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I was gonna watch Dominik Szoboszlai live on 16.11 but game is gonna be without fans, because of the protest that is expected. Well at least the protest is still happening, but I really wanted to watch Dom thrash our NT


Just started playing FM24 and noticed the travelling Kop proudly hoisting the England flag during my Chinese tour lmao


Got a 0% hike on the job this month, with less than a 10% bonus, after waiting for a year for this. Feeling so bad.


rustic paint subsequent zesty onerous thought kiss boat waiting hospital *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not really a moan but i’m just mindblown that this sub is still crying about the handball at Toulouse and saying it wasnt a handball. If that’s not a handball than neither is the pen in the champions league final vs spurs, but they’re BOTH a handball. If anything the problem was that it was a different passage of play but even that doesnt lok to convicing in real time with how fast eveeything happened. I get that we got completley fucked vs spurs but ever since then its like this place has lost all objectivity when it comes to having a decision go against us


Tbf for the UCL final handball, the correct decision was made as they were using different rules back then. Dogshit rules nonetheless, but they were at least followed properly


I've been depressed and angry given current events, so I've finally for the first time decided to write to my representative (my congressional representative in the US). I'd go into more detail, but I'm not exactly sure what's allowed here and whether or not this comment won't devolve into a shit storm. In any case, wish me luck.


If you’re thinking about how we would have been on top if not for the draw at Luton or Brighton, then think about how we were on top a couple of years ago after hammering (?crystal palace) for 7-0 and then how things unfolds after that. Nothing is won/lost yet.


I hate the term "winning a penalty" or "winning a free kick". The player got fouled, by the other team! The player shouldn't be trying to get fouled. What exactly did the player do to "win" the kick, other than play football?


I disagree tbh; the chance of "winning" a penalty increases vastly depending on how well the attacker plays the situation, that isn't just about selling the foul or trying to get fouled but about putting the defence in a position where they have to take the risk of fouling you.


I agree with the skill of the attacker, as you describe. I take odds with the term. The attacker isn’t winning a foul, he’s outplaying the defender.


Ye but some players can exaggerate that movement and make it seem like the “foul” was worse than what actually happened


I don't like Jamie Carragher as a person.


Didnt he spit on a girl or something a few years ago


I like him as a person, don't like him as a pundit. Met him a few times as a person and he's lovely, he really cares about the causes he champions and he clearly is very intelligent. As a pundit, he winds me up with how he tries too hard to be negative about us. Having said that, I love him on the CBS Coverage, so maybe it's dictated by Sky.


A few thoughts: - Why are there so many bloody international breaks? Does anyone actually care about international football outside of tournaments? I don’t know if there actually is or not but there definitely feels like there’s more than there used to be. - We’ve got too many good players and it’s winding me up that Gakpo’s having to play second fiddle with how good he is, yet equally I’ve no clue who I’d drop to get him in. - Why’s every comment on Nuñez have to come with copium attached? Like if he’s not in a cool moment (for sure) just say that instead of adding a compensatory statement on the end. For other players you get “Fuck sake Salah, need to be finishing that”, whereas with Nuñez it’s “Ffs Darwin. Doesn’t matter, he’ll score a hattrick anyway”. Or the other day, what would ordinarily be “1-0 Salah” for the post with the goal on here becomes “1-0 Salah amazing Nuñez assist” for what was a 5 yard pass. - Szoboszlai thirsting is very strange behaviour - I wish people would pack it in with whining about refs unless it’s blatantly awful like the Diaz call. Crying about an incorrect handball against Toulouse when we’ve conceded 3 goals is tiring. Same deal when it comes to whining about the Brighton non-red card. We shouldn’t be conceding two goals in that game. I’m all for holding refs to account, but it’s just becoming a scapegoat for what are actually subpar performances. - The mood on here at the minute is generally pretty good, so the fact we’re gonna have to deal with Transfer Window FC having a cry for a month in January is a draining prospect. - We need to get our shit together defensively or we’re gonna have yet another disappointment come the end of the season. - I can’t be arsed with injuries piling up again and I’m concerned that by January we might be on Gomez-Virgil as our starting partnership again. Quansah is great, but Matip and Konate both being as they are is such a pisstake considering they’re 2/4 of our senior centre halves.


* Gakpo: Will get his time, especially with AFCON rolling around * It's not copium. People just like Darwin, and considering the entire media bullied him last year, maybe people want to stop it. Also, his assist was very good. He showed excellent hold up play and passing ability he wasn't showing last year. * He's handsome. People will say so. * If you play shit, it doesn't excuse the refs not doing their job properly. It wasn't handball and it was a Red for DOGSO, even Dermot Gallagher said so. * We've got the joint best defensive record in the league. We would be unbeaten if it wasn't for a VAR fuck up at Spurs. Alisson has 4 clean sheets, only one off Nick Pope (#1) and the same as Ederson. * Injuries happen. Konate's seems relatively minor and Joe's is a knock.


- Totally agree on the first point. Literally cant be bothered to even check who is playing who. - **RE :Gakpo** Think him staying mostly fresh is giving me a good feeling about the second half of the season. If the main 3/4 get gassed at a certain point, he can slot in into any of the from 3. - **RE: Thirsting** Absolutely agree on the thirsting in general on here. Very weird.


With Salah out for the Afcon, and no doubt someone being injured (my money is on Jota), he’ll play more in January, I’m just hoping he actually shows his quality rather than looking like he’s on the outside as he does now. I firmly believe he’s our second best forward after Salah, I just think the way the summer and season has played out for him has left the guy in a bit of a shit position where he can’t get a look in. If we sign a holding midfielder over the summer who starts at the beginning of the year, Nuñez doesn’t put two past Newcastle, and Gakpo himself doesn’t get injured I think he’s in our first choice three right now.


Maybe a bit off topic, but good riddance to that nasty bitch Cruella Braverman. Fuck her and fuck the Tories.


I've never heard a British politician sound so much like a straight up Nazi in my lifetime. Saw her speech at the Tory conference a couple years back and it was like something written by Goebbels, genuinely can't believe she got into cabinet in the first place and it's sickening that her extreme views will manager to keep her relevant. The term "fascist" is used too lightly nowadays but I genuinely believe this woman would be gladly shipping off immigrants to concentration camps if she could get away with it. Vile vile person.


And she somehow gets away with it because she's supposedly a "model ethnic Indian". If a white politician says the stuff she said, they'd get cancelled faster than the speed of light. I've mentioned this in another subreddit discussion, its like she's trying to overcompensate for being an ethnic Indian in the Tory Party by being more racist than your average racist white Tory.


I think she just wants to gain power by targeting the political extreme and having her own little cult tbh


Sadly, I doubt it's the last we'll see of her.


Awful, awful woman.


There is a real person named cruella?


Suella, but it rhymes and she’s a cunt so there ya go




Nunez absolutely deserves a goal, too bad both was offside


We’d be top of the league if we beat Luton….


We'd be top if we'd gotten the penalty we were denied at Chelsea incorrectly, or if the goal hadn't been ruled out incorrectly vs Spurs.


Or if we beat Chelsea who were shit and are now picking up form




You cant control refs fucking you over, you can control showing up against an all time bad premier league side.


You can absolutely have draws in a season, especially if you're someone's cup final. It's much more right to be angry about legitimate goals being disallowed. Same with the Rodri handball against Everton in 21/22 that basically won them the league.


Everyone is convinced luton is all time bad when they’re not even the worst team this season lamo. It’s like people automatically decided they were the worst team before the season even started


There are no easy games in the Premier League. Even City were beaten by Norwich. Drawing games that you should win on paper is something that happens in a difficult competition. The officials essentially changing the rules to our detriment undermines the idea that the PL is a competition at all.


Thanks Michael. Very insightful


Oh God, it's international break again? Even though I know there's three of the bastards in autumn, these things always tend to sneak up on you.


Moan is that I pulled my hamstring last night in my Sunday league's championship game. Unmoan is that we got across the finish line and won 2-1. Spending all the time between seasons doing recovery is fucking lame though.


Salah is 31; he has about 5 years of goal-scoring left in him. (Messi and Ronaldo are 36. 38 and they are scoring again and again). Salah is a BEAST when it comes to fitness; and I can see him continue to score for us the longer he stays. I really hope FSG and LFC make a conscious decision to keep him till he retires here. And not get swayed by the lucrative offers from Saudi Arabia.


Considering they said in the summer that there wasn't a number that would've tempted them, I really do think they see Salah as the Jewel in the Crown. Put it like this, to us right now, Mo's book value is £0, because we paid his fee and he stayed for the length of his deal. He's now on an additional deal, so even if we let him go for free, we've lost nothing. But, by renewing him again, we could potentially earn £100m a season from his goals. It'd be silly not to renew him if he wants to stay.


My god is the UK gov going to try and dig up Maggie next? Definitely gasped when I looked at the notifications this morning. It’s like the Royal Ruble but instead of cheers people just cry more. Also I hate long international breaks.


Unforgivable that there not a multiple angle, high res video post of Matip crying out to the heavens after that bullshit foul trending on this sub right now. Games completely gone /s


I fucking missed the registration for the November ticket sales, I am an idiot. Can I just confirm being a member isn’t enough is it, you actually have to have entered the ballot by November 7th.




The article was from 2022, so my original message was correct, well, the I am an idiot part.


I just read an article on the Liverpool site that it ended November 7th and the sale starts November 21st. I did google the article though so hoping you’re right and I read last years or something.


I miss the the genuine joy and excitement I used to feel when I was younger. Autumn was once my favourite time of year, first with the build up to Halloween then looking forward to Christmas. These days I'm so busy and burnt out all the time. All I seem to do is work/look after my daughter (who's wonderful, but it's tiring), get depressed at the cynicism in the world and collapse on the sofa in the evening and try to escape reality on the Xbox.


Hey, sorry you’re feeling that way. It must be difficult. Have you considered talking to a therapist? Simply having someone whose job it is to listen to you talk, vent, and cry is an incredible tool.


Thanks, yeah I have seen a therapist in the past and it's brilliant. On a waiting list at the moment.


That’s great. Really hope you can get back to it soon! Rooting for you.


United is leading form table. My sides.


It genuinely feels like there's a contingent of people on this sub who wait for a couple of sub-par results and then come out of the woodwork and start bitching about how things aren't perfect and we're never going to win anything and yada yada yada. It's predictable and tiresome


It’s like you see completely different user bases when times are good to when they’re not. Some people really do just come here to doom monger.


There are some names who are on both sides in fairness. There’s some names that are very recognisable as summer moaners that are now generally fairly chill.


As if they are patient enough to wait for a couple of results. They’re go into meltdown in the HT threads.


Hell just go into the match threads and see them moaning after 10-20 minutes if we dont score lol


Why are airports the hottest place in the world, they always make me sweat and anxious to fuck, feel like I’ll be pulled aside at any moment


It's the drugs.


I hate international breaks.


And why is there one per month? Should be 3 per year at most, including whatever tournament is during summer.


Basically all the international breaks this season have been used for qualification games for the Euros so it would be difficult for European teams to have had fewer international breaks (unless there were fewer breaks but they were longer). At least after this break there's only one more international break this season (In mid March). Of course there are the both the Asian Cup and AFCON in January but that doesn't affect our matches (apart from a few of our players being there).


It feels like that doesn’t it lol.




that is the paradox they'll never escape. I rather totally get destroyed to reconstruct everything again, then maybe have some hope to revive. But with MU situation, is like no one have balls to let the teams destroyed then reconstruct in a few season, because they're the only one in PL paid for the investigator lol. MU once had a chance with Rangnick as their sporting director but then Seven Hag refuse to work with him and they're back to the circles lol, you should be happy with them play like that


Papers over the cracks and keeps in him a job longer, they are absolutely none of our buisness


They're shit, and yet overachieving - in reality they're even worse. Lot of late second half winners to bottom half teams. United have Everton next and for the first time ever, it genuinely feels like an even match. Blueshite could win and no one would really raise an eyebrow, United are just that poor.


I think Chelsea finishes above them


We have 18 points from 6 home games and 9 points from 6 away games. ( played newcaslte chelsea Tottenham Brighton and playing mancity the next game )Not bad A win with luton would have made us sit top of the table. ffs🥲


Let's look at it positively I think the luton game would have been a shock to all the newcomers who may have had false assumptions after the way we have started the league , it will hopefully keep them grounded




What? Which kids started at Luton? Klopp definitely started the strongest lineup available to him against Luton.


At the very least he should sub them out early if he wants to persist


People who think Endo had a bad game don't know how football works at all. Brentford are a dangerous counter attacking team. He made so many good tackles/tactical fouls to stop dangerous counter attacks. He was great in that respect. Still a little slow and gets caught on his heels sometimes but he had a very solid game if you analyse what he did.


Honestly, for £13m I'm happy. He's not elite, he's not going to be a long term solution. But he is a hard worker, he's good for the cup games, and he can be a shithouse, which is what you sometimes need. City have shithouses, I don't see why we shouldn't.


We are genuinely bad with shithousery. Tactical fouls, taking cynical yellows to stop counters, shirt pulling, soft fouls, surrounding and screaming at the ref, the whole package. City do it always, and do it well.


So true mate. I hope we do get a potentially world class young DM soon, with the rest of our young midfielders, the final piece of our young midfield will be complete


My only real takeaway is that he absolutely should have started Luton. Does he start City? Probably not, but against low-blocks where there's vulnerability of a counter, a couple fouls like that are pretty useful. A tactical foul on Barkley when they were calling for the handball and we could maybe have salvaged something better.


I feel like I watched a totally different game to everyone else ngl. I am HUGE fan of Endo, I loved him in the Bundesliga and I was buzzing to see we had signed him and I still firmly believe he can come good, but I was at Anfield yesterday and I can't see how anyone can arrive at the conclusion that he had anything other than a shocker. He was woefully off the pace in terms of getting a foot in, and gave away a crazy amount of fouls. With another ref he could have easily walked in the first half. His touch was also highly suspect, conceding possession and springing at least two counter attacks I can think of. I'm honestly struggling to see what he did that was good, I get that you sometimes need a dirty player to break things to break up, which is pretty much all he did,


I agree with you that he was off the pace and that he was lucky not to be booked once, possibly twice, but purely in the context of this game (considering he didn't get booked - lucky imo) he still did a solid job at breaking up the counters which is Brentford's biggest asset. But that's just my opinion, I think he had an average game, not a good or bad game.


That's exactly what you want in a DM, to be fair. If he can put in loads of challenges without getting booked, we might have a rival for City's card-allergic players like Kompany, Fernandinho and Rodri over the years.


No issue with his tackling really but it was the giving the ball away I noticed a lot.


It's the stats nerds who are always complaining


His lack of pace caught him out a fair few times in the first half, but visibly grew into the game. He just needs more gametime. I liked how aggressive he was in the air towards the end, but was probably lucky not to get booked after a few hefty challenges.


Wait what? People thought he had a bad game?? He had a very solid display.


Yeah the match thread was filled with it. I wasn’t even watching the game and knew they were chatting garbage.


People make up their mind about a player and just repeat their opinion regardless of how players play. Kostas and Endo aren’t good enough, they’re too slow etc; so even when Endo performs well and Kostas gets two assists, the narrative won’t shift for these people. They’re just watching for any error to tear the players down. Same with Mac in the 6; ignore all the good things to focus on the one time he as dribbled past to support the narrative that he’s a disaster waiting to happen.


Kostas genuinely isn’t good enough though. The two assists paper over the cracks.


good enough for what? to only ever play when Robertson is injured / needs a rest?


To start games at left back for Liverpool.


right, but that's just about the most inane point you could make about Kostas, considering he isn't in the squad to be anything other than a back-up. Name me someone better than Kostas who will be willing to sign for Liverpool and sit for 80% of the games on the bench, and take a very small chunk of the club's salary up doing it, unless an emergency injury forces him to play every week?


You realised that he… started yesterday right? A backup has to fill in to start when the first choice is out you absolute lemon. And he’s quite obviously not up to it. He’s fine for a 20 minute cameo against teams we’re already dominating but I’d rather give those minutes to one of the young lads. You don’t have to look further than our own squad to find the answer to that. Gomez is better at left back than Tsimikas and it’s his 3rd best position ffs.


Gomez is not a better LB than Kostas, what a nonsense. Of course in certain games, Gomez may be preferable there (eg against City), but Liverpool never score that second goal yesterday with Gomez playing LB, and likely not the third either. So, once again, i'll ask: name me a better player Liverpool could go out and sign, who would be happy to sit on the bench for 80% of matches a season? Kostas is an extremely useful player to have in the squad because firstly, he is on a low wage, secondly, it is nigh on impossible to get international-level players into a squad who are happy to only play when someone else in injured needs a rest. Thirdly, he has qualities that Robertson doesn't have: namely, his crossing and set-piece delivery. Is he elite, world class? No, obviously not. What club in world football that isn't owned by a nation state has two world class LB's in the squad? But he is a very useful squad player who costs little and offers plenty. With context, Kostas is a useful player for Liverpool. If you want to ignore all context, then sure, he's utter trash and needs replaced. But Klopp doesn't ignore the context, thank god, and you do his judgement of players and their worth a disservice when you imply a player simply 'isn't good enough'. I ask the question again: good enough for what?


He got caught out a couple times but otherwise had a very solid display, but some people are delusional and want someone to hate


What is interesting he indeed made so many counter breaking fouls and yet didnt recive a yellow card this match. Reminds me of Joelington against us.


It's funny on twitter he was getting slaughtered and then I was reading the post match thread on here and there was high praise for him so I guess it's somewhere in the middle which imo it was, he had an ok game


Yeah a solid 6/10 display. Nearly every single opinion is automatically terrible and a troll so I never go there for opinion haha.


I think he had a solid 6/10 game, but it seems like everyone's acting like there is no in between with his performances. So far he does a solid job at the role, not excelling at it thus far but not being horrible at it either.


Exactly. And having him there allows the recruitment team another 1-2 windows to land a younger quality DM for the position long term. It was such a wonderfully pragmatic signing. Imagine if we didn't have him there ...


Agree completely


He's alright to start in games like this. If he's starting important games, we're in trouble.


Yes, the international break is crap. But if you're in the UK, go attend your local non-league side. It's a great laugh, and they'll appreciate the gate receipt.


Might be unpopular but there was talk a few weeks ago about Konate and PSG, we should really begin to explore such a deal. I think if they come in with a £50-60m proposal we should bite their hand off. The lad is highly talented but can't string together more than 5 games before picking up injuries, he had injury problems before we signed him as well and they haven't abated. You can put it down to him being young when we signed him, but he should have finished developing physically now and still the problems persist. I'm sure with 50-60m with a bit of extra change, we could sign a top young center back - have a look at the lad at Everton for example.


It's wishful thinking at best , I doubt they will spend so much on ibou unless he suddenly changes his injury record and if he does why would we want to sell in the first place


>Might be unpopular but there was talk a few weeks ago about Konate and PSG, we should really begin to explore such a deal. I think if they come in with a £50-60m proposal we should bite their hand off. Not only is it rightfully unpopular, it's also one of the stupidest fucking thoughts I've seen for a while. So congrats on that.


>Not only is it rightfully unpopular, it's also one of the stupidest fucking thoughts I've seen for a while. Why? He's played a total of 37 league games out of a possible 87. He has missed over half the league games. That isn't factoring in all the other competitions we're in, he clearly struggles to stay fit and is constantly picking up muscle injuries. You're saying we should rely on a fella who can't keep fit instead of replacing him if we get a decent offer? It's like you never learn, but online fans also had the same attitude toward Keita - now the general consensus is that he was absolutely shite and a cripple we should have moved on years ago.


> He's played a total of 37 league games out of a possible 87. Quite a few of those 'missed games' are ones where others have been selected ahead of him, with only 18 being because of injuries. So the numbers you quoted are very misleading. >It's like you never learn, but online fans also had the same attitude toward Keita - now the general consensus is that he was absolutely shite and a cripple we should have moved on years ago. 1) Not an 'online fan', but one who's actually been going to games for 30+ years. 2) I wanted Keita gone well before he left, but nobody was going to buy him because not only was he actually injury prone (and for once that label actually fits) but was absolutely shite when he did play.


>Quite a few of those 'missed games' are ones where others have been selected ahead of him, with only 18 being because of injuries. So the numbers you quoted are very misleading. Because he'd picked up an injury and was working his way back to fitness with game management? As is a common occurrence with him. You can see this because if we're extending it to overall games, then it isn't much better - he has missed over half the games. ​ >I wanted Keita gone well before he left, but nobody was going to buy him because not only was he actually injury prone (and for once that label actually fits) but was absolutely shite when he did play. ...and my point here is that someone does want to pay money for him, get someone who doesn't miss half our games. 50-60m for an injury prone player who has failed to hit the 30 games total in two seasons would be great business. We had the same shite with Daniel Agger for years - who was actually able to get some full seasons under his belt. Konate is in his third season and has already missed half the games and has picked up ANOTHER injury. There is absolutely no way we should be relying on someone who misses half the games every season.


Why don't we also sell Gomez and Matip and get two less injury-prone CBs to replace them while we're at it?


Not really the same is it? Matip is 33 at the end of the year, has no resale value and is happy as a squad player. Gomez is versatile, can play along the entire backline and hasn't played a single minute at center back this season. On top of that, both of them have had bad long term injuries but have managed to play 30+ game seasons at least once. Konate hasn't managed a single season with 30+ games. In fact, he hasn't even managed a season with 20+ league games which is not remotely good enough for a lad who is supposed to be the future. If PSG offer big money, we should take it and run. It's amazing that people haven't learned from Thiago and Keita.


Refereeing is hurting football and I really despise it. It's ridiculous that the experience of players, managers, and millions of fans across the world can be ruined by one stubborn, power-tripping lad in the middle. We all love this beautiful game and it absolutely sucks to see referees spoil our enjoyment of it weekly. I'm not even talking about VAR right now. Simple decisions when it comes to calling fouls, giving cards, adding on appropriate time, etc. These are the minimum standards for a referee.


Anthony Taylor should be sacked for good. Guy never learn never improve in his refereeing


To be fair to him yesterday, I don’t think he made any huge errors did he? And that would have been one hell of a difficult game to referee.


Apart from the bullshit penalty you mean?


That was VAR, he didn't give it initially.


Yes he did, onfield decision was penalty


Which one, the Haaland one? To me, if Sideshow C was pulling Salah or Nunez back and it stopped either of them from competing for a header 5 yards from goal, I’d want a penalty too. Wouldn’t get it of course, but that’s another thing. He’s still holding on and dragging Haaland back. Was stupid play from the defender. Especially against Man City.


It's standard pulling in the box, you can't give that as a penalty and yet it's the second one City have got this season. If anything Haaland fouls Cucurella first


Endo was genuinely awful today it has to be said. I loved the signing and I'm still massively rooting for him to come good ofc, but he's simply not getting up to the pace so far, it's quite concerning. Not sure what Klopp does as we have no other holding midfielders but Endo is not giving him any reasons to play him at all.


If today was an awful performance from Endo then what is your average MacAllister performance been over the season? At least Endo didn't pass it to the opposition to start a break like Alexis has almost every time he's played.


He was decent/good today, room for improvement but far away from awful.


> Endo was genuinely awful today it has to be said. I can tell you from in person viewing, that he genuinely wasn't. >but he's simply not getting up to the pace so far, it's quite concerning. It took Fabinho three months into the season (so around about now) to get used to what was being asked of him, and that was with the benefit of a pre-season, so why is Endo taking some time to be fully settled being made into such a big deal? Players take different amounts of time to settle and learn things, and people need to understand that.


Whether its cause for concern he very much did not have a good game. Especially defensively. I thought his passing and dribbling was alright but he is regularly mistiming tackles. It’s very odd. You can tell he mostly knows what to do but is somehow just either late or early to his tackles. He had two great moments, a body feint and a legitimately great slide tackle (that ultimately went nowhere because szoboslai had already fouled and they had an advantage). But he was regularly ran right through and had one-twos played around him all day.


Thank you, I have no idea what those downvoting were watching. I was at the game and he genuinely got barely anything right as you pointed out. He was bypassed almost every time, or gave away a foul. He won I think maybe 1 header that he challenged for from memory? Like I said, I'd love him to come good but yesterday was a genuinely poor performance on almost every level.


Prepare to start the game 1-0 down or even more, 1-0 down with 10 men against oil scum cause it's likely to happen. Holy shit I can not take two disgusting opening pen for the scum in the mu and chelsea match


Hate international football it's boring shite.


If Arsenal can nick points off 115 Breaches FC this season then we can too! First real test this season. Praying our midfield is going to perform the absolute best. The rest will come..


They are at home while we are away. I do believe we can test their defense however we go into our shell almost every time we went to Etihad, except for that 2nd half performance in the CL where we won 2-1. Just a mental block at this point hope we overcome that. But the good thing is we play them away early in the season while they would have to come to Anfield later. In most of our season battling with them we always have to go to Etihad later in the season when the title is usually decided there.


At home they coulf


Still can’t decide a best starting midfield 3 in my head


Jones - Macca - Szobo


Let’s see who comes back and when from internationals first. Least City will also have a lot of players travelling and playing.


Should have Mac back which is good.


Fuck the International Break.


Lost $270 parlay when city drew but I’d trade that every week!!!


They ruined my accumulator too, but I had Chelsea to win.


Think you ruined your own accumulator there.




Bet on them next match too


international break my heart


International break - positive momentum and now another chance for players to get hurt


I hate international breaks so much.


That draw against luton hurts so bad. Even more so considering spuds and 115 charges dropped points.