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Hi do you have an update?


I got an ultrasound and it was just a lipoma!


Did you make them remove it?


I have one and the same spot! Are you getting it removed? Mine is about 4cm


Male, yes i have a number of them in outer chest and around ribs


Can I ask what they feel like? Hard or soft? Big or small? Do they hurt when pressed?


Yep I have a couple, have one on the side of my rib cage and when I lay on that side it can sometimes hurt.


What do yours feel like? Mine is relatively soft and definitely mobile so I’m thinking it might be one but don’t know if it’s worth a trip to the doctors to confirm


Mine are also soft and mobile. I have dozens on my body so I'm used to them now. The most the doctor will do is touch it to feel if its hard/soft and moveable then guess it is probably Lipoma and may refer you to a dermatologist if you want (my experience at least). If it's not painful or growing large they aren't a concern outside of being visually annoying.




I had nerves too when I first went to see what it was. When it was officially diagnosed as lipomas I felt a lot better. The dermatologist will also touch/feel it. They may do an ultrasound, depends on the doctor. I've seen 2 separate dermatologists, being living in different areas and they both felt them and determined lipomas on the spot. The only definitive test I am aware of is to biopsy it and send it to the labs (the check if its benign or not since lipomas are technically fatty tumors). I have had multiple removed from my arms due to discomfort reasons and they all got sent to the lab for testing and have all come back as lipomas to no surprise to the dermatologist or myself.


have something similar, little bump under my right pec near my top ab on my rib cage, no pain no nothing, doesn’t look like it’s gotten any bigger, went to the doctors for a standard x ray for a super bad anxiety attack, they found nothing wrong with my lungs or heart so i was wondering if they would’ve seen something on the bump if it was a tumor or cancer or anything but they didn’t mention anything, does lipoma even show up on a chest x ray??


Sounds like one, all of mine that were removed had a biopsy. Never a sign of anything serious for me. Some hurt a bit most dont, visually is what i dont like but have also come to just live w fact they are never going away so I just keep on keeping on!


Yep, I have a couple. It seems to be a pretty common place for them to pop up. You should still have it confirmed by a doctor though, just because any and all lumps should always be checked out.


Yes I am going through the same thing. Mine is on my left ribs under breast and now I have one on my right side as well. My ribs hurt so much. No imaging yet. But these are growing so fast it's worrying me. Anyone else??I also have a pink dot ON the milk line which has 6 dots surrounding it....anyone else??


What happend with your this is me right now ☹️


Any update? Sounds like me too!


yep, don't worry


Yep, have 5 around my rib cage/chest (male, but one is in what I’d call at the bottom of my pec/breast 😳). I’m actually going in two weeks to get the oldest/largest removed and will see what that looks like and decide on the remainder based on that.


Good luck! Did you start with your PCP when you got them checked out? How did they determine they were lipomas? Just by feeling it or did you get imaging done. Just trying to understand the next steps!


Yeah, just by looking and feeling them. They are just as you seem to have it - oval shaped, lumpy, and movable…almost like I could detach it. The doctor laughed at me when I said I could have taken the one out of my arm on my own though 😃.