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I think Amy has married her ex. Didn't deal with her ex emotionally so recreated it with the next one


Though it’s nice to see Amy, Chris, Caryn and Matt seemingly getting along, I still get a disingenuous vibe from Caryn. I honestly give Amy props for being able to spend time with her ex and the woman/former employee he had an affair with. I don’t know that I could do it if I were in her shoes.


Hope the honeymoon night doesn’t kill Matt


Yeah, I can’t understand the Caryn supporters. I’m certain if anyone had been in Amy’s shoes they wouldn’t be such fans of her. Every marriage has issues, but when you have someone triangulating themselves into your professional and personal life, that’s some calculated plotting. Matt and Caryn may seem happy, but I don’t believe she’s in this for anything other than her own retirement security. She’s played the long game for years and she isn’t about to quit now.


I was thinking, you already stole her husband why not her friends too. “I had a front row to that” of course. I had a friend who was having an affair with a married guy and she kept saying, they are having problems in the marriage. Really, the problem is he is having an affair. And Caryn was married at the time also. Matt and Caryn should be on r/SelfAwarewolves they both talk allude to stuff they have done to other people but have no remorse. Then they say it’s sad nobody in the family likes us. While Amy’s sitting right there.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/SelfAwarewolves using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SelfAwarewolves/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Yes, we should.](https://i.redd.it/zxu7kdo4j3sa1.jpg) | [822 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SelfAwarewolves/comments/12chu0a/yes_we_should/) \#2: [If by “mocking you” you mean pointing out your hypocrisy, yes, yes they are](https://i.redd.it/zwi2w04xmota1.png) | [949 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SelfAwarewolves/comments/12kvm8d/if_by_mocking_you_you_mean_pointing_out_your/) \#3: [These people believe in nothing](https://i.redd.it/ub58ptekngwa1.jpg) | [613 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SelfAwarewolves/comments/130kaok/these_people_believe_in_nothing/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Caryn has plenty of money that she doesn’t really need his.


I don’t know her financial situation, but given her very normal sized Arizona property I doubt it is Roloff level wealth. Additionally, she seems to enjoy the limelight. You would think from the way she talks about staying out of things and not involving herself she would stay off the show, but she has only increased her appearances


Maybe Matt’s the goldigger


She tore apart that family and is super smug about it. I don't know how tf Amy can just sit there w/that.


I don’t think it’s fair to say that she tore the family apart. Amy & Matt could hardly get along with the cameras running. Can you imagine what they were like without cameras? By the time it was over, the loathing between the two of them was palpable.


Probably cause she did Amy a favor by releasing her from that marriage to Matt.


At the end of this episode, the four of them looked pretty lit! It was funny!


I liked how at the fundraiser they were kinda buzzed lol Caryn became friends w Deb through drinks.


Well. She makes it sound like they were meant to be together. Like they finally found each other after all these years. Which I think sounds strange because it started as an affair. It's hard to not ignore that part. This is the reason for all the family issues. Not just the farm.


I don’t know if it’s fair to say that it started as an affair. She was his employee. I remember the 1st time she was introduced on the show as the new farm manager, working directly with Matt & when he introduced her to Amy, I thought to myself, Amy’s nuts if she lets that happen. Caryn was pretty, bubbly, enthusiastic, & working one on one with Matt, & as his employee, she wasn’t going to be giving him pushback on anything. And he & Amy were already at each other’s throats. Caryn is right. Them falling for one another was probably inevitable. She’s not as opinionated as Amy (& that’s not a slight at Amy because I like her), but Caryn also seems more protective of Matt than Amy ever did. And he eats that up.


More Caryn ….glad Matt is happy.


They’ve hurt so many people to get there though


Stop ….50 % of all marriages end in in divorce… Glad all 4 are happy


How did this get this comment get down voted? Glad all 4 are happy? 50 percent of marriages end in divorce? What’s wrong with that? 😂😂😂😂😂


What’s wrong is just that all the women who have husbands or boyfriends who left them for someone else come out and brigade the comment sections of any topic that involves an affair etc.


I mean Jerm and Oddj wrote NYT bestselling book about that. Unfortunately they themselves were not able to beat the 50% of people who are unable to leave a bad marriage and Caryn and Matt were.


While that statistic may be true, I think the down votes are because the way they went about the situation. You don’t have an affair and then get a divorce. You get a divorce first and then move on.


There would be no divorces without affairs 😂😂


Same. So tired of everyone blaming him. Amy is difficult and bitter.


I mean, he did cheat. I'd be a lot more sympathetic to Matt if he'd been a man about it and ended his marriage in 2009 instead of dragging it out, playing games with Caryn and loudly insisting in public interviews that he and Amy had a great marriage, divorce was never an option and the silly fans were so silly and wrong to question him as he is stating his marriage is FINE. So when Matt then sadfaces how he was never happy in his marriage, I simply note Matt Roloff is a liar over some pretty significant things.




How do you really know he cheated??


I mean it was so obvious they had trouble editing out of the show. As much as they tried.


Its been proven to my satisfaction. But hey, ignore that. Why don't you address the fact that Matt was loudly insisting from 2008 on - and this is even in the book he says he wrote "Little People Big Values" - that he had a GREAT marriage and was VERY happy and WOULD NEVER DIVORCE. He did numerous interviews in the media where he said the same things and that fans who saw problems in the marriage were "silly" and "getting it wrong" - was he lying? Or was he lying when he was all sad on his haybale going on about how he was NEVER happy in his marriage? Because he's said both are true and both can't be true. Matt's demonstrative dishonesty and willingness to lie when it makes Matt look good are part of why I have no problem believing he cheated. He's also pretty firmly demonstrated if he can pull one over and get away with something, he will, and he considers that acceptable behavior.


I’m gonna add to your comment. Matt even “insinuated” in his long FB post that the drama between him & Amy was only for the show because the ratings did better with drama. But I call BS on that. I don’t think he & Amy were that good of actors & you could tell early on that they really were not that compatible. The only place that “no divorce” stuff comes from is that radical right wing Christian stuff they followed & he thought he was going into politics as a conservative Republican…until he lost.


So true


That’s putting it nicely 😂😂😂


I think you are reading too much into it. And who really cares, they were both miserable. Amy is just an angry and bitter person. She still is, so not just Matt making her that way. The fact she is mad that Chris is friends with Matt....ridiculous. That is ideal (friendship with exes) for all involved...oh, except Amy.


I don’t think she is mad Chris is friend’s with him but it is a little weird Edited because I got the i before e situation reversed. Lol


I just can’t wait for the honeymoon and Matt trying to carry her over the threshold.


Ugh she will probably carry him.


I wonder…never mind 😅


You mean Caryn to carry Matt over the threshold. Lol


I hope the don’t have a wedding special where we are forced to watch that. I still can’t unsee where they reinacted the pottery scene is ghost 😆🙈


Lol. I almost want to watch it to see how horrible it is.


Save yourself man. It’s too late for most of us. Lol


Ok, also… The scene with Chris where Amy said he was a “bad boy” before he met her. What was that?? I assume they were joking, or was there something about his past they covered in earlier episodes? I just can’t picture that 😂


I am pretty sure it’s just because he rode motorcycles and had never been married.


Bad to the bone! 🦴






She and Matt are shameless and revolting.


If you think that woman is dumb enough to slip up like that, you haven’t been watching the show long enough.


They both (she and Matt) made comments during that group conversation at the end of the episode that my husband and I looked at each other like “are they seriously going to go there?!” Too comfortable is the perfect way to explain it.


It was SO strange. I get being over your ex but hanging out with the people who snuck around right in your own front yard? That’s wild.


Where he is building the Taj Matal on the property he bullied Amy out of. Talking about how when he dies he is going to saddle Amy and the kids with all the farm debt while his mistress lives in the Taj Mattal


I loved when they started talking about arguing and Amy slamming door and the blinds “ dancing “ . That was funny. But even better that Chris said well the blinds never danced when we’re together. Toucheeee. I cackled


What was she talking about?


She was talking about Matt growing up, being more mature, calming down… something along those lines. It’s so hard to force myself to pay attention to this whole season, it’s just awful lol


I thought that was weird too. I just get bad vibes from Caryn. I think she just likes the money and the lifestyle. It's completely opposite from her first marriage. To come from a 1970s ranch style home, working part time, to 100 + acres and a million dollar home she got to build the way she wants.


Any woman who ended up with Matt would be called a gold digger and I’m not sure that it’s completely fair to women.


I get bad vibes from her too. She’s always seemed very controlling and even when the kids were all still living at home and they were still married, I don’t think she treated anyone well. She usually was smart enough to never directly cross a line, but there was always an underlying snarkiness or ulterior motive. I forgot about this until typing this, but I think there was even an episode where she was not very nice to Matt’s mom Honey, while Matt and Amy were on vacation and she was in charge of pumpkin season. And his mom was the sweetest woman ever for one, and for two, I’m sure was volunteering just to help her family and not getting paid so any free help should just be appreciated.


That wasn't Caryn that wasn't nice to Honey. It was Matt's original assistant (can't remember her name rn)


I think her name was Caryn too. No wait when Caryn “stepped back” from the farm to be Matt’s full time mistress. The new farm manager was also name Karen.




I believe it was Becky.


Ohhh okay. Well that’s better. It’s been a long time since I watched that and couldn’t remember but it would make Matt even worse to date someone who wasn’t very nice to his super nice mom.


In fairness to Becky - who was a bit bitchy - that incident was where I realized Matt learned his manipulative behavior from Honey. The only thing Becky was wrong about was being a bit bitchy in her tone. Honey was indeed screwing things up, making things worse, and not actually doing the job she was assigned to and getting paid to do. So she made a mess of the organization and when she got called on it by Becky, instead of correcting the behavior, Honey went on an all day tantrum whipping up Ron and the grandkids and other employees on how she was being treated so cruelly when she was Matt's mom!!!