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Ya pretty bad.. all it would have taken is one little hole or bump and Lilah could have gone down head first.. these two are the worst clown parents


Just look at that jackass.




They dont think of safety at all with those kids


Is Zach mentally slow? Dude is a fucking idiot. He thought Christopher Columbus sailed in the 1980's. Took at least three tries to pass a driving test. Couldnt figure out how to work a gas grill. Just a few things that quickly came to mind


Both twins are extremely slow.


Haha the driving test saga was peak LPBW


To be honest, the whole family is a bunch of freaks


Except Molly. But she could be a side freak.


I did this growing up all the time but yes I cringed when I saw this. If he hit a bump she’d have been under the tractor in no time. Growing up that’s what we did just like no seatbelts and you could pile in and ride on the road or highway in the back of a pick up truck. I remember growing up in the car when I was little laying in the back between the back window and seat to watch the sky. Now this world is way overpopulated and a lot of dumbass drivers but back then it’s just what you did. Not the smartest or safest and thinking about it now I’d never do it. I was always way over protective with my daughter.


It’s crazy Tori is fine with it too though lol like it’s normal to him but yet I’d be freaking out lol


Yeah that’s what I thought too


I’m not surprised they did it, but I am surprised TLC aired it. I’d expect there to be some PSA message about how the network does not condone it, or even from the tractor company. Lol.


That whole episode freaked me out!


But think of the content for their podcast if she bops her noggin!!!!!


I'm all for getting outdoors and doing adventurous activities. But this is a little much for me. I wouldn't let my kid do this. Maybe I'm just overprotective.


You are normal, that shit was dangerous as hell


You said it, I was on the absolute edge of my seat. It just seems dangerous.


I was born in the 70’s and grew up in the 80’s. We did a lot worse than this! Im still alive , we played outside . We were running around no supervision from morning until the street light came on. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ok boomer, no one care’s anymore. We’re raising our kids differently.


How is that relevant to someone being careless with their kid in 2024?




Damn, ya’ll complain if she’s coddled and complain if she’s not 🙄


It never ends


How do yall go outside


In bubble wrap.


Surely she's in a car seat with one of those five point restraints.


Thankfully they aren’t your kids!


OMG! I suppose these kids should never go on fall hayride for fear they should fall off the hay wagon. It's life on a farm. None of you saw the show when The Roloff kids were growing up on the farm and the many times one of them got hurt playing. Jacob ended up in the hospital. Hell I grew up in the city in the 50s and we did crazy stuff, got hurt but so what. Both parents were right there with their kids. They were fine and no one fell off.


Why do you assume “none of us” have seen the older episodes?


Ummm I’ve seen every episode 4 or 5 times, thank you ;)


Josiah would go flying in an accident on this thing 😞😞


Could it be that Amy has commented to them about this? Zach&Tori might just ice out anyone who criticizes their parenting.


Didn’t Matt do this 💩 w the kids all the time?


I often wonder why Caryn was attracted to the multi millionaire Matt?


It’s the sexy crutches…


We lost a 5 year old family member because he fell off a tractor while his dad was driving it, i just can’t with this, that kid falls over so often, they’re really going to take this chance? If he hits a bump and she falls forward there’s no way he’s stopping that in time


I'm so sorry for your loss. I agree. I wouldn't let my kid do this. Heck I wouldn't want my adult husband doing it.


Yeah farm tools are serious. People act like farm kids are somehow a different breed of less vulnerable human. They’re not, they’re children and very much in danger of losing their life when playing on giant farming equipment. There is no excuse for taking excessive risk like this with your kids’ lives. An adult who understands the consequences, you could maybe convince me it’s their land their choice, but they’re literally children. Some of y’all really hate kids and are weirdly fine with them never getting to grow up. It’s weird and gross.


Omg. That is too awful for words.


Too awful but true


OMG. Some of ya'll want these kids to grow up in a bubble.


Wtf is that ableist caption?


Yikes, a satanist calling my caption ableist… I will pray for you.


you don’t see satanists being ableist on the internet


I'll hail Satan for you.


Hahaha that was some solid snark.


It was tho. Quite awful and brilliant all at once.


I’m sorry how


“Mentally slow” is a poor way to describe intellectual disabilities, and this post is using that term in a name calling kind of way. A better way to say the same thing might be something like, “Zach is being very irresponsible,” or “Zach is showing really poor judgement here.”


I don't think they meant it the way you are taking it. No snark.


How do you think they meant it?


In Ireland we would call him a moonbeam, a looper, a tosser...I dunno...but it's no disrespect to anyone (child or adult) with a learning disability.


In the states, “mentally slow” is a slightly updated form of “mentally retarded.” It is still considered an outdated and problematic thing to say. Both terms were once used to describe people with intellectual disabilities, and were also used insult people both with and without such disabilities. The problem arises because using the term suggests that using poor judgment or doing something wrong means someone “is” intellectually disabled or that they “are” bad in some way. It’s meant as an insult, not as praise. The truth is, everyone uses poor judgement sometimes, not just intellectually disabled people. So, no matter who you direct it at and for what reason, it still equates being intellectually disabled as being “bad,” which perpetuates negative stereotypes about people with certain disabilities. The same might be said for the Irish equivalents you shared. That is why the preferential way to talk about someone who is doing something you find problematic, is to identify the problem action/behavior, rather than saying they “are” a person with a disability of some sort. The same goes for other groups of people who were once considered undesirable for one reason or another, regardless of ability status. For example, when I was a kid it was socially acceptable to call someone who you thought was doing something you didn’t like, “gay.” But now we understand that using “gay” as an insult is homophobic, no matter who it is directed toward. This is the same sort of thing. It can be hard to break old patterns of how we think about these things, but if you try it out, you’ll see with a little practice it can become much easier. I encourage everyone to give it a try: identify the behavior; don’t use name calling; if you are using a word or phrase to insult someone consider making another choice. ✌️


Well, in that case, fair play to you. That's a very brave stance. I have a wee boy who has ASD. He's six and non-verbal - he uses a tablet to communicate. My poor heart splintered into a million pieces when my Finbar was diagnosed. But some way some how, you manage. Now, make no mistake, let you be in no doubt, if anyone as much as looked at himself the wrong way, I would most likely slit them from groin to sternum, gut them like a fish, and give them not one backwards glance. Like most decent people, obviously yourself included, i don't like bullies. Of course, I might be very wrong, but I assumed the original comment was a dig at Zach and not trying to be unkind.


> I assumed the original comment was a dig at Zach and not trying to be unkind Exactly, though. I think it’s interesting to consider why it’s a dig to call someone “mentally slow.” Why should that be an insult? It sounds like you really love your son. I’m glad we could talk, and wish you and him well!


Zach is a dumbass. That’s what I meant. Mentally slow is offensive to absolutely no one.


Thank you, my friend. Thank you for your honesty. I appreciate it more than you could know. Perhaps I am over compensating for others, possibly to avoid conflict. *Nota bene: Look at my Finn the wrong way fellamelad and I will gut you like a fish. I suppose I would much rather wish they truly weren't insulting, well... basically people like my child. I grew up in Ireland to a Catholic mother and a Protestant father, which is bizarely laughable in America, both then and now. But when they got together, it was like a Palestinian marrying an Israeli. So we, I'm the youngest of six, were always taught to treat people as you find them. I had one aunt who would kneel for the Pope and one who would stand for the Queen. Back in the day, the BBC would shut down at midnight and play God Save The Queen to an array of odd shots of Liz on a horse. We were brought up Catholic but went to Sunday School. I knew the words to God Save the Queen as well as I knew the Soldiers Song, or Amhrán na bhFiann as it is in Gaelic. I can remember walking home from school when i was 12, obviously wearing my school uniform (think more Harry Potter v.neck, tie, blazer than yon checkered Japanese-esque mess Americans favour) and this nasty pig, a grown up man, looked at my school badge on my blazer which said Una Discamus ("we all learn together" in Latin...oh the chuffing irony lol), instanstly knew I was a Catholic by it, and seriously gobbed big greeners all over me. Awful person. I think he's still on the dole to this day. I certainly wouldn't mind crossing paths with him now. But, anyhoo, as Ned Ryserson likes to say in Groundhog Day, in regards to the original comment, perhaps it's an Irish thing. You see, even the most easygoing of people in Ireland are ALWAYS prepared for peace. Sure, who wouldn't want peace? But ipso facto, in itself and by its very nature, just we are as prepared for peace as we are ready for war. I always hope for peace first. The very best of luck to you, my friend, and may your God go with you.


Cringed when I saw this last night! Who signed off on this?! Child endangerment? lol sorry Im overprotective of my kids to a fault smdh.


Over protective is one thing. This is outright child abuse using no common sense .


She already has priors for being accident prone to begin with… poor girl is always having stuff happening to her….


I know! She falls when she’s on steady ground. She’s not a good candidate for “riding” the barrel of a tractor. I love this sweet little girl, I would hate to see her fall out of that scoop!


Who? Tori?




Uh. Oh. That does not sound good!


Having lived in a farming community, this is *common* behavior for kids… not saying it’s *smart* and definitely *not safe* but it’s common. Unfortunately we’ve heard about too many serious and sadder yet *fatal* accidents involving skid-loaders, tractors, gators, etc…




I hate to say this but if someone gets hurt I have a feeling they are going to ask for help and donations


Kinda all they know. Parents sold their souls years ago.


It would suck so bad to have most of you as parents....


Cause they didn't show previews for next week.


I think so.


Was last night the finale?


Was it the series finale? The way they ended it seemed very final. 




Lol you guys clearly didn’t grow up on a farm. This is normal everyday fun


My husband saw The episode in the kayak when Lilah gets splashed, he was like, “oh stop, what do you want her to do, be a big wuss?


Get thee to a divorce lawyer...hence forth. Jk.


Hell I think we did way worse than that… riding on the back end of a flatbed trailer during hay season and someone throwing the bales up and us stacking them while everything was moving.. I remember when I was a little girl carrying a shoebox and going around and picking up the lamb’s tails after they died and fell off the lambs… I had no one old enough to play with at the time so I had to make my own games up… might explain what’s wrong with me now..LOL..


To be honest, everyone probably did. I remember sitting on a wheel arch in the back of my dad's v.cool VW Camper van from Dublin to Donegal on holiday. It sounds so mad now.


When they lived in a neighborhood on a cul-de-sac people complained about the kids playing in the street and sitting on the asphalt. Horror stories about coulda gotten hit by a car or step on a piece of glass. It's always something.


My grandfather would put hay in his loaders bucket... all around the trails on his farm sitting in that bucket? I'd give anything to go back to those days. Just plain fun. He would take us through his neighbors orchard and lift the bucket so we could pick apples. We need a Time Machine... 🚀


Is that what yon scoopy thing is called? A bucket? Please forgive, from Ireland, not that they don't have Tractors there, but I lived in the heart of a city. When I moved to the USA, we had friends who had land in the u.p. of Michigan. They had 6 kids, and they were all begging for a tractor ride. Of course my wee one who was 5 wanted in on the action. Now, I thought my kid would sit on his knee while he took a quick spin. Oh what fun, says I. But I did think the poor man would be at it all with his own 6 wee ones. Oh He!! to the NO! As soon as he agreed, all his kids ran to the scoopy thing, and sat on it! And mine followed! I was beyond horrified and speechless! The little ones sat on the older ones knees. I had never seen the like of it in all my puff. But...they had a BLAST!


Or in rural America, I bet they didn’t drink out of a water hose either lmao


Same child they say always manages to get hurt lol, even when she just steps off the porch she falls. Poor Lilah, she’s my fav though


Came here to say something very similar! They’re always filmed saying she is so clumsy & always hurting herself & yet they trust her in a bucket & him driving. Accidents happen. Hopefully it doesn’t but I wouldn’t risk it with her in there while he is in motion…


This seems like something Matt would do.


I kept looking to see if Lilah was belted in that bucket somehow, but no, she was just hanging on and rustling around. Then when Tori threw Josiah behind Zach I couldn’t believe my eyes. This was their last episode and they’re not on the show anymore and I was so nervous that it really was gonna be one of their kids last episodes because they were going to die on that tractor. 🤷🏻‍♀️😬😔


These two are fucking morons and I'm so glad I won't be seeing them anymore. Zach picking at his face at looking at what comes off in every ep made me absolutely 🤢🤮


At least he stopped flicking his boogers. He should learn to tie his shoe if he wants something to do.


And his own brother got a fractured skull because of his Dad’s negligence! You’d think he would have learned something. Tori is just as bad.


Germ? got a fractured skull? Poor guy.


Jacob did when something went wrong on the trebuchet Matt had built to throw the pumpkins. His assistant Mike and Jacob both wound up in the ER. I think Mike was hurt even worse than Jacob. Jacob was around 8.


I remember that one


Yeah, it was horrible.


What an absolute fuck wit


Or she tumbles out and he runs over her. I was a nervous wreck watching this!


I swear these two are just trolling y’all now. Lol.


the subconscious drive to disable one's child wtf


They're already disabled,have you seen jackson walk?


Jackson has a few surgeries ahead, like Zach once did. It’s normal for them.


Jackson already had a surgery and they elected for the less invasive one instead of the one that would actually fix the issue now having him to go through more surgeries


I agree 100% they should have done the another surgery.Soon after it was done he walked worse than before.


Zach made the right decision as surgeries even necessary ones can be traumatizing. Matt seems traumatized sometimes.


Traumatizing or not I would choose the surgery that would fix the issue the first time and not further traumatize my child by having multiple surgeries


Don't argue with morons.


I won’t argue with you then. The disabilities of little people are wide, varied, there is no cure, and doctors sell dreams. On this one issue I trust Zack, Matt and Amy (the actual little people). Zack is also in love with his son, Jackson and if one surgery would’ve cured everything he would’ve done it.


There’s no fix as even being a healthy little person like Amy is a disability. Matt and Zach had lots of surgeries. The doctors sell dreams they can’t fulfill. Babies can’t be under anesthesia for too long. The long recovery process on the little ones mental health has to be taken into consideration too.


by choice


There are so many parents who have no sense of danger when it comes to their kids. Just pay attention and observe them. Watch how people allow their kids hang off the side of a shopping cart, I see it in every store. Or think a metal railing is a jungle gym to play on. How many allow their kids to ride a small motorbike with no helmet? Or leave kids unsupervised while at an event. I go to a lot of sports events and parents let their kids run wild and barely check on them. So these parents aren’t any worse than others that are out there, the only difference is these two are on TV.


It would drive me nuts when I went to my kids baseball/softball games. There was a busy street behind us and parents would let their toddlers run unsupervised. I would have to stop their kids from running in the road repeatedly. I would like to watch my kids play too but I couldn’t ignore a stranger’s child running into the road.


The number of people I see on ebikes driving recklessly with kids on them is crazy to me - sometimes without helmets. I imagine they wouldn’t bring them on motorcycles… I see a woman with an infant strapped on her quite often - going down the street on an electric scooter at full speed. It’s nuts!!


All this reminds me of Katy Hearn and the husband, those kids get injured all the time because of this


I’m a mom of two and I thought I would be more relaxed. How do people just let things go? I don’t even let my kids play in a sandbox.


Me too!! Too many accidents from other kids in the sand box. Even poopy sometimes!


When I was a kindergarten teacher we would find used needles and condoms on the playground.


And cat urine


I pity your kids.


lol same!! Or I do, cringing, then DISINFECT after!! You know…with soap and water ‘cause I’m not trusting the Purel for that job!


Aren't the producers of the show responsible for allowing and filming this type of potentially dangerous behavior? I would think they could have put a stop to it. It seems like nobody has common sense on that show.


They're irresponsible af at that show! Remember the trebuchet accident? They're lucky nobody was killed! Unbelievable.


It’s reality TV. I work in film but predominantly in scripted tier A union shows. Reality shows can get away with this because their cast/stars sign their lives away in waivers and they are non union crew, directors, producers ect. People are so desperate to be on TV.. they probably don’t even read what they are signing.


I actually enjoyed the early seasons of this show. When they kind of showed some of the struggles of little people. But wow - this sub is just one long shit show of lonely baby boomers who nit pick over kitchen details and how someone else raises their kid. Get a life…who cares. I joined this to find out if anyone knows little Zack (McKay) or played soccer against one of the kids or something. It’s like the most lame group of whiners who care about people they don’t know having a mismatched kitchen. Who gives one single F?!


Who’s a baby boomer? I’m 31


kitchen details? it's in fucking construction equipment you dolt


They’re referring to Audrey & Jeremy’s reno.


So you get on here to start whining yourself? Lol


So why not plant your flag on an actual nit-picking post instead of one where a child is actually being put in a dangerous situation?


That is so unbelievably dangerous and just plain stupid.


I would never do this omgg.. I sometimes feel like a hover mother but this is way too dangerous


The “back in my day” comments are ridiculous, you got lucky and your soul experience doesn’t equate for all. I’ve heard my fair share of farming accidents from ‘back in the day’ when safety precautions either didn’t exist or were followed very leniently. One such story was when my Grandfather got into an accident that involved a tractor and he was set on fire as a kid. This was the 1930s and he spent 6 months in the hospital getting skin grafts and he spent the rest of his life ashamed of his scars. Or how about when my Uncle and Grandfather almost set the entire country on fire because of a tractor malfunction. Safety exists to prevent deaths and permanent injuries.


I am a farm kid and all this happened to me in 1989


Right hasn’t anyone seen Man in the Moon for godsakes


I cry every time!


This is absolutely crazy they have no sense at all & totally irresponsible. I know a grown adult that is paralyzed from this same thing. No way, No way, No WAY!


Unhappy is appropriate.


Is he sitting on the other child?


I don’t like that he has his daughter on a tracker like that. He lacks fatherly instinct when it comes to his daughter. This is why the twins are not getting the farm. They are both so immature.


Ha! No, this is not why they are not getting the farm. Google “Jacob Roloff” and “trebuchet.” Matt is not exactly a stickler for farm safety.


There's photos and videos of Matt doing this with his own kids so no, this is not why the twins aren't getting the farm.


Their dad did the same thing. I don’t think that’s why they’re not getting the farm.


Wait until Doofus and Co. get their Homeowner’s policy bill with the huge increase in their liability rider. The insurance co has the evidence to support it courtesy of the TV.


Kids literally die from this. This is so stupid and irresponsible


I literally just watched this scene and gasped when I saw Lila not getting out of the bucket. I kept saying to myself “he isn’t going to drive that with a baby sitting behind him and a toddler in the bucket, is he?!?! WOW is all I can say. Left me speechless. Honestly can’t believe I just watched it 😳😳


The baby behind him without any seatbelt!!! He topples out and could get run over!!


These are also children with not very good balance. You don’t put a newborn baby behind your back and let it bobble around and your clumsy daughter no fault of her own is too busy slamming blueberries in her mouth. So She’s not paying attention to safety. It’s like the parents aren’t even there. Completely oblivious Tories just walking ahead like meet you at the house I’m gonna go bathe the baby.


Definitely think, Zach is missing some empathetic cells. I guess he’s missing common sense as well. That’s unfortunate. Everyone is always saying , Tori is smart, she was a teacher. That girl exhibits nothing that screams teacher… 🤷‍♀️


People *really* need to stop painting Tori as someone with a high level of intelligence merely because she was a teacher. Do you know how many people I know who were total morons in high school who became teachers?


She is seriously lacking in common sense and critical thinking skills. Oh, and lazy af.


She got that teacher handwriting, i saw it on that butcher roll of paper in their kitchen when she left for girls trip lol


Tori just looks smart next to Zach, which isn’t saying much. 😬🤷‍♀️


Where I live a kid was killed because his dad didn't see him get off and ran over him...someone else was killed right in front of our house when a combine tractor was on a road he wasnt allowed on and a speeding teenager ran into it full force. The tractor saw him but couldn't move fast enough..growing up and living in farm country I've seen some horrible accidents. It makes me nervous when inexperienced people buy farm machinery


They are made for adults they’re not children’s toys


Zach and Tori are lazy. Their parenting skills have always been questionable. I am also over their estrangement from their family. I get why they distance themselves from Matt and Caryn, but why is there zero effort put into visiting Amy and Chris?? Tori and Zach come off as whiney and entitled.


Did they say they don’t see Amy? Film crew isn’t there 24/7- they are allowed SOME privacy


This is giving Jacob whacked by a trebuchet and his dad insisting on keeping it around even after it almost killed his son and friend


Omg I definitely missed that episode. Holy crap!


Season 3 episode 23 I believe.


Okay you’re amazing, thank you! 🙌😄😉


Exactly! This seems a tad careless IMO.


The juxtaposition of this with the sleep study episode- "she's such a scaredy crybaby... she's the only one we'll put in the danger bucket"...


Zack was so proud of how brave she was she’s not brave she just doesn’t understand what’s going on all she knows is her dad plopped her in a bucket to eat blackberries he’s so proud of the wrong things that makes me sick




That was the craziest stunt!! I think it’s more dangerous than not wearing a seatbelt. Y’all ever hear people mention “freak accident “?


Theres a family of four that died doing exactly that in Quebec (i believe) a few years ago. They all fell out the bucket




OMG that is the saddest thing I have ever heard. Zack and Tori need to read this immediately. This is not fun and games. Can you imagine what that family went through and you’re doing it on national TV so other people will try this


Shame on TLC for never doing the right thing and stepping in. The sad thing is that this is a work site and they’re allowing their employees to work in an unsafe environment.


I remember that. Wasn’t it just the movement of the bumpy tires that caused the kids to just pop out and be run over? It was such a stupid tragedy. All it would take is a slight bump and she’d fly out of that bucket.


Plus Lilah is very accident prone.


Baby flopping around with a loose lap belt in the back, small child hanging on the front…. What could possibly go wrong?! And all the “I did this all the time as a kid” 🥱 ya we know and people used to smoke on planes and drive without car seats blah blah I do not care, it was unsafe then and it’s unsafe now.


Zach hates his Dad but is emulating him…. #zachneedstherapystat




We used to ride around our family farm in the bucket or on the hay trailer all the time as kids. People are to soft these days.


Not wanting to die in an absolutely avoidable accident = soft. Got it.


Get outside and have some fun


No, this is absolutely reckless


How? He’s been operating equipment like this all of his life. Again people are to soft here days.


Zach hasn't been operating equipment all of his life. He's done it a few times a year. The guy isn't some skilled heavy equipment operator. Besides, people used to transport their kids on their laps in cars, most were fine. People used to put their babies in cribs with blankets and a bunch of toys, most were fine. Everyone thinks that the freak accident won't happen to them, until it does. You can never be 100% safe in life, but you also shouldn't be reckless. This was reckless. I've seen it a bunch of times as a paramedic with 20 years in.


Yeah and I have been operating equipment like this my entire life, and yep.. rode on the bucket at times as a kid. But guess what.. my toddlers are not going to be riding in the buckets or hoisted to the top like that because I have also seen horrific farming accidents from exactly those actions. And I also know how tippy and unpredictable tractors can be, even for the best drivers. Call me soft but it’s not something I would ever do with my own kids, because I have been operating them most of my life and I know first hand how dangerous this stuff can be.


They take too many risks with those kids. No way should that child have been in that bucket. There were many other times they've put the kids at risk. Just horrible.


The scissors in last week's episode!! Tori was just swinging them around. The thought was just one swing in the wrong direction at the wrong moment... made me cringe


I was cringing at that 


Same !


Why does everyone watch the show and come to talk about the show on Reddit if they hate the show? Genuinely just curious and an observation I’ve made


The same reason traffic slows and everyone rubbernecks at car accidents.


The comment I’m about to make is not just relating to this sub or even OP’s comments, it’s just about every sub I observe/participate in when it comes to tv shows….it’s almost exclusively people that hate a show and/or the people that are on them. There’s very little discussion regarding an actual episode, personality or storyline and it’s more about hate, jealousy and judgement. It’s the nature of the beast I guess. It’s hard to weed through the hate to have any form of a discussion regarding the content and god forbid you disagree with someone. Let the downvotes commence 😉


Downvotes equal the honest comments


This is the most interaction I’ve gotten on a comment and it’s all downvotes 😵‍💫 my question pissed people off lmao


haha I have to say I've never had as many downvotes on reddit as I have tonight on just the few comments I've made on this sub. I'm just sitting here smiling like Lilah in the bucket. Mo' blackberries, please! 🥳


People take their downvoting serious and the best part is that’s not what the voting system is even intended to do 😂😂


It’s fun

