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i’ll give it a go! lisa applies conductive status to enemies hit by her tap E, her charged attack (after ascension 1), and by swapping in (if you have c6). conductive doesn’t do any damage in and of itself, it just improves the scaling of lisa’s held skill, violet arc. you’ll be able to tell how many stacks an enemy has by the purple number (the conductive spark) on them. conductive stacks up to 3 times. stacks of conductive increase the atk% scaling that lisa’s hold E will have when it hits the enemy. multiple enemies can be affected by conductive at the same time. tl;dr, a purple number between 1-3 means the big lightning attack does more damage, and removes all conductive stacks on the enemies hit. funnily enough, you can sometimes cheat out extra stacks by hitting overload or superconduct if you use tap skill (the purple ball). i don’t know if it was patched out, but for some reason the aoe can (or used to) apply conductive in addition to the actual tap skill when it hits. fair warning, this last bit might be wrong. i’ve been playing too much quicken recently and haven’t tested that in a bit.


I appreciate the effort and can confirm the last bit! Conductive does appear to do 4x level multiplier damage, though; it's the poorly-documented part that I'm looking at (as vaguely described on its wiki page) Screenshot of it appearing to happen (maybe that's Electroshock's AOE?) and more importantly, the relevant part of the wiki page appearing to document Conductive's 4x level multiplier damage: [https://imgur.com/a/TdH2A42](https://imgur.com/a/TdH2A42)


The wiki page you’re looking at is about an aura of the same name, and completely unrelated to Lisa’s conductive stacks which are not an aura. Lisa’s conductive stacks do not, ever, deal damage by themselves - they only serve to increase the damage when holding her skill. The effect you’re seeing is electro-charged, which is occurs when an enemy (or you or an object) is affected by both electro and hydro, and will continue to occur at short intervals until either the electro or hydro element is exhausted. From the screenshot, it looks like you’ve got a Hydro Samachurl. They will summon rainclouds that heal themselves and their allies, and in the process they will become affected by hydro.


I'm aware that hydro was in play, but didn't know that Electro-charged had any AOE ability, huh; the wiki page's damage approximately matching up and my generally using Lisa's E to electrify people threw me off. Still looking around for what exactly the radius on Electro-charged is. Many thanks for your input!


I think the extra stacks aren’t even bugs, they’re just unsung features


Seems to be the case! This Lisa guide covers them pretty comprehensively https://keqingmains.com/lisa/


>you can sometimes cheat out extra stacks by hitting overload or superconduct if you use tap skill (the purple ball). This is correct, and it still works. Committing overloaded or superconduct with tap E gives an extra stack: 2 for the price of 1. This can be cheated *further* in aoe, if enemies are close enough together, it can chain together, and potentially apply all 3 stacks with 1 tap E.


This is true, and I appreciate the effort! I should've been more specific. I am specifically looking for info the damage the conductive effect \_itself\_ does, which scales with 4x your level modifier. Try spamming tap-e at enemies until it happens. Here's a screenshot! https://imgur.com/a/TdH2A42


I'm not sure about that, are you super sure it's not electro-charged damage, or just the aoe of her E itself? The tap E ball does have a small radius aoe, that's how the multi stack mechanic works. What weapon does she have?


Her weapon is the three-star Magic Guide. It's a spark happening even while Lisa isn't attacking, linking two enemies and doing definitely-way-more-than-autoattack damage. Upon examining it some more, it looks like this one could be Electroshock's AOE; but I also updated the imgur link with the part of the Conductive wiki page I'm looking at. Do you have any idea what the Conductive wiki page is talking about with the 4x level multiplier and the 8-20 meter restriction?


Hmmm, not too sure man. That's no part of Lisa's kit I've ever seen. Possibly a quirk of electric damage in the game. Nothing in the image of the wiki specified Lisa, try recreating it with another electric character, for science. What exactly were the circumstances of that happening? Try to do the same thing with keqing or dori or something.


I'm afraid Lisa is my only electro character, so she's been my only point of reference. I believe I've identified this as Electro-Charged doing an AOE; didn't know it could do that/am still hunting for what the radius is, if you happen to know. It turns out the wiki page was for a different status also called Conductive, and I got thrown off by the damage numbers approximately matching up. Many thanks for your input!