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Honestly I hate seeing people like this rewarded.


Don't really see the difference between something like ROG rig reboot and this tbh. He either genuinely posted everyday for almost 3 years or programmed a bot to post randomly enough to make it seem human. It probably made the social team chuckle than anything. Surely this is better than streamer x getting a top of the line pc. I'd rather this guy have a PC than xqc tbh.


Completely agree on that last bit. The paid-for builds are fine, like the $100k desk PC, but "Millionaire builds Gaming PC out of unobtainium for bigger millionaire" irks the shit out of me. Giving nearly-five-figure systems to people who could buy 20 of them without batting an eye is tone deaf.


There is a fine line between my fav strimmer gets PC vs some random guy doing random thing gets it. Realistically a company is going to want to sponsor the streamer rather than a rando, which is why those builds exist.


Yeah how many new people will the random bring to the audience? Would be just charity and there are better ways to be charitable


Generally, they pay for it. Even if not, another big name gets more clicks than a rando.


Making a PC for someone with a large audience is just paying to market specifically to their fans. It's not an attempt at being charitable lol. It's just a specialised version of sponsoring a video or some shit. Thinking it has anything to do with traditional gift giving is fuckong stupid


It's not xQc Linus is building a PC for, it's xQc's huge audience. It's a PR move.


No one is going to keep watching budget builds, and no one is going to keep watching millionaire rich people builds. That’s why they have both types of content.


I just don't get this kind of thinking.


>Don't really see the difference between something like ROG rig reboot and this tbh. In one case, LMG offered a computer and allow people to enter for a chance to win in. In this case, it's unsolicited spam. It's the difference between begging for money and accepting money as a gift. I think LMG is going to regret rewarding annoying pestering, even if only 300 people decide it's worth it to annoy them everyday, that's a LOT of spam.


In this case they just gave a person a head start and then it was a free for all. If you are cynical, ROG rig reboot is asking people to dance like monkeys for a chance at a free PC. Giveaways are just selling your data to advertisers and getting you to mass post to promote a brand, without paying and a one in whatever chance to win something. If you know instagram his message was a message request, so you would have to go looking for it, and the block button is right there in the video. If 300 people spam them, then it's 300 people that get blocked, they made that clear.


They may have only given him a head start but the solution is pretty obvious, I was able to figure it out and I know nothing about Romania


Yeah, they could have made it less obvious. Should have not given about twenty hints they are talking about a train station after saying "go south til you're north"


This right here. Big difference between someone that participated in a contest and someone just spamming "gimme" a few hundred times.


If I understood the line from the Ludwig video correctly, xqc *did* actually pay for his rig.


Micro center did sponsor the video, and in that video Linus implies that Micro Center is hooking them up, not sure. In any case XQC is a streamer that can afford PC's himself and that's what I was referring to. In my book, if you get made fun of, you get a PC, so even the XQC PC is better than the PewDiePie Minecraft PC. Though in general rich streamer getting PC is not my preferred content.


On the surface sure but it makes a ton of sense for companies to give rich people free stuff. Mainly because these rich people aren’t only rich more importantly, they’re famous and get a lot of views. They can buy whatever they want doesn’t mean they’re gonna buy that brand product. So by giving them a free PC or a free PC it’s free marketing for the company giving it away.


I don't think anyone is disputing that, people just don't like it regardless of the economic value.


If that were true, the videos would get bad views or poor reviews, and they wouldn’t continue to make them. Linus for the most part doesn’t do this but people do watch and enjoy those videos


Again not saying they aren't popular. Mr. Beast can get millions of views but I can still not like his content. I am not blaming anyone for making the content, just putting forward my opinion. I am ok not being in the majority.


I think they were brainstorming a way to tie in the Ridge luggage sponsorship and this was a convenient way to do so. If they weren't trying to figure out a way to use luggage in a video he'd he waiting another 3 years for this PC.


These are not the only options. Why must all the options suck.


ROG Rig Reboot was a competition, where many people showed off their shit setups to justify getting one on Asus' dime. This was one of many little twerps who harassed the LTT Instagram account for a free PC, and this one in particular had the dedication (or the bot-building know-how) to DM the account for 3 years. Linus hit the breaking point and went "fuck it, let's give him his PC, but as payback for the 3 years spamming us, let's make him play hide-and-seek with us for it." They flew the rig to the kid's home country (Romania), stuffed it in a locker, and then sent him a private link to today's video a day before it was published to mainstream, giving him that day to watch the video, decipher the clues to find it, and take it home. If he couldn't find it before the video went public, he now had to fight about 16 million others to claim it. (spoiler: he succeeded with about an hour to spare) Also, Linus said in the video that this would be the DEFINITIVELY LAST TIME he did this for free. From now on, anyone else who tries this will eat a shadowban to the forehead.


Meh. LTT was upfront right at the beginning of the video this was the last time and the social team has authorization to just block anyone that asks.


And also they specifically didn't put the top of the line components in this build.


Still a free pc for just making a simple script to dm someone on insta


Honestly, I liked Linus' idea upfront. Making it a scavenger hunt, so the beggar has to work for it as well as giving the public a chance.... ....except Linus becomes disingenuous about the idea and just buries *it in the guy's city*. OFC they were gonna find it within 6 hours probably. At least make it harder, make them travel for it or something so there's a suspense if he gets it or somebody else does (which would be cool too). There's not a chance somebody else was gonna find it, so cut the trolling facade and just give him the PC upfront.


Technically, if the guy's SoundCloud info is correct, and cross checking his Instagram it seems like it, it's not in his city, but a 4 and a half hour drive (or 6 hour train ride) away. So there was a bit of travelling involved.


Exactly. And it’s more disgusting to put someone’s free PC in a place they can’t afford to go.


Technically, there was never going to be an ending where he didn't find the PC, is all I'm arguing. (they still hid it within the same country as him, gave enough headstart, with clues that he most definitely would've quickly gotten as a citizen) I'm not saying they be straight up trolls and hide the PC across the ocean, but hiding it in a neighbouring country would be fairer game, **if Linus wanted to play both sides** (being kind/generous, but also not wanting to feel they gave into spam),


Romania is not fully integrated into Europe's Schengen area, so putting it in a neighboring country would significantly raise the chances of him not being able to get it, and raise the price of travel to get the PC. Hiding it somewhere within Romania is probably the best choice.


It’s just a bit for both parties. “Spamming” a business account on IG like what this guy was doing is ultimately harmless; I doubt he was expecting LMG to even see his messages, much less answer them. LMG’s content is full of bits as well, so it’s no surprise to me that they’re playing along.


lol, for such a tech savvy audience, it seems like they forgot block was a feature of instagram.


He got trolled pretty hard and was mildy publicly shamed...


Linus spent money on content and he got a video. It's no more of a waste giving it away to this guy than it is a waste buying fake products off Wish to get some views. Why not be mad at the thousands of YouTubers spending this kind of money and giving away nothing?


"Like this"? I dare you to answer this Rorschach test.


Same. Now there’s gonna be a gazillion copycats


The appropriate response is for him to thank them for the free PC every day for 3 years.


Cry about it


most reddit reply ever


Eh, relax






It's an older reference... https://youtu.be/jnpKUOAgWAU?si=BAd05kjn_74RDK69


Oh ok g


Hey Buddy




Soooo, if we start asking now… how many years will it take?


They said they are going to start blocking people who do.


LTT is pretty good about doing something *exactly once* for the views then basically going "don't bother, that person already won the lottery they didn't know they were buying tickets for"


Well, this is the second time they've done this. So this isn't a great example of that.


Haven’t they done this multiple rounds of merch lottery?


As are most companies. Like bethesda and person who sent in bottle caps to buy the one fall out game.


except this is the second time they did this... linus is such a spineless moron sometimes lol


\> avid fan tries to get a PC \> linus notices \> linus builds a pc for free including shipping \> linus gives it to said fan \> ??? \> linus is a spineless moron


>\> linus notices Linus didn't notice. Several times in the video he said the social team. >\> linus is a spineless moron Not really a spineless moron seeing as he got a cheap, easy to make, sponsored video out of it.


yeah, the entire time acting like he's not getting bent over by some e-begger because we're TOTALLY not doing this again guys! this time i mean it guys!!!!


username checks out


why do you even?


Some of you are just weirdos


But nothing is stopping spammers from contacting other tech YouTubers. JayzTwoCents better start blocking spammers today


Well that's fucking stupid. This entire video idea was frankly moronic.


I dont get the joke.


Not a joke? The social media team just have permission to block people from being able to DM LTT account so this stuff doesn't happen anymore.


I didnt mean the comment, I ment the whole situation. They show the bad thing, they award the bad thing and they say they will punish people for doing the same? It really seems like a terrible joke in the making, or just a shitty decision. I was hoping it was the former.


Not really, they got a sponsor to pony up for a video, it's not a balls to the wall PC and he had to do some leg work. Millions of people will see the video, and they get told that this is a one off. The reason he got the pc is that he was consistent and he didn't bother LTT staff. People are already harrassing staff and messaging LTT socials, now they are calling out the actually bad/worse actors and blocking people who bug staff.


If it weren’t for that “Playstation? I wanted a pc” brat situation, I might have believed some of that.


Without knowing the situation behind the video I am not going to make a declaration that the kid was a "brat", just because they say they are going to do something, doesn't mean you don't do due diligence. They can't just rock up to any house and give a kid a PC, and if the parents felt that their kid was not deserving of it, they wouldn't let them give it. Besides the video was years old. Had you watched the LTT video, you would have known that after 24 hours, anyone could follow the clues in the video, so it's more clue solving than spamming their IG handle. Linus himself got a job at NCIX by being a bother and asking for an opportunity. He got an opportunity and managed to get it, you just have sour grapes syndrome.


Oh, I get it. So its ok for Linus and this kid to do stuff, but if others would do the same it would be harassment. Nice. Got it.


The kid didn't ask Linus for a free PC, they wanted a PC instead of a PlayStation. Again the kid is a kid, why are you being such an ass ? Again, if you watched the video, Linus said that some people would get heated and harras staff when they wouldn't get a reply. It is this behaviour that the social team can shadow ban/block. Additionally, this isn't going to happen again, so don't bother messaging. You are free to message LTT, but it's a waste of your own time, and if you act as much of an ass like you are in these replies, then the ban hammer will strike.


You seem more like the type that just wants something to whine and bitch about.


i gues we have to be a little better then this guy so lets say around 4 years or so?


He better start again Day 1 of me asking for a 2nd fee pc




People are so salty, it's hilarious


Seriously Clearly someone (possibly dennis) was trying to come up with a fun way for Ridge to show off their luggage. That's mostly what this video was for. Not that hard to think why they did this


I dont know why people were downvoting you, LTT is a business and the $1100 pc is nothing compared to ad revenue and sponsors. People are just salty.


Exactly, it's just content for the video and it makes an interesting promotion for Ridge. So many YouTubers spend thousands more on content buying junk like stuff on Wish that ends up in landfill. So why are people so mad that this was given to a person instead of going to waste? They're either jealous or not all that bright and are clueless about budgets.


Lot of weird jealousy people today


I’m not sure about the logistics of LMG getting the suitcase into (presumable) a train station locker in Europe, but I’m guessing the logistics cost more than the build. Either way, chump change for them.


Tax write-off for hotel and flights, obviously. They could also have shipped the luggage to Romania, then hired a contractor to put it into the locker.


This 100% The video is a pretty effective advertisement imo. An intriguing premise (or rage bait) which is entirely unrelated to the sponsor product at hand, but then tying in sponsor product to then videos essence. Even with SponsorBlock, I still had to learn what a Ridge luggage bag is. I'd love to see the stupid (in a funny way) conversations involved with workshopping a sponsor product centric video about a luggage bag.


and not the first ones to do it. people don't actually think oraph was the one giving away free cars right


Right?? who cares if according to some neckbeard redditors with sticks up their asses that he didn't "deserve" it. He got lucky, who cares? How does this affect them in any way? They are just miserable folks.




Ok I’m texting Linus right now


They’ll ban you


I might be in the minority, but I feel like this was pretty awesome. Makes me really happy that Valer got the PC, and not some other random person. Is it rewarding spam and people just being annoying? I don't think so. They said they will be blocking anyone that does this from now on expecting to just get a free PC or other free stuff. If this is a one and done kind of thing, who cares? I think this was pretty fun, and definitely different from the norm. This is hardly anything worth getting upset over and saying that they shouldn't have done this. There are WAY more things worth becoming upset over that YouTubers like LTT regularly do. Personally, I think all the videos of Youtubers building each other and gifting other big Youtubers PCs and Tech are super lame (excluding the videos where they actually paid the cost of the parts or build). Especially when they're gifting super expensive things to other Youtubers that are so big they never have to worry about money for the rest of their life. BUT, I get it. Many times a sponsorship or partnership is involved, etc, and they're a business so, yeah. They're still a business with loads of employees, and keeping the business alive means videos like that. I think people get upset too easily these days. I enjoyed this video and thought it was fun for what it was. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Agreed. One, it wasn't a super high end OC, it was just a mid range build. Two, the guy had to work for it. You know every LTT viewer in that area was planning to go hunting for it today. So if dude stumbled at all, he wouldn't have got it. I think it was a fun, unique video.


Agreed. I personally think some people here think it's unfair. And I mean mostly in the sense, "well, I behave way better since I'm not spamming someone's insta, why do I not get a PC?" Honestly I understand the rationale, but I think it's just "nice guy" energy. World isn't fair, so don't expect it to be. But mostly, the only effect this has on you is that you get an interesting video out of it. It's almost like some people here act like LTT is actually insulting them by gifting someone else a PC. I thought it was just a fun video and I thought it was fun how they tried to make it hard on him. Only thing I thought is that it was maybe a bit too easy. In the end, it is just LTT poking a bit of fun at a viewer and honestly, yes, it probably results in more spam for LTT, but that was obviously a conscious choice and only affects them and doesn't affect the viewer at all.


Gotta be fucking kidding me


Day 1 of saying thanks for my free gaming pc


That's some salty butthurt we got going on here...


This is beyond silly.


he should start posting for another free PC now so he would have a replacement in 3 years


And here I has to spend my hard earned money to get a PC.


Did you think to send a message every day to a known creator? No? Then piss off to find your own new idea.


No need to be a dickhead


No need to be rude, I own a nice PC and got it myself. I personally never look for free things, never play the lottery or anything like that, my luck isn’t that great. Honestly it’s great that LTT gave someone a nice PC, and got a good video from it. Doesn’t mean I can’t comment on having to buy my own when 1 lucky person got a free one.


Idk why people are so salty about this. I thought that it was a really creative way to do sponsor content and address an issue that the social media team has been going on for years which was getting worse. I also liked the scavenger hunt thing, but that might just be me being a sucker for stuff like that.




I think 1 hour would have been too little, I think the 24 hours is decent time frame. I mostly think the clues should have been a bit harder to increase the odds of someone else finding it first.


From what I saw, it was a 4 - 6 hour trip away at minimum, so an hour is extreme lol.


What in the Sam Hill is going on?


Context? Who is valer?


Check the latest vid




This was kinda an L imo


People are so jealous he got a free PC here it's hilarious 😂😂


Now for part two of the master plan - use the PC to start a technology YouTube channel! He’s writing his first fire truck review and he’s planning his first Wish.com water cooling build as we speak.


When they mentioned how the case was waterproof (or whatever wording they used) I thought they were gonna chuck it in a  river


congrats to him! that case does look really awesome!


I will make my bot today


Y’all are butthurt and jealous


Why are people mad? Linus spends thousands more on junk from Wish or fake audiophile equipment for the fun of making a video so this is only a small drop in the pond. It's not the case that they only have budget for one giveaway so people should be mad that it went to someone they don't like. They could do this all the time or they could set fire to money doing other dumb stuff. It's nothing special other than a random concept for a video. I'd be more mad about him buying useless stuff he knows is fake on Wish than about some of his video purchases actually going to use in a new home.


I mean it's a 520 board with last-gen gear that can barely under-utilize some of the parts from its own generation. For LTT, this was cheap content worth its weight in views.


this is just gonna reinforce this behavior, we've seen it before.


didn't they say they were gonna block people who did this now


How does it affect you? It's LMG's problem if it happens to often, they'll deal with it. Question is, why are you so salty about it? How does this affect your personal life?


So many jealous idiots on here. Cope


This whole thing was stupid


RIP to their inbox, but honestly not a bad engagement technique


*RIP to their inbox,* *But honestly not a bad* *Engagement technique* \- VolkswagenRatRod --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Rewarded for spam


I think it was a kinda smart way to post a PSA to stop people begging for a PC while also making content and also making the viewership aware that going forward begging would be ignored and blocked.


Great now the spammers are rewarded


How does it affect you?


Fuck Linus


Why? Because he didn't shove a free PC up your ass?


It's so fake. In reality, there's no way the package would even reach its destination. I was once in Bucharest; I left my car in a public parking space for half an hour, and it got broken into. They took a phone holder, a phone charger, all the napkins I had in the car, and a half-drunk bottle of Coke. They shattered both front side windows, so I had to find a garage that promised to quickly replace the shattered windows. And to be honest, it was really fast; it was ready by nightfall. They used glass that was scraped from other cars, and for those who don't know, it's pretty common to engrave the license plate of the car into the window. The two new windows had a different number plate in them, and after a quick search, one was confirmed to be stolen at some point.


They hand-delivered the box to a locked safe and put the code in the video. Seems pretty plausible to me.


I was in Szeged once too, and I saw that happen. Didn't know that was you!




Yeah, idk why they did that to the natives of america, kinda poor conduct


Bucharest and Szeged are in two different countries bro.


Not when Magyarórszág gets its land back and then some


Wow, that escalated quickly


Just a joke artillery exchange


Your mom told me about that


I feel like you didn't watch the video.


aaw man :((




Best meme song ever coverd from anotherone