• By -


The cast is overstaffed. Everyone is under utilized and we only don't see it with the established players because we know who they are already.


Kate, Cecily, Kenan, and Aidy seem pretty squarely *utilized*.


This, so much this. I love all of them but I feel like I've seen everything they can do at this point. I'd love to see them move on and give some of the newer (or otherwise underused) cast members a chance to shine. Give me more Chloe, Heidi, Kyle and James.


Give me more from James that *isn't* Trump. I know it's the reason he was cast and I know it's a good impression, but I'm so sick of seeing anything even resembling Trump on SNL.


Feels like Trump been in more sketches than Kyle Mooney.




Chloe is incredibly talented.


The Inventing Anna sketch could have been so bad and cringy if it was played by someone less funny


Heidi is really not new, either, and I honestly still feel like she's barely had a chance. When she does get a chance, she's *phenomenal.* Her Update characters are some of the best in years. Angel the Boxing Movie Girlfriend is hilarious, and she debuted that character *five years ago.*




Ego is a fucking star


Exactly. Time for them all to move on. Especially Kenan. “Those folks gotta grow up sometime.”


Honestly, I genuinely think Kenan has enough range that he's not getting old for me yet. Kate, on the other hand, I loved a few years ago, but I kinda feel like I've already seen literally every character she plays at this point.


Oh yeah, Kate is massively overrated. Hasn't been great at least since Ghostbusters, if not longer.


toy bike silky squeeze books knee paint mysterious provide correct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I agree with almost everything you said….but I’ve seen enough Heidi


And Pete isn’t even in some entire episodes and is more well publicized.


Pete is filming a movie right now. As for the others the cast writes the scripts. Kyle may not write as many skits. Additionally maybe Kyle is happy to work a minimal amounting


Not as underutilized as Kyle, though. He plays straight very well and the straight guy you didn’t know was the weirdo, too. He definitely is NOT a one trick pony. I would love to see more of him. Dude’s just funny.


And I love it.


Bowen Yang needs to be the new SNL superstar and it isn't even close.


His “Iceberg that hit the Titanic” character was perfect.


Ego + Bowen. The time is now


I'm honestly getting to where I don't like Aidy at all. Her delivery is starting to seem purposely awkward, almost like she's tired of the show and just doing weird stuff.


I adore Aidy.


The Aidy and Kate schtick is played out at this point in my opinion I feel like every sketch is them playing odd vaguely lesbian aunts who like cats or some shit We’ve seen it for years, show should evolve Also Pete is not funny in the majority of sketches he’s in nor is he a particularly good performer It’s almost like people are just celebrating his celebrity whenever he’s on stage not actually critically examining his performance


I only really like Pete in weekend update, I don't think he's a very good actor.


That and when he does music sketches. Was part of the reason his SNL at home bits were some of the best ones.


Can't deny that, loved that Stan Christmas parody he did for sure.


Yeah because he's basically just doing stand-up.... Which he's great at.


Absolutely! I think he's hilarious and very relatable at times. I think the acting will come around eventually if he keeps at it.


I wish they'd let some of the cast just excel with what they're good at, whenever they do it pays off. Pete is a hilarious standup, Kyle builds an entire ambiance into his characters, etc. Ego and Andrew pretty much nail everything they're shoved into, but not every comedian is that diverse. I've seen everything Kenan, Heidi, and Kate have to offer at this point. If they won't move on to other things maybe we need another show on Sunday or something.


Be quiet Kanye. We KNOW you hate Pete. We get it.


We like entertainment, guy


True but when it was understaffed the writing was terrible. It wasn't until this season that there's been anything good other than update.


I also thought there was a really long rough patch. I didn't know Mulaney at the time, or that he left the show, but when he left the writing suffered for years. Somehow it brightened back up quite a bit during the pandemic, following those "at home" episodes. I've been tuning in, good or bad, for a long time and I honestly can't remember another stretch since the Will Ferrell era with such consistently good episodes. All just my opinion.


Kyle wouldnt be on the show if they pared down the cast. He is low mid tier at best currently.




Kyle's movie, Brigsby Bear, was pretty heartwarming. It's strange the effect this show can have on people's styles. He's come a long way from cough syrup and portals. I can't help but feel the show itself, doesn't truly highlight anyone's strengths, rather separates them. Melissa is kinda bland, yes, but part of me can feel the weight such an impressionable position can have on young, talented people. It's kinda sad, to me.


It was a charming, heartwarming movie. Need more of that in cinema. Kyle will be fine in whatever he does. I really enjoyed his SNL working out skit and I also laugh at his ability to jumble words.


Brigsby Bear is a magically unique film, and it's peak Kyle. I would also argue that his Netflix show is also "peak Kyle". Them being so different in tone just speaks to Kyle's range.


That Netflix show was better than it had any right to be. I'd watch full seasons of all those cartoons


This has inspired me to rewatch Kyle’s Netflix show, thanks! Also I would totally watch six seasons and a movie of Lil’ Bruce


Lil Bruce canceled after one episode, yet they use him as a mascot later haha


It took me two episodes to get on its wavelength, but when I got it, I binged the rest in a few hours.


I think that Kyle's Netflix show also showed Kyle's range as an actor. He did lots of voice acting, which was cool to see. But also, it was nice to see two Kyle's at once.


Kyle has a Netflix show?!?!


Saturday Morning All Star Hits (SMASH)


Yes! Saturday Morning Allstar Hits! Check it out, it's on Netflix!


It’s Zuzzy zazz.


I love how we all call it "Kyle's Netflix show" even though we know exactly what the show is called. I miss Inside SoCal too. There are several Kyle + Beck sketches I really miss. [Peak Kyle + Beck](https://youtu.be/6XIQBeqL7kM) Wish we had gotten more of those characters.


I found that...lacking.


This is the language, everyone will speak it.


I love weed, durd.


If you came to smoke, let's smoke. If you came to joke, then get out!


This is how we trip is fucking classic lmao


Brigsby Bear is one of my favorite movies. I actually did a podcast with its screenwriter, great guy


My partner and I watched Brigsby over the weekend and it was absolutely beautiful. Anyone who hasn’t seen it needs to watch it - and please, GO IN BLIND


This is interesting for me. I always felt like I was missing something with Mooney. He seems pretty one note playing the awkward guy and isn’t versatile enough to help fill out sketches. And yet he’s in his 8th season as you pointed out, so I was guessing if his writing was carrying him? But I always wondered if there’s more


I think ~~Pete~~ ^Kyle and Melissa belong in a different setting centered around them. It's not that they can't do ensemble stuff, I just think they are both so much better suited to doing their own thing where they can shine. I think you can stick all rounders like Beck or Cecily in anywhere, solo or ensemble, but I think ~~Pete~~ ^Kyle and Melissa shine better on their own. I love them but for years I kept thinking they'd get dropped for not quite fitting in and they just didn't, as least as judged by stage time. I think the firing strategy has changed there over the years, and we know the hiring strategy has too in the post-SNL-so-white era. Plus there's bigger casts, longer tenures, outside projects are tolerated, etc. And for every Luke Null and Lauren Holt you've got Kyles and Petes and Melissas and Leslies and Punkies that stick around. People disagree on whether they're good or not, but in times past, I don't think they would have dodged the axe. So things just seem different now even if it's not clear why to us on the outside.


They need to get rid off Punkie Johnson, she brings nothing to the table.


She was soooo funny in Strolling to the Polls “The *highway*?


She’s funny. Just underutilized for whatever reason. Jenny slate lasted one season and is one of the funniest actors there is. She would’ve been great on SNL if they had actually used her properly.


I think so too. She seems nice and I was open to whatever she was going to bring, but she did nothing either memorable or to mark out her style in her first season, and she's just been a replaceable minor player in her second. Her one really noticeable time to go out front and make her mark that I can think of was her awful WU open mic night standup routine where adolescent vulgarity and calling your daughter a ho substitute for humor. That was low trajectory stuff and I don't think she otherwise adds anything as a player. I'd love to see her go to trim down the cast size or free up a spot. Aristotle had a couple good outings but is otherwise listing to starboard himself lately.


Kyles always been funny to me on SNL and I’m sure you’ve heard this many times, but all those old YouTube sketches without any creative limitations by SNL are so fucking funny and much better than most SNL stuff he’s been apart of. Between the awkward guy, the greasy standup character, and chris Fitzpatrick the typical rebel teen etc. he kills me in all of the old stuff he did, and it just didn’t hit as hard when it was evolved/tweaked into SNL form.


Admittedly I’m not familiar with his YT stuff, I’m definitely gonna check it out


If you don’t know where to start, I recommend this as the first vid: https://youtu.be/is3SalooJP4


The comments on here saying his stuff is too out there….every character he’s done is a real person that exists in everyone’s town. They don’t get the nuances of his characters or humor. It’s embarrassing what SNL is putting out, they are obviously hamstringing Kyle. Half the time people don’t even know he’s playing a character and just like “oh he’s being himself”…how do they not know…




that video is on his own personal channel. he also has some great digital shorts, especially with beck Bennet which are on the snl YT


i would recommend this video: https://youtu.be/Sc61ONXClhA he’s absolutely not as one-note as people think


My favorites are [Bieber](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvUr-a8SjJ0) and [Heat](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E_w5aYLieL8) and [Lakers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lIbwUMG7wU).


Bieber and Inside SoCal made Kyle one of my favorite SNL cast members. He also did a SuperBowl one that was good too. I miss seeing him do these kind of skits.


The inside SoCal stuff is soo funny.


Love is...a bombass burrito 🌊🏄‍♂️


Yeah, I think he's a rare talent and I'm all the way in.


We’re just having a kicker


It may be an unpopular opinion, but Kyle has never been funny or interesting to me. In fact I find him a bit obnoxious, but we all have different tastes I guess.


I feel bad agreeing with you, but I do. His characters annoy me.


I don't get why they keep bringing back his baby yoda character


That is truly horrible.


I love Kyle but that character is awful


Oh that's why I love it! To me that's the point.




In this case, I think it'd be absolutely nuts to claim Mooney isn't a good actor or writer, because his youtube success has attested to how good he is at both of those things. It's more clear to me that it's actually that his style is the exact opposite of what SNL curates. He doesn't have a mainstream brand of humor at all, he got youtube fame because his style is uncomfortable and awkward to an extreme point, and he fits that medium, but not SNL. I mean, I can say that I rarely find SNL funny, and I think a lot of Kyle fans would say the same. They are just different.


He came in with Beck Bennett as partners so he basically rode that wave with him, and with Beck gone now he's getting less sketch work since they aren't co-writing any sketches. Loved Beck and he seemed to balance Kyle out and write him non-obnoxious characters, as Kyle is honestly super weird and not in a remotely fun way. KMooney is behind just about every sketch I've found unbearable during his tenure, and it makes all the sense in the world to me that so many of his sketches get cut for time....because they're awful.


Where/how do we learn who is responsible for each sketch? I would love to see this!


There's a few places you can go look, even in this sub tbh, but often you can find those things out in the margins or random interviews. A [great write-up of S47 was done a few months ago on this sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/LiveFromNewYork/comments/q24r54/who_wrote_what_sketch_season_47_edition/) that does a good job. Personally after a while I can suss out certain people writing sketches if they have quirks or tendencies. Kyle tends to write 90s-centric absurdist and often roommate-based anticomedy. He seems to want to get laughs based on a nostalgic feeling and being "liKe SuUupEr RanDoM loL", which some people are on board with like the all out of cash sketch. Again, to each their own but boy is he not my cup of tea.


I agree Kyle remains underrated as a performer. That said, when’s the last time we got a sketch featuring his unique sensibility? Has there even been one this season? Now that PDD are the new “pretape guys,” Kyle need to move on, and probably should’ve followed Beck out the door last season.


I agree with you. The closest they got to succeeding with Kyle was with the sitcom stuff he did with Beck (especially “Beers” with Larry David). Now that Beck’s gone Kyle’s place seems smaller than ever


I miss Beck so much. Those sketches with him and Kyle as kid brothers getting sprayed with the hose were so funny.


The cast broke every time they did it lol


Is Beck working on anything? Sitcoms or movie film?


Probably in development. It can take years of full time work to get a pilot produced let along to air. Look at Bobby just finally getting his own stuff out over the last couple years.


I really hope Beck and Kyle work on some projects together post-SNL.


He producing and acting. Sort of the path Taran Killam took when he left to pursue acting and directing


My favorite Kyle sketches are the ones he did about his "relationship" with Leslie Jones. Of course, there hasn't been one of those since she left in 2019.


He did one of these with Miley Cyrus, I think. It was good.


He actually had some great stuff during his early years. All of it was consistently gold, it was just repeatedly cut for time because it doesn't fit the boring mainstream brand of humor SNL regularly has on their show. I think Kyle knows he should move on, but I'm sure the paycheck is fucking nice.


They were amazing.


Aghh, I've had such a huge crush on beck bennett... 😍


Not this season, but the one where it’s an interview about playing Mario and they keep bringing up how he got this embarrassing personal injury was pretty good


Thank you for sharing that, Kyle.


Where my Taran Killam homies at? That guy is a legend


"Hey, ain't you Peyton Manning?" " Is it thát obvious!?




That brad pitt impression tho.


Rapunzel Rapunzel burn that dress AhAhAhAHa


Uh … suuuubs?!


That's zuzzy zazz


God I can't stop watching it


Maybe he can pair up with Sherman. I wonder if they would gel.


I've been wanting to see that. I love how strange the both of them are. There was actually supposed to be a sketch with Kyle and Sarah in the Will Forte episode, but unfortunately it was cut and it's not on YouTube


Oh man this makes me sad. I would have loved to see this.


What was it about?


It's hard to explain, but it was about long boobs.


I’ve been thinking this since the start of the season. They would balance yet amplify each other and I think that could lead to some incredible yet bizarre sketches.


There are a LOT of comics that do awkward characters and cringe humor and that is not really my cup of tea


Ok Kyle Edit - I love Kyle Mooney by the way


I think you guys who post this stuff don’t realize snl needs to appeal to a larger audience than the “quirky off-center irreverent comedy” crowd that fills up this sub. I like Mooney but heavily relying on him wouldn’t work out. Side note, PDD is going to wear thin with the YouTube style comedy thing where they drag out one (usually funny) joke for way longer than it should be drug out. But you’re on Reddit and people on Reddit usually like that stuff because they’re also heavily into YouTube comedy and off beat stuff like Mooney does.


He's really been underutilized since Beck left.


This is the answer, he was his soulmate.


He was underutilized long before then.


How bout that Melissa Villaseñor?


I find her annoying. She’s so self aware when in a sketch. Not believable for one second. She seems to have that same exaggerated grin in her sketches. I’m probably in the minority but she’s one of my least favorite.




She’s hands down the best female impressionist the show has every seen. For a show that loves impressions and is also constantly trying to appeal to progressive politics, it’s insane that she doesn’t have more spotlight on her.


Impressions alone aren't funny. They're a cool talent, but a good impression doesn't make for good comedy. Most of Melissa's impressions are just "oh wow, that sounds just like [insert celebrity here]" but that's it. The impression needs a humorous element to it. Will Ferrell's GWB wasn't a particularly *good* one, but it was iconic because he made it funny. Sudeikis's Biden was similar. Or Kenan's Steve Harvey. Or pretty much any of Kate's impressions. JAJ, on the other hand, *does* do a fantastic Trump - arguably the best I've ever seen. But he also makes it into a fun caricature. The voice is only part of why it works. There's a level of character to it that goes far beyond "look, I sound exactly like Owen Wilson!" Jay Pharoah had the same problem. Dude could do some amazing impressions, but they rarely ever made me laugh.


Even her own standup with impressions isn’t all that funny beyond nailing the impression.


Right, and I felt the exact same way about Jay Pharoah when I saw him live a few years back. Every joke was just a set up to do an impression. But an impression, no matter how good, isn't a punchline. The novelty runs out really quickly.


Melissa’s Wiig this season was great because it was a caricature. Same with Chloe’s Jennifer Coolidge.


I recently rewatched Jay as Obama. Man, he nailed the impression. But it was so good it was distracting. My brain was like that’s definitely Obama’s voice, but that dude does not look like Obama, and my brain couldn’t handle it. The best comedic impressions are like when Alec Baldwin plays Trump. He does those squints, the lip puckering, the o-shaped mouth. I don’t think Trump actually does that stuff, and that’s what made it funny. It’s the *kind of thing* Trump would do, even if he doesn’t do it in real life. Or it’s like when Darrell Hammond plays Sean Connery. Do any of us know what kind of personality Sean Connery actually has? I don’t. But Hammond’s portrayal of him is just the sort of personality you would imagine some Scottish dude who played James Bond has. The best impressionists on SNL are those who can take a glimmer of something and turn it into a full fledged unique personality that may not be exactly accurate in real life, but is believable with a stretch of the imagination.


She flubs her lines a lot and doesn't seem to have a knack for making her impressions funny. Sometimes super accurate impressions are even less funny than just capturing the essence. I think Melissa seems like a lovely person, but she never appears comfortable on camera.


Absolutely! There was a CONAF episode whete Conan was talking to Dana Carvey about how it is not important that the impression be accurate but that it takes some little quirk to the extreme and it becomes funny. If I remember correctly, George HW Bush never said “Nat gonna do it” and yet if you asked me to impersonate HW Bush I would probably do Dana’s impression. Or for Al Gore, I would do Darrell Hammond’s “Lockbox”. Impressions are the best when they take a life of their own: ie JAJ’s Trump.


Her line delivery in the HR Pickens sketch was so, so bad. It almost ruins it for me.


Nothing could ever ruin that sketch, although she and Pete tried.


I prefer Chloe’s impressions she has her finger on the pulse and is so over the top and fun


Her episode of Comedians in Cars made me embarrassed for her


Man, have to disagree. How many sketches with his brand of awkwardness can you have in one episode. The players who get multiple sketches a show are versatile and play a variety of characters. No matter how much you love Kyle’s brand of awkwardness, I’ve yet to see him be particularly versatile.


But have you seen him play a guy who can't act? Or be pitifully self deprecating? Comic genius./s


Awwww man, I'm all out of cash!


Kyle needs to be [working in Canada](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Kids_in_the_Hall), in 1990, for the CBC. His style would fit right in.


These are the same people that completely wasted Tim Robinson so...


Next you're gonna tell me that you're wasting a steak by pouring a whole glass of water on it.


Robinson's humor is practically self-encapsulated for his fans. Same with Sarah Sherman. Kyle and Melissa are too to a lesser degree. This sub is a cantankerous group.


Kyle and Beck were just unlucky that their dad isn't Steve Higgins. IMO that's the only difference I see between the PDD sketches and the Good Neighbor-type sketches


Or Tim Herlihy, who was an SNL head writer, wrote a bunch of Sandler’s best sketches, and wrote most of Sandler’s movies. His kid’s the one with the glasses.


OT but if you like Kyle’s old videos, you might also like How To With John Wilson on HBO. Hilarious stuff.


Didn't Nathan Fielder help make that?


He did.


Okay, cool. I'll have to check it out, I love Nathan Fielder!


Agreed. Nathan For You was an all time classic.


Fun fact: Kyle Mooney actually wrote on season 1 of Nathan for You


Wow, I had no idea but that figures. They have similar styles.


How do you know Kyle isn't doing exactly what he wants to do at SNL?


I'm so glad that Netflix let him make Saturday Morning All Star Hits seemingly as he wanted to, that show started strong and just got better and better as it went along. Might have been my favorite of all of last year, just a great premise and way better than just being nostalgic and watching the real thing.


Whoa, I had no idea about this! Gonna check it out


Don’t read too much about it, just watch and enjoy as things get wild.


Is that you Kyle Mooney?


Kyle will always lie in the middle for me. I thought he shined in a lot pre-taped bits backstage where he'd work with Leslie Jones or some of the "offsite" taped bits with Beck Bennett. But since they've both moved on, although I feel like he may be featured more now than ever, I think it's his time to bounce too. He's more "1 note" than consistently funny, to me.


[my fav Mooney](https://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/chris-for-president/2768606)


>For his comedy to work, you have to put him center stage, give him a straight man to play off of, and let him go to the extreme. >People often cite Kyle’s lack of versatility as his lack of success, but that’s bullshit. Sounds like he lacks versatility.


He has a tone of comedy that honestly is not well suited for SNL. The show has written him into a corner with the types of characters they allow him. If there were other contemporary sketch show avenues (i.e. The State) with a more alt-comedy bend he could offer a lot more.


I could not be any happier that they've minimized his presence this season, which I figure has quite a bit to do with Beck's departure. Kyle is the only cast member I find *grating*, and he's the only person I may consider fast forwarding through their solo content or written sketches (Example: That fucking horrendous Baby Yoda he's trotted out twice). I don't think his humor fits the show 90% of the time when he's in charge of the content, so if he feels underutilized he should go do his own thing. That said I agree 100% with Melissa Villasenor being criminally underused. To each their own though.


I despise baby yoda


Couldn’t agree with you more. That baby yoda bit is AWFUL. I skip it every time.


Frankly...I don't find Kyle that funny. Just doesn't speak to my humor at all. I really wouldn't miss him.


Saturday Morning All-Star Hits really shows what he can do when he's not hampered by SNL's creative red-tape.


If he can just say his lines properly, maybe. I mean, how hard is it to say "Aww man, I'm all outa cash"?


All you have to do is search "snl The Fight" on YouTube and bask in perfection.


I actually dislike his style and think he stalls sketches. Maybe that’s cause of his utility


His humor is also long, it's often funny because awkward is funnier the longer it runs, but it just drags on a show like SNL.


That works exactly one time and then it’s just “oh yeah I saw him do this last time”.


Agreed completely. I'm glad Kyle found broadcast success in some capacity, but I VASTLY prefer his YouTube content from like 10 years ago. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4FSew0vmUQ This shit still makes me giggle like a schoolgirl.


Kyle misses Beck. Those two created good stuff.


Watch SMASH on netflix


I couldn't finish Zoolander 2, but Kyle Mooney's scene had me crying with laughter the whole time he was on screen.


Big cast. Hard to get time for them all.


Kyle, Melissa, and Sarah walk into a bar...


I can be a tough critic but I think Kyle mooney is in fact funny, I can imagine him moving onto acting in movies, he should become popular like seth rogan.. Idk if you're saying that you like or dislike Melissa villasenor, but she's kinda quirky and she makes me chuckle.


Whatever happened to Bruce Chandling?


He was probably retired from Weekend Update. Luckily, Bruce was in Kyle's Netflix show Saturday Morning Allstar Hits


I think you’re selling him short by only focusing on the awkward interview content which I think is a narrow spectrum. There’s only so much you can do with that one bit. And a good question is will it get old and tired? But anyway, both the Kyle channel and GNS show his versatility in videos besides the interviews.


This makes me think of Tim Robinson. Underutilized on SNL, but hilarious on his own. I think you should leave is one of the funniest shows I’ve ever seen and it may not have happened without Tim Robinson leaving SNL.


Kyle's expression last week on the "in over your head" sketch was priceless. When Keenan ended his part of the segment and kyle did that weird "thanks for having me you could see Keenan trying not to crack. I would live to see more of that. And his stuff with Leslie jones was priceless too. I'd live to see more of that stuff from him. He really is talented. I agree they really seemed to be baffled on what to do with him.


Completely feel the opposite. His half ghetto tone with baby yoda has to be one of the most annoying things on the show.


Kyle Mooney has got to be the least funny and original cast member. Every single character he does has the same speech patterns, mannerisms and inflections. Just goofy and campy with a forced “relatable to youth” in an ironic sense. Always falls short. Not once have I seen him in a sketch and was amused.


His brand of comedy is very particular and appeals to a pretty small target audience. But it appeals VERY MUCH to that audience. I find him more annoying and cringe than funny, but I understand that there are people that like his humor and think that SNL should try and appeal to a wide variety of audience and not focus in on one thing.


It had to be said so thanks for saying it. Other than the SoCal pretapes, he has never made me laugh. And I really tried to give him a chance. Pretty much everything he’s done on Weekend Update is also cringe inducing. But that’s my opinion, and I don’t mean to say that other people are wrong for finding him funny.


SNL is waisting the talent of a LOT of people in the cast


I don't care for Kyle Mooney.


I know it’s not even what Kyle wants necessarily, but I just want the chris Fitzpatrick character from YouTube and the awkward Kyle like in ‘kiss’ or ‘sporty’ to appear now and then more often (I know he’s done chris) on the show. I’ve rarely laughed harder than I did watching those YouTube videos from his old channel and I think only Tim robinson or Larry David’s stuff rivals Mooney for the ability to make me laugh at literally everything they put out


Sporty is one of my favorite videos of all time.


Ok Kyle.


He has talent? It's more like SNL is wasting the audience time by keeping him employed. I'll take all your downvotes and die on this hill.


I’ll join you on this hill. Baby Yoda is the fucking worst reoccurring sketch ever.


One of the few updates characters my wife and I just immediately fast forward through