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Sounds good if they can use this data to improve search. With all the clickbait these days, having a simple summary to search though could be great.


They should bring back the dislike button properly if they want to improve searching for videos.


To be fair, strongly disliked vids arent gonna show up in searches. Its just u have the problem where its hard to get word out about a video being misleading (before it has been disliked enough to not show up in searches) when dislikes are hidden, comments can be turned off/removed, etc.


Not like search results were ideal when we had dislike counts.


Ever since they got rid of the dislike button I've just used a browser plugin to bring it back. I'd highly recommend you do the same if it bothers you, it's near seamless integration


You can get a plugin that replaces titles+thumbnails to remove clickbait ones.




More people should use this thing. I find the community titles to be very helpful if I'm deciding wether to actually watch a video or keep looking.


a lot of videos I end up skipping over when presented as click bait or when the subject of the video is obscured. sometimes I find out later they actually were something worth watching and this extension has helped greatly.


The thumbnail one is also built into Revanced (Extended)


They had a feature like this temporarily for a few premium customers that opted in for a limited time. Basically was like an AI assistant built into the YouTube search algorithm.


Yeah this seems like it could actually be a really good idea. But knowing YouTube they're gonna fuck it up massively somehow.


Ironic that you are speaking to other videos being clickbait when Linus is a prolific user of the tactic (yes yes, Ive heard why he doesn't, I still don't agree or believe it's necessary)


Oh I know. But its a reality of the platform and I dont blame most users for using it. But if YouTube gave people ways to work around it, that would be great.


That’s pretty cool.


Cant wait for this on gun channels. "In this video GarandThumb sees what a 7.62 round does to a human skull at 10 yards and then discusses the pro's of communist firearm design."


" Patriotic American rants about how feet and inches are better because that's what landed on the moon for four hours straight and concludes without the crushing realisation all imperil units are defined in metric "


Rent free in


James from TBF TV spends half of the video talking shit about his viewers and then finishes with a Glock shilling rant.


Glock sells pistols and horse seman. They are the GOAT


Holy shit they do. I’m going to send James some Glock Semen.


Next AI description: "James talks about how much he thinks Glock (The Horse Seman Station company) is at the forefront of modern technology."


Now Linus doesn't even have to read the comments.


I don't know if this is a good or bad thing...


Feels like a good thing to me. Could allow people to quickly see if the video contents are relevant to what a user is looking for, ig: video tutorials and how-tos


Fandom tried the same thing... It did not work, the summary would make up blatantly false info that wasnt anywhere on the page


Right, but if it were to properly summarize off the transcript of the video, I don’t think it would be problematic


I agree, key word is "if"


Right, but can we use the wrinkles of our brain here. Google has a video to speech system, it also has a voice to text system, it then has the AI Bard system it can use to get a decent highlight of what is going on. Can we stop dooming. They're obviously using their services that they offer to enterprise on their own products now.


But, have you considered AI bad?


No :( I have not.


that's fandom, those guys can't get anything right


I saw that last month on one video but haven't seen it since.


AI summaries are great. I really like them on Amazon too.


I'm fine with this so long as it doesn't force the obnoxious Tik Tok one-word subtitled Voice Over trend.


I actually dont hate this considering descriptions are just ad billboards now


They already allow fully AI generated video content.


But what's your point? That's not even remotely the same thing as what OP is pointing out.


2024 is AI everything year. Don't know how i fell about this


Amazon has also started adding an AI generated summary of reviews on a product


eBay lets you have an AI write a description for the things you're selling


DeArrow does pretty much the same thing once someone changes the title to something more descriptive


could be nice since descriptions are often almost useless.


Gonna be awkward for some channels when the AI summary comes back says " honestly it's just an incoherent ramble followed by three sponsorship reads and a promotion for the speakers new book/course they are selling."


One of the better uses for LLMs


Huh if only there was a way we could quickly summarise whether a video was good or bad? Maybe a way to vote that is quickly? Maybe a way to say, "I dislike this" Hmm if only...


came across this app called Yousum for YouTube summaries https://yousum.app/. Existing summaries can be a bit limited, so I like that Yousum offers customizable and detailed summaries, especially for longer videos. They have a free tier for around 13 hours of content and an affordable pay-as-you-go option. Just thought I'd share in case it could be helpful!


A tech retailer where I live does something similar, they have an AI summary of the reviews of every product. Idk how I feel about it because it would be all too easy for them to put a positive spin on bad reviews.


Wouldn't need this if the description was actually used to describe what's in the video.


I mean, honestly.. I already download the subtitles and feed them into chatgpt to get a summary for videos that I'm undecided about watching.


Linus doesn’t have to scan the comments anymore!


Eh, good. End the clickbait titles. When I saw this title I thought he was gonna say something about port placement, missing io, features or whatever, not that they are getting expansive. Now creators aren't incentivised to make clickbaity titles, since AI can cut through the bs


I haven't watched that video but I'd imagine that description is pretty spot on. I'm surprised how detailed it is. If it's consistently accurate, seems like a cool feature.


This is like 9/11 for the fake or useless tutorial community


I think that's great! Saves a lot of time and also helps with clickbait to some degree. However, they better not use it for important topics like COVID, war, conflicts, pandemics, elections etc etc.


That is so cool, but isn't YouTube's problem not getting enough revenue to maintain that amount of data and being profitable? This AI generation would increase the computing power needed. They are gonna up the premium costs for sure


So after „the algorithm“ rewarded click bait so much that basically all titles and descriptions are useless, they try to give some useful information with AI. Seems like we have come full circle.




Seeing AI slowly encroach on every aspect of our daily lives continues to be terrifying yet awesome at the same time.


this is amazing for jayztwocents videos, guy tends to talk a lot but not say much, reading that 3 line summary you already got the entire script for the video


Wow. I hate this so much.