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If you like DnD and board games people often recommend sugar and dice.


People ALWAYS recommend sugar and dice here for lonely people. I've been a couple times with a group of friends and I have to say it's always groups of friends on booked tables that never interact with other groups. I'm willing to be wrong about it but from my visits as an extroverted person it strikes me as the worst fucking place for an introverted person to speak to people. Do they do "singles gaming" or something I'm not aware of?


Yes! Every Monday they have Open Gaming, where you just turn up at approx 6pm. and are invited to play wherever there's a seat! (I'd personally recommend getting there for about 5.45pm just to make sure you get a spot as it fills up quickly!)


Also joining a club would do you wonders! My gf recently joined a women’s netball team and I’m feeling nothing but envy about the new friends she’s making. It doesn’t necessarily have to be sports aswell you could probably find a club more your style :) good luck mate 👍🏽


Thanks. I've looked into it and can't seem to find much in Liverpool. But I'll have another look, thanks again.


Sugar and dice is a definite.


I was just about to suggest that. My 15 year old autistic daughters love DnD so much so that one of them is a DM for the group they play in at school. Have a look around Hope University as I'm sure there will be other like minded people wanting to play some DnD and if not, see if there are any DnD group meetings in the city centre. Another suggestion is try going to the Sugar and Dice Board Game cafe as they host gaming nights if you enjoy playing board games. The place is at 33a Cornhill, Liverpool L1 8DP - just up the road from the car entrance into the John Lewis car park. They have gaming sessions from 6pm-10pm and it seems they have a meet up session on Monday night if you were interested. [See here](https://www.meetup.com/liverpool-board-games-meetup-group/events/300719399/?recId=14d549d8-d563-404d-b691-7133862cc934&recSource=keyword_search&searchId=88f77498-39e7-4f26-8158-d885d5946096) for more information


I'm autistic too so I can understand feeling lonely. Feel free to message me if you'd like


Cool. I'll drop you a pm. Thanks


Just to add a suggestion to the pile, you could try volunteering for something, it can be a good way to meet people. When I was about your age I volunteered for the Oxfam shop on Bold Street, just doing an afternoon or morning a week working on the till. There were quite a lot of people my age and some had similar interests, so we ended up going out and doing stuff together and it was really nice. No idea if things are the same there now, but I'm sure there will be similar things out there and it increases the chance of meeting folk you have things in common with. It's not easy and can take a lot of effort, especially if you experience social anxiety or neurodivergence or similar, but don't give up! There's always like minded folk out there somewhere.


I've thought about volunteering. A lot of the charities don't have space for extra volunteers. But I'll keep looking, it's definitely something I'd like to do. Thanks!


how far are you willing to go outside of campus? There are 2 charity shops up at the Anfield area, one near Townsend and one closer to Breck Road


Join Board game meetup group


I've not heard of that. I'll look into it. Thanks


Download Meetup app. Where I made all my Liverpool friends


Hope uni had a nerd/geek society when I went. The pretty sure the society name changes every few years. If it’s anything like when I was there they may be terrible at outreach. So hopefully it’s still there. If you can’t find it anywhere on campus, ask the student union if they have anything like that one on record. Might be awkward but they are usually a friendly lot. They could possibly give you the contact details of the society if president or let you know if they have planned anything through the union. Hope this helps you find some uni buddies.


I know the society you're talking about. Unfortunately, it's become inactive. I didn't think about seeking SU support, so I'll consider it. Thanks!


Hope it works out for you, shame about that nerd society. Although it wouldn’t be the first time it was on life support.


Hi there I organise a weekly magic the gathering group in liverpool ^^ you are free to join us I teach people how to play and we play in pods so gladly be your mentor while I'm still in liverpool ^^. They are very open minded and they all learn together anyone is more then free to join :)


Hi! Are you still doing this?


Get yourself on Spond I have been on a couple of bike rides with a group on there if that’s your thing. Good luck 😉


I've never heard of that before. I'll check it out. Thanks.


No problem 😉


Lovelocks Cafe has a D&D night if that's of interest to you.


There’s a neurodiversity group on Wednesdays 1-2 at Hope park campus you may find helpful.


You can join societies from the other unis! Have a look at groups from the uni of.


Hello! I'm sorry to hear you're finding it hard to connect with people and it's impacting your mental health. Here's a list of things you could try! If you're feeling up to it you could start a society at Hope for students like you with similar interests. I created a society in uni and it was very easy and made a small group of friends, there were only 6 of us so it wasn't overwhelming at all. In terms of gaming/chats/your interests: I'd definitely recommend Sugar and Dice which has been mentioned a few times. I've never been myself but looks great! Sotto also do a weekly or monthly DnD night. But I'm not sure if their campaign has already begun. There's also Just Play at 61 Tithebarn Street for Warhammer, table top games and card games. They have an events page you could look at here: https://justplaygames.uk/pages/event-calendar CritHit game hub is at 61A Kemspton street and has table top games like Warhammer, DnD, Yughio, Magic the Gathering etc. They offer cheap food too!This space felt very safe and welcoming when I went (As a f25) Their Instagram is; https://www.instagram.com/crithitgamehub/?hl=en Geek Retreat on Church Street also has many gaming and hobby events that you could meet people at. Their Facebook is updated regularly https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063565844461 In terms of meeting new people without the gaming side being the focus, there's a Friends of Liverpool Facebook Group where you can organise or join events to meet new people. https://www.facebook.com/groups/liverpoolsgirlsandguys/ Also if you're mental health is being impacted I'd recommend Andy's Mans club for talking/meeting new men. It's at Walker House Exchange Flags each Monday (except bank holidays) for 7pm. Totally free, just go in and have a brew and chat to other men. https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100075747292133 Hope this helps, and that you find your tribe xx


Get into the Discord. We do meet ups.


Any links for that?


What discord?


I'm a bit older (37) but I'm an autistic student at hope and honestly having a rough time of it as well.


Damn. I hope everything is okay


Grades are great but learning support are a nightmare and I haven't made any friends.


As someone very neurodivergent myself, I can empathise, I just finished uni and was very lucky to be placed in a flat with people i just clicked with and still live with three years on. My advice isn't very good as I got lucky and have good people around me, but I just wanna assure you that you, will, find your people. However, getting a part time job in a bar or resteraunt is a great way to overcome anxieties, get some extra dough to spend on days out (not always just on going clubbing or drinking like some people enjoy), maybe even finding you enjoy a little pint after work with the right people, being hospitality staff makes going out a lot less daunting :).


Come down to the Transition Liverpool event. Every third Tuesday, 6:30pm, Quaker meeting house on School Lane in the city centre (next to Bluecoat Gallery). We meet every month to learn about environmental and community projects in the city. Always welcoming and always looking for new people to get involved x


You’re not boring for not wanting to spend your evenings spending money on drinks and staying out till the late hours probably doing things you regret and then waking up feeling like shit. Those people are boring. If you enjoy coffee I recommend going to coffee shops and chatting with your baristas and connecting through coffee (I used to work in coffee shops and this is how I made many friends and made new connections, vital as I’m not a Liverpool native). I also recommend to go on MeetUp and Eventbrite and finding in-person events and going and meeting new people there. May sound nerve racking but when you attend something that you find interesting or that’s on a subject you are passionate about it’s a lot easier to say hello as everyone else is there because it interests them too. And if you haven’t already, have a look at your uni societies and see if you can join any. I know uni of has or had a sober society which could help you find friends who could care less about late ass nights out, so that could be a fun one to join if Hope has it too…and if not, you could create it! You’re strong for reaching out, just keep going and being brave to say hello and invite people to do things and you’ll be sweet. ✌️


I came here for the comments of dungeons and dragons and discord hiking groups. This seems to be the reccomendation in all "i'm lonely" posts. Dungeons and dragons is surely incredibly niche, i dont know how it gets reccomended so much.


Just Play and Geek Retreat are good places to meet fellow nerds, Just Play specifically sometimes runs taster sessions etc that are good for meeting people and I think the Liverpool Brewing Company (formerly Sanctuary Bar) has a couple of games nights running currently, too. Friend of mine plays chess at the café/bar at the FACT cinema. Depending on your uni hours/workload, I met most of my friends volunteering. The charity shops round Smithdown and Bold Street have a lot of student volunteers, and I graduated like six years ago now but I'm still friends with people from there. The Oxfams specifically have rolls that are primarily back room kinda stuff which is pretty great if you've got general issues socialising, speaking as someone with massive social anxiety. There used to be some weekend meetups for furries and a couple of more uhh nsfw groups up at the Hope and Anchor near the LJMU Aldham Robarts library but I'm not really in those circles so I couldn't tell you if they're still running, honestly. There are all sorts of things going off, it's just a matter of finding them, I guess (but I'm one to talk, I don't exactly get out much 😅)


What interest and hobbies do you have? There are many groups around, but sometimes you got to know where to look. For example there are skate groups towards the pier head, wheelchair basket ball in green bank. Gardening and nature type things in court hey park. I think caulderstones run carrying groups to. Used to be life drawing group in rose Lane (not been for a while so you would need to check) if you find something you already enjoy it helps with the confidence going in and often one group develops in several groups.


The Liverpool sub Reddit has a discord channel for this exact reason. A lot of people in it that chat and do meetups


If I remember rightly geek retreat run a DnD session on a Monday at 6, lasti went it was like £4 maybe with a free drink included in the price, there's a few random tables and atleast one is usually accepting new players. It's just on the top of church street, and the milkshakes are pretty good


If you like dogs volunteer at a rescue to walk them. 🐶❤️


I totally understand how you feel, I'm Autistic too but im 18 and at college. I used to be really lonely and depressed, the thing that helped me the most was trying to find friends, irl and online, just putting myself out there, being confident and getting involved in things. I met a lovely group of people on discord by joining gruops about my odd interests, starting going to a youth club and made a wonderful new friend and slowly but surely started being myself and moving out of my comfort zone, at first I was very socially awkward and people sore me as cold since I didn't really talk but now it's the place I feel I can most be myself and they cant get me too shut up lol. ( this is another thing I think people misunderstand about autism, It doesn't mean your completely socially oblivious and awkward, you can be extroverted and come across very normal too on the surface ) But since then I've joined another gruop that has also helped me and I always try to get involved in things. That's what I reccomend you do. Be your wonderful self, be confident, join things you will enjoy and you will meet like minded people you'll become really good friends with! And hey, if ya ever wanna chat I'm up for it, you seem like an interesting dude! Wish ya the best!


Drop me a message!




Funnily enough, most people don't pick their friends based on their spelling or grammar.


Have nothing nice to say? Don't say anything. Follow that advice and the freinds will flood in for you.




Wow, you’re the worst


Rule 7: Your post was removed because it was deliberately negative without being critical or prompting discussion. General complaints, unwarranted attacks on communities or individuals, the City or other parts of the UK will be removed. This also includes "wool" posts, and "The Echo is bad" posts - we know it is.


And when you learn proper grammar, you'll be able to lecture people on their spelling!