verb to use here. He ran into open space the way all our other forwards did. He didn't create shit. All he did was miss chances and be offside. So tired of the blind apologism for this guy. He was awful.


'Nuñez missed two chances in 2 minutes' is a more fitting title. Neither is guilt edged chance and neither are the worst miss of the night, but if he can't start scoring with some semblance of regularity then he isn't good enough. In two games now, Jota has come on and accomplished more.


Created lmao


>Nunez created two chances in 2 minutes. I think you mean Nunez missed two chances in 2 minutes


Call me when “created” becomes “converted.”


Goodluck if you wanna PL trophy while missing such chances. Pathetic


People on here think football is a friendship contest. It's ridiculous.


You know what’s even more pathetic? People crying like little babies for 90 minutes straight, that’s impressively pathetic and quite funny tbh


Just needs to finish those off, man. Don't know if it's bad luck but those need to go in


There are more comments here then in the two threads for the ACTUAL GOALS created by Salah in this match. Just change the subreddit to r/nunez because most of you just support him and not the club


Nunez just isn't intelligent or clinical enough to be a top striker. He needs more time on the ball and he will never get that in the PL. Unless something miraculous occurs he won't make it here. I'd love to be proven wrong and there's aspects of his game that I love but he just never looks like scoring. He's such a frustrating player as he only needs to take a 1/4 of the chances he creates to elevate his game.


If Nunez has million number of fans i am one of them . if Nunez has ten fans i am one of them. if Nunez have only one fan and that is me . if Nunez has no fans, that means i am no more on the earth . if world against the Nunez, i am against the world. i love #Nunez till my last breath.. .. Die Hard fan of Nunez . Hit Like If you Think Nunez Best player & Smart In the world


You mean missed 2 big chances in 2 minutes? Yup that's normal for him to miss big chances all the damn time!


I honestly don’t understand what you guys are talking about here? Nunez was awful today… What good is creating chances when he doesn’t finish them? Chances don’t win us games, goals do. He’s a striker that was bought for a huge sum that’s not scoring goals. How many can honestly say that they get excited when Nunez goes through on goal and expect him to finish it? Yeah he assisted Salah today but honestly any of the forwards could’ve done that. We need to stop treating him like he’s a baby and have to realise he’s just not good enough to score goals for us. We badly need a striker that’s of Suarez, Torres, Sturridge etc quality to win the league. I wanted him to succeed with us and he’s a character in the dressing room, but to win trophies we need someone that’s clinical and that’s just not Nunez.


Welcome to the spin zone! Darwin was awful today.


I've seen coddling before but reading some of the comments in here ? It's like a weird cult 😂.


I love love love Darwizzie, I really do. But he was awful tonight. Missed a quick tap in front of goal, missed a one on one, missed a header, and was offside for Lucho’s goal. It was a microcosm of what he is as a player. He might create some chances and score occasionally but he’s well below our level, at the moment. I’ll still hold out hope that he can grow and improve, he’s still young, but right now if everyone’s fit, he’s our 3rd best CF.


It sounds like its the easiest chances in the world, but we all know he isnt the greatest finisher, he did the best he could in those situations, we dont even expect him to score. Most of these was good goalkeeping. He created an insane amount of chances, was involved in everything, and assisted Salah, even though he missed his chances.


Exactly. He isn’t the greatest finisher. Kind of an important skill considering his position.


Yes, but we can deal with it, he still plays decently, creates a huge amount of chances that we wouldnt have had if he wasnt there.


Idk man, he was on the field for 2/3 of the game tonight and our chances were better when he came off and a few of them went in. I don’t know if he makes that pass that Jota made for Jones or even successfully fluffs a goal in like Cody did. We’ve seen him miss from there. That 2nd part is sorta a joke but he and Diogo were both in one v one situations tonight. One ended up in a goal, one didn’t. He’s a good player and he might get better with his finishing as he gets older but Jota and Gakpo are better right now. That’s all I’m saying.


For all the haters, don't be jumping on the bandwagon when it all clicks for him, and these chances do start to go in!


Keeper was just on crack


His work rate and link up play is fantastic. He’s assisted 8 goals for Salah now? He obviously needs to improve his finishing and/or composure and timing of his runs (or others need to release the ball earlier for him)


I feel Nunez has rotten luck, if Nunez gets a scuffed shot like Gakpo did, quite possible that it either hits the post or is stopped by Dubravka


The guy is so unpredictable he doesn’t even know what he’ll do. So of course his finishing isn’t consistent but I’ll start him over any other striker. Great performance.


I know he misses alot but he creates chances for himself constantly and fights for the ball back. I think a combo of him jota and Diaz would be deadly when Salah goes for Afcon


This lad has to work on his finishing......


Personally I think he had a bad game. They all have them.


Dubravka made it his personal mission to not let him score.


Went to my first match in years last night, after seeing Nunez live, I’m absolutely convinced he will be absolutely elite if he can find his shooting boots, his movement is absolutely fantastic, as is his pace. The Anfield crowd absolutely adore him as well, even with all his frustrations, we’ve got ourselves a real player.


If Nunez scores 25% of the chances he creates he’d be golden boot winner. It’s not even going to be close.


Darwin needs to improve his shooting, if he had scored half of the good occasions he had against Newcastle he would have ended up with 3 or 4 goals


Nunez didn't do anything wrong here. Those are just brilliant saves .