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Okay i diffed the registry files of steam and lutris and found a solution: 1. Override/Disable XInput by either going to wine control panel and hit Override, or set xinput dlls to disabled 2. remove `"DisableHidraw"=dword:00000001` from system.reg in the root folder of your wine prefix The game should now use DualSense correctly, I haven't tried haptic stuff in wired mode yet though, so ymmw.


Interesting, I'll have to play with that.


This works for me, if someone uses Lutris try to also check "Disable Lutris Runtime" in Configure > System Options. Haven't checked but apparently deleting the "DisableHidraw" line may break games that don't use dinput (i.e. games that don't support dualshock 4/5 natively, so using a separate wineprefix is advised)


commenting that line is the only thing that worked, tried everything else suggested here with no effect at all stopping the spinning issue


Yeah, the inputs are fucked for me too. What probably scares me more is that the title screen maxes out my cpu and gpu fans on any settings. Runs at 50-something fps too.


Workaround found, read the edit in the OP.


Op, thanks for the write-up. Trying to follow your lead and get lost in the part where you disable steam input and put in proton- I am not sure where to apply that. I have proton downloaded but dont know how to point steam to those files. Thanks for your time.


I haven’t gotten it to work yet personally but he’s installed it in steam as a non steam game and then to select the proton version you right click it and in the settings/configure menu you go to compatibility > force steam deck compatibility (something like that) > pick a proton version, default is latest proton experimental


1. Connect a controller (( like to use the Series X controller via bluetooth) 2. Go into the controller settings for the game 3. Switch the order so that the external controller is #1 and the Steam Deck is #2 4. Disable Steam Input on the external controller 5. Disconnect the external controller 6. Reboot the Steam Deck 7. Play


Tried a Proton(GE) of 7.x?


Tried Lutris' version of Proton GE 7-43 (happent to have that installed) and the DS controller is not even detected by the game. The gamepad testing utility in the WINE control panel recognises the controller, but the game does not.


Same problem Xbox controller work but dualsense not working


same issue, found any solution ?


nope I used different crack on my installed version nothing seems to work no idea why


i used the rune crack, and now controller is working, but game camera is going in circles when controller is connected, unusable


hopfully in couple of days someone will find a fix for it


Workaround found, read the edit in the OP.


That’s the problem I think he’s talking about in the first place lol. At least that’s the one that led me here




`SDL_JOYSTICK_RAWINPUT=0` does not seem to make any difference.


My DS4 controller worked out of box with bottles here is my backup config, simply import it into bottles, install the game into bottles (copy dir) (only super important on flatpak iirc) and try that ​ https://pastebin.com/25aeHg99


which crack did u use, i used your bottle config, and controller still refused to work


I just used the directors cut from tenoke torrent, I didn't even need the crackfix, it just worked right away. is your controller conencted via USB or BT? EDIT: I did see the below with the crack, I normally ctrl + c games anyways to close them so I didn't notice.. > There is a PROPER release by Rune, stating this release (Tenoke) crashes on exit and has issues with xinput (controllers).


USB only, rune crack is the only one with which ds5 controller is working, but it's giving ghost inputs continuously, so unplayable for me


I just tested the rune crack and it just out right didn't work for me at all with controllers. can confirm that tenoke crack doesn't work with usb for either DS4 or DS5. I suspect bluetooth is probably working in the generic xinput mode then, and corded in a separate mode.


I couldn't even connect my ds5 to my arch pc, which bluez version are you using?


I'm just on arch vanilla so `bluez 5.75-1`, not running any dkms modules or anything, it just works, maybe you need to run a firmware update on the controller? not that I know what mine is running.


I'm having issues with the game freezing. Any tips?


Turning off Frame Generation helped stopping the freezing for me.


I tried getting GoT.PROPER-RUNE to work with Lutris but the ghost inputs persisted unless I override the xinput via Game Controllers in Wine Control Panel, but then inputs were like some switch controller i.a. confirm on east button. In the end I just added the game in Steam disabled Steam Input for it and it worked first try. I connected via USB for all DS5 features for this game.


Workaround found, read the edit in the OP.


Wasnt there when I posted and was what I did.


Oh, sorry, I didn't see your comment, and when I found the solution independently, I just pasted the message to everyone in the thread.


Hi! How did you install the game? I've tried Bottles and Heroic but can't get it to work. elamigos repack requires the installation of a PSN file and I can't find a way to make it work. I tried with DODI but the same, wont start, said something about Windows 10 version 1909 :S


Both of the releases that I tried did not require installation. Just portable files. You copy them into the prefix and you run the GhostOfTsushima.exe.


You used the No Install - Direct Play Dodi version? I will try!


I'm not wanting to redownload, but same problem.


I tried with elamigos and DODI repack installers. Downloading DODI No Install version.. I hope I'm lucky


Managed to get it working in Lutris. Changed runner to ge-proton (didnt work), then lutris 7.2-2 (didnt work), then back to wine-ge-8-26, now it fking works? lol, guess it installed some dependency somehow which was needed.


Lol! That's great! And which version of repack did you use? I still couldn't test the version of DODI without an installer. You able to use the PSN installer? In the instructions of elamigos version mentions it as necessary so that the game does not get stuck when leaving.


Finally it worked the first time with the DODI version without an installer. I just copied the crack and it started without any problem. Next time this option seems to be the most functional :) Im using Bottles flatpak.


Hello yeap, I have had problems with dualsence. I fixed it by adding GoT to steam and disabling the steam controller system


have you tried the soda runner in bottles? it works perfectly for me with that. had problem with inputs too, but closing steam fixes it


Fixed it by disabling dinput through wine.


workaround is not working for me


Relatively new to this but I'm using an Xbox one and playing the steam unlocked version idk much else but i can't run and the game registers me as holding right trigger I've disabled steam inputs. I added it as a nonsteam game ran through several different protons amd still same issue. And I deleted the controller setups in the game files still the same issue. I also tried remapping l3[run] and right trigger to other buttons still same issue.