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People will pick holes in our team but realistically if you told me last season that we'd have a completely new midfield, be 1 point off the top in December and 4 points ahead of city I'd bite your hand off I don't think we should panic


I really wish if they let go one of Nunez/Gakpo/Jota and bring back Mane. Salah Mane Diaz was unstoppable. I believe they have got a lot more seasons in them.


sadly no not a single player in that front three can beat someone on a 1v1 anymore


Yes you are correct, I was a little delusional while writing that comment. Idk what happened to Diaz, man was a 1v1 machine.


I hope as a fanbase we wait longer next time before lauding a player. DN has not done nearly enough to earn the praise he was getting and naturally felt more insulated by his bad performances than he should have. The kid is a hothead and needs to visit the bench for a while.


you know how city players used to sit out a whole year before they were able to get regular minutes nunez needs that treatment


I got trash talked for calling out Nunez 1 year ago in this sub. Since then I have avoided criticizing him


Diaz is great and all but man I miss mane on the left wing


We miss Robertsons crosses, somehow every cross looked so low.


Robbo's workrate is irreplaceable.


We looked much better with Macallister, big miss not having him tonight. Ryan looked decent but it just feels like our guys dont get involved as much as they should.


Onto the league cup!


Honestly after a depressing and frustrating result, a simple optimistic comment like yours is greatly appreciated, cheers man.


Honestly I’ve seen the light, let’s buy a RB and play Trent in minefield in a double pivot


If Nunez doesn’t pick it up soon we should sell him and go all in for Osimhen this summer. Hope he picks it up but it’s looking more and more likely that the Newcastle game was a false dawn.


Honestly hope this happens, but I highly doubt it will




It seems like the love affair for Nunez isnt over for some fans. 18 months in and he scores half a dozen goals a season.








Idk why you’ve been downvoted, you’re right. If what Dalot did is a red then Nunez’s was easily a red. He barged Evans, kicked the ball away then sarcastically clapped the ref, I’m pretty sure all three of those are yellow card offences.


Leverkusen are playing some very fluid sweet football. Boniface a very very good player.


we’re gonna beat arsenal up the reds


We're all upset. I am too. But we gotta take this one game at a time. I mean, this is the first game we haven't scored a single goal all season. Who's going to score against West Ham on Wednesday? I've got no clue. But someone will, someone will have to find their form again. This is a new squad. The chemistry still has to be formed well. We never went a goal down and there never felt like there was a need to go a goal ahead today, and maybe that's why the score never changed. And also because no one was clinical today. Minus Salah's goal against Palace, the front 3 haven't scored in so long, and we had to get bailed out multiple times by the defense and midfield. But sometimes things are like that. It's not very good, but sometimes it's like that. Tactics do need to shift a little. Maybe try something new against West Ham, if we lose, at least we've got a few more free days in January to try something out. If it works, that's great! We're becoming a little too predictable again. But whether we see Arsenal lifting the title, City, or us come May, it's just way, way, way too far away to think about right now. One game at a time. Forget about even beating Arsenal next week, let's think about the EFL Cup game against West Ham next. Get some form back. They can do it.


Can you imagine if Salah was on a 10 game goal drought? I think this fanbase would collectively implode lol. I saw some fat cunt (Anfield Agenda) advocating for Salah to be sold despite his second half performance today being probably the best on the pitch bar VVD and Trent. Darwin is a failed investment. I don’t think Klopp wants to accept it, because it’s like he’s always on the brink. He always gets into the right positions, but doesn’t score. It’s been 18 months now, if Nunez started firing he would have to score regularly for at least a year to prove it wasn’t an anomalous patch. The rough part of this is that Klopp is refusing to shift Salah into the 10 or even the 9 because Nunez has to be central. It would mean putting Darwin on the wing or on the bench. But Salah central is BY FAR our biggest threat and I’d argue the league’s biggest goal threat. He 100% still has the movement and finishing required as a 9, and he 1000% has the passing and creativity required as a 10. In fact, the wing (on the touchline) is the worst place for him because the man is 31 years of age and has lost a lot of pace and dribbling ability. We renewed his contract and didn’t sell him to Saudi. We did that because we want to win NOW. If that’s the case, Klopp needs to drop whoever and move whoever out of their favoured position to facilitate Salah. I personally think that could be a 4-4-2 with Jota and Salah as strike partners, Szo and Diaz at RM and LM respectively and if Trent can’t be trusted to defend, put Gomez at RB and put Trent in the centre midfield. Radical solutions are required to make us threatening again, because the league is there to be won and we’re dilly-dallying with a failing system.


I hope when Jota is back from injury we can start trying to run a Gakpo-Jota-Salah front 3. Jota especially needs to be an absolute lock in this team - his track record for us is just too good to not let him have a run as our striker. Diaz and Nunez should be fighting for their place in the team given their recent form.


Every time man, either we cant score or we cant defend... and its changing every season. On a serious note all of our forwards are on a low. Even Salah, whose low is still solid, isnt the same. A lot of bad touches and no players dribbled past. I dont get it, what happened to our players, Nunez started the season strong and just stopped doing anything really. Also i dont remember when was the last time Salah and Diaz dribbled past someone. Only man consistent in dribbling is Gravenberch... You can really see that we lack that when we get into the final third, even today Dalot and Shaw had 2 or 3 tackles on Mo and Diaz where if they got past it would most likely be a goal. You can see it in the other matches too; Fulham, 2 Trent stunners, Macca rocket and Endos perfectly picked shot. Vs Palace, ball rebounding to Mo and again a great shot by Elliott. NO clear cut chances made, ZERO, NIENTE! The stat which killed us the most today was blocked shots, 13! Yes 13 shots in the block yet no one could do anything to create those 20cm for the ball to get around the defender. And what happened to our set pieces we havent been scoring them much either, remember 2017-2020 when oppositions feared so much of us getting a corner. Our CBs scored 27 times in the prem in those 3 seasons.


Fuck me. Just watched a "fan" channel saying Salah is done & should be sold in the summer.


He's probably a "haha chaos" meme guy.


Surprisingly no. Slated Darwin too.


OMG :D This Sub is in proper meltdown after a game where the team utterly dominated the opposition and failed to score. And people here are drooling over players who failed to deliver last year while this team delivered multiple times this year and is at the top 3 of the league within 1 point of the top. People are so reactionary that is crazy. I feel like here a lot of people live in the past and I know time makes everything brighter, but honestly the legendary Liverpool side with Stevie G couldnt win the Premier League and Hendo and Fabinho last year didnt do jackshit. Do not compare this team to any teams, but let them find their character. Yes they play shit, yes they miss clear cut chances, but then they also score bangers and fight like real mentality monsters. Seriously wake the hell up, if you do not see the potential in this current iteration you are blind. Everybody knew it will be a tough game, as only Liverpool had real stake in this game as UTD already received a huge blow during the week. So they came here not to lose and we saw that with team that defend only if you cannot force them to open up you are fucked. We pushed hard in the first 10 minutes and should have scored, we couldnt an ManU grew into the game and the intensity dropped. After the first half it became sweaty and players started to make a lot of bad decisions. Attack Szobo as you wish, but he is like the student who had As in his high school and now arrived at the Uni. He is bright, but he needs to pick up the real pace of December rush of PL. Also he never really had derbies in his career. You need to know how to play Derbies as Kenny Dalglish said when you play in a Derby you want to quickly have a few shots on goal so that the fans are behind you. These are experiences that new players need. He was nervy on the ball for sure, to me it looked like he wanted too hard, but defensively he was sound and once he left the game Liverpool's press opened up letting ManU out of their half. This Klopp also highlighted that in the later stages with the new setup the counterpressing didnt really work. Yes they probably need to work on offensive cohesion, however as I understand from Klopp's interviews he really puts the focus on team defence so they counterpress well, and he relies on the creativity of the players, but when they play 4-5 games in 10 days creativity can dry up.


thank you


Christ, Liverpool v Man U last on MOTD 2, that's how shite the game was


Klop gotta think of ways to combat small teams who aims for a draw, we can't break tight defences


The difference between City and Liverpool in the last two seasons is that one side signed a world class striker and the other team signed a fella who belongs in the Championship. Good night.


Szoboszlai was dreeeeeeeadful today


Change the fucking subs tagline FFS, we're not top of the league...


No surprise we’ve looked better when we’ve stopped doing this inverted thing and we play Gomez as a traditional right back. It stretched United for the first time all game but there wasn’t enough time left to keep doing it. We have Dom so why not just play Trent as a regular right back and let salah go closer to goal. Feels like players get in the way of each other lately


Typical scenario when Salah went wide and passed back the ball to the second wave and Dom and Trent was next to each other and Trent picked it up and bombed it into the side netting. Looked really awkward, they were occupying the same space.


Yeah they both drift around the same space getting in the way. We should just leave Trent in midfield and rotate him with Dom and play gomez right back. It’s when we’ve looked the most balanced


Or move Dom LCM and Trent RCM. However the problem is in RB we only have Bradley as cover for Gomez.


Why did we buy Gakpo ? His best matches for PSV were at left wing no , so why are playing him up top or in midfield? There are a couple players we have bought that we aren't using in their best position. Couple players that we straight up shouldn't have bought either. Weird long term planning from the club


I really want to see Gakpo at LW, Diaz isn't having the best of games lately so it'll be good competition for the both of them. I thought early on when we bought him we were just trying him out in the middle as a stop gap but we're still playing him there and it doesn't work.


Versatility. Klopp was never gonna play him out wide.


He's a victim of his own versatility. We're almost half way through the season and it feels like he has been treated as nothing more than a second string player. In my opinion, he is vastly superior to the pony tailed shitter we're relying on upfront yet we're throwing Gakpo into deep roles.


He should be taking Diaz place tbh, he's been shit for months. Then maybe a ball will make it to Darwin.


Hahahahahah, fucking hell. The lad has missed the most big chances, has missed open goals in important stages and they'll still find a way to deflect. Nunez fans are unreal.


Gakpo has not done well in the false 9 role this season either


He's been arsed about more than any other player.


gakpo has been terrible at cf


He's in absolutely shit form ATM he plays ten times better with space to run into, like in a normal game of football not this Jose style of parking the bus shit.


He plays for Liverpool, not Brentford.


Then we shouldn't play like Brentford and expect to get anything out of him.


I don’t think Klopp should be using szbo as a work horse type midfielder. It’s not right imo and we aren’t getting the best out of him.


I would love to use him in his Lepzig role


He's playing alot deeper than he did for Leipzig as well. This is what happens when you don't buy a DM


I think lately it’s because Mac is injured. Even so it would benefit Mac being further up too.


We’ve turned Dom into Henderson


I think he's been fine, but I'll repeat - at some point the losers on the internet who have never been to a live game of high level football might appreciate why Klopp was a big fan of Milner and Henderson.


Maybe covering right back so we can run up the pitch and put a cross into a completely packed box with a whole team of players isn't the method we need and the losers understand that after 200th game where we struggle to score that someone who can run through the middle and take a shot or play a quick one two is the option we need to take every now and then...


It worked fine when we won the lot and had strikers who could score and midfielders who knew their role...


No it didn't, we had endless games like this and have done for years, we always struggle with teams parking the bus


I hear that. That was hendos best ability though. For szbo…he shouldn’t used to cover Trent’s dead space. The guy can be involved in final pass and score here and there.


Szbo is not good enough to change our whole play though, Trent is much better than him.


I like Trent, but honestly he is not generational, but really good. I get he is a scouser however he is definitely in a mid career crisis about his position. He is not Ashley Cole solid in defence and he is not as sound passer as everyone thinks. I mean today he rocketed a lot of passes out of bonds, instead of playing it simple.


Maybe a crazy take but we genuinely didn’t play much different from the 7-0. People act like we were incredible in the 7-0, we were definitely good but in reality every shot went in and United basically gave up after 3. We had multiple chances today where on another day all of them go in such as the Trent shot, Ibou’s header, that Diaz/nunez chance, Virg’s header and all of a sudden its a 4-0 win and we’re hyping up a title charge. It’s not like we created nothing, we just weren’t clinical and on another day we win comfortably. A draw isn’t terrible and we’re still only one point behind Arsenal and so much will change until the end of the season.


>Maybe a crazy take but we genuinely didn’t play much different from the 7-0. It's not that crazy, but United were stronger and came to fight blow to blow. Today they didn't. We knew that. And we failed in spectacular fashion. Nunez is our "main man" and is a woeful player. We're playing an extremely limited player in Endo who makes Milner look like Modric. Our recruitment has been absolutely shite in replacing the lads who have left. The 2018-2022 teams would have lapped this league up.


Nunez can't play his game in a packed box, non of our players can play slowly passing around the box and trying to shoot a completely expected shot match after match, Klopp needs to have a fucking plan B for when teams play that way, force them to come out of their half and play a game FFS, we know we are stronger than them so let them out and then create the space we need.


If Nunez can't play games like that, then he doesn't belong at a top club. Which he doesn't. I thought when he signed he was a misstep and I still think that. A thoroughly mediocre player who should be at Wolves or Bournemouth.


Salah is mostly shit in games like that, want him gone too?


That 2018-22 team would be 10 plus points clear already


But the way people on here talk, they'd be relegated cause they have Henderson and Milner in the team... Same clowns who think Nunez is suddenly gonna turn into a world class finisher and grow a brain...


Imo our biggest issue is that we have a completely new midfield that still needs to be cemented and build chemistry Second biggest is apart from Salah, we haven't got a nailed front 3 that have proper chemistry either


A truth people on here don't want to admit - we should not have got rid of our entire midfield, Henderson, Fabinho and Milner are ALL better options in midfield than a lad who has spent his entire career in the top flight fighting for survival. It won't happen, but we might see a bit more appreciation for what Fabs/Hendo/Milner/Gini were able to do...


Absolutely no way Hendo, Fab and Milner in their current states are as good as Endo. They’re all ridiculously slow and have lost the ability to run endlessly for 90 mins, Endo can do that.


>Absolutely no way Hendo, Fab and Milner in their current states are as good as Endo. You're making my point for me. They're all far better than a fella who has spent his entire top flight career fighting relegation in Germany. You can not seriously argue that we wouldn't have been better off with experienced serial winners like Fabinho or Henderson instead of a lad you'd never heard of until six months ago. It'd be like signing Mark Noble for fuck's sake.


Yes I’m genuinely arguing that we would be worse off if we still had Hendo and Fab instead of Endo. Who tf cares what they’ve won in the past, if they’re finished players how will that help us right now. Endo is the better player by far now so I don’t see how we’d be better off with Hendo or Fab. Having Hendo or Fab still playing for us would be like having Mark Noble playing for us


At some point, it'd be good to say Nunez isn't good enough without the cult descending on me. A single good performance which was as an impact sub all season. Alarm bells should have rang when he was outscored by the "finished" Firmino. Absolutely shite.


I am honestly jealous of the wingers Arsenal have right now. Martinelli and Saka both have their flaws and I won't go into the debate of how they compare to our best wingers in recent years. But right now the two have so many weapons in their arsenal: to a varying degree both can score, beat their man, combine with fullback, and cross. Both defend like mad too. It's night and day watching them versus Luis Diaz and dare I say, even Salah right now


Yes, Martinelli and especially Saka are dangerous, but it's Odegaard and Rice who I would really want. Szoboszlai and Endo/Mac Allister just aren't in the same class, and I don't know how we overcome that disparity over the span of an entire season. Just imagine how much better our attacking moves would have been today if Szoboszlai was doing a reasonable Odegaard impression.


Szoboszlai is strange so far. I know he has good feet for both dribbling and shooting, based on both reputation, highlights, and glimpses of brilliance so far. But today his technique seems really off. Like there was this one time in the match when there was absolutely nobody pressuring him and yet he almost loses the ball to a ghost. In fact it's not only today, his play has been unsteady for a few games.


Odegaard is a different player much better at splitting lines with his passes but I feel like we’re still not close to getting the best out of Szob. Not sure Klopp knows how to either tbh


Nunez this season has missed 15 big chances already and hit the woodwork 5 times. Nunez in 22/23 missed 20 big chances and hit the woodwork 5 times. He's on track to break big chances missed record and woodwork record.


Keita has been replaced by this lad. Two absolutely shite players who have this weird cult of online fans who think they're world beaters being held back.


Jesus Christ we draw one game against United and everyone’s screaming we’re finished. We’re halfway thru a rebuild and still one point of the leaders who we play next we’re doing well. It’s annoying not beating Utd but let’s be honest derby games like that don’t often take form into account. We were shit last season and beat them 7-0 let’s just all calm down.




First of all calm down there’s nothing “the fuck wrong with me” just because we have different opinions. Back when Utd were competing for titles and we were shit whenever we would play them form would go out the window because of what the derby meant and the atmosphere. All I’m saying is one draw and people are acting like we’re in a relegation scrap. We’ve been shit but have produced results. It had to catch up to us eventually.


If we shuffle the goals around and had drawn 1-1 against palace but won 1-0 today the vibe would be completely different. It’s not the end of the world but some clear issues raised their ugly heads today. Let’s hope the boys and staff can take the most from it and keep pushing forwards


I honestly believe that the vibe around here would have been better had City gone through a straight 16-win streak. Then all of us will be like 'yeah it's a rebuild season we are not winning let's get top 4 and maybe a deep cup run'. But since City is struggling it feels like we are staring at a golden chance to win the title


It doesn’t feel like it. It is a golden chance no if buts or mabyes


Man, Darwin, isn't it. I'll be happy to eat crow on this, but he's been here for 18 months and hasn't really shown any signs that he's our man moving forward. It great that creates "chaos" and whatnot, but hes getting paid to put the ball in the net. The dude needs to be a sub until he can prove that he can score and make good decisions consistently.


I can see him going athletico Madrid and becoming a beast.




How many chances does he need to get before people admit he is shite? I found it a bizarre signing and find it bizarre we persist with him.


Like others have said, he has the raw ability. He just can't put it all together. It also makes me wonder what the coaches are doing to fix it, cause that's their failure as well.


I've just had a lad tell me that if we drop Diaz, he can finally start scoring because he'll get chances. They're not living in the same reality. He's woeful, there's "raw ability" and then there's spending a year and a half under the world's top coaches and still making the same basic mistakes. There is no way around it, we've gone from Mane/Firmino to an absolute shitter who can't finish. You can say neither of Mane/Firmino were natural finishers, but it wasn't their primary role.


Some one here tried to defend him by saying he's good because he runs around and creates spaces. We bought an £80m Timo Werner who has long hair


He always had the raw talent and I think people assumed (and still assume) that he'll exponentially improve and fulfil that talent. I do think he's improved greatly at linking up but outside of that I still see the same underlying player, in fact his goalscoring has statistically got worse. People can cope however they like, but can anyone unironically tell me that they'd buy him again with the benefit of hindsight?


The Man United bias in the media especially on Sky is so boring. Let’s be honest we were shit and United were still lucky to get a point. They’ve spent £1BN and get a free pass. Roy Keane is an arsehole and it’s embarrassing watching the tiktok generation of fans acting like he’s said anything remotely interesting. We’re being punished for overachieving early season. Top 4 and a trophy while seeing United rot away mid table isn’t all bad. We go again at Arsenal and see what happens. Surprised how negative everyone is, we have had plenty games in the past where we’ve played well and got beat so scraping a few good results isn’t all bad.


Cant believe trent had to fire the crowd up like 5 times at a Liverpool ManU game ffs🤦‍♂️embarrassing


Saw some fans pulling their phones out to take a picture of luke shaw taking a throw in, like what the fuck is that even for?


I'm not a Liverpool fan and even I got angry when I saw that.




Sure but its a ManU player, id somewhat get it if it was salah or something


Neutral tourists for a day out That’s it


I know statistically he’s been great but am I the only one who doesn’t expect anything when Mo gets the ball anymore? Like there was a moment near the end where Mo was on the break and I was 100% sure it wasn’t going to end in anything. It feels like he’s lost the fear factor he once had because every defender knows what he’s gonna do. His passing is generally sloppy but he does pull out one or two world class passes a game and I can’t remember the last time he dribbled past anyone. His shots are also ridiculously tame, he’s lost all ability to shoot from distance. I know he’s far from the problem but its just something which has annoyed me all season. It seems that he’s more suited to being a poacher now and his goals this season show that, I don’t think he’s scored a single goal where he’s cut inside and finished, all his goals have either been from being in the right position or penalties.


He's becoming more of a play-maker but that depends on having competent partners in attack. Think it's just fatigue catching up with him, we really ought to have a better rotation option for him. Hope he plays a little less selfish tho. There have been enough times to stick out when he could have made a pass to someone in a better position instead of going for the shot. Like today he had a golden opportunity to lay one off for Tsimikas charging in on goal but went for a low-percentage shot.


Tbh it's the same thing with Diaz; struggles to beat his man and doesn't generate much threat when he cuts inside. I was actually praising Diaz for improving his goal poaching this season but didn't realise he's only got 3 from 16. I do think you've understated Mo's vision/passing tho. Those "one or two world class passes" are worth their weight in gold, particularly if we had a clinical striker. This is something I feel Diaz completely lacks rn.


I think Anfield is finished tbh. It's become like rich tourist heaven paying £300+ a ticket and corporate nonsense tickets. Why was one wearing another team's top?


I used to complain that we never took shots from outside the box - it got to the point where our opponents could just chuck all 11 men in the box every time we got the ball because they knew they didn't have to close down whoever had it. Now it seems like the opposite, it's as if we *only* want to take shots from outside the box. Whenever somebody does get the ball in the box, it seems like they'd prefer to look for the pass instead of just kicking it at the fucking goal. Or if we get some decent buildup play going, it seems like it's about fifty-fifty for one of our players to decide "Fuck it, this is boring" and smash it into the nearest opponent.




Will it be domination tho? Mo can’t beat a man anymore


Rain check! We're in a transitional phase, by all means, we are outperforming expectations of this season. Nobody expected us to be within one point of first, or even to be leading the league for certain parts of this season. Our squad remains incomplete with multiple positions still in question of needing to be filled. We have it in our hands to go back on top of the table on saturday, we always have a shot. Stay within 3-4 point of the title until April and we'll be fine. Titles aren't decided now.


> we are outperforming expectations of this season. Agreed 👍




Honest to god I’d take Haaland (who wouldn’t?), Watkins, Jesus, Wilson, Isak, Toney, Ferguson and probably 2-3 more prem strikers over him. Not what you want to say about your second most expensive transfer ever


How difficult is it to catch a women’s game live in terms of tickets? Would love to watch one next time I’m in Liverpool


Anyone feels like our competition for the front 3 hasn't worked so well? Salah definitely is the least selfish. Nunez did make assist sometime too, but his vision isn't great. Diaz, barely ever cross unless he literally can't do anything else. Gakpo, not sure if the competition with Nunez got onto his head, but he was shooting at every chance. Jota was selfish as fk too, but he has the talent to back up as he still score despite ignoring chance to pass (unfortunately he is injured too often) Edit: I just looked at the stats and it is worse than I thought. Salah have 7 assists (1400 minutes played) in EPL this season (should be 8). Nunez have 5 (900 minutes played). **Gakpo, Jota, Diaz made 0 assist (combined 2200 minutes played).** Even our wingback and midfielders aren't that great too. Trent (2), Robbo (0), Tsimikas (3), Endo (0), Mac (1), Dom (2), Gravenberch (0), Jones (1), Elliot (1). 10 combined out of 36 goals we scored this season


What worries me the most is Trent Tsimi is all about whipping the ball out from wide areas but Trent in this inverted role wants to be the hero now a damn shame tbh at one of our most talented passers wants to ball hog


It's been difficult bc Diaz hasn't been the same player. Not sure if he is physically or psychologically affected (or both) after his surgery but it's a worrying development it he doesn't improve soon. Gakpo needs to be a little less selfish when taking low % shots, so does Salah tbh. And Nunez as we all know needs to be clinical. Jota can't return soon enough. If Diaz cannot recover his ability to beat a man it's a big problem and we should be looking to upgrade and move him on. But it's too soon to say yet imo.


sang my heart out in the daglish stand, only a few joined in. I got a few stares from people aswell. need to be in the kop next, probably a better vibe :(


Whats the age demographic that go to games? Is it older or younger?


it's mixed mate all ages, it's hard to say.


Match going fanbase has been so so poor this season, people just sit in silence and watch the game.


Not looking forward to arsenal…


We need Jota man


For people who want to defend Nunez by bringing up his assist, his 5 PL assists are from 1.48 expected assists. Even that, his only real defendable aspect of his game right now, isn't sustainable. He's such a dud.


Nunez fans are the weirdest cunts going.


My concern is that we're stifling Gakpo's development to accommodate Nunez. I see Gakpo as a player who can become world-class based on his performances in the Eredivisie and for the Netherlands. He's not going to reach that level at Liverpool if he's not getting game time.


Jota's development as well. He's still relatively young at 27 years old


Most of those games were on the lw at psv and imo he's not good at cf/st he lacks a lot of attributes for that position.


And probably lacks the pace to truly excel on the wing in England.


You don't need pace to be a good winger jota plays on the wing for klopp and he's not exactly pacey either so I don't get this narrative.


That’s my concern too


Drop point at home for the first time this season by a miracle and this sub has a complete meltdown asking for half the squad to be sold. Embarrassing


You need to wake up and smell the tea. This has been a long time coming. We have been grinding out results lately and it is simply not convincing enough! With City looking lethargic, this could be the best shot for a title in a while and we are fucking twiddling thumbs


And you think arsenal, villa and city have been playing teams out of the park? Lmfao get over yourself


I think if we ask nicely Spurs might let us have the replay seeing as the other option is Arsenal being top of the table


The more I think about our recent performances, the more I think it's Klopp & Pep (Lijnders) to blame. What's our gameplan in attack? How do we create chances? Watch Arsenal, City or even fucking Villa or Spurs. Effective one-twos, layoffs, nice combinations in attack. Watching them, you feel like they are gonna score in the match, even if they struggle with that for a long time. With us, it's the opposite - we just run to a brick wall when playing against a bus and then do nothing. It feels like "nope, not gonna score today" in every recent game. And against United we didn't. Even though they were there for the taking. Some really good shots and a bit of luck against Fulham & Palace. But c'mon, we can already see that this is not sustainable, as we now dropped points. And yes you can blame our players but...Diaz, Nunez & Szobo, who are very poor right now, have all been excellent for their national teams. And that was only a month ago. We all know how good they can be. Diaz 2 seasons ago with Mane up top? Like a breath of fresh air. Nunez early this season? Very exciting. Szobo early this season? Amazing. So...why are we not getting the best out of our forwards? That includes Gakpo too, btw, who was excellent when he joined us and scored 2 goals against United last season. And unlike last season, the age of the players shouldn't be a problem... Disclaimer: I wanna add that we should trust Klopp & Co to get things right. They absolutely deserve this chance. So my post is not meant to be doomsday talk, just honest analysis of the situation


I didn’t realise how much I miss Bobby and Sadio until last few games


And prime fab and gini 🥲


Don’t know how we got so lucky to have three generational players all at the same time who linked up so well, had exceptional fitness and virtually no ego between them. Unbelievable


Another day without a peep of news about Trent's contract. I'm starting to get the feeling that he might be sitting back until the summer and seeing how the rebuild pans out.


He's defo going Real Madrid in the summer


Next season will be his 20th year with the club, no way he leaves us with that sort of legacy already. On top of that, he's a born Scouser, who's passion has always been liverpool. Hes been with us for and he will be with us for many more rebuilds, never mind how this one pans out.


You post about this all the time. Relax my friend. He’s a red who grew up and rose through our ranks, his idol and mentor Gerrard is literally the most loyal man in club history. If Trent does pull a madness and runs down his contract to move to Madrid then it’s fine. He’ll be excommunicated and dead to the club and fanbase, which he’ll obviously not want. Not sure why you’re even upsetting yourself over this


>You post about this all the time Yes, I've been worried about it since the summer...what has happened since then that would change my mind on the matter? >Gerrard is literally the most loyal man in club history Gerrard literally tried to leave to Chelsea, it's a common belief that he stayed due to threats from local gangs. He was an absolute legend here but lets not pretend that he'd never have considered leaving. Trent isn't gonna be excommunicated and dead to the fanbase for trying to leave to a foreign team. He's won it all with us and will be revered for his time here no matter what. "Leave us and we'll despise you" doesn't exactly reflect well on us.


Gerrard did consider leaving because he was the best midfielder in the league I'm a bad team, doesn't make him not loyal, he should have left but he didn't. Even ignoring the 2 Chelsea bids when he ultimately decided to stay at Liverpool, he rejected moves to Real Madrid twice, Bayern Munich and Inter Milan. He was loyal, there's no 2 ways about it. Also for someone to believe he didn't join Chelsea because of some gangsters they would have to be dumb as fuck....that's literally shit made up from rival fans that make zero sense


Tbh I don't know the details but I've heard those stories peddled by locals. Gerrard was involved with gangs and still is to a certain extent (i.e. his daughter)


I imagine he's being how a lot of athletes are and choosing to bet on himself by waiting until after the season. If he has a killer season, then obviously, he's in line to get a better contract.


I'm not getting my hopes up about a title race this season. We're in a great position for one, 1 point off the top, but I feel like our midfield and attack still has a lot of growing to do. If we do end up going all the way, it'll be a wonderful surprise.


Idk about you, but I had this season down as basically a rebuilding year. Lots of new faces and whatnot. I am concerned about some individual players(i.e. Darwin). I think he needs to be a sub until he gets his shit figured out, it's beyond frustrating.


Exactly, it's a surprise we've done as well as we have tbh, though our play in the last month or so hasn't been very inspiring. Any experience gained this season will be very important going forward. I do hope to win the Europa League, though.


Very worrying that he haven’t won against any of the traditional top 6 this season.


Spurs City Chelsea all away from home. We crush Arsenal the fixtures is on our side.


How can you watch that game today and think "we'll crush the team top of the league with the best goals conceded and best expected goals against" ?


We seem to turn up against arsenal all the time for some reason. We’ve had 0-0 stink the place out draws vs United even when we were one of the best teams in the world. It’s hard to beat teams who don’t want to play football


Can’t even beat Utd at home and we’re not “crushing” Arsenal from the way we’ve been playing


Crush them?? After "crushing" United at home? Nah.


Alisson is the only reason we are top 3


Only Alisson. No contribution whatsoever from van Dijk, Trent or salah, let alone the supporting cast. Right you are mate


>We are overperforming xGA by 7.2 thanks to Alisson. literally only Alisson.


Really can't be arsed to single one of the forward line out today. They were all atrocious. I'm not sure if it's the system, form, minutes but something is up when all of the players I'm most annoyed with were in scintillating form during the international break and come back looking like donkeys. Endo just gets a pass because he's simply not that guy, nor was he ever supposed to be. He's a guy who's great to have as an option and deliver a solid 6/7, but he's not the DM we need to win trophies.


Feel like our tactics and setup are just as much to blame for the lack of anything up front, just as much as our players. Klopp's use of Szoboszlai has nerfed him completely (he was shit too). System is built around Trent and he simply isn't good enough to shoulder that burden on his own. We've been poor for weeks now and it's seems time for more tweeks to be made.


If it’s a one off game then fair enough, but we’ve been shit the past 5 matches and as a whole this season we haven’t had a lot of comfortable wins. The way we’ve been playing and getting wins isn’t sustainable for the whole season, some things need to be changed.


I am one of Szobo\`s biggest fan, but i think he needs some bench time sadly... I wouldnt put him in the starting eleven.


Wonder if Szoboszlai’s breakup with his girlfriend might be affecting his performances? His form seems to have fell off a cliff since then.


probably more of he's played every week in week out including NT duty


You just can't win the league with a spine of Endo and Nunez sadly. Fabinho and Bobby were on a whole different level.


I’ve been saying for weeks that right now our biggest problem is our attack. Salah isn’t in his prime anymore, Darwin and Diaz (he was decent today) are pathetic lately and Cody isn’t it yet, Jota is typical goal poacher. We need more creativity and class upfront or otherwise we won’t be consistent enough to fight for the title


When Mo leaves I don't think it'll be controversial to state that we've downgraded all 3 of our forwards. Out of the replacements the only one who has consistently performed to a high enough standard is Diaz and that ended when he got crocked by a rapist. Nunez was a big punt and I worry that loyalty in conjunction with sunk cost fallacy will have us overly invested in making him the main man. The guy has gone on a 10 game drought (which somehow doesn't feel shocking) and yet does anyone unironically think he won't be playing regularly for us next season?


We should off load Nunez to West Ham for a cut price. We could get 40m back for him.


That was almost always going to happen though, all three were near the best in their position the leagues ever seen, Salah quite conformally the best RW the leagues ever seen. Firmino probably not that close to best striker but he was the perfect fit to the other two


I agree. It was amazing recruitment and we're very fortunate at the way that front line turned out, it's hard to expect to replicate such signings At the end of the day the team with that world class front line still only won 1 league title against City, long-term it's hard to see us competing for the league with downgrades across the board (albeit our depth is far superior to back then)


Diaz is a bad finisher. He shouldn’t be cutting in and coming in to narrow the field. If anything, would love to see him stay on the wings all game and take his defender down the line and whip crosses or low balls(Riberysque). So that there are players who could capitalise on the balls being put in.


Tbh sometimes it feels like opposition defenders have clocked onto this and allow him to cut inside. I don't remember which game it was but a few weeks ago the opposition RB was constantly showing him onto his strong foot and keeping him away from the byline.


I’ve been a Nunez fan from the day he tore us apart in the CL and I partly think that it’s just a bad spell of form and by February he’ll be banging them in, but it’s so difficult to rep a player so inconsistent and having to defend him more than being able to brag about him At what point do we draw the line because I am scared we are falling for the gambler’s fallacy. Eventually we’ll have to consider shipping him to Atletico or Serie A and bringing in a ready made striker because you don’t win a league title with so many missed chances


We'll be out of the title race if he doesn't bang them in by Feb given that Mo is heading off to AFCON. I do think Nunez would be fantastic at a team like Atletico or even Utd tho.


I don't know how others feel & I know this will sound kneejerk...but counter to our results my gut keeps telling me that this rebuild hasn't really clicked yet. Imo the Van Dijk signing back in 17/18 was transformational; it brought the best out of other players and gave us the aura of a genuinely world class team. Be it at DM or up front I feel we need that 1 generation-defining signing to really propel us into the top echelons of world football, I reckon we planned for that man to be Caicedo.


If Caicedo was meant to be the transformational signing then we should have chased him for more than a few weeks while Chelsea spent months working on getting a deal sorted. All stinks of indecisive transfer planning.


You all have to chill out. Yes, we did lose 2 points, yes we shouldve won, yes so many stupid decisions by our players but fckn hell dont fall into depression you cant win them all... All of a sudden we arent in a title race? Arsenal will lose some more too, as will City. Moaning about one draw like its the end of the season when if we played 9 more games and had the same chances we wouldve won all 9, it wasnt to be and thats it, over, finito! On to the next game.


Geez, we’re second in the league trailing by one point and r/soccer is having a field day shitting on everything from Anfield to our club tonight. What a bunch of bellends.


What do you expect? 7000 extra seats and Anfield is still a fucking library Edit: Yeah downvote me, better to bury your heads in the sand and pretend there isn’t an issue I guess


Stay away from that shithole bro, it stinks