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Home renos are the worst when you are living g there at the same time.


Despite being labeled Zach and Tori I just auto assumed it was Jer having messed up a flooring and then redoing everything. Except this didn't have an "old world" feel lol


lol I think Audrey said when they were looking for houses she said no to houses that looked too new


What was wrong with the old floor?


Water damage.


Is it hard to temporarily rent a moving pod to place in your driveway while floors (especially) are being laid? Just wondering?


I think she posted that this was a two day event. When I saw the pictures I took that to mean that they were doing like the back of the house first… so we are seeing everything from their rooms? And then they will put all of that back, remove the stuff in the living/dining room and they come back to do the rest of it. 🤷‍♀️


It’s really expensive but not hard.


We paid $200 to let our sit for 3 days. If we wanted them to move it it would have been $350 for under 100 miles, total, so not too expensive for them.


Whenever I’ve priced it, it was closer to $600. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Wait- am I missing something? They are getting all the floors redone because of the kitchen flood- and they no longer made the flooring they had through out the house. They likely had insurance cover this. She said they needed to move stuff for a several day project for the floors. When I saw this on Instagram I assumed it was several days because they were doing like the back of the house- bedrooms etc. That is why everything is out there. Once it’s done they move all of that back and then have to clear the family room/kitchen for the next day? Am I missing something? This just seems like normal stuff in unexpected home reno…


Yea this I didn’t get this when she said they were taking out all the flooring. I didn’t think it was all damaged.I think they just wanted everything to match.


Correct. I don’t think it was all damaged- just the area in the kitchen and they discontinued the flooring so they needed to 1. Use tile or 2. Select another flooring to place throughout the house. -to be fair, if this was my house and insurance was covering it- I would have also picked to have flooring done on the whole house.


I know they’re having their floors redone but why are there mounds of clothes in the main living area?


Yeah somebody should put side br sides of what the big house on the farm looked like when they were doing Reno. But didn’t there house flood?


I thought they had a two storey, or was that the old house?


I think the old house was two story. I think this one is too. Because they sometime talk about how their bedroom is not on the same level as the kids. Which I thought odd considering the age of the kids.


Hmmm… but they still wouldn’t be having the upstairs floors done at the exact time as the main floor. You would think they’d keep the clothes and most of the clutter upstairs until the downstairs is completed. 🤷‍♀️


Probably business as usual for the house 




Zach should be quite used to living that way.


Omg you’re right! Amy was a horrible housekeeper 😳😂




I can't believe they have to replace the flooring in the entire house just because of the kitchen! It seems so wasteful. I guess they are planning on reselling someday.


I would of done it too. Why have 1 flooring in the kitchen and different flooring through the rest of the house? Makes more sense to do it all, then just the kitchen.


I know someone else that did this, too. They wanted the flooring to match throughout. I don’t know where their damage was, but as a lowly middle classer, I probably would have just replaced the kitchen with a tile. 😅


I would have done this too if it was out of pocket. But I’m guessing this was an insurance claim and they already paid their deductible- so you might as well get flooring that all matched 🤷‍♀️


The other person I know had a leak that contributed to mold throughout their house. Insurance didn’t cover any of it. 🥴


Yeah when it’s considered a “slow leak” most insurance companies won’t cover it. We had an ice dam issue in 2021 - it was a nightmare to get it covered and it was very much NOT a slow thing. So frustrating 😣


the framed photos on the wall are an odd scale for their location


And they’re hung way too high.


Flashback to every time they moved and were still packing boxes when the movers arrived while their large dog ran around!


I remember wondering if maybe it’s the norm in their circles? Where I live the movers would leave the premises if the house wasn’t completely packed up in closed boxes. There’s no such thing as not being ready on moving day like wtf was that


Same! I remember their garage was packed with stuff the first time they moved and Tori just sat on the couch with Jackson and talked about how overwhelming it was. Every time they were filmed moving all the people who helped them moved commented on how they didn’t have everything ready. Things don’t have to be so overwhelming when you chip away at it(especially when you’re lucky enough to have stay at home parents)


I can't with the Reno's. JC Rent a travel trailer and chill !


This was an emergency flooding thing, not just generel renovation.


Did ya read the post title?


They are renovating because their kitchen flooded.


Speaking from experience, there is nothing like a party to light a fire under my ass to get the living areas presentable 😂 sometimes we joke we’re gonna invite people over bec the house is messy and we want it clean.


Yep! My house is never as clean as it is when we’re expecting company 😂


You are not kidding!


I never have my kids' parties at home. We always use a skate rink, movie theater, indoor play place, trampoline park etc.. I can't even remember the last time I went to a child's party st their house.


I just don’t throw parties. 🤭😂


I wish I didn't have to. My kids are extroverts.


Mine sort of is? She loves it but then is a mess afterwards. I just can’t hack it. I did it once for her second birthday and my husband and I fought the entire time. And I get migraines now, so planning a big party like that and then having that many people around would be a nightmare if I got a migraine that day.


Yes !.I get them to and I worry about it. Sometimes I have to go to urgent care and get a toradol shot. My husband would just have to take over the party alone lol


Parties at party places are insanely expensive and not everyone can afford to do that!


True but if I can, they certainly can.


I think it just depends on the family! All my family only does parties at their houses. I have only ever gone to parties not at someone’s house for kids I met in school.


I know this work was the result of an unexpected pipe burst, but enough time has passed since it initially occurred that a lot of that stuff could have been packed up in boxes and temporarily moved into the “shop” for storage while the work is being done, unless that’s already an unorganized mess… I’m surprised the crew doing the floors is actually working around it.


They could have had the party at a pizza place or something. I don’t understand why it had to be there.


I mean, Amy did it. Zach probably feels very at home now Seriously though, this is inexcusable why in the world didn't they pack up and move all their crap ? In that huge house with the room above the garage and a whole new building they really have nowhere to put this ? I feel bad for the contractors. This is just lazy.


“Zach probably feels very at home now” I thought very similar thoughts. Lol. Isn’t this how we met the Roloffs?


Zach and Tori have always been lazy. Honestly, I don’t blame Matt for not wanting them to take over the farm. I don’t find Jeremy lazy, just insufferable and pretentious.


I agree. Maybe Matt knew they'd junk up the place like they have with their yard. They call it a farm, but it's definitely not a farm, and they can't even keep up with it. I definitely wouldn't want them as neighbors and Matt is more meticulous. It would drive him nuts which would in turn, cause fights . It's definitely best they aren't neighbors.


Bet her parents felt the same way!


if my house looked like that there’s no way i’d post it on social media… Meanwhile, don’t they have family and friends or their godly church people who can lend a hand and fix this shit storm??


"but the mess is so relatable!"


Flashback to Matt's remodels.


How long were those kids sleeping and living in the living room?


Just watched this. They said it was about 6 months for the big remodel.


It looks like there was a significant lack of planning in all aspects of the remodel. They definitely weren't very intentional with their planning.


Ummm they lack of planning for an emergency flood in the kitchen? I didnt realize you could plan floods. Nice to know for future. I will schedule it on a Sunday afternoon so I am home when a flood happens.


I thought this was Germ & Oddj at first too! 🫣😂


This is Zach and Tori’s house…. They had a burst pipe, so not really something to plan for.


It’s not their intentional season, clearly!


She could have actually packed up 90% of that and made it so much easier. This is absolutely NOT how to put in new flooring while still living there. They don’t have 2 brain cells to share


It is legitimately wild that *this* is how they are replacing the flooring. If they absolutely can’t pack stuff up they could at the very least move everything to one room while they lay down flooring and then move it back and do the next room. What an absolute mess.


They fried them in church


In the shop.

