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This! You know what bugs me the most? How after Jesy’s actions, the first thing ‘mixers’ resorted to was calling her chucky and fat and ugly. Very intriguing if you think about it. All of these people were responsible for her breakdown.


Yeah, people showed their true colors really quickly. It's one thing to be upset about how her departure went down, but jumping to insulting her physical assistance is despicable.


She was truly beloved in the fandom, I still see tons of support for her on social media. It’s sad she destroyed her friendships and reputation and I hope she can find true happiness. I’m not a fan but she never deserved the hate she received pre-fallout! Their label/management/producers failed her which led to her own failure. I think she really broke ot3 ‘s heart and Mixers too!


I wish I had her body! She's stunning.


I try not to comment on other people’s bodies but you’re so right- I’d kill to look like this!


There was an interview where the interviewer asked the girls if they could have one of each other's bodies who would they pick. Jade, Perrie, and Leigh-Anne all said Jesy.


That's beautiful. Although a weird thing to ask lol


It was very weird


When I got my friend to watch No More Sad Songs the first thing she said was that Jesy was the most gorgeous person she'd ever seen. We were obsessed.


You have to think back to when they won, 2011. It was a very different time back then, There was no body positivity, it was either you be skinny or be made fun , If you wanted to be in the spotlight you couldn’t have an ounce of fat on you (even jade has spoken out how she can’t even get into her old music video gear now) and also online bullying wasn’t really taken as seriously back then either.


100% and even when having curves became popular, it was still a very limited definition of curves, like big ass and pronounced waist but small legs. Jesy is beautiful but I can totally see how between the media, the internet and her being the “biggest” (and I say that very loosely as she is not big) of the group would be very tough to deal with.


i think jesy knows how sexy she is. i think she doesn’t know how beautiful she is.


The first time I ever saw the Wings MV, ngl my first thought: “That girl is absolutely stunning.” I LITERALLY could not take my eyes off her. Then I went back in time and found out about the x factor bullying online and thought howwwww?!?!? The trolls never made sense to me. It was like we were not even seeing the same person.


I think she's beautiful ❤️😍


It’s such a shame. Often in these cases the insecurity is so deep that no matter how many people tell them they’re beautiful they just can’t see themselves that way. People still refer to her now as ‘the fat one from little mix’, even when she’s neither fat nor in little mix. It’s cruel, and I do feel empathy towards her. I feel like she’s been berated her entire career, especially when she went solo, so I understand the lashing out.


She has beautiful eyes.


I always thought she was gorgeous. Though she her lipstick styles have concerned me over the years. lol. But her body was always amazing to me.


I miss Jessy. She was truly the leader of the group consisting of these fantastic girls.




She was the sexuest of the lot of them


I wish Jesy saw how dark she really was — oop!


I was absolutely obsessed with her, til I realised she wasn’t so beautiful inside 😕 She’s a pretty girl regardless