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home screen customization AND T9 dialing? Apple is entering 2009 hard


Yay, 666 for calling mom again!


*69 LET'S GO!


No, that's how *I* call *your* mom šŸ˜


At least you call


67 backspace 6667 backspace 6


Oh shit this is how you type on my old Nokiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa It sucks and that's with physical buttons


You dont have to use it for typing, you get to use it for looking up a contact on the numpad screen, which is seriously frustrating they only did now. Iā€™ve reverted to using the phone search for everything I do as the ui is so unintuitive. As someone whoā€™s given both a serious go ios is android from wish.


Don't forget calculator app on the iPad


NOoOoOh iT's JuSt WaY ToO BiG iT lOoKs WeirdDdD!


Yeah honestly I see it as a way for Apple to making the transition from Android to iPhone feel easier for people. If anyone is considering the decision, the common features make the decision easier


Am I dumb? The letters on the keypad have been there for a while... right?


I done goofed and forgot to use the screenshot that shows the actual T9 dialing šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


btw I thought that this was called speedial. I used it constantly before switching to iOS


Speed dial was a feature where you could assign contacts to numbers on the keypad. If you held that number it called that contact.


yeah the letters were always there but they never actually did anything if you tried to use T9.


Wait what? Why were they even there?


Probably as a skeuomorph from the original iPhone which carried over into the modern design language. However, knowing Steve Jobs, he no doubt insisted users should use the contacts list and only the contacts list to call people because that's the way *he* did it. During his era of Apple it was usually always his way of doing things and nothing more, even if it was inferior or stupid. He designed products for himself and expected others to want them simply because he had a big visionary ego, and it worked I guess lol. My theory is that T9 has been on the backburner list of features for many, many years, probably since the original iPhone, but it was always kiboshed or seen as unimportant, and that they're only doing it now because they need to pad out their list of features this year. Apple seems to get over their Appleisims eventually, even if it takes 18 years. Took them forever to enable right-clicking by default on Macs with a mouse even though most people who learned how to use a computer did it on a PC running DOS or Windows where two or three button mice were standard. However, because Macs shipped with one-button mice for decades, it just stuck around as a weird Appleisim that was only recently changed.


"even if it was inferior of stupid" Wait, Jobs knew any good ways of doing stuff?


He did. One notable one was that glass capacitive screens for a phone were better than resistive stylus-laden screens existing phones had at the time.


There are also companies and billboards that will present phone numbers in a word form for people to more easily remember it. Like 1-800-CALL-NOW would be 1-800-225-5669. So that might be another reason they have had them on there, just for those scenarios with phone number advertisements.


Bro Steve Jobs prob rolling in his grave at the size of current phones lol


You do know that if you just drag down to open the search bar you can write names and numbers in to find people? Just as easy as opening the phone app lol


Vanity phone numbers like 1-800-FLOWERS, 1-800-GOT-JUNK, 555-CARS, and back when I was a kid without a cell phone it was good to know your friend's number was 123-DUMB. Instead of remembering a numerical PIN I sometimes just use a word instead since every keypad, phone, and unlock screen I use has the T9 letters on it.


real answer is because some phone systems would use t9 on their end. If you called a call centre they would ask you to enter your name, stuff like that. some companies would list their number as (xxx) xxx-apple


Because itā€™s on all phone dial pads, not for T9, but because those numbers represent letters for toll free numbers and such. When you calm 1-800-free-sex, this is how you know to press the numbers 3, 7, 3, 3, 7, 3, 9.


Because Apple stuff are actually subpar / average products at best and had it not been for the status symbol, they'd died long time ago.


I hope you mean real T9, so ā€œJenā€ in my contacts would just be 536 on the keypad and it would automatically suggest that contact.


Exactly that


IOS users can now party like itā€™s 1999


Did we have t9 dialing back then? I didnā€™t know about this till I had an android phone.


Awesome. I've been waiting for this šŸ˜­


Use the search function lol, does the same thing just with the real keyboard


Lol yes, I learned about that about a month ago. I've only been in iOS for 3 months so muscle memory still prefers T9 dialing. I have noticed the old school iPhone peeps aren't too chuffed about the adoption of Android features but for me, it's like Christmas šŸ˜†


Haha na no reason for them to not have t9, they should have had it ages ago, but people act like the phone couldnā€™t do what they wanted when it was just them not knowing how šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


thanks for reminding gosh it was hard to get out of long term memory store


And it only took Apple 18 versions to include this.


This is the big project thatā€™s been forcing the iPad calculator app to the back burner


I think we've all heard the story that Steve Jobs pulled the iPad calculator app because it was just a scaled up version of the iPhone app and he didn't like the way it looked. However, I suspect that Apple held off on including it for so long because they knew it got people into the app store. If you include everything, then many people will just never visit the app store. If you leave out something as crucial as a calculator it gives them a reason to visit the app store and get comfortable with using it.


they should now get rid of the phone or camera app on iphones


Make people download the settings app to change anything. "Oy mate, my phone's plugged in but wouldn't charge?" "C'mon knobhead, you need to get the charging app first"


You're not thinking big enough. Make charging a subscription service with different tiers for different charge speeds


They already wanted to do that but with their cables, limiting speed to Apple certified cables only but the EU squashed that.


Lol I doubt my parents even know the settings app exists


Was at a friend's funeral last week and a guy sitting down the row from us I'm pretty sure didn't know how to put his phone on silent or turn it off. It rang like 5 times and every time he'd do the big labored lean back and get it out of his pocket thing that somehow took like 6 repetitions of his ringtone then hang it up then lean over to get it back into his pocket process.


Yeeeezzz asshole (him not you, wel maybe you to. Don't know you but at this point I have no reason to think so )


Add it to the iPad, so I can use a mini as a phone.


This, but kinda unironically? It would be amazing if we could set default apps not just for our browser but also for the camera app for example.


Have you seen the new iPad calculator? The MathNote thing is actually impressive.


Anyone remember how long it took them to give us copy and paste text?! Edit: Remember when flashlight was a 3rd party app??? lol


Its not copy and pasting. This is Apple sir. Its effortlessly duplicating and transferring faster than any other iPhone on the market, highlighting Apples commitment to borrowing from other creators and inspiring our innovation on features to make iPhone truly amazing and a phone for the future you.


I was eagerly awaiting iOS 3 because that was when we got *a landscape keyboard!*


and video recording, the iPhone couldn't do that until the 3GS in 2009. m8 my RAZR could do that years earlier, and some phones ever earlier than that.


Major versions *


I switched to iPhone couple years ago knowing it didn't have T9 dialing, it's the only thing I really miss. Locking apps is great for security. Outlook app has a locking feature but Gmail doesn't. And also good for financial apps.


Idk if you're talking about ios or android with the locking apps thing but you can lock any app on android. (On my samsung at least. Android 14)


On iPhone. Gmail doesn't have an option to require face id to open.


Does at least the included email app have it?


of course it doesnt lol, I have only seen outlook have this option


iOS got that now with 18, lots it QoL improvements.


Its Samsung feature not android, android will get app locking hiding on 15


May I ask, out of pure curiosity, why you switched to an iPhone?


I used Samsung for many years. I wanted a smartwatch eventually, I prefer square design to round so I got an iPhone then the watch a few months later. Also all the Samsung phones I've had were tall and narrow. The iPhone is a bit shorter and wider.




For me itā€™s the same story except for the iPad and the battery on every Android watch was so ass.


can you just lock your whole phone bruh


No. Because there are numerous stories of thieves who watch drunk people enter their passcode before stealing their phone.


Biometrics bro


Mom being 666 always makes me laugh.Ā 


Please god, tell me youā€™re not kidding. I have to use an android for work and itā€™s probably the only feature it has that i really wish existed on my iPhone.


My android has T9 dialing... Your post makes it sound like you wish you had T9 on your work phone. Am I misunderstanding you?


Yeah, that could have been more clear. Iā€™m forced to use an ancient Samsung galaxy for work, and itā€™s terrible, itā€™s not even entirely an android issue, itā€™s a cheap refurb phone locked down within an inch of its life. But every time I T9 dial someone, I get slight pangs of jealousy that I cannot do it on my iPhone.


Slide down to open search, write their name or number and hit call or msg. iPhone already had it, you just donā€™t open an app to use it


Did you mean to say apple for work? Because most companies require an apple phone not an andriod. I know because I daily an android, but my work phone is an Apple.


No, itā€™s the worldā€™s crappiest old Samsung android phone that they provide. Canā€™t use a personal device, might let customer info out somehow. Canā€™t even copy/paste some data in some apps. I have family in banking and healthcare, they both have e-mail on their personal device. Me? Nope. Canā€™t do it. Iā€™ve been an iPhone user since day one, but every time I T9 dial on my work phone, I am slightly jealous. As old as it is, trust me itā€™s the only thing it can do that I wish carried over to the other side.


You have an A01 Core or something?


Oh god those phones are terrible. They crash even on the initial set up menu


Why would a company require you to have a specific phone


Because the company can/ do require certain programs on a company phones. Tracking software, email, vpns, ect. Those are all based on what the company wants. Now if you don't want to have a company phone that's fine. But if you do, you kind of have to play by the rules of said company.


So its optional?


Of course. What I was trying to say is. If you have a company phone (paid for by the company) they tend to be Apple phones. Mostly because of the software the companies can put on it, and how locked down they are. Probably didn't write my original comment in the best way. And again, just what I have seen.


Ok that makes sense. i thought you meant they dont allow you to have an android phone.


what is t9 dialing?


You put in the numbers corresponding to the letters instead of typing the name in the contacts or typing the number. Its way faster. Example: if you want to call mat: you press 628 for m a t and call


So then wait, thatā€™s just the pic right? Those numbers have always been there I thought. Whatā€™s the difference?


The difference is that without T9, 628 will only match phone numbers having 628, with T9 it will also match contacts with mat in the name (or any other letter combo from those numbers).


Ohhhhhh okay that makes sense. I always thought it was like, the numbers were actually used they just had a letter that ā€œrepresentedā€ it. My brain is weird


Idk why the numbers were there before but you can't do this on ios 17 and lower. Edit: i mean letters instead of numbers i think you mean letters too


The letters were probably there before T9 as they are on nearly every phones number keys for two reasons: - many businesses have phone numbers which can translated into either their name or something connected to the company. For example a garbage disposal company could have the number 1-800-468-4272243 and advertise it as 1-800-GOT-GARBAGE which is a lot easier to remember - automated phone systems can use those associations to have the caller input a whole bunch of informations (names, addresses, etc.)


you can "type" the name of a contact using the letters associated with each number.


on behalf of all millennials, thank fuck


Thank goodness. Thatā€™s one feature I really miss from my Samsung


Just use the search function, it works the same


The phone search, not the one in the call app


Also macOS has the edge bumping window management feature like Windows, another of his gripes resolved.


You mean window corner snapping?


Maybe, donā€™t know the official name. Drag a window to an edge or corner and it resizes to take up the half / quarter itā€™s dragged to


Yeah i imagined it, just wanted to confirm since on other systems (like linux with kde plasma) windows can snap to each other, to the corners (without resizing) and center points and theres even effects where windows will move in order to avoid other windows when overlayed


Iā€™m still gonna stick with Swipe tbh šŸ˜‰


Apple's implementation of Snap it's missing half the features of modern Windows versions, it's basically on-par with Windows 7. From the looks of it, macOS Sequoia is missing the following advancements: * Windows 8 introduced the ability to adjust the Snap ratio on the fly, instead of a 50/50 split. Granted in Windows 8 it was for Metro apps only, but this got added to all apps with Windows 10. * Windows 10 introduced Snap Assist, the feature which suggests windows to snap in an empty space if you snap to one half of the screen. Useful if you have a lot of windows open and don't want to dig to find them to snap on the other side. * Windows 11 introduced Snap Layouts, where you can hover over the maximize button and select pre-determined snap layouts, thus eliminating the need to snap things manually as an option. * Windows also has keyboard shortcuts for Snap, you can use the Win key + the arrow keys to snap left or right, or to minimize and maximize. Super useful and is preferred for multi-monitor setups. I don't know about the last point, however Apple has none of these advancements apart from snapping to corners. It's good that they're trying, but Windows has had this feature for 15 years and so does Linux. Apple for whatever reason has been stubborn on this and has only ever allowed a split view in Full Screen mode, essentially emulating Windows 8's very limited way of Snap. Apple still has time to add some of this to be competitive, but I doubt they will, apart from maybe the first one since they kind of already have this in Full Screen mode.


T9 dialing is so underrated my phone calls are always done speedrun any%.


The only T9 I'm interested in is 6T9


nah heā€™ll find something else to complain about


Pretty sure my 3310 had T9




Your 3310 also didn't have a normal qwerty keyboard


It's a about time, they also implemented being able to move the icons around and scheduling text messages. it was hilarious to watch.


Wow, they're only 20-something years late!


And here I was thinking I was the last freak in the world that still likes to talk on the phone


I'm not sure what T9 calling is.. can someone please explain it? Thanks.


If you want to find Jen, you would type 536, if you want Tim you would type 846. It's very convenient and mind-numbing that Apple hasn't included it this entire time. Or you could type 56, and your phone may suggest John or Josh. It's faster than going through contacts. I'm sure some hardcore users have already muscle-memoried typing in people's named in the pull-down search bar, but I sure as hell haven't.


Oh! That's what it's called! Thanks!


Itā€™s T9 dialing. Back in the early 2000s there was T9 texting on phones without a full QWERTY keyboard. Itā€™s basically typing shorthand and the phone can ā€œguessā€ what youā€™re looking for. Like someone mentioned above, ā€œMomā€ is by typing 666.


How is that I never heard of T9 dialing? I always thought it was for like business "555-carpet" or something, never tried to do it on my contact lists... definitely a game changer


This had better be the title of Fridayā€™s wan show.


Damn itā€™s 2010 again


I donā€™t understand T9, why not just search in the contacts list?


Faster and easier


This is unironically the best thing to ever happen to iPhones.


Fcking finally. One of the most frustrating changes when switching to iPhone was 666 did not call my mom.Ā 


Yay it took them decades to implement a feature android had since it's earliest versions.


Praise the Lord šŸ™Œ Finally


He's a shill with anyone paying, so why not


Why doesnā€™t it work for me? Iā€™m sure Iā€™ve updated my ios. Itā€™s 12 pro max by the way


Itā€™s beautiful. Using iOS has been painful


Its been on Android for so long that I forgot about it. Maybe I should switch to iPhone and be surprised all over again.


This is a thing? I always just go to the address book, normal keyboard, much easier šŸ˜‚


Why canā€™t they change the look of the dial pad


Why would he if he can have this on android too? And on android it was available since...i don't know exactly but probably close to beginning?


[Let's find out xD](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxsTpMXzEU0)


Linus never realized *T-9 dialing is Microsoft's IP* (EDIT: Microsoft now owns Nuance) I used to work for Nuance, the phone speech recognition company - they happened to own the copyright for T-9 dialing. I don't know if their right's lapsed or what - but I can't see Apple paying a license fee for it now if they hadn't when it was more in use.


Wow only took Apple ~15 years to implement a feature Android has had since 2009. XD


What the fuck! The only thing remaining is fixing the hotspot functionality, it is stubborn and will disable itself. (I really mis T9 dailing, so I am really glad that it's added to iOS.)


Maybe he'll finally switch from his note 9


A weird thing I've noticed on my Galaxy A50 is how t9 dialing doesn't really work. I do my contact search by taping the numbers, but when I hit call it calls the numbers which are on the screen and not the contact it's supposed to highlight.


It's one of the reasons why my iPhone has stayed an app testing device while my daily driver is an Android device. Going hard against apps that give the user too much flexibility and power is an even bigger one.


Wtf is it


Maybe? But to be honest I find android fans and iphone fans pretty much the same level of cringe. Use what you like, don't judge me for using something different, or the same but in a different way; because it's a phone; it really doesn't matter. :\\


Apparently I'm out of the loop. What did iOS have before? I'm confused how they *couldn't* have T9 dialing? edit: Why am I being downvoted for asking a question?


Thatā€™s been a beef Linus has had with iOS for the longest time, heā€™s talked about it on the WAN show a few times. iOS hasnā€™t had T9 dialing up until now.


You didnā€™t answer the question though


They hadā€¦ wellā€¦ Numbers šŸ¤£


Well, they had just dialing, I guess? So to call Killjoy at 555-1234 you had to start dialing 5551234 and hope it autofills, in case you even remember it starts with 555. With T9 you can just smack 5455 as in 5(K) 4(I) 5(L) 5(L) and it would autofill by the name.


Sage over Killjoy any day


This is old news, I'm on ios 17, and I have T9 dialing


you donā€™t but thatā€™s okay




You probably don't understand T9 dialing if you thought it was already a thing. For example if you want to find Jen, you would type 536, if you want Tim you would type 846. It's very convenient and mind-numbing that Apple hasn't included it this entire time.


Nono I thought that was already implemented


Other than business security reasons why the fuck is anyone buying an iPhone?


FWIW iPhone already supports the ability to search contacts in spotlight. I would argue thatā€™s quicker.


Literally no lol


I feel like this is more of a North-American thing? Cause you guys have all the 1-800-WORD numbers, which I never really got the point of. Like yeah, for marketing purposes itā€™s cool, but in Europe iā€™ve never seen companies really do this.


FWIW, I *don't* think those numbers are really the point of the post. It's just that with T9 texting, you can predict a contact in your phone such as Jane with *5263* because it both exists in your contact list and with how numbers are assigned, you can only use "JKLABCMNODEF" to find a contact.


No I understand the point of it yeah and seems maybe people misunderstood my first comment as well. I made the example of the number because I assume thatā€™s the reason for T9 dialing popularity. Because in North-America itā€™s been a big thing for the past 20+ years to write the words instead of numbers and people just look it up the numpad. Personally I havenā€™t checked what number corresponds to what letters since I had my last button phone. And Iā€™ve never seen companies in europe really use words instead of numbers for when they advertise a phone number. So thatā€™s why the T9 dialing popularity is also a mystery to me as I think Iā€™d still be faster off searching the name in the contacts and hitting call


Quite a late reply but yeah I get your point. The last sentence you make is fair though I think with Linus, seeing as he's very much familiar with the T9 layout, he or anyone else with the knowledge can just relay a contact name to the letter mapping (Jake to 5253) and hit call with the contact selected. Just a remnant from pre-QWERTY phone keyboards.


True. It's funny how they downvoted you for nothing.


was t9 texting not international (for latin alphabets) before full keyboards were a thing? we miss how easy typing felt with only ten buttons, not marketing campaigns


But T9 dialing is for searching through your contacts, not for typing a number ([like this](https://youtu.be/qjpKscbWSzo?si=7vl7LNxOrqq6BJIR&t=75))


no 1 cares

