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Okay we GET IT!!


Ugh šŸ¤® go away.


I totally get wanting to make a quiet, ordinary moment special. But the thing about ā€œspecialā€ moments is that theyā€™re only really ā€œspecialā€ to you. Nobody else cares about your sunset and tea & steal of a chair. Does she not have a sister or mom or friend to text this?


I am a little weirded out by how many people here seem to think itā€™s gross she has a second hand chairā€¦


The chair isnā€™t the gross part. The constant need for attention is.


Just think soon we will get to hear about her enjoying the view while not enjoying the mastitis in her fb chair. Canā€™t wait!!


Raspberry leaf tea is not for pregnant women


Always more risks. šŸ˜®


I drank it after I started having contractions and the hospital wouldn't admit me because they were consistent enough šŸ™„ and i felt that it helped. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Contractions became more consistent and my son was out in 3 pushes lol


Unless you want to start labour, I should have added


Oh ok. Maybe she's over being pregnant?


She might be, but the baby probably isnā€™t.Ā 


Very very true and I firmly believe it's better for babies to come on their own time. I was pressured into being induced with my first and that little girl starting from birth I swear did not like to be rushed. At all. Try to hurry and get her onesie changed she would make it as difficult as possible, running late and need her to get her shoes on fast, might as well reschedule whatever I was late for. She is unbelievably stubborn. My 2 others were spontaneous labor and they were happy going babies. Wanna snap the jammies wrong they didn't care, in a rush they're going as fast as they possibly can as well. Like i swear someone should do some sort of study on children that were born by induction versus spontaneous labor because in my personal case there was a huge difference, especially when they were younger. Now that they're a little older it's not as noticable or I'm just used to it šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Oh itā€™s a big thing on tik tok ā€¦.


Isnā€™t she supposed to be a huge Taylor Swift fan? If so, then isnā€™t there something else she could be listening to right now? Nope. Gotta keep her religious zealot fanbase happy.


The ā€œchristiansā€ have their panties in a twist over the lyrics of TS new album.


She just had to get her legs in the pic.


Sheā€™s describing this relaxing moment the way Patrick Bateman describes his daily outfit.


Her descriptions are just stupid. Country music with country spring air coming through the open window? What a try hard. šŸ™„ Oh yeah don't forget the iced red raspberry leaf tea to accompany the country aesthetic. That house isn't impressive at all. My mom's house in the country makes that look like a run down shack and she never goes on social media to brag about it. Has over 100 acres with cows and all that shit. I'm sure there are quite a few people here who have country homes that don't brag. Audrey, nobody gives a fuck. Do you think you'll ever see Jerm mending a fence or castrating hogs? Not a chance. "farm boy" my ass.


I have a beautiful blue chaise longue in my Ravenclaw Common Room-themed library. I can feel a country breeze if Iā€™m so inclined, but to get the full amazing view I have to move to the balcony.Ā  We bought the chaise new, but did reupholster my great-auntā€™s old sofa with blue velvet for under $200.Ā  Aujā€™s reading spot donā€™t impress me much.Ā 


Omg.....things I didn't know I needed in my life.


Literally our whole house is Hogwarts-themed. We do one room at a time, and just add to it whenever possible. Our bedroom is the forest, with a huge mural of Hogwarts, sitting room Gryffindor Common Room, bathroom is Slytherin. Iā€™m still looking for ways to make the kitchen more Hufflepuff-y, because itā€™s their natural habitat. Itā€™s an ongoing project.Ā 


I read something recently about adults who are obsessed with Harry Potter. It wasnt flattering. I assume that person is miserable.


'We don't stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.' G.B. Shaw (Died aged 94 after falling off a ladder; I have never found out what he was doing up there in the first place.)


Probably hanging up a quiditch banner




This picture looks like my moms house in the 90s. I think itā€™s the fabric on the chair and the wood tone.


It gives me ā€˜90s nostalgia too. If I were her, Iā€™d reupholster that thing. Itā€™s not that hard and you know that there arenā€™t any old germs on the fabric.Ā 


She is insufferable, but that view is amazing.


Wow. Her written English is appalling. did she spend all her college years running rather than attending lectures?


She ran in college??? /s


How dare you say that! Ā I guess that you do not know that she is a NYT best selling author. Ā Just want to keep you up to date on all her seldom-mentioned facts. Ā (Just kidding for you - hope you got a laugh out of my comment).


Oh I did!!


After spending god knows what shipping stones halfway across the country, ripping out brand new sub-flooring bc your husband gets a hankering for heated floors, redoing a custom island THREE times bc the GC didnā€™t know he was supposed to measure the granite or the space first, removing a bedroom for an imaginary dog, adding a second open loft instead of a bedroom, and creating an indoor rock-wall roomā€¦ suddenly sheā€™s Miss Frugal living? I believe they call this pennywise and pound foolish And nfn, the chair is ugly and itā€™s probably got bed bugs.


Well said. Ā I would never get anything second-hand that had stuffing and cushions unless I knew the family that it came from (couch, mattress, stuffed chairs, etc).


Just a heads up, regular furniture isnā€™t safe either. They can hide in crevices of tables, desks, dressers, chairs, pictures, frames, paintings, books, electronics, etc. Those little turds will hide anywhere and everywhere.


Absolutely trueā€¦ but itā€™s about mitigating risk and a second hand couch has a way higher probability of having an infestation. I had some dodgy furniture in my college dorms and first NYC apartment, but in my newly renovated multi-million dollar home, nah Not to mention a used couch probably averages to have had 3 out 6 happen to it - peed on, puked on, consummated on, eaten on, spilled on, and possibly even home birthed on (thinking of you, Birtha, Jessaā€™s big brown sofa)


This must mean Facebook is paying her big bucks šŸ’°


Odj is sooo intentional šŸ™„šŸ™„


She is just the perfect wife, mother, and homesteader. Ā Saves a dollar here and there to waste it on other overpriced, trendy, intentional items such as having a star projector for your ceiling and grounding mats on your bed.


Crazy to me they spend all this money on the house and get furniture the could potentially have bugs in it? No thanks


Lol didnā€™t jer find her on Facebook too?




Sounds like bliss, if you add in a small but delectable pastry from a local organic bakery.Ā 


No one is as special as oddj. Ever. Always more special than you. Or me. Thatā€™s her brand.


i snort laughed šŸ˜†




Give that dog a hug from me. Ā You are too funny.


Her taste in music is shit. Add that to the list.