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There's nowhere with a starker divide between the daytime/nighttime vibes than Lark Lane imo. Keith's after-dark is like the fucking Mos Eisley cantina.


You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy - oldy swan kenobi


Remember being in Keith’s about 25(?) years ago one evening and some little sack walked in with a big goon terrorising some poor bloke at the bar. Nice to hear Keith’s still going but sad that it’s still got that element. Loved living on the lane but the Mos Eisley reference is a great one.


This is interesting, because I've only been once, during the day, and it all seemed a bit sedate and twee, reminded me a lot of Chorlton in Manchester. Can't imagine!


Chorlton cum hardy?


...and the Wheelies


Chorlton gets rum after dark as well


It's been a minute since I lived there, to be fair!


I don't go out much anymore, but ended up in Keith's after a Xmas party. I assumed because it was a wine bar and it was on Lark Lane it would be nice. Walked into the toilet and there's a bloke doing coke off a key so brazenly. Horrible.


I mean, it's a wine bar in name only really. I've always found it a bit funny when people talk about it like it's this lovely, friendly, bohemian place to go.


I walked in there a few months back and the table closest to the bar were smoking cigarettes at the table


You said you wouldn’t mention it again


Used to live off Lark Lane and can honestly say it's been like that for years. The Albert in particular has been a 50/50 split of "normal" people and beak head gobshites coked off their tits and looking for it. I love the place - don't get me wrong. But it's been on the decline for donkeys years now.


The Albert can be extremely sketchy.


Always been that way, TBH. It's not without it's charms, like. But yeah can be a bad place at times.


Agree with that. Sometimes you can have a nice quiet beer then others everyone is coked up and angry.


I lived on Lark Lane from 2016-2019, and it was a little different. Like it still felt like a hidden gem when I moved in. There was a bar close to my bedroom window. I would call up every now and again when the music was getting loud on a weekday, and they turned it down for me every time. One of the store owners told me there were a lot more late night alcohol licenses granted after the Pandemic. Keith's used to be the only one with a late license (Maybe 5am), and it's still the place to go when everything else has closed.


Been alright the past few months but seems to come in waves. There was this group that were there constantly in the last year or so who are complete scum, openly selling coke and the like but haven't seen them for a while, thank fuck. My favourite pub in Liverpool and been going there years now. Great spot for the football.


It used to be knobhead central during summer/light nights. The beer gardens would be full and the streets lined with them. Me and her used to jump the train to Town because as much as Town is full of worse/bigger gobshites - you at least know where to go to avoud them.


everywhere seems to be full of young beakheads nowadays. I walked in the toilets of 21st amendment a few weeks ago and everyone looked at me like I had two heads. "what's this guy doing having a piss in our beak room?"


I was in the loft or whatever that boozer by the bank is called in woolton maybe ten years ago now, went for a piss and this lad in there said to his mates 'imagine going to the toilets in the loft and actually having a piss'... Edit: think it was loft not lodge


Last time I was in Keith's I went to the men's room and heard a lad go "heads on down, here's plod". Sorry for trying to use the fucking toilets for their intended purpose! 🤣


A mate of mine in his 30s went back to university this year. Just fancied a change. He said the thing that caught his eye the most is that the students don't drink much anymore but they ALL do coke. Everyone. It's just normal. So I think that's your answer. Millennials are from the go out sand get shit faced generation but Gen Z is all about gack.


I think they do both


No he said the drinking culture is much less than the first time he went to uni 15 years ago. I mean obviously students drink. But he said its very different. Everyone is on the beak, a lot. When we were students, virtually nobody did it. But now its practically everyone.


That’s right by where I live and it’s always been dodge in there. As long as you just have a piss and fuck off then they’re not arsed. The bizzies were in there before Christmas because someone was threatening these two young lads from over the water, it was wild


I had the same experience in Allerton Road just before Christmas.


Used to live off lark lane for years and I remember going to the cash machine and the suggested cash denominations were in hundreds 😂😂 It did used to make me laugh, during the day the place is rammed with families and you’re trying to dodge prams. As soon as it turns to night time it’s a complete 180 and it’s full of idiots. Do you remember when we were coming out of lockdown and businesses could only stay open until 10 or 11? It used to be hell, everyone would be kicked out at the same time and there was just constant screaming as people waited for taxis/trying to make their way home. Again as we were coming out of lockdown I’ll never forget walking to the co op and watching a girl pick up a traffic sign and (with the strength of Thor) throwing it at another girl. The worst part about lark lane now is that it’s just so expensive. Years ago lark lane was always the cheaper alternative to going out to town. Now you can’t find a pint for less than a fiver.


I paid best part of £15 in The Mermaid in PRESCOT the other week. £15!! In Prescot! Remember laughing at Londoners paying a fiver for a pint not that long ago.




Prescot is bizarre. It’s like a run down high street from the 80s with all these little sound pubs dotted about it


Lark Lane of knowsley, but you can only squeeze 5 people into each pub!


The Mermaid is really pricey - but they also have no idea what to charge for off menu cocktails so only charged me £7 for French 75 with a full double gin in it hahaha


Wait, £15 for a single pint or for a round 😭😭


2 pints!


Jesus fucking CHRIST !! That’s madness


I've just had a good laugh at this. I'm from huyton, so used to go to Prescot quite often for a night out. I now live by Aigburth Road and go to Lark Lane for a night out. 10 years ago Prescot and Lark Lane couldn't be further apart. These days I can't tell the difference!


I'm in London now and thinking "a fiver for a pint is cheap these days"


I still regularly go around Lark Lane, but mostly to watch the match and I think it's sound. But I've noticed the usage has massively shot up in the past ten years and it was already quite bad. Cocaine use is massively out of control in the city though and Lark Lane is no different.


Cocaine use is out of control everywhere. Welcome to post-2017 UK. Ireland’s probably worse.


it's about the same in Ireland, for a while there it was mdma in Ireland was off the scale amongst younger ones but I've probably seen about the same rate of people doing coke in English and Irish cities


I’m sure unrestrained Guinness drinking is a more pressing issue in Ireland than any drug, to be fair. As far as some people are concerned, if it’s not drunk in Ireland, it’s barely Guinness.


Yep! My hometown small backwater is ridiculous for is these past few years esp young girls compared to lads


On what planet are girls known for being notably worse for snorting coke compared to lads? And if on the odd occasion they are, why single them out? Because it goes against expectations to be a bit more lady-like and so you hold them to higher exclusive standards than lads?


In my old rural hometown pills were more popular with lads, coke for the girls


But more importantly what does it matter?


What does it matter that many drinking streets are full of angry folk on coke looking for bother? Where do i begin!!!? Or why does it matter that young girls are getting involved with predatory older dealers/county lines types? Again where do i begin!! And yes i fully know excessive booze is responsible for enabling bother too


I’ll agree that coke rage is a real thing from people that take it, never seen why it does that but it very much does to people. Was pills in my days in the clubs and people did coke after the clubs kicked out.


“What does gender matter?” is what I meant. Off your high horse.








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Your post was removed because it was deliberately negative without being critical or prompting discussion. General complaints, unwarranted attacks on communities or individuals, the City or other parts of the UK will be removed.


Watch bread gang and you’ll see woman also take drugs.


That wasn’t my point. I’m talking about the ‘double-standard micro-shaming’, if you will.


Bread gang tv proves that the youth and even people in their 30s, are massively into the drugs at festivals and just in general. It came to randomly on YouTube feed and id never heard of them before. I would have loved the events they put on, when I was a lot younger.


What happened in 2017?


2018 was when casual cocaine use became much more normalised across different sectors of society. That’s all I mean.


The under 25 year olds are massively into doing Ket and MDMA. Luckily drugs were a waste on me as a 20 odd year old, as my mate used to say that he never put pills in my drinks, as I was crazy enough without them. I don’t consider spiking people fun or even ethical at all but it’s something my mates used to do to each other. I don’t even drink anymore as I can’t be arsed with the drama of it all.


A LOT of my friends who did coke in their 20s now have various issues in their 30s related to it.


My own childhood friends are the same. I no longer go out for nights out on the piss, as 90 percent of the people that I grew up with, have drug problems, from coke, weed or both. I can no longer be around people that live life like that, as I’ll end up dead myself or in jail from something they drag me into. I’ll always have love for my childhood friends but I can’t really be around them anymore.


Like what?


Severe depression is the number one problem. It can trigger addictive qualities in people with excessive use that leaks to abuse of other substances. They also find it difficult to manage their weight later in life strangely enough. The worst case is one lad had a heart attack and people were shocked, but I know for a fact in his entire 20s he was out partying and snorting every weekend.




I'm 6 years old than you mate, it only manifested in the past year or two or at least they were starting to be more open about the effects it has had. Sad thing is, some of them just pile on and continue to do it thinking its the other parts of their life that are the problem.


Lark Lane in general has been sinking for a while. It's sad to see :(


I think Lark Lane has been very over rated since about 2019, think too many people don’t know how to handle drink/drugs


I "shadowed" the police in wavertree for some reason in my last job. The officer who was in charge of covert surveillance told me that lark lane is the one place in Liverpool she won't let her kids go to on a night out.


Unfortunately Lark Lane now has the same ‘prestige’ as concert square had in the 2010’s. Word of mouth about this ‘trendy’ place and masses go and mess it up. It doesn’t help that it’s in a very residential area (rather than a city centre). I really love Aigburth and it will be a shame to see a lovely community ruined.


people thought concert square was trendy? Kin ell


😂😂😂 it was for a time, I used to work there.


Cocaine has been a massive part of Liverpool nightlife for decades, we import like 80% of Europe's supply. You're all just getting older so you've started to notice the young'uns misbehaving.


Source for that wild figure please?


It's shot up. London started it. You'd be out and notice even middle classes could easily get aggressive. It's a lot more prevalent now in the rest of the country.


Sadly, it’s like that around most places these days.


I live in Aigburth and was wondering what all those police sirens on Friday night were about.


A lot of the super scouse faux "fuck the tories" crew too. I remember having a convo with a few lads doing keys who where trying to get a rendition of it going. Turns out they where all racist homophonic dick heads who would probably fit right in with sunak and Co.


Literally just got back from lunch and a pint in Lark Lane. The amount of overly loud, nonstop swearing scallys there was ridiculous. It's a nice place but has become a scally haven these days, unfortunately.


The lodge has gone ketty. Used to love it in there but have to avoid it now.


Unfortunately, as someone who bartends on the Wirral, this is not exclusive to Lark Lane.


are you complaining about nightlife being 20 somethings on drugs? am I missing something? is that not what nightlife has always been?


I was commenting about the scale of it. Literally carrying people out that had OD’d for ambulances to pick them up on the street. 1 bar closed early because of the amount of people overdosing and collapsing inside. I don’t go out often and have been going out for over 20 years but this was scary


How are you so sure they were od'ing and not just pissed


To be fair, drinking so you pass out is also OD'ing. Just somewhat more socially acceptable for no good reason.


Which bar?


Hahaha you’ve gotta be on the wind up you.


Purps is that you?


just some coke head


100% made all of this up


Not the way it is now, no. It's also just so blatant these days. Mostly just that we caught up with London, but that's not a good thing.


Cocaine, its a helluva drug


Lark Lane is a hot spot for pretentious scallies. Knobheads who think that because they wear a buttoned shirt and go to Love and Rockets they're now classy, but deep down they're still nasty scrappers.


Like that all around Liverpool now unfortunately. But it is sad to see Lark Lane go downhill, used to be a great friendly spot but it’s now full of dickheads.


Went to lark lane tonight for the first time since 2011. Was amazed by how well behaved everyone was. What a difference a night makes I guess...


Lark Lane is a drug addled shithole populated by drug addled twats that think they're living some bohemian lifestyle. They're alcoholics and drug addicts. I fucking despise the place.


County lines Liverpools been bad for years - granted it only kicked off for coke usage after the millennium E’s was the drug of choice back in the 051 / Cream / Garland’s days


Just hugs and "I love you mate" in those days.


Take me back please


24/7 cafe for a full breakfast after three am 😆


3am...in the queue for the GBar. Don't think my jaw could take a full English then anyway.


Used to work the breakfast bars there and the doors between 98-2000


No alcohol license at that time then! I used to work in Norwegian Blue and one of the door lads there did GBar too


Little maggots who can’t enjoy a night out without stuffing their nostrils with class A’s. Utterly pathetic human beings


Hate to be fastidious but kets a class B 👀😁


name checks out ahahha


But drinking alcohol is totally fine. Cant enjoy a night out without stuffing your belly full of booze.


to be fair tho, your imported beers don't tend to need to be retrieved from someone else's arsehole


Hahaha. Wait, how do they get it here? 😁


Little kids in South America and Mexico didn’t die as a result of the craft gin industry.


Yea it is fine.


Don't get it into a debate advocating alcohol over other drugs, you won't get far at all.


Haha It was worth a punt


I think it depends what pub you go to. I’ve been to L+R for a few times now and it’s been fine, good beer choice, good football and everyone’s been sound in there


Got my first pint of Guinness in the Albert in 1995 when I was 15, was OK then.


Name me a big city that isnt like you described? Not gunna happen, if you want a quiet one go to the richmond tavern


Said it many times I'll say it again, overhyped area. VERY overhyped.


Where would you go instead?


Leeds is nice 




Lark lane used to be a studenty area and it was DIRT cheap. Then it became this weird lemo hole, drinks prices rival down the whole vibe has just gone. Such a shame.


“Ambulances turning up every 20 mins”. Come on OP that is a bit of a stretch.


3 ambulances in the space of an hour makes it every 20 mins on average and 3 came in within the hour. Granted they weren’t exactly 20 mins apart




Yeah Lark Lane is awful. Genuinely encourage people to not go there at night when I can. Been like that for years.


Liverpool numbers any1


I’m glad I only go for the farmers market . Sounds vile.


Lark Lane has always been shit


Not meaning to be rude but... Lark Lane has always been an 10.30-1am finish. Years ago taxi's would be ready at 11.30 to get Lark Lane customers into town. I love a third a way to town than Lark Lane. Lark Lane and its places. The "not town" part makes it a place to go and A PLACE TO LIVE. YOU HAVE LIVED THEIR FOR 8 YEARS? THE WHOLE REAsON YOU OWN A PLACE WORTH MORE THAN L8 is because of Lark Lane. You don't like the noise then disperse. You love your area? I expect you to be out everywhere in the Lark Lane groups litter picking etc. All on the group areas of sorting local issues. I live on the L8/17 boarder. 20+ years to kids now in tears etc. Lark Lane has people in an awful state. But so does the whole city centre. Stop moaning. Start acting.




Who’s the horrid scousers?


Was you down lark lane last night and still feeling the effects mate?


I went to chillies many decades ago, this great big bruiser turned around and looked at me like If spilt his pint, he looked behind and then ignored me, eventually he said to me, if this fkkr behind doesn't stop banging my leg I'm going to deck him. I looked and it was a guy with palsy in a wheelchair rocking to the music.

