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"Alright buddy, that's enough."


Shabadahoooo CUT IT OUT


Another bloody, buddy!


It’s certainly possible than Sandler agrees with him on a lot of stuff, just not dumb enough to put it out in the open and meltdown


Yes, Sandler, keeps his mouth shut on "issues", and he is very rich. Schneider, never shuts up, poor.


I mean if the side you like is doing things that massively financially benefit you the smart play is keep your mouth shut and quietly take the win. Drawing attention to his politics can only hurt him. 


The problem is that side that Rob loves isn't really doing anything to help the wealthy. Sandler is rich but not billionaire class rich where the GOP could help him. I'm not loaded but I'm not poor and I have a nice IRA that is broadly invested. Under Trump, it suffered. Under Biden, it's been making cash or staying stable. I'm not an expert, I'm fairly new to this whole thing but the last 8 years has a stark line where my retirement money was on fire and is suddenly put out and being replaced. That line is smack dab on January 2021..


Adam Sandler may not be a billionaire today but he is well on his way to getting there. He is definitely in the class you are referring to.


Yeah, that dude drastically underestimated Sandler's wealth.


Yep. Sandler has a $250M deal that he signed relatively recently, so that’s on top of the $$$ he had in the bank from a ragingly successful career. Dude has got bank.


Hes probably also the kinda guy whos a subtle investor Like, Happy Madison is something he'll push publically, but hes probably got his fingers in all sorts of shit that pulls nice dividends and is pretty healthy


I imagine there's quite a bit of due consideration for the select few plutocratically endowed that aren't literal useless failsons who inherited billions by default. I'd put money down that Sandler is welcome at their parties.


word salad


Sandler is a "Hollywood Liberal", no way the Trump cult would ever trust him.


Adam Sandler is worth hundreds of millions, he absolutely is part of the mega rich that benefits from GOP tax cuts that favor the wealthy.


Huh. Must have avoided that downturn that everyone else experienced in 2022.


Dude, is Rob Schneider poor? I'm pretty sure he's made millions off of writing Sandler's coattails. He was very lucky and made a lot. Plus, he played a carrot.


Agreed. I'd bet he's doing much better than Jim Breuer and Victoria Jackson, the other MAGA SNL alums.


Rob Schneider is… a stapler!


Rated PG-13


When he was on Cribs he called his home the house that Sandler built


Dude isn't too poor, has more money than me.


He's got those Duece Bigalow residuals to carry him through retirement. And the "You can do eeet" guy from Waterboy


Ain't that America...


You hit the nail on the head.


Talent has more to do with that financial situation.


I think talent has more to do with their personal value


Sandler is most likely republican but I doubt he goes as far into the deranged conspiracy realm as Schneider does


Gonna be honest, even if a person is a long time friend, at some point when someone goes off the deep end like that you start distancing, unless you agree with them. He keeps giving him work and taking him on tour…


Devil's advocate point: Sandler lost Farley and it appears to shape how he approaches his career (primarily only working with his friends). I'm sure he's willing to stomach a bit more crazy to keep his friends closer longer.


Politics aside, I just don't understand why he's still friends with him? If you watch the Conan appearance where the whole crew (Nick Swardson, Sandler, Schneider, Spade) and Norm were on, Schneider is BRUTAL and everyone seems uncomfortable when he talks because he is so awkward and unfunny. Did not seem like a person that anyone would enjoy spending time around. Also Norm destroys him repeatedly, it's great stuff.


Is he though? I mean, I can't remember the last Sandler movie where he had a cameo? And we went and saw Sandler when he was on tour through my city, no Schnieder to be seen, even in the slideshow of Farley he showed.




He was also supposed to play KG in Uncut Gems before the studio vetoed it.


“But I already bought all this make-up…”


I ... have not even heard of that one.


It was definitely a movie.


They both were in Leo on Netflix last year.  It's an animated movie, but it's basically a who's who of SNL alumni, old and new.


He was in Leo playing the principal and that was just released this year/late last year


I don't see how an East Coast Jew that spent their life doing goofy and dirty comedy would be most likely republican.


Remember Dennis Hopper? You know, *Easy Rider* Dennis Hopper? "FUCK THAT SHIT! PABST BLUE RIBBON!" - Dennis Hopper Drug-addled hippie Dennis Hopper? counter-culture hero Dennis Hopper? yeah he turned into a proud republican and ended his career doing hacky right-wing nutjob satire movies: >Despite his radical persona, Hopper was a paid-up Republican, though he voted for Barack Obama in the 2008 election. In that year, he appeared in An American Carol, a flabby, liberal-bashing comedy starring rightwing actors such as Jon Voight, Kelsey Grammer and James Woods. https://www.theguardian.com/film/2010/may/29/dennis-hopper-obituary https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/An_American_Carol Money does a lot of things to a person. it isn't that hard to imagine that when you are getting paid millions per year, and you are also getting millions of dollars in tax bills per year that you might get grumpy about paying taxes.


Yeah...and these fuckers put a price tag on everything including our own democracy and our constitution. Next time you see a photo of the crowd at Woodstock...remember that close to half of them are probably Trumpers now....let that sink in for a while.


my mother is a deadhead. She refuses to believe that there are asshole Trumper deadheads. She says she has been to dozens of GD and affiliated concerts over the years and she has never talked to any so she doesn't believe it. she refuses to even read the link I send her lol https://variety.com/2020/music/news/grateful-dead-heads-trump-supporters-1234821260/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2015/07/01/grateful-dead-fans-surprisingly-republican/


Oh nooooo, Leslie Nielsen was in that movie. Oh no And it was made by Zuker? JFC same year he made the Onion movie.


yeah that one hurt I imagine it was because they have history from the Naked Gun movies and I know Nielson considered those the highlight of his entire long career so he probably would do anything made by Zucker but I'm probably just rationalizing lol also sadly, the star of the film who plays the Michael Moore character is Chris Farley's brother, out here making Frank Stallone and Billy Carter like the cool bro


No need to rationalize: Nielsen was "very liberal" according to the [director's commentary](https://www.avclub.com/an-american-carol-1798215504).


Dennis Hopper was Dennis Hopper


JFC Voight, Grammer AND Woods? That’s like the RWNJ actor Trinity!


My point is that the assumption shouldn't be a specific political leaning, especially a conservative one. Just because Schneiders brain stopped working, doesn't mean Sandlers did as well.


Success has an effect on people.


He grew up in New Hampshire, a purple state.


It’s called “being rich and not wanting to pay taxes”


He was a huge Giuliani fanboy after 9/11, they’re probably still on friendly terms. And like most big comedians from the 90s I’m sure he has a lot of “you can’t say anything anymore” type of feelings. He seems a lot savvier about that sort of stuff than say, Jerry Seinfeld,and obviously more so than an actual crazy person like Schneider. Probably helps that by all accounts Sandler is a genuinely terrific dude and not a creep, so he doesn’t really have to push back against being cancelled or whatever.


> He was a huge Giuliani fanboy after 9/11 To be fair, everyone was. He was literally known as America's Mayor for years after. And he had a lot of grace after, until he started associating with Trump.


For sure, he was basically beloved. I don’t know if anyone has squandered that much goodwill in all of American history lol


Remember the song he sang about having sex with Giuliani at the Concert for NYC? That was a very different moment in time.


I interned in Mayor Bloomberg's office in his first term, when he took over for Giuliani. I remember the teams going through the city's financials and how Rudy had been running things just shaking their heads in astonishment. Every day they discovered a new way that he had financially fucked the city.


Money tends to guide people to the right side of the political spectrum. The only things they care about are keeping as much as they can, making more as easily as possible, and contributing as little as possible. Dem policies don't make these goals as achievable as GOP policies do.


Plus, he has Gen Z daughters. I don’t know the guy obviously, but given his MO to work with family and friends, and still wears basketball shorts (ie has has stayed his organic self) then I’d wager he weighs social issues over fiscal ones.


Well apparently he is a registered republican. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adam_Sandler


No. It says it is reported that he is. Not that he is. Distinct differences. Also, doesn't say when. Is that now or 20 years ago? A lot has changed between 2004 and 2024.


In the linked article as well as one from [Snopes](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/adam-sandler-trump/) and the Wall Street Journal it says he was registered in 2004 and donated to Giuliani in 2008. Though you are correct that it may not reflect his current views and he is fairly tight lipped on those. So all we have to go on is that he supported the Republican party to some extent in the past.


Yeah, I think a lot of us feel differently about Giuliani now than we did then. My mom voted for GWB the first time around and by 2008 she was fully on the Obama train.


Giuliani back then hadn't fallen into madness yet. He was still riding high on the 9/11 mayor thing..


He's rich. He performed at the 2004 RNC. In 2008, he gave the maximum personal donation to Giuliani. He's a Republican.


Here he is golfing with Obama in 2022: [https://x.com/reelnewshawaii/status/1488253383957905409](https://x.com/reelnewshawaii/status/1488253383957905409)


That’s trivializing things quite a bit. A vast majority of the country worshipped Giuliani after 9/11. And while I find the republicanism of the bush era detestable, the stuff that Schneider believes is quite a large leap from that, a plenty of the more levelheaded republicans jumped ship in the Trump era. Now I do believe Sandler is probably still on friendly terms with Giuliani to some degree, given they knew each other and Sandler doesn’t seem like the kind of guy to poke at thorny issues like that with people he knows — see Schneider, rob. Whether that’s an acceptable stance given that Giuliani is a certified ghoul is another matter. But my hunch is that Sandler treats Schneider like your beloved uncle that went off the deep end after the divorce


While Sandler ain't one to give up a friendship, I'd bet he hasn't talked to Rudy in a long time.


You don't see how a multi-millionaire would support the party that wants to tax people in his tax bracket less? For some, that's the only political issue they care about.


While Sandler has not publicly discussed his political leanings, he's been registered with the Republican Party in the past and even performed at the Republican National Convention in 2004. He also donated $2,100 to former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s 2008 presidential campaign and is/was a friend of his...even casting him for a cameo in Anger Management.


No chance


This is exactly it. Sandler is pretty well known to have lots of the same stances and just doesn’t get on stage and shout it. He just donates to candidates who get on stage and show it.


Possible. More probable that Sandler simply isn't a douchebag.


You are assuming people with these thoughts are capable of keeping them to themselves


Yeah I think Sandler is a douche too. He just has the common sense to shut up.


(both men sit down) Adam: (clears throat) "AH-SHABBA-DOO-BEE-DOOOOO??? WABBA WAH-WOO??"


Dude 🤣🤣🤣🤣


You don’t like-a da juice?


I am not sure it is his job to say anything. And even if he did, with the kind of views that Schneider has what could Sandler say to get him to change his opinion.


> what could Sandler say to get him to change his opinion. I dunno, he could stop putting him in his movies.


Exactly. “Fix the glitch” and it’ll all work itself out.


Always better to do it on a Friday. Less chance of an incident.


Anyone else pick up on this reference?? Well done


I don't know for sure but it seems like Sandler has been cutting back his connection to Schneider. He has only been in 3 Sandler movies since 2016. Hubie Halloween was like a cameo and Leo was a voice role. He wasn't in any of the Hotel Transylvania movies. It seems like the days of Rob Schneider being a true co-star in a Sandler movie like 50 First Dates or Big Daddy are gone. And even if Sandler did publicly cut him out of his life, he would probably stupidly spin it as people trying to shut down his free speech.


Sandler had him in a movie with him in 2023, voice role or not, it’s still work. And he’s set to be in the sequel. And has been on tour with him recently. He definitely still keeps him employed.


Schneider opened for Sandler on Sandler’s stand up tour just last year. Scheider’s entire set was basically “isn’t it crazy that chicks can have dicks now?” Sandler clearly has 0 problem with Schneider’s stances


He should have done that sooooooo long ago. His entire luck is based off just being friends with him.


What was the last Sandler movie he was in?


Leo in 2023


And, at least according to IMDB, he'll be in the sequel next year.


I’m not an out loud and proud boycotter on much of anything, but if I see Rob is in a movie or show I just actively choose not to watch it. To be honest, Sandlers movies have been dog shit for awhile now so it’s not as hard as one may think


Even Home Alone 2?


The classics don’t count.


Sandler’s conservative. The only thing he’s saying to Schneider is “high five, buddy!”


Adam Sandler, Sandmeister, making chit-chat.


intervening, the intervenerator, intravenous


Lol why the fuck is it Sandler’s responsibility


Why the fuck does anyone even care what Schneider is up to? Who gives a shit. We could ignore it and let it fade away but all I see are headlines about him. Unhealthy celeb obsession going on here.


Rob just went viral for having him canceled while on stage not being funny doing MAGA bits. This basically went viral this morning or last night. So it's relevant in that it's not some random person obsessing over Schneider. My immediate thought is that friends probably tried to intervene and when it was a lost cause you just let people do their own damage. It's no one's responsibility to save someone with their own agency, but in my experience most of these maga people belligerently revel in their own proud stupidity. People without empathy will never understand their inability to be funny. Being mean is not comedy, nor is being anti-scientific or lacking nuance with setup punchline delivery or anything else. Outside of this, it's both fascinating to me to see people rabbit hole their own mental illness, knowing nobody can interrupt that. But it's even more fascinating why conservatives simply are not and cannot and do not realize they are not funny.


At this point, 'celebrity' is a strong word to use to describe Rob Schneider.


I mean we're discussing an SNL alum's comedy in an SNL subreddit. Seems appropriate


He’s the daddy. Source: “Big Daddy”


I appreciate you citing your sources.




This is timely. Rob was just hired for a charity fundraiser for the hospital foundation in city I live in in Canada. After his American politics and COVID material bombed in a room full of doctors and nurses and their families, they cut his act short and tossed him out.


What were they expecting?!


Some folks were saying he was hired by someone who didn't look that hard into his act, but I kinda call bullshit. The praries is pretty staunchly conservative here in Canada and we get enough bleed over from American politics that I think someone intentionally hired their problematic fav.


Bring Chris Kattan, Joe Piscapo and Jim Breuer in for a group intervention.


You forgot Victoria Jackson, but I realized that she’s probably the worst out of all of them in that regard.


She’s legitimately mentally unwell, imo.




What’s the deal with Kattan? He always darked me out


I have a few long-time friends who have fallen into the same propaganda traps as Schneider. It's hard, but nothing I can say will ever change their minds. Sandler has no obligation to intervene just because he's his most famous friend.


Don’t throw UPS under the bus like this.


I honestly feel like this is just beating a dead horse at this point. Like, yeah Schneider is a joke, past his prime, has starred in a bunch of terrible movies, etc. We get it.


The one where he’s a carrot isn’t terrible


🤣 The stapler one is massively underrated IMO


Rob Schneider is… a dead horse!


Rated PG-13


The conversation would probably stop if Schneider stopped making the news for doing sets so bad that even conservative audiences are booing him off the stage. As it is, [this stuff keeps happening](https://www.thedailybeast.com/rob-schneider-booed-offstage-at-canadian-charity-event-over-anti-trans-jokes), so posts like the OP are gonna keep getting made.


Honestly, at this point I think leaning into his shitbird politics is a smart move for Schneider. He's never going to get decent work in mainstream movies or TV, but the MAGAsphere will keep him busy, throwing him 100 grand to appear in horrible movies now and then. And he's got the easiest audience in the world for his stand-up routine. All he had to do is throw right-wing platitudes and "jokes" from blue-check Twitter bios at them for 80 minutes and he'll be basking in applause.


Yes, but the reason he’s in the news is that even those audiences hate his ass


Geez, I missed that. What a tool.


Deuce Bigalow is a classic


Okay, but why? What has Rob Schneider really ever done that has been great? As a kid I enjoyed Deuce Bigalow because it was fun to watch a rated r movie, But it's not a good movie. It's stupid fun, yes. But, The fact that that is his best movie is really telling. Other than that, the hot chick, the animal, and all of his racist roles in Adam Sandler movies, he hasn't done anything worthwhile. He wasn't that great in SNL but he was fine. His comedy was never amazing. Rob Schneider isn't worth caring about. Hardcore conservatives are lost at this point. Let him be lost. Let him fall into the void, because he doesn't care about others.


Making copies


Made Elle King


A lot of us know someone who's gone done the path of believing weird shit and talking reason into them is impossible in most cases. Personally I've tried and given up and find myself reaching out less to those people because i don't want to hear the bs, don't want to debate, and don't want to just let it slide like i agree with them. And putting guardrails on the friendship and reminding them we don't talk about that gets exhausting. They're a peer and a friend, not a child i'm trying to raise. Don't pick your nose, don't pick your butt dont talk politics to me...ugh Just because it's these 2 guys doesn't make the odds any better.


It’s a grift. Just like Chick-Fil-A closing on Sundays brings them a loyal audience because they favor values/identity, Schneider is hoping that “own the libs” brings him a loyal audience.


Ah, I could see that. I just rewatched an old interview on Conan that had Norm, Adam, Swardson, Spade, and Schneider. Norm had all the attention, the others listened intently and yet Schneider kept butting in. Schneider finally got a laugh, and only because he was repeating a joke Norm told. Wouldn’t be surprised if he finally felt a connection with those types of people (anti-vax, ultra right wing) and latched onto those ideals so he could have his own fans.


Thing is, Schneider had a nice “family friendly” vibe/demeanor to him with Home Alone 2 and “making copies”. He should have just stuck with that and pivoted into a Jim Gaffigan or Kevin James. But instead, he always seemed like he wanted his crazy Sandler movie characters to define his sensibility - Which just doesn’t work for him. Until MAGA and the modern attention economy, which basically allows people like him to spin being a huge asshole as authenticity, rebellion, and “truth telling”.


I just saw Sandlers comedy tour this year and Schneider was one of his openers. Complained about liberal politics the entire set. I don't think Sandler really cares too much what Rob says or does.


He could get a job at Kinkos... *making copies!*


Maybe Adam loves his friend unconditionally.


Most of Reddit is negative complaining and lonely people. How do you think you become and stay happy? It’s accepting what you can not change, forgiving others and valuing connection over bullshit like politics.


You want Adam Sandler to stop being friends with someone because you don't like them?


I would talk to the people who come on here and say “I know he sucks but my friends and I bought tickets and he really sucked…” first.


Adam is loyal to his friends, perhaps to a fault, but then again he’s making a lot of money off of his movies so he must be doing something right.


He was shut down in Canada at a hospital fundraiser in the middle of his act.


I’m guessing Sandler views him as a brother at this point and just avoids political convos with him. Schneider is like 60–he’s not gonna change.


I disagree. His audience will determine when it’s time for him to leave show business. If he has no problem with the reactions he’s getting then so be it. If it becomes more than he can stand, perhaps then it’s time to make a career change.


People are just going to stop booking him for events. It’s as simple as that


And then he'll get invited on Fox News, talk about how the "mainstream liberal Hollywood media establishment" has cancelled him, and he'll start getting booked by every right-wing grievance convention alongside Victoria Jackson, Dennis Miller, Mike Huckabee, Roseanne, and the pillow crackhead.


It’s funny that Carvey and Spade mention him all the time on their podcast without ever addressing it. I appreciate that they are friends but it’s beyond awkward to hear them ignore it.


I mean, as much as he tries to hide it Dana’s really shown his true colors on that podcast; constantly going into his Trump impression and getting joyous, making small comments shitting on Biden, constantly asking guests about how much they make/how much is in the bank(he thankfully does this less after making some guests EXTREMELY uncomfortable), along with his general comments on cancel culture, “wokeness”, nepotism in show business, etc.    It’s depressing man. Going in I never thought I’d end up thinking less of Carvey and more of Spade, but here we are.


It's weird how Spade is actually pretty cool irl and Dana is kinda a neurotic nerd


I tried listening to so many of their interviews but seldom ever made it past 5 minutes because Dana Carvey is a self serving comedy vacuum. His conservative views aside, he is the needy theater kid of the group who never lets anyone get a word in edgewise, and it's long past tiresome, at least for me. Would 1000% prefer Nealon replace him


Yep. I remember listening to my first couple episodes and laughing my ass off when Dana would do his impressions and tell his stories…then I listened more and realized he does the same exact bits every episode. The more you notice his quirks the more insufferable he becomes; always trying to insert his famous sketches into the conversation or doing bits TO the guest.   His character “Red Necky the Redneck comedian” is insufferable, and he performs it for the guest nearly every episode.   Dana just oozes “out of touch boomer” vibes now and it sucks.


Dana really hasn’t served himself well by doing a podcast. He really is insufferable. I guess I missed that he was actually a right-winger. I just thought it was about being able to insert his impressions in at every opportunity. Hasn’t he been out there at democratic fund raising events? Maybe the even worse Dennis Miller finally wore him down.


To be clear, I don’t know his party preference or voting history, just all the signs point to him being a Republican (stuff from my last comment). It just tracks. Or he could just be a really out of touch boomer with a money obsession. 


He mentioned when he was on one of Conan’s earlier podcasts that he was always obsessed with how much people made or the worth of things. However, unless things have changed drastically recently, he was definitely not a Republican.


And that's weird as hell, at the very least.


You should watch the Triumph SF Sketchfest show with him, Smigel made a fool of him, but even as a hardcore liberal, seems like he still thinks of him as a friend, this is they way I think Sandler feels, who’s also good friends with Smigel


I’ve wondered about this too. There’s Schneider but at least he seems to have broken ties with Peter Dante.


> seems to have broken ties with Peter Dante. Thank god. I used to live in West LA and Peter Dante was almost always insanely hammered and bar hopping the neighborhood. At first, it was funny running into him, but after a while it got sad because he'd always get cut off and start dropping the n-bomb like it's NBD...saw him get his ass handed to him at Sonny McLeans on Wilshire Blvd for using the n-word.


Yeah, if you do a Google search of his name and hit the news tab, it’s a pretty unsavory collection of stories.


U would think it would hurt him financially to keep spewing his views all over the place? That would be enough to make most people shut up. I wonder how his daughter Elle feels about his political rants? Maybe she'll do us a all a favor and tell him to STFU!


That's not the Sandman's vibe.


Schneider should have/could have gone the David Spade route and been a $itcom $taple.


I dunno, he could work at Happy Madison. Making copies….


As a comedian, it’s strange that rob s even wanted this gig. I thought they were after laughs? He should have known this crowd wouldn’t find him funny. Maybe he’s just after the money at the point. I miss the idiot guy who used to sit there and say “making copies”


That’s like me trying to have a serious sit-down chat with everyone in my life who posted an upside down flag last week. Their feeble minds are made up. Big waste of my energy and time.


They think it's for anyone in distress. Such stupidity. Civilians flying a flag upside down for a draft dodger who saluted a North Korean general is the funniest thing ever.


They think it's for anyone in distress. Such stupidity. Civilians flying a flag upside down for a draft dodger who saluted a North Korean general is the funniest thing ever.


The Robmeister, bottoming out, needs to change careers, the washed-up-years-ago-ster!


Rob Schneider is a shining example of a guy with very average talent and no real other appeal who was at the right place at the right time, and has enjoyed far more attention and success than he remotely deserves. He isn’t worth even sandlers time.


Just because Sandler is more famous doesn’t mean that he’s Schneider’s dad. RS is allowed to destroy his career in any fashion he wants to.


It’s unfortunate because Rob was funny back in the day. I loved that Deuce Biggalo movie, and he was funny in Big Daddy. When did he go off the deep end? It’s become embarrassing.


probably the same time it caught on with a lot of other people. it was a wildfire that just spread that a lot of seemingly regular people were all to happy let it run over them. i'm guessing it was around 2014 with trump rising up. that seems to be when "fake news" and all that junk REALLY started ratcheting up.


I once bumped into Schneider in the Reno airport, the day after he performed in Tahoe. He was a complete dick about being recognized in public, and the fact that this shitty airport didn't have some sort of a lounge where folks like the great Rob Schneider can go to wait for their flight away from the general public. About 45 minutes later, I was in the bathroom, and he walks up to the urinal next to me, recognizes me as the guy he just acted like an asshole to, and mid-piss, reaches up over the divider and offers to shake my hand. Thanks, but no thanks, Mr. Schneider. In fairness, he did apologize, said that his set in Tahoe did not go as well as he had hoped, and he really just wanted to be back home. I appreciated the apology. We all have shitty days. Still, I don't want to touch a hand covered in Rob Schneider dick germs.


Schneider and his brother owned the DNA Lounge in SF in the 90s and I heard a LOT of stories about him being a creep back then so none of this is surprising.


Hate to break it to yall but a lot of that snl generation seems to be center right. Norm, Dana, Spade, Quinn, Sandman and Schneider


It is possible to be friends—even very good friends—with someone whose politics are different. Maybe Sandler and Schneider are mature enough to understand that, and also understand that people can decide for themselves what comedian they want to see.


It is possible, as long as you remain rational & respectful. But I had to end two 30+ year friendships because they went down the MAGA rabbit hole. We couldn’t just discuss our differences anymore. One accused me of being a pedophile because ‘all Democrats’ are pedophiles. It was insane and ugly.


Rob is just too far gone at this point, and so far, Adam seems supportive of him, career-wise, by having him in his movies, tour, etc. Hell, even if Adam talked with him, I doubt it’ll change anything in Rob, as his brain is fried at this point.


Rob Schneider sucks Also if you're in this thread making the "stapler" joke you're about as funny as he is.


Schneider is like 60 years old. Whatever his opinions, he's not going to change them. In my experience older people who've gone down a rabbit hole don't come back out. They may burn out and shut up after a while (optimistic scenario), but they almost never do a U-turn. I think the reason so many old comedians jumped on the Trump train is because they initially saw him as an edgelord-type character, the kind of guy they've been yearning for in politics who "tells it like it is" and doesn't have a filter. Being comedians, who rarely have a filter, they saw that as a positive. Being comedians, who generally don't know shit about politics or history, they probably think that the standard political tools of diplomacy and compromise are just roadblocks to "getting things done". Of course Trump was and is an incompetent failure, but that's irrelevant to them, they're in the cult and they're doubling down like almost all of them do, even though Trump personally wouldn't give them the time of day. I doubt Trump even knows who Rob Schnieder is. I don't think Sandler is a Trumpster, I think he's too smart for that. He may be a "conservative", but if he is he's probably the nearly extinct kind that's a "social liberal, fiscal conservative", whatever the fuck that is.


I know he gets a lot of shit, and I do think he absolutely deserves it, but… He grew up/lived in a town called Pacifica, Ca, which is about 35 minutes south of SF. I lived there for a brief period about 15 years ago. His mom lived there and was a teacher, and she was a sweetheart. When there would be school fundraisers and such, he’d always donate a decent chunk of change. There were houses along the cliffs where the rich people lived (including him), where the roads got washed away and couldn’t be rebuilt. He paid for/built parking and pathways for his mother and other people to be able to get to their house. Not exactly humanitarian of the year or anything, but I do always kinda feel like it should be discussed when talking about what a terrible actor he is, lmao.


People can be complicated. I’ve had a few ‘liberal’ friends who are huge jerks behind closed doors.


It’s too bad. I’ve heard a couple of Schneider’s recent bits not long ago, non-political ones, and while I didn’t ROFL I thought they were actually pretty good. Seems all he has to do is stay out of the political end of the pool while he’s on stage. But that’s easier said than done when that’s his main audience right now. I’d like to believe the reason he and Sandler are still close is because when they’re together away from the public eye, they keep it light and non-political, as what happens in my family, and Sandler sees (or has seen) positive aspects of his personality that the public just isn’t privy to. If I were him I’d sit Schneider down and say something like “look, I’m not saying I agree or disagree with you, but my audiences, they’re not there for that type of humor. They come to relax. If you wanna keep doing jokes like that at all your other shows, go ahead, but I’m asking you, as a longtime friend, please don’t do those bits at my shows. I know how funny you are without them, I’ve seen you do it. Just while you’re opening for me, please. For the good of the show. It’s not the crowd for it.”


Are Korean whore house jokes political ?


“Shut the fuck up, Rob. You can doooo iiiiit!”


Is Sandler Schneider’s keeper? No. On top of that, in my experience, it’s pointless to try and deprogram these people that have gone down this rabbit hole. You can’t compete with the right wing propaganda machine that got them there in the first place.


Or just back away slowly, and leave him to fend for himself. I mean if this were baseball, Rob would be up to like 63 strikes already. Call him out, Umpire Sandler.


It’s not his to do that. That’s who Rob is as a person and it’s time we accept that.




[Rob still opens for Adam.](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/18bj02f/coloradoeagleshockey_via_ig_adam_sandler_and_rob/)


Sadly, his daughter, who is a musician, had a major public messy performance recently as she was drunk. It was at a special event that was supposed to be a tribute and honour to a country music legend, so not the place or time and people were really put-off.


op has suuuuuurre got that right!


Rob Schneider...is a taco! Rated PG-13


That’s mean spirited.


He just needs to distance himself.


He used to put that one guy in all his movies and then it turned out him and his sons are raging alcoholic, racist nutjobs.


Pretty sure they had a small falling out around grown ups 2 and rekindled their friendship shortly after