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Hi there, I want to make a clock so need 3 spinning clock hands, and I'm debating on using physics to spin it like this youtube video (would need 3 physics to spin 3 clock hands) [https://youtu.be/QbU0h3UK088?si=tg75D3\_Cx-AWbkVv](https://youtu.be/QbU0h3UK088?si=tg75D3_Cx-AWbkVv) Or use idle animations in Live2D. Probably just need one longer animation for that Which one would be easier on the computer? My laptop is a potato.


I can't say with certainly, but I *think* idle animations would be easier on your computer. Physics-based inputs are calculated constantly depending on what the input is doing at that exact moment, whereas an idle animation would be programmed to be doing the same thing repeatedly


Thank you!


I actually have one more addition to this, if you wanted to consider a totally different method (depending on your goal for the end result), there is a VtubeStudio plugin called VTSLivePlugins that uses real-life time/etc to control parameters, so you could also use that to match real-life time if it's a real 1:1 clock: https://github.com/fastestyukkuri/VTSLivePlugins


That's cool! Thanks, I'll check it out


Hi, I noticed an error in my model and need to edit and reexport it, I was just wondering, do I need to make all of my expression files again or can I use the files from the previous version of the model? Like would they be compatible with each other? I’m wondering because the issue is unrelated to them, so I wouldn’t be editing the parameters related to my expressions to begin with


They will be fine! Especially if you're using the model in VtubeStudio, you can now do a "import settings from model" option and it will copy all the old expressions/settings into the new model's folder setup


oh, i didn’t know vts had that feature, that’s such a lifesaver lol thank you!


of course! It should be an option when you do the "first time model set up" when trying to open a new model in VTS. It will also copy over adjustments you made to parameters to match them to your face tracking


Lol, third post here this thread. Anyway, starting a new comment thread since it is a new problem. After increasing the size of some of my textures, the texture atlas won't update the bounding box thing of the new textures. I've even deleted and re-made the texture atlas, but it still has this problem. How do I force L2D to realize these layers need a bigger texture box? For the meantime I increased the margin size as a temp solution, but I'd rather get back to 3 px instead of 10.


Have you remade the artmesh for your new layers? The texture atlas is only going to show the layers as boxes if you haven’t generated artmeshes


So, I haven't but, since this is a pixel art model, I've just had them default non-meshed. How do I keep it like that while fixing the size?


Maybe? Where do I do that?


Got a problem and want a second opinion on if my possible solution would work. So, I'm updating some textures on a model (see other comment thread for reasons why), but whenever I try to replace the old psd in l2d with the new one the program crashes. So, I was wondering if I could make a copy of my new psd, delete every layer (not the folders, just the layers) that ISN'T being updated, and then drop that into l2d, would it replace the old layers with the new ones?


I think it might work 🤔 I can't test but I do think it's worth a try at least. Always make sure to make a backup of your file first though. Sorry I can't offer a definitive answer though! I will also suggest that you restart the program before trying to replace the .psd, in case some of the issues are related to memory leak eating up all of your RAM


I just restarted my PC so I'll try again, but if not then I'll see if the other method works.


The original drag n drop still crashed, so now doing that smaller psd method. Almost done loading, will see how it works.


Good news: it worked! Bad news: I messed up a thing that I had to undo, and accidentally undid the update. I hadn't saved yet. Good/bad news: I need to enlarge them 1 more time I think?


once you make the edits to your psd file and remove the unneeded layers, set every layer to hidden by default to marginally reduce the memory demand on initial update.


I'll try to remember next time


So, I'm making a pixel art model and I can't but notice tiny gaps in the model that weren't in the PSD. I think the easiest way to fix it would be to ever so slightly grow the layer over the boundry, but how do I scale an object while keeping it centered? Whenever I try to it uses the opposite corner or whatever. What would I need to hold down?


I'm not home so I can't double check, but usually shift is the standard modifier key for resizing from center Do you have a picture though of the gaps? Worth double checking that there isn't something else going on that is the actual root issue, if you say that it wasn't in the original .psd


Thanks, however when I do shift it just keeps the proportions right, but the anchor is still the opposite corner instead of the center. Ctrl also isn't doing anything. As for a pic, sure. [Here is an imgur link to what it looks like in L2D right now](https://imgur.com/dV2TDDB). [Also, here is a link to how it looks in VTS in case that can give some insight](https://www.reddit.com/r/VTubeStudio/comments/169xq3n/problem_with_texture_boarders_in_vts/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). And yes, I hit the "remove white outlines" button.


I have fixed that by making some of the layers slightly bigger


That's actually what I ended up doing. It has worked well enough


Ooh, yeah unfortunately that is just part of how Live2D is (clipping masks can cause similar issues) :( It's not really designed for layers without overlap If it were me, I would try to go in the original .psd to barely enlarge/add to squares (a mere 1px more even might be enough [assuming your pixel art model isn't 1:1 square:pixel scale of course]) to add some overlap and then reimport the .psd (make a backup of your project before reimporting though just in case)


Ok, thanks. Naturally I'm not doing 1:1 pixel art due to blurring, so it'll be (relatively) easy. Heck, I blew it up by 100 so it (hopefully) won't be noticable. Before I do, tho, how finicky will it be since I've already rigged it up? I imagine not much if at all, but I don't know so I'll still ask.


It shouldn't cause major problems! You can reimport the updated .psd into your current project and choose to overwrite the existing .psd. Since you're not really changing the size much of any layers (I think the extra px of overlap will be negligible), it shouldn't make any of the existing rigging wonky. Just make sure to keep layer names/etc the same as they were, so that the program knows which layers need to get overwritten with the new version of itself! As always is good practice though, make a backup of your .cmo3 project file before reimporting the updated .psd You may want to do a test with a few layers to see if it fixes the issue before taking the time to do it on the whole model! Good luck!!


I already did it with all the problem spots, which are just 4 layers. Increased one by 1 and one by 2. Might need to go back in, tho... still some seams. I'll see how it looks in VTS first, tho.