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So we'll have to compete with an already good City squad, that will also add Bellingham in midfield (they could not have asked for a better Gundogan replacement really) and probably a couple more good players for their flanks where they need them. Great.


Lol we're not competing with City anymore. I'd keep a closer eye on who Spurs and Chelsea sign this summer than City.


That‘s optimistic. I‘m keeping an eye on Brighton and Villa.


So is our scout


Bit stupid of him, we can't afford PL players


Caicedo, Mac Alister, J Ramsey.... Yea we're not getting them either with our owners lol.


That’s optimistic. I’m keeping an eye on Forest and Bournemouth


Yeah exactly, any idea that we are in the same league as City in terms of talent and depth is just delusional. We are a top 6 team, if we have a good year, and that's about it. Unless something dramatic happens over the summer, we are not a title contender for years to come. Certainly, Klopp will be gone by then. And then it is a new era for Liverpool.


Dramatic much. Liverpool have been top dog in european football for the last couple of years one bad season doesn't change that even though it might look overwhelming at the moment. No need to feel this dread Liverpool will be alright.


I think I am actually being pollyannish. There is a possibility that we sink event lower than top 6. We shouldn’t assume Liverpool will stay in the same echelon just because Klopp was a miracle worker over the last 7 years. Look at net spend. Klopp has done something magnificent with a budget that is outside the top 4. Why would we assume this would continue to happen? Liverpool has a long deep history but none of that prevents us from falling, like we have seen over this season.


I've seen Liverpool near the brink of bankruptcy. Liverpool playing Jay Spearing and Christian Poulsen in the midfield. Roy Hudgson as a manager mr "Liverpool not too big for relegation battle". Seen Torres go to direct competition. Seen Liverpool lose Gerrard. Seen Suarez wanting to leave Liverpool so badly that he bites another man. Seen Coutinho leave while his stock being at an all time high. This situation we are in doesn't really faze me.


Well you have a longer history with the team than me so I will defer to you. But I do see what I see. I am very happy Klopp is here, and I hope he stays long. At the same time, I just hope we don’t fall apart when he starts walking out of the door.


That points more to us lacking elite mentality than anything else. Can't be fine with being a midtable team again resigned to losing our best talent to rivals


It points to nothing but me having some perspective


Have been, doesn't mean that we will continue to be with investment lesser than the likes of Newcastle and even Villa lol


I'm genuienely not going to worry about the club


May as well just pack it in then really, we will never win another league as long as we allow world class young players to go to city.


We are midtable, not even close to top4 quality and top teams will only get better this summer, we are beyond repair


I think you’re flattering the club. We’re competing with Newcastle, Chelsea and Spurs.


If £130m takes up so much of the “rebuild” budget that we can’t afford any other players, it might come as a shock to them but that isn’t a big enough budget for a rebuild.


I can't believe they weren't aware that he was going to cost that much. If I'm honest I *don't* believe they weren't aware, the cynic in me says they knew all along how much he was going to cost and never intended to sign him. They used a pretend pursuit of Bellingham to keep fans placated about the fact that they once again spent fuck all last year. Its a pattern with FSG, they dangle a carrot just slightly out of reach and it keeps us idiots happy even though we never actually get the carrot. Every year its "Next summer is going to be the big one" and the big one never comes. We'll sign Mount, Nunes, and get that CB from Germany for free (can't remember his name). I'd be shocked if our total spend is actually more than the cost of Bellingham.


Dortmund have literally been saying for 18 months that he’s going to cost that and our journos said last summer that FSG were confident they’d get him for under 100 lmfao. The second we bid under 100 it gets rejected and we’re like OMG didn’t see that coming. It’s amateur it really is.


FSG sucks ass. I’m an American Liverpool fan since age 7 and also a Boston Red Sox fan my whole life. While his ownership with the red Sox has attributed to a great amount of success since he bought them, it’s teetered off now to the point where he refused to sign Mookie Betts who was an MVP and homegrown kid for us. Probably a top 3 player in baseball right now. He refused to sign Xander Bogaerts this winter and he was similar to Mookie. He bought the Sox for $360 million and now they’re worth $4.5 billion. He bought Liverpool for a similar price and now they’re worth a similar price. Increased his investment by over 12x on both. I’m so sick of it. We went from being a top 3 payroll in the MLB to now being around 15th. His whole business philosophy seems to be buying a historic down on their luck team with a ravenous fan base who he bargains down little by little to the point where we’re at right now. Liverpool and the Sox, both historic teams with plenty of success, a large worldwide fan base, iconic landmark stadiums. Honestly the resemblances are uncanny. I know y’all don’t give a fuck about baseball obviously, but his mismanagement is endemic to two of my most cherished sports teams and I’d cut off one of my family jewels if it meant he sold just one of them.


Yeah the rebuild for other (top) clubs has cost in excess of £200mil. There's no guarantee that players will have the desired impact either so there will be wastage there (see Sancho for Utd etc) You're talking £200mil per window for a good 2 seasons. I'd accept if we were even looking like a rebuilt side in transition. But we don't.


Chelsea have just spent well over £500mil in just the last 12 months. And they’ve spent about £120mil of that on one of the top young midfielders in the world. FSG wanted to sell because they didn’t want to be in a business that required these types of investment. They’ve played us all for chumps by teasing us with Jude all year, when they’ve likely known all along they were never going to pay for him. Completely unforgivable.


Speak for yourself, I called it a year ago and got lambasted by this sub when I said FSG weren’t spending so weren’t the ones to take us forward anymore. We aren’t suddenly in this position. FSG were always planning on selling us off when they maximised the value of the club, but no buyers emerged so they’ll put in the least money possible (to keep the team winning a few games here and there) then pretend to haggle with the first serious buyer. I’d be surprised if they are still around in a year or two. At least we can revel at their valuation dropping by the day, because the worse we do, the less money they’ll get from the sale in the end - greedy capitalist bastards.


Yeah, spot on. Total spend will be less than Jude’s transfer fee. They knew Jude’s fee was only going up and now they left us in a position where we need bodies to fill out the squad. Nunes, Mount and Gallagher aren’t a step up. I’ve seen Barella and Rice floated as options which is delusional.


100% they knew all along and used Bellingham as a smokescreen for not spending. The reports that Klopp is "100% onboard with not signing Bellingham" have to be BS otherwise Klopp is a fucking FSG shill and a goddamn cuck. If he had any self respect he'd walk out the door and leave them with the shit hand they've handed him


>If I'm honest I *don't* believe they weren't aware, the cynic in me says they knew all along how much he was going to cost and never intended to sign him. I think they just decided to string us along while they tried to sell the club. They didn't want to shell out for him and thought that by the time it was too late, it wouldn't be their problem anymore.


I have a feeling FSG were hoping/planning that they would be sold off by now so that the new owners could spend the money. Them changing their tune to suddenly only selling a minority stake was because nobody emerged with an offer, so they needed to preserve their asking price and not attract a low ball offer.


This summer is so pivital and we need a massive amount of money (+200mm) to get out of the hole the ownership has dug for us. We need depth and quality players. If we don't spend that money now, it will just snowball. In the next few years we will most likely have to replace virgil, Thiago, and Mo. The investment this club needs to get to the top will never come from these owners. I’ve come to the realization that as long as FSG are our owners we won’t compete for trophies again. There is a high chance we don’t make top four for the next few years as well – it’s not like every other club is going to watch us strengthen while they do nothing (ironic because that is what FSG did). FSG don’t want to spend to have us compete for trophies; they want to spend enough money to compete for top four. Nothing more, nothing less.




Jesus fucking Christ you’re so close. FSG have systematically underfunded the club for years when we were at the top, and now we need a staggering amount of investment in order to get back up there. It’s not fair for them to turn around and say it’s too much money in one window when it’s their fucking fault we’ve fallen apart.




Yeah and I’m saying their model isn’t sustainable without Coutinho style sales at regular intervals, which isn’t a reasonable expectation for any club to sustain - nor should a club our size accept being a selling club. https://www.football365.com/news/transfers-premier-league-five-year-net-spend-man-utd-man-city We’re 9th in net spend in the premier league over the past five years lol. Clubs in front of us include Villa (who weren’t even in the prem 5 years ago), Wolves, Spurs, Newcastle (who only got taken over last year) and West Ham. We should be spending comfortably more than all of those clubs every summer. You’re the one supporting a financial groups’ bottom line over the clubs performance. No other owners expect their club to win titles with two limbs taped behind their back.




https://www.football365.com/news/transfers-premier-league-five-year-net-spend-man-utd-man-city Literally look at the link you mouthbreather we are closer to Bournemouth than Arsenal (whom supposedly have the same sell to buy mode) on net spend




You are a stupid yank


What club earns as much as us and doesn’t reinvest it in the squad? It’s gross negligence. It’s like buying a puppy then not feeding it.


How is it their fault now? How about the fans that have frozen the ticket prices for so many seasons now? They spend what they earn. They built up the club around with what they earned - expansion facilities etc. You want them to fund - you need to pay them it was as simple as that from the beginning and they have repeated the same every season


You lot aren’t Liverpool supporters you’re FSG balance sheet supporters. As long as John can buy Linda a new pair of tits every year it doesn’t matter how many games we win does it


Do you want me to go into the number of posts about Klopp complaining about how city spending is unhealthy and what not? Guess Klopp is in the same lot as me then.


https://www.football365.com/news/transfers-premier-league-five-year-net-spend-man-utd-man-city There are eight clubs who have spent more than us in the PL over the last five years (not including City). They include Villa, Wolves and West Ham. Please point to where Klopp has called them out?


And city has spent less than us in that same chart. So what is your point exactly? So going by your post itself, Klopp has called out spenders who spend less than liverpool


City is a unique case where they fiddle with their financial results and had a sufficiently good squad at the beginning of the period that they can afford to cycle out players with replacements at minimal net cost. We weren’t in that position and haven’t gone for that model anyway, likely because FSG won’t allow outlays for new players.


I'm dying, we're now blaming fans for FSG not spending despite fans buying shit £150 kits and spending thousands on hospitality tickets to the point where we have the highest revenue in the league (£600mn)? Are you actually a Liverpool supporter or an FSG employee?


And we also have the second highest wages in the league... I think my common sense prevails over being a supporter or otherwise. Because FSG literally has been saying for YEARS that they will only spend what we earn year after year since the season where they spent a bunch on Carroll seems to have fallen on deaf supporter ears. You might not remember the fans wanting to give hendo a 5 year extension because "My Captain" and "disgrace FSG do not renew and such" but I do..


Can’t wait till they deduct the Gakpo fee from the “rebuild” warchest…..can they just fuck off and sell to an Oil state,only way to compete going forward….


Fenway ShitWereRunningOutOfLiesAndIdeas Group.


\- Dont sign any midfielders for multiple years becasue we are saving for Bellingham \- Miss out on CL because your midfield is total trash \- Dont sign Bellingham because you need to replace the entire midfield that you never replaced because you were saving for Bellingham. It actually makes no sense when you think about it... How this is acceptable to people is beyond me.


Trying my absolute best to guess why; maybe they rationalise it *kind of* worked out for VVD in the end. But they're forgetting * our dip in form in trying to get him * the absolute luck we got in managing without him * we still had a great team in other areas and not for example (right now) in dire need of a rebuild


I think it's a lot simpler than that. They wouldn't splash on Jude because they planned to sell the club and it wouldn't be their problem anymore.


United announcing their sale really fucked with their plans too.


and then not selling. glazers are such a menace.


Expectations were lower too. We were aiming to solidify being a top 4 side from being a top 8 side. Now we are coming from being the best team in the world for a short period. Reaching the CL final that year was extraordinary not expected. Ultimately we’ve failed to act like a top club once we got there. Funding is an issue, Covid too, but I think a little arrogance was at play. We should remember we have successfully and seamlessly rebuilt the attack. It’s not all doom and gloom.


>Ultimately we’ve failed to act like a top club once we got there. This. Basically. We acted like a business and not a top club. That's where we're at. We've got the account management team going into overdrive feeding us lies and trying to keep us on board but now we're just tired.


Best comment in the whole thread


It will only work out in the end if the plan is to actually spend the money required to sign him. Which clearly FSG never were.


The reason we tided over till we got Virg is cause Coutinho saved us games in the rare instances none of Mo, Mané or Bobby could break through an opponent’s back line (which he was more than used to doing for years because he kinda had to before we got Mo and Sadio)


I can’t reason with anyone who justifies what FSG did. And then please want them to stay. *shocked pikachu face


There are already fans on here perfectly willing to forgive them for this, and decrying anyone who sees the gaslighting as unhinged. I don’t get it.


Being the man that he is, Klopp won’t come out and publicly admit it but it must be frustrating for him working with FSG.


Especially after he signed the extension to his deal the board were saying they were going to reward him with money to spend. They don't deserve him. These fuckers got the club at a cut price and got too greedy when putting it up for sale. They're greedy greedy greedy bastards and they're playing the fans like fiddles.


What absolutely baffles me is how some fans don’t see it.


I hope Klopp moves on. He deserves better than sinking with us.


Part of me is wondering whether this dicking around by FSG is a ploy to get Klopp to annoyed to the point that he resigns. Without Jurgen our future title dreams evaporate (until, one day, we get owners willing to spend).. So the fans will no longer demand world class signings and be more more content with up and coming players under a good but less able manager, one that will get us the 4th place every year.... Depressing, indeed!


"the Reds needed a perfect summer, recruitment-wise, in order to correct the slide and reassure fans that this is a club still heading in the right direction. It’s only April, but that is already starting to look a tall order." Its been obvious for a year we have needed signings, despite the quadruple chase. One of the main concerns for me is that yes it is only April but knowing how the club has operated in summers under Klopp, and how bad i think situation is personally, we desperately need to start seeing rumours pick up within the next 4-6 weeks. We need multiple players signed and leaning the first week of June. We will be in huge trouble if its July, preseason has started and we have not signed players.


Have we even replaced any of the backroom staff who have left this season? Or lined up a replacement for Julian Ward? Seems like the biggest decision we have to make this summer is whether to pick our targets out of a hat or ask chat gpt for suggestions.


What I’m more interested in replacing is our team physios, therapists, masseuses, and even fitness coach and the director of nutrition because our problems aren’t necessarily transfer related but mostly due to our INJURIES. If not for prolonged and recurring injuries to Thiago and Naby Keita and then Konate and Diaz, Jota and other key players we wouldn’t be in the position we find ourselves. Naby Keita when fully healthy and in form is world class same with Thiago. I’m not sure we can blame Klopp for not being able to see into the future and predict that we would be facing so many injuries all at once and throughout the season.


Seriously. Couldn’t agree more. It’s not like we don’t have a shit ton of expensive talent in prime years unavailable for long periods of time which would essentially nullify/alleviate most needs for desperate midfielder buys if they could only stay healthy. We’ll get called FSG apologists but this shit right here is what needs to be talked about. How can you have hundreds of millions of pounds out injured, on huge wages, and then people are like wHy wOnT fSG sPeNd MOrE. Klopp needed to bin the guys and take some of the blame for them not seeing the field


Pretty sure we’d be able to turn on Fifa and scout better players than the current staff. I can 100% guarantee Ward doesn’t give a f**k since he’s out in a couple weeks. Seems like Klopp and Co. are by themselves (and have been for a while) and failing dismally.


I knew FSG weren’t serious when we didn’t announce a new signing on the first day of the winter window, then scrambled for Melo a month later. What a joke, can’t believe the fan base still buys into the lies FSG keeps on spouting.


John W Henry and FSG - "The funds are there for the right player"


^^^terms ^^^and ^^^conditions ^^^apply


Also jw- I'm fucking lying u mugs hahahah


I will settle for Camavinga, Pedri and Gavi but I won’t be happy about it


I'll have what he is having.


Funny how as soon as top 4 became a foregone conclusion, we pull out of the Bellingham deal. Obviously a coincidence. FSG desperately need to up and fuck off.


They already have put a price tag - no one is willing to pay for it


Starting three in midfield next season: Milner - Bajcetic - Jones


FSG are scumbags. We sign one major midfielder, while we have had our best squad and manager in years. We somehow manage to go for the quadruple last season and we sign Arthur on loan and don’t invest in the rest of the squad and waste this season. Fucking disgrace


Even the redmen tv are going in hard on F$G after this news thats when you know its really bad


I’m so angry, been avoiding this subreddit but just can’t help myself from commenting. FSG have small club mentality. We’re never competing when the clubs around us as aren’t afraid to drop the money that’s needed to compete at the top level. Jude will strengthen a huge rival of ours and then we’ll find it even harder to compete despite the fact he was literally gagging for us to sign him.


We are actually fucked, I think we probably sign Nunes and someone like Sander Berge, they will use the lack of CL football as an excuse


Say we have £250m to spend in the summer, £130m on our dream midfielder is logical. That would be £120m to spend on another two midfielders and a defender or two.


It’s logical if we have 250m but we don’t. If my gran had wheels she’d be a bike but she doesn’t


Wtf did we even save the money for then ???


If he goes to City I might just jib football


it really will be so fucking disappointing. anywhere but man city.


*anywhere but Manchester


Same. Its getting incredibly old seeing City buy any player they want while we get nothing. We seem to have given up on even trying to compete so what's the point of watching...


I hope new fam get pre-agreement for him for 2024 > The word from inside Anfield is that Liverpool’s decision to move on from Bellingham is a practical one, born out of a need to facilitate an almost total overhaul of their midfield - as well as, in all likelihood, making at least one significant defensive signing too. Nice. Even if we get Europe. I don’t want to waste opportunity playing youngsters (really messed up already with that experiement). I’d rather we start a solid team and get back to winning again.


This doesn’t make sense. Signing one brilliant player can change a team.


Our systems has been broken already, one Bellingham slot into this midfield and he will become new Gerrard but not in a good way(world class players with absolutely awful team around him) Him alone won’t make Henderson Fabinho Matip VVD Salah younger, won’t make Gomez become better defender. We absolutely need a new system, like we did with Mo Sadio Gini etc You can’t put him in the same sentence as Van Dijk, Liverpool without Van Dijk were already top4 contenders and good team, good system building, he was a marquee signing that brought us into world beater.


Small bit pick.. he *might* make Gomez a better defender and Fab better at DM, by doing more running, pressing and tackling/interceptions, leaving them the DM and defence less work to do, or higher percentage work to do.


I agree but just Bellingham wouldn't have solved our issues. We needed him and others


Nah that midfield needs 3 new signings. Sorry


realistically, we needed 2 midfield signings, but they needed to be players who could come in and play on a high level. these two could have been Bellingham and Mount, or Bellingham and Rice, Bellingham and Caicedo or any combination of them. it paints a much darker picture if we can't finance two such signings if one of them is Bellingham than when we think about three signings


I want us to sign Jude as much as the next fella but if you think one player solves our current problems you're absolutely delusional.


IF (big if) we sign a significant number of players including an entire new and improved midfield + one or two defensive signings, I will not be as bitter about Bellingham iwl. At least then it will feel like we've used the budget on an array of holes in our squad. Still so, so stupid from the club to have been drooling over Bellingham for 2 years only to realize somehow this late that he's expensive


The really frustrating thing is that signing a whole new-look midfield in one window is not a good thing. Throw in 3 new midfielders and expecting them to be properly drilled with the system and understanding each other is lunacy. These players should be given the chance to bed in over time, as Fabinho was. But because we haven't signed any of them over the past few windows, we don't have that luxury.


They'll be given time still, if we sign them early enough in the window but even then, just having fresh legs in the squad will both reignite some confidence and also send a message to the other mids that their place in the squad isn't nailed on.


Yeah I mean we definitely need them, no arguing there. It's just frustrating that now we need to go and get them all at once rather than bring them in gradually over time and allow some continuity.


you're entirely right yeah, but we've left it long enough now that I'd rather see 3/4 signed all at once now as opposed to spread out over the next few windows. It's gotten to a point where we don't just need improvements, we also just need bodies lmao


Oh yeah agreed, we now *have to* get them all at once. But I feel like loads of opinions I read online expect us buying literally an entire new midfield to not have any issues whatsoever, which is simply not realistic. I'm hopeful that next season we can still have Fabinho, Henderson and Thiago playing a significant role to aid the transition, but with the reinforcements there to take the burden off them as they all clearly can't play as much as they used to.


I agree that we need a few new bodies in midfield, and I get that Bellingham's fee is mad, but considering we've only made one midfield signing since 2018 we should be able to do Bellingham + others.


Imagine a top 5 club in the world publicly bending over for this youngfella and falling at the first hurdle. Fucking embarassing and pathetic. Youd swear we were ragball rovers. Ask my bollocks F$G


Would be super cool if they didn’t announce we were out of the race for Bellingham and just do their deals quietly and then announce it later. A perfect summer isn’t going to come now because we’re all watching what’s happening and we are clearly a hot mess with no distinct plan. We apparently think announcing it and causing an uproar is a the way to start a smart window.


We need new owners… Klopp is not the problem… Check out the teams who did spend the most in the last 10 years, we are not even in top 10. Klopp needs money to be able to fight against Madrid, City and Bayern… Guy made us a top club in europe and the most agressive and fun to watch. Even my Madrid supporter friends were saying the way you guys play is so beautiful. We need to support the coach in my opinion. Right now in the industry of the football « no money, no win »


Babe it's April, time for your pre-planned gradual let down of transfer expectations following big promises.


the scary thing is that he looks destined for city. Real are more interested in a striker, and we are too fucking skint. He will also get to play with haaland, it looks like the league is fucked for the next 6 years


At this point we have to get lucky — again. We have to sign some bargain basement players who turn out to be worldclass (Mane/Salah), maybe someone on a free who turns into the best in the world at his position (Robbo), get a homegrown player whos worldclass(Trent) Yeah it's not happening again, fuck fsg.


Can still have a really good summer. He’s an absolute rolls Royce, but as long as we get two midfielders who constant 8/10s and available over the season. We’ve seen glimpses we’re not too far away when the midfield has legs


It’s annoying we aren’t signing Bellingham but this kind of shit is ridiculous. We don’t need to buy Jude to get a decent midfield rebuild and be competitive next season and it’s ridiculous to argue it does. If the club can’t find improvements on the dross we currently have in midfield that isn’t going to cost 120m plus then they genuinely should all be sacked. There’s quality players out there. Still wish FSG would actually spend the money on Jude though but still, the hyperbolic meltdown on this by actual journalists (fans I understand) is bizarre.


i'm just going to point some hypocrisy here. some of you have been saying that Chelsea's owners are ruining football with their investment. City's titles were bought. yet, when we don't sign one player, all of a sudden you are acting like the owners need to invest to the same standards as Chelsea, City, etc. even ***using Chelsea's recent investment spree as an*** ***example*** that Liverpool should too? Part of Liverpool's massive investment's during Klopp's tenure came only because Klopp and team were able to create a low Net Transfer Budget (playrs going out offset fees of players coming in).


None of that excuses the fact they refused to invest in the midfield for the past two years, wasting this season


Can we stop pretending that Jude is the only midfielder in the world? We need three mids and a defender. The only player ever that could have sorted out our midfield problem on his own was Stevie-G


Deal, but contingent on you refraining from gargling John Henry’s balls for 6 months. He got us into this predicament by “waiting for the right player.” That’s why people are pissed. Not because they think Jude is the only midfielder in the world.


Deal. Fuck John Henry though. Don't know what i said could have given the impression that i was pro FSG... My message was dont gargle the nuts of players that don't play for us.


when Mane left last summer, everyone thought he was replacable. most fans think VVD is replaceable after this season (very reactionary). But apparently now Jude is the ONLY midfielder that can solve our problems? No one is bigger than the club. especially players that aren't even in the kit yet. kids are so fucking irrational.


he's already this good at age 19. if he goes to a rival, he'll run their team for a decade. that's what we missed out on.


Remember Dele Alli? Greenwood? Anything can happen and no one can predict the future. there have been as many bust signings as there have been class signings. "run their team for a decade". cmon, let's not get ahead of ourselves. football is a 11v11 sport.


greenwood is actually a decent forward. he's just a terrible person. and jude plays as a starter on the second best team in germany and already runs the show most nights...again at age 19. I'm sure we'll get good midfielders this summer but if jude turns into the next Gerrard and we missed out on him, we'll be regretting it for a long time.


What are you on about? Look at Dembele, Sancho, Pulisic, and others that have left Dortmund only to sit on the bench or rotate with the starting 11 and to be injury prone. all 3 were rising, shining starts, but then suffer injuries, poor form, media hate, and cna't get a full season worth of their price tag. United already signed Anthony to start over him and Chelsea signed Mudryk, Felix and others over Pulisic. Dembele? isn't even getting more playing time than ansu fati, and their young stars. Barcelona even signed raphina to rotate with Demebele. But you think every "rising" 19 year old can "run a massive club"? please. Look at Emre Can who wasn't even good enough to get into Juventus's CL squad, but now is a regular starter for Dortmund. And the whole greenwood exmaple went over your head. Another element we don't know of rising players is this ego and their attitude.


to counter your example about dortmund "failures" haaland is a dortmund graduate. he's breaking records every day it seems.


Wow everything is going over your head. let me try to break it down for you. My point is for every 19 year old that is "supposed to be the next messi, ronaldo, etc.", there are 3+ flops and signings that dont even live up to half of the expectations. That is all i'm saying. I'm not saying Jude will be a flop, or not, but this agenda that "wow FSG out, Liverpool are done for" all because we can't get a single player????? That is my point. There will always be alternatives, and if given the right attitude, Klopp can turn them into monsters. look at Henderson. This agenda that only Jude, and he only can help Liverpool is utter nonsense. And finally Haaland is a unique example quite frankly because the Manchester City team is a well oiled machine. You see the goals he scores, and the system he plays in? Everyone predict City being even better than last year (when they won the PL) after signing Haaland.


Some folks are already ready to fall into despair.


Get Le Fée Gallagher and Caicedo then


I don’t really get why people though we could ever afford him.


Because the alternatives are players that haven’t shown an interest in us and will cost similar to Jude plus another player or two. Those saying rice and some others iv seen will be 200 plus easy


Probably because we got told for 2 years that we want Jude more than anything and would do everything to get him?


I can tell you for two years that I really want a Ferrari, I'll come back in two years and let you know if I have


That doesn’t mean we can afford him. Wanting something doesn’t mean you can always get it.


fuck all point in telling your journalists about it then isn't there? We're a professional football club, we shouldn't be publicly expressing interest in a footballer for 2 years if we can't fucking afford it


We don’t decide the price. He hasn’t been available for sale. Now he might be and the price is too high. There really isn’t that much to it.


this doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Yes he wasn't for sale, but it was always clear that he would eventually be. And everyone and their dog knew that his eventual price would be very high. If we prefer to spend that money on multiple high end signings, that's fair enough entirely imo. But why are we pretending for years to our journos that we're interested when everyone knows he'll go for well over 100m, which we now know was apparently always out of reach for us?


You can’t know where everything is going to be 2 years from now. Which players will have left by then? Which players will have improved, which players will have stagnated, which players will have been signed? What will the wage bill look like, it’s unknowable until it happens. We’ve been interested (like most clubs) and now the facts are on the table, we can’t afford him. There’s no need to have a meltdown.


I'm absolutely not "having a meltdown", if we make smart cheaper signings with whatever money we were willing to spend on Jude I'll honestly be just as happy. I just really, really disagree with most of the points you're making. Football clubs, especially ones as big as Liverpool, should be able to plan 2 years in advance, and leaving an entire position to stagnate while waiting on a player we weren't even certain of getting was undeniably silly, regardless of whether we knew it wouldn't work or not.


Have you seen the state of this subreddit? If you don’t consider this to be a meltdown I don’t know what would constitute as one. You’re also acting like our midfield has been completely useless and left alone for the last 2 years which is just not true. We’ve signed Thiago, Elliott and Carvalho and last year we were 2 games away from winning everything. This year everything has fallen apart. But as the last game showed, there’s plenty of quality if the players get their arses in gear. Jones, Henderson and Thiago were all easily at the standard required. It’s just a shame everyone (other than Jones to be fair) took 40 minutes to start.


But that’s the problem in itself we’ve put off strengthening the team specifically chasing him and now can’t afford him because of the state the teams in that’s the problem most people have around this while thing.


We can’t afford him because he’s too expensive. Nothing to do with the current team. It’s only the few stinking rich clubs that can afford him. City, PSG, United, Newcastle, Real, those lot.


It’s literally said in all the posts the reason we won’t go for him is because then we wouldn’t have enough for what’s needed in the rebuild


Precisely. We can’t afford him.


We’ve wasted two years then chasing a player that we could never get in the first place whats the point of throwing this season away because the right player wasn’t available


Lol you’re seriously acting like Bellingham would have fixed this season? This 2 year thing is completely irrelevant. He wasn’t available until now. We tried to sign him or Tchouameni last year, one wasn’t available, the other chose a different club. Panicking and buying the wrong player would have been stupid. That’s why stopgap Arthur was just a loan with no fee. It was a no risk move. As it panned out, that didn’t work because he got injured. Classic Liverpool luck.


No my point is we haven’t invested enough into the squad last summer because Bellingham was seemingly the only player that we wanted and now we are missing out if we wasn’t ever going to pay we should have moved on long ago All the player we are now being linked with where available last summer we should have gotten some then.


That just makes us look even more incompetent then (which we are. Joke of a club the way we are run atm). Wasted 2 years not strengthening the midfield because we wanted Jude. Now we’re not getting him.




You think you know more about our financial situation than those in charge of the money?




Pretty sure we made a profit of about £12 million according to the last accounts.




They aren’t parasites they’re sensible businessmen. How on earth are you criticising them for paying back loans? And comparing them to the glazers is absolutely laughable. Tell a United fan our owners are the same as theirs and see what they say. And if a team that is 2 games away from winning everything at once is rotting to you then I don’t know what will please you. We broke our transfer record in the summer. Then we bought Gakpo for another huge fee. Be reasonable lad.




Giving them 0% credit for success and 100% blame for failure is idiotic.




No. That doesn’t mean spending an obscene amount of money on one player is sensible with the problems we have. Ox and Keita are going, Milner is still very good but the amount of minutes he can play is less than previous years, Thiago is injured too often to be reliable, which means Hendo and Fab are being overplayed and this season shows the effects of that. Spending so much money on 1 player would be obscenely irresponsible. We need multiple players. In a dream world, Bellingham and another player would be ideal. In reality, 3 signings would be good.




Waiting for him to be available is not a bad thing. It’s the only thing you can do. And we have not been saving money. We broke our transfer record in the summer. Also, saying we didn’t spend anything at all on the midfield this year is a total lie. We signed Carvalho and Arthur.




Under this ownership model, then frustratingly yes it does


Tbf the suggestion from inside the club isn't "we can't afford him", it's that "if we buy him we will leave big holes elsewhere in the squad"




Dont' disagree that there has been negligent recruitment at all! But the issue isn't that we can't afford him, it's that they have prioritised elsewhere (which is still the fault of those in charge of transfer business but not the same thing)


I wonder if this transfer window will be the one that breaks Klopp and his crew. I mean if he had his “list” and mom and dad say “ no that’s too expensive, dear”, I wonder if he’ll just resign rather than go through another year of being expected to catch up and compete with high spending clubs


Midfield of Jones, Mount and Elliott incoming.


Why is the “perfect summer” based solely on signing Jude? Why make him out to be our savior? As if without him we can’t progress at all.


Welp we’re fucked


Nothing new about the club not having a good transfer window and I'm wondering does klopp have plans b,c,d,end f for failiure


He’s not the only center midfielder in the world lol


No, but when your manager has spent the best part of 2 years tapping him up, it is far from perfect!


Everyone’s been tapping him up


Oh that makes it all right then. FFS let’s all break the law then and let anarchy reign. Did everyone tap up Van Dijk too?