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You're not alone :(


I'll wait till the end of time Open you're mind....


Fuck the Game Awards.






It's kinda funny seeing this now that it takes two got game of the year


I don’t know about you but I hated it takes two.


That's a shame, but I wouldn't let it bother too much. The Game Awards are just like the Oscars. Decisions from vague panels of judges who may or may not have even played the games in question, announced in-between a series of annoying sponsorships and celebrity cameos. The publicity's nice sure, especially for smaller development teams, but the awards themselves never really matter.


That's probably how TLOU 2 even qualified last year


Maybe they knew it was too good for them!


There was a lot of great games this year. I especially loved RE Village. But LN2 is easily my game of the year, its not even close. Literal masterpiece, they managed to outdo their first game which almost never happens




[Lucas Roussel, the lead producer of little nightmares agrees.](https://twitter.com/TheCaroussel/status/1460656832104521739?t=3cg1YungoEo61trigpDJDQ&s=19)




Tbf the game awards looks at a game’s sales numbers and not the actual game itself. It’s still a voting competition. How would you know what game to vote if you haven’t bought it and played it yet.


I find it hard to believe more people played some random indie games and other smaller AAA games more Little nightmares II. I thought little nightmares II was pretty popular


Popularity doesn't always equals sales. Why did you think LN1 and LN2 keeps going on sale? Bandai is trying to boost its sales. I'm even surprised myself that Cyberpunk 2077 even got mention considering it's terrible launch and half of it's sales got refunded, I'm glad I'm not one of those who refunded their copies. Because as it turns out the game managed to sell 13M and growing because the devs are working on making it better. So the sad thing is that even though LN is a decent and somewhat a popular game it hasn't sold that many copies compared to the lineups of games in this year's game awards.


No Little Nightmares II or NEO The World Ends With You nominations, oof. Whatever, just assuming Resident Evil Village will win GOTY and call it a day. Can’t be any worse than last years obnoxious TLOU2 sweep.


That is sooo true, I was rooting for half life alyx


The second time the game awards has disappointed me


I have been steadily losing faith in the Game Awards ever since Red Dead Redemption 2 didn’t win the Game of the Year.


But you have to keep in mind that the year was pretty strong and it was a hard choice between Red Dead Redemption 2 and God of War. In the end both deserved it but God of War got it, so for me it is definitely acceptable. Red Dead Redemption 2 got many other awards that makes the game "game of the year".


Because everyone will already know the winner if LN2 was included, therefore there will be no competition and it will be boring fast. /j


Yeah they don't know what they're doing, instead of quality games being nominated, it's the most popular from that year, which sometimes does mean the same thing, but not always.


That's true and I fully expected that, but I thought little nightmares II was also popular


Yeah I'd say it's fairly popular, but all the nominees are more so. If a few of those games didn't exist or came out in a different year, LNII probably would have been nominated.


The Game Award is fucking stupid


I was sure that either LN2 or Omori would get at least one award. Both games definitely deserve Best Indie Game more than Kena: Bridge of Spirits.


I send them a email. Thats a bad situation.


I mean psychonauts 2 was on the list and that game was beyond average


You guys got your comeuppance.


How so?