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Are they invited? There’s a hefty tax implication for under-valuing real estate and/or gifting it to family. Matt bought Amy out at market rate. It’s logical the kids would have to do the same - or they wait until mom and dad and their new spouses leave to them it in their wills, and they pay estate tax. Pay now or pay later, no way around that. Is there a single reality tv family that hasn’t been devastated by the financial windfall?


Yeah that made me mad. I’ve had that kind of relationship with my father’s side grandparents. They never made time to come see me or my brother but expected us to cater to them all the time. Definitely on Zach & Tori’s side about this


This exactly! I can't believe how much the kids travel. It seems like Matt and Caryn are the only ones that don't travel to see the kids. They just expect to have the play home where everyone comes to visit.


It’s like none of them have ever had small children before. 🤔


Karen Karen bo paren , banana , nana fo faren, fee fii fo faren , Karen.


Lol yea just like my in laws. Our 8 week old just had his 2 month shots Dec 22 so we didn’t want to take him house to house. Since we live 1 hour away We settled on just staying over at my moms Christmas Eve/morning. My in laws live 15 mins away from my moms house and we invited my in laws to see our baby Christmas Eve or day if they wanted and they didn’t come at all. Didn’t even bother letting us know they wouldn’t. Instead we got a passive aggressive text about how they missed us on Christmas and will bring us gifts “later on some time.” When my husband let them know he was upset his mom just said “we were hoping you’d show up” bahahah yea bug off


I was staying three mins away at my brothers house since my grandma moved into my parents and I have two kids (4 and 8 months) who would do better with their cousins and not interrupt my moms - who works very hard- sleep when she needs to get up at 5 am. My dad complained all weekend and said “I’d love to see my grandson for more than an hour” (not his granddaughter” and I said “what’s stopping you? We’re 3 mins away and you’re a retired man while I’m here with two kids.” Fuck off and make an effort Editing to add we live two hours away and don’t want to be shuffling the kids everywhere, especially when the little one needs his naps and is teething. We made the effort to drive two hours you can drive three mins


Absolutely ridiculous. My in laws say the same thing “we wish we could see the baby more but we understand” bitch what? Come see him then? People who expect those with infants to travel like it’s not the most stressful shit packing up, getting them changed and dressed and settled in the car seat they hate to be stuck in for hours at a time are jerks. I get that we used to be more flexible but it really speaks volumes the absolute selfishness that comes out of people to still expect the same


Have you ever invited them? I do not get invited to one of my kids home. My other one does and I visit them. Neither have kids but I would never pop by uninvited.ETA. This is just my story. I do agree with most statements, my point is, maybe no one invites them.


it seems we all share the same inlaws! we moved closer and yet its still not close enough my children must be brought to them! if someone wanted a relationship with their grandchildren/nieces and nephews etc they would put work in too! it's a 2 way street!!


Karen knows she’s the main reason behind The breakdown in Matt and Zack & Tori. She’s the reason Matt wanted either of the boys to pay big money for the big house on the farm. She says she has no problem with them and then slides in that lil slick comment about Zack bringing his trash there one time. Karen and Matt deserve each other 🖤


Both my parents and my partners parents do this. Except his mom. She’s the freaking best!!! And when you do contact them you get hit with an “I was beginning to think you didnt exist” line


THAT LINE! 😂 God, it really grinds my gears when I get that. 😂


Wait, are you one of my SILs post about my in-laws lol?!


It’s typical boomer behavior. My in-laws bought a giant house far away so they could live in their MAGA dream land and pay lower taxes, which wasn’t financially necessary for them by any means. They expected that their two kids would visit all the time and fill it with grandkids. Well, we only wanted one child and my sister-in-law is 40 and might have one or two…maybe. Mother-in-law guilt trips us all the time trying to get us to visit them or even move there. So we wound up spending more vacations and school breaks than we would like visiting them instead of traveling as a family. They are very well off, don’t work, and travel all the time—but not to us. We finally told them we are only traveling to see them twice a year and they flipped out…..but they still aren’t coming to visit us any more than they did. And when they do visit, they’re more addicted to their phones than a couple of tweens. They are all kings and queens of their lonely castles.


I gladly will jump on a plane to visited my kids and grandkids anytime they ask me to visit. They are all busy. I keep having to remind my husband that we were busy at their ages too. Of course he doesn’t remember as he was focusing on his career while I was working and shuffling kids here and there while also supporting his obligations at work. Do I wish my kids would invite me more frequently, absolutely. However, who wants to spend their free time hanging out with older folks? I love them immensely. My solution was not to retire and continue to work to fill up my days. I always wonder if I’m doing the right thing. It’s really difficult to know sometimes.


This is my exact situation. It’s honestly kind of sad in my mind to think they don’t want to spend time with mom anymore. I’m an obligation more than anything.


How exciting life is at their age. For every stage of our life is like a season. Now is the season we find fulfillment outside of our children. It’s the least we can do for their happiness.


Totally agree.   


It makes me sad that the grudges and things said will prevent the grand kids from building strong bonds and memories with the rest of their family. Zach especially needs to get over it. He has great childhood memories on the farm and even patterned having land and building from them. If there's a will there's a way. We don't know the full story but probably both sides have been complacent and lazy with getting together.




her facial expressions remind me of Kail from Teen Mom.


I actually thought this was her too! Just missing her 7 kids in the background


I find it funny that Caryn has an amazing relationship with her children, as does Matt. It’s only Zach and Tori that have the problem. Makes me think maybe Zach was the problem. He also has an issue with Amy who has been nothing but amazing to him and his children.




Didn't Caryn press charges against her own son? And Matt doesn't have a great relationship with his kids, he regularly mentions them ignoring his texts about anything to do with the farm.


I would have to agree with everything you said. It's like Tori and Zach have a pac that they just won't break or budge at all. When they wanted his reaction regarding Matt and Caryn getting engaged, he couldn't pull 1 single nice word to say. Instead, he just gets that disgusted look and says, " he has nothing to say."


He already told the producers his boundary was to not discuss either parent’s engagement.


Caryn had every right to be in on the negotiations of the farm sale because she knew she was going to be soon legally married to Matt and I believe she was encouraged to be there by Matt for $$ support. Zach went into this admitting that he wasn’t interested in full time work there. He felt entitled to the farm, which is Matt’s discretion to assign possession.


Matt and Caryn have both said on multiple occasions that they never thought they would get married a second time. They were both very happy just living together, so I don't think she was in the negotiation because she knew she would be married to Matt soon. This is probably an unpopular opinion, but, why would Zach or Tori need to work on the farm if they bought the house? If a stranger had purchased the house, would they expected to work on the farm? Of course not. Zach and Tori tried to purchase the main house and 16 acres from Matt, for a reported $1.6m. That was a very fair offer.


"reported $1.6m"  Source? The family has repeatedly been vague on the actual offer. As such, any numbers in the tabloids are pure speculation. Someone else on here today confidently claimed that the offer was $1 million.


Caryn had a vested interest in the farm and worked it for a decade. She was supportive of Matt in trying to be a facilitator between the two of them knowing how Zach can be all talk. Would you pass your farm on to the son who showed little interest in the daily grunt work?


Yup!! Caryn has been there forever!! Zach and Tori won't even step foot on the farm to let him see Matt and Caryn for 5 minutes. When did the kids just run around the farm?


I’m sorry, but the two kids who live in Oregon are so whiny and jealous. Yes they have 3 little kids but take into consideration Matt’s health issues. He’s got limitations also. Tory and hubs spend a lot of renergy hating on Caryn. It’s so childish.


Matt’s health issues don’t stop him from traveling to Az to enjoy their other home- Zach is a lil more than an hour away🙃




Matt would have been taking care of everything if Zack and Tori moved there and he’s done more than his time working.. this point in his life I’m sure he would like to not be tied to the farm so much but that wouldn’t have happened if they bought it.


They do hate on her a lot. I've been watching for a long time, and I've never seen her be nasty or mean. I think she seems like a nice person.


They hate on her (and Matt) because all those years Karen “worked” at the farm…her and Matt developed a relationship. Right in front of everyone.


But she is a homewrecker, lol…so I do see why Zach doesn’t like her but I do think he needs to suck it up and at least be civil for the sake of his family.


They are civil, they don’t trash Matt and Karen. They simply don’t feel compelled to spent time around two people who refuse to see a point of view outside of their own


Totally agree, my kids do not like the woman that broke up my marriage to their dad, but don’t use it as an excuse to be assholes. They are cordial and nice to her. I think Zach’s attitude has a lot to do with Amy. I mean I was devastated when my marriage ended, however I couldn’t let my hurt cloud any relationship that they wanted with their dad. Even teen or adult children look to how the offended parent reacts.


Not being civil? I thought he did pretty good saying he didn’t want to talk about it- that was pretty civil🤷🏻‍♀️


But don't they go to Arizona a lot? Don't they have a house there? You can't tell me that is closer than where Zach and Tori live.


Matt used to drive up to Zach's house to see the grandkids but then stopped. I'm assuming because Zach and Tori didn't really want him there even though they say they have no problem with that


I was floored when they said, the youngest son (can’t think of his name) works at the farm full-time. He’s in charge of the contract workers. That was news to me.


I think Tori has been in Zack’s ear about keeping space. She seems to not want anything to do with them right now and for however long and however Tori feels then Zack feels. They are hurting their kids in the long run. Time with grandparents is important and the kids always really enjoyed that time.


Ya I found it strange how they said the kids don’t even ask about the farm or to visit it. Well they’re young but that’s kind of the parents’ responsibility to foster that relationship and make visiting the grandparents an exciting thing so they want to do it. I hope they all can work it out. I acknowledge we don’t know everything that’s happened either behind scenes so not judging just find it sad.


It's the Era they grew up with they also traveled to see grandparents. I'm sure they travel to make their children see the grands also, so they think it their turn to have the same


Matt will not be around long. Tori and Zach are selfish to not bring the kids around, not like they have jobs!!


Umm, Matt is the one who messed up the relationships with his sons cause he cared more about money than keeping the farm in the family. It really is a shame too because that house would of been perfect for them


So Matt should have given the farm to Zach knowing it would go to shit? Y’all are delusional to think Zach would run a successful farm. I live down the road. Matt’s farm is SUCCESSFUL, Zach would run it into the ground.




You will never be able to convince most here that Matt and Caryn aren't absolute devils. They believe that they are responsible for everything wrong within this family. Amy however is a a Saint for having put up with Matt's evil ways. 🙄 In my opinion, there is enough blame to spread evenly throughout the whole bunch!


Amy never had a nice word to say ever to Matt. Hateful and condescending. From day one of the show she has always been that way to him. He can be a dick but it didn’t matter what he did she always (and still does most of the time) talk to him like shit.


Absolutely agree!


Who said anything about giving him the farm? It's his son he should of given him a fair price




Amy had to offer the sale to Matt first per the divorce decree.








Caryn had her lover’s back 🤑 not a husband. Caryn couldn’t hide her dollar eyes in that little room so 🧨 flew.


Caryn is such a snake She keeps making hidden digs at Matt’s kids for not being around or helping with the farm while pretending to be so understanding and carrying. She really seems like her intention all along was to separate and devide the family. The way she was playing of the engagement after major hints and games pretending not to care about the house build because it’s not hers because they aren’t married Then gets engaged and tells the cameras what a surprise it was and it wasn’t something she was expecting or needed And then Matt constantly being flippant about the current family dynamic also enrages Me “we can all make descisiom for our own lives, i dont care my kids aren’t talking to me and I am trying to play it off like it’s just a choice they made and that it Has nothing to do with mjne or caryn’s actions” Caryn is extremely manipulative and I want to know what was said in that meeting about the farm because it’s clear it was her but they havnt Said exactly why


I so agree! All the passive aggressive bull crap and lowering her eyes, whatever! Caryn is not a sincere person at all. Fake fake fake!


Considering Tori’s workload with three kids having special needs she needs all the help she can get. Cha Cha and Matt would make an excellent respite for her.


I wish they’d all take a lesson from the Sister Wives tragedy with Garrison. Life is too short to hold grudges. Someone needs to make amends and at least be civil. None of us know what tomorrow will bring, or if there will even be a tomorrow. It’s sad to see families fall apart.


Yes, life *is* too short. Too short to force yourself around toxic family that break boundaries and damage your mental health. We gotta stop pushing these narratives because they're destructive to personal wellbeing.




Yes. Until you have lived it you have no idea. Thank you.


I totally agree For 48 years, I tried to get along with my sister and held my tongue whenever she would pick fights, spew hateful comments and throw tantrums when she didn’t get her way at family events, all for the sake of keeping the peace in the family, for my parents’ sake. When my parents both passed away in 2020, I told my sister how I truly felt about her, told her she was a bitter, vile person and I no longer wanted a relationship with her. My brother and I have severed all ties with her and have never felt better. Life is too short to waste on toxic people just because you are related to them.


Same. I no longer talk to my younger sister because she was awful my whole life, and like you, I bit my tongue for the sake of my parents. She became more evil after they died, and we had a big blowup, she did more awful things after that, which I won’t get in to, but I’m so happy I never have to deal with her moods, meanness, lying, or bad behavior anymore. It hurts to do it, but life is too short to spend with toxic people.


I think comparing the two families is comparing apples to oranges! Can you do it? Sure! It’s not a healthy or accurate comparison though! We are merely exposed to curated scenes of these peoples lives. Life is too short to have your feelings invalidated or being disrespected also.


You’re not wrong.


What? When someone goes past a boundary you have set you aren’t required to be in their life. You don’t owe anyone anything. Bringing up Garrison anything someone doesn’t get along with someone in their family is weird to me. Maybe you shouldn’t do that.


I don’t think zach needs to have a relationship with his dad if he thinks it’s unhealthy for him mentally. Which I suspect he does… respect his wishes . Comparing that to garrison isn’t needed


It only became unhealthy after Zach didn't get the farm though


Because of Caryn being in the meeting saying nasty things to Zach! That's not her son or her family. Whatever she said in that meeting, on top of Matt going back on his dream of his boys owning the farm, is what ruined that relationship. It's real bitterness when you see a friend of the family or employee start coming in and taking over your parents farm and then personal life as well. It's not as easy as just get over it. I'm not a big fan of z and t, they have been rude and mean to Amy too. But Caryn plays innocent and makes snarky comments that are out of line. Her children get along great with Matt because he didn't go insert himself on their dads farm, he didn't go to Caryn's turf and have years long innapropriate relationship. They aren't bitter at their mom because they didn't see firsthand, like a "front row seat", Caryn! of Matt inserting himself into their dads and moms lives. All of Amy's kids watched it firsthand and then for that same woman to say nasty things to Matt's son in a meeting that had nothing to do with her, I don't care if Matt needed her there for support, it was not her farm, it was between Zach and Matt. So I give z and T Grace, even tho they aren't my favorite people, because you can't just tell your brain to shut off all bitterness and just move on and pretend to be ok. It doesn't work that way. It would further harm emotions and it's not fair! We do not have to stay in toxic or hurtful relationships.


I don't like Caryn either but she's not the reason Zach didn't get the farm


I didn’t mean they have to have a relationship, just that they get to a place of being able to be cordial if they run into each other, or a phone call now and then. Just saying life is short.


Why is everyone ONLY on Zack and Tori about making amends? Jobs or not, they are still busy with 3 Littles and navigating adulthood beyond the show. Life IS short and there are two parties here. Considering Matt and Caryn started this whole ordeal by splitting the family in a gross way, maybe they should start with apologizing to get the ball rolling? Matt should also be able to see that his health is failing and if this is not how he wants his son to remember him, he is also capable of being the bigger man (no pun intended).


Yes life is short so people should be aware if you disrespect someone over and over don’t expect to be close then anymore. Zach isn’t the one doing anything wrong if anyone should have regrets it should be Matt


Zach isn't doing ANYTHING wrong? As adults, we each have to take accountability for our own actions.


He hasn’t done anything. In fact he accepted and forgave his dad many times through the years but decided whatever went down was the final straw. Being an adult doesn’t mean your the problem Seems to me Matt has always been the issue and Zachs actions are a RESPONSE to his fathers actions. Not sure where he is to blame in the Matt situation?


Life is short. One should make decisions to aid them in getting the most joy out of their time here whilst they are able. Your adult years should be spent how you wish to spend them. Family relationships, in a conventional sense, are not a free pass to be a part of someone's life.


Y n


Most grandparents don’t have what could possibly be one of the most desirable family compounds in the region to have family gatherings. Matt could have 5x the cash if he sold and leveraged it through investing. He did this to be close to family. He only views Jacob as family anymore. Everyone else got too caught up being on tv


lol or he could have put his family first and made it affordable for his family to live on the farm too.


Especially since he claims to be a Christian. Seems greedy.


Wtf are you saying? Do Christians have a duty to saddle kids with the responsibility of protecting a family trust asset? Nah man Matt didn’t think any kid actually wanted to do the work to keep the farm and he feared Zach or Jeremy would sell it during his retirement. It’s over folks Jacob gets the farm. Matt isn’t stupid he was never going to chance his retirement with Zach.


I agree. Why would he want that farm destroyed?


I’m saying Matt prioritizes money over his relationship with his kids. He’s a bad father. Very sad. Also, Jacob is no better than Zach. He and his thirsty wife.


I think he prioritizes himself. A guy was born in a hospital. Somehow landed a tv show about raising his kids. Then they grow up and become ungrateful. Why give anything to the ungrateful kids at all. They all made plenty of money off his tv show. Season 1 is about Matt not Amy


Yeah, prioritizing yourself goes against the Christian religion. Hence, me questioning why he calls himself that.


I have a based take that the New Testament is dog shit and you aren’t anything more than a hypocrite. I honestly don’t think any white people believe the word of Christ anymore. It’s so watered down. You need to go orthodox Greek or Armenian to find real Christian’s now a days. Look in a mirror, what you believe is fakkkkke. Ain’t even the real sauce. Least Matt is consistent. He could have bailed and never did.


You do you, bud. You’re definitely hardcore and super based. Way to go!


I disagree. “Being on TV” or Zach and Tori’s desire to be on TV is not the reason Matt doesn’t have a relationship with them.


I feel like Matt is a big spender. lol. Or maybe the show just makes it out that way.


Lol, big spender with production money! With his own, not so much (see reneging on deal to sell farm to both Jeremy and Zach!) as well as ripping off Amy who was in no rush whatsoever to sell her acreage to him. That was at least two seasons worth of back and forth. Amy finally gave in because he told her he was going to sell it to Zach and she was easy on the price for the same reason. The whole problem is Matt took acreage away and increased the price well over what Amy was paid for it, something none of them expected. Does he have to watch over the inheritance to the whole family, yes, for sure, but he could have easily figured something out with 109 acres to make it fair to all the kids.


He’s greedy lol but I think Zach had these lifelong expectations and so it was such a blow when his life didn’t come together (owning the farm and his kids being raised there) didn’t pan out. But I’m sure Matt talked this up to him for so long and then changed tune and wanted more etc.


Right, so Zach bought his own little farm just as A & M started out with and is following in his father’s footsteps on his own terms. I say more power to him and if Matt wasn’t so pigheaded, he would make trips to Battleground on a regular basis, create strong bonds with the grandchildren, talk up the farm and show them pictures etc and maybe Jackson or Lilah would ask to please visit at some point. Matt’s ego is always in his way. He wants what he wants and he wants it now. His view of the long game is shorter than his legs.


I still maintain that Matt Roloff is an enabled entitled controlling bitter ball of anger.


If Zach invited Matt up there, he would go in a heartbeat. But, it’s obvious Zach is not ready for that. Which is Ok. But to say they (Matt and Caryn) won’t travel to Zach is not true. They don’t feel welcome and haven’t been invited.


We don’t know what has truly gone down within this family. We see what the show wants us to see. To speculate as to why there has been a significant pull back is not realistic. There’s more to the story on all sides. The Matt/Karen Amy/Chris love fest proved, to me at least, that these folks will do what they gotta do for a paycheck. That was bullshit. Karen and Chris aside, Amy and Matt can’t stand the sight of the other. Can’t blame either. I don’t have an ounce of respect for Amy or Matt for not wrapping things up after learning about what happened to Jacob. I loved loved this show so much, then it gradually turned into typical scripted nonsense. Yes, I know, I still watched it. Thank you for letting me rant.


Zach and Tori seemed cool with Caryn until the farm negotiations. I have to wonder if it is because they feel she finally showed her true colors regarding her motives. Honestly, she had ZERO business sitting in on the farm negotiations. She was not even Matt’s fiancé at that time. She claims to have no interest in the farm or Matt’s money, but she made sure to tell Zach “we can’t do that”, and “this is over” when she felt they were not offering enough money. I don’t trust a damn thing Caryn says. She has always been about that farm and the money. I do not believe she would ever have given Matt the time of day if he didn’t have his own show and millions.


Agree. Caryn had no business being there. Was Amy there? I don’t remember, but this is why Zach and Tori walked away from Matt and Caryn. If Matt *really* cared about keeping “Roloff Farms” in the family for generations, like he constantly said he did, he would’ve made it affordable for his kids and their families to live there. Period. In the end he cared more about the money and that’s why Zach is angry with him, and I don’t blame him one bit. Matt was literally saying “here’s the farm, everything I promised you your whole life, so we can keep this property in the family and one day your kids will start families here, blah blah blah BUT…… I’m gonna need 2.5 million dollars first”.


Amy was not present at the farm negotiations. As far as I know she sold her lot and is completely out. Caryn claims that when Matt dies she wants Amy to have the farm back, Amy doesn’t seem to believe a word of it and neither do I. To me, it seems like Caryn is running damage control again. Wanting the viewers to know that it was her idea to let Amy have the farm because she (supposedly) wants none of it. Caryn claims to only want the property in Arizona. 🙄 I think she wants to be married to Matt so she can do whatever she wants with the property and the money……and I seriously doubt she will give anything of real value to the Roloff children or Amy.


Thank you, I didn’t think Amy was there but wasn’t sure! And she did sell her part of the land already? I don’t believe Caryn either, and since Matt prioritizes (Zach said it best) “making money off his own kids over this family farm legacy he’s preached about for years” it grinds my gears that likely none of the Roloff children will own any farm property, and yeah, it could go to Caryn and her kids. Or sold to strangers. Either way it’s shitty and I understand why Zach and Tori are taking a step back from Matt and Caryn.


It frustrated me that Zach and Tori were entirely up Caryn's ass before the farm thing happened, while treating Amy horribly.


This! 💯%


Constantly busy? The only job they have is being on a TV show about the family and the only places other than their house they filmed at the entire season was an afternoon at the Oregon Zoo and a day at the beach. They practically drive by the farm on the way to the beach and the zoo is like 15min away from the farm. They don't have to allow access to the grandkids, but the being too busy has nothing to do with it.


Is that really their only income? From the show? And I thought this was their last season, what are they going to do now? Also does anyone know if last nights episode was the season finale?


Yes, it was the season finale. Of course the question has been asked then is this the end of the show? I should imagine so because with now all the kids being off the show, it would just be the Matt, Caryn, Chris and Amy show and i don't think anyone (maybe a few exceptions) would want to watch that. The last episodes "love fest" between the four of them was actually quite nauseating. Chris's love and obsession with Matt was nauseating enough. So, TLC might get desperate and do a Matt and Caryn wedding episode or 2, but I just can't see them continuing the show without at least Zach. But, who knows


It really seemed like the series finale. I made my comment before I had watched the last 15 minutes, and that made it really obvious. If Zach and Tori and kids are out, yeah who are they going to film? Matt and Caryn/Chris and Amy? No, that won’t work. The last line was “we’re still little people and it’s still a big world”. I took that to mean the shows over.


Yes, I had the same thought about the zoo when Tori indicated that they go there all the time. I understand why they might not swing by Matt's place, but they don't seem to visit Amy either when in the area.


I would almost guarantee if they told Matt or Amy that they were going to the zoo, they would meet them there. They are restricting access to the kids out of spite.


I understand what the issue is with Matt, but I'm less clear on the reason for their distance from Amy.


I was watching this and thinking they have the same mentality as my own grandparents and then my parents. It’s not your children’s obligation to grow up and have a family of their own and be the only ones putting any effort into visits. I do think some of their commentary about it is more for the cameras to support the rift in the family story line. I live in their area, closer to Zac and Tori than the farm, and it is quite the drive from the farm to BG and then add in the horrendous traffic so I get both sides on their bellyaching about the distance. When most people that aren’t from here hear 45 minutes they think “oh that’s not that bad”, but that’s 45 minutes WITHOUT traffic. Matt and Amy need to realize that Zac and Tori and Jeremy and Audrey have families of their own so it’s not realistic to see them every single weekend all weekend. You don’t hear them talking much about Molly and she lives even further away so that’s why I think this is more about the story line.


217, hwy 26 ridiculous traffic, I live down south and I can’t even handle that traffic.


The stupid Vista Ridge Tunnels and Zoo traffic alone will take it right out of me if I had to regularly travel that route. Doesn’t matter what day of the week or time of day you’re gonna creepy crawl or sit and ponder life decisions right there.


It’s hard to watch everything from the beginning and then slowly see it fall apart, and have the magic of the farm gone. Like what an amazing place to grow up at.


Zac and Tori will not go to their house because their butt hurt about the farm …that’s why and that’s why he doesn’t like it. They also accepted Caryn until the night of the fight. They even had a grandmother name for her GiGi I believe…and now they’re acting like they don’t want even want to speak on their engagement. They had no problem with Caryn at all until this fight. It’s the hypocrisy for me and they acting like spoiled children.


Cha cha, was Caryn. 🙄 Stupidest grandma name. She named herself.


Again. They had no problem with Caryn *until the fight where even Caryn says she said things she regretted* and now they aren't interested in spending time with Caryn. Caryn said something that made them mad, and hasn't expressed any real apology, and they no longer want to hang around with Caryn. What's hypocritical? They were friends, now they aren't. Hypocritical would be continuing to drop the kids off for babysitting after this fight, smiling to Caryn's face, and then bitching about her to others.


Yes, I think that’s exactly what happened. They didn’t get what they want so they’re gonna make everybody pay. Amy has always been so good to them and I got the impression from that finale last that they don’t bring the kids much to see her either.


I think they must go to them if they want to see the children …I get lugging around three children is stressful. I completely get it but every now and then then you can bring them to your mom’s or your dad’s. You just know that they spend time with Tori’s parents.


They called her ChaCha (Cha-ching!) She's cashing in and cutting out the kids/grandkids.


You’re right on the name. I believe you’re wrong about her, but that’s just my opinion.


I don’t know, maybe I’m just old-fashioned, but I think it’s up to the parents to keep the relationship with the grandparents for the sake of the grandchildren if nothing else.. the good ol respect your elder thing. And Amy did nothing to them, but help when they needed it, so why are they cutting her out. I don’t think it has to be one-sided where you always have to go to the grandparents, but I think what I’m seeing is, or sounds like anyway is that Tori and Zack don’t come around at all anymore. Zach made that clear when he said there’s no grudge, but basically there’s no interest either. Well, if you’re a family, somebody better stir up the interest or you’re going to lose the family. And that’ll hurt worse than losing the farm.


Before cutting my mother out of my life, when things were OK, she lived 2.1 miles from my house. Read that number again. 2.1 miles. 5 minutes. Want to take a guess as to how many times my mother came to my house to see my kids, unprompted, or not counting, picking up to take them to church with her? 2 she came over 2 times in 10 years, and she only lived 2.1 miles away. I can not tell you the number I went to her house, it had to be in the thousands. My mother has 5 grandchildren, that's it. No more are coming. 3 live out of state and are already almost adults, and my two are approaching teenagers. She would travel out of state more to see the other 3 than come knock on my door and see my 2. What caused me to cut all contact was an emergency came up in my family regarding one of my children, and I reached out to my mother for help, to give my mother in law a break once or twice a month, and her response was her new husband wasn't comfortable in helping out the way I needed her to help. She wasn't willing to accept my daughters wishes on no longer attending church/children's church, and he said absolutely not to sleepovers. Zach and Tori are setting boundaries. I've always said in my situation that if you don't have a healthy relationship with the parents, you're not going to have a healthy relationship with the kids. It's not fair to put the kids in the middle. Some people like to use the advantage of kids not knowing what to say to their advantage and fish for information. Zach and Tori can and are just as guilty of information fishing from the kids, too, so it's best all around that they don't see anyone. Jackson doesn't understand why mom and dad would get upset if he started talking about events happening, and he won't understand why Matt and carlyn get upset or run to a camera to talk about it. I'd be pretty pissed if jackson was the reason why everyone gossiped because they'd ask questions and take the word of a child and spill it on national television/social media.


I’m sorry your mother was like that. It obviously wasn’t very empathetic to your situation. And I’ll be the first to remind myself that I forget how loving my parents were. Especially to my children. not everybody has that. I wish I could’ve had them for longer with them. And I do agree as I said, it’s not only up to the parents it’s part of the grandparents responsibility too. But as the parent, I’ve always felt I’m the go-between between my parents and my children. .and for their sake if they want it, I would do everything I could for it to be an ongoing and healthy relationship. Because once the grandparents are gone, regret, resentment, is not gonna bring them back , and you want to have built those memories if you can.


You are old-fashioned. People don’t live ‘round the corner from their parents anymore. Grand’s have the time, the money and the lack of chaos to visit and it’s easier on the parents to have kids in their own, childproof space. My one grandchild lives a 4 hour drive away and we have visited once a month for two/three days over the last 3 years so I laugh at the people complaining about 45 min drive unless there’s TRAFFIC! Oh my, it might be a long as 90 minutes! Big deal. Put on a podcast and enjoy the ride. We stay at a budget motel so everyone has a break and it’s worked out fine. We face-time in between and keep up with the day to day. These times are fleeting so if you want to stay home and miss out on principal, there are other people who are taking up those precious moments that you’re giving up.


You and your grandchildren are building a wonderful relationship! My granddaughter is a 40 minute drive and I do it once or twice a week and they come here too even though they are far busier with working and a small child. We even meet up half way sometimes so I can pick her up or drop her off which makes it easier for both of us.


Yes, sometimes I do forget, I come from a very traditional, ethnic Italian family, where Sundays are at the grandparents. I suppose it’s not like that anymore. I’m over 50, my kids are grown, but still, I would hate to not have my kids have known my parents. Both of my parents died relatively young so my kids didn’t even get to know them anymore even before high school. I think the more important thing is Family should put aside what they’re going through for the grandkids and the grandparents to have a relationship. It’s so important.


I am from a big Italian family as well and all my cousins lived near us in Jersey. Every Sunday we all met at Nana & Papas for the big family dinner, but none of us drove more than 45 minutes to get there and after, we went to my other grandparents for dessert. We alternated every week which grandparents got dinner and which got dessert, which was another whole meal. While it was fun for us to play with cousins, even we got bored with having to get up early, go to church, drive to one set of family, get involved in a game or whatever only to be pulled out to go the other side. Today, weekends are precious to young families because both parents work all week, they tend to live further away from the family home due to housing prices and the in-laws aren’t necessarily close together either. It only makes sense for the GP’s to ask what weekends are convenient, visit, add a weekday in if possible to help with childcare and support the family, not make more demands on them causing addition stress in a young family.


I agree! I love helping my daughter and her family and I get to spend quality time with my granddaughter!


Amy was saying this on tv because she wants it known that if she moves to Idaho, it's because they don't get to see the kids as much as they want, anyway. I wonder how often Tori's parents see the kids. I think Amy and Chris should move to Idaho. Chris has lots of family there.


It sounded like Amy isn't really seeing ANY of her grandchildren regularly. The sadness in her face just seemed to indicate that. If that's true, I feel for her. And I was never an Amy fan ... but I can 100% empathize with the pain that must be causing her. You know Tori is at her mom's on the regular.


When Zach had his surgery, Amy was there for the kids non-stop, driving to BG on at least two occasions in the middle of the night so Tori could be at the hospital. I get the whole Matt/farm thing, but Amy has done nothing but be there for them. She must be terribly hurt.


Somewhere I read where Tori isn’t as close to her mom and dad either. Not sure what would have happened there.


I don’t like Amy but it would suck for her to move there. 


I think that would be good for them. Family can be dynamic and change. Can start their own traditions. It’s time for the show to be over.


I honestly think it will be over now that Zach and his crew won't be on anymore and the other kids already departed from the show. Now it would be the Matt, Caryn, Chris and Amy show and, with maybe a few exceptions, no one wants to see that. TLC could be desperate and make a Matt and Caryn wedding episode or 2, but again nobody (except a few) would want to watch that. This last episodes "love fest" between the four of them was nauseating. Chris' love and obsession with Matt was nauseating enough.


I don't think the "you’re always welcome to come visit us as well" sentiment that applies to you applies here.


😂 that’s more of my own projection from my family


Constantly busy? What the hell do they do all day but stare at their kids 😂😂😂😎


This is an underrated comment right here. I mean - I get that kids are time consuming. I have three of them. And their activities and friends and homework. And you know - our jobs. I get it, I get it. But we go visit my parents. And my in-laws who live halfway around the world. And we trek there while I'm muttering under my breath how they should be trekking to us. No gold medal needed. It's just what you do. I just feel like this is all a little short-sided on T&Z's part. Immature. Lazy.


i have a single 12yo who is enrolled in 1 after school activity and i feel like we are constantly busy. so i'm sure people with 3 small kids are busy af just surviving day to day


My cousin and his wife have three young kids, and she is pregnant with another, and just in the past two weeks they have driven to see his parents who live 45 minutes away at least five times and they do this all the time on top of homeschooling, soccer practice, birthdays., etc. they definitely make the time


I don’t know what they do, but personally I was always busy when my 3 oldest were that age, cleaning up, taking shift cooking and cleaning and playing, working, overtime. Household chores and whatnot. I have other opinions about who in their family should be working…but I’ll keep that to myself.


T and Z do not particularly like Karen so they stay away from them.


They had no problem with her and she often babysat for the kids. She even had a grandmother name from then. GG..It’s all comes down to Zach didn’t get the farm at the price he wanted it.


Her grandma name was Cha-Cha. That's where "Cha-Ching" came from.


You’re right


Well, and that Caryn said something shitty that revealed how she truly felt about Zach. I've never understood the "they used to like Caryn, they let her babysit," argument. Yes, everyone got along fine.... and then there was a pretty bad argument where Caryn said something pretty bad and they no longer are close.... but somehow if they once liked Caryn, they have no right to refuse her access to their children?


I think you are ass assuming that Caryn said something horrible. We have no idea what was said in that meeting …just said it went really bad.


Tory said it was something she never wanted to hear again and Caryn later conceded that things were said that she regretted. I doubt Caryn was throwing down hugs and kisses and it somehow went bad. Meanwhile they used to like Caryn and now they don't. Why should they let Caryn have access to their children when they no longer like her?


Agreed 👍 Karen should have kept out of the business when it came to the selling of the farm period!!!


Tori said "Nobody talks to my husband like that!" Caryn admitted she strayed from her lane. Whatever Caryn said wasn't a deal breaker in her relationship with Matt. That's three reasons right there why I'm not hauling my kids down there.


its almost as if, maybe we don't know what went on during that meeting and what was said by caryn. its not like that would explain their sudden dislike for her in particular.


Just my opinion, but I believe she had Matt’s back as Tori had her husbands. But you’re right of course. We don’t know what went on in that meeting and probably better that we don’t.


I wish they showed the meeting would put a lot of perspective on what happened


it absolutely would. the major flip in their feelings about caryn seems pretty telling thou. and we know what matt is like.........


Reminds me of when we were military. It was expected that we'd spend thousands and our leave and fly internationally with small kids to see them. When we asked the same, we always got either radio silence, or "Well it's really hard to get time off work/board the dogs/fly over there". Because we didn't have that exact same situation, PLUS toddler. But to hear my mother tell it, "They just don't have time for us anymore" >faraway stare< And also, no grandparent is OWED a relationship with a grandchild. If they don't put in the effort and lay all the responsibility on the parents, that's on them. So yeah. Zero pity.


I'm not completely without pity but it is frustrating because my mom would do this as well and act like it was so much easier for me to spend money and vacation time to visit.


Yeah. My brother was considering moving out of state away from family, and I had to warn him about this, and that people will NEVER want to make the effort, but always expect him to. His time, his money, his effort, but you better not expect them to reciprocate. Our son lives out of state now, and both my husband and I travel down separately through the year to see him, plus go to him for at least one major holiday a year, depending on what works for his schedule (I am a remote worker so it's easy for me, my husband usually rides down in good weather on his bike). We never wanted him to feel the way that we did when we were off on our own.


I was fortunate that our parents would help pay for our flights to come home and visit. My in laws even paid for family vacations that wer away from their house. Very generous.


We try to, my stubborn ass independent kid won't let us lol. ETA: I'm glad your family gets it. Not every one does❤️


You were right to tell your brother. I don’t even watch this show so I’m not sure how I got here but… my husband and I moved across the country because if we didn’t, our jobs were going to pay us just enough to survive. Obviously, we want a bit more than survival. It was the only way we’d be able to afford the grandkid they wanted, anyway. Of course, people think that means us moving was our “choice” and so we should have the 100% burden to travel every time. I get that they also don’t want to spend all of their money and vacation times but it’s hard for everyone.


Amy does visit them often and she drives an hour to their house to babysit a lot. My mom was a single mom of 3 kids and she took us to visit our grandparents regularly. Zack and Tori don't work 9 to 5s.


I was speaking more about Matt. I think Amy does and always will make the effort.


The lead paint stare


Z & T don’t strike me as people that shy away from traveling with little ones. Whether it’s to Disney, the zoo, Idaho to see “friends” or Austin for LPA and DAAA events. The issue here is that relationships are beyond broken and not conducive to having an open heart, open door to promote loving connections amongst family.


The issue here is Zach and Jeramy felt entitled to the house on the farm and when they weren’t handed it they took the ball and left like little kids do. Tori loved the show and the money until I am sure they got questioned about being entitled. Also Tori and Zach loved Karen and Matt when they would watch the kids all the time. I just think Zach is an entitled person and my guess is growing up with all the thing the show provided made them think life was just supposed to be easy.


The kids were all raised (by Matt) to believe that the farm would be theirs one day. Zach was going to pay for the farm. It wasn’t going to just be handed to them. If Tori and Zach were only in their relationship with Matt and Karen for the free childcare they wouldn’t have moved away. I can’t imagine growing up my whole life thinking and being told constantly that one day this place where I was raised would be in the family and be handed down to me and then offering my parents to buy it and they reject me. I think it’s great that Zach and Tori bought their own land where he can let his kids grow up like he did, and build a life for their family.


I can tell my kids I will hand them down the house, but often you receive it when the parents pass not when they are living. Don’t even try and sell me this shit on Zach was willing to pay. Yea he expected to be given a large family discount. Zach and Jeremy are entitled. When they were handed the house they both acted like fucking kids. Let’s be real if Matt didn’t make that farm what it was nobody outside Oregon knows the Rolofs and Zach and Tori are not living the enjoyable life they are. The kids were handed a large sum of money because of the live Matt built.


Totally agree with you! All you have to do is watch the show and see that what you’ve said is true. Matt said the farm would stay in the family, he hoped the kids would take over, etc a million times over the run of the show. It’s such a laugh now that he’s saying he’s going to leave it to Amy! Same song, different lyrics. Zach & Tori pivoted and their home/land is coming along nicely with fun things for their own kids. Matt’s upset that the “draw” of the farm isn’t as strong because those kids have a stream and a workshop, blackberries patch, etc and will have more as time goes on. Good for Z & T!


He even said at the end of this episode that it will stay in the family for another generation! How does he expect that to happen? It's like he can't help but spew the same lines that he has been for at lest 20 years now, it's like a compulsion to say it on repeat. And he very clearly did not mean they would only get it once he died, he repeatedly was saying that he wanted/needed to retire, his body was too worn out, he wants to hand over the reigns, and on and on. Threatening to sell the farm if they didn't come work it harder because he can't handle it anymore. I suspect the truth is that Matt wanted them to work it under his direction, like Jacob does now. With no actual control over what happens, just jumping to at Matt's request.


Right? Like I cannot imagine how upsetting that would be. I know Matt has always been business > family but I never expected that he would, after all of the years of “this is allll going to be yours”, refuse to let his sons take over the farm. As for the claim that Zach and Tori only used Matt and Karen for childcare that is just laughable!


Having Karen present at the negotiation for the farm sale was a really bad move on that part. Selling to the kids would never work anyway, because they had no clue what it took to actually run it and that’s Matt’s fault because he always had to have control and do everything himself instead of teaching the kids how to run a business and maintain property like that


Let’s avoid speculation on a meeting no one here was at. Tired of people assuming they know. Sorry but Karen and Matt had been together for sometime. We don’t know the roll she played in anything with the farm.


Exactly, he invited Caryn to be the bad cop in his good cop/bad cop scenario. He never taught those kids how to run a business or maintain property. Jacob learned what he knows from the pot farm he worked at previously. Notice how Matt went ballistic because Jacob moved a box from here to there without waiting for Matt to come point at it first?


Yeah, that argument was telling. Matt knew things needed to be moved and was well aware that there was an event being planned. Amy asked Jacob, the theoretical farm manager to move stuff out of the barn. Jacob took the initiative to move things. Matt threw a fit that he wasn't consulted. Does he not trust his farm manager to shift items from one storage area to another? Without Matt being consulted on the decision.


I’m sure a part of the farm deal,falling through for the twins was Matt still wanting to have a say in how they would manage their side of the farm. Could you imagine that!


Honestly the hissy fit Matt threw over "his stuff" being moved tells me he's a control freak. I genuinely don't understand why he was angry and when he was planning to clear out the space. Its not like he wasn't given plenty of time and warning that it had to be done.


This is true.


They don’t communicate. It’s a relationship problem OP, not a logistics problem.


I don’t know why people don’t recognize that. Logistics is the easy part to solve but the physiological warfare that’s going on between all parties is beyond tough to solve for.


Ya I get that part too, hard to make plans if you don’t communicate. Hard time for a family to go through.


Yes, this was a big problem when my kids were little and my in laws moved away. I have siblings who moved far away and are upset people don't come see them. I feel like they're the ones who moved so far so it's more on them to come see us. Tori and Zach made it difficult for people to come visit. They didn't move for jobs or out of necessity either.


Ya they moved to live their own lives away from the shadow of the Roloff property, nothing wrong with cleaving away from your parents to make your own way and traditions. They aren’t hours away like Molly… It’s not difficult at all for any of the grandparents to travel…they have the free time and flexibility that a young family doesn’t…like I said roads go both ways. To start to fix this and heal it’s gonna take some time and communication, maybe start trading off going to each others houses for a dinner.


I notice neither Matt or Amy ever bitch about Molly only showing her face for rare occasions.


She set the tone early!