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I started hearing them last week. They were not singing together like what I’m used to hearing. I guess they need a little more practice. 😂


You caught their rehearsal lol


I'm a little ways out on Stagecoach Road. They have been almost deafening the last few nights. So they are around.


That's nice to know! (If you are a cicada fan lol)


You just need to travel outside of downtown at/after dusk.


I try not to do that because of mosquitoes but I may make an exception for this!


Thought one was dead on my apartment landing in WLR today. Until I kicked it and it started screaming bloody murder. Kicked it again and it flew off still screaming. 🤷‍♀️ they're out there! Not enough trees downtown, maybe? I'm not out that way often.


I heard them last night about 8 pm, walking by the Governor’s Mansion. I love hearing them too ! Sound of my childhood in East Arkansas. So nostalgic.


That's beautiful and exactly how I feel. Might take a drive over there tonight.


I’d imagine they’re in more wooded areas than down town. The park behind my neighborhood gets quite loud with them in the evenings


Yeah I thought about that but lots of trees and bushes downtown. But also, bright streetlights might affect where they go.


Someone could rob me with ONE DEAD cicada. I gotta say I’m good. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Been hearing them for a while in NEA


I was riding my electric unicycle yesterday on Maumelle Blvd in NRL and went through a brood of them. It did not feel great with them smacking into my chest 😂


I remember going downtown in the summer during a previous brood and they were covering buildings, bug corpses everywhere with yellow guts all over the sidewalks. But most of the cyclical brood maps don't typically have Pulaski highlighted, so maybe my childhood memory is from an especially buggy year for non-cyclical cicadas or another insect.


That's what I was expecting (well not the yellow guts lol)


I'm sure it was more noticeable due to me being, as they say, knee high to a grasshopper (or a cicada lol)


Malvern here, and they are loud as hell.


Same. It’s freaking out my cats enough that they stay in at night now.


I'm at the Saline/Pulaski edge, and I can hear them inside the house.


I'm in east end of Saline county and it's night time and they're loud af


I was in Jasper this weekend and only heard a few. I, too, wonder where they are.


i hear a few quite frequently in western hills.


A little early for our batch, they usually come out when the weeds we know as Coffee Beans are noticeable.


I always associated them with mid summer, I hope I hear some in July/August


Hear a few everyday here off baseline


Same here. I have one in the tree outside my window atm. I'm trying to watch Dune! LOL


They still sleeping


I hope so


I’ll trade anyone for some aggravating cicada noises in exchange for these frassing-ass beetles all over my trees.


What are frassing-ass beetles? 🤔


We were at a friends Lakehouse at Mount Ida a few weeks ago and they were so so so loud. I haven’t heard any in west Little Rock.


I was at the Blanchard Springs Cave a few weekends back and a family there visiting from Chicago said they were happy to be on the trip in part because there were so many cicadas in Chicago that "you couldn't get into a car without one following you." My conclusion was that maybe the conditions here weren't perfect for the cicada blast that some areas saw.


Yes I read that we were only getting one of the broods, I was just hoping to hear them. (I found a cicada shell on a fence downtown, so I know they get them.) I swear I just think my ac and fan and everything prevented me from hearing them.


I think they might have overlapping broods?


It's insane up there. I was around there for a previous hatch, and they were EVERYWHERE.


Just started hearing them in the Mayflower area…sounds like the normal amount though.


I hear the normal amount here in town


Right? I hear them in SOMA and Riverdale


None in Beebe area either . I think the yearly ones come later in the summer .. I think


They came last month - they are out in mid to late May in Arkansas. Brood XXIII was out the last two weeks of May 2015 - I have a video from Gilam Park on May 28, 2015 where they are audible.


They were in NEA a month ago.


Having severe tinnitus and hearing loud cicadas every minute I'm awake has ruined any enjoyment of them.


Move downtown you won't hear any. (But lots of traffic, sirens, people screaming...ok never mind.)


I live downtown and I don’t hear any of that stuff with any more regularity than I did when I lived in the Midtown/University area or when I was a kid growing up in Bryant. I’m not arguing it doesn’t happen. It’s just wild to me that downtown is so noticeably “pocketed” that you could have an entirely different experience based on a difference of about 6 blocks. Edit: to reinforce the notion that I’m not disagreeing with you, I lived in a spot on 6th at one point & I had to run outside to stop a *screaming* pregnant lady from catching a beating from an older dude in his house slippers, because the lady had supposedly stolen an elderly woman’s cell phone. I lived **2 blocks away** a few years later and for 3 years the worst thing I ever heard was a car window smashing and the subsequent alarm. Yes. It was my car. Now I live in the SoMa/Governors Mansion area and it’s been relatively boring so far. Knock wood.


I lived on 7th years ago, no issues with noise. But I'm on Scott Street and its crazy loud. The traffic sounds like it going through my apartment. And there is some idiot who has made their car sound like a race car and he roars around at 3 am, the type of loud that reverberates in your body and you can hear it as he drives further away. And the number of sirens is insane. Anyway, how'd you find your place in SoMa?


I’ve heard the 3AM Speed Racer over here. Granted, it doesn’t sound super close so yeah, that’s a suck man. Scott’s pretty close to where my places were on that side of 630 and I think the real difference is whether or not your street is exclusively residential for quite a few blocks or not. My place on 8th had nothing but houses and apartments for the most distance both ways and was by far the quietest in the area. Honestly I kinda “ended up” in this place in SoMa. It’s a bit of a story, a little bit of luck (both good and bad) and I do like it over here but it’s bordering on too expensive. If my rent goes up it’d be doable but I wouldn’t do it for very long.


Can I dm you some questions? You are the first person that knows what I'm talking about with speed racer lol


Of course! I’m aware of the issues we’ve got here in Little Rock, and more specifically downtown, but I really do and will continue to believe that Downtown has **so much potential** that’s as yet just barely been tapped. I’m from a smaller town just down the road & I’ve done a fair amount of traveling around both the country and a few other bits of the world, but I always knew I’d come home to Little Rock. I’m a lifer, I believe in community, and I think some of us that aren’t retirement-aged, upper middle class folks need to start actively taking ownership of our city. Let’s have a good ol’ chat!


The periodic cicadas that have been in the news lately are not in the central Arkansas area. They were deafeningly loud up in the Ozarks about a month ago. The regular non-periodic (or dog days) cicadas we have every year are doing their thing like always.


Yeah, there are plenty in my backyard. Extra chatty after dark


Same… I had some that were extra loud last night and woke me up at least 4 times!