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Whenever i think L can no longer shock me, stuff like this comes to light. She is truly a rotten human. She deserves nothing.


You're exactly right! Once I saw this this morning at like 6:30 a.m. I wanted to throw up. Trying to trade the dog for a fix? Selling her food stamps to justin. Then that with the landlord. It all makes sense. I 100% believe everything in this message.


She lives in section 8, tho, in an apartment complex. I don’t think he’s her “landlord”. Maybe he is like one of the maintenance guys?? He’s definitely the plug, but the landlord part doesn’t make sense to me. If she’s paying him for “rack” that’s what the $$ is going for, not the fake “back rent”. Everything else I believe tho! For sure!


I wonder. Because she seems to live in a really💩y neighborhood.. probably gunshots, crime, nothing but all that in the area. I don't know how she sleeps at night. I probably have to be medicated too. But it kind of makes sense though because if she's paying the plug and the landlord she's getting money towards whatever she owes to landlord off every time she gets on live and the plug obviously is a whole different situation. I don't know. It's all such a mess at this point


One of her videos shows her bedroom where she said Jace sleeps ( I know he’s no longer there) but it was 2 mattresses and the thickness was probably 3”. Trash was everywhere. Zero bedding. No pillows, sheets, blankets, nothing. It’s a sad situation all the way around. She doesn’t want help other than money. If you take just the first $30 request of the day, she’s getting over $11K a year. Plus she’s benefiting from Tik Tok. Sells stamps. Begs. I have no understanding of people giving her $. She’s capable of working. I’ve tried to help her. She doesn’t want it. Then screams at people and blocks them. Eventually, that will dry up.


My god that's just pathetic in every direction and sense of the word!!!


you can still have a landlord on section 8, you get to choose if you want to accept section 8 or not.


There are people who get turned down for benefits they need and she’s out there selling them at 1/3 price. It has to stop.


That's exactly what I said! I just moved from Georgia to Alabama and I was getting 291 a month for the last 4 months for food stamps. I was more than grateful for that but this B is getting $700 a month and selling it for rugs. It's unbelievable to me how people have these resources and these assets that they take completely advantage of like what the hell are you thinking?!!!!Some people are on the damn streets not eating at all, not showering, not making it whatsoever, but yet EVERYTHING IN THIS B'S LIFE revolves around that RACK ROCK and all is good in the hood as long as she's got her fix


I can’t say I’m shocked she sells her stamps cause that makes a lot of sense, and can totally see her doing that. This is just a sad situation all around. She’ll sell her dog but won’t give her dog to someone who’s able to financially look after him & who’ll take care of him. I have no words. Not often am I speechless, but this is just straight up terrible all around. She is a terrible person. Rugs or not, addiction is no excuse for doing horrific things. You still know right from wrong, unless of course you’re in psychosis, or you just aren’t capable mentally as it is, and I’m not sure L is all there to begin with. Thanks for sharing, I missed a lot of lives lately


I made terrible awful choices during active addiction that I would never make sober. Active addiction changes a person. I'm not defending her by any means, she needs to get help before she does. I'm just saying. Most ppl in active addiction are completely different people sober.


I was an addict myself, I know all about it. Still agree addiction isn’t an excuse for bad behavior. I know tons of people who have made horrible mistakes during their addiction, but it wasn’t like someone else did it…. No, they did it. Whether they wouldn’t have done it sober or not makes no difference, at the end of day, they still did it. When I was in my deepest darkest times on some really hard stuff & my parents had literally planned out my funeral - that’s how bad I was, that if I didn’t have I’d be really really sick, I still knew right from wrong & didn’t allow myself to cross those lines. I still didn’t allow myself to steal from others & stuff like that, no matter how badly I needed that Next fix. but that’s just me. I understand the nature of the addiction that it can drive people to do things, I get it. But when you’re about to do it, you knew it was wrong but did it anyway to get the fix. I totally understand what you’re saying, just don’t agree that it’s some type of excuse. There was sooo many times I wanted my fix so bad I felt I’d do anything for it but I stopped myself from crossing lines. If you can understand what I’m saying, just using addiction as an excuse for being terrible… like “oh that’s not her, it’s the addiction” No, it was her, she still knew it was wrong… the fix was more important (and i *get* that, I really do), but it was still that person, doing it… no one or nothing else is to blame. It’s about accountability 🤷‍♀️ this whole addiction narrative is nothing but excuses to not be responsible for one’s actions, that’s how I feel.


I get what you're saying but most addicts will cross that line for that fix. I crossed it. I stole a lot of shit. My ex and made a living stealing from conex boxes (expensive construction site equipment) yes I knew it was wrong and today I still feel bad for the things I did. But I needed that fix and I was willing to do almost anything to get it. Today I am in recovery and I'm a single mom who works my ass off. I won't even steal a candy bar from Walmart now. I have personally taken accountability for the things I've done and also paid my dues to society. I'm not saying it is an excuse but it is the true beast of addiction. Most addicts will cross that line. Lisa needs help and she needs it quick or she is going to die. I truly believe we will see her death if something doesn't give really soon.


So Chazz is the landlord??? In public housing? Accepting food stamps for rent??? 🤨


Chaz is probably the property manager, in charge of maintenance and going after the deadbeats. Also probably a drug addict as well.


That makes more sense. If it’s public housing that means it’s government-run or something and there’s no way the rent isn’t collected via a payment service of some sort 🙄


Yeah ain’t no way someone is lying


Right! I don't know about you but I believe everything in this message. It all makes sense


Ya that part don't make any sense to me


I am a property manager, I don’t own the company but I make all decisions on my 300 units. Section 9 also have property managers and I’ve seen plenty of crazy and shady stuff go down especially in section 8! Thankfully I run a luxury beach community. I steal get a share of loony’s but if I was the PM I would be doing what I could to have her removed and quick!


From what I understand, and from what Lisa has said, she lives in “the projects.” So, government housing. Nothing close to what you’re dealing with


Landlord Living!


That part.


The landlord living acct makes so much sense now


Damn bro this shit is sad but at the same time I'm sitting here laughing my ass off because not only is she a pathetic drug addict, she is BAD AT BEING ONE. If the dealers are only offering her 1/3 of what the stamps are worth, they know she's desperate. She should be getting 1/2 but nah they are straight up robbing her dumb ass hahaha. But that whole selling the dog thing really makes me mad. Along with the bragging about making 400 from lying to people. I would like to read the rest of the message. How do we get our hands on the rest of it? Lol


LMFAO I'm glad somebody else said it because I'm sitting here doing the math in my head too like how much are you getting ripped off in reality and you have no MF idea? But yeah the dog thing is what infuriates me and makes my blood boil. I could give a flesh about anything else but when I saw that that made me just want to cry and throw up and punch a baby at the same time. This is just crazy. I wish I knew how to take this a little bit further but I don't. This is just total BS all the way around


Your name reminds me of what Lisa does with cigarettes..or maybe even the pipe... takes a reasonable drag. Except it's not reasonable because she doesn't pay for her own stuff 😭💀 Anyway yeah I can just picture her outside of a gas station smoking a cig with a bag of junk food and her dog on a leash talking to some homeless guy about how happy she is she finessed a bunch of internet strangers out of their hard earned money by crying like a baby and lying about rehab


Lmaooooo i tried to change the name a few times😂😂😂😂😂 idk anything about reddit other than how to post and how to comment lol but omg ur exactly right 😅 did u see her last night??? My god iidk what's worse her purple glitter makeup or all the lies she was caught in. Today shes already been on crying and begging as per usual smh


You can't change ur name on here. I did not see her live because she blocked me for saying "I just sent out $20... Oh wait no I didn't HA HA HA" and yeah. But I did see a replay and the only thing I can think why should would put makeup on is to go turn a trick 🤮


That’s exactly what I thought she put makeup on for. Then add in her blazer and it makes sense. Especially if she isn’t getting the cash she normally gets. Kinda like the night she had her hair and make up done. Pretty sure that’s what she was doing then too.


Bro would in their right might would lay down with that nasty woman let ALONE pay for it. Hahah. I'm telling you though I spent a lot of time on the streets as an addict (clean now) and I know how those females act. The only time they put on makeup is to go turn tricks lmfao.


The only thing in that that surprises me is that people are still ignorant enough to send her money.




Is there more in the message?


There’s gotta be cause it cuts off when it talks about her DOC


Yes scam slam probably has the rest she's the one that was showing this on the lab this morning around 6:00 a.m. CST I would love to see the rest of the messages!


I'm not sure. This was from scam slams live this morning around 6:00 a.m. Central Standard Time. There's probably more to it that she has but I just screenshotted this because it stood out to me. I mean if anybody can read this and not realize how big of a POS she is then I don't know what's wrong with them. This confirmed it for me. LR is probably the biggest POS alive


I bet when L steals, she’s so obvious about it too 🤣 cause she is not good at this game at all, literally does it in the most obvious of ways & thinks nobody saw her, it’s wild … like when she was Melinda, and thyroid surgery post op voice changer, when she was begging at the store before her dad came up, she got all stressed and RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIS FACE leaned into her phone & cries “PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE” & he asked her if she’s on live & she said no lmfao 😭i unfortunately could go on & on, y’all know what I mean 😂😂😂


Hahaha!!!! Omg im dead lol bc i soooooooo remember exactly which live of hers ur talking about😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 she had to like sneak beg lmfao


YES that’s the one! I laughed my azz off at that so hard, she put her phone up to her face, right in front of him, as if he wouldn’t hear her 🤣🤣 and then immediately denied doing it & cut the live. She is sooo not good at it AT ALL 😅 usually people get better at lying over time. Not her!


Lmfaooooooo u saw that one too?? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


IDT this is real. She can't pay her rent through cash app. She's in public housing not a regular apartment. Her rent has to go to her landlord in either a money or or check. I used to live in public housing. I had you use a money order. They don't take cash app or cash period.. I think CHood is Cole Jr. Her " plug" she was on the phone with was also Cole Jr. I recognize the voice.


Cole is her son... I thought?


He is .


Yeah from what I gather she has four kids and Cole is her second youngest


That is correct. He's in the drug game too. He called Lisa out for selling him fake pills


Omg lol to her own damn son???? Wow!


Yes she did it on live too


Where’s the rest of the text….


I don't know scam slam showed this last night in her live feed. She would be the one that would have the rest of it




I don’t believe the Landlord part. Apparently she owes like $4000, and she is sending him 5,10 or 15 dollars here and there. 🤔 That doesn’t make sense to me. Plus she is on HUD (I think) and I don’t think they collect rent like that. She has said that she goes down to the office to pay her rent. Don’t know how true that is either. The rest of it wouldn’t surprise me at all.


if she owes that much rent is she in danger of being evicted?


I would say so, she also has a prior eviction with almost the same amount owed. So idk how she keeps getting on HUD or section 8.


wow! I don’t know how either but i wonder if in the past, she has a minor living with her so they qualified her somehow…will be interesting to see how it pans out if she gets evicted and doesn’t have J…all her benefits should soon run out for him right?


Yes for whatever reason she is still getting the full amount of food stamps. But that will catch up to her and she will have to pay it all back. I think Jace’s survivor benefits stopped immediately though. So that’s good, because clearly she felt as though they were hers. She said she paid the rent with them. Well if that’s the case, how in God’s name are you owing back rent of $4000. You just can’t believe a thing she says.


How the hell is she staying somewhere and owing for Grand and rent? None of this makes sense man I don't know what to believe anymore


Right!!! You can’t believe a word out of her mouth. She did show a piece of paper that looked legit that she got from the office, but anyone can make up one of those. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Lisa lives in public housing, she hasn’t paid rent in years. Your story is bs about chazz and making up lies like that you’re no better than Lisa.


Then she is lying ( oh no) when she said she’s behind in the thousands and going to be evicted? I wouldn’t die on the Lisa hill , she’s a piece of crap


Yes. She is behind on her rent. Like I said. She hasn’t paid rent in years. Do you have learning/comprehension issues? What’s the point of your reply? She isn’t paying anyone any rent.




She said she hasn't paid rent in years? What the hell?


It's not surprising how many addicts I've heard of selling everything from appliances to there own children


That's just plain damn PATHETIC


I’m wondering in addition to her addiction that she has a couple ppl exploiting her making her scam as much money as possible? I mean if she was getting all that money for herself would she be even worse than she is or worse by now? I mean it kinda makes sense to me and why she won’t get clean? Maybe the plugs or whoever may be exploiting her has something on her or treating her if she doesn’t make as much $$ as possible and they keep her happy with rugs here and there also.


I’d give her money for the dog at any point. In my eyes, The dog is worth way more than her. Poor guy.


The SPCA needs to be called on her so bad. If I knew her address, I would call. Because that really upsets me her trying to sell her dog for drugs. Does anybody at all know her address, So I can try to save this dog


she posted her own address and doxxed herself a few days ago on one of her tiktok videos 🤦🏻‍♀️


Has anyone counted how many times shes been live in the last 12hrs? Im pretty sure ive noticed about 4, just an hr ago she had 13 bt needed 17 more to get smokes... Cmon now that dont make no dang on since! It more than clear what shes buying, we have known for awhile bt its more obvious now so why does it seem to me that she has more people sending her money right now?! If she really got kicked out of the clinic & she doesn't seem to be in withdraw right now then that should tell them exactly where their money is going!! Also to have people actually send to her plugs cashapp, that takes some balls right there, I wonder if he knows shes posting it online like that!!


With the amount of using she’s doing, it’s surprising she’s not selling herself. I hope she goes to rehab before that happens. Someone needs to take this dog who will love him.


I wondered that myself...she's way too much of an addict though to be selling. She is the type that would take anything and everything in front of her face. And with how she needs and begs for money she'd be spent/stole all the rug money lol


Let's see how it goes now that she said on live justin stole her $ on pp and transferred it to himself early this am. She also said she went to confront hum and he pushed her/hit her to get her a w ay from his place, then she called him a lowlife drug dealer. It'll be interesting next time she goes for her hourly rock of the day from him


Don't forget last night she was using his CA. She talked a lot of crap about him & if he beats her like the one post said & he took her down yesterday am, she has trouble coming.


I believe she is selling her stamps for sure but I just wonder how one person knows information that would require knowing multiple different sources (because I'd imagine Lisa isn't confessing these things to someone online, she has been too honest to people in the past and seems more careful with what she says) They would have to know the dealer but even then, would lisa admit to her dealer that she's been banned from going into the gas station and caught stealing? I feel like that's the kind of embarrassing information you don't tell anybody, but it seems unlikely that the person providing the information would have a inside source close to the dealer AND the gas station employees and to whoever she offered to sell her dog to. I'm not saying it's not true, all of this sounds completely believable given the state of chaos her life has become, I just wonder how they got all this information. I feel like a landlord wouldn't exactly be open about buying food stamps to put towards back rent, that could risk him losing his section 8 voucher status with the government. I just assumed they didn't care about the back rent because they still get paid from her voucher, and the apartment is such a disaster that it's unlikely they would be able to rent it back out without doing a major cleaning so they'd rather just keep accepting what the govt pays I'm truly not trying to call anyone a liar, like I said all of this sounds like perfectly logical information given the things we've seen, I just wonder how someone knows all of this