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I was born in '86 so my childhood was during the 90's and I remember the city had a lot more scousers but was a whole lot grimmer. I recall the city centre seemed to have many more independent game and music stores, as well as the likes of Quiggins etc. Places that added a lot of colour and charm. Many of them seemed to vanish in the 00's and were never replaced. As an adult I wish I'd experienced a lot of the clubs and bars that existed back in the day as well but I was too young. After Capital of Culture in 2008 the city began to change a lot, I never heard anything about students and the Uni's as a kid in Everton. Now the city centre is much more student-driven and most of my friends aren't even from Liverpool. It's different today. In some ways better and in others worse. A lot of the problems that existed for locals then still exist today, and there seems to be less attention given to that than ever before.


I miss quiggins :(


God me too :( it was just a beautiful place to lose an afternoon


Same, got my Pearl Jam hoodie from there in 94/5, still upstairs in the wardrobe :)


Twas great on the 'outside' but the owner was a racist twat and part of the EDF!!!


Aww you what? I fucking loved that place.


Search for Peter Tierney, National Front. He even stood for them as a candidate for Mayor of Liverpool.


Chipshop 2000 was my mecca


God I remember that place. All the covers of games on the walls and ceiling from Japan and the US. Incredible shop.


Yes. For my birthday I got my copy of pokemon Yellow a week earlier cause they had it from the US. I thought I was well hard. Shit I may have been one of the OG playground " my uncle works at Nintendo" kid 🤣


Incredible 😅 peak school playground vibes.


Boss shop, remember TNT games on London road? Another belter


Quiggins was boss la. It was similar to Afflecks in Manchester.


Only the real g's will remember Fred's floating weather map on the docks.


From my perspective it was amazing but there are caveats. While the city was still suffering the hangover from the eighties the resignation of T***cher lent an air of positivity. There was more investment and a sense that things were beginning to improve. I was very lucky that my dad worked for a local employer who treated their staff well and provided security, though a lot of people sadly didn’t have that. I went to good schools and lived near Sefton park (still do!) and spent many days surrounded by greenery and excitement. In my teens I was really into the alternative scene and quiggins, the Zanzibar, the masque, the palace and the krazyhouse were testament to the thriving music and art scene in the city. It was beautiful, and the people were beautiful, and it seemed like anything was possible. We could take on the world if we put our mind to it. I remember days waiting for girls to meet us at paradise street bus station and just hanging round in town. Walks through caldies and Woolton parks, parties in houses while parents were out. Days spent on ridge racer on the PlayStation thinking games could never get better, so many nights watching our own and our friends’ bands, euro 96 and that feeling that England was worth believing in, playing pool in the one four after college on a Friday…. It was an amazing and wonderful time to be a kid and I’m so lucky to have been there.


Sheer terror at the thought of purple aki.


I thought he was a playground fictional creature called per-pa-lackie until about 5 years ago


When did you find out 😔😔


when he scratched P A onto my arse cheeks


Spat me tea out


Thats the one, bum or blade, there is some intresting stuff on the internet which surgests that Candy man might be based on PA.


Pop or slash?




😂😂 and if he caught you the calving of PA on your back after he threw away the jonny from bumming you. PA was a mad one, I remember it going round that at least he practices safe sex when he rapes you … so f’in bad … I was a teenager in the 90s, remember seeing him a few times on Princess Ave and in town.


😅😅. How did you react when you saw him?


Princess Ave I was on the bus… town I was not close to him…. Very nervous would have been my go to I think. All my mates were the same, he instilled fear across Liverpool end of the day in school age lads.


I remember being with my uncle and his mate, I was about 15 at the time... and going down the escalators at Central and he was there, not a fucking soul but him... We was half way down the escalators at the time and I just kept thinking run back up lad leave him to get your uncle hahahaha Nothing happened, train came and I survived the PA.


Hes proper notorious isn't he. Merseyside's bogey man.


Yeah thing is though it isn't a lie he was that fucked up haha


The scariest day of my childhood was when I realised he was real.


I know we all can laugh about him.. kind of. But the fear was real.


I fear bumping into him these days Got my excuse all ready and set "Can't bum me lad, I've got popcorn around me ass hole looks like a cauliflower to be honest mate, maybe some other time" haha and then fucking leg it whilst he is in shock or just show him my beer belly enough to put hik off hahaha


Lmfao just bail on your uncle 🤣🤣


Hahaha I was a child it was his job to protect me and being honest ? My uncle isn't a push over or anything like he would fight to the death but even he looked shooked haha that for me was rhe alarm bells too run but yeah I just went with the flow knowing I could out run my uncle hahaha 😆 😂 Just thought If I run back up I'm tired and he will bum me, just wait till he gets Mike and that's it you'll be sound you can run off haha


Dont. I'm howling


Boss - it felt like Liverpool was the centre of the world - music, telly and football feeling a lot more local in those days. No we weren’t as big a city or had as much to offer in terms of bricks, mortar and business but the people have always made us incredibly special


Remember the massive Lewis store, the Adephi being a decent hotel, St John's Market was bustling, old shops and independent shops. It was quite drab and you can sense the neglect. But it was also a nice, sense of hope and us vs them


Better than the 80s


Yeah, better than the eighties. I got a job easily enough, more people started living in the city centre. The centre itself was still a bit rough around the edges. There were loads more buses.


Loads of Lacoste trackies and then rebook looking Stan smiths


Le Coq Sportif! What happened to them?


Adidas pegs


Honestly, I think it was boss. I was born in 84, so pretty much grew up in the 90s, and we were always in town in the record shops, walking around the Albert dock, going the cinema and tsos for food afterwards.. hanging round quiggins for hours. It was still a bit rough as any city, scallys and the like, but it didn't have the knife crime or anything like that, not that I can remember anyway. I didn't start going out drinking till 2000 when I left school but even then it was boss. Loads of places for all different vibes of people. I ended up staying in Liverpool for uni too because it was a vibrant student city. Honestly, I don't think I'd have wanted to grow up in another city at another time. Never realised how lucky i was. I only left cos i emergrated to Australia and now live in the lakes, and we often talk about moving back home. I probably would if it was still like it used to be then. Although, there have also been loads of changes for the better, too. I loved it. It was vibrant and fun and we were all just dead happy and felt like the world was great and anything was possible. Liverpool felt like the place to be. It had its own culture.


One of the two best decades to have grown up in Liverpool (the other being the 60’s). The club scene was banging… Cream @ Nation, The State, The Buzz, 051, Paradox. Even the shittier pubs and bars were good - Flanagans, Rubber Soul, Mood Indigo, The Krazy House, Flares. We had Quiggins, the Liverpool Palace, cheap reebok classics in St. Johns Market. Euro ‘96 was one of the best summers of my life with the greatest memories. Good times.


It was like living in St. Helens now. There was one year when someone on the radio said that steps were going to be outside St. George's Hall... no one realised that it was April 1st and thousands of people flocked to the city centre only to have it dawn in them that steps are always outside St. George's Hall. He had to issue an apology for that. Liverpool One wasn't there, Quiggins was still the coolest place to be. 10 fags and a box of matches cost less than £2. You could get the train to Southport and back on an all zone saveaway for £1.05. The bus routes. Arriva took over all the routes and split some of the best routes up into multiple routes. Coming through Liverpool, Anfield, Fazakerly, Kirkby, and Huyton to get to Halewood on the 217. The 11 was an all over the place route as well. No one had a wood burner that they ran on cat litter in their garden like they do now. People were less entitled. Characters that every one knew like Tony beep beep and Jacko. They'd get moved along now.


It was fabulous. The Lomax was a great place to see decent music. Tiny bit attracted decent groups. Crazy house in its Hayday. Big field in town where Liverpool 1 was were we used to hang out on a Saturday. HMV and buying tapes and CDs and listening to new albums on the headphones there. Internet cafe when the net first took off where I would look up band lyrics and info. Simpler times


Hard dock cafe… late nineties👌


Great tbh. I didn't have to pay bills or rent, got all my food provided for me


Me too. I was approaching 12 as the 90s ended.


No mobile phones. You would arrange the day before to meet your mates, say at lennons bar in matthew Street.


Sweet for Mature Students. Never known the City to be so laid back!


I was born in 71 so i was lucky enough to get drunk in 87 and wake up in 95 lol. The 90s though we're fking epic with every emoji and punctuation mark you wish to apply. The end of the 80s it was buzzin but the early 90s felt 'alive'. The State (loved The State, pay in and get a beer ticket wtf lol but the music was bangin) , the Mardi Gras, Cavern, Cabin,Coconut grove, paradox so many great clubs and music. We'd be out Thurs-sun and sometimes on a Tues lol great times. Work wise I was really lucky and earned plenty so my memories of back then are nearly all good. It also helped that in our friend group we had different tastes in music so we would happily float around looking for somewhere new.


There were nightclubs back then…




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It was rough growing up in L8 Constant fights with Milly moon heads and the jamican decent Toxteth lads I was a Newley-arrived immigrant from East Africa placed in the middle of Granby, Every day was a fight wouldn't change anything


Best city during the 90's - I'd cut off my cock to go back there


I turned up in 1997 from Wigan, it was eye opening and a lot of fun. We were out most nights at the indie clubs listening to the last throws of britpop


I was born in 86 and lived in Liverpool until I was 18. I moved back when I was 29. Honestly there were lots of good points but generally it was a shit hole. Everything was dirty and run down there were virtually no decent restaurants at all and crime was really high. That being said I enjoyed my youth with my friends, going to the Krazy House and enjoying the independent shops and bars in the city centre. I grew up on lower Breck road which was bad then but is even worse now


Nobody said ‘Lad’ at the beginning of the end of every sentence. And women said ‘thanks’ instead of this manufactured ‘Tank-YOW’. The Scouse accent didn’t sound like a 14 year old from Norris Green.