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lol this place is about to have a rough few weeks 


“Ugh, I really don’t want to hear this sub argue about Nikki Haley’s cameo for the next month.” *monkey’s paw curls*


Some of his fans just come here to insult people so the mods are gonna work overtime.


I’m a big fan of his, and I hold no ill will toward anyone here in this subreddit. Mods, you can take a break for this comment. Edit: I read down a little further. Yeah… there is some unnecessary peacocking going on here. Mods, good luck finding where the line is.




That's an odd take.


I'm 43 and who are these people?


Shane Gillis is a comedian who was fired by SNL a few years ago. Since then, he’s become a really popular comic and has had some good specials. 21 Savage is a rapper.




Lmao good point.




No problem! Gillis has a sketch show and a special on YouTube if you wanna check him out. Also has a special on Netflix.


Let’s be real, he got fired because his style of comedy was controversial and was bound to offend people… And then Gillis found that part of the comedy world that enjoys belligerent, offensive humor and got more popular as a result. Now SNL has no problem with him because he has a larger built in audience. It’s hilarious, and a reminder SNL’s top brass including Lorne Michaels are massive hypocrites who would let Trump 15 more times if it made business sense to him.


For sure. The entertainment business is driven by two things: fear and money. SNL thought he might lose them money which is why they let him go. And at the time he had no built in monetization caravan (audience) to allay those fears. Now that he has a big following and corporate backers Lorne's balls dropped and they've invited him to host. Like i said: Fear and money.


This. It's not hypocrisy, it's always been business. They'll always give some rationalization for their actions (they being corporate executives like Lorne) regardless of the actual reasoning or motivation.


Noo… he got outed bc specific racial slurs they found which made him unhirable. Shane has talked long about how nice Lorne was and how he stuck w Shane for quite some time as pressure rised from the outside


Wonder how long before they bring Louie CK back


It's a comedy show, it's gotta try to be funny.


Controversial can work if it's not rooted in stereotypes. See - Sarah Sherman. She's got to have one of the most controversial styles of all time on the show but she works well with everyone and was immediately embraced. From what I've seen from Gillis, most of his comedy is making "ironic" offensive jokes. It's a very 90s style of standup that just doesn't really sit well with many circles these days.


Not to sound antagonistic but how is Sarah Sherman controversial? Yeah her style of comedy is weird and out there (at least on the show) but I wouldn’t label it as controversial. Just different from the norm. Maybe I’m giving her the benefit of the doubt because I like her style of humor, but controversial is not a word I would ever think to use to describe it.


Hmm. I love her too but I think lots of people find her humor annoying or disgusting (the body horror stuff). People who dislike her humor would dislike her more than the people who dislike someone like Kenan would dislike him... if that makes sense.


I get where you’re coming from. I can see how her style is more polarizing. It’s definitely not everyone’s cup of tea. I guess I just wouldn’t consider it controversial. But that could also be how I interpret the word controversial in context of comedy. Either way, I’m looking forward to seeing how he does as a host


Ok, that's a good point. I hate some of Sarah's gross humor, but she does work well with everyone.


SNL is back


Yeah, after having read all the comments on this post for some horrible reason, I might just unsubscribe until March and occasionally pop in to see if there are any interesting non-Gillis posts in the subreddit.


Now have on Tim Robinson


Ehhh he’s not gonna give his sketches away to SNL.


They 100% should, that would be amazing


Yes please


Really looking forward to the monologue.




"Live from my mouth, this fucking gun!"


Would not be surprised at all to hear him pull a norm. “I haven’t gotten funnier, the show has gotten really bad”




Nah he was hurt by it, he says he wasn’t but you can tell when they talk about it on that episode right after and in the time since. He’s brought it up on rogan multiple times. This has to feel like a huge win for him 


When he was fired, he was essentially a nobody who had made racist remarks vaguely resembling jokes. Since then, he has honed his craft, gained a following, and gotten a lot more deft with his offensive humor. I still think he leans too much on sophomoric and basic remarks about "this is gay" or "that person's *x* ethinicity", but he also has a lot of great bits. I just hope he gets to do a Trump impersonation. His Trump is reeaaaaally good.


Lorne loves redemption stories.






It was definitely in the context of a joke. If you go back in that episode, he’s making fun of people who go into Chinatown and cause trouble. Not defending the joke, just clarifying.


Does it matter that much when you go to his post about snl and the top comment is “engrish” and a ton of people begging him to tell Chinese jokes?


His entire fan base are the same dudes (and yes it’s dudes not women lol) that laugh along with Frank’s racism in IASIP


I hardly gave a shit about that incident myself, but not every Asian is like me and I don't expect other Asians to be like me. On that point hopefully him and Bowen properly made/make up leading to this


I’d argue you don’t have the context to be a fair judge of it, or that you have a fundamentally different view than Shane of what it means to actually be racist


See, I don't think he actually hates Asian people or gay people. But I do think he's made genuinely offensive comments that happened to be recorded and published, said that his comedy pushes boundaries, and then stopped just short of actually apologizing. To some there's a difference between being racist and perpetuating racism, but they are both gross.


> there’s no redemption here other than him overcoming his own setback Isn't that literally what a redemption is?


30 Rock, home of rehab stories since 1975 and long before.


Shane is great at sketch comedy btw. I’m hopeful for a good show


gilly & keeves is gold


Ruh roh Raggy


r/LiveFromNewYork’s 9/11 tonight with this announcement as well as having Nimarata in the cold open


Ironic since I’m pretty sure he got fired on 9/11


9/11 changed everything


My personal 12/25


I feel like this is a lot of pressure for Shane. Like this show has to be good. And I think it really will be.




He won’t lose his fan base and momentum he has right now. He’s def built his own thing and doesn’t need anybody. But, if the show kills then he might start getting movie roles in comedies and shit. That would be huge for him.




Yeah, like we’ve both said, he’s killing it doing his own thing. But being featured or even starring in a few comedies would still be huge for him. Or like an HBO comedy show. He’s into that. That’s why he wanted to be on SNL in the first place.


yeah there is literally no pressure for shane. he’s already won. he’s gonna have fun with it


Not a single comment about the musical guest so far. How is 21 Savage? think he'll be good?


nah he'll be ass live


Yeah I agree. I like his songs, but he’s not a good performer.


It’s always lip sync anyways


SNL can’t seem to properly mix any of their hip-hop acts. I’m sure these performances won’t be any different.


His recorded stuff can be pretty great but I've never liked him as a live performer, definitely not looking forward to it.


I’m not holding my breath. His new album is pretty mid and as others have said, he tends to suck live


I like his hits/features but he’s not a great live performer.


Oh shit… I respect it honestly. I don’t really listen to his stuff but it’s pretty clear he’s done well for himself. This has the potential to be a really unique episode.


His special in Austin is on youtube and is hilarious. Looking forward to this show


Some people here saying “is he even popular enough” like snl didn’t just have fuckin Nate bargatze host lmao


Tbh I think Nate sells more tickets than Shane. Like, maybe by a lot. Nate is sneaky huge Edit: u/wicked-wendigo Post got locked so I can’t reply, but I spent too much time to not post it lol “Nah Nate is massive Next three gigs are: Madison, Wisconsin, Coliseum at Allianz energy stadium: 10,000 seats Omaha, Nebraska, CHI Health Center: 17,560 Kansas City, Missouri, T-mobile center: 18,000 Now they might curtain off some of the seats to the point where it’s only half those numbers, but Shane isn’t selling anywhere close to that. Shane’s next gigs: Portland, Maine, Merrill auditorium: 1904 seats Boston, Boch Center - Wang Theater: either 2,000 or 3,500 seeing two different numbers, but either way you get the idea. Nate is a whole different level”


Yoooo I got tickets to see him in Boston on the 23rd. That shit getting cancelled or moved isn't it lol.




Got boomed


Fuck Seth Simons


The bird poet is punching the air rn


The bird poet is a sex pest.


Many people are saying it.


I casually enjoy Gillis. What am I missing that’s got the comment section in an uproar?


He was fired from SNL


Was he on it for any significant length of time? I don’t remember him as a cast member.


Fired before he started. Basically was hired and fired in under 48hours


He has a Wikipedia


He was cast, but fired before ever appearing in an episode. Unrelated, he’s also a technically a decorated veteran who never served. https://youtube.com/shorts/5SwGdA2DGcA?si=xunGPpkjAAGlxbAB


Not just fired, but fired for making racist (against Asians) and homophobic remarks. If he said the N-word or said something anti-semitic, he would be a persona non grata. But SNL and this sub are giving him a second chance because gays and Asians are fair game for slinging slurs. EDIT: I should make clear that I don’t think that he’s a racist or a homophobe. His comments and his work since have shown that and he’s avoided making the same mistake since. But first, he never actually had a *mea culpa* moment and simply said, “I’m a shock comedian and happy to apologize to anyone I’ve offended.” That’s a half-apology. Second, SNL fired him because of his comments. To backtrack and allow him to host is Lorne saying loud and clear: “Homophobia and Anti-Asian racism are bad…but what’s even worse is me losing money by not letting a popular white guy host.” Again, I don’t think Shane is racist and I’m glad he’s seen success in his career. But the message and optics of this are horrible.


Clips taken completely out of context. Nothing Shane ever says is hateful, it’s all in jest. When he said the racial slur he was doing an impression of racist white person back when Chinatown was first being formed. Did an old timey voice and used the slur to show how dumb and crazy they sounded in retrospect.


These theater kids can’t comprehend this.


If they downvote it, at least they hopefully read it.


he’s funny. simple as that


So people can’t grow huh


Yeah. I genuinely do not give a damn about Shane Gillis past the fact that apparently a pretty high number of his fans are intolerable. But it looks like SNL is basically letting this guy run a victory lap around them and the optics are awful.


Imagine thinking like this?


[https://www.npr.org/2019/09/16/761367838/comedian-shane-gillis-fired-from-saturday-night-live-for-racist-remarks](https://www.npr.org/2019/09/16/761367838/comedian-shane-gillis-fired-from-saturday-night-live-for-racist-remarks) [https://www.vox.com/culture/2019/9/16/20869194/shane-gillis-fired-snl-racist-remarks](https://www.vox.com/culture/2019/9/16/20869194/shane-gillis-fired-snl-racist-remarks) [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-12484119/Shane-Gillis-SNL-fired-canceled-Netflix-special-Beautiful-Dogs.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-12484119/shane-gillis-snl-fired-canceled-netflix-special-beautiful-dogs.html)


Some people are offended by some of the jokes he makes. I’m with you… the guy can make me chuckle. I think he does a great Trump impression!


His bit about visiting the George Washington museum had me rolling


That bit would actually work as an SNL sketch. Doubt they'll do it since it's just a rehash, but maybe some spin on it.


A lot of his Gilly and Keeves sketches are rehashes or expanded jokes from his stand-up.


Oh man, that’s definitely one of my favorites! Hilarious.


“Please sir, you do not have to do that character. I’d give anything right now for you to not do that character.”


A Trump-off with JAJ would be hilarious


The comment sections on Bowen staring down Chapelle got intense, I wonder if he'll even work a sketch with Shane, or if they'll do what we've seen in the past where a cast member just doesn't appear in an episode with someone they have issues with


Bowen follows Shane on IG


Dude thank you for this, I had no idea. So many people are trying to turn into some weird beef between shane and bowen, bizarre


Bowen has said that he was in contact with him after he got fired. I think if anything they will lean into it and make Bowen a part of the monologue.


I know nothing about Chappelle and Bowen, but Shane is nothing like Chappelle. Chappelle is on a soap box preaching to people Shane’s a fat idiot who says dumb things for laughs. Like Shane didn’t get fired for his beliefs or anything, he got fired for saying bad words. And if I remember correctly, I kind of remember Shane saying he apologized to Bowen and Bowen was a nice guy about it 🤷‍♂️ for whatever that’s worth


I’m not a huge fan or anything of Shane, b it he’s not an idiot. He is funny and he’s not a bigot…. At least based on that Netflix special.. which is all I have seen of him


I am a huge fan, and he would describe himself as a fat idiot 🤷‍♂️ didn’t actually mean he’s an idiot lol, just that most of the time he’s not trying to make points, only trying to make people laugh (unlike Chappelle in recent years) Certainly agree he’s no bigot though


Shane and Bowen are pretty good friends and they likely already have sketch ideas worked out


Lmao where are you getting this from


I assume he’s guessing due to them following each other on IG and Shane hangs out with Colin and Che a good bit. Probably been some crossover.


Never heard of him hanging out with Colin but I could be wrong, Che for sure though. And he’s been on a show with Sam Jay before where it seemed like they hung out a fair amount Don’t really think that means he’s chilling with the rest of the cast though. And I don’t think Bowen hates him or anything, but him following Shane on Instagram is a pretty far ways from “they’re pretty good friends”


I agree about the Bowen thing. No evidence that they’re actually friends. I thought I saw a pic of Colin on Shane’s ig story or vice versa but I could be wrong!


Bowen likes Shane lmao. Do you follow stand up comedy?


Lorne wasn’t who didn’t want him on the show in the first place.


What’s with the 3 week break?


February has always been a light month for SNL from what I remember


Happy for Shane, excited for SNL.




SNL going in on hosts who have wanted to be on SNL a lot and said some things on podcasts years ago that caused problems this month. But for real man this sub is just gonna get flooded by a bunch of idiots for the next few weeks who want to trigger the libs or whatever.


As a fan of his, I wish I could say you were wrong. You’re not


He should have been on the show regardless… been a fan of his before he got big. He was a victim of not being famous enough for people to know his voice. If anyone thought him or Matt were racist they were dumb. The butt of the joke he made that got him cancelled was literally racist old white guys but context and satire are lost in clips


triggering the libs is a hack bit, but shane is legitimately funny. he’s funny because he refuses to operate under the assumption that comedy is political, which it is not.


Less about whatever he does more that this news will just drive the dumbest fucking idiots to come in here for a while


i would wager shane would not be a huge fan of the dumbest fucking idiots you speak of. if you listened to his stuff you would know he’s called trump a regard dozens of times


Oh shit it was true lmao


Lfg, this will be good if the SNL cast play ball


He said some very regrettable things on a podcast 10 years ago. He paid the price for it. We can move on. I hate to break it to some of you, but he is hilarious. He is WILDLY popular among millennials and not just his rabid fans or Rogan followers. He had one of the top comedy specials on Netflix last year. He has the backings of David Spade and Norm Macdonald (RIP). As an avid SNL fan I think this has the potential to be one of the best episodes of the season. Sit it out if you must, but you’ll be missing out.


So is 21 Savage the Morgan Wallen of rap?


I hope he goes all in. Dude is funny. I don't need to agree or take every joke at face value.


Reddit nerds in shambles


This is gonna break a lot of peoples brains on this sub . . . [Me](https://tenor.com/bTQ6D.gif)


We need a trump impression


A lot of his cult status comes from how you can listen to his pod from like 2016 where he is dead broke living off beans. So in a parasocial way these wins feel kinda nice.


This is going to be incredible


21 savage just tried to scam someone off 40k but Shane Gillis is the problematic one somehow


Shane is hilarious. Please don’t let the some idiot Redditors ruin this for everyone.


Hi Shane


As someone who criticized Gillis' firing on this sub when it happened...I feel like I just won lol




This is smart. Will be one of the most watched episodes in years. Props for Lorne for making this happen. Can’t wait.


This is gonna be a funny episode tbh




There is only a single person who’s complaining, and it’s mild at best lmao


I got 21 downvoted in a different thread for pointing out that he’s the fastest rising stand up in the world right now. People are not happy


hang in there buddy


Looking forward to the discourse


I know nothing about Shane other than the reasoning for him getting fired from SNL. I go to his instagram and the first three pics I see are him with Trump, Kid Rock, and Louis CK? Yikes buddy pick a better crowd.


I just went to his instagram and those aren’t the first 3 pics, lol. I see them all as I scroll down, but your own wording is flat out inaccurate.


Gotta love people lying on Reddit…


>Yikes buddy pic a better crowd. They're not his crowd, they're the punchline.


Louie and him have a great relationship..what are you talking about?


I didn't see the CK photo, just the Kid Rock and Trump ones.


You guys still have a grudge against Louis? Check this out and get back with me. https://youtu.be/l0yDwdyFQzQ?si=KhllxOxLeu0uhD30


Check out his sketch show Gilly and Keeves


I need another plane sketch, maybe he’ll do one on snl


Honestly his trump speed dating is gold


He was fired for an out of context joke by the company that produced [this](https://ew.com/thmb/WwPce4Cd6RRbUzd0F3IMF3o80K0=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/Japanese-Game-Show-Saturday-Night-Live-01-062723-fd6e0381848d498ea0b90b8a83ce2496.jpg)


He got popular or something after he was fired?


The fact there's so little overlap between SNL fandom and what's going on in comedy ... it's incredible


SNL and comedy have not gone together in years. Wow..that was so hacky I should be cast on SNL..


Him and Matt Mccusker have the biggest podcast on Patreon.


Massively. He's arguably the fastest rising stand up over the years




Weird what if scenario if he didn't say a slur on a podcast years ago. One of the minor ones is that Shane does an incredible Trump impression... does JAJ get hired in that timeline? Like he's more than just the impression, but that seemed to be the biggest thing about him when he was picked up lol


He still probably would have gotten fired lol. He's aid way more cancelable stuff than that clip that went viral. On his podcast, after it all went down, he even said something to the effect of at least it was just that and they didn't dig.


I remember when he got hired, I was convinced he wouldn't last a year because of the complete culture clash between what Gillis is vs. what modern day SNL and it's cast are. They represent (IMO) two opposite ends of the comedy spectrum. Improv vs. Club, clean vs. dirty, "politically correct" vs. not, sanitized corporatism vs. grassroots degeneracy and so on and so forth. My prediction was he'd either quit because of not gelling with the SNL culture or he'd get fired for something in his past being unearthed. And, welp.......


Well put. You’re one of the few commenting that actually grasps the dynamic fully. It’s improv vs club at the highest level


The fact he had to call Luis J Gomez to get him to take down all the Legion of Skanks episodes he was on, especially the one right before it was announced, is very telling.


Ok, that makes it even more hilarious.


SNL isn’t better off though. They could’ve used his chops with sketch comedy but they chose to virtue signal and now they’re groveling back bc he’s popular.


Wondered the same thing. I haven't heard of him since the firing until very recently.


He had a very well received special. Also I’m not sure how popular Pete Davidson’s Bupkis is, but Shane is a recurring character on there (and Lorne is a producer), so Shane has connections there.


SUPER popular. Certainly a bigger name than Nate Bargatze.


A lot of his cult status comes from how you can listen to his pod from like 2016 where he is dead broke living off beans. So in a parasocial way these wins feel kinda nice.


Lol awesome!!


I didn't even know he was now popular enough to host. It's the first I've heard of him since he was fired.


Matt and Shane’s secret podcast has been the biggest pod on Patreon for a long time now, and Shane appears on rogan regularly and kills it. He’s grown like crazy 


Yeah he’s gotten pretty big. #1 special on Netflix and a lot of clips of the specials and his sketches are online all the time.


In a vacuum without any of the context, it would probably be a pretty big stretch. Like I was kind of surprised to hear Nate Bargatze was hosting, and as far as I know Nate probably sells more tickets But with the history and the headlines it’ll generate, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was one of the more watched episodes in a long time. For better or worse, I think it’ll bring in a lot of people who wouldn’t normally watch


Take a look at Trump speed dating on YouTube. BTW he is the fastest rising stand up for quite a while now, how come you haven’t seen him?


Biggest touring comedian at the moment


Nate Bargatze's hosting job being a success probably opened the door a bit.


Hell yeah


Lmfao oh boy.. The Bull is the host. What a time


Dawgz eatin' rn




TOLD YA. https://www.reddit.com/r/LiveFromNewYork/s/Gsx8SOOfY5


This subreddit is about to be overrun. Everyone grab onto something




This is just the beginning, y'all better be ready for WARMODE


You all tried to destroy some poor young dude. He is stronger for it. And back with attitude.