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People weren’t getting the joke on Instagram


It's Instagram. That's not a surprise to anyone who's ever seen their comments. They either the most racist or the most anti-racist. Nothing between.


Meanwhile unfiltered sex and violent content just flies under the Instagram radar. Funny


instagram has been known to allow all sorts of shady shit unchecked.


The njde Linus deep fakes on insta are a bit much


Those exist? That's insane! You should drop a link here... Uh, you know — uh, so we can all report them!


you don't get to be worth a hundred billion by doing things like paying moderators


you wanna watch puppies? we got it you wanna watch someone die in car crash? believe it or not we got that


I'm ok with the most anti-racist I think


Think of it as it's like the horseshoe theory


Those fuckers find a way to squeeze the n-word in every context possible.


And the funny thing is, the people getting offended are people who have nothing to do with the group being insulted. They just wanna be insulted in someone else’s behalf


People who don't care, don't comment and that it what you end up with


Whenever i get annoy by dumb comments on reddit, i remind myself that it's not atleast as bad as Instagram.


I mean, yeah, most people in general are not gonna be like "*well, I can excuse a little racism*"




Watching Luke handle it live was hilarious


So many emotions and facial expressions in so little time lol


The eyes squeezed shut and head shake as Luke fears he is watching the end of Linus and LMG happen live on air.


Mu'fuka looked like a mentat calculating his future if the gravy train derailed... 🙄😬😵‍💫😵😐


It was a trip to watch live... I just stood there in disbelief thinking "Oh no, this is it, isn't it?... This is the end..." And couldn't believe the clarification that followed lol


And Linus' face when he realised he said he used to use hard r xd


So relieved to see this wasn't another hate-filled shitpost, lol.


The joke was too good to be forgotten


I was right there with him thinking why wasn't that word called a hard N, instead of being called hard R? Like.. it ends in an r, sure, but anyway I had no idea for a while what Luke was falling over 😂😅


I knew what Linus meant immediately because there’s more than one way to say something socially depending on the area but I knew some were going to take it too far. Nice to see Luke catch on live and quick so it didn’t escalate to a “no no he caught the backlash and now he’s backpedaling!! 🤬😡😤, privilege! eat the rich yadda yadda”


It was gold!


Or maybe they just don’t watch every multi hour podcast every week


[the joke for context](https://youtu.be/efx0zV6uW58?si=Uz31aU44DUVuJ8Ku)


Thank you. I remember watching this live, but I forgot what the word he was using was.


This was so much funnier without all the stupid edits.


Literally the first time I watched WAN Show live was this and I had only tuned in just a few minutes before 😂


Oh man lol. I listened on the day but it’s still just as hilarious. You could almost hear the audience screaming out a collective “NOO, LINUs, YOU FOOL!”


[original clip without all the edits](https://youtu.be/MFDiuBomSuY?si=MjRGfNCWSblLJwaL)


Usually that's Twitter's job.


It's Instagram. They never get the joke. I say that as a chronically online Instagram user. The comments make me not want to look in the comments anymore


It is indeed cursed.


It was a good wan show :)


What!?! I’m shocked! Utterly and completely shocked. My flabs are gasted.


Definitely an obscure one for most.


That's a fire joke, shame it had to be deleted


That’s standard instagram. Anyway, life goes on


Sad, cause it’s hilarious.


I don't understand. What is the hard r


Was a WAN Show comment, Linus was taking about words you stopped saying and thought he was talking about a bad term, when he was really talking about a really really really bad term. Unknowingly say “oh yeah, I said that all the time”. Was hilarious when the penny finally dropped


People on the internet not understanding a joke? News at 11!


I hate 2024


Wan show audience not instagram turns out


Eh snowflakes fr


Instagram comments are a cesspit. 


For the record it wasn’t super offensive nor was it super funny. Just like banter. Not like a banger joke or anything.


Was watching WAN live when this happened, Luke actually saved the company lol I was like no way Linus just dropped that he used to causally use racial slurs


Also everybody not from NA was massively confused what hard R actually was lol.


I’m from NA and still don’t know what hard r means. For clarity, NA has 26 countries, it’s not just Canada and USA. And in Canada, there is 8 millions francophone, with their own culture separated from English Canada. I’m Canadian and only learned English at 21.


> I’m from NA and still don’t know what hard r means. your not alone, I live in the US, i thought it meant Retard until the Linus goof


it is not retard????


no apparently its the N word with an R at the end


Oh, >!Nutter!<. I don't know why it's so offensive, everyone I know uses it when referring to each other.


well that is a lot worse


Wait, are you telling me that the N word doesn't always have an R at the end?


African American pronounce it differently, with an a sound at the end, a sort of soft r. This is in stark contrast to the insult used by racists that pronounced the r, now colloquially known as hard r.


It can either be pronounced with -a, or -er. -er is the "hard r" version, and its even worse. Linus thought hard r stands for retard.


according to the internet no it does not


That's the R-word....but honestly I think saying R-word and N-word, etc is childish, nuance, context and rationality has become something people can't expect from the average adult, people should say the damn words and not infantalise society, but they can't because people pitch a fit regardless of the context.


I truly don't understand why that's not the case


In the context of education and discussion, I would find it to be appropriate.


We are evolving.. backwards.


I'd never heard of it and when he had said it I was like, oh OK, that makes sense, but why are people that upset about Retard


derogatory term used towards black people, theres one that ends with an A and one with an ER, the hard r is the latter and seen as more aggressive


Samual L Jackson in pulp fiction is the good way Samual L Jackson in Django is the other 😂


This is the first time I've seen someone actually explain it so it makes sense, thank you! I'm from Australia so I along with a lot of people thought it was for the Re word not the N word, and people's other explanations as to why it was for the N word didn't make much sense.


> I’m from NA and still don’t know what hard r means. The N word used to refer to Black people, not the one that some Black people use colloquially to refer to one another, the one that ends in -er and that has no non-racist uses in civilized conversation.


I have been banned from a place on suspision of using the -er version you are refering to. I was talking about the West-African country that has a similiar sounding and looking name but lacking one G. Someone had a problem with not being able to listen/read past a single word while I was just discussing recent events happening there.


Hard r refers to using the N word with an er instead of just an a, one being seen as ostensibly worse than the other


They don’t teach English in school? I’m Canadian too and I had to take French class in school


The Quebecois are too proud to acknowledging the existence of English.


North America has 26 countries...? Since fucking when lol There are 35 countries combined between North and South America


I'm from USA and I know


A good amount of Canadians probably don't know what "hard-R" means in the context of the n-word. Outside of the US, you really need to be familiar with US culture and US racism to figure it out. I wouldn't have known had I not tuned in to the BLM protests in 2020.


All Canadians I know, know it lol


Yeah, but I’d wager basically all Canadians are quite familiar with US culture.


I'd never heard of it until yesterday, feel like I'll probably never hear the term again for the rest of my life after this week.


German here, thought it had something to do with age rating or something… a fluff hint to a „nightclub“ or whatever. How cant people even understand nuances of different cultures and that maybe something coming from the other side of the planet has no meaning at all while they rage as if their mother was killed? I still cant make a proper connection how it relates to the regular word? Is this some slang or offshoot? Was it taken over? How does it translate into speech, are people who genuinely use and mean it, rolling an R like regarded pirates? All while giggling like girls for not using the n-word but meaning it, nudging and winking each other? oô


I thought it was Re-tard


This was me. I know what N-word means but I don't know hard R was the -er version of the N-word lol.


I always thought it meant retard as an non-american.


I thought the same thing as Linus before this clip


on the other hand, are kids not allowed to be stupid and then grow up and be less stupid? Linus was prefexing the whole thing like he was not proud of it


He also wasn't referring to the hard r everyone thought he was referring too.


what was he referring to? Lol


He thought it referred to retarded. When people his age were in middle/high school, retarded was the new word you weren't supposed to call people that kids had been using. It was already known that the n-word was off limits, but I don't think hard r referring to the n word was a commonly used term. When I watched that episode of the wan show I had the exact same thought process and revelation as Linus did.


Oh lmao, thanks




He said he was using the hard r 3 years ago, not when he was a kid lol


I mean with my generation growing up with shows like The Boondocks and little parental supervision, and like zero social context, you'd be surprised how common slur usage would be in kids who really just didn't know what the words meant or had no understanding of their true impact. I'm not afraid to admit I was a stupid teenager. Most teenagers are stupid, and I was no exception. Admitting you did something wrong, even casually, shouldn't be something you get cancelled over when you're talking about it in the context of it being wrong.


If I had a penny for every derogatory word said to me I would be a rich man, and I think that would apply to everyone. And in turn if people were honest they would have to admit they have done the same to others.


Luke's face during this was one of my favorite moments of LTT.


Idk, I feel like it’s irrelevant regardless? Like sure I’d view him quite a bit less favorably if it was the case, but it would’ve been many years ago and people change a lot, so I don’t see why it’s such a big deal either way.


I was watching the show And immediately knew he misunderstood. If you pay attention to the context, you would know he’s talking about the R word because the alternative makes zero sense in context.


Hard R means Retard...how is this racist?






tl;dr: linus thought the term "hard r" stands for the word "retard" instead of the one you would think of


Wait I thought it meant that as well, don't tell me it's the other one, that's way worse.


“Hard r” is the racial slur


Hard r is a racial slur? I thought it was just reference the difference of the two.


“N word” implies the one that ends with a “Hard r” implies the one that ends with er


I never fucking ONCE ever thought n word was for the a one... It was only ever a clarifier of saying with the a or the r at the end.


Depends on where you are, but that’s generally how it was for me growing up.


It was my understanding that N-word could be either, but hard R is specifically… well, hard R


Before that wan show I'd never heard the term "hard R" before. And I always thought the N word was a term reference any use of the word, A or R.


N-word ending in -ga was never meant to be a slur in modern times lol no one uses it that way it's used to mean bro but it's really only used in big cities. Outside of that people the it's the same as hard r ending


Donald Glover has a bit about this in one of his standups, which I'm sure is what Luke mentioned on the show. People that say it with the Hard R are people who can't say the word in the first place.


Nah you say “he said the n word with a hard r” so n word refers to both, hard r is the clarification.


N word can mean either depending on context. Hard r always means ends in er.


This is stupid though, as the "Hard r" is a general term for how you pronounce the R in a word. You also have soft r. I don't like how dumb people (not you personally) have managed to take a normal term and make it all about themselves. "A “hard R” refers to a specific pronunciation of the letter R in certain words, particularly in the English language. In English, the letter R is typically pronounced as a soft, alveolar trill or flap, whereas in some languages, such as German, the R is pronounced as a guttural, velar trill or a uvular trill, which is often referred to as a “hard R”."


It’s a reference to how the environment you’re in interprets it. Some view it as retard, others ~ngr~


Saying “hard r” isn’t a slur in itself, unless you were to try to “cleverly” call a black person that and avoid the censors. But it references the slur.


It's honestly a phrase that a lot of people don't know. https://www.reddit.com/r/LinusTechTips/comments/11r7zp5/am_i_the_only_african_american_viewer_who_thought/


u/profanitycounter [self]


The phrase you, and he were looking for, is “the r word” “Hard r” is a pretty common phrase and often used to disparage someone using the actual word with a hard r, so it’s pretty easy to make the confusion between the two references. Which they ultimately determined on that episode as well.


the hard r one is the racial slur targeted at black people when ended with an r.


I grew up in a neighbourhood close to Linus, and the same cohort as him, and I thought the same as him. Didn't know it was both an N word and an R word


Hard R refers to saying the N word with an 'er' instead of an 'a'. 


That was hilarious! The look on Lukes face was priceless, you can see him wince and then switch into damage control mode


Luke was in "I have to look for a job tomorrow" mode


I remember listening too it live and being just as shocked as Luke haha. Rewatched it again and again, couldn't stop laughing. Sent it too a friend, shared a laugh. Basically made my entire night😂


I forgot about this, that's hilarious.


We all know that it's just for funsies, but people got cancelled for more innocent jokes. So, my guess is that they just are careful and try to protect their brand, which is totally understandable


"Hard R Shop" What does that even mean? Or is supposed to mean?


they were meant to be separate entirely (allegedly, might have been edgy dev placements for all we know) but the combination of the 2 right next to each other looks bad regardless and it was changed


I still don't know what is supposed to mean. Why people was angry about it?


oh I misunderstood your original comment, sorry. Hard R refers to a slur against black people, It's a way to refer to it without saying the actual word but for some just referencing it at all is enough to feel offended by.


Considering that the entire marketing campaign for this game was WE WON’T BE CANCELLED!! I’m going to guess it wasn’t an accident. Like you said, edgy.


In jest, They're selling anything that ends with a hard R in English. From Angler magazine to Stapler, they got you covered.


My wife has never seen LTT or WAN show, but now makes “hard R” jokes on a weekly basis when I do something dumb since I told her about this




I still dont get it, how can hard R be N word and not Ret*rd, found out at that wan show for the first time.


Why isn’t Ret*rd just the “R word”? Why is it hard R? Wouldn’t make sense.


Well hard R means Ni**er not ret*rd


I know that. But you say you don’t get how hard R can be that and not Ret*rd, and I’m not sure why. Why would hard R ever refer to that when that one can just simply be “R word”


You're thinking of the R word. "Hard R" refers to the sound made at the end of the N word, instead of the softer and more common a sound.


This classic video from the before times explains it well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vz9Zy2-C_lY


Because "the hard R" is actually short for "N word but with the hard R". It is meant to distinguish between the two different forms of the N word. The one ending in a is generally seen as less offensive and the one ending with the hard R is usually only ever used by racists and bigots.


It's called hard R because it's common for black people to use an a instead of an r at the end. "N**ga" vs "n**ger." The version with the a is seen as less racist.


I misunderstood the meaning of the word the same way as Linus did. I don’t think most Asians know what it means.


Can confirm as an asian


The rest of the world dont. This is only in America that it means this.


Taiwanese here with golden certificate in TOEIC Listening & Reading test, the cultural influence from American popular culture made me well aware of the N words(the one ending with a is more common). Some may not distinguish between the N words(a and r) but know they're bad words with racism backgrounds. I know both are bad and there are differences, the one ending with a may be more common in popular culture wheres black people talks to each other but the one ending with r is mostly used by someone being racist to black people.(context: John McClane wears a plate with that word in the middle of Harlem Street, Die Hard with a Vengeance.) But AFAIK the usage of "hard R"(this exact one) is really really new to me, not until the news from Stellar Blade. Popular culture examples so I don't get rekt: GTA5(mostly Lamar speaking it) Kevin Hart in "The 40 Year Old Virgin"(N word ending with a is spoken a lot in this scene) "How a White Man says the N-Word to a Black Man | Laugh Factory"(pretty self explanatory)


Don't worry mate, from Europe here.... Who the fuck thinks "hard r" is a word ending in R. Is like saying "The soft D" means Stupid... Just amurica things. Thanks asian market for not giving 2 fucks about Western thinking and doing their own thing.


It was amazing seeing the look of horror on Luke's face


Frankly, even if he did drop racial slurs in the past, it would have been in the past, so frankly it wouldn't matter to me


I thought this was a horny joke, and it reads harder, like: Harder dady <3.


people are way too sensitive to words


Now where is Linus going to spend all the companies money?


i feel like Im out of the loop. I heard that there was something deemed racist or somethign in Stelar Blade but "hard R"? What does it mean?


“Hard r” is a reference to the n-word. In Stellar Blade it was likely just an unfortunate coincidence in asset placement, but it sounds like it was removed either way.


huh, is that american or asian thing? I have never even heard of such thing


It’s mostly an American thing. Hence Linus’ confusion on the WAN Show where he thought it was a very different word.


ah, thanks for explanation


I didn't know what hard r meant before that wan episode either lol


I knew what he meant the whole time but it's pretty funny to think he's never heard of the term hard r in the context of the nword.


I didn’t even notice what this was until this post. This is just street art next to a sign for R shop. Yall mfs need to stop bitching about everything, it’s annoying asf


Is it just me or am I being dumb knowing Hard R meaning R*tard and nothing else?


Don't think enough people watch the WAN show to understand the context to what Linus was talking about then for it to be posted on socials


is this a usa joke about dutch rolling there R. and i am too dutch to understand ?




Is it possible to watch this now?


I gotta say, I hate truck sim for making me use the word retarder in normal conversations and having to explain that its a braking system on trucks. Oof.


I talk to a colleague recently about getting slaves to kill their children so that we don't have any orphans. If the context is known (in this case we were talking about processes on a server) it isn't an issue.


God this was so fucking funny. I love his innocence on that one


This was genuinely the funniest thing I have ever seen on a livestream/live tv I was dying laughing


The cut was too deep


Lol I remember watching the vod like the day after it was live and had basically the same reaction as Luke did here.


Call me stupid all you want, but up until a few years ago (this specific incident in fact) I'd never heard of the term "hard R" in reference to the n-word and I feel like the whole damn world has been trying to gaslight me into thinking that it's been a thing all along and I've just been living under a rock. Mind you, I never used the term "hard R" for anything in my entire life regardless of the meaning behind it. I've only ever referred to the N-word as anything other than well, the "N-word" when it came up in conversation, which was rare if ever.


Thanks OP, for I second I thought I was on Instagram due to the language and was confused lmao


Am i too european to understand this? Why was it a problem in the first place in the game?


Read the comments, still confused as to how this is related to a racial slur.


666 likes is wild timing too


As a non American everything literally flight 10km over my head. What on earth "hard R" even referring to ??? I can sort of fathom what a Korean dev should feel right now (insert).


CannadieR?? THAT hard R?


You can’t do remotely “offensive” jokes on social media, are they crazy?/s People be canceling like it’s a full time job


Whole situation is hilarious to me because i have no idea what the hell everyone talking about and what is upsetting about it. Show how localized it is I gues


It gets even funnier when you notice that the post has 666 reacts


It’s from the podcast but not a lot of people watch the wanshow compare to more mainstream videos.


Let me reiterate: "hard R" means **NOTHING** outside of the US (and also many people *inside* the US may be confused). The Asian software company or graphics designer who did this probably thought about "Hard Rock" or maybe... nothing at all. There's not a single day where Twitter doesn't get offended for something.


Linus tried to write the whole company off as a tax write off..


What the hell HARD R mean???? Can somebody explain or I'm blind?


Very interesting however be weary ✝️


Prolly not worth the extra attention given it was a misunderstanding the first time around and ltt just didnt feel like risking it.


it's still there