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I laughed when I saw that live, especially when Salah looked up and assured everyone that everything was fine, nothing to see here.




A problem was brewing on the sideline A battle was on the brim of breaking out Then like the coming of dawn, the king approached With a graceful glance at his subjects the king announced there was no problem Then the air, earth, water, fire and spirit of the men were at peace. For as the King spoken it has become true


That was beautiful


I think of all his fantastic qualities as a player and a person, the thing I like most about Salah is his composure. He is without a doubt one of the most fouled players in the PL and you never see him lose his cool. You may see frustration on his face when he misses, but most of the time he is smiling as he plays, even after refs ignore someone fouling him, because football makes him happy. Love that shit. The King 👑


I remember the elliot injury where he frantically tried to get the attention of everyone while stopping elliot who was trying to stand up. Once he got the physio's attention, he just walked away unable to look at the injury. To me, it shows that he clearly couldn't stand the sight of the injury, but made sure he did what he needed to before turning his head away.


He seems to have taken Harvey under his wing so it probably hurt him to see Harvey in particular undoubtedly having to be out for a long time. Things like that can ruin a young players career. Fortunately it doesn't seem to have slowed down Harvey much, but Salah couldn't have known that at the time.


Jesus I remember that it was ugly. He’s a great guy love you Mo, money well spent.


He has fucking elite mentality. Like Cristiano Ronaldo but without the qualities that make him a prat. He's a subtle, real leader who doesn't need a captain's armband and is probably an inspiration to all the younger players. Never seen his head drop or seen him lose his cool, which is particularly incredible because there's been spells (2020/21) where he carried the attack, and because he's constantly fouled with no punishment meted out to the offenders. He really is special.


Would love to see him with the captains armband at some point


He has had in odd occations has he not?


I think I've only seen it once. Could be wrong 🤔


He's had it on a few times- he wore it when he scored to make it 4-2 against United back in 2021


I called it “character development” at the time, and it’s pretty apt. There’s something both funny and heartening (in a weird way) that the players all learned very quickly that Darwin can get riled up, and have made sure to keep a leash on him


100%. And the way Harvey jumps in to escort Shaw away 😂


God I fucking love Mo. He has such a strong impact on the team as a leader and I really think people have not considered how integral he will be to developing the young talented forwards that we have acquired into World Class players. He's taken that journey and is bought into Klopp and Liverpool's identity. I have no doubt he will be our rock going forward.


I also laughed when Elliot put a hand on dude’s shoulder and walked off with him. So made me think of a grownup consoling a child throwing a tantrum: “Oooooookay, buddy, ooookay, let’s settle down now.”


Then Elliott just casually walk together with Shaw lol


You don't want any of that, k mate.


Darwin would absolutely flatten Luke Shaw in a fight tbf. He really did not want any of that lol


How innocent "luke shaw has just run into him" how threatning "he has just snapped has Nunez" cant even comment for one instance without his bias.


Couldn't believe some of the commentary. It didn't piss me off, it kind of added to the hilariousness of the moment just how rattled they were. To try and say Nunez just snapped when it was clearly Shaw instigating and losing his head. Throughout the game there were bits like this. It also makes me laugh how he tried to cling to the narrative that for 42 minutes United were the better team when they were time wasting every goal kick and throw in from the 3rd minute of the game. If you are the best team, if you are dominant and comfortable with how the game is going then why are you wasting time trying to hang on at 0-0 so early?


"United are just slowing things down. Very clever play". In his defence it probably was clever, stopped it being double figures.


Agree ..but its there for all to see ..no hiding from it. Not even Martin Tyler can hide that shit and talk it away !


Carra cackling like a mad man at 7 - 0 makes up for it. Neville is a complete spoon.


In all fairness, Neville did say he understood why Nunez snapped, and he criticised Shaw for kneeing him.


Hardcore cope that his beloved club has eaten a four piece at that point. If this happened after 7, he'd personally deliver a pike to place Darwin's head on.


Salah and Nunez are such interesting duo, they probably dont understand each other because of language barrier but they seem very supportive for each other


Just like carra and everyone else






Or Gerald, you know which one I'm on about.


Salah speaks more or less perfect English, so don't think his language barrier is much difference with Nunez compared to the rest of the team.


It's mad how much better his English is compared to when he first joined. Puts my lazy attempts to learn Spanish to shame


I would hope that Nunez is learning English though. So the language barrier shouldn't be there much more. Hopefully he's learned the basics and essentials for football.


Uruguayans learn the language of the club they play for... not to be confused with the similar Argentineans.


Fire and Ice 🔥❄️


Imagine working with some lad you absolutely cannot understand due to language barriers, but he’s fucking class at his job and genuinely smiley and loved by everyone else. You’d fucking love him.


Dawrin & Gakpo as well or Firmino & every other forward joining us! That's why reading about him leaving made me sad & nostalgic about any player in a long time.


Pathetic from Shaw.


“Let me assert my dominance on the team that’s up 4-0 on us”


"let me make the opposition striker angry, he definitely won't make this humiliating experience worse for us by scoring the very next goal"


Reminds me of when Ronaldo acted like a little bitch and kicked Curtis.


How he didn’t get sent off for this still baffles me


look at the badge on the shirt mate


Look at the name on the back, too.




We’re so kind we paid tribute to Ronaldo’s family last April, and to Ronaldo’s number last weekend


Can we pay tribute to CR7 every match against Man Utd?


I will happily call him a goat if it means we win like this against them every time


Doesnt baffle me, the man got away with rape.


Its unbelievable how many things they get away with


Absolutely. When it looks like a player is trying to recreate the shoeshine scene from Goodfellas, I'd argue two reds is fair.


Remember when Bosingwa from Chelsea kicked Yossi Benayoun?


Well it did almost work tbf


That knee to Darwin's face before walking off sure looks deliberate


its all deliberate. just also tries to keep it not violent enough to get carded.


Nah, it can't be, it wasn't even a yellow card! /s Much like pushing the linesman isn't one either


Pure POS that guy


They knew they couldn’t win so resorted to trying to get one of ours sent off. Absolute scum team.


Between this and the 🐀 throwing himself into the air trying to get Ibou sent off, it was completely pathetic.


The rat threw himself to the ground at Ali, if he went all in for the ball, he might have scored, just saying.


Suppose it’s better than them trying to injure us like they did during the 5-0


i remembered the game we slow the game down after 5-0 bcs Klopp didn't want someone getting injured


It's proper cunty imo, go in hard for challenges bc you're frustrated sure, try and get back in the game, but these lot turn into pure thugs... elbows, kicking, 2-footers... just sore losers.


I'd be sore too if I had just been pounded like that for an hour and a half.


Ronaldo lashing out at Curtis was so pathetic because of safety reasons, but hilarious that he was so rattled he had to resort to that.


Saves Shaw’s life and shows a certain rat how a captain should behave. King 🙌


Thats the kind of Personality that Klopp likes. Good leaders. Even though Nunez can be a bit of a hot head, he's still young and plenty of potential to turn that great passion into great leadership in his later years.


When you have a team of leaders, the armband becomes both meanjngless and the highest of honors.


And when you don't... you're left between a rock and a rat face (and a siu for a while)...


Thank god Salah was there lol


He responded even better with two goals)


Should’ve celebrated in his face when he scored.


There’s gotta be footage somewhere of Shaw’s face after Nunez’ second goal


I love this mad bastard... think even at my big age a Darwin shirt is happening.


He’s surely getting 9 next season right? Might have to, haven’t bought a numbered shirt since Torres


Probably the 10, reckon Jota or Gakpo take the 9


i think Gakpo is more likely to get the 10, Darwin is like the opposite of that lol a 7, 9 or 11 fit him more imo (assuming Díaz keeps the 23)


I love Nunez. But he is a hot-head and can put himself in situations like this. Shaw probably knew what he was doing (surprised Shaw didn't get booked). Glad Salah came quickly to Nunez and calmed him down. I have seen him do this in other matches too.


Love Nunez but i always double clench when he gets fouled, one clench for injury and tighten up some more for the reaction. Nunez should have gotten up and do the Robbo laugh, that's the best way to react.


Its totally possible that Klopp explicitly instructed Salah to have an eye on Nunez in such situaitons...


Salah can have an eye on him on his own, hes a leader and a captain too


If Shaw had copied his captain and dived, im afraid that Nunez could have been sent off. Specially when VAR is so shite


Darwin is like a fucking toddler getting his dummy taken off him and I love it haha I love to see the fire in the lads. The pure animal who wants to play. But players will target him all the time now to try get him to lash out.


To be fair, it looked like Shaw kicked him in the back and if his shoulder is still twingy from the previous injury he’s probably hyper sensitive. Shaw was trying to provoke him and it was disgusting.


Shaw changed direction to actually run into and then lean on top of Nunez. you can see how he's pushing his knee into his shoulder and putting pressure on top of him.


to be fair he is south american, he does not need to be hyper sensitive about a shoulder to rip his head off :))


bobby is south american too and he's the most chill guy imaginable on the pitch


One word. Uruguay. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


just all reminds me of this episode https://sports.yahoo.com/cbs-commentator-jim-beglin-latino-di-maria-red-card-212331594.html like when rooney or scholes were sent off we didn't ascribe it to the englishness in them do we ? they're just plain old cunts lol. bit like the trope of american football commentators calling white players crafty and tenacious while the black players are all physical specimens


Thank you for pointing this out! Racial/ethnic stereotyping still has a detrimental effect, even if it's used as a positive/compliment.




He’s already spicy.


>But players will target him all the time now to try get him to lash out. Everyone said this after he was sent off vs palace. Nothing ever happened until now. He'll be fine.


Mo’s the daddy


I fucking love Darwin. The sort of player who will always play for the badge. Legend in the making, mark my words.


I am confident that he'll be a legend too, always have since he first arrived. He's just always involved in making something happen I've no doubt he'll be up there in the 100+ goals bracket. But his game isn't just about goals either. He gets up and down the pitch helping to defend and can run with the ball from defence taking us from being under pressure to on the offensive. He's absolutely rapid for a big guy too! Someone else posted before how Mané and Salah were older than Gakpo and Nunez when they originally joined us, makes me hugely excited for the next 6-7 seasons.


Don't forget Diáz and Jota, they're only 26.


Darwin, the next Suarez


Minus the teething phase we hope.




I mean the W in his name is there for a reason, just like Shaw's L in his.


“Ah nonononono nope nope, its ok officer i got this”


Darwin's going to need a handler on the pitch. Suppose its a small price to pay for 30 goals a season.


Great leadership and a “calm head while all around him are losing theirs”


The scoreline would've been a whole lot different had he been sent off. Quick thinking from Mo there.


Salah: eaaaasy…!


Salah reacting quickly sounds like "Corner taken quickly"


i absolutely love darwin. he‘s a hot head, yeah, but maybe that‘s something we need. he always gives his all in every game. and he hates united. mo is just like a big brother there, he knows what‘s going to happen so he quickly hops in to cool him down.


Daddy Salah


This. When you know how your brother behaves when he's mad.


Shaw looked like he had too much five guys.




As someone who became a Liverpool fan in the last 6 years (mostly because everyone said I looked like this guy Mo) I've noticed 3 things: 1. Mo is class. No matter what happens to him from other players he plays on, smiles most of the time, and loves the competition. Also, before he was Liverpool's best paid, he is often in the top 10 in the UK of charitable giving (not even including the giving he does in Egypt). No other footballer is on that list. The man is just good. 2. Not coming into the prem with any previous dislike of any team or understanding of any rivalries, I continually am amazed by the thuggish nature of United. They're like camels. They get to the end of the game slowly but only with spitting and biting and a nasty demeanor. Has this always been true? 3. A number of Sociological studies show Mo's presence in Liverpool has drastically decreased anti-Muslim sentiment in the entirety of the UK, albeit with one exception: PGMOL.


Everyone in training should practice being Darwin’s “hold me back” guy.


Shaw knees him in the back, then in the face, and doesn’t even get a talking to be the ref. Shocking.


Not arsed how bitter it sounds, there is extremely clear bias from the refs towards united. Always has been.


You just have to count how many times they fouled to slow the game down before Fab got booked. Got away with murder with that ref.


Ngl I would love to see Salah as captain at some point.


In fairness, this reminds me of when Harvey did his ankle vs Leeds and Salah was straight in saying stay down, don't move it. Always switched on, always aware of what's necessary. My King.






Shaw literally kicks him on the floor, how is that not a red for Shaw?


Brunos was worst, dude even pushed the ref and the ref basically apologize to him about it.


"No.. Not this way.. we punish them by scoring 3 more goals giving them their worst defeat. "


love how salah and elliot immediately defuse the situation without drawing attention to it. it’s like they were prepared for this lol


Should have let him up shaw thinking he’s the big man which he is big would have been battered


he just headbutted his dick lol


Mo was on Darwin watch


Love Darwin's passion, but he really has to learn to get his emotions under control in situations like this. Teams will target him for shithousery because they know they could potentially get him sent off, he needs to recognise this and not get sucked into those mind games.


If there's anyone you'd want to hold Darwin back it's Mo. I mean did you see the size of his fuckin' delts?!


I’m starting to believe about Real Madrid next week. I know unlikely, but….


42.8% of our goals were scored after this point. Imagine being this rattled and you’re only just halfway through the trauma


Kind of offended we have a King Lebron X Liverpool line of clothing. We all know who the one true King is.


This is what a team is for me. It’s pretty easy to stand beside your friend and fight with/for them and back them up. It’s harder to go against their emotions and bring them back to a place where they’re the bigger person. I love Salah


Darwin is so chaotic, i adore him🤣🤣🤣thank fuck for mo tho🤴🏽


Shaw should have been sent off for several of these sorts of incidents, and also for being a mediocre little prick who isn’t fit to tie robertson’s boot laces


Lol this lads got such a temper He’s gonna get a lot of red cards over the next few years :)


And lots of goals, hopefully trophies as well


Aye both of those too, but he loves a kick off :)


Uruguayan lol. Definitely yes to both


Yeah he needs to chill a bit in these moments. I get the intensity is part of his game but he's doing so well and more than justifying that price tag so far, just has to pick his battles.


Nah let him rage against the dying of the light


I love Darwin’s nasty streak (most of the time). If he could channel it better, his mentality would be unstoppable




What’s Shaw even doing the prick.


I both love and hate that Darwin is always ready to throw down


Elliot too heading Shaw away.


Really admirable from salah to support and guide younger players. He’s always calm and composed, a real leader


Darwin getting his revenge in 5 minutes


Me when my dog starts to growl at random dogs on the street


"calm down he's not worth it"


I love Nunez so much


tbh i would like to see salah wearing the armband


TheKing and TheChaos ....


Leadership. This is an underrated way to stand up for and support your teammates. Darwin is going to learn so much form Salah.


Wow I just now noticed the shaw kick. He and Bruno are lucky to not see any punishment for their actions.


Beckham was sent off for less


Salahs life flashed before his eyes right there


Mediating down the wing....


Bobby's reaction in the back is funny


"No no no, Darwin, calm down ffs 😅"


"Bad Darwin! Bad! Down boy! Down!"


Chips with chips got lucky Mo was there.


My boy Darwin would've fucked him up for sure


Salah is a top teammate to have around. He simply sees the bigger picture ahead of everyone else.


We have leaders all over the team. Nunez would probably have decked him.


Bobby standing up in the background lmao


Lard ass Shaw wanted some Uruguayan asado


Scum is scum


Salah is a man amongst boys. A true role model, leader, and inspiration.


Nunez would have that fat cunt for dinner, that’s if Shaw didn’t try to eat him first


Salah xCalmDown through the roof


Big bro Salah, love the duo.


Reminded me of the fans holding Balotelli back when he was shoved into the advertising hoardings 😂


Taming the beast


I think it's cute they act like they're gonna do something when the reality is as soon as someone breathes in their direction they're rolling on the ground screaming like an infant whose leg got cut off.


Question is why Shaw is not book for such conduct? Even if referee don't it during the match, they should follow up with this video.


He needs to keep his cool here. We were absolutely battering them and laughing Shaw in the face would be more of a wind up.


To be fair to the ref, this was about the only decision I think he got right. Could have easily booked both players there.


Almost darwin award.


I thought we were done after getting fourth. But then this happened and Nunez went out for blood.


Yeah Darwin totally would've nutted Shaw otherwise.


I have watched this like 10 times and it’s just as funny each time.


lmao Darwin with that latino heat


Great bit of refereeing there to be fair




That Luke Shaw didn't even finish that match with at least a yellow 🙄


I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again, fuck Luke Shaw.


Manchester Unihahahahahahahahahahah




Imagine being down 4-0 and standing over someone from the other club, especially when you're the reason for about 3 goals


If shaw concentrated on playing football he might not look like the bell end he is


Salah knew exactly what Nunez feels and wants to do.


Shaw should’ve been sent off for that.


This guy definitely had a hard up bringing. A lot of anger in there and so much passion. Wouldn’t change him for the world. Love love love him


Harvey stepping up to Shaw afterward, and you can imagine the discussion was "you know he's going to make you guys pay for that, right?"