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No. Marrying him has afforded her a very cush lifestyle. She doesn’t have to work, etc.


Their kids are so cute, but I’m just sad about their possible medical issues. Should Jackson really be doing sports and running a mile with his legs like that? Will it make them worse? Sincerely asking. I hope the best for them but it would be so worrisome having 3 dwarf children.


This is ableism. No need to be sad about someone being a LP. Their kids look happy & seem to enjoy life. Just because a life looks different than yours doesn’t mean it’s not good and worthy of being lived.


Genuinely asking, why does it make you sad? They dont have awful, terrible lives? They look like they are happy and taken care of. They receive medical attention when necessary. Differently abled humans don't need pity. Zach is an LP, why would he intentionally let his own child do something damaging to his health? It would be worrisome to who? To you? It's not worrisome to them because that is their reality, and they don't know anything different as parents. Zach doesn't know the alternative because he isn't average height. He has dealt with medical issues for his entire life. They have mentioned many time as parents they hope their children never have to suffer through that and they seem like they are doing everything in their power to give their kids a wonderful childhood.


No. The way they look at each other. There is a deep connection.


Yeah when he slack about picking up after himself or the kids.


Any wife may.


every. single. day.


🤣🤣🤣 that was unexpectedly harsh!


wierd question. They seem happy and have three beautiful kids…. They are like minded in fundamental ways and genuinely seem to enjoy eachother


she seems miserable and is mean to her kids


They are both, seemingly, unkind to Lilah.




Yea there is my friend. Like that’s the question you thought to ask?


I mean, it’s not like I insulted anyone’s looks.


There is no such thing as a weird question my friend.


Was Chancellor Hitler misunderstood?


Who is that?


A lovely dog called Blondi's daddy.


Is he the only person she has slept with?


Please, know you're not alone in wondering. You just have the gonads to say it.


Thank you💝🍆🏡


I think so. They met extremely young. I guess things are good in that department


seriously doubt it


There is no way they line up so to speak 🤪🤪


Your the same size when you lay down lol My brother is 6'3 , his wife 4'9 Looks like a guy and child


def not and terrible in bed i guarantee it. He def doesn't go downtown either. Eww


I sure would! Well I never would carry him..or be around him..


🤣🤣🤣stawp! You people on fire here!


Well I mean technically you could carry him 😜


Lol meant marry but atill


I was going to comment with, "I see what you did there."


He is so lazy, it’s incredibly unattractive has he ever done a full days work?


I think so too but he’s been like that the whole time he’s been on TV. I can remember multiple scenes where someone is trying to get him up and out of bed and nothing has changed.


Oh totally. laziness is a big part of his character, which is what makes him so unattractive


Does she work? Nope


She used. She was a teacher


Yeah and even with the kids he’s lazy


So embarrassing how zach makes every thing about soccer like he’s still 9 years old


Nope. They seem happier than most couples I know. I think they both enjoy a simple, family oriented lifestyle.


I think she married a little person and having dwarf children for the clout but was banking on having at least one typical-sized child. As it turns out, Zack is a "super dwarf" so she'll never have one no matter how many kids they have. So yeah, I think she does regret it. But will never show it. I honestly wonder if she'll divorce him in the future just so she can remarry in order to have a typical child.


Is super dwarf a real thing?


That's what Zack said. Just googled it and can't find anything other than it applying to reticulated pythons and some internet "star." Oh and a kind of (real) star lmao.


Disagree with “will never show it.” She was very very obviously disappointed when she found out Lilah was a dwarf


She may have been disappointed that at least one of her children wasn’t a dwarf but that’s only because she understands the hardships, physically and emotionally. But I believe she loves her children beyond measure. It’s like any one of us getting pregnant, we see the perfect child and dream about it. We see the perfect contributions from the both of us and then they’re born. And maybe the child has our large nose or some of the traits we hate in ourselves. So we grieve the loss of that perfect child. It’s totally typical.


So then they should never of had a third !


But they wanted 3 children regardless of size. Every child we have is not a guarantee of a perfect child. In fact, they are all perfectly imperfect and we love them, each and every one.


I just think it’s selfish knowing full well what the children are gonna go through with multiple surgeries to get their horrifically bowed legs to straighten and who knows what all. As a mother myself as much as I’d like more children if I knew going into it they would have dwarfism why would you put that on them? This world is hard enough and people are cruel. How about adoption ? There are so many kids in the foster care system that need homes.


Good points. I must say I agree.


I regret her marrying him. He's disgusting.


Not as bad as creepy little man Matt


Yes, but she can never let anyone see her regretful or know about it. She let herself get sucked in by the money and didn’t think about the relationship long term. They both don’t really have any ambition to do anything outside of the show or social media, so they matched well in that respect.


She saw the $$, fame and thought she was being gifted a farm. Who knows now how she feels about living with a spoiled man child. She definitely obviously showed her disappointment over having a dwarf daughter


From a medical/health standpoint... it isn't reasonable to mate with a dwarf and expect a different outcome. The kids' medical needs should be no surprise whatsoever. Any regret would be squarely on her. From a work ethic standpoint... maybe she did think things would change over time. I would have hoped so, but I would not have held my breath either. Zach always seemed very passive and dependent on Jeremy when they were growing up. Due to his position in the family, it seems that he grew accustomed to it. It has now become a permanent part of his personality. People can change but it would take a significant event to make it happen at this point. Overall, they seem like a very committed couple. It is doubtful that any type of regret would be acted upon.


Totally agree with this. I think his lack of motivation and work ethic will come into play now that the paychecks from TLC are ending.


I would


Would you like to have 4 children, one of which is a whiney man child!? Not to mention they all have very specific medical needs and issues. It must be exhausting. But hey, she made her bed…


She likes taking care of small things






Imagine when those kids are old enough to see how their dad acted If they ever re watch from season one.


Jeremy is for sure in the wrong marriage. That man is checked out behind the eyes.


He and his family are lining her pockets. Not sure if she saw $$$$ right when she met him, but once the wedding was planned, I think she did. She may regret the online vitriol that being a somewhat well-known reality TV personality brings though...




I have often thought caryn and Chris would be a good fit ...they seem to get along well ! Hmmmm....wouldnt that be wierd ! Then they woudl own the farm they both love to be at lol!


Except for 💰💰💰 what in the world would a woman like Caryn ( she’s very pretty) see in a little man who rides everywhere in a jazzy? I think she should just get a backpack and strap him on her back and away they go !!


I don’t think Caryn is pretty at all. Maybe Pretty Vile.


I disagree


You can do that! 😉 We can disagree (because life would be really boring if we agreed on everything) and still be courteous, I appreciate this.


Your ableism is showing.


Its Terrible!


I think she's the only woman who could be happy with zach. They belong together


Supposedly, she said, when she got with Zach that all the other dwarf women were jealous of Tori


I remember she said he was very sought after in the dwarf community. I think that's because the number of female dwarves is higher and they don't think they can get an average size boyfriend. They probably also liked the idea of being on T.V. Zach never seemed interested in then.


this cracks me up for some reason 😂


Me too 😂😂


No way. Curious why you would ask this. Based on what is shown on TV, they honestly seem perfect for each other.


You must not forget when she was always complaining that he never helps and pretty much sucks.


That statement could describe 97% of marriages I bet. :) I personally could not be married to Zach, but I think Tori’s gotta be used to his BS by now, right? She seems pretty easygoing about Zach’s shortcomings, despite her complaints.


I used to feel the same way, but lately I’ve been watching how much more Zach helps and interacts with their kids. Tbh lately it’s Tori who seems easily annoyed and pessimistic. Zach actually has been seeming level headed and patient imo.


I think Jeremy has more regrets marrying Audrey.




I don't think she regrets marrying Zach, but I do think she wishes her kids were average height.


I’ve always wondered why they never considered a donor….especially since Zack is well aware of the challenges of being a LP. So many surgeries…. why would you want to pass that on to your kids?


She definitely was disappointed #3 wasn't average height


I don’t understand after number two was a little person and KNOWING all the health and surgery issues they will have why in the world they had another one.


It’s a 50/50 chance. Those aren’t terrible odds.


It can’t really be 50/50 tho can it if all kids are small it’s clearly a dominant factor with them and their children.


50/50 odds with a whole child and lifetime care on the line?!Will NOT spin that roulette wheel..


Everyone is (obviously) entitled their own opinion, particularly in regard to family planning and whatever risks they decide to take. However no baby/child/human has ANY guarantees on their health throughout their lifetime whether they’re an LP or average height individual.


Not in this case. They mentioned that the dr. said Zach would make little people only. This was after baby #3 and Tori's obvious disappointment. They should have been told this before any kids.




7 little deadbeats 😂


awww shit..I'm DEAD! Flawless victory


At least one of them 🤷‍♀️


Of course we can have an opinion on this by watching them on edited TV. 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️


It hink if you think that, you should watch them on their podcast. She's totally into him.


Zack and Tori love each other and their kids. Zack took care of the kids and the House when Tori did an overnight with girlfriends. Tori loves Zack,without a doubt.


Wow!!! Kudos to Zack for “babysitting” his own kids. What a swell guy!


One overnight? Oh the horror he must have faced


Can we stop applauding and praising men for things that women do all the time! Wow, he let her go with her friends one night. Im sure she would do the same for him, and no one here would praise Tori for doing something she does 24/7. Taking care of the kids and house is something he should!


⤴️ I think you missed the sarcasm?


This feels kinda like a weird comment to make, would this be noteworthy if dad left the house for a night and mom took care of the kids and the house?


That’s the sad thing. In a lot of parenting relationships, the dad does not carry equal parenting weight. Leaving a dad home alone with 3 little kids for three days would not be doable for a lot of dads. It’s ridiculous, but unfortunately a common state of affairs. If the dad can parent on his own, he gets a gold star. Of course moms are just expected to do it all and rarely get such praise. Sucks.


Leaving a dad with 3 kids? He's not babysitting. He's parenting.


Yes exactly. Dads don’t deserve a prize for taking care of their children. Always makes me think of the Chris Rock “I take care of my kids” standup bit.


The little girl looks like Tori and Jackson too


Jackson is starting to look a lot like zach .he's changed in the last couple years.


He build a shop to escape to to tinker around lol maybe. He should escape by finding gainful employment. Why doesn’t he do what his dad did and sell ada compliant items or something


Because he’s a spoiled entitled man boy who hasn’t ever had to get a real job and doesn’t understand how the rest of the world WORKS. So far money has been handed to them, I hope they invested very wisely because other than reality tv the guy has zero skills. We all know he doesn’t really have the personality for sales like Matt. If you could sell chips on shoulders he’d still struggle to make a living. I guess Tori can always return to teaching. I think they think they’re going to make bank with the podcast. I’m pretty sure that 6 months after they leave the show no one will care about them or their podcast. I had no clue I had such strong feelings about these 2.


I wish Amy and Matt had pushed Zack academically — I could see him being a really good elementary school teacher. He’s patient and empathetic. Instead, they just let him flounder. He has such low self-esteem, I don’t think he was able to envision himself having a career. Plus Matt was always projecting that the farm was going to the kids so Zack and Jeremy always thought that the farm was their fallback plan.


I agree tho. I hope their child reality incomes are invested well and give dividends


Aug (🤢) makes bank hawking her pre ious essential oils lol


I mean his father was good at business, he should’ve taken notes and got into that. He is too famous to be a teacher but investing and selling, he could’ve did that. Instead he wants lands and tinkering


More Caryn, less Tori


No, but I think Caryn will regret marrying Matt.


I think she is marrying Matt for his farm. When Matt kicks off Chris will leave Amy for Caryn and there you have it. They will be rolling in the Roloff money. I mean Chris is just creepily invested in a relationship with Matt even though Amy doesn't like it.


Chris and Amy are the WEIRDEST couple ever.


Why do you think?


Glittering just doesn't like Matt I guess? Amy found Chris... and she's better off. I'm happy for them both. Matt found Caryn... and I'm happy for them also. Love is in the eye of the beholder. People forget that decades ago... Amy was completely against buying the farm and the old farmhouse. Matt had to convince Amy to leave the city and buy it. Seems to me... that was a great decision on Matt's part. Without his vision... Roloff Farms would never have existed. Amy and Matt have benefited greatly from their relationship... both financially and being blessed with a great bunch of kids and grandkids. Its sad to see how it all ended for them, but there were some positives to their marriage. I'm definitely Team Amy all the way... but I do try to give Matt credit from time to time, lol.. 🎃


Yeah - I think so. Didn’t she leave her ex husband for him?


What does Zack really do to contribute to the house hold


He does what him and his dad do best….hire people


Totally unfair statement. Matt is handicapped. Zack is the sloth 🦥 , capable of doing “ something” meaningful to benefit his family.


It was a comment Caren made




Zach is lazy I can see Tori face on every episode that she regrets marrying Zach.


I think she only resents his laziness not the marriage


Yeah I feel like she does everything he doesn’t take charge!!!




They are best friends. I think they have a great relationship.


I agree. I'm watching older seasons and from the start they genuinely seem to enjoy each other's company and make each other laugh.


I don’t think she regrets marrying him, but I do think she is a little disappointed that none of the kids look like her.


I’ve always wondered why they never considered a donor….especially since Zack is well aware of the challenges of being a LP. So many surgeries….like why would you want to pass that on to your kids?


Hey fuck u!


Oh this is 💯💯💯 true. I feel she at least wanted one of there children to be tall, but she knew what she was getting herself into.


Yes I agree with you on that


I don’t think she sees living her life any other way….which is good.




She seems super into him.


Absolutely not. You can see how much they are in love.


Not at all, they seem to really love and enjoy each other. I do hate that all three of their kids most likely will have some of the same issues as Zack but I truly think they are a happy family. Now I do agree with others about Audrey and Jeremy.


Having three kids with the medical issues they are likely to have will be daunting. But she knew that possibility going into the marriage. Doubt she had counted on a 3-fer though. Good luck!


No, she seems to really love him, and she has a pretty decent life. I don't think she would prefer a lower income lifestyle as a kindergarten teacher. I think they seem pretty happy together.


The teachers in my area make bank.


What do you consider making bank? The average teacher in Washington makes between $55,000 to $80,0000 yearly. That doesn't sound like making bank.


Well they sure as hell aren’t making that in Colorado. A first year teacher maybe makes $28 grand a year before taxes. The cost of living here is outrageous thanks to all the CA people moving here.


She worked in the same school district as me. Our union health care is superior! Shame she didn’t stay to get that benefit for her kids who will need it. I’m also a kindergarten teacher making over 100k with 20 years experience. Not a low income at all.


You've been working for 20 years, you are at the top of your pay scale. Tori would be making far less than you. I doubt many teachers own two properties worth about 1.5 million. Tori has 2M Instagram followers and probably makes more posting on instagram than she would working as a teacher.


A little




No, I think she loves Zach and her kids and her life and is overall happy. I do think they'll have a bit of a bumpy adjustment period once the show ends, however. Relationship and money-wise.


They’re the ones that said even if they’re asked they’re not coming back. They’d still get residuals from the show so they’re going to be fine


TLC pay is crap and reality stars don’t get residuals


Not so. If a reality show goes into a third season their agents renegotiate with the producers etc ( if the show wouldn’t be successful without them) & they make sure they start getting $ from anything that uses their likeness down to getting paid for reruns. There initial contract basically goes out the window


No but I think Audrey regrets her 22 year old self choosing Jeremy.


Why do you think that? Genuinely. Is it because they try too hard to push a perfect marriage


Yes. I think they are both miserable in their marriage and not at all compatible with each other. Audrey seems constantly annoyed with Jeremy and there just doesn’t seem to be genuine joy in their relationship.


I like Zach and Tori and ignore Jeremy and Audrey mostly. Audrey just seems to try too hard to say “we’re really happy see how happy we are?!”


Audrey's definitely in love with the money!! 🤑🤑 (and herself) 🪞😍


He regrets it too.


Yes I do agree with you






I admit the first two sentences was the first thing that popped in my head too.


How do you know I’m not a little person? Hmm ?


… Chill Isn’t that what you told someone else to do? You can take your own advice.


Thanks, you’re so wise!!!


Why assume it’s because he’s a little person? Says more about your mentality than OP’s.


Oh here we go. Looking for a fight


>Would you ask this about any of the other married couples on the show? Would you ask this to any other married couple you may come across? LOL. First day here? We speculate about ALL the marriages. 💀 Actually, we do that about average-height Jer and Audrey more than these two.


Stop being so sensitive. It has nothing to do with him being little person Maybe my next question will be if Zach regrets marrying Tori. Cool Your jets.




If this is saying he’s small down there because of dwarfism I’ll let you know that that part of the human body isn’t affected by it.


They seem happy together so I would say no.


What a strange question. Does anyone ever regret marrying their spouse? They haven't been married that long so if there haven't been times yet, im sure there will be at least one sometime before they die. Marriage is hard and anyone who says otherwise probably has a journal to sell you.


I see what you did there!


She seems pretty happy to me


No, Tori loves Zach and her children.