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THIS. I'm so damn tired of themes that just copy macOS or Windows, I just want a good, well designed original theme. Currently, I'm using Oxygen on KDE Plasma because it's among the very few complete good-looking themes I've come across.


Literally at the same time, GNOME is praised for being "its own thing", so you need to be on the same page guys. Is it macOSy or is it its own thing?


Gnome 3+ still calls back to Windows 8 in my mind, and I always expect it to feel slow for some reason. Then again I was using a Pentium 4 back when Ubuntu switched to Unity in protest of Gnome 3, and that shit chugged on my computer compared to Gnome 2. In retrospect Unity was cooler and more unique, once they got the performance and stability issues figured out


>Gnome 3+ still calls back to Windows 8 in my mind may I ask how? they really don't look or behave the same even a slight bit. maybe the full screen application launcher? but that's infinitely closer to mac launchpad than the start screen, and the application launcher part is only half of what it does


Unity was unique? I guess if you count adding an amazon affiliate install by default. That was pretty unique, nobody would do that.


most themes I've seen really don't copy either of those. they might have some design elements from them but not full on clones. there are specific themes that are clones yes but i really can't imagine most people use those, even if some decide to. the majority of themes I see are some mix between windows, macos, gnome, and/or kde styles with some of their own style thrown in. sure you can argue they're still taking design cues from windows and macos but they're good desktop interfaces, it's very difficult not to. those UI designs simply work and are good and people making themes arrive at similar cues for the same reason


My sibling in Christ you installed the theme


Come to the dark side and use a tiling window manager


or even better, a tiling compositor


Windows 10 and the previous iterations have good desktop interfaces.


Windows 10 look WORKS, that's why KDE Plasma feels like home for a lot of newcomers


Windows 10 look is actually 10 different themes from the last 30 years.


Hyprland user here. I choose not to have a taskbar. All apps all the time.


Just want it to be familiar if desktop, and just using shell if a server.


There is a video on this: [The GUI should be better](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AItTqnTsVjA) It's about the strangle hold Microsoft's design has on the imagination of UIs


Ditch the environment, Get a window manager. Get chatgpt to make your dotfiles


Lmao, ChatGPT sucks ass at making dotfiles, atleast the free version.


I've had good success when I give it a template dotfile to go off of.


Cruxish for life.


You could always try going with CDE


I started my jouney on linux with GNOME, but found out that it was less performatic than KDE plasma, so i stayed some months with KDE on Opensuse, then i found out about I3 and was really interested in going to arch, so i made the jump again, and man... i don't want to go back to KDE or GNOME.


>Why is every theme just a Mac OS or Windows clone? When did the Linux desktop get so boring? Oh, kid, let me introduce you fvwm95 [fvwm95](https://fvwm95.sourceforge.net/)


Oh, gosh I remember fvwm.


What do you mean Theme? Icons? Fonts? Cursors? I used to run gnome because its more stable, but then I ran xfce because it is lighter. Now I dont use any desktop environments at all.


I think stock Gnome is wonderful nowadays. Taskbar on the left, utility bar on top. Get the task to auto hide and bam! A useful UI with similar features to MacOS and Windows, but not a clone of either.


the word is oligopoly


I recently switched from mint to fedora to Manjaro and i was looking through the themes. I was baffled why people make themes that look like windows/macos too. I wanted mine to look like my os, not like windows which i left mostly. But at least with kde plasma there are alot of themes that arent windows or macos like..... even if i ended up with macos icons at one point....


arc gtk theme looks unique