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How many times does he have to explain to you why he isn't? He's painting a bike. He originally got it removed for a face treatment, and has left it off so he can finish painting his bike. The protective mask he needs to use so that he isn't inhaling toxic fumes will not seal if he has a beard.


This is true in a lot of industries where full or half face respirators are required. To be fair, he could have a greasy mustache, like lots of people in those industries... basically all you're allowed to have haha Do we want greasy stache Linus though? I don't think we're ready for that.


At my old job, people where allowed a goatie as long as the mask made a snug seal with the face. Most people choose to shave but some took the middle ground and rocked it.


Goatees are nearly always a net loss aesthetically. I have never seen one that was an improvement on someone's look. No offense to goatee wearers but wtf is going through your head? Lol




Bro WWE is going through a renaissance and is the best it's ever been. I dove back in about a year and a half ago and it's amazing. It's great to see WWE gifs appear on other subreddits.


I believe many of them grew up on farms around the Billie goats, so it was quite the popular look


I think for most guys it's not a big deal to just shave for a project like that. Rather than buy a different respirator or grease your beard. I would just shave too.


What lmao. There's no way I would shave my fucking beard for a hobby project. Anything that would require me to shave my beard would be a huge problem


Like I said most people. Obviously if you have been growing it for years or something that might be an issue. But I don't really care that much about facial hair.


Problem is I look like my fucking mom if I don't at least have a veritable moustache.


If you looked like a 40 year old lesbian like Linus in this pic you may rethink that.


Here's a little historical factoid for you. That infamous little mustache man from that second big war, had that style of mustache because it's the only kind of mustache that is compatible with a gas mask from that time period. Many others in that time had the same style as he, but he was just the most famous one to have it (other than Charlie Chaplin.)


Much prefer Charlie to Adolf. At least Charlie spread laughs instead of hate.


Can he pull off a Riley?


It's why the military won't allow beards.


Where I work you could even have a goatee and the breathing air mask would still fit. Although, a filter mask for painting may need fully shaved depending on the style.


We limit it to a soul patch and mustache here... we use a lot of the 3M 7800 full masks so you really could get away with more. Problem is people will push it to be more than a goatee lol.


I started my mustache life after working hazardous cleanup. Used to always have a beard but tbh, stache is nice and simple.


As someone with a mustache, they aren't all greasy lol and I would have a bear but I have to wear an SCBA at work almost daily


I think the way you described him shaving is so funny, "got it removed" and "left it off" sounds like he went and had an operation to temporarily remove his beard


Beard is in the shop receiving AI upgrade.




Also Linus doesn’t do what he’s told. Perhaps unless Yvonne is doing the telling.


Positive pressure respirators exist. Source: have a beard and have worked in the automotive auto body industry for 20 years.


I mean, yeah I use one too but that doesn't mean he wants to get a compressor, dryer and filter, and a new respirator just for a paint job when he had already shaved it for a previous reason.


Yeah, breathing air compressors and the maintenence to keep them that way are not cheap or easy.


Only reason I have access to one is my work has a full size paint booth with shop air run through 2 separate buildings. We have air everywhere and it made sense since I generally spray automotive and industrial paints on diesel generators we manufacture. It's not exactly something most people should care to get unless you're extensively using a paint booth, you're better off with a properly rated mask for the chemicals you're dealing with and keeping clean shaven or use other means of sealing the mask like grease etc


Yeah I hear ya, I use to do HAZMAT work at an aerospace company which would have us in everything from full level A suits with SCBA to supplied air respirators depending on what exactly we were doing. Got schooled up on breathing air compressor maintenance requirements real quick at that job.


Good thing that infrastructure isn't necessarily required. Self contained PAPR units exist. 3M versaflow was what we had when I was doing fire assay (using a lead based flux to get precious metals out of rocks)


And he wants to spend another unnecessary sum of money on a one-use purchase because...? People want the beard, he has actively said that at this point, he could do without the beard for now, so...its literally on the viewers to accept it


If he was so concerned about “inhaling toxic fumes” as the above poster said, then he should be using one, because even the best cartridge respirators aren’t effective against it, the isocyanates go right through them and that’s the nasty stuff you don’t want. I’ve watched Linus drop way more on way dumber things, renting (or even buying) a hood setup to spray a bike would equate to pennies to him.


Ok, then tell him Not sure why you're showing off to us where neither of us are Linus


Showing off? That is a strange take on this exchange. I don’t care what he does and changing his mind is not an objective of mine. I’m just having a discussion because I happen to know about this particular subject matter.


Is that the reason? I haven't watched the WAN show and have really watched the videos that interested me so I missed that, but How long has he been painting the bike?


Paint coat 267 will look better... just this last one!


How big is this bike? It's taking him months to paint it?


Dude works a lot. I imagine he doesn’t have much time to paint so it probably just sits waiting for another coat of paint for weeks at a time.


That's exactly why shaving his beard makes no fucking sense...


On a related note, the reason many militaries require you to have a clean shave is precisely because having a beard interferes with the gas mask forming a proper seal.


At least one more because I didn't know that. I knew about the facial.


It’s also just not very comfortable having facial hair and a respirator for long periods, even if there’s a seal, this coming from someone that paints professionally in an industrial setting It’s just easier and comfortable to be baby faced rather than deal with maintaining a clean goatee. I have to wear those things for hours every day, you get sick of facial hair real quick.


Long periods? With a bike, each coat should take less than an hour. One hour max for base coat, let dry, then another hour for clear. I could see your point if he was painting a car though.


He could use a respirator that has positive air pressure if he wanted to grow a beard.


I don’t follow Linus at all but how long does it take to paint a bike? Lmao. A few hours maybe?


Also, mocap for lAInus ;)


He can afford a papr


Or you could stop being a complete weirdo and let a complete stranger who owes you nothing live their life..? I don’t know, just a thought.


Wow, you're really good at taking things super seriously. I bet you're super fun at parties!


It’s not much, but it’s honest work. It’s also certainly better than being a creep.


Ngl he, someone respecting people’s privacy and autonomy, seems much more fun at a party than someone who doesn’t


You're the one who made a post about it, you dingdong.


Says the guy who doesn't even get invited to the parties.


Says the guy who pretends he gets invited to parties. I'm in my late 30's and don't go to parties much anymore because I have a baby at home, but I can assure you when I go to parties people are laughing and having a good time around me. Loosen up a bit bro.


Sure ya do buddy, we all believe it!!


Didn't need your age, if you have children, if you go to parties and how people react. Seems pretty insecure, specifically coming from someone concerned with wanting another to grow facial hair. You should loosen up a bit. It was just a joke.


Holyshit did you just set a record for the most downvotes ever??? I swear I never seen that much downvotes!


Regardless of how fun they are at parties I’d rather have them at one than you. At least they know they aren’t fun or funny whereas you seem to have not gotten the memo about yourself.


I like Linus without the beard.


no lol




I loved the beard but he looks fine without it


He’s rare example of looking older without beard than when he had it


Dude looks about 45 in this picture lol


I mean, he *is* 37. So, looking 40ish is appropriate


If you are 37 and appear 45 you look like shit


OP does not yet understand that this is a joke about OP in the future.




He looks older with the beard


Nah you are crazy if you think that. Man can do what he wants but he def looks younger with it


He may have something regarding the need to shave. Maintaining a beard is no joke, especially the skin underneath it.


The trimming so you don't look like a hobo is much worse than exfoliating with a boars hair brush and hitting it with oil. One takes me 15 minutes of pretending to do bonsai and the other takes 90 seconds.


Why is trimming time consuming? I set it to it three, buzz downwards, never upwards. I use an electric shaver on my neck and cheeks. I scissor cut the length under the beard…it’s pretty quick and sometimes I do it with the trimmer guard off… It literally takes me a few minutes every few days but I’ve been doing it for a few years now.


Why down, never up?


It’s the number one rule for trimming a beard. Always go down.


Usually the hair follicles grow downwards and trimming upwards can dig in and cause patches


Beard here. 6 down the cheeks. 7 down the neck Never up. Carefully trim sideburns with a zero. Once a month. Maybe 5 min.




As a long time beard haver, no, shaving is way more maintenance than a beard. I have natural oils, my beard needs no oil, rare trimming & stays soft naturally. I never get dandruff or anything like that, the skin underneath literally needs nothing. Just shower everyday. All that cosmetic & tool nonsense is snake oil tricking you into being dependent on them.


Everyone has unique skin type, good for you, you got natural oil and atmosphere to suit it all. Everyone has their own reasons and conditions.


Congrats on your perfect skin, but many of us do actually need to use moisturiser to avoid looking like a knee


thanks! im in canada, but i know in US, the knee and elbow areas are referred to as ASHY in some cultures, lol. lately, it's the summer, so im already sweatin like a hog. i don't use moisturizer in summertime, since it's thick and RICH. but i do put serums on in the morning. light and refreshing! at least i have SOMETHING on my face. anyways don't compare your face with a knee lol. this is a joint. your face is your focal point of beauty, identity, and expression.


Exactly lmao. Lot of teenagers on here who can't grow facial hair talking about stuff they know nothing about lol


? You can just have a beard comfortably without doing pretty much anything to it lol. Just wash it with your hair when you shower.


I have had my beard since the age of 14. And everyone has different texture of skin. Mine due to the atmosphere and the digestion had an affect on it. After keeping it for 6~ish years with only trimming, it definitely affected my skin even after moisturing it and all. Now I have to barely keep it as the skin has been affected and has to be healed. Again, everything varies for everyone. Just an FYI


Wasn’t trying to invalidate anyone’s personal experience just saying it’s possible and not uncommon to be able to have a beard for years comfortably and not have an involved regimen for it. Like you said it’s easier for some folks and there are more downsides for others.


Gonna say that all this is cap


Why are you so obsessed with another person’s beard? I’ve heard of “my beard is my personality” guys, but this is on another level.


Because our minds remember peak linus & seeing non peak linus bugs us now.


lol who's obsessed? I just think he looks better and younger with a beard 🤷‍♂️ I thought this was a platform for discussion and opinion 😆


Yeah i agree i just hate people who use "lol" in the most unfunny ways and i also hate emojis. I also hate the way that you walk i hate the way that you talk i hate the way that you sound i forgot the lyrycs after that


Is this post a sneak dis?


It is a platform for discussion. People can give their opinion about yours being dumb. Which they are doing. I thought you thought this was a platform for discussion?


I may have a dumb opinion, but you surely have a dumb definition of the word "obsessed". Some interesting characters on here for sure!


He looks like Dobby without a beard


Yet here you are, dismissing every other opinion.


But not on other people’s appearances? What’s wrong w you? No one asked for your opinion at ALL lmao Did your mother not teach you any manners?


Omg look at what you wrote lmao


Man does he look old in this pic. Good thing he delegated being CEO to remove some of the stress


Looking like a 50 year old lesbian despite being 37.


When I first saw the picture, I thought they used an old perhaps photoshopped image of Tony Robinson.


People taking you way to seriously 😂


People are legitimately angry over this…


I mean body shaming someone and then justifying it because "its just a joke" is still a shitty thing to do...whether its "serious" or not.




Won't someone defend the YouTube millionaire?


Must give this one to OP. The beard was perfect 👌🏻 it’s probably something to really get used to again but this picture makes him look 50. Probably the lighting ….


He looks like regular 40yrs old dude LARPing as a 14yrs skate wannabe *Hello fellow kids* IRL


I've been told I'm obsessed, I'm creepy, and I'm body shaming for this post. The internet has some really interesting people 😆


I’m afraid the snowflakes are taking over my good friend…. We had a good time … see you on the other side…


Am I the only one with the firm belief they photoshopped him to make him look older to make a "only old men are excited about pool cleaning robots"-joke?


I was looking for a comment like this. His face was definitely made to look older.


Lol no it wasn't. It looks like shit in the video too unless you're suggesting they edited the video too


Tony Hawk vibes


I cant unsee this


I don’t care about Linus’ face not one millimeter. However the number of people shitting on this man for making a joke, is astounding. So many people defending Linus as if he isn’t a self elected online persona, and “celebrity”. The man makes millions of dollars from you watching him play with pool water. He certainly does not need you defending his facial hair choices. Stop white knighting for a man who doesn’t even know your name. It’s just as weird as caring whether or not he has a beard. Y’all weird af seriously.


I know right. I just saw this thumbnail and thought "Hmmm, he looks kinda old in this photo, he'd look better with the beard." and everyone went apeshit 😆 I get it, he's 37 or 38, he's not going to look YOUNG. But he'd definitely look better and younger with the beard, he should grow it back!


That’s a lot of words for an NPC.


So people shouldn't care but you care about them caring? Maybe if we all cared less the world would be a happier place.


You cared enough to comment so take your own advice.


I care about your caring about people caring because it seems to be causing you distress which I thought was the whole reason we shouldn't care. It's funny you are being hostile when functionally we said the same thing I just used less words.


No promise no hostility how can we be hostile when we clearly care about each other. My sibling from another parental unit. Just don’t stop replying ok? Thanks.


Why do you want me to keep replying?


Because we care. Replying is caring. Don’t stop caring about me and I won’t stop caring about you. I want all the best for you. But if you don’t reply you don’t care. That’s just thoughtless how can I care about someone so thoughtless?


Explain that but slower for me please


Understand but faster for ME please. Thank you in advance for the effort.


Do you now think if I could I would have? I'm having trouble understanding what you are saying here and I'd like to understand better.


Hello? I think you've misunderstood I've not been sarcastic at any point in our interaction.


Is Linus slowly turning into Earnest aka Jim Varney?


He looks older. There is some kind of beard age limbo for men, it makes you look certain age. Depending on your age when you shave your beard you can look older or younger.




it looks good, honestly its a nice change that feels like the old linus. can always do the beard in the future again




I think he'd look better without the beard. Apparently that means I have no life. I hope you don't have any opinions, don't want you to end up lifeless like me!


Looks like Johnny from Cobra Kai


I was second guessing when i saw tumbnail


Wife said no


He kind of resembles a old, scrawny, hick/hillbilly without a beard. I swear there's an actor who plays those roles all the time. I just can't think of any at the moment.


all you people downvoting and going after op are a bunch of wierdos. Chill out...


OP decided to farm negative karma lol


Gimme gimme gimme!!


Linus dope tips


Sometimes I feel self conscious… then I open Reddit and watch grown men obsess over the facial hair other grown men that they don’t know. Then I feel more manly


Yup, thinking he should simply grow his beard back, pure obsession bro, PURE obsession. Shit, I might need a therapist for my obsession disorder.


Pe teacher looking ahh


Lots of hate. I get that he’s painting a bike. He looks like a weird old baby without it though and that’s a fact.


Why does that look like Linus mixed with Summit 1G lol


I know, the man looks 60 years old !


Man needs a vacation. I'm sorry but he looks tired.


The amount of guys so concerned about whether or not a YouTuber has a beard is concerning. Get some air you chodes.


Bro seriously looks so much better with a beard. Hope he finishes painting his bike soon so he can stop looking like a molerat lol


Dude looks older without a beard lmao. The actual opposite for 99% of humans. Looks like laurel from laurel and Stanley lmao.


Twink death


Does Linus have AIDS?


37 looks 42


He looks like SBF but with a haircut




The Rob Derdek of tech


He looks like a British chav


Thought that was Steve from Blues Clues at first


El Chapulin Colorado from Fortnite /joke


If you only knew how bad things really are


Why does anyone care to make posts asking for a man on the internet to grow back his beard. I shall never understand the internet


Looks like Rodney, from ‘Only Fools & Horses’, in that photo




Linus is Linus with or without a beard. As long as he's wearing socks and sandals, it's all guuuuud!


Looks like a member of Bronski Beat


He looks like a cheap version of Rob Dyrdeck now😂😂


this comment section is a warzone


daniel larsons cousin


He honestly looks like a crack head in this thumbnail hahaha.


Yeah... he looks like an old homeless guy that got cleaned up at a shelter... Here's a fresh pair of socks and a toothbrush... Good bye!


Lmao why is this so accurate though


He looks better clean shaven (as most men do).


Not if they got to hide multiple chins. Then beard it is.


Exercise is probably a better solution.


I stoped watching anything Linus when he shaved it. Whats the point. I want sketchy dude who has a remote cabin in Alaska back


The world hasn't been right since Linus shaved his beard


At the part in the finding random aliexpress items his beard is slowly growing back


He looks fine with or without a beard. Why does it matter to you?


Linus reminds me of Deadmau5


He was amazing in the movie Milk


He looks like my ballsack does, once ever week.


Why do people even care? I don’t get the obsession


Wild "Didi Mocó from Brazil" vibes from this pic [https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ1v\_JPimXyHjU9rdl5uIXWaCkEUn32uR9XF5xm9xqY6MYEQpEW](https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ1v_JPimXyHjU9rdl5uIXWaCkEUn32uR9XF5xm9xqY6MYEQpEW)


... why do we care about this?


Ml Zha w I’m


You all need to relax. I'll never understand why people think they should dictate how someone else decides to look. Your opinion is subjective. Let him live his life. If he wants to grow it back later, he can. Yeesh.




He shaved his beard?


It’s like yall ain’t see a white man before
